' many of out farmers. y evening last abont (It the iriends and might!†maze of Mr. and Mrs. A. he evening of their C- r tbeir new home not? a presented Mr. and In. a. handséme Morris†5011. and a. beautiful Id- uddrees was read by If. m. whHe the presentaï¬m v Messrs. John F16“. L m Elliott. Several won u and alwiy I uhnuld be wsmgi a flour “Norbel idea to cold flour 1‘ AKING HAPPY" hes were given by neighbors present. ‘ning was spent in ‘rul merry-making. \I 12661119 Little Brooks loft oil .‘ t week for E f; pending â€10 dies , 0! meter. in at the home c 8N. mpbeu remand M ‘nuwan we: M .nths with â€I.“ relatives of mlPV 0‘ heir Job of Fauna and are at pm“ I; mum’s. m; is again in namihé wood-D .f‘ .mtq that 1 had to so ‘9 pita! )aï¬â€˜ ‘ operation to soon see are. c dig. SID uch some“ «mum: u hi.~ 1“». won h t I m-ntrc : I. WANTEDâ€"GOOD GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, good wages. Ap- ply to Mrs. Needlands, No. 8 Mill- st. WAVTL‘D. â€" GIRL FOR HOUSEâ€" worh. Comfortable home. Wages 3121") month. Apply at. or address flux 12, Warder Ofï¬ce. Eyesight Specialist 92 Kent-5L, aver Neill’s Shoe Store. Eyeglwses repaired. Broken Lenses replaced. We 51-6 iuak)siocompec'e*nb to thor- oughly diagnose your trouble and glw you heniï¬ciul glabses. Don‘ l. neglect having your eyes 2mm (led to immediately if there is the slightest signs of eye trouble. % Insurance IThat lnsures DUNOON’S _.vr_ liquid V Nu‘mx. .... .. ““250 (“1de l‘111‘1'\\11 l’ulish.. . 25¢ Liqmd Ammunizs Bull [Mg Ammo! (Sillvlhcs Lyv Nutmnal 1.; v \Vumh‘l‘shim'............... ........... 2i Elw‘trn Sil‘mm . )latvhlvss Polish"......................‘.’.‘ Putz (‘rmun..........-...... 15c and 21 Ha,“ I’lu'niturc Polish............ 21 0.3 ‘..‘.II“I..1‘ If um mm to day get in one store in t m. n lhv assortment. of cleaning .uui ulxshin; articles that we ntfer. \ «an “an nlnuwt sure bu gtt the best. kinds If vnn come. hen! for them. (3 Men's Underwear (Penmana), reg. $1.25, our price 850. :30 pairs Pants, worsted, reg. $3.50, our price 3?.45. 35 pairs gonr‘ ordinary Pants, reg. 152.50, onr price $1.45. Railroad Overalls, guaranteed best satisfaction, gonng at. 5': a. suit. 25 lloys’ Suits, 3 pieces, reg. $5, our price $3.45. 30 Boys’ Worsted Pants. reg. 75c, our price 45c. 50 Women's Skirts, latest style, all colors, pure wool, reg. $5. for $3.45. 50 Girls’ Coats, latest spring styles, from 4 to 12 yam, reg. $5 for $2.29. 25 Ladies’ Wrappers, reg. 31, our price 6952. 35 Ladies’ Satin Petticoats. reg. 81 our price 89:. 200 Yards New Prints, reg. price lOc,‘ our price No. 100 Men’l Working Shirts, reg. 75c, for 65¢. ' j 200 yards heavy linen Reller Towelling, reg. lie, at No pv!‘ yard. , 50 're Turkish Towels. reg. 89c, at 19c. . f ‘25 Rita's College Winter Overcoete, reg. 815 and 816. clearidg at 87.50. ‘ , 4â€,; ESOMMen'eCCEepe, leteet uttyleï¬eg. 750 et 69: _ e . W en‘e . 81 or. e. » Mimi?!" 200 Boye’ vanfrgm 8 to 1‘ yarn. 1‘08. mm ,, Mani ,- n .n..¢‘t"-‘~j-h The Big Sale Commences on FRIDAY. MARCH 24 HANDSOME PRESENTS WILL ll GIVEN AWAY 1‘0 PURCHASERS 03' $5.00 OR MORE. III THIS! VILUII going at 1 3.50. Ru Se-vvml companies that. 1 am a at for hun- been paying losses to air “May-holder“ for nearly 2% years and still have Asa-ts enough u. be uumngst the Strongesc Fire hmumwe Umnpanies in the world. A44 for my rates before renew- ing vnlu‘ policyâ€"security cosidered “thev are the lowest obtainable and the diffu-ence in cost. between ghud :md lad is so infinitesimal when spread over three years for furnlUH'O or dwelling policies that the wise insurer will choose the best. 3â€HE EVENT OF TH ESEASON tiny Applehaum’s Record Sale HARRY APPLEBAUM. l Phone 88 FOR GENEARL cnangmo M. B. ANNIS, 0ph.D. Dispensing Dmggist Does Yqur Stock 1m}: INN/DER. DR. 3888‘ 3mm: poop. 1m. 3339' roumm‘ PANACEA. DR: mss‘ IDVSE KILLER. m- nL‘AGF‘Ju M. ETC. Pure Sulphur. 