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Watchman Warder (1899), 9 Mar 1911, p. 9

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crash tow lll [86-81011 T PRICES oem .lored bor‘ 11': 29c 11 ‘11.29 ‘lue ‘29" SPRING 1 March 15th article in our large Dept. will be 8616 I“ yards to in club bags NKS umca 9th. l 0 AL.\ LK‘.‘AU’D 73 down 39c 44c from 1.19 mitation ncl uding stem; and l'l‘l'lufi BY Ano- ['Hn-l‘ “I“ 80“ ”It MI thn mu“ ,_ on Saturday, m It! I. a (IWHW‘ uhnm one m: ‘3 vwh-nsflon t.“ u, saprings, 0W I. hntnnf. sideM ‘ ('nllch. pictm " md other mm... ‘l'k and without I.» ’{f‘ ‘0“. \M‘tioneer. ' ‘od Mar. 17? l 9 l l hvt‘Vd \ kl“ "Fm‘hdfl .mkmeh 6h“ i: dun ”me lo ”w gamma 1. aummvln. t few (“l-ma. RAGING HEADACHE SHIPPED AI ONCE When He 103k “Finn-fin?" SH tmvpm‘" Sept. 23rd, 1910. “You certainly have the Great discovered Headache Cure in the world. Before “Fruit-aâ€"tiva” came before the ublic, I sufiered tortures from Head- aches caused by Stomach Disordersf. “One of your travellers walled on me when I had one of my raging head- aches and had my head almost raw from external applications. ~~I hated to see any person coming into the store (much less a commercial traveller) and I told him very curtly that I had a headache but he insisted on _.-.“ n tinge” IJos, MaunderSon ' Grain. Flour. Coal and Wood all In No. 4494, weighing. 1800 "3.3-, ‘5 offered for sulc. Is a s lcndid specxment of {he Cun.ulizm-brcd lydesdale. F_or full m- furmution apply on the premises, 10‘: 9' cunscssion 1], Brock, one mile westic’f Dcrryvillv, or to Use the Cold Cure That Alva! Cures We are Leaders in Engagement and Wedding RINGS 0111: stock of Pearl Rings was never better. Our Five Pearl 14]: ring for $8 50 1s a specimen of our high grade ring stock at very reasonable prices. DifsécVnsing rlygggist - ”N08“ Nu "Mylar in“? arm“, mammals: pr llw mill Hwy «mum: puh in the. "nut \\ lm! mum: did not pub in llw \\ In M. lhg pivllll‘v euldu. d» not help my. 'I‘Iuey uuly mm m the: coat‘ Shave huhlvl'a mun! ImVo dwidvudfi. Who ".2 y: ”It‘ll! I" Solitaf Pearl Rin from read by "m 1'08“” 8“”? - --* 335013011524. g8, Messrs. John Kitten. Wm. Elliott; mg” prenatal a bell!“ Rings. The Tiffany style is the couch to Mr M m zonowinei favorite now. Prices are moder- was the address: ate. \ Wu huy nu- Imat Mugituba'wheat. um' mill is up m date In muxpuwut. Uur rxpvnars are the minimum. l'zuruuizv this will and get the In'lu‘fil‘ l‘iu-l'y cold or attack of La Grimm indimtes lowered vitality â€"m a threat against. life. If you \alue ho‘nlth use a, remedy an 'Iwm us you notice the first. lym- ptnns and you will avoid lotion- and all the dincomiort. dn nan-r Wv gunruntw Laxo Quinino Chocolate- tu rut-n any rune 0f Ln. (:rippe or ('QM, to II” it thoroughly and 8.8 quirkh us 11 remedy can that. mm": m rwnm'lng the causeâ€"- mums: I‘HHI\Z\l“\‘ cnlds In 24 hours. l‘riw‘ 137)". A. HIGINBOTHAM“ Royal K eir II min): \Kml' l‘k'ilk‘l' has them. IT'S ABOUT FLOUR Clydesdale for Sale Fred Hancock. Fruit-a-tives”- MARCH DERRYVILLE P.O. The plan for the now 03.1%. line that is to pass through Lindsay was filed at the local registry omco yes- terday alter-noon and was inspected by a Warder reporter this, morning. The new road’lolldws the old line. the plan 0! which was filed in Sepâ€" tember of 1906, through the north and south halves 6! lot 24, conces- sion 12, Mariposa, across the south- west corner of Fenelon, through J. Tyrell’s farm in Ops to Mr. A. Brock's fahn in the north half of lot Buckwheat 4b.. bun. flour. Manon. ".98. mulled oats. man $2.80. Sham. retail. $1.98. Bran. per cwt. 01.15. Fall when: 8% bus. Spflng wheat. 750. bus. “00“ \th‘. 3'50. bu.» Largo peas 900 bus. Small peas. 759 bus. “army. 500. to 550. buah. nuts 3% bus. Rye 59c bun. Dairy but/car. 220mm”. 