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Watchman Warder (1899), 20 Mar 1913, p. 5

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Kinmount, March I7.--The reads ' 7‘ are bare in places owing to the rain ' find hot weather of last week. . . . . ' "’ ' ’ " ""' ' ““3“? 7‘ Rev. ‘Kr. walker attended presby- U Nu..- ‘;'~_. I. . . K ' ‘4- “vat",c‘ig,‘ [‘4- .“' ‘ ‘% 4.34 a 4'19- 1‘” .~,_. .. ‘ .. _‘ .. ‘~ ” ‘ . i- " . . South View - superintenden . . .. . . ~;. in’i . . . 1' r g . racy meeting last wool: at? Lindsay. . . .. -. ‘ .. . i, also had a work s a quality you can't put on. These Rev. Mr. Seward passed through gregated in thecambddse-stxllethO- wishing the teachers to the variousl . . ‘ . are the characteristics that give Us the village on» Saturday on his way dist sundae school-room Friday to classes. one teacher being so much the grip of life. The line art of to Haliburton. where he took the attend the South Victoria Sunday more adapted for a class of boys Courtesy must become a charaCteris- service on 5343‘ bath. school convention. Three sessions than a class bf girls, and vice versa. tic of life. and, this is true of rever- Mrs. Small, or Minden, who- was . The speaker advised the opening of once of benevolence. You can't be last week visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Proving to be very helpful and bone- the Sunday school session in a difler- reverent at command for it's a qual- A. Wellstood here, received from To- fid‘l to all present. out way every Sunday in 0569} to 'ity Of Your being which comes to ronto word that her daughter. at- llr. Wm. busgxtt. of Valentia.- oc-lkeep the interest up. with an short the surface. It's true also with the tending school there, was ill with earned the chair in a very acceptable to keep the Slinday school a. bright spirit of prayer and we need these scarlet fever. ‘ manner. ' . . place, where the boys and girls will characteristics in our Christian life. The morning session was opened love to congregate. The superinteli- There with deimtionai exercises 6y Rev. dent should also pray for his school, Mr. Bryant, after which Mr. Allen for more things are wrought by bov and girl in Sunday school, lighted with: it and vote of flanks Terril gave a splendid address on prayer than the world dreams Of. which we should teach: was tendered the doctor as it was "The Superintendent planning his Rev. Mr. Konkle, o! Sonya, gave Firstâ€"Appreciation of God, Where- both instructive and interesting. This work,” which was followed by an an excellent talk on the subject. ever there is appreciation of God in is the secand lecture of the ; address by Mt. W- W. Staples, 0‘ H The Organized Bible (‘lass anlth‘e life there is reverence. and where the first was by Rev. Mr. Hocklev on "ly l‘nlhmm it fl: ”I" ":l'! -" A; Lindsay, on u The Surierintendent_ Evangelizing Agency." The. women there is no reverence there is no up- the Blackfeet Indians. Another Ice. 1 i». in st; - bud helping his teacher.” had been leaders in the church long‘preciation of God. The man who ture will be given by Rev. Galvin . . EVERYTHING RED UC E D .. .... . . _ . ' . M. ' it" in“ gum“?- V superintendent should plan his work women to do less, but the men ’of God. fire" and ' for the whole year. He must takelshould do the work. '21.” .