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Watchman Warder (1899), 24 Mar 1910, p. 5

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'sTad‘. or your complc IO oil Iii a! clean- ?y cleaner Dianna or tom tb 5 honinâ€" mes sp‘w LC)! i NO DELAY In I aaaaaaaa Lindsay Branch, HA. HOLMES Manager 'nls have recently been completed under which me on of this Bank are able to issue Drafts on the prtnclpal point: tn the following countries: . Austria-H ungary Finland Ireland Russia Belgium Formosa Italy Sci-via Brazil France Japan Siam Bulgaria Fr‘ch Cochin-China Java South Africa Ceylon Germany Manchuria Straits Settle China Great Britain Mexico Sweden Crete Greece Norway Switzerland Denmark Holland Persia Turk Egypt Iceland Phillipine Islands West ndiea Fame Islands India Roumania and elaew FULL PARTICULAR. ON APPLIO NO DELAY IN ISSUINO. Paid-up Cvapital, $10,000,000 Reserve, $6,000,000 we wanna loan Savings. (0. Austria-Hungary Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Ceylon China Crete Denmark Egypt Authorized by Order to Receive ‘ Trust We will pay you 3% “n V ‘2 ‘ Cunt. .1 , waith 3. Savings Ace these rates we can em} cm L new day of deposit and at 1' money at a satisfactory meciital with the local company P’i you If m need of a mortgage 1083: .____ ‘â€"---“ means Excellence m L.) 3 n‘clnck. Saturday. 10' transacted. ESTABLISHED 18"” Capital Pa d Up $l4 900 Rest $0,006,900 Undivided Profits " $693,796 Branches of the Bank In eVery meince of the Dominion. A general Banking business Savings Department at every [Mtlnch. ' gnk of Mid-fire 3| I1": JAMES LOW NEWTON Shy}: Manager 8m . [noel-pound 1895- 23.an Paid upm,moo Ra office Hours: H. B. Black, BEVERAGE 10 to 1 o‘clock. COCOA__. $27,003,796 Hunger Lindsay m under which- the_ RmfiFund meow Russia. Serviu Siam South Aft-ice Straits Settlements Sweden Switzerland Turk Wat adieu m rand elsewhere APPLICATION Assistant Cameron, ‘ March 14,â€"Stormy wea- thcr'has come again. The old say' ing is it March comes infllike a lamb it wm'gtrout like alien. Now we believe it to be true. ‘ We are glad tor‘eport that Mrs. Styles is improving. - We have an error to correct. WhiCh was made in last week's statement- Mr. W. Townsend didn’t purchase either horse or rig from Mr. Wilbert Irwin, just a horse from Mr. Jewell. » Mn A. W. and P. Hewie while driving on the ice lrom Cameron to Lindsay one of the horses broke through the ice with one kind foot. Upon examining the ice he found two holes just near the shore at William-st. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Townsend end daughter Thelma, visited friends in Lindsay on Saturciay. ." AA‘_ 3‘ “ALI-unuâ€" v-- _. v Mr. W. Clatworthy, of Hampton. is visiting Mr. ____and Mrs. R; '{Iewia â€"â€"S __A 'w-vâ€"D â€"_- - v, Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Chidley visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. William Hewie on Sunday last. - Mr. P. Northcott is'kept pretty busy grinding chop? Mr. Angus McLean was in town on Saturday on business. Mr. A. McLean has purchased the little house from Mr. W. Sims just north of the village and intends moving in the near future to Cam~ 81‘0“. » Mr. wnmm S. Hepburn. who has been" visiting with friends in Muri- pona. returned on Saturday. We understand Mr. George Good- hand has rented the bum owned by Mr. Geo. Switm and intongia mov- ing In the mar future. Mr. P. Porrln is buy ropqtrlng his threshing outfit for the comma Ion.