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Watchman Warder (1899), 27 Mar 1913, p. 2

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”a Lindsay Doctor And Physician Dr. Ball. um. mum murmur; or maoze'ro AND TRINITY UNIVERSITIES. WECIAL ATTENTION TO SUR- GERY AND DISEASES OF WHEN AND CHILDREN. COROSER FOR THE HOPKINS HOPKINS. Barrio- an. Solicitors. Notuy Public. etc. Solicitors for Bank 01 lortreul. Honey to loan on terms to suit borrower. Officesâ€"6 William-st. S.. “ml-av- Ont. G. H. Hopkins, K. chAL'GHLlN. PEEL. FULTON Jr. STINSON. Barristers, Solidtora 3nd Notaries. Money to‘loan. Spec- “) Attention given to investments. (Macao: Dominion Bank, corner of Willhun and Kent-mm, Lindsay. R. .ppotntment Dr. F. BLANCHARD GRADUATE TORONTO UNIVERSI- TY, CORONER FOR COUNTY OF VICTORIA Oflce â€" Ridout-st., corner Kent um Lindsay-ate. Phone 45. 3.2101] R. KNIGHT, Barrister, So- licitox, Notary Public. Solicitor {or the Home Bank of Canada. repre- senting Waterloo Mutual Fire In- Iunnce Co.. 0! Went-loo; Federal Ute Assurance Co., of Hamilton, mph-o Accident and Surety Co., at London, Ont, once over Home Bunk, opposite Post. Office. IWRE JACKSON, Barristers, dc” solicitors for The Cmadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan n mortgages at lowest current rates. 0mm, William-st, Lindsay. F. D. Moon, K.c. Alex. Jackson. '1” m 5mm? 11. vv .--.â€"._ w___ 0. Melanghlln, K.C.. A. M. Ful- ton, B.A., James A. Peel. '1‘. H. Stlnaon. Woodvme office open awry week at. office of C. E. Weeks. Money to Loan. . B. WELIMN. Mariposn township Clerk. Oakwood. Fire Insuruna Agent. Issuer of marriage licenses. Conveyancing in all its forms. HE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to 10m money on farm, town and vil- hgo property. at very lowest. rates of interest. Company or private hmdl. I am always ready to buy COTEâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cote, a daughter, on Wednesday. March 19, 1913. .\'ARCOE.â€"On Thursday. Inch 20, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Varcoe a, duxghtor. good mortgagee. 71. E. WELDON. noucitor, etc" Mike Block. Lindsay Your Family Physician . a‘ugnwr ‘ ”A woman ' wu staggeri den of seen“ it. loose, . It uh“ I. OS. WAN. AUCTIONEER FOR tho Counties of Victorig and Peter- boro. 'Phono 449. Lindsay P.0. . o . 0 ' ' V ' ' ‘ 2320273“ iffiffei‘dfifimfi: m “=- W" ““1 h° °°““‘ “°‘ ., .. - unlmnmodyomDr.Wood’o a daughter. R. an. S “d be I ‘0 .5 mo. Now he is o m mm 'A woman who looks as thongh she w,':nd|bownnodpditmoonh| wan stoggering uound under a. bur- den of seen-t sorrow is sure to turn It loose. It uku . smart mum to but on m .thM dbwdyw doctric light. metro or . bud-boiled n .. fihmmu .. Mary have his thought and care neutralized by carelessness in fil- ling his prescriptions or by the use of drugs which have lost part of their strength. Prescription work brought to us is always done by competent reg- istered yharmacists who use scientific methods and who have at. hand a complete stock of fresh, pure, prescription drugS, Let us fill your recipes and pre- scriptions, The work ‘and the price will both be right. . . ”3‘1- u...“ price Dmggist. opp. post office. 3. Hopkins, mm M. cam. IINDSAY, ouctlonoer. Groduou of s' School of Auctioneoring, .go. Your potronlgo solicit» 'Phono 1951... Barristers, etc- H I G INBOTHAM BIRTH. It Greeks in Lindsay Mourn King’s Death (:TIJ,OGI.Y.â€"At 450 South DiV'ision St, Buffalo, on Friday, March 11, 1913, Joseph Gillogly, in his 64th year. Early this morning a message was received saying that Henry Love had been found guilty at Owen Sound on the charge of murdering his wife at Ceylon. No other particulars be- yond those could be obtained. The assassination of King George of Greece has cast a. gloom ox'er the small Greek colony in Lindsay. That the feelings 0! his suhjvcts for the late King were at onus of personal regard and. sincere 10ynlt _v is evident, from the expressions of sorrow and indignation which iva Men heard among the local firm-ks. "Wu (in not, understand it." said one local gnntlonmn to The Wnrder this morning. "We- think it must. have bt-en 3., Bulgarian or Albanian who committal the