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Watchman Warder (1899), 10 Mar 1910, p. 2

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And“ lei-a-tlns”cunl ills. Gillian “About March lat 1909 1 wxudm' film“? 31““ “1°: M “6% With 8M Irena" 236th and General , was confined to bed for eight as well asemplo ,. crest (or one end. as a last resort they would not cure me, no "DI LAURENT mice): the blood that the s is laden with impunties, kidneys, “digestive p0 only help to dissolve the foodâ€"they a-tives" is the greatest reinedy ever Dyspepsia and other Stomach a blood-purifying medic the bowels, strength of all impurities. ine. ens Indigestion. trial size. 25c. The annual meeting of the Lindsay Winter Fair was held Friday ternoon in Mr. D. A. Mackenzie's oil doe. Those John Curew. . . Hicksnn (Manx‘ci‘s), W. D. Cinnamon, . Galbraith. A. Robertson Mayor Begg‘ . . P.. ltyley, Jos. Brown "and Owing to the death the president. the late Johns‘on its. Mr. B. L. McLean occupied chair. A committee consisting of Spurilmg‘, af- Kenny, form Messrs. A. Williamson. Jo==. B. Spurling, present were .' . Pl‘imeau, l.. McLean. EL the Muslim. and MucKennic were appointul in draft a letter Condolence um! i‘oi'wiirrl to the dow and family of tho dent. it was also «Iiwicluri that Mr. Jim. llrown he paid for tho turkoy he lost owing: to tho Chung“ in delivery. but. in future tho. will not be mspousllilu for lost. A spirited discussion followed to thv time which should be ullowoil for tho {armors to dispose of fowl. and it was suggested that judgar inf; be completed at 1' ~e 1mm \ f the judging. delivered C lenms. \"l‘ lute prowl. thut the society poult ry “9 their 6 o’clock and buying comment “‘3‘“ as a roller: the completion 0 that no poultry be after 2 o'clock. and be not allowed to buy until after o'clock. The elected : Presidentâ€"John Carew. Vice-Pres.â€"J. A. Williamson. Secretaryâ€"D. A. MacKenzie. Treasurerâ€"H. B. Ciel-mes. Last year's board of direc auditors were reelected. RECEIPTS.’ W Carried forward from 1908 Subscriptions 1 pair chickens-- following oflicers were then .............................. I..- n ............... EXPENDITURES. Prizes for poultry -- Prizes for butter and eggs... Prizés for dressed meats fior fat cattle ......... . 105-00 toria. Countygoio ,Boys, . or Town v~....., ...s 39.00 27.00 30.00 . ”f a .. ”13‘ o ‘ new... wife ...... Prizes for baby Printing ... ............ 53-40 Hangs“, . . 30-30 J. Fox. ELLâ€"5 .. . I1-“.n.L.A-N calfiufiw _ -. :1 , ”one Judge mom-candy .. draw ............ > u «an: an... ‘WI ‘WV”,-. (M. trill .post- W, die.) ... Specie! ,1». may“ .gh‘J-gég‘h: C’ i ‘ My husband is “Fruits-tins" mansion: cl cram Plan “automating th‘cg at on on “M MMM,I w“: able to cave mybed. stomach strong and I could «2?... main 3“ tood.1 ed Wand soon £5 :33“ good, 11 til 3min. sud t y I weigh as much as ever. 135 pounds." MDE. LAURENT CADIEUX. Even the doctors are recommending “Pruit-a-tives”. They realize now that these wonderful fruit uice tablets will luvely cure al Stomach Trtautl;1 es, Indigestion £3“! Dyspepsiaâ€" an eyare usm “ mit-a' -tives” ' their practice. g u m Few people realize the vital impor. tance of tagging 'their- blood pure. Impure bl 18 the chief cause of Stomach Trouble, because it is from obtains the fluid which digests food. .-When' the blood . . . the disolving fluid (or Gastric Juice) will be impure. These impurities may come from a con outed liver, from Constipation, from weak from an inactive skin, or tom all four. Naturally, the ordinary wders" an “pepsin tablets” will not cure the trouble, because they do not go to the seat of the trouble. “Fruit- . discovered for all forms of Indigestion, Disorders, because “Fruit-a-tives” is unequalled as :‘Eruit-a-tives” acts directly on the liver, regulates the kidneys, stimulates the skin, and thus rids the whole . . “Fruit a-tives” will positively cure on of any kind of “Frmtâ€"a-tives” is sold by all dealers at 50¢ a , 6 for $2.50 or _ If you are unable to obtain “Fru'it-a-tives” conveniently, do not accept substitutes but send to “Fruit-a-tives” Limited, Ottawa and the regular size packages Will be mailed you, postpaid, on receipt of price. J Annual Meeting ' - ol‘Winler fair Funeral of f0rmer Bobcaygeon Boy Bobcaygeon, 'March 5.