i one cent, were awarde‘ to Mr. Duval and Mn. whose names were con- " joke †personal . Beacon. pub. inst need is to see and Hy and joy of toâ€"dayâ€" p mm. In .Vlv-Hlistcr is at W friends in Managing, HAIR to $20 Styles taking mitt by inlmwn, at will rrutinn and you will . a most attractive black voile of extra : waist cffcct, pane] dalhon trimmed also .2 and braided bottom real ï¬ne dress skirt Ittcrns nd the wonder St. John's Lathe-u ledir'au‘d at Toronto. rrwn '.\'v-re killed by I“ g; ianHJUtiVe engin. u w" m better Suits 8‘ Hon: The proof 19 mi blood in ‘bis Six-lish, but not ex- my rmzrus meeting it hat! Mr. A. J. m w ro-W'Yihn of the 00‘s sx iBrand 01M Lctory. 18 X" ill be rots and rund {he new color- d familiar for ..... $10 â€Imus i .,.;;':..;n.‘al;-;i thzvcéromony' unii yen- Ml. "Hurrah, Mary, you've got him M last." 'l'h'v "l’urka announce 2-. 'big victory «m-r HH- Italians at ‘Bolghazii Who mwo the bride away '? Hot httle Mather. He stood up right in '1 lw s'upreme com-t «loaded», numb Pr 0! ()fltunOICm. WPJDM HWY, APRILQP 'BYJOS lechan auctioneer. Sane of farm stock and Ianementa, _the_ pro- THURSDAY; APRIL? 4.‘ â€" BY Elias Bowee. auctioneer. 83:10 01 farm stock and rinuilemembs, the Drï¬perty 0! Hr. N. Fletcher Jor- Ifan, lot 22, con. 1, ()pa. Sale at Dentistry 3. specialty. 1 promptly attend-ed to day Charges moderate. 5p FOOD-CUTTER ‘W. H. CRBSSWBLI LINDSAY MONUMENTS “£3211†wither}; boll-age; Post-Graduate Roy- 9.1 ‘.'.:-:L»riaaxy College, also of til! Luminn School of Tropical Medicine. Ofï¬ce and Residence Corner Russo a nd Cambridge-It" Lind-83 (“ï¬ve Veterinary Surgeon ({anur Graduate of the Ontario THURSDAY, is entirety difl'mst'from the-crabs food chopper. The barrel is in two closely fling sections,ck1mped’:ogcther by enact-serew. Canadian mack machine. Better 'in quality cagnci and ‘priee works better-.bcner ï¬nis ed, dam Five difl'erenteutting platen. “MAXVVELD‘S PURIFY" in 'thc ouIy food cutter made in Canada audit: ease, convenience, perfect mutingnnddunbillty â€"-iu superior to uni!- th'mg imported. I {PM dealer does not andle “ Maxwell's Purity" write us. x‘cQ-vfmiixés 'Hannon, mix, died at u vvv-n â€"-- â€"-__7 party Si'imfnobt. ridget, north- wm quarter of lot ‘9, con. 18, . Imily. Sale starts as: 1 o'clock. 1 airlock mind without, meme. The undersigned Trustees of the Congregation at Eldon of the Pros- byterian Church in Canada, being Sr. Andrew’s Church, Bolsover. will offer for sale by public auction At. the Schoot House 111 the village of Balsover on Saturda tho Thu-- Lieth day of March, A. ., 1912. at two o‘nlock p.m., the following pro- perty :â€" The North West Corner of Lot Number Twenty-six north of the Portage Road in the Township of Eldon. havin a image of four chains on cringe Rod and a depth of 26 eating cont-3mg tan acres. more or less. _ AUCTION SALE OF CHURCH PROPERTY We are sole agents in Lindsay for the celebrated “Kayser†Gloves with patrnt ï¬nger tips which are guaranteed t4) outwear the gloves. We have them in good quality silk in short, 12 button and 16 button lengths Just as the ï¬rst rayS‘fofddwn which tcxjuchlsihe in beauty. In Spring‘;5tgle‘s-":w=e lead" the, Yan The wrist lengtï¬s come in shades of black, white. grey, champagne 75 And mode, prices per pr 50c tn C The 12 and 16 button lengths came in black and white, price per 1 50 pair $1 to ........ ..