murder. No (in-6k could huw «lune it. Kingr (:vorge and tin- llmul family were he- luvml ovorynlivi‘v, and the former rould hmc bm'n smn duily walking of Cycling in the streets without. an escort. “Since the lmginning of the war 11011516 have been r-stnblishcd through- out the kingdom out of the Queen's priVate purse, in mob of which '500 Door could be cared for.” Did you ever notice with what fiendish delight a VOman emphasizes her superior knowledge over a man eVery time she gets a chance ? \'0 man worthy 01 the name likes to liVe on charity. During courtship a man easily makes a dollar look like Quirty cents. After marriage he tries to make thirty cents look like a dollar. This is less easy. NEXT Ill EUNSUMPTIHN THERE ARE MORE IIEIIIIS From PIEIUMOIIA than Any Other lung Trouble. Pneumonia is nothing more ow less that that used to be called “Inflammation ol the Lump.” Consumption may be contracted from others, but as a rule pneumonia is caused byexposureto cold and wet,nndiftho cold is not attended to immediately nub ions results are liable to follow. For stubborn colds and bronchitis nothing compares with Scott’s Emulsion. body. It repair: wasteâ€"make. rich, active blood and suppliee energy to the starving am. It’s timely use enoolee the body to Refuse “bulimiaâ€"inf"! on SCOTT’S. ' every day. Post-modem examinations often show that tuberculosis had been arrested by strengthening the lungs before the germs gained mastery. You can strengthen your resistance-power by taking Scott’s Emulsion. It con- tains available energy in con- centrated form, which quickly nourishes all the organs of the There is only one way to prevent pneumonia and that is to cure the «Sold on its first appearance. Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup will do this for you if you will only take it in Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup eon- talne all the essence and lung healing powers of the famous Norway Pine tree. Mr. Hugh McLeod, Eeterhaxy, Seek; writeup-“My little boy took a very eevere cold, and it. developed into pneu- Scott 3; Bone, Toronto. Ontario 12-67 DEATHS. Killing His Wife V W006) THE KINGDOM OF EASTERLAXD. Do you know where the kingdom of Easter-land lies ? Is it north, is it south, little man? Scan the east and the.west. with your mischievous eyes, Thrust your hands in your pockets and try to look wise, And tell where it is if you can. Do you know is this kingdom far off or quite near ? _ Now, please tell me that, little maid. your horses in :ww emu.--“ feed. If you have a r. misernbleâ€"look- in: animal on your phoe try it on this one first end see the manellous result which will be obtained. Our Stock Specific wil' inereue the milk flow three to five lbs. per cow per day. while being led in the stable. A 50: peekegewillhstnooworhorse’wdays. ’_ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC ‘ *â€" ‘nll make your hens lay just :3 well in the N. W. WILLIAMS. winter as in the manner. and will keep them 1 free iron disuse. The-e goods ue pure and One of a remarkable family. Ten :ndulteraud. We do not use gay chespflfiller _ '. . memmhuennbiennt brothers, all hung, “ho weigh o‘er; [mm any on “a mlrkct at the present time. “.000 ounds. Claim (1 ' ‘ p '3 t° be rem”! m1 Purple sw ': Specific. 50c pcknz rom- in Canada. 30% wiainphel nit-tight tin. for $1.430.“e -. . . . rp on try Specific. 25: on Mr. “illths Is es genial and pop- ”! . “a “.50 “Might fins that hold ular as he is big and wholesome. four 50: pelts!â€" Boyd PIrple Lice Killer. 26c and We tini' He represents Red Rose Tea in this 30¢ by ”a. district. Royal Purple Gel] Cu-e, 25c and 50: tine: 300 by mil. - 7- ram-.1- Qua-e Liniment. 