Get 'i'he Bist. can Yonge and liaxander St.» s‘v is a Commercii Highest Gupta 33m sda! G. r Mm; Honor Death of the Inventor of the Cream Separator NOTICE :1- ns mlly call at our Medical Institntt so pun-nu in our Windsor ofï¬ces which Ldnratory for Canadian business only. A GR NO PAY m Are you t victim? Hue you lad hope? Are on handing to marry! _ been hand? Htvoyouanï¬ w ' Our New Method Trad-out Vi cure you. What It. hagdono for other. it will do for you. con-dune- Fr... No mane: who has new: you. writs for n bones loch Fun-'- ‘oggybo ~ I’m .0 M- “ hood.M-nhorxl. Fuhethood." (mum-u ed) on Duane-o! Men. , :1. ._ 1. .5 fAGE F01!“ Carl Gustaf Patrick De Laval, known throughout the world as the hfentor of the cream separator. diec‘ twatly in Stockholm. Sweden, his native city. at the age of 67 years} 11'. De Laval was best brown to -he for his invention or centrifugal w separators. and as the founder d the cream separator goncern which Wrim for our pflvnm mum .CR Dentistry a specialty. mmptly attended to day fuzz-(es Moderate. 'Sâ€"ï¬Ã©bial gEargains WHEN m LINDSAY 810? A1 PY MS' HOTE L Hi act‘nitiw, however, were by so was conï¬ned to the devélopâ€" mat of the cream separator. He 'CI' one o! the most proliï¬c and m- ail: of the world‘s greatest invent- al, .nd in addition to his int-anion ALL MEALS 25c :e and Residence c‘ and Cambridge-st.“ ca, Phone 387-]. RC Veterinary Veterinary Surgeon W.- wih [a intrmlm‘m r.) '1 , Hui“ we. us Join TOP. Urn) Y 1" a ï¬)‘ Liuuun 54’: ion School Wc- carry a full line of US. Unhrc-ukab Phwn )zra xhs. Thee:- xcconk w“! ï¬r as chine zmi um cm in ar them am ni‘rht min. 3 umrvl~ â€My 60c en'h amen-5.x! S: hool of :he Gm. ia' Nu ‘9 Better in 2 G- .duatos in streng canard. ow. Catalogue FREE 59 and W. J ELLiOTT .- Sf.» Principal DARCH. PROPRIETOR (:md 3L7. Ht bus. KENNEDY a: KENNEDY, Drngzist and Optician, Lindsay, Ont. H DEBILIT'ATED MEN “minim STATION ARY BARGA {$3 1%, \V l (011974», also 01 1 of 'l‘ropical Medi Cemetery Work SEWER . REC-E 6 corner Russel st... Lindsa=' Residence 38711 lty. calls are L0 dav or night '0 r1 Unta 8 th of roarâ€"(iradnau :r t 'tmn‘fl {mn‘fu‘ ‘us‘uw. a n-u .. » \Vnm. H1r (Instile, unfy s \.t‘ {\CU ,- All letters from Canada mustbeaddressed I to our Canadian Correspondence Deput- - mentin Windsor, Ont. If you desire to Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat pr ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and mint-as onlv. Address all letters as follows: z-J f») you our ,4 )1 t) gi‘n! y [0c N m" m ’ ‘ will givu you also of (it"xl S )Ath‘: :3; 9.1: Mi: wmter sale . MORGAN f)! u \‘uu 3'} We Cigars 1 Mr 25c m‘ the ï¬rst u-u:;tinllous Cl :nr he uchhwm notable \arinl..s Other ï¬L'ldS 0f 5‘ l-‘.\cn nature hax‘ tn lune us :uuc (mud Fril‘znx dgiem'ed upo“ ViOlM'. and [ran-d {01' us it is by 3.1 t'Ie fair max. “as chnsou by ‘hv Hid iad)‘ for on- 01' h. r wihh-kt pract'cul jokes, and in anothc-r column of today's \‘x'ardvr “ill be found an article dual- iz‘g wifh thv storm and its terrible fur on- m‘ In r v and in anuth. \Iardvr “ill he 21'}: wifh thv st (h {‘ti‘l (-1 ion ~ But in Rattles [ Lau'nl cfl'm‘t’s to! shunt a $5 (hristic o: a $50. Parisian 1110de up t 1 tlw nearest 1001'. she 31-: so 0 .'.-1-11 med buildings. bluw outi “a11.~. ram-(l fonCCS. 100k distiayl signs sailing. and exen drew a little} blood, although we must give her; credit for the way she dropped bricks! off chimneys and roofs off houses- kiiling anyone. 2 Friday's gale went a long way! tonazds diSproVing the scientincl 'statement that eqllin -t'1al gales have! inc foundation in ct. March 2lst! - 15 the date of the \ornal equinox. or !whcn the sun apparentlx cro<ses the {cc-Lstial equator. The autumnal ‘equinox comes on September 21st. 1 Referring to equinoctial gales, the IL‘n cxclopacdia Britannica zhas the l following to say : ‘ “At the time of the equinox it is oommooly belie-Wad flat. strong galcs may be expected. This popular idea. has no foundation in fact. for con- tinual observations have failed to show any unusual prevalence of galcs at this season. How we dote on saying we must, when all the time we merely “ant. to. fair The chap who keeps hammering away isn't necessarily a knocket. The powers haV'e sent a, communi- cation to the Balkan allies stupnlnt- ing the conditions 'of peace. éeo. Kort. ox-M.P.Pf for Stormont, died ‘31: Cornwall, aged-66. \'~H) he m-hhwcd notable sucvvss In “.5 Other fin-Ids 0f st'ientiï¬t' DU- 01‘ mp! prank-a! us fu'ncss. Windsor. Onto. tiresome speech is 'a che'erless af- f W â€".