l 5 l. l cl mi nod dolh _ my til: l “l“ {creamed Edwmgil lley‘.’ Wallets. and have found them highly htrzeï¬cial in my case. and strongly recommend them to the public. Hrs. '1‘. Mitchell, 1028. Water-st... Peterboro. 500 A BOX at all druggists, or by mail direct from the Ed wards Medicine\ 00., Lindsay. ’Outt. W‘lâ€" Selecting a. School It is a matter of great Importance. Write today for a catalogue of_the ELLIOTT \m g†â€WC/{61% TORONTO, ONT. "â€" lt explains’ the many superior' ad- vantages offered by this college. Getting a high-salaried? osition is not a matter of luck.‘lt 'is a matter of brains. proper training andfbus~ inessability. College open entire year/3 Enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal Corner Yonge and Alexander-sis. Q o».- W, um-awwwwowm 'fatherl. Mother! A Business Education 18 the greatest legacy you: can leave your children. We g0 ‘ down to the rock-bed founda- é tion of living business science and assist worthy graduates to thechoice positions. wTwenty-live years’ highâ€" grade work 3has made this the LARGEST,.‘and BEST Business Training Schoolj in Eastern Ontario. wry And Enter any «lay. Individual Instruct-ion. Home study courses in SeniorTeachers,Matriculation and Commercial subjects. Send for particulars. Peterboro _ Business Coflege wan-w =wâ€" m w M can [SPOTTON i" into.“ M J. A. IleNE â€" llrinclpil «OWW' 'WO‘W “MW-WW M».- WW†WWW-9mm It ,jPays :to SBuy at Cinnamon’s â€I. Graniteware We have just received aElarge shipment of Granitewareâ€"the gOOd kindâ€"and will oï¬'er,while it lasts, at lower prices than eVer heard of before in Lindsay. Call and [see it andi get [our - prices- “a .â€" We are Headquarters for Paints, Hardwarepndl ,3 Stoves satisfactory or money refunded. Goods BFOOlilYll Tabernacle. March 6.2-. Pastor Russell preached thce here lo-day. His discourse on “Inierno' was delivered in Brooklyn’s largest Auditorium, the Academy of Musrc. which was overcrowded. It was esti- , mated in advance that this subject would draw a larger ofowd than the Tabernacle would accommodate. The 9ther meetings of the day were held In the Tabernacle. We report Pastor Russell’s discourse from the text fore- going, as follows: It is diï¬cult to please everybody. The duty of a Christian minister is to seek chiefly to please the Lord. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart, be ac- ceptable in thy sight, 0 Lord, my strength and my Redeemer†(Psalm xix, 14). Our ministerial friends preach the “doctrines†of Christ. In substance, their sentiment is: Brother Russell, Do you not know that in the fashionable topics of our day doctrines are tabooed by the great ministers of all denominations? In- stead, as you perceive from the news- paper announcements, it is now quite the thing to discuss litical, scien- tiï¬c and sociological octrines. You should give the public lectures on subjects like these: Social Democracy; Rapid Transit in Brooklyn, from the text, “Many shall run to and fro ;†Female Suffrage; the Boys’ Brigade; The Best Novel of the Year; The Narrow Way of the Bicycle Rider; Will the Comet Sweep the Earth With Its Tail; Can Football Survive, etc.; or occasionally, for effect, gently rake the rich’on better housing for the poor, or belabor the Trust-s for soar- ing prices of food. Such topics as these, Brother Russell, interest the Christian public in our day. And the public constitute our principal con- gregations when we lift our largest collections. The only people who will be interested in the doctrines you are preachin are the old fogy, out-of-date folk, an you will ï¬nd the majority of them poor in this world’s riches. For pity’s sake stop teaching the “doctrines of Christâ€! Doctrines were good enough in the da 3 of Jesus and an] and Calvin an Luther and Wesley, but the people are not accus- tomed to them nowadays. I have no fault to find with my Christian brethren in the ministry of the various denominations. It is not to me, but to the Lord, that they must give