Paid 4 3113365 y to spend 5' s- and rent". :ymg your fers you ‘ our prim save and ad “Gold you, of Toron- Easter Blogsom Once more and all earth seems glad. We are any way. for ne- ver hc‘fm‘t‘ have we been better preparul with the mmmczwr I‘A'IVI‘ERSON’S and â€fwmavs CHOCOLATES. to Manitoba, Alberta Saskatchewan and EVERY TUESDAY DURING MARCH AND APRIL Settlers’ Trains Through the metropolis of Ch‘cago' thence via Duluth and F0“ 9'35“?†or thmugh Chicago and the “Vii! “has 9‘ of Minneapolis and St. Paul- ‘ World All suitable gifts for the Eas- ter season. atâ€" DUNOON’S DAIN'I‘Y FRAGRANT FUMES. Paswngorsleaving‘ Lindsa at. 4.35 pm. daily (except Sunday),Wi 001111th atmemm at. 10.10 p.m. same (1 with Hu- through express trains for: al partx' nf tht‘ NorthWeSt and Brltmh (‘nhuuimL The only through line. No ('hun' from Toronto_to Win38 WBSt- 'rhw rewiring berth reservations in ~lt‘vpcrs npply_early APRIL 5TH AND 1911-! 1 wxxxxpeo AND RETURN. 832-00w EDMONTON “ " 942.5!“ TICKETS GOOD FOR so DAY§ a Proportionate rates to princip‘e t3 3.“ Manitoba, Saskatchewan and mCluidng certain points on Grand-Trunk Paciï¬c Railway. A , LOW COLONIST RATES , TO PACIFIC COAST DAIEY " \‘N‘urc Tickets and full W mm_ 5 ,‘M .. ,. tun. mug-u. â€If“ 1 lulu“ M’www WeJJ good Phone l4 JOHN CAREW special Low RatOI'I to‘ Brithh Columbia. and PmmoOoaIt Points From March ilt:to April 15th \\'rito- at UN†Ml T50. “OtOhOQt, Agvm L‘..l‘.l{.. Lindsay, Ont. 'I‘ho lurgvst assortment of the a. large quantity of cod Dry Wood for sale. Higinbotham, Druggist LINDSAY wngors leaving Lindsay lnily (except Sunday),wx mum at. 10.10 p.m, SI Drug Store f a, large quantity 1’9! old-styles chemical be better and more , No matter what is ï¬ves we have it, _-also Lindsay iWifldSor LiveryHIâ€"an Struck E Down and Killedâ€"His AssailantjEscaped { Windsor, Ont. Match; 30. -â€"Chester I‘erkins, a: Windaér Everyman, was. gstruck -down-in~ front of his bani last night about 10 o ’clock by ‘3: man known as “Scotty,†and died ga‘ his honio, where he was at once :n.oved, about midnight. “Scotty †ihas disappeared, and it is auppgsed 'he crossed ov er to Detroit. I In every home where Baby’s . Own Tablets are used you will ï¬nd rosy,. returdy, good-natured children, be- i cause the Tablets cleanse the stom- ach and bowels, aid digestion, and thus bring perfect health. And you “can give them with equal safety to tne new born baby or the well grown child. Mrs. A. E. McLeod, of Wood- stock. Ont†says: "I have used ' Baby’s Own Tablets since my baby Mas two weeks old, and have found ithem of great beneï¬t for the ailments of childhood. especially for stomach and bowel troubles. and when tooth- ing ’5 Sold by medicine deelerl. or bv mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr Williams' Medicine 00 . Brock- Ville. Ont. The trouble which led,to the fatal". assault is said to have arisen over T'orkins’ refusal to rent a'rig to “Scotty†on account of the‘~ latter being intoxicated. Little is known of Scotty’s ante- cedents, ‘the man haying made his debut in the city only last Sunday. Perkins leaves a. widow. but“ no DONGOLA. Dongoln. March 26.â€"Mr. John Qbernethey, of Wainwright. Alto... is visiting friends here this week. He expects to go West on Tuesday. Mr. Russell Avery. of ‘Fort. William is visiting his aunt and uncle. Mrs. and Mr. G. W. Woodcock. of this place. - Mr.‘ Wm. Davis went to Minder: on Monday on business and returned on Tuesday. _ â€"__.â€"V" _ Mr‘. and Mrs. Thou. Argue and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Quinn went to Kin- mount on Tuesday. ' \ â€" g G. H. Barkwell and Art. BarkWeu were at. Coboconk on Thursday. Mr. Noble Pugh, of Coboconk, was at John L. DaVis’ on Friday. . The Union Jack was flying in our school yard on Good Friday. Rev. Mr. Woon came over the bad roads from Norland on Wednesday night to prayer meeting. ‘ "’ “_â€".:_ Mrs. Sprung visited Mrs. Davis one day last week. Mr. Will. Quinn had a very sues cessful wood bee on Friday. Miss Rene O’Brien, who spent the winter at Shelbourne, Ont., returned to her home here on Tuesday. Miss Ina O’Brien returned on Tues- day from Shelbourne, where she has been visiting the last two weeks. Miss A. M. Curtis has gone to her ‘home at Milliken, Ont.. to spend‘the ‘Easter holidays. We hope she may have a pleasant time. St. Patrick’s day passed very quietly here. Leslie Pogue attended the Forester's ball at Kinmount. Mr. Silas and