7 lbs. forum-950 Glaubor Salts. 7 Ibo. humane summon». 2 lbs. 10: ............ 25c m,“ «mine up ‘0! “I. A. HIGINBOTHAM F. H. KIDD 'l‘lmru awn mien and subs, but Applebaum‘a Sale at the \. J. Suzuum' stand will simply astoniah the people far and Ewrything during the sale at, pratically your own price. 75 Men‘s Suits, latest style, worsted. DRUG STORE WE DOUBT FOR SILVER umunin. Snpoliu Aunmmin Boa Ami Lye Life Buoy 4; o H 8: H Soap FOB woop Don’t Trifle With Your Eyes ATw 91 Kent-st ..lUc in Wilson rendered an excellent eelec~ .tion entitled "l‘he Ionareh ot the â€mod." after which Mr W 3‘. Rob- sun the president 0! the society. gme a paper on "Possible Achlexe- merits in Flowers and lets, 3' reler .lring particularhr to the extensive !gr);\\th 0! flowers and fruits. for he ) stated fashions may come and lash- ions nav go, but the iashion oi sul- ti~ still" and using o! plants and flu .xeu: is immemorable and on the increase What were considered lux- u.ries a ten years ago were the neces gsitios of to-day. FLOWER GROWING. The business 01 flower growing in I’hot houses is a recognized national industrv with a large amount oi cap- ital inwsted in the production of these it reed beauties, as for exam- ple the growth and magnitude ‘ at- tamed in the production of roses by the late Harry Dale of Brampton, Canada. This business was com- menccd in a modest way in 1883 in a small green house 11x15, and has now grown to 27 large green houses - with a glass area of 225, 000 square; feet. twice as large as any in the Do-‘ minion. Think, stated the speaker. [of a place in Canada where it is al- Strays June or perpetual summer un- ’! der 1% acres of glass where 50. 000 :tOStS blossom, yielding a half amil- :Iion tuds a y.ear No sooner does a {plant shoot bud and blow than it is but and stored for shipment. the stock being only allowed to bloom lence and is then replaced by another. . In these green houses, said the Speak- or they knew no season as the same . temperature remained during stunnier Ennd winter. and there may be found the gorgeous American Beauty, the liuw “bite brides. the delicate pink Ibrixlvsmaids, the fascinating crimson u otuors. the cream sunsets and mam .oiher Varieties. A staff 0! 0 mom fare employed in green houses and 'mlmy others at various occupations 'sufiicicnt. to maize m, weekly wage bill of $500.00. while the houses are heatml by 3‘2 boilers aggregating ‘480 horse power and consuming 2.- 000 tons of can] a year. This year ’lhiv luiit two more greenhouses R40 her long and improvements include ‘ 'lour other houses 200 feet long at a 'tntal cost OISBO. 000. For this out- :lay thex received the following inâ€" ‘, ccmi-z 'J‘o-day the ï¬rm haxe a mar- iket in New York for all they care to send there. but the Canadian trade 1 taxes them to their utmost. At Christmas time, which is high _tide of ‘ harvest for the rose trade, the best. , Specimens ‘0! American beauties sell I for $1 and $1.25 each. In one year this ï¬rm cut 500,000 roses. 500,000 4 carnations, 400,00 violets and 15,~ ¢ 000 chi} santhemums. The lesson to i be lc-ained from this is that there is 1 always an unlimited market for the , best. and often at fabulous prices. 