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Watchman Warder (1899), 23 Mar 1911, p. 4

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newt)“ “- “931153 AND 301‘ FRIES. MEI 01“:qu a. Notary Public. m Isaak to: “unmask QMtOta lur- to loan on terms to suit fâ€" ' . o-coNNOR. m5“? 8' nm Money HLIN, PEEL. FULTON a MINSON', Barristers, Solicitors. and Notaries. Money to loan. Speâ€" cial attention giVen to investments. Ofiices: Dominion Bank. comer of William and Kent-ska, Lindsay. R. “ " ‘ M Ful- IcLAUt‘. I I." .1 t. o â€"- V Notaries. etc. Money t est. current rates m ‘hW terms orificeâ€"Corner 1 York sts. , Lindsay. '1‘. Stewart. I... V. 0' 00m I w?“ p'\-' thN- nric meat for strict!\' seas No. 1.510” Large. tin-w. Qpr‘mgy. «human-‘1 :u lued according tn qua Also [ pay high-4t. prim ray all empress chm-zen. hold gumls separate un‘ Consignments Solicitc‘ W1 PAC. I'OUI William and he J. Mermlghlin Stinson. Clerk. v‘C‘ ’ o Conveyancmg _,__.__.â€"â€"7 HE UNDERSYGVED is prepared to farm. town, and vil- ut. vex-v iowest rates Company or private funds. I am always ready to buy good mortgages. I. E. WELDON. solicitor, etc. Amine Block. Lindsay. ’_._..â€"â€"â€"- loan money on Iago property, of interest. Still doing business in the same old stand but not in the same old way. We fiance with the time§ and are in a position to do better work than ever. New designs, new granites, new and unproved tools and methods, in fact the most upâ€"to-date Marble and GE L -2 n4...“ {he Works in this part 01 Unwrnv. Get our prices and see our de sigrs before purchasing. Shop and show rooms 11 85 13 Cam- hridze'SL. immaliately north of N erves mu” “"3 w wâ€"~ 7â€" V: I n . V r I rv.vâ€"â€"w -- veers “"11 “but” omoe‘kmoro .with handsome decorations o! shamrock O I 9 Lindsay Marble Works is. m m sssomim m flows, m A. 3, mm hmebemkngwntomakaw men actedasconvmer otthecommittee R. cnnxnnns, Prop‘ tee! as they did “flame"- is an excellent manner, and Miss a. weakness is ml" had into M. Crandell took the’ money at the door. . whmPHOSPHONOLBmd;pl-o- Mrs Carewandthecomitteede- . aim my 18 W ' sexual V ' .. â€" . Always reliable. Purely Vegetable. to can i I l- m' I serve great credit. (or the splendid " success of the tea, at. which a. con- Small and easy to take , i ' ill , in n y ' W both ‘ - ”a men- siderasble amount Was taken in to: the benefit 0! file hosfiitfl. . " 1 m" ‘ 91 l!â€" rEOQPKONOL ,1! 3°“ medicine. The tea. was a huge m in ov- H'â€" A. pureiy vegetable sugar coated pill Which an be enmity (when d duees results. PHOSPHONOL‘ promptly W :11 forms q! we weakness. and: as Mandrake Liver Pills» wmpoN. M Oakwood. issuer of 1 D . YAFFE )N, Mariposa township wood, Fire Insurance 21' of marriage licenses. a: in an its forms. nriccs rm a liberal assort scasrmable furs: SKUN‘fi I“, .913! It) NO. 4 Barrister. Lc_ solicitor 101‘ :senting water- lrance CO-- 0‘ ,ife Assurance :‘m nire ACCi- M FULTON Barristers. to loan a\ of OntsTiâ€"o our de sigrs same old an“ CORD) ATION FLOWER. \ cable from London says Queen Marv has adopted the p‘nk carnation as the coronation flower A cable from London Marv has adopted the pl: as the coronation flowe: DIED AT MILLBROOK. Miss Mary Elizabeth I ter of Mrs. James Falli l 'L I")! n» A u..:â€". Miss Mary Elizabeth Fallis, daugh- ter of Mrs. James Fallis, of Mill- died on Tuesday after anili- ness of pneumonia. ’1 his has cast: a. sad gloom over the community, as she was a. much beloved young wo- pe and comfort oi brook. man and the-ho 1RECEI‘VED ~_I{ING'S MEDAL. . . L '3’...