~'T:~~ lli‘ll a _ st: - The men are home from camp and l A determined " Seamd~Gratitude to God and their presence on the streets make the child into his Confidence when l ell'ort should be made to get the men worship of God." AT OUR SMOKE SALE stair" V iv and . - things appear more lively. Iout to Sunday schoOI. and this is ' " l was glad whm they said on Io not speak must think of » y. The love will not be always have y and the :ipplnm such 1: years. The he sunshine- of u: lllro'l ~h the 4 z",'i)il-l‘z;: In l? and :lorious do- up the bur -.ml \vmlwu of W hl~‘.'urll- old '71“?! 0’ :‘I)":llty of the the school. The children were de- . | . . . On Friday last as Mr. Butts and ’whcrc the Bible class gets m Itsito me." some others were taking ice from the .. . . ‘ as if it was a part of the Sunday ,- work. The organized Bible class " 'l‘hirdâ€"â€"conlidcnce in God and this ”f l......,.¢g.m’ _ school. The superintendent ' ‘ '_: yr!) Q . . . wzl' should gets after the father and whim river Mr. Butt's horse slipped in. walk upright and be an example for . bovs in the home 'tlg' E .4 Luckily the sleigh did not follow, and if it had both horse and sleigh would have been gone. After some time the horse was got out none the worse for his cold' bath. the j mclms praying." see the luthcr at-l “ l-‘ourth â€" appreciation of man. 'lhe commandments are to God and to man; the Lord's prayer is to is 11 Km“! "'0th {0" ’(iod and to mun. the be found following their father to the children. The exercises should . tending Sunday school they will 5min be made interesting and perhaps \‘ur- . the same place. “ (lot after the ' icd, while the Lord‘s prm‘cr should other fellow." be repeated at the opening of ‘ " l’iflllâ€"co’opcration with God for Dogs are being poisoned those days ‘school. 'I‘hn speaker favored having the Bible class. imam, i. 0., benevolence." by whom-1m! known. , . I . ‘ m ‘ ' a o la scholar read or repeat the lesson! Rev. Mr. Morton. of Little lll'il:lin.€ " We are after those live things in Mr. Geo. “‘(mds. pm. of Lindsay. ,3. H ”my- ' each Sunday. [opened the afternoon session Will) our Sunday school work and we are {spent a few days at his home here. ‘. , 1 w... ,3 A Cullection should be taken up at "devotional exercises. lhumlicuppa-d in a measure. 'l‘he’ -â€"- - \ I he ‘ I, , .. I ‘ .. _ lintel'vuls for missions. New schol- Rey. H. X Konklc, of Sony". Spirit of rmcrt'ncc Starts Will! a OFFICERSFOR 1913 ' ...,~;i».:-.. c. .p: 's2”v‘«." - » ~ .... .-.' -'~" ' » - '- ‘ - .. n . - ... m . - 4 ‘ ars should always be made welcome. ispoke briefly on lhc loss to tho right t'rinCepllon _ _~__,M,,.,_ .____.._..... mwwmâ€" um“ ... ..._ ' I s - c .‘(0â€" 3 v 7‘ of God and the ' “"' ‘ ‘ ' ' "‘ "‘" ' " “" ' ‘ "‘ “ ” "“ ’shake hands With them. (new mem-Jchurch during the period Of iulnlr right conception of God comics fro”) ~’ . ' FATINCJ‘ LECTURE ON ST P1 \TRICK bells and old members.) The super- yesconce." The speaker referred ‘ . 3:. the 1 j>~1 "Wild?! 1.“ ’- ERLD . ~ to 4 the “”19 children." \ i4 TURIA ROAD AGIllCl‘L'l‘l'RAL. intcndcnt should also familiarizc'the waste. There were 400,000; The speaker referred to the rever- SOVIETY OFFICERS' . we . himself With the names “f the Sl'hOl'Eé‘Uung people in Ontario. and 9.: this mm: which should be manifested at AF a “."‘:an oi" the 8oulh \‘C‘ );S .â€" .