-â€"Mr. ,Johu erly of the Rockland ho- si-t to town Monday and tel, paid 8. vi ; you... mm, M‘ can. H. (Edit You Game Over an m. W left on wmxw mu Imam W ; 'mnmomm - lines; are in town for g M: dast lln that» ’ this week. Menu of the late m. have but. by muses drone Immune. iPowles; recitation. “’l‘he .â€" {noun soy; ' ;- , ‘ ' . . 11:. mars. w. J. manual-y, min t.’ In. .E.4A McArthur; trio. "1;. ,; Wings. ' by Messrs. Wilson. . y . . ma. valuation in mum. friend»! Co and column rowing. by all-.- N. at. or l’owloa' Corners: our. sum. oi Bull‘slc. took place on Corbett. and Messrs A. Normw 1 Thom from the resilience elm-n. W. Wilson; gimme nears. fired. Chambers. and one :3th by son. quibell. and Wilson 3 dis- ”l‘lm 'l‘rs n 'l‘o‘llomw.” uk- larse number oi‘ relatives and m- inane. ends of the W. Services were it“ by HIV!- W. Walsh. and Jim New emanated hm. Mr. mm. of the they. This delightful program , Methodist well. A sorrowing bun: with a selection by the ow. at band and mini 0!. two. man Lululthc close or which Win wore Stimuli and W lie Still-ion. are loit served. _ to mourn the 1098.0! a vile and mo= The Misses Nollie. In no Lulu then. Heard entertained about two: vc The social given last Friday even: of their friends to g fine on in: by the Methodist choir was most day evening. and . most onloyiblc successful. A splendid program was time was spent. iron. and lost but certainly uni Miss brown. or uneasy, spent ’l‘u- eaat a splendid lunch was served by cedar in town. the members. . Mr. 8. Marshall. oi Mutiny. was Mr. Wash. Northern grumophono in town for low hours on M'. was certainly an attraction for the Gypsy Hosanna. pho has moonâ€"- eveuimr. . Those all-81mm: in the our ducting evangelistic services in thn gram were: Chairman's oodma bx llaptlat church for the past two i Mr. Jon. Moldavian“ solo. S‘Sonc 1 weeks. leaves on Friday to conduct heard in Heaven." Mrs. w. B. Moore; services in Lindsay, reading. by Mrs. J. 1.. Walsh: 80!“;- M189 8. Monrtbur entertained a “The Day is For Spent." Hills AL number of ladies to dinner on Wed- Raierad nosday evening. and a very pleasant Crossing." Miss Aileen Kerr; solo. time was spent. Breezes From Islay {a} it: W Islay, Feb. .4 â€"â€"1ir. Thos. Jewell driving. . Mr. Thomas Graham has disposed has new Vacated his home at Islay. of another of his horses. having pur- and moved to his new ’03”an and chased one just previously more suit- fam‘ 3" Eden. Mar 11’063- . able for his requirements. Mr, T. Kinghorn has returned to The south-east corner of Mr. Mc- this neighborhood after an- abslnce . Nabb's wood has received a clearance of a few months. He has been visit- iof timber this year. Mr. SamIâ€"c- ing, the Cobalt district, and interest- ILean has had some good hands imder ed himself in taking a share in the h’s guidance. who have made a clean mines. He says the country abounds ’ job of the cutting and hauling. Mr. with "the almighty dollar. Another.McLean is looking quitero’oust. and Eldorado. His many friends WiSh .the outdoor exercise is doing its iw-ork. He now indulges in a little him success. - Mr, and Mrs. Metcalie and three walking. in preference to riding. scns journeyed to \‘erul-am on Wed-i On Thursday evening last, nearly a'11 nasdvay last to attend the wedding the 1513,), members .of the'Epworth celebrat‘ian Of Mr. Ilel‘bel‘t HiCkS IJeag-ue attend” the Bartlc3v gt“: and Miss L- Lyle, returning the {01' meeting. They report that