-..... .... I Knyser’s embroidered gloves 16 but? ton leugbh in shades of black, white, greyand champagne. Very 2 50 C hand-mm: gloves per pair... We have the handsomest range‘ of itnpm‘tetl beï¬ts in elastic and Suede:l that we have ever shown. They coma in pretty Braden, plain and gilt 3 50 cï¬icts. Prices 25c up to ...... s i‘hnnc 387.1; Residence 8871!. Goods as Represented Money Refunded New Belts Gloves . RICE : BURNT RIVER. I ; Burnt IRiver, March 25.â€"-)Irs. J 61m Hughes, of Fenelon Falls, spent Sun- 5 day-at her sons, Mr. Albext Hughes. Mrs. John Swanton leflt last Tues- day one visit to friends at Dongola. ' Mas Edith Tinney, of Lindsay, is spending a. week with hiends here. Mr. Chas. Green and Mr. Ainsley are both buSy erecting new houses. [They will soon_ be ready (or occupa- 9 ‘13-. Mr. Henry Perdue, (fl Baddow, vis- ited with Mr. T. Perflue on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Hoskins. a! BurykstGreen, is »moving this week to the Juan he has purchased near mn- village. Mr. Thos. Tinney and son1Charlie returned home from Earlton. New T'Ontario on Saturday, when: they Lament the winter. A 7 1.1““! An "J‘Ihllu ‘1 uâ€"v"- Mrs. Ihoyntonlrvo'! 'Wutson'h Sid- :ing, is visiting her :sistor Mrs. J. Swanton. TORONTO. Much '26.â€"'-‘1'h“ 'rnilwny‘ mp orted 67 car-loads cl'livc stock at the City eret. compriaing 1202 cat- tle, 1332 11039.73 «1109p an 163 cdlvul. Batman. Dycnau vuu "â€"â€"._v- Mrs. '1‘. l’erdue went to Fenelon ‘lt‘nlls on Saturday. ‘ --- ‘ u an.) Stacker; and Radon C. Maybee a: R. Wilson bought I ‘atockers and feeders. .700 do '900 -lbI., l8 84.75 to $5.20. They sold 71 "and fat-dart. 860 lbs. each. at $5.20. 1nd 1 1086 stock- ers, 750 lbs.. at 84.80 to 35:10. Milken and swing“; A few mllkers~and nprlngeu and At $30 to 862 each. Veal Cami. 'Easter quality veal cub/es m quoted 'at $9 to $10 per cwt.._1g‘ut‘rthe bulk an -,__.. M-.- Euuter cattle mm at $7.25; .hcn quumy nears, .1100 to 1200 lbw. nt 86.15-10 fl; prime qunth butcher-I. 11000 '10 1100 'lbt. at. $6.50 mum: good. 36 to $6.26; medium. $5.60 to $6.90; common. 86 to £6.60; 1111311015 $4.50 to $4.90: cows. 33.75 to $6.50; ‘umun, 81.75 to 82.75: built. 34 to $6.50. sale today were not at that elm. Pflcu ranged'fto‘m 83 to :8. with a few «at good 'quality at $8.50 to :9 per cwt. Sheep' and um ‘Sheep, ewes. $5 to $5.75; rams. a to 8.60: yearling lambs. 86.50 to $8.30 per mm: spring lambs. 85 tp_$8 each. 'For the first time this year hog: will an. :8 for selects. fed and watered at thc market. and $7.65 r.o.b. cars at court! points. â€" - ‘. n, er King.“ Iona-“~- w...â€" main4m9) or write A. Ed)â€. ‘1“- Aâ€"l‘L “n...“ flmt. mm) ont' THROUGH TRAINS TO THE WEST VIA CHICAGO AND ST. PAUL Personally coodticted Grand- Trunk special train will leave Toronto 10.30 p.m. Tuesday, April 2nd, for Camrose, Edmonton and points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- berta, stopping at all points on Grand Trunk Paciï¬c west of Winni- Hogsâ€"necupm. uww. _-.__ "h 7 » 10c to 15c up; light. $7.3 to $7.70; mixed .1185 to $1.75: heavy, 37.35 to $7.75: rough. $7.ka to $7.50; pigs. $5.20 to $7.10: bulk or sales. {iï¬ to 37.65. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts, 18.000: mar- ket 'strong to 100 up: native. $4 to :6 western. $1.50 to $5.35: yearllngs. $6.50 tr $6.85. Lambs. native, $5.75 [0 $7.75; west- ern, $6.15 to $8 Kingston’s New Hotel. , Kingston. March 27.â€"C. E. Proenix, the Boston capitalist at the back 0! the new hote! proposition here, says the work on the hotel will be started as soon as pcssible. It will be com- pleted by November. This is the hotel the ratepayers guaranteed the com- pany bonds for CHICAGO, March 26.