“‘" ars and call them by name. Znumbcr 80.000 were in the Sunday the opening of the Sunday school I “ma Agriculture] 50mm” hold m- ':;-."~1Q (From ’n"'Sda-".S “ail-V" “ We plan to get the child into the Ischool. while the balance. some 320,- zsession. and to the sincerity of “for- s? "a." f“ ““0““ Road, lht‘ ("HOW- rim of . . .- n ”5 Sl- 310.1le .‘T‘al‘ did the young 5"- Patrick ('00- the Lord, “'hiCh taught obedience Sunday school ; .we Plan to get them '1000 still remain outside. The cause fship, which should be without pomp mg 0mm“ “”9 "loam for the 5“" l :‘s an 5.1,.“ era-a: \lunllll} time to labor in this desolau- and and filial love, which is the Charac'gillteresled, but if “.0 full to get them ‘of the waste was due in a large de- not. show. The singing should be acâ€" 1913 I. .11 he- . 31,-». grumpy rm.- (lmgiom-ly spot. until a sudden ho;,c came-.1, tt-ristics of the Irish PeOPle- Among interested in the one great thing-â€"- grce to the lack of home training. lcompunicd “5' thoughtfulness, §uit- Pre-ldt-ntâ€"W. .l, (‘hirpaw (reflect- ‘l “let , WW .uldu-ss on tho: upon him to break his Londs and the great glories 9f Ireland 10-day i5.the need of giving their hearts to and the church was also greatly at fable in mm: for the adult Bible claSs Pd)’ .. ’ ‘ g“: r, -' . {mum Saul. l'lu-l leuxe his mash-r. ; the fact that she points to the greatluod. and bringing them into the fault in failing to provide proper 80- fend other suitable hymns for the in~ 1'“ ‘ lce-l‘rus.â€"(;. 3' Mchinnon. ”hi". . , | ..- [mm Melon-3;. and; Putting his tr st in God, he sought: saint as the flower of her destiny. church. or our efforts are all in.cial gatherings of interest and rooms ‘fants. Kneeling in prayer has gone 2nd \1cc-l’res_-â€"l£..W. Lytln, 2'11"". _ .. , ,, J .,,- H; St. Patrick rho opt-n occaill through the bywaysf In Ireland we find faith and con-[Vain lwhere the young people could meet. out of fashion, but it has its ad- Dll‘eflmsw-IOhD $111611}; Con. Mc- \ , ., . ;;;.-9l~ . « 1- ~ 'l‘lm spi‘nkl'l‘ said ‘ ol‘ the land. At a Certain port a'SlSt'JlC)‘ run hand in hand. It was Mr. Staples stated that the insti- The attractions were stronger elbe- ZVantages. The difficulty was thatfllonald, Andrew Gilmour, John Al- . ..â€" knew. ' . Slip au'aiti-d him. and he was con-I the great religious influence which tution of the Sunday school depond- where than in the church. In clos-:those kneeling are face to face with lton. Wm. Hill, A. C. Graham, M, .em' mude , 7 . . .- .-,~..;.i.- 1h.- l‘E‘dsl or g, text-d to his oun tolutry. On his; formed their character. and to. this ed largely on the cooperation re- ing‘ the speaker took up the question 'those who do not kneel and then the , " “ ' ’ ”Hf“; ‘ I _ ..,v . g .. N, Pawn-1.. \ou { return loi‘rancv he was educated for day they have still retained “gun-aw ::.~: 1 ‘ ‘ that,ceived from the officers. The super- \wissitllilos and the church, and ordained Bishop by; spirit. which they imbibed in the 5thl ‘intendent should, if possible. be a. mom, to , 4:. a: oypnumlcr of Pope (‘clostiam The great saint at century. They made a solid founda- man at all times, as a good ‘Icader I “I ;. 'J laughter. , . .;E ,1- :l‘nso (-hl)S¢ill ()"L‘t' thought of thl- people wilhi tion on the three essentials. to saL'haS a mighty influence over those ‘ ., ‘ I'Bw Lord has 21L uhom he had labored as a ('aptil'o_z‘.