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Watchman Warder (1899), 7 Mar 1912, p. 10

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The United Stapesr are s'Uflering from the gfeat scaycity, and f our neighbors to the soizth_ are getting the base of their supplies from New Brunswick, most of the consignments going toâ€"Bostm and~New "Yca'k;~ ._.._ .- ~137Liverpeel peMeetnrm setting it 39cper bagvfioiesn’tef‘ "so we! , ... 1 3-3.1: 7 ”Anti“ Lfimr ELI fAnd gentle applications of 1 'Cuticura Ointment have‘ proved Successful in' the :most distrwsing cases, of ' infants, children and adults, : L when all else had failed. Ammmaommm by «ll-um all ”our“ Acc0rding to official reports their is a shortage of 25, 000,000 bushels of potatoes in the Province of On- tario and Quebec. Other parts of the DominiOn are more fortunate. There was a good crop iast’ year“ in Manitoba, Alberta and the' Okalhagén Valley 'or British 'Columbiq. ‘ gossible The tuber in Winnipeg is worth about, $1. 00 per bag and-in New Brunswick especially in the St. John Valley the farmers there had a splen- did crop which is being imported to meet the extraordinary demand irqm other parts of _the Dominion for which the pro_du'cer is rece1ving $1.60 poss ible carriage {fives .s init‘ed suxgide 9y bumps; nears Fe- ”016*. . 3‘ i r t: The: Hydro @mm‘!*i6:n,L gwfll E120 (£0 horsepower Es. “Chat 3 ‘Fa. o: iDo; ou realize that to gt; through life tortured and Ed! isfigured by itching, burn- _.ing, scaly and crusted ec- frzemas, or other skin and fscalp humors is unneces- :sary? For more thanagen- "cration, warm baths with ives sufficient margin _to guaranfee' profit. to the Capadin mime: The substitute of the .potatoq . iccording to domestic seience be found in a rice diet. - _ 5 In the amount. of heat energy guin-~ 5d from the potatoe and rice. the bite:- gives about twice as much fbr the money as” the ldrmer) ‘ D0- mastic science in dealing with“ the: flue speaks lava-ably a! the soon» 0min value both in respect to en- égyâ€"produéfion MWy-buiming of .m.d- mined em Br m: flaunt: Eel- pond. Frank Mind, 2. young farmer com- éSUFFERERS Cuticura Soap PAGE TWO. my!» nah 3%“ MEWM Slouch. "D?arrl£:-a. '~ 4---L '10“. Dow, Dluubllgynm- '3' Worms ,Conmlsionsfevensfi: as “1.038 or Sun! thflekeparafionfouis- similaung lheTood andch 1113' magmas-mm Weber YacSinilg sigma! my place an automobrles and with valets, ” he continued. " “'1 pack these accessories back home, an? the rich young man stays or not, as he' decides. Almost 8,11 the patients are neurasthenics. Most of them also suffer .fnom . insomnia, . ,When a Jveai‘thv young ma‘n comes it) me 'suf- " 1am: Mums, 11¢!!de tefted the same as any other pa.-1 irtient- "$3 mix; forget home frills, learn to take his own bath and dress himself and to walk instead of motor. If he is gentlemanly to- ward my other patients, including charity patients, I treat him well.‘ If he is a, snob he gets -no consider- ation.” t . ~ . , I ” I get unlicked cubs who come to w i i of " The Stampede," is, from incepâ€" tion to' climax, literally true: u‘Al- though the individual characters are necessarily» ficfcitious, . their identity is but: thinly ‘. veiled and ~may be readily recognizedin real life as tne individuals must prominent : in ‘ con- xemporary. politics -.a.n21 finance. 