1 THE MUSH MELON. 1 1 1 I Mr. Robson then described the groving and marketing of the fa- mous Montreal mushmelon, which is one of the luxuries in the rich homes all mrr the continent. This melon ( is only attained by specialists, and . in the vicinity of Montreal. where the ( soil and the modiï¬ed Condition of l the atmosphere suit it. The seed of . this melon, he stated, was sown in A tum, In“ crowd nttndod tho annual winter mouth. 0: the Box-u. (WNW Society, ‘m From ‘0 N wry humming and tun-mu“. Rev. Canon 13ch the chair in his now . Moat. mum. and in opening tho man; named that he wan very toad 0! flowers. tad when u boy his “that awn-a had a. large puden of Vacuum! flowers. “1‘. reg. 816 and $18, er Meeting of Lindsay Horticultural Sodetynlnstructive and In- ,*___ terestlng Papers by the President, W. M. Robson n that it “~qu 0|an mt than could not b0 1m than 80,000,080 mm tree- in Outed; at tho punt a well-vultivuted farm." Sir Fred- rick than stated that in his opinion nothing could be more beautiful or true than that, dolorlptlon. and «I soon n he was ablq to link. on the LARGE EXPORTS. Mr. Rob-on Itnud tint during the last. ï¬ve yam more Ind boon export- éd from Kinc'l County non! “out 200.000 W o: upplu . you. In the «fly nixtiu than were pox-ups 2.500 I“ or orchudn in the whole alley o: the Annapolis. while now am; :- prob-my 00.000 to 50.000 norm in mm. Th0 m mud moi “and mprmalb‘utiu of omega. would return to his orchard. which contuned over 8000 M. tuno. and um h a low van-Mon to plat on the or- my opinion ï¬lm can in no happiar iii». not «My imam um tillage a: the earth is salutary to ail. but from the x-imm it yields. who wim'e establishment o! a good and asaiduoua huabmdman is stored with wealth. Nothing can be more pro- ï¬table. nothing more beautiful than Mr .1 “Math then read a short ex- mm from Sir Frederick Burdens address at. a fruit convention in which he (meted the following from a pmt Roman named Cato. - " I came new to chu pleasures of hugs baadry in which I vastly aul‘ghc. '1‘th emu; ta me to be pursuits us Much a wise man’s We should be sweat The mm does not; rebel against authority. It. never swan back but with usury what. it receiv- cu. hm. the gm of husbandry m not. what. uxcluslvoly command it. In were awarded to the best cal-load of 1109195. for Northern Spys the ï¬rst award was $500. 2nd prize 8250. 3rd $510". The same awards were also gin-n to the following kinds 0! cation-la: Spitzbergs, Yellow New- ton, Ill-iuws‘ Golden, King of Tomp- kins, Jonathan, and a. car of mixed apples. But the biggest prize was giwn fur the sweepstake for which the 13' prize was $1000, and a $100 solid gold medal, the second and third prims being in ratio to the ï¬rst 'I‘he whole thing. stated the speaker, was a mammoth affair. a credit to its promoters and to Can- ada. Yet. he stated, the great bulk of apples are. from Ontario and Nova, Smtid. and for quality the world over (mmrin takes the palm. est and grandest display of apples ever recorded in the world's history. a prov‘mial achievement. that. all Canada ought to be interested in. Mr. Rot-son then gave a. very vivid and interesting sketch of this great antler-taking. and stated that prizes grown d-o tend u “Mam 50"" on public pain “a whoa! Mann ‘0- pam- with mum-on: other civic 1m- pmvmu. Such a work at Pm!- emu pntflotiln. N “‘Wo nut luv. . W W ï¬at on‘ho gown ad u.