‘ution. faith. hope and charity. St. under and «me. n m ' Hmcr his pL-oplp. and who»; language he had acquired, ‘Patrick also taught them to follow, .xill honor and and on ‘his elevation to the dignity; virtuous lives. St. Patrick has been um. and hi- your of bishop concluded a Healy, Dr. McLean, Dr. J. R053. A. J. Southern. W. J. Mitchell, A. A. be given towards giving McDonald, Robt. Staples. 1‘. N.. Carl the young children the right Conccp~ and 6‘ Parrington. People ' tion of prayer. ‘ of how best to prevent this waste'mischiel starts. A great deal of ef~ and ad\'ocated an institutional fort should church. with a determined effort be- ing made to keep the young him. He should be a man in the church. 5 . , ’ . 1‘ - O o ‘ ‘ ’ . At the evening session lies. 1. H. l Millersm'm Man “ho understands boyhood. one of}.~ Rev. in. ll. Halponny spoke on the Howard, of (.lamliray', conducted the Who") the boys will so). " I want to {Victora county Sunday school guol. hm” Tim'nl upon his .t-lil emphatically. devotional exercises, after which Mr.’ I" Bad Accident . field for a the father of your destiny. and 1 am be like that superintendent." The after which he devoted considerable C. E. Weeks delivered a very instruc- l 1 \ mummy: was the .. p .. Hi :w‘ul‘ll that (nun... missionary lay in this Isle. The arâ€", pleased that to-day lrishmen havelsuperintt‘ndrnt should have :1 big time to the topic of " 'l'ho nurture five address on “ The Sunday _â€"" 1 ml mtliml for days ,_ ., 53“,” h. your [wail of St. Patrick in this island ; preserved the same love. faith and m\0l‘ill backbone. should consult with elcmtnt in the sessi ,. \p'h‘ifi‘fi' was {3‘ . ‘ .. ' ‘ . . . .. g g ’ .f unlvlmlosome - ‘- - ‘ “ llll'l‘r' itl'USl‘ at “‘15 “”l‘l'm m ”“3 “a3- on program." In that no‘ tradition of their forefathers. the teut‘ht‘l‘s and ham them explain part the speaker stated . _ » ~ .v .:"\"v'l\ fold their ()thl'l' COIlDll‘V was so celnplczvly Collâ€"f The lrish people had many vicissi~ their difficulties. .,\ . 3v H“ . . . . ’ . ‘ - - ‘ . ~._.,,.rg..1 may think : , - ‘ l»? in this island Yt‘l'll'd to Christianity by any 02:9 ludes. but emerged safely ever smte . \l‘l‘ {‘3}. "It «'11! school's missionary obligation and! Millersmilh, 513““ l7llLâ€"‘Tht‘ that " The opportunity finest of all fine arts is the art of pic I.social hold in theillrange hall Friday Mr. la. w. lluu-onny delivered an Inisht was a swat success. consider- (trading the clauses was one of the courtesyâ€"the art of slipping to and interesting address to “ The Call of:| in? the conditions or Lb“ roads. :u . ,. ~ -- .mw; .mmltâ€" racv. preacher since or before his timc. by that day that. St. Patrick came hardest matters to deal with. The fro among folks without ,inrrinl.r them the Child." Among the; items on the program to m9. l ha" - . - ml: ~.\l‘.lllll xl‘:.- light the first teaching of m;- gospel. 'l‘his‘ amongst them and spread Christian- ""9"“ two dialogues, "The ”Ham: .1~--;lm. Ely dream I, g , M. I ,U, ‘l:‘-."'{).-ll ; a was through the power of God. Il‘hcre ity in the island. Be myal 1’0 l416 ’ l 127“! mi“ ”.3 the - . . . ,.... n-liw-ion was is an eternal faith. the hope for the land of your adoption. and to-day thel WW. 7 \‘(fmt ‘-\' “1‘13"“ . .\ ,~ \\i:)‘shi ho- truth. and in 432 .