an account of their stew- ardshipâ€"of their grand opportunities for declaring the Gospel of Christ. To their own Muster they must stand or fall. It is not for me to forbid them because they follow hot with us. It is for each one who stands as, an ambassador; of Christ and of God to follow his own convictions faiths fully. Besides. I om assured that many} of them ore loyal to the core. it is my understanding that. as o minister of. the, Gospel. I should tulle for my guide in this matter the in: “sections of my ordination. Like at. Poul my ordination todprouch the Gospel was from the Lot . I must each the message which I believe o has given me (I. Timothy ll. 7 . As his ambassador I must prose the Word, following the example of the-lord and the Apostles. As they avoided politics. so must I. As they avoided vain philosophy and “science falsely so called." so must I. As they pres ed the doctrines of Christ. so ' must Iâ€"whether men hear or for-bear to hear. I remember the words of St. Paul to Timothy: “Preach the Word, . . . with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when the will not endure sound doctrine; ut. after their own prefer- ences they shall gather teachers to themselves; having itching cars they shall turn away their cars from the Truth and shall be turned unto fables†(II. Timothy iv, 2-4). There must be a reason why Chris- tian teachers and their hearers have aban oned the study of the "Doc- trines of Christ†set forth by the Apostles and PrOphets. Is it not be- cause they no longer believe those doctrines? Is it. not true that the College and Seminary Professors have Rte unbeliif in the 83):,†and that are mlmsers are. 8 ..,,;3.' leading. ’ their conflding'flocksgrihip‘other “.1333- tures green†than those‘w‘hich‘ the Great Shepherd 5 "and bio" ~appointed mouthpieces, the ipostles, approved? 15 not the High}; riticism inï¬delity of the colleges gradually penetrating even into the Sunday School Lessons and even into the High Schools of our land-undermining all faith in God’s Book? But what led to this do; ' from the Word of Godâ€"into Egg-Criticism inï¬delit and into the Evolution theory. .w ich makes /’ void the Word or God; and into Christian. Selena. which, on a mi iiito noâ€; miom ‘ ‘ falsehood) a it?! ï¬spmum. the deception! of Wlbesflmmf How" . come. it that all these cocci-inlaid theories now flourish wh to col God’s out altos†y; -- ’ all in «inj . I h eim'mllié’tdgwi ‘ moi. .0 W - ‘9 4 g â€$.an “5300,: _ â€s a 3 oils “e233. l in mm vii. it; new» i. I». seem to be annoyed because we The pBOple are no longer exhorted w led the majority of the ministry afar “3.. respecting the feat 11 01 the ., .. , V, _» k ‘ “ Whenever will do ' the. will ct My Father which ll lo" hum shall know ct mums. Y! do make void the low of God . through your traditions-tho tut ' dltlom of the ancients (John vll. era in. the m churches discover ad this in advance of their flocks. They promptly and reverently set their creed: 91: a high shelf where the people might not so ticularly notice their flaws. but mig t continue their reverencefor them. until adu- ally their attention wouldvbo‘ rawn aside and their hope and faith trans- planted to Evolutionary soil or Theo- sophistic and Bpiritualistic child’s p ay. ' With the decline of Christian doc. trims, including heart union with Christ and an understanding of its terms _ and conditions, Churchianity came in, to take the place of Chris- tianity. .To-day the pride of all de- nominations. centres, not in their doctrines, but in their institutions. hold fast to the doctrines of Method- ism, Calvmism, etc., but to hold fast to the System. They are no longer encouraged to think of their system as .being the only one, outside of which there would be no salvation, but they are encouraged to cultivate a partisan spirit. which takes pride in their organization, its wealth, the value of its. church prOperty, the largeness of its collections, the grand- deur of $3 music, the