Percy O'Brien visit- ed at Fenelon Falls last Saturday and attended the Aldous and Cash- ore repository sale. They think the cattle sold pretty high. Messrs. Will and Walter McGee are home from the camp. where they put 'in a. steady winter. Mr. Will McGee bought a four-year“- old horse irom Thos. Greer last I A load of young people Coboconk on Mondaymig Sturdy Children (Special to The Warden)». .ple drove to night and had Davis I Windsor, exit... Maréh 30â€"A1ter an [al‘ nig‘t hunt by Windsor police. iJoseph Thompson, of Pontiac, Mich. i“. as arrested about nine o 'clock this lmorning, charged with the murder of : Chester Perkins. . Thompson was found. near |lilichigan Central tunnel. He {formerly of Stratiqrd, Ont. children. lie of age. A ‘ Paul de Montcalm, who claims to be. the last of the house to whicn _the famous general belonged, was arrest.- ed in Brooklyn on a. charge of lar- ceny. ‘ / a very enjoyable time. The snow is nearly all gone ‘and the weather has been very spring like. However, a change came on Friday and it is.colder now. A number. of the young men are talking of having a-wood bee. Mr. Ed. Graham is visiting his friend Mr. Will Quinn. Ethel Argue is visiting her grand- mother, Mrs. Thos. McBride. Mrs. Taggart has returned to her home after a very pleasant visit to her gister, Mrs. Jolm Sired, of Burnt River, ' A g KIRKFIELD. Kirkï¬eld. March 28.â€"-Miss May Mc- Innis, of Orillia. High school. is spending the Easter holidays at her home here. Mrs. (Dr.) McLean and little son and daughter are visiting at Mrs. McLean's home in Nottawe. Miss Maud Fraser, of Detroit. is visiting .under the parental roof. Easter services were held in our Presbyterian chilnch on Sunday lost. both in the afternoon and owning. conducted by our pastor. Rev. H. H. Turner. . Mrs. John Smith and children of Coboconk, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Smith. Miss .E. Shepherd, of Rentrew, is visiting under the parental roof. . Miss Marshall of Cannington, spent Easter with her sister Mrs. F. Feed. The Misses Kihg, of Victoria Read, «moniâ€" .andaV with their aunt, Mrs. The Misses King. spent Sunday With .3110. Waterson. M‘r. W. Smith, of Lindsay, spept a few days of last week in our burg. Mrs. Abrien and Mrs. Donald Fras- er spent Saturday in Lindsay. Mrs. MacArthur, of Woodville, Miss Bickle spent EaSter w: sister, Mrs. H. Auderkirk, of bridge. - Miss McFadden, of Toronto, spent Saturday siting her quden. Mrs; H. F- hondays‘ with ï¬eld. boro visited him over Sunday. Andrew Gusty and Will. Graham spent Saturday in Lindsay. We regret to report the illness oi Mr. Malcolm Fraser. Mr. W. Hill and Miss McArthur, oi Woodville. spent Sunhay in town. ‘ Mrs.‘ Young is spending Easter at .her home near Branttord. . Miss Josie ‘ Lucey. 0! Toronto. spent Eaéter under the parental roof. Mrs. Sangster spent Saturday in Lindsay. ' laluuu‘a-y v Master Bennie Smith is spending his Easter holidays in Hartley. . Mrs. Bickle spent Easter at Eldon station. Miss Mitchellis visiting friends in Toronto and Windsor. A slight form of measles has an- gered many or the homes in our vil- lage this month- \ The my .friends 91m. G. 0. Staples are very glad to hear that he is recovering tram the severe bite which he mama»: week from one of the town 6058." -. ' {2 Lizzie Smith .is spending a vs with friends in Balsover. H. F. Parks is spending her ’é with her parents in Lake- Connor's cousin ‘adden, of Toronto, is vi- cousin Miss Mysia Mac- y in’ our town. spent Easter with her I. Auderkirk, of Ux- about forty W5 !rom Peter- was Washington, M 27. â€"' For the present. at least. there will be no tariï¬ war with em Follqwing a conference between President Taft. Secretary of State Knox. Secretary otmthe Treasury McVeigh. ‘Proff Ii. C. Emofy, of the' Tan-398.111. and Charles W. Pepper, the cofntqercial adviser of the State Department, re- preanting the United sum, and W. S. Fielding,~ Minister of Railwaya, of the Dominion of Canada, Seem. tary Knox gave out this state- “The negotiations between the President and the Canadian repres- entatives, which “re begun at Al- bany some days ago, were resumed at Washington yesterday. and were concluded. They have taken a form which gives assurance that a friend- ly understanding will be come to im- mediately. It is expected that the ofï¬cial announcement will be made simultaneously at Washington and Ottawa. on Wednesday, the 30th ment. It was understood, however, that when Mr. Fielding and Mr. Graham walked into the Cabinet room to meet the President they brought; with them certain concessions. Just. Ottawa. inst . ' ' J anetville, March 29.