- manual. by man. slowdthmuwulhtbm ndmumpoophumuu magma-«commu- i230. he shied. moi: u the on. held last night. van on of tin roquiro manta of .11 unoiotion. lay of tin Inâ€: “a Want moieties in Ontario include in M Work min. no. to their citin- nnd municipd council- by m of 1003M utter tho {ammunition and Inflation oi their mpoctivo chin and towfn. . “may A GLOWING TRIBUTE. The speaker then went on to ex- plain the beauties of the flowers and that they were used as an expression of human affection at births, mar- riages and deaths, woven in the vie- tor's wreath. hurled in graceful tri- bute to valor, patriot, statesman or orator. Pleasing and refreshing re- miniscence to maturity and age; to all refining and inspiring. exhaimg delightful perfumes. healing like rich incense on this earth. soothing hu- man sorrow, exhalting and ennobl- ing character, touï¬ing a responsive chord in the heart of gratitude and praise to the (liver oi all good. He then gave some incidents of the near merciai value of the flowers. stating that in 1805 the ï¬rst lot of cut nar- cleans Was sent to the London mar. kut from Scieny Isles and realised about 35; In twenty gears this trade has grown to 65 tone. the maximum daily output being new ebeut 35 tons. From November in min-ch the bulk oi cut flowers going lh Londen came (rem the south ni‘ France: the Niee district experts about “8.000.000 worth annually. and the Cannes alone sends about 400 tons in the winter months. These ere only part oi the supply required for this great citv. HORTIOUM‘UML SOCIETIES. Alter a. short intermission Mr. Reh~ sen wee called on ier another W. "Horticulture! Societies end their wurk." which he stem was a do. iiahtiul suueet. and one which every» one was intimately connected with eiiht by its sheer utility {or null;- uy purposes or iron! en lute love oi its adaptability to the plenum of life. The heidiu of public meet- mensurativ? with their universal lux- uriance. rlarge revenues in many lands on the 1old continent. Six thousand dollars were paid tor one rose (the Bennett), and Iabuloue prioee paid for other flowers. Mr. Rob-on stated that he had grave torebodlnga with resflct. to the floral kingdom. for in this age those beautiful gems of earth that are exhallng such a bountirul trag- ranoe enriching and exhiliarating our very existence are scarcely receiving a reciprocal response or that grate- ful feeling and attention that is comâ€" The name ndmirntion uni devotion continues down through .1] staged at history until the present time. when their vsiuo is becoming en import- ant motor or commerce. yielding uk gut-um. u m a qua. am It was laud an. a. u..- could he pruned st any who now. um um than would In to loan era. but tint. than m n low excep- tions. and he hoped am. on W would come what "Cybody would have home. notod for their banana flower: and um matings wen u .83 a: .3. «.33 can not >435 can» 683- 3 42A! 8 .8953 33.1.3... as :3. a. pin 15 Mm Sulllvu than rendered . v0. uJ solo. which “‘38 may ‘PPN- ciated. Riv. canon um Rev. Canon m the mm held last. night iould um Inca FLOWERS. P. A. FERGUSON, District Manager. OFFICERS: 71105. HELIJRD. Presid‘ent and Wanaging Director P. H. SIMS. 5. B. BRICKER. and HON. 1A5. NcKallen. Vice Residents 9’. H. ï¬OOS. Secretary Vinson" W. P. LANGSTAFF. A. I. A.. «:4. «:4. 