W) 3W? We do not. need in Lindsay to pay ï¬rm prices to locai dealers for goods. because almost ex ery article needed is sold just as cheap here as It. is in Toronto. If me had tp pay a, little more it would be wisdom to do it, and build up our own tonnes The Warder has heretofore frequently re- marked. are the hopes 01 your future. Stand by your press, it is the tireless sen- tinel that guards your interest. We owe it to the community in which we live to do everything we can in every way possible that will be to its advantage. Our neighbor’s prosperity means a great deal more to us than someone's who lives else- where. We should bear this in mind in buying our goods. We can aï¬ord to pay our home man a ï¬rm price for his wares rather than send our money away, knoning as we do that every dollar our own citizen makes will help in sustaining ‘our schools, churches and public institutions. It pays richly to patronize home in- dustry. Encourage every home enterprise. Take an interest in every industry. invest liberally in the stock of faith and good will, and distribute it all over your town, in every factory, every workshop, every business house, savs a contemporary. It m will pay you large dividends, and S" will cost \erx- lit...tle It can never de~ ï¬e predate in \al11e.lt will alwaysbe aboxe par. 8111 home made goods. Ask your merchants for them. Wear home made garments, eat home made articles of food, sleep on home made beds. read home made newspapers. In this way the money you spend is only loaned. It will come back to you again with interest. Praise up your townâ€"don‘t run it down. Stand by¢your merchants and manufactur- ersâ€"they are the bone and sinew of! ,' your municipal structure. Stand byl‘h your churches and your schools, they 1m in i 11 Eggs are getting down to a. price at which the ordinary man oath in- dulge in a poached egg for break- fast. The mild weather of March has no doubt had an effect in stimulat- ing laying by hens, but does this not emphasize the teaching of some of the poultry experts that if hens THE ODIOUSLY Dlï¬'rY BANK NOTE A United States Congressman has declared before the House of Repre- sentatives committee on banking and currency that, he has had a. U. S. $1 bill microscopically and scientiï¬cally examined. with the alleged discovery of no less than ninety-two million are properly cared for in the winter they will lay as well or better in the winter than in the summer ? To have the prices in winter and in summer brought nearer to an' equal- ity is a. consummation devoutly to Watchman-Warder Subscription Rug! .Thoz Daily Harderâ€"Delivered bby. under or by,’ mail to- town; sub- ca-ibers, 25¢. per month. By mail to outside points in .Canada or the British Empire, $2 per year. ‘ The Watchman-Warder (Weekly) 31 per year in adyance; $1.25 if midgdurinz ,the year. Postage .to Publi-hod st Linduy, 01:in germs on it, of manifold variety. He advocates legislation to provide clean currency by burning up all pa- per money'returned to the IKS. trea- Among disease germs found on this bill were smallpox, scarlet fever3 ty. placid, tuberculosis and diphtberia â€" ï¬ve of the worst scourges to, which the people of this northern Rand ten- PAGE TWELVE EGGS ARE COMING DOWN wished. All“ Gillies. Propriotor YOUR OWN TOWN State; “extra â€" Daily or Talaphono $7. EDITION Miss £510an is visiting frienav at Dunsford. » Mt. and Miss Thompson were in Lmdsay on Saturday. Mr. J. Gordon had a. very success- ful wood beé on Tuesday last. Mr. G. Smjg‘inac and bride have taken up housekeeping on the Peel property. We all wish them a long happy and p1 osperous life. Miss Norma. Spggitt, who has been suffering with unpendicitis for the last two weeks, is doing nicely at the time of writing. Rov. Frank J oblin. of Algierville, spent his Lundays under the parent- al roof. Mr. and Mrs. J. Emmerson spent Easter with fry 1-ds in Toronto. Mr. L. ., Net-thin, of the Collegiate Institute, Lindsay, spent the holi- day at home. Misses Winnie and Ada. Nesbitt spent Faster with friends in Lind- sag-T Mr. H. Poole is in a .very weak condition at the time of writing. Miss Ruby Veale has returned home aizwr a. p'chnged visit with friends in Toronto. 7 Mr. and Ms. Jackson were 111 Lindsay on business on Saturday. Mrs, J. Tabb and family have mov- ed to their new home in Burlington. Our teachers, Miss Nina. Allin and Miss Dora. land, are spending their holiday at their homes in mm. Miss 1-1 roam-us has returned home much improved in health. Mrs. J. Edwards, who was under thedoctov’s cute for the past week, ie recovering. DOWNEYVtLLE. Downeyville, March 28.â€"'L’r. and Mrs. Brady. Ops, spent Sunday . at Downeyville. ‘ NESTLETON. Nestleton, March 28.