119- on this gripping basis 05 greed and intrigue, the authorshav‘e builded a delightful romance of tender ssenti- meat,» enlivened by flashing gem-it. amusing situations_, .and: :thrilling episoflw‘. , v - of national repute 'to defraud -, the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indian tribes of $450,000, provesnhat‘ the interesting dramatic~ story which Cecil do Mille and Lillian" Bucking- ham have used... to develop the plot This stellar attractionyis billed for the Academy of Music, Friday, Mar. t9 9 Vegtan. ‘ syndicate for three "milieu dollars '5 r, k '4: '4‘ (I . l i Mcfifif fitfidentg started a. demon- stration at Ottawa. and two young men. were arrested and fined. ' q fiaellifiifl J. {did 9' gets the country. 8’65? The trainer said One of the best patients he ever had was Elihu Root, then U. S. secretary of state, who followed instructions religiously and was quick to learn. "tno “‘zhem-s'el'vés and no good to any one else, all the result of too much money.’ > fit: is llere 130 disc :9. busi- iiessi tioni'é'flfli Eli. 5.- . _. 1m Muldoon Says Money Madness ‘ - is Making Americans Decadent AC8. uemy OI musw,rr1uuv,uma1:1‘ 08030 L. ' .boxesac ”44.....- -~-~-â€"-â€"~-~-f1-'f:.. .; ix ' done to L“ Mon mal Can‘a'da n.‘ hasten-n. Omaha for hree.cures“.n W outflow...“ 01:. You cm; Wad-"W W ' W nqnfiffilfi it Mon syndicate for 1 {sop those who have‘ suflered,» * know the -bléssings 6f perfect health.“'i‘he ' jOy that it; brings interthéfi‘ fives makes them? want Lto shout the good‘ news from- the- houhetops.-- , .‘They 7 Want. ‘other. sufferer-Etc kan' the road to health: Such is "the case - with Mrs. Alfred Safiard of this :place. , ' ' .. “ I have been =a sufxerer fofi many years with’ Kidney Disease.“ ' Mrs; Savard says. “finding an advert- isement» telling what. Dodd’é’ Kidne3 Pill‘s had done- for a. mil-3r suflex‘ér I’ decided to give-‘themufurial; Six bOxes acured ima- oompléteiy.” ‘ children are| generatiou ll bition; its tiqn. The A Winnipe wounded hi N 7 V V w r g i . L: primanded 141m for ”laziness. mired Co ett 6: fibeEand town- ship; Quebe: has been arrested on the charge (if murdering his young daughter by thrbwing her bodily across a roam. Wabash firemen in Canada have been placed on an equality with C. P R. firemen regarding pay [W 1- n (35’ ditions. : n. women suffer. a > m Vernon LOrd of the L.CZI‘._;\‘was 1n the burg over Sundgy. ‘ ‘ 151} Harry RobSOn left on Thursday for Sault. Ste. Marie. _ Mrs? W Townsénd, of 'Cameron, visited her sister, Mrs M. Sharpe, for a. few hours on Saturday. Miss Maud Lapsfield returned on Saturday to her duties in Peterboro. frig tful rapidi won 6 be a. cri o rele 'Thfig t’asyIQ " M e} d m ne a e th’e gvn cau‘éés of ale the fivib’calr'ses of We ”may," he said.“ The corroding influences of the greed for wealth has been felt in every walk. of life} It. is impos- 'siBIe to see where this degeneration will :s’gop, -j_ Evan; year it gets worse. Take the millionaires who achieve Wealth 3‘th come' to 199; lots of then}, worn out, dissipated, crazed almost by their ‘ye‘rpgtual struggle for more money 'i‘hyar m..- 7-..