\.ll. it was an im-«‘ lrishmcn form . rm] lil’ Howl-"e you - I P a band around the -z m... Iluvc m? 3° ‘ . . ,. .. yum passing mlposing and singular sight to see flimcarth to honor their patron saint. The warder Recelves Short and prosperity .. .. .3, “till .d curtain King of Ireland surrounded by hisl - who speaker concluded by reciting a '» Eut' mint-inc; bur- Scarc" and “A Bonnet for My Wife," ORANGEMENINSESSION land the actors deserve credit. An- , l other dialogue was gil‘en by a num- IIILLâ€" A] IEl ' I‘ll ' 0f the Scilo l ( .ldr. \ A \ \DIAG I 0 hl Ln, IDUl Ml. {(lf' ll n ,l: . ( I. i .' . 1‘ ., . \Iith ht‘i lgporlifl . z V ‘ '11? .. )1} \‘l‘il P. t ! GR‘VU LO .1: ‘XT PETI’R R0 “q” Agnew. of Lindsay. kppt the ' - Letter From World 'I rippers . “m...- 83le ‘ t . »' l'u'wrni-nl- lln-re instruments on their knees makingiilc of Erin: ‘.-v umy <3." wha ,. ,, . , ‘ up 1 Black Knights of Ireland. of Ontario l “Mb"? _ _ _ . . .1 \ kl son whom the air resound with their melody. ' Erin in exile bequeath thee my “955‘ Eliast. Opened in the Orange Hall, Mr. . ' blmth ‘aCIed as auctioneer, rnoqgtn ling I“; \ , \; r'n» aim- of \moncsl this gathering was a man! inc. ‘ ‘ .. . ~ . . ‘ . ~ ' ' gl'clerhoro. this afterlmon at 2 O'cloCkiaT‘d the boys responded m high bid- “ 7““: 1‘ {9qu (m. » « rake)” cug‘th't- who had a mitrc on his head and a! Land of m)" forefathers, Erin GO (IRLAI “ILL“ 01. 1}": LAX”) A30 SELL with a large number of Sir Knights “1;“: l h Bull l d -. I»\T.E:”v.,::mrltk:ll is a _ ' _ ‘ . hw'l “uh other ”mi” in his hand. This was 8L; Braghf S ‘th ill b .. . bled f in attendance. 1 :1}. .03“; 6.er 10af hthe ml:fo;t:zlie .n is m seri- “In”... [Me patmk. who had Come to preach! Miss Mary F-lurey presided at tho! °° ‘f ° “’“g .““mf‘m" . m” The Grand Orange Lodge of East- ° 8 0d 'h ‘ . s “”5 3" .31.;{qu-l ’5." ”9‘3 ' 4 ,_ . i.- lr-sh chivl'izlin. (‘hristiauity to the people of Il-eland.:organ, and rendered two beautiful And ind. m" hurricane Elle Plate . 0m Ontario will convene in annual IOrn on t 9 sum wrenchcd while .v f;::1:"r. PW“: him 1 - m. l'm- hills of The people joined with him, they-'solos, entitled, “O Salutaris." and To-the 5°"? breeze that. waits the bark 'session to-morrow in the court house, amlgtmilha Is‘awmg machine .at Mr. . nmrr')’ YO'L" 5E") an» '« ’ w . ~ . , ; 2 in. young: surrounded him in his prayer, and j that favorite melody, “ The Harp Salely alike fl‘"°“!?h-"Sh‘ and dark ' li’eterboro. when between three and ‘ ' 0"“ an ‘5' He was "5""5 to 1"" “"m ”."‘.hphef. . ‘ .. ~ » “who slilnt‘. and crouned him \xith honor. His mesâ€"E'tllat once through Tara's HallS," in Keep by in), mighty hand,‘oh keep, four hundred delegates will be pres- put on-thc bf?“ ”‘8" runs ”10.53“" "‘9‘.” WV; mad. ». . , : 3-. long wi-‘arx- sage to them was simply deVotion to'hor usual grand style. The (”€11ch on the homeless deep! cut. and “hue domg so h,s hand Shppcd .1:ni«z,‘r.‘*!nl;.1\lkfoldit” WNAA’W Defend fronf the muck llghtning's Stroke 1 full. " Bro. Wm. Warren, Asso. Deputvlrnd "mm around the pulley 0nd“ the ' )elt. . ., , v. ‘ And from the iceberg's crushing shock; “ ' Litut. C03. Hopklns Witnessed I DATE CHANGED .I. llizif'< 211-” said 8' . - Grand Master, R.B.K. of Ireland. loft ” in fieh“?,‘t din °" ‘S‘f “Tin,“ . . a . ‘sod - - Take Thou the helm. and surely guide this morning for Potaboro, to be an a l res ‘ a p 35‘ - . . â€"-â€" The wanderer o'er the wayward tide. m; :=;;::,:.;:.;’:. Demonstrations of the Sutfragettes . pom...) Jumm 0pm... co..