12:. Eggs. per (1025.. 20-33.}. Honey 19in 1b. Chem 170 pound. W. 200 Pound. Celery no bunch. Onion. .1 a. but. Parsley 5 cents bunch. Sure be per bunch. Mint. 5!! bunch. Head choc-o 100 nor lb. Potttou 60 to 65° b... Live hogs, $6.75. Littl- hou. DC we. to. Veal 6 to 150 par 13. Lamb 14 to 160 lb. Deer. hind, $10 to 812. front qr. $8 to $10. Pork 16¢. Rib roast. 15¢. Slfloin steak, 18c. 8pm rib. 100 u lb. Beet «we. .5 to .0." In! an. Hides O? to ".50 Chickens. 18 to 19¢. Pu «av. “.50 all In“. Hay per ton 07 £0 .19. Asparagus. 100 but. “was 909 bush. emu. 000 but. Apples 0% to .5 I hand. Turkaya. 90a. 1%. (‘rwm new quart. 300. ‘ Creamery humor 8%. Verulam Home Scene of Happy Gathering bOI'S our midst. Your presence in our lodge room will be greatly missed. the V‘aCant chair will be hard to fill. that you will please accept this as a. small token of our esteem and al- fection in that same spirit of bro- therly love as. that in which it is given. We hope and trust that you and your respected family may be abundantly blessed with good health and prosper-it? in your new home. and finally after this life may we all meet in the Grand Lodge above FINAL ROUTE OF c. P. R. GRAIN LINE 6.-â€"Mr. 5. ’whero it puns through it. fits- wart’s house. The north and south halves or lot 28. con. 5. belonging to Mr. Dark, and Mr. Weldon re- spectively, are next crossed More reaching the distillery creek and Vic- toria. railway. The creek is cross- ed a. few yards south of the Victoria railway bridge and thence straight east across the Scugog river. At the east side of the river it curves to. the south in Mr. James Meehan's farm and passes along the bank of the river through Mr. W. Fee’s farm to the boundary of the town, which it crosses a. little west of St. Peter-st. Running in a. southerly direction it passes along the east side of the Baker Lumber Company’ a mill and joins the Bob- cay geon line, where that line turns east towards Bobcaygeon. The pre- sent line is used from this point through the town past the station until it reaches a point just south of the iron bridge. where it turns out esteem. for those quulltlos 0‘! honor and industry that. oomblno to‘ make ldml neighbor. and good cltln sou. You will surely be mined from our oommunlty. whom you. Mn Honsllp. how not us a. hlgh standard in your! mothods ol‘ lormlng. and whoro you hovo been a. loyal brother In the lodge room obd lollhlul to your dutloa as on ofllcor la tho ohm-oh We trust. that you may nov- or rogrot your romovol to your new homo and that. the advantages whloh you wlll gala lor yourself and tank lly may ho o pan of lllo'a plan hora \o moot and port. «cola. 1m us all endeavor to so llvo here the mo ol vlrtuo and lollhlulneaa that wo may all some day reach that. homo where porting shall be no more. In 0108- ing we ask you to accept, than our aunts an aouvonlra from your many friends at. Robinson's. " Mr. l-qullp replied to each in a feeling manner. expressing his thanks and those of Mrs. Ileaiiip for the nice thing: said of them and tho really hand-ems presentl. They had lived a. long time in Veruiam. and it certainly wu painful to never the friendshipn they had made. They Would. however. always have the happiest. recollections of their Voru- lam friends. The visitors were made welcome to enjoy ‘themaeivea. and the young people enjoyed themselves immensely. returning to their homes in the early hours of the morning. ANY WOMAN mm mvm rr. Many ‘housanua at wanna manual and educated. haw warned that. n, ls hm. hard to haw and to kwp an abundance or lustrous hair. H mm: hm “an the hall- grower is um! «.15 Hy. A ,,7.l> Hines its lntreolueuon in Census. Me Parisian Sage has become a. prlum NW isvurlte with the women who desire‘vm' luxuriant. and