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Watchman Warder (1899), 31 Mar 1910, p. 5

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‘esand mic that ordinary tter satisfac- Sherwin- uaranteed. Dur oomph“ .189 rthorn. L, con. cc to a new .Pâ€"this is a bed oil useed oil a general clean- ie only cleaner .rlinolemnsc ans and [chines ‘al domes branch wed dancing -upinperfu- Week” “ rebaser. FM 0’3” erh ‘0' ar ds Lindsay Branch, Rider Kitchener 60., NO DRAFTS Paidâ€"up Capital, $10,000,000 Austria-Hungary Ina Vittoria loan Savings. (0. m "'â€"-h' _ Wéwiflpay you 8} a: My us mth a Savmgs Account. fl ‘ ' on Per sent. from day of deposit and.“ “1680.13“! W0 can 1 1 1" . Oto ht. ~ . . ‘l v “as; m flawm“ 705;? «am a" W- “W l7___A-‘ “.“."- Elm,Basswood, Birch and Ash Logs suitable for veneering. 10 t0 3ro’clock. Saturdays 10 to 1 o’clock. transacted. Branches of the Bank 1n every -» Province of the Dominion. figs: A general Banking business; Savings Department at ev Branch. u I Cry JAMES LOW lumen-sud 1895. Capitai Paid upmmm ' I: Office Hours: H.‘ B. Black, ESTABLISHED 1817 recently been completed under which the bra are able to Issue Drafts on the principal points tn the following countries: Finland Ireland Russia Formosa Italy Servia France ‘ Japan Siam Fr'ch Cochin~China Java South Afria. Germany Manchuria Straits Settle Great Britain Mexico Sweden Greece Norway Switzerland Holland Persia Turkey Iceland Phillipine Islands West Indies Int“: Roumama and elsew FULL PARTICULARS Order-in-Counoil Trust Funds NEWTON SMALE HOLMES, Manager $27,003,796 Reserve, $6,000,009 Manager findsaynmmh Besmelfud MM" _ W” ~35 .933 Siam South Afria. Straits Settlement! Sweden Switzerland Turkey West Indies I73 and elsewhere as APPLICAT!ON “it“ Allentown, a, Bitch 27 .wAaChril- tendom cele rates the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is appro- 'priate that our hearts and minds should intelligently grasp the signifi- cance of the event commemorated St. Paul laid great stress upon the resurrection of grthe dead, declaring that if there be no resurrection of the dead all those whom we counted as asleep would never have an_ awaken- ing, and consequently would be as- dead as are brute beasts. Note his em« phatic statement to this efiect (I. Cor- inthians xv., 12-18). For here aselse- where his words contradict the thought that the saintly dead pass immediate- ly to glory and the unsaintly to Pur- gatory o_r to eteriial tgrturs. - ~ According to the Gospel of Christ, of. which St. Paul declares that he was not ashamed, the dead are to be esteemed ‘as though they were, aslee â€"at rest from all the commotion an turmoil and .strife, ignorance and su- perstition and sin and trouble inci- dent to the present reign ’of sin and death. They have truly entered into rest, whether they were saints or sin- ners. When the time for their awak- ening shall have come in the Millen- nial morning of Christ’s rei of right- eousness, surrounding con itions will be very different from what they are today, thank God! Then Satan will be bound, the Bible assures us (Rev; elation xx., 1-3), and the ignorance Vluidvu a-., .v,, _ and superstition, selfishness and crime, which have for centuries mark- ed his reign will gradually diaw to a close, for the glorious Messiah-King will not permit them. His reign, on the contrary, will be marked with the true enlightenment of all mankind; and the result will be, as foretold; namely, “Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess to the glory of God” (Isaiah_xlv., 23:). . ‘1 ‘ 1 _____ _L‘ UV“ \Auwu.‘ â€"- . -, Gradually the world will be brought to an Edenic condition, in harmony with the Divine promise. Indeed, this work may be said to be already be- ginning. Already, by artesian wells and irrigation processes and high- ways of travel and good roads and in- telligent cultivation of fields, the earth .n. - _.:1.J-_.