their vis- iit was a most enjoyable one, and Doubtlessthe many resident farm- the courtesy accorded them all that ers will cherish the idea. that they could be desired. Mr. John Everson will again have n‘ threshing machine piloted a. good sleigh load along and in thein 0“'n district, as m. m“. saw them Safely- return“ to My. Ferguson is about to invest in an Others went in their own convey- -lowing day. outfit for the current season. It will games be a. Decker SPP‘H‘atOI‘ and Decker; Mr. and Mrs. l‘rouse and child. and [portable 9119119. and i3 l“DON/0‘1 t'0 Mr. and Mrs. S. Everson and child, iau or Mariposa, paid a visit to their The COWS are giVing an abundance sister. Mrs. M. MoyncS. of this dis- :1 several instances. This is trict. on Thursday last. the 3rd good for the butter makers in 0‘" inst.. returning to their homes in be the up-tol-date article. of milk i . v s r 1, ._ . . looked 0‘81 the R033 but on (1" homes. as good butter 15 a blessmg the evening did not. consider the proposition {1. - . r hr th 2 . . {a}. arable one to ope ate t ough t they show in their work. substantial sums. tourist season. Mr. J as. 12.. Curtis. eldest son iiy student, died Tuesday after mule in Vorulam cemetery. Q The Fonolon boys come out on top bv {score at 4â€"8. It was a. good “ B h o ""0 ’ , , ‘ Mlllan. Mr. J. Allen (already start- .. ronc ms. ..... .. m... .... .... x M... Fol-horn left for Toronto previous to MG. We understand the curling club have u proposition before them to floor tho t of the rink to be used , ' skating rink for the sum- m gm“; m , until mar months. So for as we are that merchants aware we believe it is being looked 2 on favorably. so th such in the near future. Irhe MflhOdISt hunday 9011001 and bumd‘mor Will! 0010! ‘ Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Waste]: were caning from the bronchial tuba when visitors at Mrs. D: R. Sponoe'shomo Mission Bond had a. 31913): olriw;h 0;; t. ' r ‘ ' . 'I un . Irrda.‘ evening and a. 1'1”; e C a‘: . MUM! mam thin‘ mm in‘ Islay On Friday last the 4th terWardS. and enjoyed both.. Rev. E. W. Foley; has been visiting- mm, . . _ 7V , ‘ . , .- - . , - The resident farmers have been his parents at Bowman 1116 this ”ambit“ u may tumm: of; busy in W resfiective woods. cut- , _ ‘ . . w .W we on -t‘ U'uli the ’s u l Spring hasuiome in With a . rush. ‘il :la 5:, . “ . and when neglected‘o?gfu$1::st :9! ti ”5:01; idea; nou *h when the'Easter hats... and will . m . ~* . 9 tags of the mild weather" during last 9 ’3' Chronic Bronchitis I one of the most week. which gave them the oppor- fialmofComumpm Cunthc tunity of gathering chutney required tons and week. Perhaps after all it maybe chilly ispring millinery comes out. But so Victoria Countyow- ‘ ‘ Boystlected Officers 5 ~' ” 13-00 "At the. mo; meeting of the We ;- ~ , W»! 7; ~ he“! 911%....» ugh 1"” ‘9“ » PIMH E . 9.5! s.- m. ‘ M "f' '35....»155 of Mr. David Curtis. Beehive Farm. Verulnm, who was attend ng the Um- [I short sickness of pneumonia. He its: pounds ‘ I! I | u ‘. r ‘ . been ill Mi 1 typhoid b t reco e The rapid change in the weather road. also the usual routine of busi- and “an buck again at his studies. ' _ .. . ‘ ‘ . . His body was brought home lor bur- has him romiukablo. “’9'" “”1”“ u“ news “we carried out to the more inl ligltdust“ Waning! “ganglia to xix: their heights. the post ““0“ “W“ \llliiln thr- next week or so. many :figté gettmfir“ 6°00“ of Melon “did in tut? OXU‘QHIL‘. tho MOW diii- Of our respective "101K“! W'l" M100?- l“ ll alibi If! in n Interment weal appearing rapidly. ”lml‘ml' nionu‘ nnylng to tho muoh boaought for a 8' s a '6 00 I i the roudsldca. w‘mmibl‘iiio gross, 0“" WM" lo doVoto their time and labor . . . . lmnlimmtfl om V ' 0 at man." on lhiPlllnds durin-r tho current soa- nuilhg‘mllim $23: gibll‘fi' Bagsdgigifgfi places. Th" sudden state 0’ m“ Hl‘n. Success is oil» wish oi tlinlr key was hluved here this afternoon. roads are “the" dangerous t‘” “’3‘ “‘lmds- Th0 {OHOWWR 10“? during ago. drifts nnchovom cold winds were at ”unmet...