radiant. llslr that willluw not tell out. or lurn stsy‘ Used or : daily as a dressing it. will keep the the scalp immaculately clean; will stop pm itching and falling hair and remove see every particle of dandruff. E. Grey can cry thinks so much of Parisian Sage nigl that he guarantees it. to do as all. ing‘ vertised. Large bottles 50 cents. ‘ MILLINERY OPENING. Miss Mitchell announces to the people of Lindsay and Victoria counâ€" ty that her millinery openings will be held on Thursday. March 9 and the following Friday and Saturday. AGA(N ADJOURNED. Toronto, March 8.‘-â€"The Farmers’ Bank case against Meser‘. Stratton, Warren and Wilson; was proceeded with before Magistrate Denison to- day, who after hearing considerable eVidence, admitted his doubts as to whether these men could be commit- ted for trial on conspiracy or fraud charges in this connection, the cases were adjourned till the fourteenth, and in the meantime the lawyers will delve into musty precedents. Some of the bank documents needed as evi- dence were! pronounced secret. 5 CUBE!) BY‘ TWO BOTTLES D.D.D. On March 313b, 1910. Mr. Angus McMillan, of Port HOOd, N.S., wrote Covered With Eczema Glorious Hair UURSuN S SIULNU. Corsuns badmg. Maren u. -â€" Our to the' public school a doing good Wum '18. counâ€" with “I. J. Pollard as teacher. an wi‘l Mt. 1.1108. mttkchaun and 511' W. ‘45 feet ab the on the fiel {1va in a southwesterly direction irom it. just. before crooning the 3rd and 4th concessions. The probable cause for leaving the old line is that it was found necessary in order to _r--V The railway bridge across the riv. er on the new C.P.R. route will be 45 feet above high-water mark “a on the field where the camp is locat- ed there will have to be a raise of 25 it. As the Victoria railway bed 1. somewhat lower than that field the overhead bridge over the G.T.R. will be even higher than 25 feet. 0:: the hill just west of the bridge it will be uecassary to fill in about five feet, Further went there is a long stretch to be cut through, making consider- Able work on this division of the to be cut thr‘ able work on road. AN INVALUABLE MEDICINE EOR ALL BABIES Mrs ll Mcmwen. Thomloe. 0m... wrung: "I thlnk naby' I Own Tm. letn an invaluable madlclno for mm «men. I used them for my own chlld whun M was small» and last sum mar “Mn I had a baby \‘lultor who» lnml (”ll not agree wlth hlm. I mm. for mmllmr has of the 'l‘ulalou «ml mm quloklv hollmd hlm.” I! la we. tlumumlu much an £th that haw mule mm" 1: Own Tablets pnpulurâ€" that haw. Ihown them to be an in valuablo motllclno lor llltla am: The Tl‘uhlota always do toad -â€" they can nowr do harm. Once a mother luu lriul them for her little one aha will have nothlng else. For with the Tat-18!: she tool- :uio. They are sold under tho guarantee of a government analyst to contain no hanntul drugs. mm' I Own Table“ may be mm at modicum dealers or at. 25 coma n lmx from The Dr. Willluml' Hodiclno o. nrockvmo, Ont. Played Tie Gamg Klrkneld. March 6.â€"Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. Foster. of Molsovor. have mov. ed Into the house owned by Mr. “Hg-h McKenue. of Torontp. and wm nccupy the front he." of n. We are glad to hue them In our vmm. vA birch or our young maple drove to Woods-lilo to whiny.“ link. on tho rink hm. week. . the latter (IN not allow up. A prluo or .10 wan to have been given to the wlnuara. Klrlulold ma Oobooouk played the game. whloh ended in a score of 3â€"3. The}; will mush the game on our rink on Wednesday night. This wlll no doubt be excit- lug. Mr. J. Gillis and family are mov- ing to Mr. Myers far'm near Hartley. Simpson are busy teaming (mm the bush this winter. Mr. James Bell is busy drawing posts and ties. We expect to have the neu phone sen me soon. On Thursday evening Mr. Thomas Matthewson haul his valuable dog poisoned. This is not the only piece of dirty business going on. Some have lost sheep, cattle and horses, also fowl and grain. If the parties are found out the law will deal with nné or the lmlm while ninth; mot with the misfortune at being krnogk‘ 683‘.