â€"Spring, with 1‘s lwautiful singing birds, is *agazn in our midst, and instead of the snow clad éurth, we see the green ï¬elds again. Miss Mae and Gertie Martha spent. Easter at the home of Mr. Frank Milloyf Miss Gertie Lucas, who has bean teaching in TweedL is home for the Mr. Henry Sloan commenced plow- ing last week. Henry is always ï¬rst; in this locality. the presence of 18,318.00011'9133 bacteria.'l‘he$1bills m“ the worst, since they were in most con. stant circulation; the higher thede- nomination of the bill. the cleaner it was. Stnmge to say no germs. it holidays. any of soiled, dirty national notes, to be replaced by clean, new ones, and the banks ought to be interest- ed also in the more frequent replac- ing of their own dirty bills. If ne- cessary the stimulus of some Govern- ment regulation might heip the lat- ter besides interesting banks in get- ting Dominion notes renewed. In these modern days, when mat- ters formerly negleeted are now known to possess large sanitary im- portance, this matter of ojiously ï¬ltlrv, unsanitary 'paper currency should be viforously attended to. COUNTRY CORESPONDENCE Harrington, Mary Tunney, Anna O’Brien, Norma Matthews and?- Ethel Goselin, of St. Joseph’s Academy, Lindsay. spent the‘holidays ut’their respective homes here. Governmeht is more particular as to the cleanliness of its paper currency than the Government of Canada. Traveling in the United States, one seems to be offered clean, crisp,new , bills oftener than in Canada. ’ Here are often seen horribly mutilated, torn; plastered up, vile bills still doing service. ,â€" At all events, whether there is any Just contrast or not in the methods of the two Governments, we ought to have a measure at Ottawa ‘on similar lines to that of Congressman Wiley, of New Jersey. Provision ought ‘to be made for quick return by the banks to the Dominion trea- The Misses Delphine Piggott Lottie Fiï¬patrick, of the N school, .Peterboro. are home. Mr; James Guiry, of St. Mil College, Toronto, spent «the days under the parental roof. VI up“--- ‘7 -w College, Toronto, spent the : holiJ C‘AHBRAY. days under the parental roof. ‘ Cambray, March 28.â€"Mrf and ms, The people of this vicinity appre- Arthur Thomas, of ROCkwood, «we ciaté very much the useful and ilk! spending their honeymoon with ‘Mr. stroctivs piece inserted ini The'i wu.lems’ sister, Mrs. W. Clark. , W8 have a. suspicion that i (From our on correspondent.) said wax-‘0 tound on metal CUP Misses Viola Lucas. 73“?“ pire,†was most instructive and edi I‘ying. His noble and manly appeals to the young men to make the most. ‘of themselves for their nation, \eer- itainly inspired many who heard im. -Little Britain will gladly wel- come Col. Hughes back agaon. The Ladies Aid is to be congratulatm. on. ‘their faithful and efficient. work. Mr and Mrs. H. Barrowclough and daughter visited in Oshawa. over Sunday. ' mas Hooper. Toronto, visited dur- ing Easter at honie. ï¬rs. Wickept. Lindsay, spent Sun- day at Mrs. B. Faithful’s. . The new ï¬re engine in the various Hosts apparently‘yvorks well. I Mr. Claude Groves visited Mr. Wm. : Heatlie recently. The “Feast of Nations" held in the Methodist church last Friday, under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid, was a very great success. The tables were most artistically arranged, and decorated, and the menu was acrordâ€" ing to the country represented. The program was of a. high order. Miss Maunder, of Lindsay, sang very acâ€" ceptably, and the address of Col. 8. Hughes, M.P., on the British Em- A very large crowd attended the Methodist church on Sabbath even- ing. The choir sang a number oise- lections which were much appreciat- ed by all, and Mr. Thompson sang a solo in excellent voice. We hope there will be many song services in the future. The pastor maae appro- priate remarks, taking as his" sub- ject PS. 100 : 4. paper. A Methereli. Mr. Elba Yerex played a. violin solo. A'laxge number attended the Ep- worth League last Tuesday evening. Miss Pearl Olvar gave an excellent Mr. David Wickett, Toronto, spent Friday last at his father's. Mr. Mark Wickett. Dr. Yeo, Toronto, spent a few days here visiting his parents. The Christian church held a suc~ cessful social on Wednesaay last. The program was appreciated by all present. The whistling of Miss Mark was specially entertaining, also the music by th? orchestra. 