iODGETTS AGER name: (0.. “mites [M P A N Y ,v'ell’s Fruit Pam! VA. B 'M¢\“â€" Mk ) 'uinina iONE 77 yâ€"xo an. to 1 pm. free. ’ERWHITE, lClALlSTS in; Diseases of Men: Vela l D spew†gay *3 eumaflem is I Lost Vitality run Skin Diseases Hons ' thneyA veand Bladder Diseases. mwry for free advice. Diseases and Question inc furnished in tablet I03»m.tolp.m.snd 2 w St. Toronto. Ont. CONCRE'E- MFG. 0‘ DAY. LW Farmer wing of the C m‘s Institute 6th. at the home w_ After the w L; com mm ee rem :_ and the secretary to send a. letter a the branch. The: 'apers “ :3: \t W l Meetmg CC RI WOOD OPER ' FHITE _, 1912 ER I! \\‘ $3,m3.692 \V \\ $805.05“ 140.044 kinu part in m-ling are as 1'13, Mrs. Gil- er'. W. Fair H. Bags-haw. urn r-nded to iz'inity to at- ('h was also 1 member of :r 9 help- \ (ii-cussiou r-n made the :t'mg to all. iv ho-Id at to our 1y 2nd '1' con- I)! 'l'. \‘ 6 UPI".- Unit), :d by an. ’unctual," Hing or 3'10"“ r d silo \ day. mm 3 (.‘VBI‘ Inked “gt tile md with I W: just washed out a. suit for my lit'lc boy, and now it seems too tight for him. He’ll ï¬t it all right if )0!) wash the boy. Henâ€"You don’t. know how mans I was when I proposed to yov. Shaâ€" And you don’t know how nervous I was until you did :9. . “Wilt fly with me?" â€had the id: Aâ€"Is the old man always so slum as this ? Bâ€"By no means. He laughs twice a. year, spring and fall, when the women’s new hats come :11. Hih nest pricesI paid for all 3f furs. A. APPLEBAUM « 85 KentSt. P. 0. Box 5‘17 1 will be: glad 0' ar oppor- tunity of talking with yrsvu about auy‘instruumnt an the amarkeh and am satkï¬ed my priees and terms will plazas the mat ex- Wm. WARlEN ac" ulna PO ULTRY WANTED I haw 'thc agent-v for the wall known and tried makes. BUTTER WANTED PIAN flRGANS SEWIHG MACHINES “Prism Brand†Ready Mixed Paint I’lighesa prices paid for an :01 humor put up in lb prints. W" pay 9c lb. cash for old 1“ Vivighing 511.8,, under 5 lbs. ' ' '~ 3312;: to quality, delivered to 4-" Queen St. East Ward Slatemnndatone, brownstme and marble have all proved failures. Gmnite is going the- saun- way. No Sconce-1n conpdre with ’x'hite Bmz Hule‘uiify, Artistic Eï¬ects of Geo. W. Shephard’s I \Ynlliam St. J'orth Next. Post. Building, Lindsay! Sen. Horse 'Glippers Sharpenod equal tn new, locks Fitted with Keys. (‘ream Sag erators Repaired, (im'eml 3! .w 'u'ne Repairs 36 All makes of Guns repair d, Stocks made- fm- (inns. qkmes Sharpened and Rein-xi d, Saws Gumm -d and Duh ï¬u'lty Everlasting, Memorials MCLBNNAN Co. THU'R'shAY. mm '28, 19,13. Arthur Graham, 2' LEETKWD P.O. GUN REPAIRING LINDSAY FURS over thirty years old and a nice and perfect as the day. it was setâ€. C. B. Ng, Fair- "I ï¬nd 3 Which Bronze Mona- ment in Simpson. rav‘or County} William St. Fenwick, who was cured by then. I took “Pruit+tive|"â€"cnd in: about tinglbegantofeelbettenthe " went 691m, tigeyun mania, In, Mom, 0111., Dec. 14th. mm. "For six years, I snï¬a’ed from dmdfanidneyDisase- Mylesswd lower part of my body we fearfully swollen, and the pdnwasawful. My people thought sometima I was dead. aslwouldfamtfromtheWY- Pi" diï¬erent doctors mended me. and ‘11 dummqmflemdflnm no hope of getting well. A kind neighbot tqld 11:; t2- try “mi-33°" The plan for a federal square in Toronto has been endorsed by Hon. Mr. Monk, Minister of Public Works. Sawing wood seems to be the chief business around here at preo- ent. A large number of Mt. Horeh meo- ple spent ~Stturday in Lindsay. Our pastor, Rev. Mr. Jones. has organized a. ï¬uvenile league in con- nection th the Methodist church. “FHUITâ€"Aâ€"TWES†[HIRED HEB Said m mm Die of Kidney mull. We are glad