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Watchman Warder (1899), 31 Mar 1910, p. 16

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“’1 eh] A large congregation attended the Easter service in the Methodist church an Sunday evening. The pul- pit and surroundings were beautiful- ly arranged with Easter lilles, ferns, and other pretty foliage plants. which had a pleasing effect. Rev. S. A. Dupraw delivered a very impress- ive and edifying sermon. Special music for the occasion was furnished Mr. and Mrs. W. Mollon and their- !our children are moving to Oshawa this week. We are sorry to lose them as citizens, but what will be our loss we hope will be their gain. by the choir. Mrs. (Dr‘) McPhail and Miss Jennie Glendinning each sang a solo. The afternoon service by the Sunday school scholars was also well attended, and especially in- teresting. A pleasing feature of the service. was the beautiful singing ren~ dered by the children and prepared by Mrs. Smith, their eflirient organ- ist. Ills honor Judge D. McIntyre, of Whitby, spent Easter Monday with his sister. .-‘ J ANETYILLE. Janetvillc, March 28.â€"()n Sunday morning, April 3rd, Rev. Mr. Gomm. preaches his Yaledlctory sermon to the J an'etvi,1e congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker, and Miss Della Heaslip are visiting at the home of Mr. Benj. McGill, Peter- boro. ~ Miss Gracie Hobbs, of Toronto, is visiting her parents during the holi- day season. Mr. and Mrs: J as. Armstrong are spending Easter week in Toronto. Mrs. Black and son,- of Bexley, are visiting her sister, Mrs. W. .A. Stin- son . Miss L. Short, teacher, of Mount Dennis, is being entertained during the holiday season at the home of Manilla visitor. Mrs. T. Grills and his sons are suf- fering from an-attack of la. grippc. Mr. Walks, public school inspector. xisited our school last Thursday fore- noon, and was favorably impressed with the condition of the school. He delighted the pupils with a. half hol- iday. Mr. Burnsj sawmill begins work this week, having a. large season’s cut on hand. Mr. Henry Henderson. sr., has re- turned to Janetville, having spent a couple of months in Cornwall, Bar- ne and other points. Mr. John Baxter has engaged 101' the season with Geo. McKay, Ops. Easter vacation. Mrs. John Thompson. of Toronto. and was Allan of Blackwater, spent 6001!} Friday at the home of Miss Mary pongâ€"as. engo'imsfw‘E? , mm “W, _ the gals-oi “hen-ilparehts; Mrs ‘W. J. James o'_f'_ prfihar and Missgs Lauise and Margaret Robin- son, of Uxbridge, are the guests of Mr and Mrs. G. (latter during the . MANHLA. , . "’ 'is‘sp mum. m 28.â€"-rrhe public 511m. schoo} flag was waving in thebreeze Mr. last Thursday in commemoration of to s] the birthday of Rev. Dr. Byerson; Toro founder of the educational system . Mi! Master Harold SpenSley, Uxbridge, is up was a visitor at the residence of Mr: Miss S. McIntyre last week. visiti -Mrs. George Coone and Miss “Zilâ€" 1m- dred are holidaying in Oshawa, the is sp guests of Lt and Mrs- S- Conway. der t The Misses Steele, of Toronto are M1: home Mr. Rirhard Pearce and the Misses Della, Beatrice and Eva Pearce, all of Toronto. are holidaying at the parental home. â€" -- MissStinson. of' Peterboro, is vis- iting her parents in J anetville. Qfiite a. inumber of farmers have been making maple syrup this sea- son. which came in early. Misses Nellie Johnson and Eva. Baxter: intend to leave for Toronto For report of presentation to Mr Lloyd Johnston, see other columns. BEXLEY. Mr. Campbell Grayham, who has been attending. school in Belleville, PAGE SIXTEEN English had placed in his week a handsome ne'w piâ€" [TEEN ' Miss Susie and Warren Stoddard, [of Port Hope, are spending the holi- gdays here with their parents. Next Sabbath evening Bev. A. J. Mann will preach a. special sermon for men. He will be assisted by a, male choir. Mr. William Newman, who has been in Manitoba during the last two