â€".â€"â€"-_â€" ll ' N-n‘m m Htwtimlztry E 11);: \Vl‘xli'ng Pads m: :I. Inc Package .:;'1l~u‘ 10c puh for lkable any cyiinzler ma- l[ after snpper -l-U 0 (K. H ‘Ul' to V. it nu\e MG (19; eru'ed is t)y a.1 little UZ’On t‘te nd‘ 3115 am s-‘para WI “My dear Beverly. I can morn me- trip." he laughed. “l on not an abso- lute pauper. Besides. It Is rlght anrl Just that your father should give you to me. It to the custom or our land." She was nervous and uncertain. “Butâ€"hut. Puul. there are many things to think of." she t'altered. "You mean that your father would not consent?" “Well~heâ€"-ho might be nnreasnnm hie.“ she stnmmeretl. “And then there are my brothers. Keith and Dan. They are {noiishiy Interested In me. hnn thinks no one is good enough for me. So does Keith. Antl Luther. too. far thn matterâ€"and mother. You see. it‘s not just as if you were u grand and wealthy nohlenmn. They may not nu- t'.i‘l‘SlilD(L We are southerners. you know. 9“"! of them have peculiar n... “imn'i iii-zeroes yourself so mneh. .‘:-v~.--»-'." he will. With a laugh. {iv-z: :‘x I see your position clearlyâ€"- ' Ii “u not am enviable one." "We can go to \\'u~:hln‘ton Just as smn us we are nmrrii-d." she compro- mks-1i. “l":tlher him a great deal of in- fluence nt'er there. With his heip be i:‘:nl you y'm will Sunn be a power in (he i'nitml"â€" But his hearty lnngh c-hec-keli her eager plotting. "It's noth- ing to laugh at. Paul." she sulai. "I be :3 yunr phi-dun a thousand times. I was thinking 01’ the gishppointnwnt l :nst give you now. I cxinuot live in the Unitezl Statesâ€"«never. My home is hcre. I am not born for the strife of your hurl. They have soldiers enough mnl better than I. It is in the. turbu- lent east ih.1t we shall livevyou and l." Tears came into her eyes. “Am 1 not 10â€"10 go back to Wash- ln'ton '.’†She tried 1:) smile. "When Prince Damian says we may. perhaps." "0h. he is my friend." she cried in great relief. “i can get any favor I ,n . ....,.... "0h. he is my friem." she cried in gnxat relief. “I can gt‘t any favor I ask of Wm. 11, Paul. Ptml. I know that my folks will think I‘m an awful fool. but 1 mm't help it. 1 man lut you know that I intend to be a Minsml one. at {cu-mt." {Iv kissod her “:39 and there in the dark. <95: light grotto. Kni'ore we can he married. dearest. 1 have a journey qr some impmt mce t.) take." he :mxmtnu-nd as they arose to have U19 bowm' behind. "A journey? “gun-1'" :To Vienna. l Lave an account to ï¬t‘lï¬e with :1 man who In! just taken “n hi: roghlmwz‘ there." I S hand up his residsnm 11mm." His hand “Put to his sw01J h'lt.1111d his d1rk eye's gleamed with 'he ï¬re she loved. “( 'ount \1. “111.1113: and I have pmtpoued business to attend to. 110* west. Have no fear for me. My sword is honest. and I shall bring it back to you my- self." 0‘...- Sh-e sbqu-erz‘d and know that It would be as he §u3d_. “You are the prnttiost thiriiz in all this world." she ezv-tazticnny whispox‘ed into Bevel-‘y‘s car. “My bx-o'hor says So. too." she added conclusivoiy. Bev- (‘r' r was tm true n woman not to revel in this subtie flattery. - L- The great banquet hall was to be thrown Open at midul-zht. There were dancing and song during the hours leading up to this iunporfnnt event. l l Boverly was entranced. She had seen brilliant afl’nlrs at home. but none of them compared to this ln regal splen- dor. It was the sonsuons. overpower- lng splendor of the east. Prinz-o hint-.111 join-3;] the throng just before midnight. He made his way di- rect to the little circle 01" which Bev- erly and Candace formed the center. His rich. full mllitary costume gave him a new distinction that qnlte over- came Beverly. They fell into an an!