to be able to zrepont; that Mrs. Hickson, who is at pres- ent in the Ross Hospitax, is com; Valescent and expects to come 1home: HVE DUBTURS EIWE UP All HUPE Mr. J mes Moore and Mr. Mark Lee traded teams last week. his sister, Mrs, L. Werry, not Fleet: woali. Mrs. William Jackson was :in T0- ronto recently attending the tunerdl of a. melative » Hart who was well known in this vicinity. He was a. young :man of good ch§racter, and in hisshort life, his genial temperment and .quiet dis- positionusvon for him a éhost of friends. Ween ~glad to see Mr“ ‘-.W. :Hart in.our:midgt again. An important business xtleal .was transacted recently when Mr. .Jos. Magahay purchased the 1am: :be- longing to Mr. Peter Hickson. We understand‘ï¬hat Mr. Hickaon isahav- inga saleztosbe held on mhe Apmsent premises of Mr. Magahay.'1‘he sale will take place on the 286111 .of «this month. Master Ernest Sluggett is \visitizx his sister, Mrs, L. Werry. to! Fleet-' Mt. Horeb, March 26. â€" Residents of Mt. 330er were sorry 10310" of tine sad :and sudden- death of Mr. E. EF’ORSALE â€" A CYPHYRS MODEL inmbator, 360 eggs. 'ï¬rst. class butcher. Apply Wander -or phone N o. 127. TEACHER WANTED Swan 8. s. No. 8, Somerville to :commence after E-Easter. 2nd class Normal profess. Protestant. Salary-$500 to $600 per annum. Applyito ‘8. Suddaby, Sec., Burnt mm. WAN’BED â€" GOOI.x GIRL FOR GEN- “ hPPsewgrk: Gootwasï¬gnmly hoknponmytecwery Wandlmunsbletom ulna)!“ 1:15:13 JANNACK- HOUSEKEEPER WANTED IFOR A family of three. Good home 401- the might person. Aspply ‘Box 28 Warden TUESM‘Y, APRIL 2.â€"-By. 'George Jackson, - auctioneer. Selle 'of farm stock, Eimplements and household furniture,' the property 01' John m. Morrison, lot 12, com. 4, Eldon. Sale at 1 o’clock pan. sharp and without reserve as the proprietor has :sol'd the farm. WANTED â€"-2LADIES 'm m PLAIN and [W ï¬ewing at home. whole or space mime; good pay; work sent. my «nuance; charge :paid. National Manufacturing 00., Kon- WANTED TO REST â€" ADVERTIS- ver wants to rent. a. good farm. Ad- dress Bax as. Warder, Lindsay, giving full puwiculars. FRIDAY, MARCH 15â€"By Geo Jackson, Auctioneer, Credit Sale of farm stock and implements, the pl‘opvrty nf Wm J. Goad, Oakwp'édl, south halt Lot. 21,Con. 10 Maripmn. Sale at. 1 o’clock and without ruqel'vm WEDNESDAY. FEB. '28. 1912.â€"-By Thus. Cashore, mioneer. Sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Hugh McKinnon. 10c ‘23. con. 4, 'Fcne‘nn. Sale at one o‘clock sharp. ;msmâ€"mm. 'cc to Mss. Neelands, $0. $3 Miulétf, L'mdsay. TO RENT â€" THE EAST HALF OF lot4,intbe5taeon. armamen- nhip of Ops, containing 100 m. Land in good state of cultivation, Good house with stone cellar. good barn with stone foundation and other ouch uildinga. Small orchâ€" Send stamp' for mu ponticu‘ars. std. Ploughing aimst ï¬nished. For further particuhrs apply to S. E. Roddy, Ream. Ont. a cult! l SI '4‘- “gainâ€"840“? u Ejï¬aogwlog raw wmé.†aha-E @208. Mannaâ€".98. IDSSEIII Illâ€"d a, ‘1' Poll... “Indeed. {do think of you so" I as sated him. “And you‘ve proved your friendshlp for me three times-once on the dock. once by giving up dear Vivace for me and now again to- night when you car'ne to my rescue. I wasâ€"really bored 11: there. you know And people seem to give themselves Su much liberty tnâ€"in their jokes when they’re masked." V "I have to, thank the masks tor-he log at Mrs. Stuyvesant-Knox‘s ‘house tonight.