â€"The people of Janetville spent a ; pleasant and social evening lately in the ‘Forestâ€" ers.’ hall. There was a short pro- gram rendered. after which the ad- dress and present was presented to Mr. Lloyd Johnston by the young people of this village. Various games were played and a dainty lunch was served. ï¬IEEsENTATIoNATJANETVInE rwvrâ€"‘ - _ games were played and a dainty luEER ARE SCARCE. lunch was served. Geo. Stevens. of the Gull River THE ADDRESS Lumber Co.. Coboconk. was in towni Dear Lloyd.â€"We need scarcely “3’ Tuesday on his way home from that it is with feelings °' regret that Haliburton. He has been out for the. we are memmul here to-night t° past several .days snow-shoeing! convey to you an “Pm’mn °‘ °‘â€' around Howke. Kenesese and Red-1 feeling Md ‘0 bid 37°“ "NW9“ ere stone lakes. timber ranging. He re-u you depart for your new home in the ports deer as m scarce. seeing western part of our good Dominion. traces at only one. which the wolves “purine the yours you how 890M had killed. nothing but the hair be- among' us we have found you to be ing left. ‘ u good and honorable friend and _._____â€"__â€"â€"â€" ‘ c m anion and in ° p -' ' om'ruuw. , social functions you have ever been a leader and will- ing to help and carry out your DONALD ANGUS McCUAIC . ' in our outdoor life Woodville. March 28.â€"'l‘he death your place in our baseball team occurred on Monday afternoon at 3 “"110“ 3’0“ “1196,90 well and credit- o’clock of Donald Angus McCuaig, inl ably will be hard now to 1111. Your his 88th year. The deceased was a aid as pitcher has been much ielt native of Islay, Scotland, and came and .1193 been the. means 01 victory |to this country when a young man in many cases- A156. when Winter and settled on the 7th concession of came with ice and snow and hockey Eldon where he famed for eighteen was mentioned you were again t0 years, when he retired and moved to the front to see the good sport and Woodvine, where he resided until his exercise, carried out and ï¬lled the death. The deceased was well and uplace'of captain of cor little team widely known and had a large circle iin good manner- And in the sleigh of friends who will regret to learn rides you also took an interesting of his death. He leaves to mourn] A-_- o 9 e___ A 1--.:u... .niflnm and four 1 4‘ part, but now the time has when we must part. We to remain at our daily tasks about the homes of our and your childhood and. you away to a new home in the West. In your new home we wish you every success and health and well being. Our loss will be some other's gain. As a slight token of our esteem we ask you to accept this ï¬tted suit- case which we hope you will be long â€spared to use, and that when using it you will remember us in your thoughts .as friends and well wishers for a good and noble life in the place you have chosen to take up your abode. Again permit us to say farewell with the hopes oi again seeing you at some future time. Farewell dear iriend. and ii forever fare thee well. wétgrnecl in tiehal! of the people J anetvme - REPLy TO ADDRESS. Dear Chairman, Ladies and Gentle- mamâ€"This assembly has been a wonderful surprise to me. and I can assume and ieel I have not been Worthy of the sentiments of this ad- dress and presentation; Anything I have done to the interest ‘0! the vil- lage has only been a pleasure. The peOple of J anetville and “unity have always been. kind and affec- tionate to me and I have many pleasant reallections to remember this place by many social eVening‘B ‘we have spent tagether that I can never forget. Hockey and baseball were always in my line and I didmy utmost to help along with such sport.bnt'uwenownmstpert I wish to see Tand‘have you call upon 1.30 in the west. W you .11 for your mono 111'â€th lflt mm. I in! how. 1.1mm ‘Jonns'rON. it propar'ior‘ llr.'1‘alt town! that she is not ' discriminating †W United 8mm imports- Ig .m assisted on good authority also that for the present at least there will be no reciprocity treaty with Canada. ‘ The President.