wisdom, learn- ing and .Bblllty of its preachers, and the fashion and wealth of its consti- tuency. Itus not our wish to offer a single unkind or unbrotherly criti’éiSm. It 13 our duty and rivilege, however, to paint out that a creed doctrines of the various denominations, now set on the shelf as too frail and im- perfect to stand handling and inves- tigation, are not and never were the doctrines of Christ and the\Apostles. It is our duty and pleasure to show forth to Christian ple to the ex- tent of our ability gift the teachings of the Bible, the doctrines of Christ, are grand, noble, reasonable, “worthy of all acceptation.†To the extent that we succeed in doing this we are bringing back .straying Christians from the deceptive bogs of Evolution pnd dI-Iti_gher;Chriticiln to the firm oun awn, esolidrock ofT â€" ram Mb “ are the wounds of a friend" is the Divine assurance. We cannot, Iberefo better show our friendship and love to our brethren than by pulling down from the shelf their mood creeds and allowing them to fall in pieces be- yond repair. If my church could e thus induced h pull down its creed-idol, the pracnt Luodiceon Stage in am Church would a edlly o c o a muses, on suggesed b; our Lord. Then, instead of feeling: themselVes rich and measured in goodsnnd having need of nothing. our door Christian brethren of all «sum... nations would realise the meaning 9! our Lord 3 womuthot Churcliiunity so a whole to-d in poor and naked and miserable W and blind (Revolution iii, Mull). As Christians of oil denomination we have cause of rejoicing that we have outgiowu the trundlo=bod overdo of the past and that we can no longer wrap ourselves comfortably in the narrow bigotry cl error. The Lord mused this to be written In the, l throu h the prophets. saying. ‘ r the i. shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it; and the covering nar- rower‘thanithat he can wrap himself 111 ll: (Isaiah xyvlll. 90). If in con necuon With tbla growth which has come to us and b which we have uobler conceptions had our fore- fathers of the rights of man under the Golden Rule, it is a cause for rejoic» ing. Even though the transition has been aocom ruled by a great falling away into igher-Cnticism, Infidelity. Evolution, etc., nevertheless even these errors are in many respects pre. ferable to the blindness and bigotry. Happy are we, dear friends, if, the eyes of our understanding being open- ed, our. hearts are led to a closer walk With God, a more careful and prayerful study of his Word, and to a subsequent growth in grace and in the fruits of the holy Spirit. Do some inquire for clearer specifi -“ LL- absol‘ mku’nbn “0' put upon In ml, wuuat «I. think stoma be 1 p , noon er cared for. but allowed total]? CW5 answer that of course there. are good features in all of our (needsâ€"truths which will never fall. But. with these truths are mixedtheerroiswhichare.asthe Proverb says, ‘ Dead flies (that) cause the ointment to stink†(Ecclesiastes x, 1). There is plenty more of the Ointment in God’s Word. It is in- deed the “balm of Gilead†and pure wwithout the fly of error. This is what we all want, whatsoever your-denominational Me, and the magi - .f . ,7 _ g ' ~ “l ‘9. L ' i ‘ “tare Fresco .,; . V“, t' , . ‘ “eternal m "l pockets. fl You 800d quality, We . ,."'-â€"~ - «comm new in; “moral?“ l‘usls: . - MR “ï¬ll and irrational the doubt that has lent perplexed. m. homely. that no others than the, water-«immersed mhll‘ hometown ct the Church of cum heirs of 810W. and be saved from. «lam. nation. Once we not these Ibillï¬llllmi removed, not 0111 from our heads and beam. but also lion: our professions. we shall be ready and anxious to how- the doctrines of Christ on these sub- jects. Then we will search the Word and have God’s blessing in ï¬nding its harmonies. “He that seeketh ï¬nd. eth: and to him tb‘ knockcth it shall oe opened" (Matthew vii,8)- But 3° long as we hold‘to the fallacies how can we seek or pray for or ï¬nd the Truth? The word