-Cameâ€"Rm!ptl. .: :market steady. Beeves. $5.35 to $8.60; exas steers. 9.60 to 85.â€: west." steers, $5.25 to $6.90: stockers and teedem $4.35 to $6.50; cows and heifers. $2.50 tt $6.75: calves. $5.50 to $8.50. Hogsâ€"Receipts. 12,000; market easy: We to 15c up; light, $7.3 to $7.70; mixed $85 to $55; hgavy, 37.35 to $7.76: rough. .- M h. 1-: 1n- hulk n1 18.60 CATTLE MARK ETS. T0,""" Liv. '9" ' Chicano L3 Hogs. Fancy Collars “and Jabgts LVI“ V n v-7 “ V J l est effects in lsdies fancy collars, jabots, ties etc. We have the new one shed jabots, one sided ties, the new Dutch collars, new collar and cuff sells, new floral ties, the new auto collar and the new lounge collars We Want 1 50 you to see these, 25c to.... . . â€" 7â€"7, a F p We have, just. received fronf"Ne-w York a very cogplefe range of fphe lat- : AL .I... All the latest. Parisxan and New York Styles are now on display in our Millinery Parlor. It will be no trou- ble for you to select. the right hat here. Make an early chéice. P... ' .-)lrs. J 0'11: 5 Va ., spent Sun- 1- Woo pen, Hughes. it last Tues- 3 8313; .1; Dongola. E801": I [DUI in“. . Miss May Smith spent-Sunday at ther home in Lakene'id. Mrs. J. A. Swain 'untertuined her ‘Sunday School chm 'last evening. .The boys report a, pleasant time. ', 'Misn Lily 'I‘erry, of Lindsay, is {visiting at Mr. 'E. 'Parkin'n. Raid i'I'Oint. I , __l_lAl_- Valenti. March†26. -â€" Mi Woollam ‘is visiting friends "Viiâ€"ii’ua‘ii'i. Smith ha.- been visiting at her home in Smith‘s Falls. Mr. (7. Jordan is renewing old Hequainianm in?ort Perry. r Mr. and Mrs. ’Gainer. oi Minden, are visiting their daughter. Mrs. Wm ’Davis. nur pastor, Rev. ’Chnpman OBIIVBT- ed an excellent sermon Sunday 1m taking {or his text Matthew 5. 44-â€" Miss Lottie Sharpe ll vmung friends in Inlay. We are norry Mrs. S. Found is on the sick list. ti‘hn Mark has visited tho home 0! Mr. Hurry 'I‘hompuon a left a One baby bqg. ‘ .‘, . . ,, ,AI,.IA.-_ Mrs. W. Adair, of Norland, has reâ€" turned home alter spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. A. ‘Swa‘fn. M139. J. Swain entertained her Sun- day school scholm Tuesday even- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hood enter- tained a. few 0! their friends Mon- day evening. The evening was spent in games after which was served a. dainty lunch. Miss Ruth Mark is visiting friends here. “tunnel «My Mr. Nelson Sharpe has returned home after visiting friends in Port Miss Terry, 0! Lindsay, is spend- ing a. few days with Miss Leona Par- YELVER‘I‘ON. Yelverton. March 23. â€" The recent storm on Thursday blocked up the roads so that no mail got through until Saturday. Mr. Norman Rodey; of Manitoba, was the fortunate purchaser of a. very ï¬ne horse from Mr. R. B. Mc- Gill for'which the handsome sum of $800 was realized; Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McGill visited their uncle, Mr. Wm. Benders, of Port Perry Monday last. Our' local merchant i§ taking ad- vantage of the ï¬ne weather to haul his lumber to Caesarea, where he intends remodelling his house. The ballots for voting on Church Union were distributed through the community but as yet the result is not known. Mr. s. J. Hepburn has suflered a severe drawback from the (act that for the past two weeks all his horses have been sick and under the Mr. G: Page and L. McGuire spent Thursday in Millbrook renewing old acquaintances. Mr. Howard Lynch, 0! Lindsay. spent a. few days of the past week the guest of Mr. '1‘. Henry. Kingston during the past week as a. delegate from the Janetvme Orange Lodge. Miss Ethel 0011011..