506 W; '06 EASTER w .323 2:: 3o w The lumber camps have all broken up for another year, and many of the 13036 have returned to town within the past week. They are all looking in the pink ofl condition, and one would naturally infer that the life of a. lumberman has many pleasing feaâ€" tures in connection therewith. ‘ The days of fat pork and beans imixed with molasses has passed away, also the log hut by the lake with a. fire in the centre of the enâ€" campment and the smoke ascending to the blue dome of heaven throngh an opening in the roof of the shanty. .Now the average lumberman furnishes his men with the luxuries to be ob- tained in a modern hotel, with sani- tary surroundings and first-class sleeping accommodatiori. The shan- tyman is not the wayward, reckless! man of thirty-five years ago, who: often followed that me for the: amount of fun and frivolity it. fur? nished more than the monetary re- ward which he receiVed. That has passed away, and like the Western cowboy, a real Simon-pure shantyman of the old school would be as great a. curiosity at the present day as the big-footed boy from Ohio. The sea- son was a prosperOUS one, though many weeks elapsed before any tim- ber was cut or drawn to the lakes. ‘With the opening of navigation many ‘of the men will return to the north ‘country to engage in floating the logs down creeks to the waters where steamboats can reach than and tow them to the sawmills. WILL MOVE. It is understood that Weeks, W o! the ‘ 6: Savings Company. now from his patent. Calhoun-at... eat mm It... luv-lug decided to move into the Blackwell residence. formerly occu- pied by Ir. 1). Adam. Man Now Curiosity 3 THE WATOHMANH’ Lid 1A1}: 1’ u 51L” Stock Poultry SW? l fl We will send 31160111“ F“: the akinz. postw‘d- , name 64-0“: boo“ “I 318116 “page boon “run u.- an); 'on the comncn diseases of stock “Id kinds of huvy poultry. Tells how to feed :11 _ :6. much can. 81'"! l'mht horses, colts. and m calves nnd fattening steers. 8180 how to hug snd teed poultry so nut they will . ' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" H mnwnl 360 l: winter or in summer. I: cum...â€" --_ recommends from nll ovu- Cuuds. from peovlo who hove used our goods. No fume: should be You an fatten enttle nnd hogs in o month'- leu time by using our Royal Purple Stock Specific. then you could possibly do without it. thereby saving 1. month's feed and labor and the cost to you will not. be more than $1.50 for nix pic: or $1.00 {or one Rena, It will keep your horses in show condition with ordiury teed. If you have a poor. unisex-outlook- ing animal on your phoe try it on this one “‘ u" “M "in marvellous result WhiCh will Boyd Purple Ste": Specific. 50c pckgl: {our 3150. We vein" in a... lit-tight tin. for Royal Purpl- Poultry Specific, 25c and 50¢ new” ad {1.50 air-tight tins tint hold 5:17.50:me Boyd P‘rple Lice Killer. 26c 30c by man. Royal PEI-pie cm Cu-e. 25¢ 8! Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets May be Obtained From Halifax, March 21. â€"â€"A, W, Le: 1y, of Glace Bay, was yesterday elected Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Non; Scotia, which is holding its annual meeting in this city. H. H. Johnston, 0‘ 'lruro, is Senior Deputy Grand Mas- ter, and R. E. McLeod of Inv.erness Junior Deputy Grand Master. The largest number of delegates in the history of the Order in this Province are in attendance. Neuralgia’s Burning Pain Checked-Jinn Curcd WORST CASES CURED AT HOME "(l‘o he really cured of Neuralgia is a marVOl to mo," writes pavidson It), - ltlununor, from Kingston. “ During the six weeks Neuralgia held me in its grip I sutlered agony. When I I had used almost eVery remedy, hope fairly died within me. Twice every day the attacks would recur. Had ‘ the pain been persistent I could not have borne it. I was away out in Alberta when the attack came. and was probably not robust enough for the conditions of life in that new country. I just had to suffer. as nothing seemed to subdue that awful burning pain. But relief was com- ing all the same, coming thousands of miles, for some new peeple came in from the Maritime Provinces, and they brought with them a number of the Catarrhozone Company’s medi- cines, among which was a dozen Jyot- tles of Nerviline. Hearing of my‘ sad plight, they sent me two bottles. At first the eflect of Nerviline seemed to fluctuate. Hope would rise, then followed despair, but within twat}- four hours Nerviline's victory was assured. The first\ bottle cured. and I am still well. The second bottle I have also used for colds, cam-ache, . toothache, .sick headache and other " internal disorders. I will never be I without Nerviline again.” u