- ,_ “-m... ’;a.4~-I' Mr, Fi'ost spent a. portion of the week with Toronto friends. Mrs“ Finlay Robson left on Tues- {lay t'o vis_it friénds in Calgary, A1- berta' _ ‘ .. _-. Unless L the weather man sends ainqther fresh supply of snow Mr. Fountain intends homing his annual hockey tournament. on the 6th apd 3th of March. A numbet of teams have _alrea_dy entered and . a good ‘time i_s anticipated. Coins, Valpng and clieer~ foxf phe bays. ‘ ' ‘ Mr. W MqArthur was a visitog to Lindsay on Monday. Miss Mamie Ellis, of Sturgeon PL, vâ€"vy- v4â€" Mi's. Freti Washburn 4nd children," bf Guelph, are gfiests 61 Mrs. Wash- hum of town. ‘ What modd's ~ ‘Kidney' Pills have done for' Mu: Savard they have doné for thousands" of‘other ‘suflera‘s ‘- in Can‘dda: . The daily papers tell 36! MRS. SAVARD TBILS HOW THEY ”CURED. HER KIDNEY DISEASE FROM WHICH SHE HAD BEEN A. ,, SUFFERBR FOR MANY ‘YEARS~_.I. ."- ‘ St. Simeon, Dorie], Cha‘rlevoix Co. Quebec, .'-Mar.:15 (Special).'-'- Only 9-K"?! @3- ‘8: 31%???” and: ”5?.” and conditioner, said here that the American race is degenerating with The leap yeaLr skate held on Sgt- urd_ay night was very spccessful..'1‘he ladies met the occasion braVely_ and the young men were yery seldom left wall flowers. Mr. Vernon LOrd won the lucky ticket_ efid' drew a. hand- some jewel cqse as a. prize. ' k . . cured-made 'by- them evb'ry 'day. They always cure Kidney- Diéease' ‘and Kidney: Disease ‘is the" causé 'of nlhe- tenths ' of i-theetroubles’ from ‘which wax-sq, younger , bses gym H -. m},- gig moralé and ité reputa- embers of that genera. boy shqt 39d seriously‘ sistj-éfi'ecauge she re- :11 for "lazineis. of the L.c:I_._iuw;§ a ( spending2 a. few dsy's in tqwn . _ Mr. Grover Kerr, of Campbellford spent a. few diys of last w'eek in the vilIIng‘e. Miss Thurston and nasal-s. Thurs- ton, of Dunsford, spent; Sundéy in town the guests of Mr. and Mrs. HID WEAK and Bill YSPEHE < (:0ou NOT SLEEP AT NIGHT. People all over this land toss nigh: that night on a .slpeplcss pxilow. and d' not close their- eyes in the r; ‘gefizing slumber that cont-E to those wl use hear. and nerves are fight. , -e sleeples§neé comes hath?!) from ; . -8¢mcnt of either the neon or U . or both. but whateve' the muse - 43 Heart and New; Pills offer ‘ Mr. Alex. Kitohen, who Six years ago gave up the Cheese Factory and went West, is around again paying a visit to his old friends at Red hock, Verulam. He is staying with Mr. Edg’ai', Bobcaygeon. His farm _' is one hundred miles north of Regina, and he is not very tar hum the town '0! Watson. He appears to be getting along well and prospcrzng, having“ gone into ixibféa ramrfi‘g’,” raising cattle and hogs, as well as grain.‘ For: the last year 'or two he has purchased the cattle and h6g8 of -, his neighborhood ‘-.and -shipi1ed them to. Winnipeg. afidfhis trip east this time. is‘: tops-Chase Io. curtain! ofhorses, may droughts. » He" ms around "GampBellford’ tor-”xiv few days. having -: relatives then», . "and mohased'mos't-‘ot a. cafload and -i1 Hugh Sharpe. Mr. A. Clark of Lindsay. 1111'de (D?) White, of Kinm'ount. were cull- ed to tc‘nvn 011 M’on’day owing to the serious illness 0! their father,_ who passed away on Wednesday morning. Miss Merging: Golden returned honxe fro1n Janetville on Friday . Rev. C. S. Lord, of St. Andrew’ 3_ church, gaye the final address on church union lest Sunday. Basis of church union were thoroughly dis- cussed and in clOsin‘g the pastor ex- pressed the Wish that the members and adhérants would give this Very important subject their prayful c011- sideratio11 on Sunday, Mercy 3rd ’ the ctase, but gas not ready Q on 80%, a9 gthqfiefl I any suitable otters are found -'here he might