- Ion. .. Mr. Tommy Andaman visited 'M'r. Bert, Brylon ovor Sunday. Mr. and Mm. A. McLean vluitod Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoary on Sunday last. Mr. Seneca Hancock was the guest of Miss Forum Andaman Sunday and Monday. We are sorry to state that Mr. E. F0“, who has been on the sick Hat. and was at. one time improving. in at present not so well. We wish for a speedy recovery. otear Admiral Bacon of the Hflnmn navy any: the battleship of the lu- ture may be ~50 per cent. larger than tho Dreadnoughts of to-day. The members were all present. The ‘ following communications were read: From Mr. Albert. Scott notilying the council that Mr. Williun Glut had placed a. lot of timber on the roof} allowance at lot 22. con. 9. and desire! to have it removed, as it In dangerous for public travel. From the Watchman-Warrior ex- pressing regret at being able to pub- lish only a portion of the council luw phor to tho incorporation oi‘ ilio Mnnlin. Northern 'l‘olcphono Co. Mr. Stewart stated there was some log. mutton being enacted at the pro- :Icnt. than in tho Ontwrio Mgioiotum with regard to rural telephones. and he thought it. would be prudent to lest tho mat'mr stand for it little. The (‘aundlcn Road Muchino Co. at llam- llton. advise the council that the) how I' d their business to the Mn- erican and Machine Co. or Godot- ich The person! interested in the Boll municipal drain No. 1 won no- tified that. the engineers' report Would _ . -A _ __ .n anide by hufiu “in! uwu u ........ 7. toad Machine Co. 0: Godar- lch The persons intomtod in Hall municipal drain No. 1 were no- tified that the engineom' report Wo-tld be read at 10 3.121.. as provided by statue. but. only Iomo three or {our being present. the reading was deter- red till after dinner. when the fol- towlng persons were present. Messrs. _ _. “1.. “Ann.- Wmmm. A1‘md “RD. 0111qu by ligr‘e ippears to be some in Road Beat 40.. Messrs. Arthur Webster, Wilmot Webster, and John Gauguin came out to champion -aâ€"o EgThrough Ice {Are You Weak, ‘ . 0n Scugog River! Bloodless, Anaemuc? _â€"-. th: Bacon of the_nrttlah . Web- 3i Writing "irom her bans in Paisley, MrS. .Everett says :--“ My , daughter and strength. Serious complica- tions set in tha made her family and friends most anxious. We were not only worried on account of her ill-health, but because she was likely to Jose,her year’s work at the High school. Where she was preparing for‘ the professidn of teachingr The doc- tor said it was ‘Anaemia.’ I knew the best remedy Was Ferrozoneâ€"and ;made my daughter take two Ferro- 1zone Tablets with eVery meal. The ‘first box did little mere than in- ‘crease her appetite. But with the ‘second box it Was really delightful ito watch the signs of returning bhealth. Annie's face became sort of Ia vellowish Vat firstrâ€"that deadl ‘ whiteness disappeared. But it wasn't {long before a ruddy glow was ‘per- .ceptible in her cheeks. and real good icolor returned. All Annie's troub- lles were curedâ€"she grew strong â€" gvlgorousâ€"heavy ln weightâ€"feels and looks the picture of health." 'color. blood and nerve disorders. the chronic kindâ€"they have been cured by Ferrozoneâ€"why not you ? In Me. ‘hoxon. six for 82.50. all dealers. or «he Cntnrrhozone Co.. Kingston. 1 Canada. Vim motor; no good motors. There’s a reason. Got. a. analogue. (Boom H. Irwin. Wt. Martin Murmur. an Elfin farmer. was killed by a train nou- mm' Comm. 7 ‘ ‘ “**â€"‘- “-4 an: UUrnva u. E. L. Aviot. of Vemer. Ont.. was killed at Conalt by touching a pow' or wire. Mr. Albert Ware and Mr. Robert- son vialtod,the House of Refuge last Saturday. Mr. Ware addressed the inmates on the subject. " Be Yo also Ready." The meeting was much appreciated, also the colon by Mr. Robertson. A hearty invitation was given to Mr. Ware and Mr. Robert- to nul‘y Mr. Glnu i.) rmmrw tho‘ tlm‘ur from OR tho road ant-mill"!- ‘ On motion of Monro. Swaib and flown Mum. Mltcnul. vami nnri rump-en were appoin‘nd a wnnult- too to invutigato the manor 0' put- tln. a bridge acrou “1' buy ill con 1. "I' 8 M G. On motlon oi Monro. Swain and lawn-.- tho clork' was authorize" to place noticed and also to advortlao Wat. tho council of Marlpona intend at a mootlng to be hvld on Monday. the 18th of April. to pull a lay-law cloning up that part of tho road bo- twot‘n lot! 5 and (S in canoes-ion. 