“- and RECEIVED ~_I{ING‘S MEDAL. Major Charles F. Bick, 34th Regt., who is a. son of Mr. Frederick Bick, of Cannington, received a. handsome medal and clasp-this week, being the (late King Edward’s) King's de- coration in honor of twenty years' service as a. qualified officer oi the Colonial auxiliary forces. GOOD SHIPMENT. ‘ “ i-_......â€". Un'v- Mr. W. A. Wet-3e, the well known ‘ horseman of this town, shipped a‘ lead of 19 horses to-day. It was provably the finest lot of horses" that has left. this part for many moons. There were several well matched pairs in the lot, and three pairs tipped the beam at ox'er 3200 lbs. These should command extra high urices when they are put up for- sale. It is ?xpected that 12 of these horses will go to Sydney, 0.13. DAN FINISTER SOLD. Mr. 'l'hos. Cashore has purchased from Mr. John Aldous the well knmin pacing stallion Dan Finister. I'nn’s breeding is of the best. He is a. half brother. to Harold 11., 2.04.. and other fast performers, and has himself gone a. half mile in 1.05. He ~ has proved himself one of the gem- iest racers in the country, his stay- ing powers making him a. winner in many five and seven heat races. â€"- Font-lo: Falls Gazette. If you. or someone dear to you. have undergone the itching, burning, other cruel skin erup~ tion and have sufiered from its embarrassing. unsightly disfigure- ment; if you have tried allmanneroftreatment, no matter how harsh, to no avail, and have all but given up hope of cure, you can appre- ciate what it means to thousands of skin-tor- tured Sufferers, from in. fancy to age, when the first warm bath with Cuticura Soap and gentle application of Cuticura Ointment brings instant relief, permits rest and sleep, and proves the first step in a speedy and successful treatment. ltable delightful home, made canals: Pflo 'were sold, the boxes being decorated in white and green Mrs. W. Dun- ' age 01 this department ably assisted by 11338 H. Ross, Miss A. KcNeillie. Miss E. Stewart and Miss MfWaxner all of whom were MAKE ’ SWEAR: MEN attired in dainty white dresses with M. erlmnings and Dre'tty mop ~ (The Electric Restorer) -m“ 1“?“ PHOSPHONOL restoresreVe‘ry nerve in the body to its normal tension. Nerves that have been .1th years will vibrate oncolimorg .with - _._-hmnm. meroNOL is your medic“, less o'hyour condition or 88°- PHOST‘DHONOD is a new randy W upon purely mm P“ 'L __‘ STRONG "â€"vâ€"~ 0“, ”It .m-vâ€"v mtm very pleasing appearan“ 1‘ on .with handsome decorations o! 323;)1'011 and flowers- Mrs. A. B. w men acted as convener of W I. in an excellent manner. all W. Crandell took the’ money a‘ le' ' 91'" Mrs. Carewmdmm . sexual serve great credit for the to m nun-m8 of the tea, at Whi‘ HAD ROUGH VOYAM While in commune: with n ma porter same of the mom arrivals from the old land. who cube om ~ Hh‘mn‘n‘“r ’l mm "‘ 0 0| lkl I.” â€", . _> on the steamur "um OMAR. “ mum. aim am w W my rough with ‘ vegan and mm a! the W3 were 111 on him way over. were an an w... ".T - Use wane) enmuamod wry haw wells and ehupn ms. whieh wen meaning to» amuse he» mm? mm days avertiue‘ One man. whom a mom» valued t9. said was at --- â€"â€" Annih‘u ‘1‘ a WET"?! Saturn u” .w.. e the pmeagem were so damn! m that; they were meme to wee 91: deals at; all during m Me, A large