:bl Marble and Granite Monument} Still doing business in the same old stand but not in the same old way. We dvance with the times endure inza position to do better work than ever. â€" -â€" --...1 PWIv-vu vv â€". , , New designs, new granites, new and mproved tools and methods, in fact the most up-to-date Marble and Gran- ite Works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. Shop and show rooms 11 8: 13 Cam- bridge St., immediately north of Fire Edison 16.50;â€. Victor and Berliner Gramaphones Washint Wes Clothe- Wflngen Step Ladders ' Wheel Baron Fun-tam Stretcher: Bird Cages H one, Gli ppm Poultryalietting Lihdsay ï¬JiBiZT’WBEi; R. CHAMBERS, Prop‘ McLennan A phonograph or gram: one furnisheu gmd entortmnmen an. very low cost. Make, yourjunfly a. present. at one. w. H. ROENIGK Those cannot be not Mallow“ prices, no matter where you 30. Records for all Machine: All xnmkoa 013mm and rifle- repair- «a. yusnd Ipxln a httod to looks. mac nus an nerd obbin s“L[1§DSAYM;mm0YOI§3WOR§KS 8 It“.- SIlIu'ponod ad troll-had Portland! Cement Glazed Sewer Pipe Fire; Bgipkq _ Qpï¬etor . William - 3'. NEXT POST BUILDING Hamillâ€, Mdflflfldfl 8t (0. Phonographs PAGE FOUR‘ ludomy :of lush: Block Kalsomine 12.00 up ‘. Shephsrdâ€™ï¬ ma" Paint Floor W ; Clay Members of Lindsay "Bar Gave Big Banquet to a Departing Fellow Member A. I’. Devlin. Others present were: R. J. McLaughlin, K.C.. C. E. Weeks, Major F. ~Holmes Hopkins, Reeve G. A.. Jordan, H. A. Holmes. nor, B.A., Registrar C. D. Barr, 'l‘iu-s. Stewart, Registrar J. 31. Sootheran. G. H. Wilson (Post), A1- lan Gillies (Warder), L. R. Knight. I. E. Weldon, A. M. Fulton and Magistrate Jackson. As remarked by one of the speak- ers it was a happy family gather- ing of the legal fraternity and a con- ple of Mr. McDiax-mid's most inti- mate friends. The utmost good will and freedom prevailed, and the func- tion was a success in every way. 'At the Benson House on Wednesday the ï¬ndsay Bar did honor to a. de- parting member of the profession. Covers were laid for twenty-two peo- ple, and that. number sat down to the board at nine oiclock. Mr. I“. D. Moore, K.C., was at the head of the table, and at his right sat the guest of the evening, Frederick Armand Mo- Dianm'd, while His Honor Judge Harding occupied a chair at his left; Mr. G. H.‘ Hopkins. K.C., acted as vice-chairman. and was supported on the left and right by His Honor Judge McMillan and Crown Attorney (Bank of Commerce), F. F. Loom more (Standard Bank), L. V. O’Con- CHAIRMAN MOORE. There were only two toasts, that of “The King†and "Our Guest,†A!- ter the singing of the National An- ‘ ternity was a necessity. and thoughll l them Chairman Moore introduced the second toast. and in a few words ex- pressed his regret at losing Mr. Mc- Diarmid from the Lindsay Bar. At the same time he could but congratu- late him on his selection to fill the important oflice of city solicitor for Victoria. 13.0. The western city was getting a man 0! no mean ability. and he would undoubtedly succeed there as he has in Lindsay. . MIR MCDIARMID. Mr. Mcharmid, in rising to reply. was visibly affected. Alter a resi- dence here of sixteen years. during which time he had fought many hard llegal ilghts with members aroundthe board as opposing counsel. it was gratifying to know that they would waste an evening to wish him God- speed. He had never tried to strike below the belt, and when defeated he had tried to take his medicine as a men. Speaking of the new position in the west, Mr. MrDiarmid said that if clean-living, square dealing and hard work would avail, he Lindsay Bar are a good set of fel- lows, and if the Victoria legal gen- tlemen could measure up with them he would wish for no more. JUDGE HARDING. Judge Harding. in responding would "make good.