‘ by proclamation probably. will declare that Canada is not unduly discriminatory, and her goods Will be admitted to the United. States with the minimum rates assessed against them. It would be dimcult. to get a trade treaty with Canada through Con- gress, and also hard to put it through the Canadian Parliament. The success of the President in averting a“ tarifl‘ war which would have created a serious situation. both economically and politically. caused much favorable comment here. The President was .able to exerb cise judicial discretion in the ' mat. ter, but was unwilling to strain a point. in favor of Canada. unlgss he could secure some tangible gi'ounds on which to base lavomble action. .DIKDPIHEDrIIAJL Early this afternoon a. man named Skipperd. of the House of Refuge, was taking a load of hay to the mat- ket to be weighed, and was just turn- ing down the lane on the north side of the. tire ball when the rack and hay overturned on the road. butter- tnnately Mr. Skipperd was not hurt. He was travelling rather fast around the corner. OBITU ABY DONALD ANG US McCUAIG Woodville. March 28.â€"'l‘he death occurred on Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock of Donald Angus McCuaig‘. in his 88th year. The deceased was a native of Islay, Scotland, and came to this country when a young man and settled on the 7th concession of Eldon where he farmed tor eighteen years, when he retired and moved to Woodville. where he resided until his death. The deceased was well and widely known and had a large circle of friends who will regret to learn of his death. He leaves to mourn his loss a loving widow and four daughters. WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS 2000 Rolls of Wall Papers Ming in price !1 and English, latest de out. Alabastine. 1“" Curtain Poles. 3W“!!! GEORGE INGLE. Proprietog [5nd . All kinds of interior finish Lite} 1 to order. Comer Cambridge um 1872 a price from 60 to 81 per roll. Canadian, mnenuuu latest designs. newest colorlngs. Prices are the low- :ine. llaulo. Hureeco, Whitening. _Window Shades, Curtain Roda. Room;l[ouldings, etc. TO CHOOSE FROM UV.“ re-stocked wwith the best material. ms. ‘ mg 22;; “mg: ‘. J. Parsons ’° mm†. EXPENDITURES ’t m,†Salaries ox, librarians ....... : th ““18 Sea-trees. .. . " â€â€œ1 Light ............................... but m" Fuel . ‘9. _ ’3’“: Books ...................... ' ......... 0ҠPeriodicals Binding Printing.. Postage and box .. In “mpmukmg rooms . (m Janitor ............................ for the ,Inaumnce ........................ shoeing jLiabmtlea {mm 1909 ....... ‘ BedJRepalrs .. w. y... .Contingencies .................. River SPRING Following is a statement of the Public Library estimates for the ensuing year. The Library Board at. Public Library Estimates for I910 a. meitvmeeting of the town council asked that the usual levy of half a mill be made to the Library : I'BTHEB III BAUBHTER SAVER BY 8!! PILLS 11-. I'm-s“ Kidnny Randy. 44 00111127 Ave†» Toronto, _ March let, 19. “While engaged as assistant at Ster- ï¬gmcmy'sSidingmnjbmme famihlrwith the merits of Gin Pills. (.35 353 . ‘T 4:3th $331? an my u ter a . in poorhulth. Theformcrhadttiedall and: of media for Mailmanâ€"Middle AgeotChangeofLife. Thejointsinhe: :qupbadlyswonenandmmm pun. It oecurrcdto me that Gin Pilk would hdphu’andsoadvisedher. ThiswaSa happydhonght, for my wife wrote back togay she w§s trying Gin Pilk. I .1 A A1, _ -2“- _._‘ Her next letter 853d that the pills were >‘ ghergood, andtheseoond, that the swollen jomts went: last dbapparint. Also, her general health and color was vastly mproved. Now, she cannot say too much in favor of Gin PiIIS. My daughter has also derived much beneï¬t from their use." Wu. B. CRAIG. Simply write to the National 111:3 8: ChemicalCo. Deg: B. TorontO. ‘1 free sample sent YO“- When Gin Pilhhave proved their gmt value, gtt than} at NM 3 but. 5 0; Balance on hand ............... s 385.47 Government grant 250.00 County grant. ................... 80.00 Sale 0! periodicals 57.90 Tickets and ï¬nes 0 18.00 Amount to be raised by the town ....................... Winnipeg fruit importers have pe- titioned the Dominion Government to allow the free importation of fruit and vegetables during the winter months. The ioe jam in the Thames near Chatha/a went out yesterday after- noon without doing any fur‘a her dam- roll. Canadian. American PAGE THIRTEEN .30 0.0... I.- ..c to nun-outcouoo. o o to o.- uouo o... .cuov up... can to... co. coo-o. on no... u-u ova ntot o. 1910 ....... ..-o 100.00 2 2003.86 1262.49 222.86 ‘35 00 741.37 ‘ol the kil ESE TILL SHE IUS' hisleg. doctor eight It; db. Dodd'l I shown M.