manner at (owners were else en mm. iuNufling Sundieevtm‘ Modes and gum- nefienelisiea; Augmen- the Bessemer um um: hem! eheut 1.4%. When sakes! «hem, came over to Gamma $9 and has: benda. ow men said that there we! navev any entity or applicants for ‘such a puvpeao. The metrimnnial bureaus advertise for the wauun in England. and the nnlu .Imiuulw experienced by the The matrimonial bureaus auvuruau for thn wamen in England. and the only \lilYiculr‘v experienced by the meadow was in warding off for a time the excessixo number of applic- ants. Already many have come over and betom the season is far advanc- ad; the Informant stated that there would be five thousand sent out. OPPOSEIJ ’1‘0 UNION. ' ' The regular meeting of the Pres- bytery or Peterboro was held in St. I‘aul’s church. Port Hope. The ques- tion of greatest interest was the discussion and determination of what should be done with the union proposals. This question had been discussed by the Presbytery on two‘ former occasions. and the debate ad-1 journed. It was agreed that it should be taken up at 8 o'clock on i'j‘uesday night and brought to a Vote. As a large number of mem- bers wished to speak. it was agreed that speeches shou.d be limited to five minutes. except in the case of the leaders on each side. who were 'allowed 12 minutes. Rev. D. A. Thomson. Hastings. led 011 against the basis of union, and Rev. Wm. IBeattie. of Cobourg. ably advocated _A_H the basis of union, and Rev. Wm. Beanie. of Cobourg. ably advocated the cause of union. The vote stood 10 for union and 16 opposed. HONORARY GRMVD RRGISTRAIL. Smith's Falls, Ont... March 16. â€"- Sir Knight W. H. Sproule, of 0:.- tawa, was elected senior deputy grand master of Royal Black Chap- ter 01‘ Ontario cast, which meum that. he will probably be grand mas- } ter for 1912-13. ALA!“ The Blacv Knights wound convention by c-lccting the oiliccrs for 1911 : Grand Ml Knight Joseph Batten, Pe‘ Deputy Grand Masters, ‘. ‘IV a. ther In the room leading from the hat: was situated the Home Produce table. beautfiully decorated with green and white and shamrock. At this table en the tempting ,viands. such as bread, buns, etc., all home cooking, were ably presided over by Mrs. R. Ross and Mrs. T. Stewart. In the south room was situated the candy table, which was prettny decorated with emblems commemor- gating St. Patrick’s‘ day. . At this - Anna-‘Nnfl A. 'ncNemie. Mi luv u-.. _ _ Miss Miller andMiBs Stight, assisted by ow, and Irene â€"-... -1--¢;n,, Misses Reta. Miller, Gertrude Carâ€" Parkln. presented :1 smoearance ’with its ery respect, the various Wm being well patronized by thb Cit;- ms,‘-and as a. result the‘fuhds R5! the hospit'al mineral-90¢ by ‘70-; 49. At the may tmothe ladies took in 33090- mm m 0’ UNION. _, presided over by installed bv Bro- jay of Montreal :r of 11033.1 BlacE' North America. 3,3 situated gs prettily commemor- At this {mu W! Beam-9‘ 39m. mu. Gee, mime. Sam madman. Anon mus. Jobs Short. Wm. Hewutm‘ MWflIflALB M‘Wl‘fififiu, mm occurred m1 Mawh 14. at Mn Amhabald Iim‘whan. M, 0m re: finishes at Ma mm. Mr. “9m Bun- shall. near Fenemlrwm. 