“ Cambray. is viaiting- her ï¬lter, Mrs. Eup- care of the "vet," Ir. Gillson, o! J anetville. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGilI visiter' Petgrboro friends a. few days luv mun“ v " Rathâ€" ï¬ark, a! Tort Perry, 3 iting her muny Tr'innds in this ty. Herb and Ap'fms ‘Jordan have to Owen Sound ’for an igdeï¬nite nï¬ï¬‚DAs 11131) FL'AYELLEELmrmn VALENTIA Mm. LOttie 15 7m Lind- 1 out vvvvvv Moynes was quite successiul in every: sense '0! the word. The weather bevf â€mp: 'very mild most of the homes in lt‘he Institute were well mpreuutedu there being almost a hundred pres- ent. Tpon request of the ladies Mr. John Lee very satisfactorily pulled the position 0! chairman for the evening. The principle {eeture oi the evening mm a debate. the hub- ; Ject or which won “ Resolved thetl , ‘the city boy 'ie less awkward when , he comes to the country then the v country bay in when he goes to the city." The afï¬rmative wee up- held by Ruling W. Revery, R. Byfr noel and J. I'mr'ie, while the negative lntemï¬ng Debate Pheasant Valley, Ruth 25. â€" liss Margaret Lee, of Man, Falls, re- cenfly spent a Iew days visiting at, the ‘h'ume of her brother, Mr. Joe. THE 'soc'iaJ held â€by 'tlhe or the Ontario Women's the 'home of Mr. and M Moynes r'wgw quite succe n'l.‘ was taken by Manure. O. Imrle. M. Moynes and Ti. Smithson. This do- hate proved quite interesting, end While the masters on ouch side had evidently spent much thought on 'the subject the verdict returned by the judges was in levor of the neg- ative. The remainder of the pro- gram consisted of a well rendered dialogue entitled. "'(“ourtship under Tiifllcul'ties," e. couple of recitations and e number of vocsl end instru- mental selections. According to the custom at these social functions. at the close of the prepared progrun. a. number of gentlanen present were called on for short speeches. Re freshmente were then‘ served after which the meeting dispersed by the singing of God Save the King. This is the second social evening this in- stitute has held this year. the ï¬rst , Mr. jun-lee Meynee of Toronio has returned home after spending a con- ple of weeks among his relatives and friends here. We all extend our sympathy to Mrs Thos. Smitheram in -the death of her brother, Mr. Robert Camber, of Midland. éhe béing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mayne: mrJgnuujy. _ There will be no meeting 6‘! the W. I. in April. This meeting - was to have been at the home of Mrs. Thomas Smitheram. Mrs. '1‘. H. Moflat and baby moi-a spent a. few davs last week visiting at POWLES’ CORNERS Powles’ Corners. March 26. â€"- Mr. H. Johnston was in Lindsay Monday ‘mf’a’nd Mrs. hed Pet'hick-visited at the home of Mr. Wm. Cooper ,ast A large number from here attended the sales in Verulsm last week. Not withstanding the bad condition of the roads last Wednesday evening two large sleighloeds of Fenelon Falls Leaguers and friends paid the Epworth League here a. Visit. In the absence of their President, , the Rev. Mr. Bedlord acted as chairman. A splendid program was given 0011-. sisting of readings, realizations and singing.’ Some of the ituns noted and much appreciated by all were a. quartet“ entitled " 0’ Canada." Mr. Jack Graham, of Blythe, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. James Slater for a couple 9! days ““379“? by Misses Flora. McGee and Martha Quibble, and Messrs. A. McGee and Art Quibble: a, very instructive re- citation by by Miss my Ellery :. Hr. Harry Wslnh gave a very pleasing solo ; a. motion? song by four little last. d by 'tIhe P. V. branch Women's Institute i_n and Dialogue FLEETWOOD. Fleetwood. Mmh 25.