- . clan. present at the opening scsston. Bro. , ‘ _ _ Keep by 'l‘hy mighty hand. oh keep. " 05' Br own. 0" Master. Victoria. mfedwbtckbfdygri: ?::n{::hli:hh:;: w PANY HERE ON 27th. The dwellers on the homeless deep! also P. Preceptor, Lindsay Chapter. ‘ , . ’ ‘ . . A letter , _ been occupied by Mr. Hugh Liliott "ma , . . . Manager W. H. Roenigk received a. -â€"â€"_ R.B.K. of 1.. leaves Wednesday morn- _ V . A min! i spent in holds the record for jumping over . , _ . . . . during the past four ycals. “ ~ 1 . I .. t ted Col Hopkins telegram from Toronto this morning Four Lindsay gentlemen are taking our ship has come to a standstill,l mg for the Electric City; while Bros.) Mr James Courtney recently pup eontlnued.) map; unnosphere ' 4At0alire 2-“! :0: the colonel arriyed'to the effect that the date for the ap- in the trip around the world and and from the distance comes thel p, Conquergood, W. Omoer in Com- . ll:-:.l,.p.-g. .”‘... . e . - ‘ 'as g . e Pollard Australian ' M 2?.» w ‘ ,. mlom. and m-tOo late to witness the inaugurationgpea‘rance of th .â€"_â€"â€"--- ‘ 1N ~ “ml". «‘u‘nltv- oi the larger} . hased horse from Mr. John Yout. , sound of a fog horn. mand Royal Scarlet Chapter.: Lind- c a . . 'd t W‘l and his col- i Juvenile 09"“ 00mm“ in ““5” two are already on the “pan .8”)- Of course. you know. being on' “Y i w. "- Bm'k' Pram” ”ads” mi; Jto fashiottténiorflymh‘ce .n(.1.~;dnm. \l’ashing-tOf Pre51 en 1 son. _. t has been changed from March 25th hound, namely, Messrs. Dan. Cinna- board ship is like on railway trains Chapter. R.B.K. of I; R. Nugent, M ha , far ' ' ‘ '3 41': M low... limit-('01. r. l‘eagues’.b'ft was an ”9 “mess 0lto Thursday. March 2-7th. This has m0" and 5- L- cmpben' new” â€"-tako everything for the best. askno District mm“ ”my : G- ”We. e0 n S m. .. ”mu ”my.“ home last. other stirring scenes. He was pres~ I been done owing to the fact that the leavidg Lindsay The Wardcr arrang- iwak mm”) lwneuted in tent when the suffragettes danced on . questions, {or your answers are not D. of C..» L.O.L. 557, and several --- -â€":â€"-â€"_ ' ' ‘ " th ‘ bare feet company Win remain a week in His ed with the:gentlemen to send home Very satisfactory. However, we other brethren from Lindsay district, GLEhARM. m the 3" . 5d. .2; in.» ‘3 wry enjoyable l the capital steps in 9‘} . . Majesty's Theatre, Montreal. - short notes on their trip. which pro- trust to in Halifax some time this leave 'l‘h y to attend the G Gle , Mar. 1.7.4me to the usinoiss the same o" L {and also witnessedt the}: hproztzsmin Manager Roenigk has a subscriber's mises to be a. wonderful one in y a! oonmc 0r Lursda i0“. rand w namwntha of the past week the n l" ix. , . ‘ S. W C W 1‘ . . . ' . . ' " “:3 with the '3 ‘r :n t::.- _\v.-:'Eun(lacks (‘01.!0" the; mi"? “:31, f citizens list out for this big attraction, and respects. and the first .short :etter Notwithstanding the dyer m leav- g 8 roads are m poor co Mm“: .nltlon to do W l ‘2 am participated; “’"up “1 ’~‘ a ° ' subscribers will have the first choke V.