†said Jim Brett “You must be wondering how they let me in. con sidedng that. on account of the masks. everybody had to show their invita- tloncardsatthcgates. [had mine all right. But-thereon such things as newspaper reporters. as you ,know, to your sorrow. I don’t say I an’: here in that capacity. but I leave you to draw your own conclusions." ~ _ “Wint- fun!" Lexclalmed. “Itkfunno'. lhadoorlghtu: daghutIdjddaretohopetlmt'l might have a glimpse at you. Im sure that I should recognize you.†“1! I'd dreamed of your being m, I should have recognized mâ€! sold: ' 'Iou‘re tallerflnn mother no: ? liege. 1 m: A; _ _ f7 :«jf “You think or me as your friend?†he asked M voice that showed he was glad or excited or something that“ wasn’t quite calm. you. And I feel proud to think thatâ€" we are friends." “Comm this little deu when the roun- £ain is.†“I guessed as much;“ ~aa1dil.~iaugh- mg. “It was that made 2me sure at once who It was ( 'had -to'thank for Vivace. Andâ€"l was glad'he had been _\yours. After what ml seen :you do on ‘board s’liip. y‘éu know. il-n bomr'ed “Vivace is a lucky and :happy dog.†“But don’t you miss shim?†“No. For i like to think that you have him. You see. \you were very kind to me when I wasdn a‘hard po- sition and a good deal ‘tiown on my luck. There was nothingII-courd. do to show how I appmciated ~itâ€"u-ntil i thought of Vivace. It wasour little talk on the dock about “ï¬ndingm lost dog’ that put the idea ointomyhead.†"1 mn never forget m.†said '1. “Why.-vof course, I couldn " And N noticed that my voice sounded 'qulbe earnest, just as I felt. but 21 wean?! sure that I ought to let him knowâ€" [eve-11:1! he was poor and unlucky-aha! -I did feel so sincerely about tit. “There's Vivace. you know, for tone “I love him deariy. Often «Lahould nave been dreadfully $110ka if it hadn’t been for him. Sealways‘seeml to understand it I feel :gloomyrand he does his dear little 'bflnmed best to “It was one of the greatest-plenum l have ever had. Your-were kind'not 'to be attended with me. rLdidl‘ftmenn -to take a liberty. [ thoughtxyou‘wonld like the little chap." “Whatvabout Vivace!†"Oh. you needn’t pretend. ?becnusell was sure you gave him to 'me.:and.‘l wanted so much to write to that-club and- thank you. onLy I thought-navel) had put no name. whims -l~'d better not. I must tell you 'now. ‘thoughdl can't think how you came -to ‘be so stifled feeling. How lovely It is in this person. 1Isn‘t It? Do you thlnk we might walk for \a few minutesâ€" and get cod? “May I walk with you ?" he asked In a humble sort of way that gave me a funny um.- .paln In my heart. “Please 60;†I said quickly. and as cordially :as i'couldâ€"far more cordially than 1 would have spoken to any man in Mrs. 'Ess Kay‘s set. ' “It's nice to see you :here tonight.†' “You must be very much surprised.†I had said “Yes" before I stopped to think-Inna then 1 was sorry because lt showed 'that l was thinking he am not belong in such a scene as this. But ~lt was too late to go back. so I went on lnstead. “It’s a good sol-pun.†“It's more than kind of you notqurte to have ‘forgotten a wait like me.†'he said. out here. I began to haveâ€"quite a angry at seeing that luppen. but I was. Soldidwlntldidonthespnr of «he went As hr recognizing you-Iâ€"well, you’ve rather tall. you know. and have a way of holding your head thatâ€"that {an easily forgotten." “I‘m sorry I'm so badly disguised." I said. laughing. “But I’m glad you were being pretty well forced to do sometflng you didn't want to do.†he replied. coming a few steps nearer Indthere aeemedtnbenobody under the pergola except Just as two. “I don’tsupposel hadanyrlghttobe :‘t E‘Fï¬') seeing that you * Across the Wates'. MCIQLK.'