doctrine signiï¬es teaching. The doctrines of Christ, therefore. are the teachings of Christ; the doctrines usckcepcr could make Corned cal to CLARK’S Comp BEEF if of men, the teachings of men. What she h ' Clark’s experience of forty years the Church needs to-day is. to receive and Clark’s factory and facilities. into good and honest hearts afresh the ,«5 , doctrines of Jesus and the Apostlesâ€" But as she hasn’t she can get all the ad- allowing these to displace the dOC- Of Clark’s equipment by buying W†BLARK’S GBBNED BEEF but. disesteems, and which were forâ€" instead of making her own at a loss in mulated in a time of less light than the present. Instead, therefore, of dis- . money and an outlay of time and hard work. couraging each other in respect to the study of the doctrines of Christ. we should, _ as Christians. become more earnest in the study every day, hop- ing and expecting that in the wonder- ful light of our time God would be ' able to make clear to our understand- ing the harmonious interpretations of his Word. We should study to find the relationship between Election and Free Grace. We should clearly under- stand what is meant by baptism and what kind of baptism is necessary for our induction into the Body of Christ as members. On every line we should be looking for the harmonies, instead of rejoicing in the errors which have long divided us into hundreds of sects and parties. However, in some ts sectarian energy is better than federated death. Might we not. even say that if all the creeds were dashed to pieces and each Christian stood forth unshackled as respects denominational bonds, the re- sult. would be a great improvement so far as individual thought, study, and relationship to God would be com corned? In a word. each Christian should have his own creed, his in- dividual faith; and none should do more or less than to assist his mind to a full understanding of the Word of the Lord in respect to every sub- ject. All doctrines which cannot show u founglation‘atid full ButhsgtyAin éhe tear. ing 0 an. as and Pro bets. on ï¬llies 0 men. The teoc logo from above (some to us through heoVen id channels. The jargon which in Christen- dent in moped to on doctrines [from that they no of human origin. ‘lw Scriptures clone furnish to us the doctrine: of Oh?“ llriolly stated M declare. "To us more i;- one . a Father. and one Lord. Jesus Ohrht (I. Corinthians \‘lll. m. To us then b one Holy Spirit: go us those is "on Church of the Liv: mg (led. whose are written in llouvollâ€"t0 us in “one Lord and unadultb and Ham: one Gilli and Father of ï¬ï¬‚eflim iv. +6). However imp-ibis these state- ments may have appeared during the The meat used in 3' 80¢. tin of Cunx’s Como Bur would cost at least 50c. if bought from the butcher in the ordi-) nary way. .4 “ yrâ€. , Atyour Green’s: I5 cts. and 30 cts. a tin ‘ (Nb. and 24s tins) WM. CLARK, Montreal â€Moor or arm. Food spool-nuc- “Mg BLOOD DISEASES SHRED DraK.K. BohblichedZOYou-o “dark ages.“ they no no longer so. g - The light of Divine Truth is now shin. - the Wrin- t into our nnwnwuvouv .‘g‘lm ‘13:, "0“ an" "mum ing. God has not 0% possession wonderful es. and won- derful helps for Blue-Chub. but has do?†w a had and in! ofaldlmllar disease 8 years are hm mlvimd mo in MEIR". yo“. CI 1 m‘ time the oomoommenced to heal up no hope. but took his advice. also given us the ability to road, to :33 ‘,‘;‘,?““‘° cnooum ““3““ â€WIIMIIImWIII-uruutn '0' ’0Ԡâ€â€1"“ study the Word critically. And he in audgoslguzngfdtm °'°" m umï¬â€™mdfl it??? anydluoasoslooc. 1 thus ablymmmmymmw M'- mcprlvatoly.butyoucanusotblsu:timcoifll=’youwub. when “the wise shall understand" ' Wommvous cum ‘7ng mass. BLOOD. the “mystery hidden from past ages www 0508“. UNIX! . moon uwgiS'ï¬sv complaints of Me- and dis nsations,†which could not. A" mum“!!! m ‘ be erstood paw. Without [lEADEll your,“ been?