“ of all. North. Mr. Archie Graham. Mr. 3 going west. 8001650110! Thick we“. ‘t first "hi“! 'day to visit friends. ' inst. ofBronchitis by the ml in a short period. . RAPID BROMO'I‘ION. 1, M.“ . y ' lrumn 01‘ "WNW“ vo hill mm 1 . ‘ rolling stones m “l“ w. of the town. I m iflt r t "1le 9‘ "l’hll’t”: llum.n . n ill a r. W. no: stores on Kent-st, u...“ ”.1,” Wk. BASTli Rll “mm. I3. YORK cm. LOG S- WANT Ell Elm,Basswood, Birch and ‘Ash Logs ' suitable for veneering. Rider Kitchener Co : l c l t‘on comi into . . . $3.12: .3: 15a; 13? 1we undei'lsgtlanld he “'1‘“ ”‘9 mm!" Many 0‘ 0“" “PEN Mr. D. R. Spence has dlSposed of 3 ~ ’ ' tors are turning It out to perfection. 'nnc milking. cow and a horse which in “code. \ Dr _ ‘ ‘lvew York. where n“ 0- 1am impro limitii - 09 Lindsay +1191 Coupled . inchâ€"hinges. latches. and oilâ€" w this sum: Gulvsuml‘ mmwmwagmoa not Mr. John Currins, of this district. The monthly meeting of the inlay who disposed of his bull some time branch. W. 1.. took place at the fl “39.1111” pufrchawng flagrtheéplll home or Mrs. Elijah Worslcy (in . _ . -. ivin- 0f me P 'grcc, rom r. m. an. 'l'hursduy. the 8rd inst. There was versity at Brandon. Man as n d non: of Muriposn- 'l‘he animal i“ 9. large Miami-once of members. Three fifteen months old. and “13‘8“” 110‘) excellent papers were put forward. The previous mooting's minutes were Inn on put The .l. Webb. Mr. J. Mchrmld. Mr. A. Mc- 11.0% used in h. Frost Gate is No. 9 Gllvanirnl in ~ our- “'irc of Ila uh: II ”Witch made an. ninth-strongest MI! send today for free Booklet. w Wk! ch CO» Ltd. “In. Ontario ’3 â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€".~â€"â€"â€".â€" Mr. B. ‘R. Spence 'ioorneyod to Lindsay on Suturduy‘last on busie in” g3. Chat Sharp Buess; returning in the eventing. “‘11 ”m ’ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bill “and at we might have I'm. “d . Dmulw h IIH'M’ . lchildren went to Lindsay on Satur- V“ l stun Tl boss-ht f curbs fiftieth. u‘ 528" "" '"Accls'aatsdinOpenDntrictl Rom G.‘ Am Jordan "this morning“ 7 received a. letter iron NeW'W‘estpine > Mm. .Mrf. ' LlNDSAY (.1 L. Sharpe. of l; .od Lady Lands ' of crimson row-s 53"” Valley. during WW3 college previm " - from ('mmtln M ‘ Willi-«l u. mfitphy h“l~ i4‘iill\ "mu Sharpe is mm M.- I ”w rcoflNCILLUll (‘(l\ \l Il l f”? . 6 CFU‘ in '« n O‘Lv; ‘Jw ‘N‘l‘i"-‘|i.i slim " M an!“ 94 Clam-nun ll ; club ion m. . v i l .mmw Puma“ 1 ill‘ 1. 1 thfi a‘ll‘ll'llvl: .‘ ‘ crowd. The “mm-is. i..- NEW S'l'UHLs‘ M. Robson w .-y~...~i_. PERSON .u. firs. Sam Tuckor M y for Oheboygan, Mich J Neelands has rwtd’. . . ".‘i'fln vements in «m rs: NEW .VEkANr‘vAH ”1' Wm. Galbraith :9 1 5w“ from the nm'l hw into the south and cost A reactionary Storm p-l‘1‘i on the 6111.701; and 81h. mi tions that unsettled. if not weather mgy fill much of ti betm the firSt and fluid NM 0' the monlh. Th4 disturbance. combined win all! ‘0‘. are sufficient WW I“ prolongod disllii‘l any time throughout 1! Wald: specially at (".iC‘ll in tho Mm periods. . . A. 'W storm perm m “I 10th to tho lfilh. “1 m of this period” ‘b m i. on the vvlnsiui and in perigee. It is in a “M M and Sun on t‘ the tract centre of the one Mic all! electric pl-rlui'lvut‘ M w. The baromcl: 5" 0M Mltble indicnt . Emu" atonms should b1 hailed throughout lhis poi ‘3'”.- storms are entirely p calla-l to southern part ““0“ Wustorms andi Watch the 11th. man. J 14¢: l A blizzard out in m “be mturnl on 1; “I! of these storms. '1‘ he 16¢ is also a very mic W Watch {or the at! volcanic reports. ‘ A. Maury storm pel trail putt. 17th. 18th a with!“ gt extreme noi cm The storm d ‘5'- tlmt this period is .Earth

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