†The members of the to the toast said he had been a resi- ory served correctly sir. .lluuurmzu was asked to stop off at Edmonton their parliamentary tangles. other message Hon. Mr. McBride is alleged to have asked Mr. McDiarmid to join them. The reading of these caused considerable merriment. Mr. Alex. Jackson was glad to have been associated with Mr. Mcâ€" . Diarmid in the profession. and hoped he would ï¬nd many new friends in the west. REEVE JORDAN. Hr. G. A. Jordan .felt a little proud of Ir. hchiarmid's advance- ment. as he had aided him in get- ting the appointment. He had been a resident of British Columbia for some years and could vouch for the aggressiveness of the people of the coast province. The gentlemen be- fore him had spoken oi Mr. Menar- mid’s ability in the highest terms, and he deserved it all. The eyes at Victoria will be on the man from the 'cast and if he is up and doing he will Iundoubtedly fill places higher up. A HIGH TRIBUTE. Mr. F. F. Loosemore. as a personal friend of the guest, paid tribute to his honest. straightforward friend- ship. He had met Mr. McDiarmld shortly after coming to Lindsay sev- en years ago.- and their association had never been broken . “Mack†dent of Victoria, 13.0., 44 years ago ‘ when it had but 8,500 inhabitants. would 1†13:5“; ‘79â€: 1““?de .the u. now numbers 35.000 souls. It MWâ€. » “ ° 38 8a a see him advance. admirably situated, and is destined} S hes of a congratulatory char- to become a great city. The J g ’acter followed from Messrs. Soother- said that friendship in the legal fraa . an Holmes F Holmes Hopi l Weeks. O'Connor. Weldon. Knight and the Press. and a very successful ldinner was brought to a close by .the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." opposing counsel could ï¬ght every inch of ground in a legal battle. yet they were ready to smoke the pipe of friendship when recess came. NOTES. JUDGE mus. The menu card came in for some Judge McMillan. who has also been .praise. It was gotten up by Mr. F. a resident of British Columbia. was Holmes Hopkins an d reflects t the next speaker. The Judge . said credit on that gentleman. The stock JUDGE mun. J udgo McMillan. who has also boon a resident of British Columbia. was the naxt speaker. The Judge aid Victoria. had made no mistake in so- iocting Mr. McDiamid. He was in- miiiar with the situation out west. and was satisï¬ed that the new up- pointee would ï¬ll the highest expect- ntions. It was on the north country circuit he would min Mr. Moflnmid most... He was o W um and n companionabla man. “- ,_ tomary to penalize deem Dy stripping them of some of their stripes, but in view 0! tha mm- ins circumstances the legal fraternity might be content. to strip him 0! the ’busineas he is 10391113 behind. and ghoum any of the members visit tor-22.. discharge him with honor. Provided, however, that he undertakes to en- Crown Attorney Devlin W88 next called on. He said Mr. McDiannid wouid show the peo'ple of Victoria tha: he is 'a man in every sense of the word. and their interests would be safe in his hands. In saying goodâ€" bye heâ€" ï¬oped to see Mr. McDiarmid a C. J. in tho near mturo. A WISE SELECTION. Victuria. is a. city which is said to have been dead for a. long time, but it is now evidently waking up and reaching out for the best talent. to be had. 7 STRAIGHTEN WESTERN TANGLES. Mr. C. D. Barr paid tribute to the ability of the gueat oi'the evening. He has a. very alert mind and is a close student of law. Mr. McDiarmid will no douby straighten out some of the western tangles. They are “- ready looking forward to his coming -‘I- sages had been mialaid. but ii mem- ory served correctly Mr. McIIiarmid was asked to stop on at Edmonton and aid them in straightening -out their parliamentary tangles. In the other message Hon. Mr. McBride is alleged to have asked Mr. McDiarmid to join them. The reading oi those caused considerable merrlment. Mr. Alex. Jackson was sum to have been mounted with Mr. Mc- murmid in the proxmlon. and hoped he would ï¬nd many new Irlonds in the west. REEVE JORDAN. Hr. G. A. Jordan .felt a. little proud 0! Ir. nchurmld'n gdvanoo- meat. .1 ho ltd sided him in set- ting the uppomtmcnt. Ho Ind been a resident of British Columbia. Ior some yenrs and could vouch for the aggressiveness of the people oi the coast province. The gentlemen be- fore him had spoken 0! Mr. Hemat- mid’s ability in the highest terms, and he deserved it all. The eyes at Victoria will be on the man from the cast and if he is up and doing he will undoubtedly ï¬ll places higher up. A HIGH TRIBUTE. ‘ Mr. F. F. Loosemore. as a personal ‘iriend of the