â€"-It is our painful duty to have to record the sad death 0! Mr. John Emory Hart, which sad event took place at the home of his uncle. Mr. J. L Hart. 30! Manvers. on Sunday' morning. *March 17, at the age 0! 24 years, [9 months and 20 days. Deceased 'waa a. son or Dr. Herman Hart, who ’along with his mother died some along with his mother died some years ago. and 01 late has made his home with his uncle. He was un- well and Dr. Hamilton, of Bethany. was called in. and a consultation was held with Dr. McAlplne. of Lindv It was thought. well to have an oper- ation. which prOVed to be successlul at. the time. but. the deceued was too (a: gone to pull through. The lunaral, which was held on Tuesday, ing at Mr. J. '1‘. Hart, by the RAW. R. It. Wu. of â€ROM, who a!- uo calcined at Riverside cometary where his mum were put in the van“. The pull-bearer- were Maura. Willing: and Joseph Coulwr. Albert Scott. Percy Hurt, Victor and Home Grundy. Dem-«I was a nun young can and attended the Nudity Callaghan Inuthuto for some time. Mr. and Mn. borne Magulra were via-Mm: with Mt. 'I‘hos. Crawford on Kr. and Mn VHIUnR with 1 Saturday Int, bid-co "5" '9'“? 56333.55 their new home. Mr. John Robinson is viniiing his daughter in Pension township for I low dnyl. We welcome Mr. Richard Grundy and family back to our burg again. They hove moved into Mr. John Brown's house and we wish they may remain {or good. Hr. H‘rVey Dnvidoon joined the 3......“ 1... weak uni we wish him DIVIIIvuI Ill-J .â€" Mr. Albertâ€"viforhy and Inmny who hnve gone to (lrundvlw. MAIL. have reached there ulcly nnd “Re the Isl-m well ï¬nd we wish them every beEethi 1.4.2 week and we and his, bride every success- Deer Captured Alive at Wilberforce Wilberforce, MaI'Ch 26. â€" 'l'ne lun- eral of Walter Hughey took place last Tuesday. March 19th. and was largely attended. It was conducted by Rev.- H. Wilkinson, assisted by Mr. Dixon. of Canarvon.. Service was held at the house and sg'ain at the church. Interment took place at South Wilberforce cemetery. Many friends of the diseased were present. On Wednesday Mrs. -Wrn. Earle died very suddenly after being sick only a. few days. The cluneral took place at Chrilat Church, monville and the service was read by Bro. A. Strothers. Considering the distance Mr. Joé Dunsford. who is very gick‘with pneumonia is progressing very nicely and we hope to soon hear of his complete recovery. w v _---, v. :0 go and the bad stat}: of the roads quite a, number of {ï¬ends and rel- atives were present. . The ice harvest goes on apnea and already several of the townspeople have in a. good supply. Dr. Frost, of Kinmount. and Dr. Dnery, of Bancroit, both visited town Laés‘g wegk. ‘ At exactly 10 mm. on Monday, the 26th inst... there was a. great hue andcrynuodintownwhena. deer ran through the lumber yud and down the I. B. and 0. tracks. It was nearly ,phged out and was caught dive just outside ‘0! the vil- Ottewe. March 26. â€" The (Winn Gazette ghee notice that cum tione wlll be held tbrmxgirroug Cen- JOB FOR 160 PERSONS. topmost things of the earth are .and set the pace. ' Heavy Engiish sateen underakirts With a 3 in. accordinn plai'mI fril' in all lengths, reg_$l.25 value. bpccial $1 each .................. Ladies' ï¬ne satin tween-skirts soft and lustrous with deep accordion plaimd flounce in my dude tn match suits, price each ..... $5~ 0'5 sizes ..... $6 We mule a special purchase of ï¬ne chambmys and ginghums in plaids, checku, stripes and plain effects. These Wash Fabrics Underskirts fun‘ are very suitable for ludivs' wash dramas and ch11:- ren's regu in! 18c aw them Livorpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Higherâ€"Live Stock- Latest Quotations. CHICAGO. March 26.