1mm. wlm Md bean in war hoahh fur some time‘ had ‘until mums lived near Cobaocmk. but several weeks 8580. was waved to the Vans tor medical ‘mtmem and nursing. In spite of the best at care his condi- tion gradually became more serious. until on Tuesday afternoon, he puss- ‘ ed away. He is survived by his father. Mr. , n. Burtohell. a brother of Mr. Jae. chaell. and two sisters. Mrs. J. ‘ Heard. and Miss Augusta Burtchell ' of Fenelon Falls. HRS. PETER MURTHA. The funeral of the late Mrs. ‘John Murtha. an old and highly esteemed resident of Emily township, who. passed away on Thursday night. were interred at Lhe Roman Catholic cemetery. Downeyville, Saturday,‘ a. number from Lindsay being in at- tendance. The funeral was held from the family residence, lot 14. con. 13. Emily, and proceeded .to St. Luke's church. thence to the Rf C. cemetery. The deceased lady. who was 83'years of age. was well known throughout tne entire community. and will he lmuch missed by relatives. friends of age, was W tne entire com much missed and neighbors” Another aged resident or the coun- ty has passed‘awuy in the person of ‘ Jane Nokes, widow of the. late Jas-‘ per X'okes, who died on Monday evening at the advanced age of 84 years. Threesons and‘ three daugh- ters besides one sister and two brothers mourn her loss. One, sis- ‘ter, Mrs. Rodd, died only a month ago, and one son .\lr. George Nukes, is at. present critically ill. The whole community sympathize with the fmnily in their hour of trouble. The funeral took place on 'l‘liurS- day afternoon to Salem cemetery. GEORGE COLLINS. The death occurred ,in Toronto on! Mommy. March 13. of Mr. George! Collins. a former resident of Lind? say. The late Mr. Collins was born in Sussex. England, but. has been in Canada about 35 years. He was a carrier by trade. and worved in Koh- son’s and Lyle’s tannories in Lind- say. He was one of the first mem- 102‘s of Westminster Lodge. S. 0. E. Three sons, Harry. Fred and Albert. and three daughters. Mrs. T. Brow. Miss [13' and Miss May are left. to mourn the loss. Mrs. Collins died 15 years ago. MRS. JOHN MARTIN. Another old and reqmted resident. of Lindsay passe! to the Great Be- yond early on March 16 in the per- .- son of Mrs. John Martin. The de- ceased. who has been a. resident of Lindsay tor upwards of forty-five years. has enjoyed good health. and “ um: nan a. week or so ago that The following from the NeWCuB'Llc Independent. refers to the death a! a. upon learning that a. message had been received from Dr._ Brent arm- , n. 777: vvvâ€" _ _ hone Bay, N.S., conveying the sad intelligence of the death that morn- in; down to visit her daughter at the sea-gide some three years The sisters had been aware 0! her :11â€"mn 19AM Mnm 30m little tm The doctor with the “b1 s‘ passed‘awuy m we pun... v. Nokes, widow of the late Jas- X‘okes, who died on Monday 1g at the advanced age of 84 Three sons and‘ three daugh- -I)esides one sister and two oars mourn her loss. One Sis- JOHN NOKF‘S. d resident of the coun- ‘awuv in the person of the Newcastle aces in the dim“ ‘. Thursday at“ '1 sage had Nam: eat ‘0! Ma- “1‘ B“ g the and 1110 that morn- thech Mrs.‘ mr- bmthi the Kisses :t 61131 whom she ydIOWi belore go- elm.” ughter gt, first a ,A_- 1...; A“ Just been» It tut “hum: aw trust. that suspicion that won them the same attitude in return. that all. av»! 03% entrant and 4mm than. . “L_-_. In -|‘ 0‘ ~becau se; Psychine (Si-Keen) is its ~ ’ meat. Read this c 86w you‘re not a Only “out one per ”It. “XMWKEJEE‘ “‘1‘?” 3’1: ' 9 I ‘° 9 I! u an” n 0! time aumum M“ NH. ‘0 “'“N- «wage. I “new m1.“ u won‘t W Andmmnuytmnuonunu. afl’fifi‘ on 3'“ “m.