months, has returned home. Rev. B. A. Whattam is in Toronto at present. Mr. Jack Hepaeustall, Percy Ford, Arthur and Cecil Smith, all of To- ronto, were gone for Easter. Mr. Lloyd Hill, of the Standard Bank, is visiting at his home in Richmond Hill. .MISS Mary McCallum, of the ,Peter- boro Normal School, is visiting here with her parents. The Methodists of this place held a song service on Easter Sunday. Miss Mattie McEachern and Miss McCartney, of Toronto, are calling on frxends here. Mrs. John Kidd, of Cookstown, is spending a. few days with her father, Mr. Jacob Barnes. Mrs. (Rev.) A. J. Mann and non, Master Allin, are visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Lena. Ferguson, who has been at. home with her mother, returned to Toronto last Saturday. ' Master Harvey Beacroft, of the L. C. I., is home for Easter. Miss Anna. McLaughlin and the Misses Lil,ian, Marjorie, and Dom Campbell, of Toronto, spent the Easter holidays with friends here. Mr. Preston, of the Standard Bank, spent the hoiiday in Toronto. Mr. Sinclair McLean, of the Stan- dard Bank, Campbellford, is spend. ing a few holidays in the village. Mrs. Murray Wilson, of Canning- t:.n, called 08. friends'in the village last week. Miss Lamb, of Stouflville, is viskt- ing her friend. Miss Gertrude Barnes. Mr. Thos. Westlake was a visitor at Cannington one day recently. Mrs. Harry Robertson called on Cannington friends on Tuesday of last week. Miss Lizzie McCuaig was called home on account of the illness of her father. urday in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKague 'are visiting their son in Kingston \ this WOODVILLE. ‘ Woodville. March 29,â€"Mrs. 1‘. RE Edwards visitgd Cannington friends one ’day last week. It. Charlie new left Saturday to spend a. few days with-W Toronto. ~ 111139 Josie Brentnell of Lindsay, is spvnding a. few days at her home. Mrs. J as Black and son Eddie are visiting with friends at J anetvdle. Mr. Gordon Black of the L. ..I ., is spending the Easter holidays un- der the parental roof. M12. Arthur Peel and family leave 111â€"1110111111 for Lithune. . They. will be greatly missed here, and .we WISh them success in their new home. . Mrsi George Flint and daughter Lima, of Argyle, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J as. McKague, of tins. place. ‘ Mr. Frsnk Studsbury. oi Toronto,j is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. A]? bert Alton. , Mr. Charlie Peel, of Coboconk,ca11- ed on our burg this week. Mr. Albert. Alton called on' friends in Woodville this week.‘ - Capt. N. L. Patterson was in Stofifl'vifle on the 23rd inst... attend- mg the wedding of his cousin, Miss Mary J. Turner, to Alex. J. 005m, of Oakville. The first gardening '0! the seasonfi was dOne here toâ€"day, the ‘28th inst...“ when Capt. Patterson planted on- ions and sowed lettuce seed. ,- Miss McArthur, of the post office here, and her friend, W. Hill, were visiting" friends in Kirkfiech Mr. IIoe Mcnroy, of Linden Val- ley. is visiting at the home of Mr. A. McLeod. Franklin, March 29.â€"Many of the farmers in this vicinity'have com- menced to do then- plowing, and. if the present weather continues, seed- ing will commence next week. The fall wheat and clover are looking marriage pg his cousin. mg: m. of Cameron. , V Among the‘ Easter visitors 'were Mrs. A. B. =Bradburn and children of g0memee, who visited at tne home of "hernparents, Mr. John Sealer, of To- ronto. was the guestof Mr, Tripp ronto. was ‘4 ova Sunday. spending the holidays . Moore and Miss May spent Sat- Jos.. G Gardiner is attending the FRANKLIN. at: his home Mr. W. H. Keslick is spending his holidays at his home in Cresswell.» Mrs. Jas. Black and son Eddie are viSiting relatives at Janetville. Mr. Chas. McKague is the guest of friends in;Toronto. Mrs. Flint, of Argyle, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. McKague. Mr. M. Coulter, of Victoria Road, has been in our vilia for