â€"Export sales and alleged crop damage carried wheat prices 10-day to a higher level. The dam was firm. we to 74c above last night. Corn made a net advance of â€â€™60 to %c. cats 3 gain 0! Me to *c. and hog products became more expansive by 1255c to 80¢. Liv. ~pool wheat closed ‘Ad to aid higher than yesterday. and corn m high; Bun-r. crumm- 1†Butm'. «05mm. M 3mm. tom-cor. 6: Bauer, um lot! Choc... new. lb ...... Hones/combo. doun your. out-9M. lb d by grocers tor m1. mom can is quiet. but ï¬rm. Er:- nun. Provincial stronger gnd more ncuve. Cornâ€"American. ho. 2 yollow, 79W:- Onuâ€"Cumnu venom. No. I. In Bo:do..No.8.50ctolo :cxu-n. 0.: food. no to 5156c; No. 8 coal whim. 80° to Me: No. 8 local whm. no to me; No. 4 local white. «3:: to Me. Barley-Mum. .1.“ to $1.10. Buckwheat-No. 2, 72¢ to m Flourâ€"Mullah; up†when run". nuts. 85.70; secondmu. :‘ltrons aka-f. '3: winter noun. choice. 86.10 to â€3 straight rolen. u.“ to $4.75; 60., hast. $2.15 to $1.8. aligned oatsâ€"Barrels, 85.5; bags, 90 lhu mincedâ€"Bun. :25; shorts. $27; mid- dling, $29; moumle. :30 to $34. Hagâ€"No. 2. per ton. car 1013. 814.50 to . Cheeseâ€"Finest westnrns. 1556c to We: finest eager-us. my: to 15¢. Wifl' 7--~ Onflnnq, Op. Huh. Low. Clan. Close. Who"â€" May. old.. 101% 101% 101% 101%!) 101 do. new... :01“ 101 mm 101*: 101 Julywwfls 102' mm on.- 'ro-ay. 1mg, Jufy yqy'... Liv. zpool wheat closed Md to 36 higher than yesterday. and corn “d higher. Parts wheat clnsed 1c to llï¬c inver. AMP Vern 95c higher. Berlln 94c umber. and Budapest 1c lover. Moron-i Grain and Product. HONTREAL, larch nâ€"Thoro was an iocroaaod demand from forum: bunt-a tor lanitoba aprin; whoat at a turthlt advanca in pricea or is“ to ad oar quar- ter. but tho volume ox ouainau dona was small. owing to the acarcit of ocean room. A aalo oi {our ioada of o. 8 north- orn waa mada to London at oo- Od tor 'l'hera ia conaiderabio inquiry for oata. and a lane buainou baa boon workod in extra No. 1 and No. 1 teed. c.i.t. Buuaio. no local trade waa mora active. there was an improved do- mad for car Iota. Buaimaa in flour for export account was quieter but the local domand continuea good. markot tor butter ia excited, owing to the incroaaod aoarcity o! auppliea, and pricoa havo acored another abarp advance, 38c bung oaid by grocer: tor ainglo package; "B’ee'tâ€"L‘Paaze. ban-m, zoo 1b... sum: do.. Piste. tiered. $0 1be., 821.50. LIVeI'pool Gnln Prfeee. LIVERPOOL, Mar. xâ€"Closlngâ€"Wbeat -B t nominal. Futures ï¬rm: May 7- . July 7- 711. Oct. 7: 4m. Cornâ€"Spot firm: American mixed. new, CI 856d: old. GI 10596: new. kiln-dried. 6| 2%.“th study; by 60 555d. Sept. Flourâ€"Winter petenu, :91. Hopeâ€"In London (Paciï¬c Coast). £9 15. £02101“. Butterâ€"Choices: creamery, 3559c to ac: seconds. 3459c to 35¢. Esta-Selected. 25c to 27¢. Poznan-Per has. our lots. 81.56 to 81.00. “ID-12m“ honâ€"Abattoir killed, 811.50 to 1. . Pork-Hen" Cmdn anon cut mesa. barrels, 85 to 16 pieces. $2.50; do. backs. bag-rely. 16 to 55 pipeâ€. 822. Lardâ€"Compound tier-coo, 815 lbs" sue: wood onus. so lbt. not. ï¬e: pure. newâ€. 