“ w “’ mm «mouth: at our "page. an out the Gannon “l mu m u think edvnnoe or improvement im- possible. ‘ Then some one come: “on: and the whole school of medicine II overturned. new and apparently indlepuuble theor- lea. en good. all womulve. respect for the dead, wdl‘their sym- pathy for the living, being doubly mindful of the two absent and ber- eax‘eq daughters. Mrs. Black in the distant West and Mrs. (Dr.) Brent, neither~ of whom could possibly be 19'. ‘ll .90“. In "v.- -â€" In the progress of medicine we some- times dlecover~ new values in old things. One of these is in the emcacy of cer- tsln herbs to cure disease. And. the reason they cure is that they increaseaud strengthen the whle "AA: “-- phl'fl. Now. we don't ask you to take our word (or the tremendously beneficial effect at Peychine. Fill out the coupon mail it to us and we'll give your druggist an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a so-cent bottle of Psychine to be given won tree of cost. £3§iau§cles o: the neither of present . ’ ' 'Emily all his life, spending most of it in Omemee. where he was Very 'popular. He was a strong worker in the Presbyterian church. where hi: presence will be greatLv missed. He flaws to mourn him a loving wife nu. Another aged “'3’ ”WW “7‘ out of this county 11” PM to- great. beyond in the person of ‘ George Windrim. of Omemee. ‘ present . ; GEORGE WIN'DRIH. Another eged end- respected resid- ent of this county has passed to«the : great beyond in the person of George Windrlm. of Omemee. passed quietly awey early on March ‘ 18th. About three weeks ago do- ceased become sick with the grippe which settled into pneumonia and esheweeenegedmen.70yee.rsot age, had e Intel result. Mr. Win- drim had lived in the township of Rmilv all his life, spending most of who r . Bobcaygeon. Thompson. teacher of the miller 'cleseee in the south school, who has m 15. â€" Miss been laid on work {or e. few days by an attack of grippe, is back again at the old stand. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. C. Boyd. who left here for England early in Jan- uery, returned again last night alter e pleasant voyage and e. {me vaca- tion. They gelled from Southamp- ton on the 4th on the same ship they crossed the omen on their voyage over. landing at New York on Mon- un_d_' lw-vâ€" - and nine children ; Annie. Amie, Gil- bert, Walter and Elmer at home. Mrs. P. Aggleston. o! Gavan. Walter and Norman. of Manners. and Tho- mas and Albert, 0! $ukamhewan. T. D. trauma. . Mr. '1'. II. Dolmen, 11.0., 0: onto. a. widely-known barrister, on Friday, March 17, at his I 39 Heath-st. He had been 111: a. month, but Was 1 bad. “d the mom sudden deal: comes prise. Mr. Dolmen: was in his sixty-fifth your and ; native of Ireland. ne graduated from the University or To- ronto, reaching the degree of M. A. He then studied law. graduating a few years later. For a, time he was [President at the Luv School. and ior mel Reesor Mr. I I‘\â€"~vâ€" Mr. Delamere was actively connect. ed with the Irish Protestant Benevo- lent Socigty. having been a Past. President. He was also a captain of the Q O.R In religion he was an Anglican having been a member of the church or the Ascension since the congrega- ltmn Was formed. For many years he - â€"-: -0 ~IVII ‘7‘.