!LUAMSOK. The crowd stopped toVspenk to us. making jokes In disguised voices. Someotthethings they and underliei Mthtn would benncomfortnbleto4 angel-mammthepunm whe'ai f ‘ '1 had thought of taking on' my mask. ‘ but I was glad. now that I'd kept it on. They came toward us. all in‘ great 8pm having a game of “follow my leader.†and their leader, a Chinese uaï¬dafln. was Ofl'eflng'to‘ guide them t6 the Cave of Aladdin. '1‘ was glad that the Flame wasn’t in the gay Mon. Evidently he had missed me and gone some other way. or else he was too may to-wlah to-nnd Im- peace of the blue nightâ€"broken only by the throb of distant musicâ€"was me completely. A: I said that a lot of people came out of th/e maze in the marquee by the exit Mr. Brett had found for me. The} streamed Into the dimly lighted per mzm their fantastic costumes. laugh- ing 1nd talking. and the beautiful “Afraid lot you?†Irepeated. laugh mg; “As if I coukl‘be.~ I would trus: you in everythln2-" “Just as unexpectedLv." echoed Mr Brett In an odd. thoughtful tone. “It's wondertul that we .ehould meet at all â€"considering everything." Then hv laughed. rather bitterly, I though: “Aren't you afraid of me, Lady Betty after your experience of journalistsâ€" since I've halt hinted to you I may be acting hi that capacity tonight?" lseewistarm. Itmoddweshould meet again next time In a place so much the sameâ€"and just an unexpect- “I do think at you very often"! said. “and talk about you to Vivace. Poor little Vivace. He doesn't (exact Howhedldwhlmperwhen I hadto drag him away (mm you that day in the wand: arbor at Gena-a! park This Isn't unlike. that arbor,. Is it? There's wistarla hem too. I believe I shall always think of that day when and beat in my blood; Jain volc- mmdedutLuneaunhumo. ' ‘ get me. that yonflmotuetindly communes.†- I felt uplifted. eomehow. it was a wonderful sensation. which it would be impossible to describe. But I had an exciting tmpressien that M Butt shared It. The mudcoftheaun- sedan band flowed out (tom the house “Yes." I answened. and the stage and sea seemed to sing with my thoughts. “No; It wasn‘t money II was thinking about. I‘ve met :a good many Imilllon- alres since I‘ve been here. but I've seen none whom you need Jock upon as your superior. What I mean is that you've only to she ambitions enough. and nottreel that you're handicapped by your start. «.0 attain to what you want In lireâ€"yes. whatever alt maybe.†~"You mean at] this. Lady Betty?†he asked- quickly. “You have as much faith as that In me?†‘ "Oh. I can ha-rdLv ten. But for one thing. I‘w lwmm mv see that a manâ€" a' lift! Elie y'o‘:‘:. ï¬n'1nsfleiT-‘e.'.\lr. Bâ€"r'ett â€"oughtn't (u call himself unlucky be- cause he's poor. .nnd has perhaps not been able to have as many advantages as richer men. He ought‘simply'to feel that he has it in him to make himself equal in every way with the highest.†“You mean. he can “hustle: as the saying £3 with us. and get ,nich. son: to stand on an equality With million- ail-es?" a great deal latelyâ€"d suppose because I'm among Americans. In must be that~wh1ch has put the subject so much in my head." “Tell me what you 'have been 'thlnk‘ Engâ€. '1 dc As If that make: any clue!5 once-any real, true dlflemnce. I mean. when R comes to the heart of things. on. N been thinking of such matters SmacmWWmnge-m'm “Do you. an Ensiish glrL a daughter of the aristocrat tell me that?†In “Whateheam I. when [shootou- nect how hopelessly I must beremoved by cu-cnmsmncu from glorious heights â€"wbere sun shine." “But there can be nothing In your clncnmstnncea- Mr. Brett." I hunted eagerly. “which need remove you from any heights. I wonder youâ€"Io bran and strong. and nn American. too-can say that of yourself. Why. you can reach anythinx. do anything you really wish. if you Jugt want It enough.