~.Aog begins to bloom and the wilderness and solitary place to be glad, as fore- told by Isaiah the prophet (Isaiah xxxv, 1). Under these blessed conditions “All that are in their graves shall hear the voice of the Son of man and shall come forth” (John v, 28, 29)â€"not all at once, but “Every man in his on order” (I. Corinthians xv, 23). The saintly believers, who alone are fully pleasing to God, will come forth in the First, or chief, or preferable, Re- surrectionâ€"come forth perfect, on the spirit plane, like unto the angels and like unto their glorified Redeemer, to be his joinbheirs in his Millennial Kingdom and its great work of re- suscitating, instructing and ruling and uplifting all‘ the “groaning” fami- ln -_.____ ..::: om auu uyu- ulna . v..â€" lies of the earth (Raisins v'iii, 22). Thus will' be i the _spir_itu_a.1‘ ulfilled God’s promise to Seed of Abraham, “In ‘ 11 AL- 2-“:1:na n‘ {ha E B apuuum we“ ., I] - ___- , thy Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed” (Galatians iii, 29). Gradually, after dealing with the liv- ing nations to some extent, the sleep- ing world will be awakened. “Every man in his own order" (I. Corinthians xv, 23). \ Our Lord assures us that all except the‘ saintly few will come forth from the tomb that they may have a resur- rectionâ€"a raising up out of sin and death conditions to righteousness, to the image of God that was lost by Adam; and that eventually, if willing and obedient, they will receive God’s ' of eteinal life through Jesus 'st our Lord. But the rebellious under those favorable conditions, we are assured, will be cut off from life entirely in the Second Death (Acts iii, 19-23). In speaking of the world’s resurrec- tion 'our Redeemer designates it a re- surrection by Judgments (Rev. Ver. John v. 28, 29). Messiah’s righteous jud cuts will then be abroad in the wor .. The light of knowledge will be a clear as the noon-day sun. Every good deed and endeavor will receive Its reward and every wilfully evil deed will receive chastisements, cor- rections, to the intent that they may learn the advantage of the way of holiness and go up thereon to lite eter- nal, which the willing and obedicm __ “-4. t... nu close of the Millen- may reacn Dy Due uxuw v. v..- w-” nial Age. Through the prophet Daniel, the Lord declares that pang] of the worlg- ”V8310“ w wow“- - v _ WW , in its true colors. We can well un- derstand that this will bring contempt to many nowhighlyesteemedamo 1 men. But we can rejoice in c thought that the Millennial Kingdom then to be in power will dad gra' oionsly with all. The stripes of pun: end usllybytheirohenxeoichu to be cop -_, £53m arming RUSSELL Pastor Bcooklyn fiankz‘fia‘.‘ as peflecfion ii gradualry attained the shunt! of the impel-fee- tion will gradually abate. while all of the shameless will be destroyed in the Second Death. Thus we see the Divine oi the resurrection of the dead and our glorious hope, tar difierent from all the fem that were taught us by the musty tradi. tions of men, from the “dark ages." ma thus we see the force of the 7 of men, from the‘ can; ages. 3.31.118 thus we see the force of the win, our faith 15 vain (I. Corinthians xv. 14-19). The Apostle argues, “If the dead rise no ,” if that is an impossibility so far as the world in general is con- cerned, then it is an impossibility so far as Christ is concerned. And “if Christ be not risen,” then all hope. all faith, is‘vain. And .11] preaching is not. only foolish, but gorse. (Soc I. Corinthians xv, 14.) “But now is (‘hrist risen from the dead and be- come the first fruits of them that slept.” The 'mere awakening from sleep. as in the case of Lazarus, Dor- cas and others, is here left out of the question. Nothing is counted as re- surrection except the full, complete raising up out of‘deathn Qur [40rd :eshe is to be the Bride-Consort of the Great King and to participate with him in his glorious work of uplifting the race which fell from the Divine image into sin and death through father Adam. The redemption-price has been provided in the death of Jesus; and the time for beginning the great work of “restitution of all things” merely waits until the com- pletion of the election‘oi ,the saintly Church (Acts iii, 19-21). was the “first that should rise‘ from the dead” (Acts mi. 23), in this full sense. And he was a first fruits, or pré‘of, that others still sleeping will come forth by Divine Power to be ex- orcised by him in the resurrection morningâ€"the Millennial morning. The Church will he _the‘ pert in quiet Preaching on the Day of Pentecost. qt. cter declares: that God raised (Ihrist from the dead. 