â€" was a: lay delegate to the Synod Toronto. n politics he was 9. Lil He is survived by a widow three sons and three daughters. of whom are at home excepting second so", Harald. who is at at A BAD C OLDIEEEE: Neglected Bronchitis is very oftan the direct wine of Consumption, and on the In. Dan. J. “cobra-3:, Cleveland, “""“" N.S., writes: “Hy littk' y two ya:- A very pa old caught} bud cold which developed tied gt the I ihho Bronchitis. Hc’wuaochoked upho n. Madly. could My breathe; Reading about; muddy} Iain BRONCHITIS. |'-'_ RI; 505% medicine, DrfWood’i Mitt, manl- m. was united Nérny modem, ldmded to try n in was. )to Ir. Joseph a. Bob Wmdwith'auchgnod result. I got «an, “am. most on another which completely cured him. without hving av doctor. I cannot say too much in if: praise; I_w‘ould_'not b0 now m the! yo 0”" W ‘ # - _.L-_ .1. Developed Into Qst. He had been 11le“ but Was not though” ‘0 the moment 0! his “l . tâ€"v, .â€" - ”.30qu «an A mm o: a mm: m. m..." 7 - and! um All we do mm to :how our an“... {in n a: dll- Illa “It “I. It lag cured in- mldoneo in m- woudmrm Wm- tfifimn‘ 2.0:. "12"; than“; mm. l mu“ it mull“ than A confidence, um M b m h an n. ““3. “mm mm nu nine. new in“ mm our mm mu' expentmfvp “21,323.: i a “known“! In “I “W“. m “In cor- oplendtd mutation. mm at um mm, «It. or the people M d m cod-tho mom». gm athaegudndmdu or \lwucmza. .. a e. who is at 8611001 K.C., of Tor- :Knox Church Anniversary «Exciting Hockey, Match of over. landing at. New York on Mon- day. the 13th. 111'. and firs. Boyd during their stay had a pleasant. visp it. with our old friend, Kr. H. J. _, ‘__‘ The} annual 3:1“me services or Knox Presbyterian church'wcre held Sunday and Monday the 12th and 181:: um. Rev.'Dr. n. P. McKay. secretary at the Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian church in Canada. preached both morning and evening. On Sunday and Monday he gave a stirring address on the work in mor- on. Dr. McKay is a. forceful speak- er. g man who I: enthminsuc in his er. a. man wno u munâ€"u..-" __ gregation Sunday morning on his tour of China was quite characteris- tic of the man. an Mondly evening his uddmss wu listened to with ex- ceedingly close attention. while he showed that 16 yea: was just. the beginning of the mutating the -tâ€"- p-..“ “can“. in England. Col. J. M. Delame the Parliament buildings. Torch! a brother. An elder brother. J. 1i ves at Will! um ’ickham, now residing in I‘â€" -.. -v England. ! MRS. G. W. CURTIS After a lingering illness Mr W. Curtis passed away to t! beyond on Marnlfl at he? ht Kent-st. , west. months past down town as may. who was in religk’“ ‘ l at Eardley. 009.. mu "‘0‘ Lindsay about five years ago. is survived by her husband, mother. Mrs. Hurdmnn. of E: (1110., one brother, Mr. Thomas num- man. of Eardley. Que., and one sis- ter, Mrs. John Black, of Ottawa. _ LATE MRS. CURTIS. The funeral 0! tbs late Mrs. George‘ Curtis took place from the family re- s . Kent-st... on Sunday. after noon] and proceeded to the Rum-side cemetery for interment. A Inge num- ter 0! narrowing triends attended the maul. the servic- being conductor! {by the Rev. J. P. Wilson. The pd!- ” my lotion: W. Mons. E. Robson and B. BOBEB'I‘MGEILY.’ Awmymmmâ€" m“ “human! '8'- ulllu. W. 8- M, «um am .1 m? Ell-Id ’ ; mun-mum 'mqithe body restjs “planed 'l' W .