“ we“ ““8 “M“;‘éh if- ? ins Lindsay Wednesday night. being Mr- Tom. Mr. Bert-Md Miss Bella ’8 New dogging; 3‘31“"? v>\hil;lr;lting winter: .. [of reserved seats. . hoping“ “:1“; ’23:: oto e m ‘ four hours late, which caused us to BIRTHS Emit: (if the West on Tues- l'. a ; 44.7.; m, .' "7‘ . . . say yw drop fi . - _ â€"â€" yo Q. ved . a“ Min “ed smerul deb ' ‘ - miss our train connection at Peter - and mm; most pmmm m- Lam. the; Java EXAMINATIONS card or short letter from vmmis be I our now being ",0: BOLUl‘.-On Sunday, 9th inat., to Mr. Jack Murchison is visiting ro- n ”abranite Skater of the {mm (‘01. -â€"â€"- LITTLE BRITAIN. points along tb way. Ind thus en- ' gigolo 6“ ‘ “>1 that to use a. hack-.NO cap/um; IN REGULATIONS. . ‘ bound" â€"atill our trip this far” M Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boldt, Kin- Lotions in Toroato at present. A shredded wheat banquet, which is lighten their numerous friends in been m Pleasant. and. beause 0‘ mount, a son. Kr. and Hrs. L. Even-eon entertain- .rpressim entirely new and a rare treat to us town as to what points of interest w very comfortable 9W“?! and -â€"â€"-â€" ed ‘ am of their friend; an Wed; 1 .. H? was very fast; and The strenuous period of examina- all, will be given in I.0.0.F. hall. “they will visit. The letter receiVed m comfort m on our 8°01! BROWN.-0n Tuesday, 11th inst, to heyday evening last, all reporting a 11 and . W \ ‘ luau time is already looming on the Little Britain, under,the auspices of this morning was written on hard ,w rooms "“ ~~H‘_M . -" ‘ . . ship "Victorian," n are ‘06th Kr. and Hrs. Leonard Brown, Kin- good time. vision of thousands of Ontario stud- the Christian Church. on March 25. the R. 1!. 8 Victor-ion. one of ~the to I.“ to ‘ very. eéingrlhla “once mount. a son. .. It. George Mary has sold a B ‘ents. The "department of education Don’t miss it. when givenh'a‘s met sturdy. Allan liners. being mailed on *I ' ' ' > ' ‘ ' ' ‘ - man of Exchange, . Lumy had “speed" ‘ - ON CURRICULUM. I . .. . . . ‘â€" _ .fine‘teun of, ‘l abandoning has issued the time-tables for theI-n- withunparelled isuN Mm“. m? .- ~. ..‘t W, 1' : g ' -,‘" So‘nbte it 3”,... YQ’" ., _ .D. ‘, if}: , . .,mdt) 14th inst... 9L ‘ . v . _ :1, , . .nuar-eXamin‘fl‘S in June. serving as 9. Visits each locality only ones. In . lac ‘ . V c . ' D“ M 120882, “to . .- “in “1...: Hull! W’- If..~Jd..0cm~hla W to flarble w ' ' “"4 by the Daphof Initial-l preliminary insuring that the/”day‘s cm] .- 'Qn Vithfhe‘m'eIW 5'53 ‘ W noon. ,' 13k 7" . ' 1 Lu?" ‘ .- M’ ' .“' 3383- ' ' : m" Iof trial are on the way. - . sun will 1” given. m. John It. , Old. '6 a ~'-w° 1.“ Sh . . 3.; .. ‘ ' . ' - ' I ”gene;- l There are practically‘no departures Gallons'h will recite. m 51-. .‘JW'3 "3‘33" “My m V . ‘ ‘ ‘m ’ "I l ‘ '0.“qu W mi“ ever lrfii‘tggbfilo' 2;; Seed Barley. leither in curriculum or regulation mandol’m guitar orchestra 0‘ low ‘m.‘ ”M d'”"“‘”'”’ 7 i i N If h I A. Tn cr otatoes seed. FBclv . from those -0( last, year.hutboth andhcme talent. Tea ”who... Nam 33-; about one dry-read cattle comingsyears. _ ‘ _ ,. . _ g . , cow public and highschool $135013“ .like 5..”8_ 97M M We": D“ ogemReaistcx-ed Holstein Bull Calf, will be free at the cod all"??? Tl" Wmati‘m‘m- '0le - ‘ completion of the’ work by this a!” l . last year, when them" '" ' ‘3 pain ‘ 7 for sec l, gm:%p for skecd. 3 . “mom R Wanted. A ed Clover seed. ‘ ' mm“ Clldesdale Fillies. ‘ ‘- . ‘

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