†youthonghldoo'tdaaervethem'h nonnative." answered. “Butllhdlu-ymm “I should like wheat-about than." than wmflulmum'm laid. almost more to up»! than on them tram your up. him. You can hardly sues what It is to me.’ “Some day. I.‘ we moot nahâ€"sud l Perhaps the thin: tint come- “ mean “'1‘ $11321. since you have called to It would be It a prisoner (or nu lnl 'Lc (rieaJâ€"mrlzaps you will 14:; In: ten some dark I)“ bald I voice of I’m-1 um about them. I 511Ҡask you lo puny speakin‘to him-actually to him; “awnâ€"but not now; I darczn unw. _fmm g high whim star." {hr Lime luau} wise. Uni; pruwxso “Oh. don‘t speak of rennet! :- I 4‘" 'W‘v "M‘v 'hat you won't br- prtmnerlnthedlltf'lcded. .M"-~ - “YuMMtooâ€"tï¬nk Gal." {‘And have.†' “Men are banal] the work! we.†“Ishmldthinktberemnooebnm many“. Mr. “â€1“ “lt’sglodonn forammmeto hear such ï¬nd words from a girl like Mr. Brett and I went up togethc! The genie crossed nuns and grubbe! something for us out of both his bag at the same time. Then, by mistake he gave me the thing from the left ‘hand bag and Mt. Brett the one from the right. We walked away to let other: Inn their chance. looking at the present: we had got. It. was muggyâ€"they both happened to be tings Mine was twisted bands of platinum and gold. fotmuuj knot to hold a cabochon amuse. ms was a nun eetflngot men stones xetJn I Might rowâ€" diamond. emerald. amethyst ruby, emu, minimum“. - they’re both pretty 1nd to nneer.“ ' “wm yonâ€"Chan we change?†he for a woman and 1 said. “119 gm; wronz bags. But each person was mnested to do as he or she approached. While it was be- ing rubbed the magic lamp flared up and gave out the bright red light we'd seen at a distance. and simultaneously the genie took something from a huge sequin covered has he had looped over one of his arms. I! the person who robbed the-lamp was a man. he dipped thin the left hand bag. if a woman he dived Into the right hand one. i‘m'h time a beautiful trinke' cauhe om and was presented xith a low hon and up excruciatingly runny speech. stylistic to the character which the person hm: undertaken for the evening ms wi: never failed. h was a £11m? h- -- . .. Mm“. shape. standing up to the height of four or ï¬ve feet from the floor on a pedestal. and behind it stood the genie. a fearful and wonderful apparition who said things In a deep bass voicf' which made everybody shout with laughter. “It's Fred Kane. the great funny man." said somebody. The whole’"c€ilz1râ€"ht1mis’t all of it that was left visible-had been turned Into a fairy cave of jewels. The walls and ceiling: looked like rocks studded with blazing rubles and flushinyr (322- monds The rough pillars whiz in sup porn-d the floor of the house nlmn more great sparkling Si:lltl"llf®a a: '( mlnr miles. The «z’omoutel floor w. ‘r covml with sand that :lmcrod likw diamond «lust. and thorn wen- fruit Trees and rosebusbes. rows 1)! mi‘ holly‘hocks and buds of mum. all a?) pareufly made of illuminated jewels. something: like *he transformation scene in a pantomime tin-y nnm- took me to see. only a hundred Times: :‘m'l- tier. At the far end of the cavv 3 hr!::':‘ red light kept comm: and 217:2?! but ! couldn’t see by what It mm mm“. be cause of the laughing: ova-“:1 ct "Wm! around It. We went pom-M: :i'r'. r" others moved away vso Md: ï¬n!!- places. so that at isn‘t m- :4": MW caused the light 3311 1“:\.