'A’ oi the township oi Marlpou. Tho stopping uk or the cloning of who road may be heard in panel: or by thn council. On motion 0! Measure. Swain and Ferguson. the report of Mr. A. G. Gavan». 0.14.8" two-pecans municipal drain No. 1 o! the town-hip o! luri- poaa was adopted. and the clerk was authorized to prevail a by-law to provide for the propoood. MW works and for borrowing On the cre- dit o! the mimacipaJl-ty (or said 7_L--â€"..- amount, and payable within twenty Mm from date with interest at. a. rate of not. less than 4} per cent, and that a copy at the said by-law including notice 0! the Court a! ne- vW011. and the notice In to wowed- ings to quash berm-m cash of the assessed owners or their legs; 41“ of the assessed owners or m was- ees as provided by of the Municipal 1897. ' sections 19 to 22 Drainage Act of On motion of Messrs. Rogers and Ferguson the following changes were made in the list. of Overseers for 1910.. Beat 2. HoWu‘d Wellington : Beat 12, John Brown; beat 22. G- W. Hardy ; beat 24, Nelson Weldon : beat 36. John McDonald: beat 45. James Thorburn; beat 38. Bentley Faithful ; beat 33, West. Amos Rog- ers; beat 56, William Cluk; beat 58. Edwin Wicked ; beat 75. John Short; best 76 west, Fred Starr; beat 4. at Malina, finest Harrison; beat 3. northern bounduy, Neil He. fraggart. mt beat 20mm. ho un- iited with but 2. not Joseph Po- the be ponndhe'epor at lot 18. con. ‘3'. and Angus W gt. “I!” Acébunts mung some “55°00 were ordered to be paid. m which the council adjourned to mast an the 18th of April. . ______.¢. ..4_ asow'rloNs. tie and hogs: Some at" the farmers delivered hogs at Bethany to-day and received 91» cents. Miss Sadie Veals visited friends in Omemee last week. _ w ._ ‘l‘mI-w Al w Um _v 7.- Mr. Sam Nugent 7am: son llanly of Midland, latte settled on the lam lately gnu-chased from Mr. Pritchud. Mr. Nugenthaspurchamdsteamof horses and some cattle and is getting things in shape before the spring ushers in. Mrs. Nug‘Pnt and daugh- ter intend coming from Midland about the last of lamb. Miss Maria. Jones. who had been attending her mother during her ill- ness has returned to Peterboro. Mr. Ormen Windrlm, of Milestone. Saskatchewan. who has been visit- }ing with friends here and at Lind- ‘say for the past month returned on Monday to the West. Mr. Windrim ’spent the past week m buying hors- 08 to re-stock his farm out west. He bought in all sixteen horses and [shipped them from Lindsay, Monday 1 Mm . Annie Ingram. of Ornameo. spent a few days with Miss Thomp- OOH. ' ‘ ,,-__‘ A‘An Min Ruth Veal. has returned mar a pleasant weeks visit with friends in Rnboro. The few balmy dnyn of last week induced some; of put-thrifty farmer- m-AL oi " the eweet and welling juices. However. the pleuure oi inhaling the delightful dram oi boiling up will hnve to be poetponed lor n time i at lenlt as king winter bu ncnln‘ shown us hie strength and renuertod 1 hie away over nature. 1 Mn. Wager and young non. of Fonolon Fella. were visiting lent week with her manta. Mr. nnd Mrs. J onol. Mr. Sam Graham bu retired irom his term and moved to Omemeo. whore he intendn llv‘lnx n lone stron- uoun life than forming neceultntoe Mr. Richard Skuoo of Emily line rented the form nnd already bu tok- en pone-“on. .. Mr. Cecil Windrim bu dleo cone westward to nook hie fortune. Ho intends locating n homestead in mun, March _1‘4 Thé stark visited the home of Wm. Windrim lately and presented the parents with a baby girl. Mr. Harold Noble has purchased a fine driver from Jun. Staples, of Co.- "fii~. George McGee has vented Mr. Henderson's {arm for the coming year. His: Edna Stewart spent1 Satp‘r- a, m Bundw or Ian Lindsay friends. Not-land. March 11.â€"l[r. R. my has moved his family kp to the pow- er house cottage, _.. "maâ€"{Chas fichtyro ha! mend his family buck to Coboconk (or the sum- mer abd (all. Hm Ema Ward. of Luthrwouth. spent Sunday gt her homo bro. The many Month 01 Mr. Frank ltrymt. V II bo Iorry that. ho has gone to 13mm: Columbh to build up g, homo for him-01!. Frmv wu well liked by tho young people of tho «11m. and ho was Mal and Jov- hl young b11931“ A n:- A-.. n... "er. 3.7783'Rimnoy. Singu- Sewing Machine agent. or Rummy Beach. «13 In the village 91:0 919: hum. "' V v 'v- Mr. George William. 