“ â€you, gig-335; mmhwgdlgsuyfl: ing; , . . rugs-r willcuroyou. Wicks-duster“: twin do for you. Consult-50¢ working an Interfere). . with God's “WW '50 1'" traded on Flow of cum- eternal purposes. ._ reasonable. I write for an honest oplni /What, then, clear fnen' (is, shall we 0 undies-cu of non. nomussnwmiourwmmoonsm. smut-conï¬dent“. do? Shall we float on ingloriously, daily, hourly oommg closer and closer Mikndoodofflo-owm to the great cataclysm which is swal- lowing up so many .now in inï¬delity, Dn_"mmuEDY called Higher-Criticism? 0r shall we c“. mm Aâ€; “G . 'lsԠD | “u Mich. accept Grodf ’8 Helpmg' d Hand, the doc- trines o Christ, an know the Truth , ~ 1' an . and be made free the error and .o 'c toourmcl M i' mmiï¬gcidg’éfig _ ' ' ' mm m, Out. If you desxre to pleased now to assure us through the ' on a. are, unavpï¬rsou w . .s. prophet that we are living in the time be brOught into I owship with our Redeemer ongthe" , f .’. lane? Let us, as themmsei ."2‘ rourLord's . parable, wake from and trim our lamps, and, in the If t thereof. sec God’s wonderful riches of glory as they stand revealed on the threshold of the New Dispenutionâ€"the Milieu? nip] rcigzeil of Chris: Lo n usion: rd ulmonishes us 311033 the lines of this discourse 8? â€â€œ13 "$333? 1.1.3“? "° bԠm... ...,. 0 me 20 re, that thou mayat be rich. and whité rai- rd! ~ ' moot, that thou, mcyest be clothed. and that the shsmc‘of . nakedness ~ more“: as... an: - ere 10» e . was a†(Revolution “1.15). ‘ . , . ', - ‘mï¬ttw Medic-l Institute in Dctroi d t. t . hmtm m , . taswcseean ca Ml~h m We“ . . deuce and MM DEATHS . '0' McEACHEliAN. â€" In Limbs}: on , m o. 1910, William 1,. mm!â€" 34 years-r Fum-ml “1 “I ill be“ Mr Kim on Md†“mm-m sup TO DEATH . . (1‘, g n. 1' m «.m- . mm W .. w“ W M an artery. the alt ‘ Mil â€Putnam's." WW." . ... a p L. , callous!“- M on gettimz 1 advert Extractor. †’1 of the mat to lu' and solution: so 4‘ ‘ (i 'l‘l‘ll’ll' linu- ‘ ‘ spilt!“ lul'ih it in W ‘hhl huh: . “4: {Or a†llllilk w ' Imus ()l inns d W “W‘h the. l¢1llll mg: lllul'r o. W “‘1 â€a than 1.13.3 liUlllt', 1'10 nd‘ l‘ ‘l . ever nngrul ill, S†w W w 11 continue, and 1.x '1 will be scans ;. I M will mount m- 9" trv home is 11 â€ï¬rms. But. ho“ am up W the farmer is 1. W and hamvï¬l \\ t.†“0 unity of ml-n \\ . mpdd for the mum .. W of hand toil i... v. :dfl o. grate-{salary m, work's But. what. (luvs m. w w «M bitter illsup and . life of Care. and em). 99 W to eke out n ‘00.. To my m ,. m ‘ hi!- chanco. \tllh . hwfly. and Still in him the sons of the 50“ he††th hig'hï¬t positions in m ’ exaltcfl p<)«‘.'.1 it†m to be dew†. 1‘ W . But it was .., l m true economy and. i d thing-3 were learnt-«1 ; “it “ï¬nally Stay With 1 W life because 1hr ‘. m mity. If it were not that N are feeling the lull'l‘s w the high prm- n *0!“ m ridiculous . cam†the farmer humor... few calm more for l. ~ m of yore. when to pay any old prim that happens 10 ('01. m real dill‘ori-nw former case the ml: q (â€try and l‘i‘llll‘fl w l CM but. in the ...«. J “0 pockets in mm? 4' l . l ind the (arm-r l , ‘l -.i' 1. “mo StoCk or Min“ Hum Io hofl'ï¬ or (’"l‘n (‘NHHV‘ It B not â€1‘qu um m'w Inch above. what h.» H #1 who it is l‘mnllmmi \. :21 W “1‘ its lvlll lw l 1 “a. hut ll i8 llln- lllliltl “ â€11m ‘ht‘ li‘l‘l. ll' Mt. comimm: .u .. 9" l“ FMCill‘ull‘. 5.: 'lu M'~"'†" Messrs Cornnell l Simpson in . l . The (iornnvll lb.» : l “\g “"0 lï¬uï¬t‘tl ll)! : |~'( W in Mwn- M m W. a. Sil‘l‘lh‘lll v“ ‘ ‘wm 0‘ il\\‘ )i'ai'~ ‘ “I continue in .i.. ll. ll dong with Mr. s... “at make a Mlnm~~ .- l 1“ £00k flux! 1. |‘ about a week an“ ‘ Rheumatic ra "‘ l INHEm'l‘ A 'l‘li\l'l‘ \<, lilï¬lf “dial opinion mm 1' thtrheumatism and u M frorn 0110 gr‘ziw: : l “l N other. †Only byvt‘onihalin; m Vedas. eases can llL‘M' l» .1†“ist in the lanai}, «iwy when the Mum lime or the nel‘Vos “ink If. E. E. limlw‘wr w: " Early in m. l troubled Willi :H‘ h M. 1.1110? in} ‘( “I in bad wrath-r My conditions (imp. "M troubles 1 i. â€on in lny famil) b. m up my gr M Wont of th " A opocialim in N u M ably by main “Hmons conditm u, .wiapositions and m; h. ' .2.“