875 lbs" mac; pure, wood pull, so 3N. mt. 12%;, 7 7 , 77 BUFFALO. lurch ï¬â€"Spnux when. no «meg-gnu; winter quiet; No. 2 whim. Comâ€"H1111": No. 3 yellow. 74140: No. ‘ yellow. 72c: No. 3 com, 72!“ to 730: No. 0 23:11, We to 715“. l" on track. ulna-hm- Onu-ltronxcr: No. 2 white. sue; No. 8 ma, W: No. 4 white. Me. Bunnyâ€"llamas. 81.24 to 81.38. Duluth Grain Market. DULUTH.. Hitch ‘Aâ€"Wheatâ€"No. 1 m gs:- WW ‘ia"“‘ a: and; 10172013“ uéed.’ m m Toronto Grain Mamet. What ml. buflmn â€HUN†moon Who“ .m bulb...‘ â€on.†0000 g,‘ Whyk DD'lOllOlIll on" E! ‘0“ m. bulb-I or. bulhol m. Burl". {or food .. Pm, bushel Buckwhut. bushel : wvar. inr values and 20c oï¬er 1 n at 1...», Dairy Mnrkot. crummy. lb. rolls. on «05mm. 00M! .. OI sou-cor. «try. "a. 0 It .tm “a DOG-lllltlll 9 . I... Buffalo Grain Market. 010000009500. THE MARKET“ 130 The It... IOOCIO 0.100 yd 1912 â€.mhum “W" of 33 Our lines of imported hose are un- surpassed for quality and style. Ladles’ tine [isle hate fashioned, with spliced heels and toes, garnet tops, very ï¬nc and shown in black only 50c per pair .. 7~ JAAHA‘uv In... f'"" , Ladles‘ ï¬ne lisle hose handsomely embroidered, spliced heels and tces garter tops. 3 beautiful range, 50 none the price: per pr 250, 350 c Ladie<’ ï¬ne b‘ack silk hose with Aisle heels and garter tops, fashioned. This line is extra Value at the price 50c r." I “II I‘ ......................... Ladies†ï¬ne white muglin waists, front and back mimmed widx clusters of ï¬ne 'per - See our tailored blouses price from ..............1 pair . beyond 'companson WW i‘fl 6'3 Reliable Goods at Réasbnble Prices our Constant Aim -wv w Hosiery Settlers Train t0 Intern Club s’mrr panama Will leave Toronto 10.20 J). m. ouhi'ooodoyduringxu.an Apr. IIDUSTBIII Fruity 3rowing,Dairying.Uanning and Truck Gardening. Stock Rais- ing. General Farming. ADVANTLOEI Admirable location. good soil. climate favorable for greatest, ag- ricultural developement, best trans- portation twilities, excellent. roads. schools. rural telephone. rural mail delivery, ready market for all pnduce. For lahOurex-s. men with small capital. flamers. dairymen and fruit growers looking for good loc- ation, good chances for investment in agricultural enterprises. Prince Edward County produces a larger return in agricultural pro- ducts get- capital. annually, than any at er county in the Province For illustrated folder and further infdrmation write to A. P. “Yuma Sec. Associated Farmer-8' Clubs Piston. Ontario, Canada. APRIL 2, 16 and 30 nnd ovary Second Tuning until SEPT. 17 inclusive wmsa mumssmo summon .. $42.00 There'e only one any in which Formaldehyde mini] in destroy- mg smut serum-there by etting a low grade of Formsldnh e. You can easily ovoid t chance by getting our an IV hex-v. Out! to tie 11 ï¬t We used {orthie purpoee» ml: and full of etren Rigs} used it will kill every “me May cost e trifle mow-but look nt the diflerenoein require. _ OPPORTUN ITIES Minn Ml union- in Gun-Au Port Arthur and Int Proportions“ rates to othozr [mines Ref urn 110m W â€Y“ THROUGH TO" OII'I' ILIIPï¬lC CAB. Tn Ednmnlnn via Suhkmnun. Mm kaipcg and Calgary via Main ‘ Line hk nus-oat CJ’. 3. A ant to:- Hmuukon' Pun-p lot. Low Colonist. m.- to Pacific Gout. Full yuggu-u‘luau how an) Waists A. HIGINBOTHAM Bent it in mind when plmtinr GOOD GOING April I, 5, 6. 7, 8 Return Limit. A rll10 (Ilnlmum In“ 250) (MARIO) The Garden Cunt] of cm EASTER EXCURSIONS 'I‘. C. MA’N um. Ana-m, (J. 1’. R. Anon: Edward County 71.2563 $4 rangm}! "1