take them. . -~ - â€" ~ 1 i’anmcr‘x op rkdm'st. '7 (agenda this- j. yppng {farmer pf; Brock, appeared before Magisgrate 6193'. :0; Torgnto,; Samuy’dé 4n:- wer to the charge of not keeping a. ...... NQrthey, f , __, v.0“ *- houremwwâ€"days' mm.” Mr. Arch. C_larke,‘7 oimffiiifl Yelverton, Feb. 23. â€" Mr. Morley Cope, of Chesley,-~who has beenovisit- ing friends for the past -two weeks, has returned -homo.». - ' ' ' funeral of his grandfather: ---' The union will be vo'ted on during the ofl’ertOry Sunday evening. The ‘choir sfmg a. splendid anthelp, “G811- tly Lead Us." with 5010 parts til:- en by Miss McKendry and Mrs; John Mr. Arch. Clarke, (1m College. is in town to ¢ day: in Miss Lila.’ Vance of Brunswmk ‘-visp Hawaii-he; cousin’s; afar. ’0} Rwa- son’sxfdpuier M flatbelfl'dmgfk’ort Perry' Z'EEhS'iEJ’x TC? lefiglhfiefipe '11:: 356’ duXZS‘E: W on Monday. '_ Miss Margaret. Jordan is Visiting ‘ A numher-ot, our young people at- tended the concert and tea glpen by the Presbyterian; of Nostleton last. Monday evening.- ' - ~ ’ amen. Ul' mum-am. m â€" Tomato. Sample box treat! youvfi'énfidh’tmi ”or and enclose 20. “amp to "a! When. Rednor returned to Peterboro Em Hendgrs spent Satur- 153;};InQfit Saturday. x»; 3- lag... n. .mhh Z l ‘3‘. .ri... “atlx Humauiurflil‘ Mamiihg‘,‘ or Janétviné,’ ‘is YELV-ER'I‘ON . l {by Mr. A. Ashmore, proprietor of the King Edward Hotel; has been showing his ability to keep in; the frgng napks agngngst the hsst hggses in Canada this season.(f'1‘h.1flg:qut .. - PJl-a A...- “Cur-V- Public bpihiqa generally endorses the GovernmeatIa decision "to pass a minimum wa‘ges bil} 1191c egs 1he re. 1...- ghamder 9! the miners 918?” 1.9 111111 brhiciple‘ which lias already bun 4‘1‘.” .â€"-, ~ c'onsented to by 60 per c'e11t.’ .01 _1he 'emp‘loyeys. . d'red steamers are held 11;) at ("fhe .-'I‘he.tr,ottiog horse Ned Wilkes. which 'was owned here at; one time mima) tney are “'8“ VI u ' nu; n a“; \ llh-ecognitio' W géfiflfis m lagfiat U m ind- ~pmc£s AT HAMBURG DOUBLE“ he waning»: Warm “should also Hamburg, Match 1. â€" The prices iunds enough in their treasurv tc be adjusted and included in 1!“ 1y; 0,1 bunker coal have already doubled flay every employs now out Thev mu. m matter was therefon 1.; here since the declaration of the ntend to give 10 shilling; ($2. 50; 50v“- for. {umber consideration 1.0. British coal strike: Dbmmtic ship vper week w every miner and sn: 81181-101? being given its final readim owners have a his supply at eoal u’pznounts to unskilled men and boys It is generally understood that m; but there is little or none availqble {fl‘he money in the treasury will last lprice of power is to be increasm “Hp .10: ioreign vessels even at. fancy 3st least a, month. = , _ 'desire of the" Council is' to pm x13 “ ’ ' ' ' plant on a sound financial basis anfl bring the equipment up to a. high Ned 9Wilk€$,;'1’0rmér iLindSay , '. f , , liiiif‘lfidm'iffifiifi‘m m "T “c,' Ned Wilkcs, Farmer =Lindsay . - Horse, Doé1g Well at Ice Meets ey .030 . rm \hctwintef 5. may m _ 1 gy‘degmwme. : ‘ .‘ ' 'v ' V ~ Chief 1m; Johnson 9‘ the( ms‘ sax.