a. few days before leaving for the West. Mr. Jas. Barker is now living in the house vacatedrby-Mr. A. Peel. Mr. A. Peel and Roy left with their car for Bethune, Sask., on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Peel and the remainder of the family left this morning. All expect to land about the same time. Mr. Campbell Graham and his cou- sin Mr. F. Stotsbury, of AlbertHCol- lege, Belleville, are spending their holidays at the home of the form- er. Mr. J as. and Miss May Moore were in Lindsay last Thursday. Mr. Gordon Black, of the L;C.I., is spending his holidays under the parental roof. Miss Josie Brentnell is spending a few days at home. Mr. George Moore left Thursday morning for Woodville. BEXLEY. Bexley, March 28.â€"Mr. and Mrs. G. T. McKague are visiting their son, Mr. F. McKague, at. Lans- downe. Mr. A. Alton visited friends at Canning-ton and Woodville_on Thurs- day last.‘ - Mr. Wm. Steinkrauss, accompanied by his friend Mr. George Walton, of Peterboro, is visiting old friends in this .vicinity, it being his former home. Mrs. H. Penrose, of Minden town- ship. is reported very ill. . Mr. J oh_n Bone is spending his Eas‘ tot holidays in Toronto. ‘ . Mrs. H;@ smem is the m1. of fiends in Cavan. ' ZIONâ€"FENELON Zion, Penelon, March 28. â€"- Mr. Cecil Brown, of‘Islay, spent his Ens. ter holidays . under the parental roof.~ Mrs. Wm. Wilson and daughter Martha are spending the Easter holidays under the parental roof. Mrs. Wm. Wilson and daughter Martha are sgending the Easter week with friends at Kirkfield. _ Mr. C. Johnston, of Toronto, .js swing his Easter holidays at the home ‘of Mr. Robert Philips. Miss Gertrude Junkin left. on Thursday night to spend her Easter holidays at her home in Bethe]. ' Mr. S. Lewis, of Mariposa, g form- er resident of Minden township, is renewing old acquaintances berg; Mr. and Mrs. Fielding are ‘spend- ing their Easter in Toi'onto. few days with her sister Stewart, of Smith- quncesr Mi Gu§"'fribp has co'ihmenc‘ed' to cut his large stock of logs. The stock is larger than last season. Mr. Levi Mann who has spent the winter here returned to’ his home in the wwt on Monday. boro friends. Mr. Roy Hamilton and Mr. w. Kel- lat, of Haliburton, made a flying visit. to our burg this week. Mr. Andy Kemohan is, very ill with inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. Jas. Reynolds returned home from Toronto on Monday last. Minden, March 26.-â€"Mr. Robert Ranson ‘arrived in town.~ from Lind- Mrs. ij. and Mrs. Daniel Moynes started on Friday for Whitby, where they intend spending the week with friends. Mrs. E. Moy‘nes left on Thursday} last to spend a week with her dag-1144‘ ter, 'Mrs. Brandon .of Whitby.. A large number of Zion friends nth tended the wedding 01.15333 Aggie Thursday last. e are gladto see ihe robins hazel: once. more and to breathe in the balmy spring air. Miss Zena Cruess is spmding her holidays ' among her many Zion friends. The sopial evening held by the Is- lay Institute at the home of His. Thomas Hill on Friday night proved I a. decided success. Mrs. Earnest Snelling of Welland. E. O _to Mr. George Webster "on Veals is visiting. 110a- MINDEN. is spending her Easteriweek with her brother and her many other Zion lriends. We are alga to welcome Miss Sar- ah Worsley of Welland back again for the Euster’beason. to their hotne in Peter-hora after spending a, couple of weeks at the home of Mr. I. Neylor. We are glad to \see‘Miss Elva. Worsley about again after her recent illness. BURY’S GREEN“ Bury’s Green. March 28.-Mr. Ed- win Flett has secured ' the contract for erecting the telephone poles for the Burnt River Telephone Co. '3 new line-to Fairbairn and will commence as soon as the weather will permit. It is reported that Mr. Benjamin Smith has recently purchased Mr; Christopher Heaslip' a farm near Fairbairn. ~ ! Quite a number obour farmers are having some difficulty in securing hired help for the summer months owingtotheacarcityofmminthe vicinity. ' Miss 'W. Taylor, teacher. at 8.8. No. 7, Verulun, left on Thuradty evenmgoxhatwoektospend the ,Hr.