WI rb} 1.! Many people who have never be fore been in a. position to do so, may now be ready to open a bank account. , Omemee Branch J. B. L. GROUT. Manager THE BANK OF TORONTO offers to all such people the facilities of their large and strong banking or- ganization. Business Accounts opened' on fav- orable terms. Interest is paid on Savings Bal‘ ances half-yearly“ ' Can almost make the blind to see with our spectacles. Bank of Toronto PAGE FOUBTEEK RJ. Mulligan's Drug Store guind..Adiscomtoatot; cash. Also several at low prxoaa. 89â€â€œ “head. Willtalne anyo! M mmmamumxtm- mathrneww. P. “J- SHEEN, Heintm'tOO-m “WNW FLOWER AND GARDEN SEEDS IN PROFUSION. A' Spring Tonic that will rejuvenate and invigorate. Paper and Envelopes Watches, Clocks and Jewelry N ew Banking Business The OentralBusineos College of Toronto, invites your mum!- eratnn. Catlo e mailed on request. W.H. haw, Principal, Yonge Gerrard-st, Toronto. From 1hr. â€merges into our Summer Season from July 4 th and affords continuous opportunity for bright youn le to uality for macs posgtions. Omrscgool. SALE.â€"-FINE 6-0QTAVE PI- Bargains in Incorporated 1855 Assets $48,000,000 SPRING TERM -â€"~C Omemee Juna A. PM?“- the wage "wheat king. was W “d “an“! on an Manchester Cotton Exchange by brokers who blamed his mumm- LIKES THE WEST. A Lindsay citizen has received a. short but interesting letter from Mr. s. H. Pollock, o! Kindersley, Sank†in which he states that he likes the west ï¬ne and,is doing .well. He re- ceives The Warder regularly and would not do without it. Mr. Pol- lock formerlv lived at Victoria Road. and is well known to a. number of Lindsay citizens. He also conduct- ed arstore at Bomdale during the Omemee, March 22.â€"-â€"Miss-S. C. Burns is visiting her brother at the parsonage during the Easter holi- days. Miss O. E. Burns, who has been Visiting in Hamilton, is home for p. few days. ' ' Gents’ Furnishings. This depart- ment shows in good selecbion of men's new spring suits, hats, shirts, col- lars and hosiery. See Ivory’s (Omermee) grand mil- linery opening Easter Week on Thurs. day, and Saturday, March 24, 26 and following days. In charge of Miss Milly. who will have on display copies of the latest New York and Paris creations in mi'l-linery. out of town. Dr. Snelgrove made an omcial visit to Mount Pleasant on Saturday. Miss Milly, who is in charge of '1‘. Ivory’ s mil-linery department, has the reputation of being one of the fore- most in her profession, having been at the head of some of the best mil- linery stores in Ontario Oniem'ee, March 22.-4The Easter services at the Methodist church next Sunday- :will be special. The choir, assisted by others, will give an ex- cellent program of Easter selec- tions. The Sunday school will join in the morning service. as great as was looked for. However the affair was carried through with the same despatch as a. large crowd would have inspired. Worshipful Mas- ter Smith occupied the chair, and brought on a. pleasing lot of per- formers in sketches. music, readings. recitations and dialogues. Brother M. Wilson auctioned the baskets off, and secured very good prices for them. A general lunch was next served up and a. good time enjoyed in the closing number of the social meeting. Messrs. A. Brown and H. Parker. of Mount Pleasant, were in town on Saturday. Service will be held next Sabbath at 11 a.m., in the Presbyterian Qwrch. ‘ Mr. John J. Lamb was a. visitor to Lindsay last week. Ivory is showing a large stock of l-adies’ ready-made costumes in ~. the newest styles and at specially low prices. Select y'our’s now. Mr. David Morden of Peterboro was home over Sunday. The basket social on Friday night, in the opera. house, ander the man- agement of L.O.L. 113, was held. but unfortunately the attendance was not Rev. B. Burns made a trip to Ham- ilton last week. , , Mr. Harry Beatty, of Welland, a. former Omemee boy, called on many old friends last. week.- Assessor Kennedy is busy with his municipal duties. Dressmaking department at Ivory's. In change of Miss Blanche Henderson. Buy your new spring costume from us. All the latest in dress goods to choose from. We are sure to please you, both in price‘and style. We are all ready for the biggest spring trade in our history. Every department full to overflowing with the season’s choicest offerings. The school board held a. meeting on Friday evening. mg the partaking of which much sociability was apparent. The re- ceipts of the entertainment were quite gratifying, and congratplations are due to the Epivorth League com- mittee of management. Omemee, March 21.--The St.’ Pat- rick/s entertainment on Thursday ev- ening, in the basement of the Methoâ€" dist church, sz held under the aus- pices of the Epworth League. . Mr. J ohnst’on, the president. was in the chair, and proved himself to be a. capable and effective chairman. There was a large attendance. A program of merit, consisting of dialogues, v0: cal and instrumental music, readâ€" ings and an address, and the last of all, refreshments were served dur- St. Patrick’s Concert at Children Cry so: runners 3A$TORIA Ivory is visiting friends Omemee‘ THE DAILY WARDER'. LINDSAY, ONT ARR). Miss 01s. Hellman, Brunswick, vi. sited her _grsndxnother, Hrs. Gra- Miss Winnie Wilson visited Fleet- ‘wood friends the latter part of last A well congregation listened to an eloquent and deep address on Sunday by Rev. Mr. Edmieon on ‘; The Supremacy of Christ," the text being taken irom John'XIIIâ€" 18-14. It is to be hope; that when the roads improve the congregation will also“ improve in numbers to hear this very excellent young di- it is to be hoped such will not be the case, yeti! he should come back Jen’s return will be looked upoxi sus- piciously and his reception will like- ly'be a. bell of lead. gate. On Friday last it was thought that he acted peculiarly, but not suï¬ciently to even arouse curiosity. That night he left ' his old abode and fears are now express- ed that he has the rabies. However, day.» The dog' was never known to lollow E strange rig or to even van. taro any.fa.rther from \home than the Lin‘ord, March 20.â€"â€"Evidences of an early spring are becoming more and more convincing. Early on Sunday morning we were visited ‘by our sec- ond electric storm. though it was not nearly so severe as that of two weeks ago. As your correspondéit was out for his usual constitutional on Saturday morning a large flock of wild geese were seen flying north. and later in the day the pretty little song-sparrows were piping their wel- come strains to eager ears in a near- by orchard. Cutters are stored away for another year and wheels It is some time since this vicinity has had anything ‘occur to cause a sensation, but what may yet cause serious trouble happened on Friday night last in. the way of a dog’s, rhysterious disappearance. Mr: Richard Wilson’s faithful canine was last seen on the evening of the above leaf. The small boy seems.‘ One would think, to feel the opting in his very bones. Lowing herds, gurgling streams, and the drop in the price of eggs are all heralds of .thie delightful season. We welcome you,. spring. : 'Zam-Buk is also of great use {or skin injuries and diseases. Eczema, ulcers, chaps. ringworm. acne, yield to its use. For outspburns, bruises, children's rashes, etc.. it is unequal- led, and it is u. sure cure for piles. All druggists and stores at 500: a box, or 'Zam~Buk 00.. Toronto, foP price. Refuse’ harmful substitutes and imitations. ' are being used altogether. The black smoke ascending in the sur- rounding sugar-bushes conveys the happy tidings that even the trees have felt the touch of the warm sun around their underground branches and the sweet sap is wending V its way to the smallest twigs, soon to burst out into the old familiar form, the form dear to the heart of every Canadianâ€"our emblem, the maple Don’ t forget that the skin has to do work just as any other organ or the body, and if you overwork it it gives out. Zam-‘Bulc is the remedy. Smear it lightly over the spots, the eruptions, the sallow patches, at night, and notice h'bw quickly your appearance improves. As the rich. reï¬ned. herbal essences sink geep into the tissue, the hard, scurfy-like patches are removed. The cells of the skin become transparent. The blood beneath is able to impart its proper coloring to the tissue, and the delicate bloom of health replaces the sallowness and pallor of disease. At this. season, scores 0! people -â€" girls and young women 88966181137 - ï¬nd their faces disï¬gured by pimples dark sp0t_s, eruptions. etc. The skin needs attentionâ€"needs renovating af- ter the trying time it has passed through during the winter. Just 'think what it has gone through ! You have Been out in the rainy and sleet and snow. gYou heye been at one moment perspiring from skating, or some other exertion. Then you have stood to “cool off." You have spent hours of the day in- doors at a temperature equal to summer heat. Then you have cover- ed up your skinâ€"except your face â€" and gone out into a. temperature away below zero. No wonder that,| with all these changes. the skin of the face and neck shows signs of needing attention. SPRING SKIN TWUBLES George Kerr has returnedfrom LIFIJORD. Peniel, March 21.â€"Mr. Fred Web- ster from the west, and Miss Lillian Webster. 0! Oakwood, spent Sunday at Mr. W. J. Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Short and fun- ily left for Toronto on Wednesday on route for their home in Saskatoon. after a. two months visit in this vi- cinlty. The annual spring meeting of the patrons and shareholders of the North Ops Cheese Factory will be held in the factory on Wednesday, March 80th at one o’clock. Mr. Angus Ferguson will ship his farming implementa'and' household el- Hecta to the North-west this week. and the family will leave on Friday, March 25. ‘ Miss Bella Cutric, who has been in Toronto for the last three months, returned home. last Friday. Mr; Donald Angus McQuaig. of this place, met with a very severe acci- dent last Tuesday night in which he sustainedanfractum of the shoulder blade. As Mr. McQuaig is in his 86th year, this is a herd blow to him. and he sutlered considemble paint from his injury; Rev. Mr. Hanna. will lecture here in the Presbyterian church on Thurs; day. Miss Maggie' McCallum is visiting her sister. Miss Laura McCallum. ' The village council met on Tues- day evening of last week to open the tenders for the building of concrete sidewalks in the village. The ten- der of Mr, E. M. Carr. of _Canning: .ton, being the lowest, was on mo- tion- of Councillors Beecroft and Al- ton, accepted. The~wire is being strung on the new branch of the Manilla Northern Thére is an epidemic of influenza amongst the horses in our neigh- borhood. - A great many 0! the children in this vicinity are suflering from at.- mcks of measles’. on the 18th concession. and we soon will have a. dozen or more new mem- bers on our line. ANNUAL MEETING . Owing to the uncertain condition of the roads our prayer meeting is with- drawn for the present. ' Mr. Wilbert Wylie and Miss Ethel Wylie, q: Qakwood. also mu mud Jones. of O‘memee. spent Sunday 8.!â€" ternoon here. Collection will be taken up in our 8. S. on Easter Sunday for the aid of the Bible Society. Master‘Ever-ett Wright is 'auflering fr'om- an attack of pneumonia. '11qu J as. Shea, the shoeman, is conï¬ned to his house with a bad at- tack of la grippe. . The Presbyterian Bible classes were entertained at the manse last Fri' day evening, the principal part 01' the program consisting of a Japan- ese spelling match. This convinced many of those present that theyhad forgotten how to spell man); of the words in the English language since they left school. Uncle Sam": country and is a; prev sent visiting his brother, Mr. A. Kerr. 3 ' Mr. and III-8.19m. Pontypool are visiting their daughter, Mrs. A! Kerr- Mr. ~Jos. Down. of Holland, Mam, after a pleasant sojourn améng his friends here. returned to his home. Joe made friends while here. “MOLVILLE. ‘Wpodville. March 21.-The C. E. Society Irish literary night. Jhich was to take place last Friday did not take place as announced. but will be ‘held on Friday, 25th. g Waï¬ PENIEL. Advertiss in the Wards:- Stoves,~ Ranges Rider Kitchener 60., Elm,Basstod, Birch andesh ' Logs suitable for veneering. “L0! "be m nusr TWINS voyeur war-Es†Thu. Grout Points Ho ï¬n. to Study to boy lu'floonomy, Comfort nnd Health , BOOIOIY is studied by having a good pair offload-sewn boots mode for you ma 0! buying W or {our cheap puts. contour is only obtained by having your boots made to your tool. 1181me hving boots made that are absolutely damp-proof. hm you have tried hand-made boots and have got little or no satisfactlm.‘ “mm ls quite likely ; you cannot expeCt a. blacksmith to be able to an! a. hat ; no to get satisfnctory ï¬t. and comfort. with your boom, you must} go to a Practical Boot linker. Call and see my hand-made boots in ‘ course of construction. from the lightest to tho’henviest. I give special attention to com. bunions. swollen joints. and all kinds of delormitioa. Bring along your boot repairs. it is the quickest and best stone in town We alsonpajrrubbersnnd nlbwuootahawaythatgives great an} inaction. I! you are interested in golï¬ng. Come and see my samples of hand-sown. damp-proof gal! boots. at Does This Interest You ? Eden "Freshness of “SAMBA" T. J- PERSON . HUGHES, “i'timeismmey "GOLD DUSTissurdyamoyâ€"nm Wis themedtryinztowahdisbes lOQBtimesayearwithwt ï¬eld Dust Washing Powder The GOLD D'UST way is 319 right wand should have the rightâ€" of-way over ail «he: cleaners. omeacznm Wmmmmmamwood gSE‘SF‘DOU'Er 1m “saw-mam “brag-653$ ‘OLD WWMM“. mm 75:. run Amwex wum.maaflsotrm soap. _' mmmmm: W‘ZCYL itv m cut your We are agents for some of the lat est manufacturers in Canada, and can show you 1 the latest im- provementis in Heating Stoves and Ranges. Im- proumente tlfat are fuel, labor and‘money saver to thore who have them. Coal Hods, Stove Boards, Stove ‘Pipes, Pipes enlarged, etc., in large variety at 80M Dual Save: Time and Furnaces OMEMEE Lindsay-st, Opp. Skating Rink Mini for th Rotiqg fAINlNG'S 1 earload 0 â€hornets mï¬ï¬ï¬u" livery m horses if. inmounts forms as mNEsn. Jackson, .d lot a 8 Isaiah two 0 'clo 3 oett sing" 1 out doul nerve. wasp“ Sir W11 (33-75). the 16‘u Clyde 311 singld