x STRONGER PROOF OI“ CURE (‘OI'LU SUARCELY BE FOUND THAN 'l'HlS. KELLY GRAND MASTER No home is either sale or compxew without .Nervfline. Family size bot- tles, 50c.; trial size, 250., at all storekeepers and druggists, or The Catarrhozom Co., Buffalo, NY. . Gregory, W. G, Du noon Fox 8: Brady, Lindsay Parents Will Andrew Ridpath, and his wife, or Inkefield, have settled their claim against the G.T.R. for the death or their son, William Ridpath, ,, Lind- ”alumni: me; “8 Receive $2050 only 1” safe or complete "vim by _u we“ It eonwu 360 .a. from 9992“ W. Kelly. his wife. 01 (vith ia- Officers of Grand ' Peterboro, March 20.â€"Th ciul Grand Black Chapter c East concluded their 37th meeting yesterday at noon. At the morning seSaion of the Pro- vincial Grand Black Chapter, officers were elected as follows : Grand Masterâ€"Sir Madoc. Warren, Lindcny. Asso. Dep. Grand Masterâ€"Sir A. Graham, Kingston. Grand Chaplain â€" Rev. Sir V ‘ Fitzgerald, Kingston. - --n Grand Registrarâ€"Sir Queensbo ro . Dep. Grand Registrarâ€"Sir Pummon, Crookston. Grand Treasurerâ€"Sir P. ( Connell, Springbrook. Dep. Grand msurer- Moore, Queensboro. lpctux-ers-j ling. and Si! bOro. Sensorsâ€"Sir C. C. Mowry, Peter- boro. Sir H. T. Hal-tin, Richmond. Standard Bearersâ€"John Smith. Madoc ; J 08. Brown, Lindsay. Committeeâ€"Sir Knights, Mills, Richardson, Stanley, Allen, Zealand, Emer86n and J ackman. Pursuivantâ€"Sir H. Dempsey. Amel- iasburg. HIS is the fancy name which scientists give to the disease commonly known as nervous prostration or nervous exhausâ€" tion. It is an ailment peculiar to this age and this continent. The placid, contented life of our ancestors has been left behind, and everywhere there is rush and strain, whether on business or plea- sure bent. Sometimes it is the cares and wor- n. A, __ 5L- nfrn;n nf Rt- rusn anu au’aw, "m"--- -_ , sure bent. Sometimes it is the cares and wor- ries of business, but oftener the strain of at- tending the round of society and amusement, which brings on collapse of the nervous sys- tem. It may be the lady in high society who is the victim of it, or it may be the girl in the factory. You lose interest in life, fee! tired anu languid, find your daily duties a burden, can- not get proper rest and sleep, have headaches and indigestion, are nervous and irritable over little things, some of the vital organs fail in their functions, and you become down-hearted and discouraged. force in the human system. The food you eat has failed to do this, so Nature must receive help from outside, just such help as is supplied Fifty cents a box, 6 boxes for Grand Master â€" Sir sâ€"Sir A. E. Morrow, Stir- Sir P. C. Holden. Peter- Black Chapter h 20.â€"The Provin- Chapter of Ontario lcir 37th annual Sir Wm. McMechan. ,tment to afford you more than ary relief must increase the nerve human system. The food you eat > do this, so Nature must receive Ltside, just such help as is supplied -â€"â€"Sir '1‘. H. Rhodes ' As an all-round tonic and "builder-up" this preparation has few. if any. equals. It puts an edge on the appetite -alds digestionâ€"supplies rich and easily assimilated nourishmemâ€" tone: up the nerves-1nd especially strengthens the lungs. bronchial tubes and throat. 111506. “$1.00 bottloa. atywrdruuist'a. “insomnia-aunts. life, feel tired and â€"-Mr. W. S. Blackwell, of Finland- er, Sash, has returned to Lindsay. and will in luture reside in town. Mr. Blackwell, who is. a. brother of our esteemed fellow town'sman, Geo. l". Blackwell, went west some six years ago and since that time farm- ed one of the best seetions in that part of the provinee. Finlander being $2.50, at all dealers, Colonist Rates March 15;; April 15 Inclusive FROI LINDSAY T0 Ynnoouver, B C Victor-in, 3.0.. . Seattle Wash. ‘ Bpoknne. Wuh. Burnnoieeo, Cal. 32.“. $3338.?" 