-Perrin, traveler for the H'ogg a; Lytle seed firm..spent a few da'ys among _our farmers taking orders {or their/Iancy seed peas. Mrs. McMartin returned he in Peter-Doro after Meg’s Suits in single-breated mod- els, broad lapels, snug fitting col- lars, concave shoulders, coats just the right. length. trousers full of ease and grace, hEnd‘some spring fabrics. Prices $14, $15, $17 and $18. Men's New Spring Suits, single- breasted, in dark brown, grey and olive. with neat narrow stripes in fine English and Scotch Tweeds. Price $6 to $8. Men’s New Spring Suits, single- breasted, in dark brown and olive, with neat narrow stripes and checks, all wool worsted material, haircl‘oth and fine serge trimmed. Price $10 to $12. Men'a Suits in single and double- breasted models. broad lapels, snug fitting collar. concave shoulders, soft finish serge lining, made from fine black and blue clay worsteds, trous- Men’s new Cravenette Overcoats in light and dark grey stripe and check cloth, with long lapels, Prussian and Presto collar. Prices $6, $8 and $10. ers full of ease and grace. Price $10. $12. $14 and $16. WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM THE STORE Correct CLOTHING k and Furnishings Miss J on Parker, teacher at Un- ion - 8.8. No. 12, SomerVille', is spending the Boater holidays at her home near Dundord. Easter holidays-at her home in To ronto. Mr. Robert Wilkinson spent a few days in Toronto last week, returning on Monday. Mrs. Frank Twitchell, of Cleve- land, 'is visiting at the home-of Mr. J as. Akisber at present. Miss Maud Lunb ls spending the Easter holidays with relatives in Lindsay. The strike 0! mper and sulphite makers has now spread to five mills of the International Paper Co. FARM FOR SALEâ€"In the Town- ship of Ops. E. halt lot 16. non. 19, nontnining 100 acres, nearly an cloned, and well 11mm. being one milo trom ochool and church, one and a. half miles from Ben? boro, good day land, bank born and frame house. Rea-one”. tent TEURSLIAY. APRIL 7. BY JOS. Meghan. auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and implements. the Aproperty of J as B. HoGIhey. lot 2. con. .11. may Sale of. or»: o 'clock and without reserve. ‘ Lindsay. for \ Select you s RING SUIT early, Sir-Select it now. There never fins 3 better Wot the Sprlng Stvles are just in ftoql the World’s Best Tailor Sheps. ' Choice shd‘handsomecgumente all booming with the new style ‘featnnee and spring .jreshness. Correct models'and fabrics for MIDDLE AGED MEN and all the shell stunts for the DASHING YOUNG DRESSER. Remember that luck chase made here, and tha your Spring Suit. this season q not sold. Apply lat lueli'or chxnoe never enter into a pm- and that there's no time like now to choose Men's New Motor (WEI-coats. in (um and stone grey shades. made from English paramatta, guaranteed waterproof with long lapels, Prus- aim and Presto collar. prices $8, 25 dozen Half Hose. It's about this time of the year that nature bgins to kick up didos, and she is likely to favor us with a shower at almost any time. We are ofl’ering our trade nothing but good umbrellas of gloria. union or taffeta, natural wood, gunmetal, horn and silver trimmed handles, self opening, price 50c, 75c. $1 to Umbrellas .. It who disgraceful but that isn’t worrying and the .I! you cannot call, write or Thou" giving depth of well and purpose m which ntger is reguired. We will know just what tools and numeria1 to mag. Windmills for sale and order; (9; wood-inning attend“ t“ promptly. *J. DENNIS , Half a Century Victlria 0mm Bldg- 40c Black Llama W001 Price 25c. ' "B! said that wine- improves lwith :6 This is true of other things Established to die 'phone. tum “d F'tesj mics, a {e PLANE been talk I i! quit» ‘OKY If y«

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