5.. Actuary JRED HALSTEAD. Superinteftdant of Agencies Tho year 1910 has been the moat satisfactory Company Growthâ€"4 The lwenty-Second Annual Meeting of this Company was held at its Head Ofï¬ce, Wat’ erloo, Ontario, on friday, february l0th, l9ll. Ihe following are abstracts from the Directors’ Report, for the year ending December 3lst, l9l0. Unucelled Results to Policyholders Policies Issued and Revivedâ€"$2,298,763, being an increase over 1909 of $388,273. '1‘otel Business in Forceâ€"$10,720,766 ; net incaease for year being $1,444,444, the largest gain in the Company's history. income and Expenditureâ€"The Cash Income from premiums (net) was $330,520.14, and from interest, M33242. 05. Total, $463,745.09, an increase over 1909 of $49,858.58. Out of this in' come, $99,285.99 was paid to policyholders, $10,000 in diviiends to shareholders and $110,212.05 in expenses of managements, leaving a balance of $244, 247.05 to be carried forward. Death Lossesâ€"Only 4-1 per cent. of expected losses. Earning Powerâ€"Average rate of interest earned durin Assetsâ€"Now total $2,174,605.91, an increase over 1909 of $308,653.15. Reservesâ€"$1,731,509.19. Valued upon Institute of Actuariesâ€"Hm, 35 per cent. and Hm, 3 per cent tables, a standard much higher than Government requirement. rrrrr . n. . ,. , (A. g 1910 advanced to 7.52 per cent. Earning Powerâ€"Average rate of interest earned during 1910 advanced to 7.52 per cent. Knotsâ€"Now total $2,174,605.91, an increase over 1909 of $308,653.15. Reservesâ€"$1,731,509.19. Valued upon Institute of Actuariesâ€"Hm, 3Q per cent. and Hm, 3 per cent tables, a standard much higher than Government requirement. lumpingâ€"The Compcny’s surplus earnings for the year were $93,609.74, and after providing for the dividend to shareholders and peying out $13,878.95 to policyhol lers’ account in cash and bon- uses, the sum of $69,730.79 was left by which the net surplus wss increased. The gross surplus now stands at $384,752.96. The ectusl proï¬t returns made under matured policies have been large and are believed to be unexcelled. \ Dominion Life, Twenty-Second Annual Report The steady growth of the Company is shown from the following : Assurances issued ........... Assurance: in force ......... Aunts Roam“ ..........., .......... Bur lu- ........ CM income ................ Payments to Polioyholgkrau Avongo Rate of Interact .. ASSURANCE COMPANY Our: stock of Ladies New Spring Mant les and Suits 13 now complete; never be- fore have “e shown such eloquence in style, ï¬t and wmkmanship. The very Coat and Suit that you need rs here NOTE THE PRICES Coats $8.50 to $35.00 Suits $12.50 to, 35.00. Don't forget Our Spring MLLINERY OPENING, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 23,24 and 25. The New Spring SEES and Mantles Are Here H duty to try ad Mm MW W0 and new aluminum by Itnvtn‘ for u lupi- mboulup so am. they night In in . bum ponmon to take 0‘ pm in the may improvomcm o! the town. He M M nut.- od the W men could boom. . mul- by and“ Ir. human ‘or II. I}. m. M“. who would {M can any Mutilation Md. uwm.um wall can Noam mahlothtupmtoun a OI... IIQ. 0" IIQIIQ gg‘\ |I|00I| MAKE YDUR SELECTION NOW “w. THE 1908 1909 3154-3. 466 31910. 490 H171.158 9. 276. 322 1.620.361‘ 1. H60. 958 1.338.404 1.515.156 268.501 315.022 366.512 613.886 49.097 61.319 7.02% 7.21“» was should I). built. how in m opinion o good lsvm W of putting oathomboonhowoulddizlt we]: ondthonnlxoloodotgood mummthglooddmudloom into rich thud that. spring was comm. and mtwhtobodou-wlmun gun in tho history of 1910 â€"-The Year of Mt Gnuti NIH“. 1910 2 2.298.763 10,720.76“ 2.174.603 1.731.509 384.763 «53.74.15 99.286 7.52% Lindsay, Ontario Wat’ fro