50.05 Mexico City. Hex, Proportinate low rates to other points in Arizonaw British Columbia California. Idaho. Mexico. Montana Nevada. Oregon. Utah, Washing- ton. etc. From ali stations in Ontar- io. Ask 6.118.. agents for particulars Berth Rmnstiom. Literature Grand Trunk lint. W. R. W11 The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg, Summon. Edmonton. Do you find the fall and winter trying? D --catch cold easilyâ€"feel like huddling in 3 vs braving the biting blasts? You do not need to. Start now to build up reserve strengm with: NAâ€"DnRU-CO Tasteless ?" “P 9*” °Cod Liver Oil -a manta}. compound of pure Hypophosph {and Wfldleefl'Yo On Saie Daily by Dr. Chase’s Nerve cure is composed of t to form new, rich b10< This idea of nourishing the nerves back to health and vigor is comparatively new. It has proved to be the only means of rebuilding and revitalizing wasted nerve cells. While Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food is put up tn pill form, you should look upon it as a teed rather than as a medicine, because of its build- ing-up influence 'on the system. Natural and gentle in action and yet wonderfully putt-m in its reconstructive influence, this treatment is admirably suited to the needs of women who are pale, weak and run-down. It fills the body with rich, red blood. re. stores the appetite and improves the digestion, thus enabling the body to get the benefit of the food you eat. It rekindles the vitality of the nervous system, and through the nerve fibres carries vigor and energy to every organ in the body. You soon feel better and look letter. Hope and confidence are restored. The organs assume their natural functions and you find yourself well on the way to health and lappi- or Edmanson, Bates Co., Limited. Toronto. durnturo and Full Information W.R.W!ddou, Phone 11 Ball or WWBSDAY, MARCH 2: ’s Nerve Food, because this food Deed of the ingredients which go rich blood and new nerve force‘ situated a short dismmw ginu. However, lwfun east Mr. Blackwell sold hi the intention of remains: section of Ontario for su sauce. To Manitoba. Saskatchewan Alberta Each Tuesday March to Octoi r: in elusive via Chicago and St. Paul through coaches and pullman sire? ing cans. will leave Toronto :‘I ‘.1 p.m. for Winnipeg on show «2.4”. No Change of Cars Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return $53.09 and Â¥iaets good for 60 days. tinnte low rates In other To Alberta. and Saskau hcwm; Mar. 11th and every Tuesday thl't'l'L’IC!‘ until April% inclusiVe frum :13!- ions in Ontario, Feterburu. Pox-L “mush coaches and 'l‘t-arist 819995” to Winnipeg without Change. leavmg Toronto 11 p.11). (-0 above dates. flomeseekers’ Excursions Settlers’ Excursions private knocker is n“ Do you 86‘ T'w warm rocn‘} i “AC fl} from any Machine [frog-Ur ponds- LGg rhe {allowing clipping from a Bel- Lhdlmd, newspaper, will be read Headquarters for HIGH-GRADE I’lAN‘ns, rm ING MACHINES In uddntion to ursunl Mom. our: just. now . good assortmcm of {mm ( [NO MACHINES st exceptionany n,“ l'.\4-'~ the room {or more new goods. EVER‘THING GUARANTEED AVE ’3'1‘:;'si ~ NECESSAHX rom March 25th (allowing Eas- r, merges into our Summer in in all Departments of Shaw's Schools." Toronto â€"- ntral Business College with 4 fly branch ochools. The Centr‘l Diagram: mwumd School, Id Shaw's Civil Service School. roe catalogue explains courses Id advultagm. We invite you to rim tor it. W. H. Shaw. Preci- nt. Head Omen. Yonge and You Know the ‘ Whereabouts of William Jenkins? tor “HE CANADIAI OF COMME The Canadian Bank of Commerce (91an lity for the transaction of their bankmgg discount and collection of sales nun-s. supplied tree of charge on applicatiun. ”00,90ch by A“ of ”filament w u the Moe for the farm- to hm - - 8 In I“ had. of '9' ““- mbben. horse hair. It. - BANK OF MON dsay Branch, H. A. HOLI‘ pring Term I WY Wanted 'm. Warren “AL, $15,090,000 RES FARMERS’ BL’SI ARREN’S PIANO minim). eVeryimg-unmn (WW H ion hcwfoundland LuMunJiuv York Chicago e‘r Paid up Capital ........... $1611 Best - $ 1 6. Undivided Profits 3 Bunches in even Pu \ j, 0,. “(i Lindsay Branch established Every descriptiun uf Ba Hum, tunsacaed savmgs mi MIN) 1.. bunch “Ch plies: pgid. WH‘? (2.".0- L L. D.. [1G Linds Conse-rva‘ and Tt Headarr is ofven a a presence is disease lur To get rid prevent more atmolutelfyaun cystemo and keep th mnfo‘u (h ccs "lair-“Sew t tulle: run down. nnclplc caus load Bitters nuke: their 113C! Opposi Phon 2: 1 3 JOH .\ AIR $32. Anus!

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