«‘:a n 1- {may attraction for the I‘veâ€? The genle's mamas came when- ever any one rubbed the lamp. which cred up with a theatrical kind of em- bankment that made a winding pull! twisting back and forth under a run! of the imitation cock and sloping al- ways downward. At the bottom was a screen of spun glass made to lnuk llke a falling cataract of right wa- ter. and until you had passed at from behind it you saw nothing except a glow of may light ï¬ltering through the transparent mass. But when you did come out. unless you were a stick or a stone. you couldn’t resist giving on “0h!†01' surprised admiration. We had to pass thmuzh never-at rooms and corridors. all at which had been emptied of furniture and lined with canvu scenery cleverly painted to illustrate event: in the story oi Aladdin. Everything was shown ti: to the time that Aladdin went 'tnwn into the cave at the bkidlng of the magician disguised as his uncle. mu! then came the entrance of the can» it self. which was done in lmltntinu molt work. But i knew that it was the way down to the cellar. Either the stairs had been removed or else 1:0“ “ltatuethqmooble. Yetyou might not approve. But they're part of my life. I couldn't give them up now and live." ‘Yéu'éin‘fdmï¬'iï¬af my ambitions an or may!» you wouldn‘t any that." “lammmmeywonldonlyhenohh ones." . ~ TMWWWW for trust funds A legal 6% Investment Toronto. Ont. Graduates readily o’ taiu good positions and the deman is fully three time: our supQIy This college is open all Year. tn: dams have lately- taken positions 9' $50. 860, 875 and $100 per mont’ Enter now. Catalogue free. 3m. Yonge and \V. J. Ellm Alexander Sts. Pri: rira for Su rior Business or Slam-than" Educa ion is the Great and Popuha: Kingston, Ont., March 21. â€" The Orange Grand Lodge of Ontario East completed its business late to-night This afternoon it adopted unanimousâ€" ly a resolution approving of the ac- tion of the Borden Government with reference to the Manitoba Boundary Bill. Another resolution expressing strong opposition to Home Rule for Ireland, was also adopted. A third resolution passed was that concern- ing bi-lingual schools. the judge re spectfully requesting the Government of the Province of Ontario to enact such laws and make such amendment to the regulations of the Education Department as will make it illegal and impossible for the French lang- uageto beusedinany oftbePUblic or Separate schools of the Province of Ontario. ’ Warmly Approve gem? and lag. rum-(I ‘9! I'm (’1: Mus m' l ‘To lave the one you Im-e host 0 earth love you 2’" “I should have to flux) and ms:- whlch one it is." “Then I wish that you may luw- :' one who loves you (.03: .m c-;:!' h :1 ‘ more than Ilium worn " you to. which is something.“ “It's everything.†he answered. Then we changed rings. and 1 to†him I hoped his wou|d bring him luck. glorious luck. “Do you wish I! may give me what I want most In the world?" be asked. and I said that I did. “What do you wish mine may the me?" I went on. “What do you want mostâ€"great wealth?" he questioned me. I shook my head. “To hgjje, we “would at_ you; fget'r'_ “I! didn‘t may to menu uuu." {hurried to â€L. â€.1 (1;! my nflne to my brother when I an bume And you Mflmmn be name one“- “I‘va no sister. and then-'0 no one one." mud Mr. BML "Do have a. You see. I couldn‘t get I! on my little m. And Won‘t you keep the big who? It isn‘t a I! l were like Mn. Stuyvesaut- Knox sachet-guests" â€" I couldn't hear to hear him say that. so I broke In and lnsisted that he should have the ring; “She would Inn: you to have n. or mum. 11' she thew.