“ and hula; her side badly mm. “M hopo tor u woody mos- (Ty. A4 ‘I_ Cambray. March 5.â€"â€"Mr. Herb Now- some 15 moving to Mr. W. Berkley’s Nil-know hockey tum drove to 00- hoeonk last weak on 8mm” w may the Manon: ot the “mo between t‘obooonk and Human“. However. them in the right way. ing to the West to live. Mr. Wm. Matthewson is getting well tram his recent injury, .34 is busy working in the bush. meal. gt Dona-1d this we“. Minden, rival; at- the appointed Victoria railway bed is yer than that field the go over the G.T.R. will I than 25 feet. 0n the CAMBRAY- mDEN. Trumbull is visiting at Coboconk .-â€"Mr. Ernest Mic- is thinking of go- mg _ Rev. B. V. Mount”, 0! the Met- Ald. 1(ch wants to know: Common. who is Does Cmtaker Bell, of the fire 1. well known in Lindsay. Hrs. Mount,- hnll receive an extrp. $15 for wind- no eerbdnggdamdll’n. (momma ing the town clock and another 820 th W41... has received and wowed extra for doing odd jobs of painting. oIanviuuontotho wheddussoonlary? Wdtbflmfladmnh {or'flho question makednttha with our Women's lnetttute. was held in the Society Hell on Wedneedey evening. Feb. 22. About fifty were present and spent a. very enjoyable evening tn MCI and mold inter- ._A, l" "w- __. evening in ceme- end eocid inter- oonree, utter whlch retro-hunts were eerved. The next meeting will he held . week enrlier thnn ueunl. when Mien Goldie. oi the Qunker on.- 00.. and n [ruin-M ol Wudonnld Inell- tum. Guelph. will give a tell: and. demon-union on tho cooking at oer- ?nle. The meeting will he held in the W. ' H. 0. Roll on Wednoedny. Afternoon. Inch 18th. at 9.80 pm. All lndlee will be welcome. LATE mzmm‘n DOROTHY noon. The tunernl of Mn. .lulm llodd look plooe from lot. a. eon. a. Mui- poao. on Sunday. Feb. 19. u 1.80 p. m.. end proceeded to we mutedlut church. when the funeral mun wen preached. and thence to the Mo- thodm cemetery. Menilln. Sim lemon to mourn her lou three eonu and our douche". vim: Hr. an‘ per B. Rodd. Duketehewen; Mrs. A. E. Appelby. Toronto; Mn. J. A. Walton. Toronto ; Mrs. A. L. Wilson. Lindsey; Walter J.. William and ‘thel. at home. The pallbemn were fieure. R. H. Davey. J omen Comm. Albert W E. Demon. E. Wood- wert and A. Noble. The funeral was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Du- nmu. of Mnnilla. Methodist church, officiating. JOHN T. PE'I‘TY. A letter was recehed this morn- ing from Hamilton by Mr. T. C. Matchett, announcing the death of Mr. John '1‘. Petty, which occurred at his home in Hamilton last So.- turday, the funeral taking place ’l‘uensay. For a number of years the late Mr. Petty conducted a. jewelry business in Lindsay in the stands now occu- pied by Mr. L. McGregor on the north side of Kent-st., and by Mr. A. S. Welsman on the south side. He was well known in town and country and was a. member of the Masonic and Foresters societies. al- though he has not taken an active part in the former society for years. He is survived by his wife.’ who is residing with her sister. Mrs. Henry Pin. 0! Hamilton. The late Mr. Petty lelt Lindsay for Hamilton Cannington Pastor Going To Newcastle The New Spring DIjess Stuffs Attracting Attention Our new Imported Dress Fabrics for Spring are the centre of attraction these days--the products of the best manufac- turers of Great Britain, France, Germany and the United States are here in all their grandeur-Select your dress or suit length now. WE CAN PLEASE YOU. . The hunt fauhion Mithoritivn any that Sex-gen will ho vxcondiugly {unhioamhlm Don‘t fail to not: our oxocllont mum". I‘ncoa por- yanlbOo,75c.