â€"-_., and site: using them some thr“ months I found a decided impm"; mentin mykidneys, and I am $1 maythati hope soon to be y restored no health.” I. P. Aug! lax-Judge City Court, Glasgovy. A! long as pain is prcsgnt on a Methpdist and was attandmt. She was I m: 16 yea: was yum. We in... __,, o! the christinnizing the ‘ lie Nichols, that now they mve mai- 1 Wm. Aruba passed away to the great ulnar-“16 at her home on west. Although ailing for out her death was unex- two Que., and moved to 3 (omen; 59w» ' n. -V nthusiusuc in his : cover point; D. C cuties ronviction‘lE. J. Broad and tires! to the con- ! forwu'ds. The pr‘ morning on his $20. After the m quite characteris- were run 011'. Do kin, Teddy Abba; â€" it“. \' ”mini J. 1!. Delamera of drum, of EardleY. Mr. Thomas Hurd- Que.. and one siS- mmm services 0‘ '1'. Bowes. »“'a .. WSuffered Yea"s With MIBaF‘“ rm“. IARCH 23, mu. acent churches. seating 1500 pcoplp, {and that .11, both men and women, were taking a. deep “there“. and man- .ifestlng n keener appreciation o! the Christian faith. A supper was held in connection with the anniversary, 'nt which about $70 was'realizcd. ' The soft weather of the past week I” brought about its usual results. The caning and dating season is nearly to its class. Last. night the cuetaker's benefit was in order, and '0 "n Ilulbgfli buy and a": L..._.j., A wwâ€"‘v'r-_ a. mull stats-action. a. hockey match, was put oh between the married men of Rokoby and Bobcaygeon. Say, it was a fight the way they rushed that puck. One 01 the Bobcaygeon play- “. Hr. George Hamilton, had not, had dates on but. twice in 18 years, and when they all got going there sure was sémething doing. The game fins full 0‘ incidents. It proved 10 {be the most excitmg of the season, -_A -. mu time the score stood a nearly to its close. Leat. night the curetaker's benefit We: in order, aid a. smell “traction. a. hockey match. was put on between the married men or Rokoby' end Bobtaygeon. Say, it was a fight the Way they rushed that puck. One of the Bobcaygeon play- ”, Mr. George Hamilton, had not. had slates on but twice in 18 years, old when they all got going there sure was something doing. The game Val full of incidents. It proved to in the most exdtmg of the season. end at run time the score stood a. lltieâ€"2â€"2. The players for Itulteiyy were: H. Moflatt. goal ; John Ken- ‘mey. point: B. Pearson. c. point; Charles Moflctt, R. Nicho‘da. W. T. Edgar and A. E. Bottum, inward; ‘For Bobcaygeon: II. Mark, goal; 'A. E. Kennedy. point: R. J. Green, qcovel' point: D. Cain. M. A. Fallis. 115. J. Brood and J. w. Hamilton. “onwards. The proceeds were noariy $20. After the match a few races were run 011'. Boys’ mooâ€"Wm. Jun- The attention of The “Eu-tiny i,,\ m the C.P.R. line south or the 1mm . a.“ at Janetvillc, Burkctun. I'I'h' ;...g two and three days late. In fun .- It is not generally kmmn, m;- H..- 8. carries mail only to Bobcmuwu .md trains. No mail is carried on 1! .. n willie. to mail a letter to any 1;... m 1 the-local post ofllce before 5.3” 1; :. '1‘ .gain from Toronto ‘ovcr thv (11‘ !I we tioned. Any letter mailed after u; ;. . H the Smith's Falls and 'l‘orumU Kim: mu} AS can be Nadily seen i! is n t . !'\1 Vicinity Of NeStIL‘LOD who am- uuxum, .t Lindsay sooner, and it would won; 'Dmt m lat-mere in the abour \icmn'. 1‘. ,4 C.P.R. trains going somh. ‘ The situation ofl'ects thn nu-zu- .‘mt the local papers, adverttsm; bur; :z- \- ter tbe'bergain. both the mvm‘hulfi' . m The Warder would be ph'uwn: o... lad! carried south on the (21’ I: h 0n T! A‘ u-OCUM. Ltd. """‘ w AV.