†! said. “And. “sides. I want W. G. Blair Son but obteinable in Saskatchewan. We guatantee the safety of your hum-Mm to coflect Ind remit the payments of interest end pt‘ncipal mm It you have ms: (and: to invest send {a book“. “A: Sch Investment." Advertise in The Wander. Come in and enjoy the satisfaction that comes of early The‘l‘tusteeActolOnudophce-nmyrutï¬aimcndvcry wisely too, ontbchvutmtdm‘fmdsthatmoftenu» pedmdiï¬adtyhobuflngnnï¬ghulinmtpayingahigh medium-at. 1113anth by buyzng First lmmimpmvedWFarms. Wehavealistof the ATIONAL FINANCE O. 3 WM 8!. I. F.1'otonto Out. Themanwhoinsistsonbeingwsonanytaflored 'will ï¬nd muchtoiuumt himlnoursplendid showing of Is Your New Spring Suit to Be Made to Order ? Best Place in Canada shouldn't know what to co m: SEEM Suigg’ s and Overcoating§ m I. c-tbu-OJ Premiers Course Now on Display “O“: Yum-mm Mrs. A. H. Sumter. Sold at all dealers in 25 and 50 cent boxes or mailed by the Fig Pill 00., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold in Lindsay by A. nginbot- After taking three boxes of your Fig Pills for stomach and liver troubles I lee! strong and well and! able to do my own work. dale. ' Maine; Alvin Robinson, 0! Un- bridge, was the recent guest of his cousin, J. C. Hodgspn. - WM; George Michael came home from the States to visit his aged mother, who is indisposed. Mrs. 'J. R. Sonley is enjoying' a lengthy Visit. with friends of. Pine- the great fruit remedy, will mks you feel like a new person. Suffered With Ilene Imuhie 1 Fat Two Years. Miss Hattie Clarke, of Cobourg, who has enjoyed a lengthy visit the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Clark. returned to her home on Tuesday. Mrs. Edie McDonald, of the ' 8th conoeesion of Mariposa, is conï¬ned to her bed through declining health. Mr. and Mrs. C. McInnis were Toâ€" ronto visitors last week. "THEM" bets" ofvthe Manilla dro- mflc club attendeh the play given in Oakwood- last week. LIVER SPOTS, PIMPLES, DARK CIRCLES UNDER THE EYES. Are all signs of the system being clogged. The Liver and Bowelu are inactive and the stomach is week from undigested 10063 and foul gas- had won ' the trophy. it'hcing a handsome silver cup, and is now on exhibition at the Commercial House. On Tuesday last the boys journeyed to Sunderland and played interesting and lively games with the Saintï¬eld and Sonya teams. They ï¬rst played Sonya a. game resulling in a score 12-1 in. tailor of Manilla. After a few minutes recreation they played Sainéï¬eld and were again successful, score being 4-7 in favor of home team. The hockey team is compos- ed at the following members: lies- srs. Lee, A. Edwards Andy Dyson. R. Cohourn, John Brow,n Nelson Hunter. Kenneth Currie and Duncan Carmichael. , “One of the boys, who works with me. gave me half a box of Milb'xrn's heart endNewePifls. Itookthemandlgot and: satisfaction that I got another box. end Home I ï¬nished it I could enjoy deep from 10 pm. until 6 a.m., and now feel good." The price of Milbum’s Heart end NervePilhisSOcenmperboxmrisboxu for 81.25. They are to: sale \at div deden. or «will be mailed direct on receiptofpnceby The T. MilbnrnOo. Limited. Toronto, Ont. UANILLA. “mills, Much 26.â€"~Joy reigned supreme among the Manillaites when it w announced on Wednesday mor- ning that t_.he Manilla hockg team ' "It us all :ighi fur“ a time, but the old trouble .ftnmed with greater tome than berm. wunmowmxronmro Mr. Gus. W. Wood. 3‘ Torn-cc Street. Montreal, Cam. mintâ€""For two yea: I suffered with name trouble. and it was impossible for me to sleep. ' It did not matter what time I went to bed. in the morning I was even worse than the nizht beforc I consulted : doctor. and he 3 .vc in: a tonic to take a hall hour More going to bed. F'IG Pl |._|_S SALLOW SKIN Winnipeg, June 27, 1911. :‘s Tailor