guest, paid tribute to 1his honest. straightiorward friend- ismp. He had met Mr. nemarmid shortly after coming to Lindsay sev- en years ago; and their association had never been broken . “Mac " would be missed very much by the {weaken ,but he ' was glad to “see ;him advance. and was hand-mule with dockle-odgo and the color «chemo was red uld black. The cover ‘ shows a splendid likeness 0! Mr. Warmid, while the menu in interspersed with mottoes. Some 0! them are : "Why should a. man whose blood is worn within. nit like his grandfather cut in alabaster '2" “And I‘wi)! say to my Soul. Soul. take thine ease. eat. drink and be " â€Pia an excellent thing to be a. prince; he is serwd with such u!- mirable variety of fare, such innum. erable choice of delicacies. ’j “Go, run. search. pry in every nook and angled the kitchens. larder-s and pantries, know what meat's boiled, baked,' roasted, stewed, fried or soused at this dinner." ‘ \- “Let your speech he always with grace ,seasoned with salt. " "E‘en though vanquished, he could argues'tm.†OnehmdredandtenGa-man min. ers,importedbythelnomlnion Cod Combuytotanuephmotsmk em, uï¬'edutGlaoeBay. I! beï¬tting ‘Well quwn Oakwood _, _ Citlzen Shot Hlmself an" vet. For some time past. 0: had been ill with rheumatism wu in a despondent mood. has many friends had no idea tint he would commit such a rash deed. The terrible deed was committed in his '9“ home about. {our o'clock in the afternoon, while his wife and family were out calling on friends. He went into his own hedéroom where he partly undressed himself, locked the house doors. and taking the revolver shot himself. When Mrs. Cameron and the 'tamily returned home they .were surprmed to ï¬nd his room door locked. They tried in vain to open the door but to no avail. Mrs. Cameron then went outside, raised the room win- dow. and upon entering found her husband on the bed deed, lying in e noel of blood, with the revolver be- A most distressing and sad (lath ton. occurred in the village 0! Oakw‘ood an on Thursday afternoon. when LAW '0! E. éameroï¬ committed the rub deed of taking his own life by shoot†himself in the mouth with a revol- side him. The late Mr. Cameron Nov-pupa. published in London. Eng" on Februu'y 18th. the 101- lowing vary moot-outing and readable article â€M on the mbloct. "The Idea»! Ola-man's Daughter." 1!. was written by a. nephew 0! Ex-Ald. Hug!“ Dobaon. of Lindsay. Ir. A. â€"- -- "n____ n;â€"‘,, u-Q-u â€"‘â€"~' J, nob-on. a Wellelou View. 004'" ton-st. Loads. The uncle mwfltâ€" ten tor s content. and out 0! “1° very large number oi. nuclei mav- od Mr. Dobson’s was Judged W b‘ a... m9. and was allowed M acteristic lady in the highest sense 0! the word. 'Nohle in thought. word end deed. her lilo should provide s living example of the power of Christianity to elevste end dig-nlly the petty do- tslls o! parochial life.. Prefersblo muslcsl. end essentielly an organizer. she should be her fe- ther's Fright hsnd,†perheps helpl'nz him with his sermon-notes. es well es in those branches 0! perish work ‘tor which her sex specislly ï¬ts her. Able to set es her mother's deputy she will hsve ample opportunlty of displaying the winning grsce end preeticsl piety which ought to mark in: chunkâ€; Nuturdly her work will be chiefly mongat the girl- um childrén. hence tn unbounded love of Two Cannington Boys Were Nearly Drowned the little one. would be 0. 801439 «animation. Tueoday afternoon, shortly after four o'clock. Garnet Woodward. the youngestsonotllr.andurs.ï¬ae- kiah Woodward. and J acid Dicken- son.‘aecond son 0! Mr. and Mrs. C. Dickenson, boys about. seven and eight years old, on leaving school made their way to the Beaver River. between Laidlew and J ohn-ste.. Ind with a number of other boys. oom- menoed pLe'ying on Mr. Thomas A. Wilson’s eewlog-s, which were on the ice. any: the Cannington Glamor. One of the logs rolled into the open wetei‘ carrying with it the two little chaps. lira. Geo. MeGu'andha-sts tar. Hrs. Clerc-dun. happened to be crossing Leidlew-st. bridge at the timeandgevethealarm. 