7 Mr. Edward Yerex, of Dakota, spent last week with Mr: E. Z. Yer- activity Ins been WM- considmble business transacted our village during the 9"“ weeks. » Mrs. R. Roach has returned to her new home after spending the winter in Detroit. Rev. E. Honey, Unionville, is 'vis- iting at his home. Mr. J. H. Thompson, Mitchell, was guest at Mr. Greenway‘ s over Sun- day. Mr. Morris Connor, of Kirkï¬eld, spent Sunlay at Mr. John Connor's. â€Mr. Gilroy. of WWW†“'3‘“ his daughter Mrs Wm. Cornish M, Rainer. or McMaster univer- sity, Toronto. spent Sunday at home. The Ladies’ Aid SOCiety of the Methodist church met or Thursday afpernoon in the basement of the church. is spending her Easter vacation at home. _ Mr. Deshane has returned to Tor- onto after a short visit home. Miss, Herbert ‘and Miss Whyte, 9! Lochlin, visited Mrs. J 08. Connor for a. few days. > Morris. Mr. Yerex, Toronto, spent Easter at his‘father’s, Mr. D; Yerex. Mr. Noble, nUniOnville, is Visiting friends in this part. Miss McGifl’in, associate editor of the "Missionary Outlook," 01 the Methodist church, will speak in the chur 1 next Sabbath evening, in the interest of the W.M.S. Miss V. Robertson, B.A., of Pusey, ‘lhere was achildm's se?vice in the Christian church on Sabbath oven- ing. which was enjoyed by those pr?- Thoms’sister. Mrs. W. Clark. Mrquax-v ey Rogers spent the :0â€" lidays with her daughter at myth. Mr. G. Coolidge and daughter miss I. Coolidge, of We, were guests 0...â€" Little ‘Britain; Much as. â€" Much Rodmm ald family, we .visiting‘at V m- .nd Miss Whyte. 9f Mrs. J 03. Connor by Miss in of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Clark on Sun- HARTLEY. lord. Hartley, March 29.â€"â€"-Mr. Lorne Mc- Misfla da it. Jas. Wells has closed his saw- Fadyen, of 1..C I. is spending the to. arrive mill for this season and is now busy {holiday it his home here. holiday cutting wood for the farmers of this Miss Mae McMillan of I indsay, here. vicinity spent the Easte'rtide at her game A larg Don't forget the Women’ a Institute at Palestine. ' took ad meeting at Dr. Ray' 3 on April 6th. Ali-.11.)! Parker is spending the rates and -'_.__ ;Easter week with friends at Duns-a Saturday. 'Bethel. My. March 29. :- Mr. John J , Doube is at present visiting friends at Pontypool. Willted J ackson last Monday. A zinmber of farmers from this vi- cinity attended the stock and imple- ment. sale of the late Thomas Deyen of Ops. » - . Messrs. Isaac Guthrie and John Kerr leave to-day for Manitoba. wood, were the guests of Mr. rand Mrs. Pnrdy last Thursday. ‘\ [cadence Jamesend uwWonu mthegueetso! then-tamer Hr. G. Switur. A new post oï¬be has been started in the community. East Emily is thenuneoftheoflceand it {shew at the home 0! Ir: H. 0'Donnell.. DirEtIImporters Barrie Oshawa. and save money New Rugs, Carpets and everything desirable for to ï¬x up your house. We want you to come lxeie and see just how nicely we can please you. A smart Sing le breasted coat, 32 inches lbng, mm new 11 button trimmed. The long lapels and colors are of self ; tk are trimmed with tabs and buftons. It is made in plain . Thomas Ruth, 0! 111th, ‘of Peterboro or her brother. Mr EMILY. ». of Nor- “S. Vino'Bank Depuhnent “Every Branch. * I -.-. TO fA‘f M M: I‘. l'. W. manger. SeCurc Tickc m. m. we»: c. a. rho-pun. Actindw ' WI?“ I, U C “ ' l MI Ione- Seek THESTANDARDBANK I To “We Special Spring Hats in Medal†Brand Hate, the best qualities procura- ble and newest Shapes, $2.50 é invisible stripe patterns In good wearing hard ï¬nished worsteds, just the kind of material for spring wear. Special range at l2.50 Men’s Clothin ’ 9 Low Priced Here 32 inches lbng, with neat ï¬tted back and colors are of self ; the sleeves, Wlm For sums up to $50 our “MoneyOrdcnare Wandmexpensive. Forhgermuweissuc Mamdï¬mummwflmflaw Men’s New Style Sprigg Spits! Your New Spring Costume me very best Values obtain. chic anywhere are at this Store. However, wewill let youbejudger so come and make comparisons» " Spring! Millinery News We emphasisex‘the importance of buying your SpringiMillineu-yright n’ow. This store offers you a wonderï¬lfly' large range select from and our prices and styles are pleasing to 056 who care to save and yet procure newest styles. ‘ ma OF CANADA . TRANSMITTING MONEY \. . Ilse Maggie McFadyen, of T oron- tO. arrived on Friday to spend her “by with hiends and relatiVCS :mmaca 31, mo “King Quality†number nber of our emu-s a of the excurdOI visit to Lindsay 0' and "Gold DUN CHOICEST w noWNEY' S CI ta Manitoba EVERY TU MARCH 'm larges‘ e World’s mum! FR m. JOHN Through the thence Via Dulutj through Chicagoi d Minnaï¬olis al‘ Settler WIN N1 PEG A EDKONTON TICKETS G( W16 'n W, Sax W certain Paciï¬c way. Low co . - 10 PAC]? I UNTII All suitable w man. at Passengers lea pm. duly (excel) 23mm» at l the throw:' m of the N those requiring slecpc Low Columbia 3 From lax-ch Agent. C.P.R.. hmbia Write or call )IT‘ Drug Variety 1, We are More have nred with 1 more and in. The fro-n To: APRIL IND