“ TNONO T. J m m '0 W 33L. hunk Wand Htkmzm M V0 510! had a 5m. rm un er Mu. 5mm. , (3 |\t1' at n! «new.» lo a My Name Mudflmhc..... ............... This coupon In not good for nsnc. bottle Payohlno t! present“ to the drug, vm â€"u must be aunt mâ€"we will men uy an ”a. bottle of Paychino from your draw nd hoot him to deliver 1: to .m- -n... .m- M withdrawn at. ‘va 0â€". 'â€" kin, Teddy -Abbs; bms under-'16â€" Buuell Hamilton, R-nlph St" \ forâ€"Illâ€"Joa. Bill; lady and gonhe‘ nunâ€"mu Blanche ‘ right and Bo}. lie Nichols, mu DaiSy RobinScn and free- was SUpported through the trying ordeal by Mr. Herbert I‘ongeny, bro- ther of the bride. The groom's pre- sent to the bride was a handsome gold locket and chain, to the bride:- lnaid a gold lzrmlet and to the igunman-.11 a. gold watch chain. The hum! couple will visit Potcrboro. Toronto and Niagara Falls. The bride's travelling suit was brown Panama with Int and veil to munch. ‘Lm g ordeal by Mr. Herbert l‘on ther of the bride. The gm: sent. to the bride was a gold locket and chub. to ‘ maid a 30k! bracelet and Dnue I “-v‘.“ ____ such. Panama with hat. and veil to m Their numerous friends tish than I long and happy journey through life- a”, “'35 Duncan Ionroe. of Cornw 58 he :Laxded $50 damages bee“ when the ‘ day at M8“°"Ft°“ to stop ‘ ~J ! ““3" ignored a "“5" m n flout?“ B‘dden rules that“ ‘ on of the time able ,LHA [6! work andhoften "1 Mad for years with my back. or kidney trouble, and h‘" nnunhet of remedies from menu! phyucians. More than‘ www.meofou: locd drums“ V'OCIOO ‘V'QV'OC Elana-fl. hundred: it the“ 50mm mum a mctotry '. A fiOCUM. Ltd. advertise I I"..". 0.0!. I to...- (a; irritate-<1 '61-: -â€"v â€" “flared a “flag" deell rules mm of the time with the Public” ranks in 95" cam New Dress Goods 111 Pdplins in the NM\ Sh New Blouses in 8111‘ Black Silk \Vaists -3 New Dress Tril‘mm shades and EffECts 11ml r1 brand in navy, brown, New Kid Gloves, _’ L: 3 Specials in Hair 1 New Corsets in the New Corset Cover li Boys and Girls \‘a hades 25C and 50c. Splendid assortment Suggests linden Valley, March ELLâ€"“P u"-- ll Mica know that Mr. «1mm In!!! an all improving after u N- I! “tack of gn'ppe. The W friends of Mr. Alex. 31(- iw are sorry to hear or his A: ”I“! (or the past few weeks. 1-“: we (at his recovery 50ml. III. Bert‘ Jewell is able 1n 1.» PM again after happening.r “'1th P “Meat by being Squeezed in .L If. 8. Min has the misfortun” 1“" c nimble horse sick. mm. PG for its recovery is ent’ertainmi " Mil also 1081, a fine cow :1 “cw , '° W phased to learn that Mn L tau” is quite able in Hill-“- “(m Weldon. of town. return- “. h home Saturday. aftn-r h couple of weeks with h.-v~ V I“! M have to turn sepal'u‘ W the summer months. . 11W, of Trenton, ix M 0! her cousin, Miss household duties again afiz-z‘ m.- ot docks ill health. '. J. H. mamas, of Pickermg '18.ng and Sunday with M" IF.â€" 3. Jewell. The many frr of E.) Minus were all plea» ’*m with him again. even thu ’m M be had labored pt- M school tedcher for 0" darts are being put fur-‘1 an Wing of the Marlpusu Bum-y as in former _\-ear~. m are glad to know that Uh'fllllt. Norman Dean. “Ira. Ohidlcy. of Cameron) My with In Bert .19“- ancntine is the guest. or Mi»- M at on Friday morning esting Items from Linden Valley and ’1‘. Will Cranes entertain- \e Arr .M, of Toronto. to M gt Linden ,'. ‘0‘ Woodstock is YISIT Bil-chard. 0f ut the former' s Better M Oi do wil 79!} G l‘ Ill hol tn

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