'i‘hon in proof fin: this was thn- Divi 2:3 intention "ml the beginning, h- quotns from “w pnphetic Psalm of David, “Thou “halt not leave my soul in hell.” The .\post1e’5‘quotation (Acts ii, 27) is in the Greek, in which the word hell is hades. His quotation is from the He- brew, in which the word hell is sheol ”AU", Ill "5““: v .--- _-___ â€"the only wgr‘d . renderecâ€"i‘ ihéll throughout thehgntilfg .Old Testament. 7 7â€"4 -41.:.... I am not stating this as something new, although I am confident that it is new to manyof my hearers and to many of the eighteen millions who will read my discourse in to-morrow morning’s papers. For the sake of such. I note the fact that in the morning of our Lord’s resurrection, he said to Mary. “Touch me not; for [ am not yet ascended to my Father and your Father; to my God, and your God” (John xx, 17). I remind them further of the language of the so-called Apostles’ Creed, which is coming more and more into vogue with all denominations and which declares, “He descended into hell and rose again the third day.” In a ver- sion of this creed published by the Presbyterian Board of Publication of “ I consider this a very important matter, which should be made widely known, because of the false concep- 81 sion that these words signify a place of torture. All this is wholly false, as every Greek and Hebrey scholgu' knows, and, i! cross-questioned. 2V1“ admit. It is an important .questxon to the public because this mmoonoep- Lion of the meaning 0! the word hell A. 77-..). loluu U. um w-lll.’ vâ€" -â€"â€" V is driving hundreds, yea. thousands. away from God and away from the Bible. They correttly reason that the teaching that our Creator fomknew and intended a hell of torture for his creatures is beyond conception. be- yond belief. and munitestly untrue. as no holy being could be so unjust. unkind. unloving. It is time that all such should see that the fault lies with the creed: and not. with the Bibleâ€"that the Bible teaches a hell. sheol, hades, into which all go, both good and bad, and from which all :ion morning by the. great Wet. 7-‘ â€" “n.“- 'JUU lllutulus u: u.” ____ A butter translation reads, "Our Lord ascended on high leading a mul- titude oi captives.” These words are a pen picture representing a great King as a Conqueror returning from a vxctory over an opponent. The victor rode-in a chariot at the o! the prooessionr surrounded _by sin and dea he was “highly exalt ed and given e name above every name." He was made “partaker oi the divine nature.” He was no long. er a man, for “Flesh and blood can- not inherit the Kingdom of God” (I Corinthians xv. 50). True, he stil. has as one of his many titles, The Son of man. which identifies him with our race and the work which he is U the process of accomplishing for it and which he will finish during his Millennial reign. We are reminded by the Apostle that he was put u death in the flesh and made alive ix spiritâ€"a spirit~being. He died as . man this side of the veil. He aros a New Creature the other side it. veilâ€"a spirit being. He was “sown xn corruption, raised in incormption; - ,1 :_ 1 _ A-"n "I wlluywu, a”- -.. â€"._-,-, _, _ sown in dishonor, raised in glory; zown a natural body, raised a spirit- ual _hody.” As the Church's Head and Fore-runner he passed beyond the veil; and now shortly, as partici- pants with him and as the second battalion of the glorious triumphal procession, will follow “the Church which is his Body.” sharers with him in the First Resurrection, his Bride. . -‘nv. Next in processional order following I the Bride class, the “very elect,” will come the "great company" from every nation. people, kindred