“ mefiwinh‘ on difié gheey. uga Indi‘ns Of Scugog' was in ances Under“ b)’ them, by unci‘fi“ '» lation of the S turda and handed u the vtreatment..1n vlo a gladly t proclamatioif The ‘ friends. hip subsisting between His, en .. Majesty and the Mississauga In- fullv demonstrates the dians, as well 'in violation of de- in which the Indians ' 'cency and 3606 o'rder:13e it there-' . ' the authorities even lore known that 3 any cpmbhinti " gate in Canada. The shall hereafter be we of injuries gig on all occas'g‘ona‘ done to the fisheries and to the proved a granMuiaition to L the burial place. of the use Indianl or; best interests of Ctnada‘and mum; either of them. and the per-00mm of trouble have demonstmted their be ascertained who misdemeanedl valour in may a. hard (Oughtbtttle him-ell or thus-Ives. in manner mm in every instance proved true to «would, each person or pereonel qur coma-y. and the mugs will “mediated-at mu; “#1 mmumeoutontop. MMMapropu-di -" " PROCLAMATION. ample made of any therein oflend LIMIT/107. , , ‘The greatest danger “kit 15 “m South Wales. whe_1;e {hp 'xynst ,(Ictcr- inineJ‘ spfi'it’ prevhils and where t.) 0 union fundgz' aré oply gunmen, t6 horse and was it“; town y “igufifio (this trained him for a. tinget 511d, gheg; tuned him ov- m nie‘emen huVeI-docwet In 1 reâ€" unit :at work and ,not join ~ Stake is 9, little pup it: _. Nurtlu-zn Wales, and here .the mining is ear-rim on under pogiee protectiqn. 1 . An oflicial return issued (symlntcs {he n'umber_ of sti'ikerg “110 have 31: ready ,K laid dofi-n. 'the‘uj £601.. provide strike pay t9 the mad for a short tmie'. The. railways through- out Wales toâ€"day; issued npfltile' 3i)- aay that their train‘ services ,wpfitd be curtailed, and other railnayis in Great: Britain will jollow this- "ex- ample. " ‘. ,,,".. ‘.v. er to g lchl syndicgte for about $1 000. The horse wgs purchased fi‘om a‘. farmer " in Eastern Canada. _m_id tgken right out o! the plow By oui- local horseman, w_ho saw in the animal developmenp of a great. trotting horse. ' £ha'.1é.’ttex5 having'nmom .te ms predig this year; NedWilJces is now owned by W. A. Collins, ot_ Sunder- lend. who hole he an warm any- thing that steps on ice at the pres- ent time. - . . ~. . The .fouowing clipped tron: ‘the " Sportsmeq" will give an idea ; of .thelgreathess ofrthis horse who some supposes! mun beck numbelt: In the first heat of the second rnce Wick Bnno took the lend- irom the The_ big gelding Ned Wilkes stands second_ 3Q Wick Brine. in earnings, ‘e' _to- m l E3wnii'd rod! ay‘s in‘ ay 5_ ex- ect . n 1 ndorses ay 1595.3." pent hem r’eâ€"l; Mr “'ne ; .‘ ‘ ~ - . _.- . imminent as to the detail of the ' , 7 ‘95:}?gggg'fgg‘ overnment' 8 plans V has yet been x 35mm them is a growing belief that . ' uSpeciail bill win/be rushed through garliament it other we 0!; bring-.4 ling about an agreement fai. Monday . k mentioned as the day {or the , in- ikroductitm 0! such a measure. Mon- !’ay is also 'the day on which ‘ the Ofllhas Light roots 0! the strike will begin to be i I gal; 333533;" :“22:...i°:..t’;?ii and Power Rates! Wlll go up bent of the railway service. |_' . Mr. Asquith, in his speech in the Miners' 'Federation, .wu emphatic in} . indicating that the Ministry -wpul¢",- At a. matmg of the Orillii u.“- Eefuse to Act the strike proceed. 'lhe ipoundjl on Monday night a i .a §§ollieries,‘ lie 'said, were the liféâ€" for the purpose of raising Lin [in lood oi the country's manstry. 8114' of electric light to consumns i g“ ”‘9 continuance 0‘ mining. lay houses stores, hotels and mm. ~ ,0. . - me M" nun-uâ€" ,N, WW --.u a man .mdih“ ia‘fi ’1lb Wick Brino; R. Johnston- ! I . ”Emmett. Qut..-...... 