$l. $1.26. $1.60, $1.75 and ................ . ..... 2.00 W "INA“ New Serge: of Amer; efieCtivel; tion in r regarded one of a Tweed: w“ hold murchuning a one lot and erecting a 'epieodiu modern residence (or the 'putor. complete with modern ep- pointmente and convenience. on well .u (uni-hinge. The imiehinge done met two thouund doiim. This nplonditi gift to Newoutie Methodiem wee in commemoration of the (act that the late Hort A. Haney wee in hie only life cemented with the church. the great fluuey Mmufocwr- in; concern having begun its oper- ation. in Newcastle. of American life appealed quite as efiectively as did its initial produc- tion in New York city, where it is regarded by eminent critics to be one of the greatest plays of the day. The width of its appeal was not im- paired by the able performance of 'the well-balanced company playing at the local house. while the scenic .mountings and properties strikingly "Rev. A. n. Irwin. B.A.. mm. of Newcutle. bu accepted an mm... um to the pastoral ot emulator; Thin morning Manager W. ll. lloo- niali. of the Academy of finale. Nu ooivod u letter from Mr. A. J. Small. of the Small circuit. an- nouncing that the well known and populu' attraction. " The “an of the “our." which will appear in Lindsay Wedneaduy night. Much 16. ” The Man of the “our,” states} M1581»)! is one o! the loading at- tracuons on the circuit this won] and has been drawing crowded houses. At present the above com- pany are holding {orth at the Grand Opera house. Toronto, and so far have attracted large crowds. 'I‘heatregoers should keep this date in mind. Referring to the above show the Globe says: " The Man of the Hour.” which had already been pre- sented in Toronto on several occas- ions, was again given last evening at the Grand Opera House, where it will be seen for the entire week. To a large and well-pleased aud- ience Mr. Broadhurst's dramatic pic- ture reflecting an interesting phase Big Attraction Coming to Lindsay Caretaker Bell’s Increase of Salary church tor the nut worm. hot out 'the workings of the play, which is undoubtedly the best that has been ofiered at the Grand this Ivfliflmmhbm We htve 3 beautiful range of then. ma- terials-.42 inches wideâ€"in dainty patterns shades of Skf. Tuscan. Shell Pink, Muuve. at Alice. Copcn gen, Nile. Cream nut 75 Blnck. Pricms per yard 50c and . . c Fnulurdn are: very correct. We have just received an immonm mum; of than fabrics from the bout Alawrican millu. The pattern: and ulwlca will delight you. Prices 65 per yard 35c, 40¢ 50c and c ! VITAL STATISTICS. {Fire Insurance I That lnsures Several companies that I am at for have been paying losses to eir policy-holder for nearly 200 years and still have Assets enough to beamen t the Stmn so Fire Insurance mpanies- in t e world. -n'dâ€"- _- v - Ask for my rates before renew- ing vour policyâ€"security cosidered â€"thev are the lowest obtainable and the difference in cost between good and lad is so infinitesimal when spread over three years for furniture or dwelling policies that the wise insurer will choose the best. Don‘t neglect huvin your eyes attended to immediate y if there in the slightest aligns of 9y; ‘u‘ouble. "' ‘0 ‘L.-.- 1!. 3.111818. 0911.13. Eyesight Specialist 98 Kent-at... aver Neill‘s Shoe Show. Eyeglagses remained. ,Broken vu-v 'UIuhhvvv‘v F-"..V - We are most omm-wént to thor- oughly diagnose your trouble and gwe you beniflcid glmes. One visit ndvinble, but if imp'os Ilble send history and Wm “pm-mom. Conlnlution Phone 88 'otton Voiles Items Only . H. KIDD Bioâ€"eifmplwed. Don‘t Trifle With Your Eyes 91 Kent-st Itfflt

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