and tongue. the honored servants of the heavenly Bridegroom and Bride. “The virgins her companions" (Psalin xlv. 14), will ‘ follow after the Bride into the pres- ence of the great King Jehovah. Next in procesmoOal order will come the Ancient Worthies from faithful Abel down to John the Baptist, the greatest of the prophets. But these will come forth from the tomb in hu- man perfection and not in the Spirit perfection of those. preceding ("He- brews xi, 38-40; Matthew xi, 11). In their human perfection similar to that of Adam before his transgression, plus their development in faith and obed- ience, these will constitute a first- fruits of Israel and of the world of i mankind. Under their ministration. supervised by the glorified ones beâ€" yond the veil, the work of restitution I and uplifting the captives of sin and death will progress until, at the close of that thousand years of the reign of righteousness. every human being of loyal character will be completely freed from the bondage of sin and death and imperfection and, with the Ancient Worthies, will march in the grand procession into the presence of Jehovah God. â€"‘ ‘ C n, Thus the great Redeemer and De- liverer will not only present the saintly Church blameless and irre- proachable before the Father in love, but likewise will liberate all who will of Adam’s race. now asleep and degraded. No wonderthe Scriptures declare of the end of his triumphal procession, “He shall see of the tra- vail of his soul and be satisfied” (Isaiah mg .11)-. - - L :_ n-.n.. providence, are not ooxmng to Church during this Gospel Age, all the blessing tha§_ in tl‘le Mi ,A_J £111 011C ”succumbs; â€"_' __.. -fi, nial Age will flow through natural Israel, “the rebellious also,” and all the blessings that will flow through Israel and its New Covenant to all the families of the earth, proceed di- rectly or indirectly from the great victory which our Lord Jesus gained over sin and death. Our text and context, as well as the Psalm from which the quotation is made, bears out this thought. It is because our Lord descended, because he left the heavenly glory, and because, in har- mony with the Father's will, our‘Reâ€" deemer left the courts of heavenly glory and humbled himself to become a man, and then “humbled himself to death, and even to the death of the cross,” that his exaltation came as a reward of his loyalty to the Father's will. And in the Divine Plan it is because his resurrection body and glory were a reward. a blessingâ€"hie earthly body and nature and rights had not been forfeited through disobedience â€"- the he had the latter with all imrifil to bestow upon Adam’s d and y- ' , . He gave the merit of that sacrifice, first imputedly, on behalf of all desirous of walking in his steps of self-sacrifice even unto death. that these might be. in the Father’s good companions on the heavenly gleaane. To this end the first gifts were at Pentecost; and all of similar class throughout this age have had oppor- tunity for participation therein. Ad- ditionally gifts of helpfulness and in- ‘ struction and assistance weneprovided qualification of these saintly footstep followers for the work of servroe in building up the Body of Christ. until the elect Body shall be complete (Ephesians iv. 11-13). Soon these gifts and blessings and granted and imputed will be no longer note: bran essings which,‘ in God’s are not coming to the‘ lg this Gospel Age, and ings that in the Millen- 1 flow through natural rebellions also,” and all i that will flow through 4; New Covenant to all Spring Gaods At (Simmons and Decanting - Alebastine, Mum and Jellyâ€" stone for walls and ceilings Martin-Senour and English Liquid Paint 100 per cent. pure for the wool works, inside or out-~Evay can guaranteed, ‘ Call and get a color card. Headquarters for Hardware “I ‘1‘ 0 wgfliy‘v‘j OUR CUSTOMERS SWEAR BY [IS --NOT AT US It Stoves. Only Through LY. Toronto 10.10 pm. daily THROUGH 81‘an ll) TOURIST m fibhthetmintot‘kefordlm- th West. nta. Vancouver. 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