81m: now- lng “15.31“” “wt 01 Lind-w, was in the val.“ on busing.- one day lut weak. Mum. Stephan Burp-I. at End Luna. and Dufiquwgifi 97!) Ditby. \ -_- fi â€". uvâ€" â€"'â€"â€"- weeks in Toronto vlnlting ”lends. Mr. Worthv Word and Mr. Barry Weasel! luvs returned home from the Donald Mal Works. Mr. Arthur Newcon has moved his family into his house. which way! lor- merly occupied by Mark Ellis. , Mn. Jul. Kay has returned lroxn Orlllia, when she was attending the Moral of her btothnr-ln-law, Mr. Do» via Caldwell. Mr. Duncan McIntyre is homo from the lm‘bor shanty. Ia hi! In t. agunst the '1‘0!‘ Rummy Company {or damages liam Tom was aw_ard‘qd_ 81,5309. -5..â€" - ‘- Bmekvâ€"fle‘iis'adopm build six bridges at a c WU- ReV. 0‘ 0. Elliott. of Strauord, has recalved a call to Centre-st. Bax» tist church. St. 'lhomu. He was formerly of PW. . NORLAND. dopted a. 'by-lfl' *0 at. a cost of $16.- with MANY SUFFEB DURING' COLD WEATHERâ€"GREAT RESULTS FROM DR. CflASE’SgflINTMENT Winter is dreaded by 900910 who are subject to Bush skin afieCtiOIIS 88 m and Salt rheum and by Others whose skin. is easily irritated by cold and dampness. Misnothingsobadior ec- wns as water and em to cold piercing wade. And there is nothing so eflective in curing eczema as Dr.; Chase's Ointment. This has been proven in many thou- sand: of cans such an the following: Mrs. George A. Brewster, Ellwood nan” writes: "I have used Dr. Chase's Ointment for g akin trou- ble. which used to return 33.4111 and (satin and caused me much misery on account of the terrible itching. Tho Ointmt Intiroly unwed thin dim and 1 how mm lino. bean troubled with it.” ‘ In. John J. Delory. Linwood. Aa- tigoniuh 00.. N.S.. writes: “I want to any tint Dr. Gum’s Ointment has prom a grant blaming to me. I had suit them on one hand. um could not got it baled up. The itch- ing m moat dicta-ring ct times. Two boxol of Dr. Chm'q Ointment 'hu cured mo completely. and I glad- ly recommend it to every amour." In scores at ways Dr. Chase’s Oint- ment in of créatnrt value in the home. in curing pimples. blackheads. chopped akin. chilblains, {root bitea, soro- .nd burns. and every iorm of itching skin dine-am 60 ctl. a box. 0,11 dealers; or Ed- wanton. Bate: 00., Toronto. Write {or free copy of Dr. Chm'l Rocipel. lust on business. Mr. L. Won-alley was in Lindsay on Frkhy lost. In” Elva Wornley who has bean Waiting in Lindqcy with_her aunt, L-_ L- _ lira. 506w, Muir-nod on Saturday. Zion. Much 7.91“. Taylor Parkin. oi‘ Uxbridge, i! visiting at the home of his sons. . George and Wil- iium Fukin.‘ ti». . Putin has been on old midgfifo! Zion for many you and a ' always pleased to not him back in whenever he visited Hutioy imuo on Thursday night. last. and took chum oi the conucration meeting: {Liter the mooung {an over nfl lunch was serv- od by the entertainers. The Zion crowd In all numbomd 28 and all report n good time. A lot-so crowd attended the W. I. mootng held at the home ot-llrs. Elijah Wonley on Thursday after- “‘1qu A social evening will be held at the home of Mrs. Thomas mu m:- members of the Islay branch of the Woman; Institute and their mm!- 00011. It". Hr. F.'Pethick who has been away during the winter has returned home. A few from this neighborhood at- tended the social evening for the â€"'Iim is a, great demand tor farm help in the west. 11:. Grand Lodge of the A.OI‘U.W. decided to hold the next annua..meet- Sag In Toronto. ZION. FENELON. Man. 7e used Dr. l 31:11: trou- to her home 188‘ WW _,7_ mm: t |‘ d “I. kid”. I. Dbdd'l Kid WE m T] 133E [JUST D. .uhoowalul' u that to be m throw I. On. at th In. 10¢. hm! doctor eight word .veI~ 0! P1

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