11:. w. 8 Rick, muncflestor help, In the issue of resident of It was Eater-tide. end her bet was bum. she umb; she sued at the tux-bun and t1 ey to get in the swim spring betâ€"so she took a doiley end table met; she che tor and stole his tsii. then fastened it. on with s ehing see galore. and when she was down with s ï¬nal put, pleas uckod on more; m u look of her Enter htt- 1:: dress nut and unoatenyttious. LINDSAY. xt 3}“ Oakwood all his life the son or Mr. Arch Camer- Her Easter Hat am A J (With apoiogles to Walt. Cmon 23'0â€â€œ- v- hnd been Wildcat for some time, but his actions did Inot indicate any- thing unusual. It appears that he sent his little girl to the minister of the village, with the request to “ send father two donate." The minister responded with the money. home. ln demeanor modest end ledylike, ehe should he the "good fairy†oi the children and the true friend of the poor. Needless to say. she should not he proud. or‘ "stuck up." but ought to combine loving eympethy with tact and sanctiï¬ed common- cheerful. yet not frivolous. she should delight in all works of charity. car- rying comlort. help. and consolation to the nick. needy, and sorrowful oi the district. Able to converse intel- ligently with lord or laborer. she ought to be practical and adaptable to circumstances; nble to do any- thing from conducting e. jumble sale to entertaining the bishop. A know- ledgo of the art of teaching, a: liking for Sunday-school work. very desirable adjuncts; whilst. o. pleasant smile and sweet. reï¬ned voice will add much to her popular- ity with all clams! Enu- above :11 social. physical. or intellectual talents. than stands, however. the one essential virtue of charity. without which on powers of organization uni Church work m of no nail ; hence the idea) daughter should be clothed with charity "u it were with n garment.†She will and spiritual sustenance for her work in lroqnont and regular communion and prayer; helping those in d‘ubt by her win; loyalty to the Church. In short. she will do her duty in that. note of “to unto which it shall please God to col! cane out 01 Rick A: Sons' rectory: and rescued young Manson, who was taken to his homeâ€"but his mo- ther happened to be uptown at the time and lrom these he was taken to Mrs. Alex. Hellonald’c and Dr. Blanchard celled. who restored the little ch19. Garnet Woodward was curled down stream on the log to St. John-at, where Hrs. Allen Peer- soll with the aid of a long pole suc- ceeded in pulling the log to shore.~ where Hr. Blot. who followed dom the lee. rescued the little led from hie pcllons position. He was text! to his home and Dr. Banal-eon call- ed. who found him W chill- ed, but soon mule him my mentor-t»I eble. Both boys are able to be out again. Itiaaunostsninclethat thoyhad not been drowned. Jock Mk“ gone down tor thesn‘oé and'timo More he was rescued, while Garnet Woodward unused to re min on top of the log. bum. she nibbisd her nails w turban: and two gay. > get in the swim with a swell “’10 mt ; she chased the mos- on with a. shingle nsii: she nd whsn she was through she s anal put, pleased with the well km m3 SALEâ€"4 HAVE 3mm .1 i. purchased at Very low "flap [. E. Weldon. solicitor 1h“. WAM FOR THE FILE 0? a. County of Victoria : Week†“- man-Wards: of April 8, 19“. h a. ï¬guring the paper would ., to? a. favor by mg it to h County Clerk. Linkag- fPianos, Organs and Sewing Machines Special on SALEâ€"PUBE-BRED nu; (or saleâ€"Young. shat-thorn. 13% to T. Wilson. lot 24. con. 4, .H or address Lindsay BALD. New S.W.P. Specialties m l A povvdered dancing 0 wax. done up in perfo. ated topped cans, ready to use. and so prepnnd that. although in a ï¬ne dry form will not raise. from the floor in dust. Everything in the Sherwin- Williams line is guaranteed. You get satisfaction or you money refunded. In addition to our compkhe stock of high-grade new goods, we have just npw some spiel-dill values in second-hand organs sud sewing machines to claw out for lack of space to carry. Terms toIBuitfpurcbavser “a m best condition? M The cam-1 Business 001168" d mm, is a. sure W to moon-a. Thousands 1â€â€œ pow-in. “1117 not mm“ chins-e. ' an“ m. Wuteior it. _W§:E SHAW. WWW“ Mies' bicycle new. very H. r men 31.1910 BUSINESS EDUCATION Rider $35013“ no on." m I WH “0W “IQ Vic Autho Deposim ed from date Elm,B transact LIND Tmnsw