1.3.3-912 "Black Cd: Nat Ray. To- _ ' 7 Wick ,Brino jand Les: Vale; which met ,with the approves '01 "everybody. : The.sixth heat, Hodson . took; Ned Wilkes tosthe front c_lo_sely tollowed by Black Cat and ahowed.his generâ€" alship'by keeping Ned: Wilkes on ~his tip toes without. breaking, and wan the heat and .mce and first money; Black Cat finished second and - got third 1110001.. Wick Brno accend money. Alta Electrtte fourth money, and 1.989.: Vale filth‘mqney. . ; 2.22 trotwpummw Nat :Wukes,‘ Axcouins. Drive: Hodson was heartily ap- plnudedr. on dismounting which- he ymfully: acknowledged; ' ' ‘ ' Sunder!) ne continuance of mining, lay houses stores, hotels and owe. IURSDAY. HARCH 7. 1912. is one o! the most cruel maladies to which mankind is subject, the maxi complication arising from time 1) time making life seem almost m.- bearable. For malf'diseases, mm};- ul. scientific an phvsimuuiwi knowledge end experience gained from years of de@. mead; MS achieved mum» results, but, Up to now.rlittle hes been discovered of MM! June in the treatment a“! fire at mm. In mt, most peo- 55.3.“ km to look upon the dis- eue I: well nigh innit-able. l ‘9“ in the medical Won can be found doctors who.~ ' "‘0! the same Opinion Wing y any clflm to nun-limes qryhinx-ove tho W... q We patient. Mr-th‘ekwhieueuin-«thmter oi ‘heavyxaxea and big debentnre debt: to eager. this mulled f‘chegp’f light gnd-pqwer. ‘ A 7 . LATE HUGH' BURKE The remains of Mr. Hugh L. Burke who died at. Gravenhurst Sanitarium (up .. 'pfiaiy, men '1. mived by 10.45 aim. ‘G. TUB train on Satur- day last. The body was taken to St. Mary's R" C. church where {une- {‘1 service wfis held, and thence to the parish cemetery. The deceased Children. Cry Eon FLETCHER’S 3 A'ST O R I A URINARY. ' '“d Hospital showed u 1.1!?” trouble had nrism; ‘ tonsil). An investigation hold an $1 In” lfile-I'dmg alleged vrwl Mt of a. patient in tho 'pari?ms. Mr. 8 I alya'y mu nu} .§- > it. ’of. 'lli31 Q8309. 50f. 'l‘mt‘ Was the preacher m H Ch op Bunda um chmwhé amlniv'd - tice‘aéfl h Enemy: to b 0‘3an .911 March 4 , 8 flu-30 a minister, m'mwh last '1‘ “in; ’fihk‘here bet V cm, BMBiwr reSuItvd ; lindinites by a SCorv ‘3'. Alex. Morrison 3.. “in! this afternoon fur ’1 PW)“: business. Kinmount, Feb. 23.. \ g "00‘1 is one mord hern- Sh. the line to the somh, Mu! chi. .080 spending puff of -1 “w apnr Climate and country Dm M W./: '1 103' Hillbrook to elf-‘8 home there. Ir le'xp'nder (‘ (blu- been figst for a r is spending the “1mm 311:: Canadian Bank of Con the transaction of their b lation of sales notes. Bl PM?” BANK} F Cap ital and Sur ,2 9,532 268,185 indsay Brancn, CAPlTAl-v ‘ $10.00 FARME Bank 0‘ mt: may be opened a‘ augmerce to be operated by station as is given to all c Iéneyimay be deposited or mpersonal visit to the Ba DoYou Ned a J.G.Ed WM the Bank in w [gigbrporated by A 591' Parliament ”fl IThc Bank (If Mn! partaof the world ; h adianl It trankacle M wag-includingum iss‘ or} Foreign Ummuuw point where then is a, , l‘he Raina ()f “on Lindsay for fifIy-fnur < 1917' Wi“ cel‘ehmto n .; {in 3.0 3 n‘nlovk. Saturdays 10 to 1 dc! msnAY. 1“ch j Elda Lyle loft . SIR EDMUND WALKI ALEXANDER of timber Lhu mm 38“' m :l' is the xn-u popularity. '1‘le KINMOI .\’! Lindsay Bran Office Hours hand los Lam a: Tom}! 88. Es'cry saw OUR NEW HARP! visit Uwéu mum

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