- nmted conversation. exchanging shafts of wit that greatly amused those who could understand the language. â€You must remember." Beverly said in reply to one of Ravone's snllles. “that Americans are not In the least awed by Europe's greatness. It has come to the pass when we call Europe our playground. We now go to En- lmpe u we go to the circus or the county fair at home. It isn't much more trouble, you know. and we must no the sights." “Alas. poor Europe!†he laughed. Al he strolled about wlth her and Cu:- dace he pointed out certain men to her. asking her to tax her memory in the l eaort to real! their race: it not“ apparel. She readily recognized in the hon. tired face- the men shohad Fact ï¬rst at the Inn. of the 3.4!"! In.“ 3“ “They were nnbondn met. Ill-I Calhoun. Now the! m mm“ the: the transition static you!" “‘isn't Bgidos mm than I" uh. uh- esi, voicing the query "I“ had M uppermost in her mind line. tho BO want when she looked down fro!- “I. galleries and tuned to see Mm. was wondering boy he would sweet in court costume. "You forget that Rude-belly. nnrd.â€hemldklnmy._ Yd ,. "so and again out 5: light of the fairy afford the “Re I: n retorted. helplessly at Prince Danton His smile i was puzzling. As if in it done she saw 1 Crenfztl: Lorry with the (‘nuntess i Yvonne standing exactly oppmite to | her. he, with the others. awaiting the l appearance of the princess and the one 1 who was to sit lxN'n'h‘ her. ‘ 'l‘he llm-zie mum-ii. there was a! bn-zh over the room. uni tin-n Yetive emue forward. xn:::.::t.i‘.«-a-nt in her r0311] robes. smiling: mnl happy. A tall n:;: in the unit‘ trim of an exaltel army offl- cer stwd beside her. will braid and be- jeweled thing; across his breast. Bev- erly turnezi (Ithllhly white. her ï¬gure stiifened and then relaxed. I: was Bold-as! She never knew how she dropped in- to the chair the servant held for her. She only knew that his dark eyes were smiling at her with lore and tnim-hlef in their depths. There vas a vague. uncertain sound of chattering: some one was talking eagwrly to her. but she heard him not. There was a standing toast to the Prime 0! ansbergen. Then the nudau-Ema ghost of Buldos was proposing :1 ringing: response to the l'rineess Yetire; the orchestra was playing the Crunstark and Dawsbergen mtionui hymns. But it was all as a dream to her. At last she heard Can. (1:100 calling to her. her face wrenthed in smiles. Scores 0! eyes seemed to be looking at her. and all of them were full of nmmemeut. "Now. any that a girl can't keep a secret." came to her on rs‘ from the radi- ant sister 91; £29915 1:39-0qu nt‘heg passed. lt â€can lxl: nix-{h zntv lrimm‘ M hor. l’r‘na-u llzzumre. .M I: 'r ammo- n‘i‘ent. led lwr up the vmirv ll-uglll of Pa lmnqm‘t lmll to tho lmrul or the turn! table, muttnmm wllll mo pln'o o.‘ a lmnvlred Grilllï¬lrll‘li tailors. plzmlng her on his loft and um: to tho slixiï¬ly raised royal vlnirs. ('nn-‘w-v was a" hls rig-m. tho piwmrx- m‘ ivmphuwa. Beverly tell. dizzy. weak. :3 v looked I “You ï¬rst know ic'nlhoun." ho v: $"1’heu it bovaxm- i command. for me ' May I have the 2 myself In the pr Christobal of Ru: stse. spme him dizzily. “You ï¬rst know 119 as anone. Miss i'nihonn." be u" s saying geniaiiy. "then it bovaxm- zecessary. by royil command. for me 3 be Prince Dunn-m. May I have the 2 nor of Introducing myself in the pr oer person? I am Christohal of Ru! p-Thotburg. and I shall be no other than be hereafter. The friendship that binds me to Prince Dantan. at last in ais pr\oper place be- side the Princess of GrauStark. is to be strengthened into a dearer relationship before many days i ave passed." V ‘Th'eiPriï¬cwé (‘: ndace ceases_ to be his sister." volumeered the Duke of Mlzrox. “She Is and long bu been his nuanced wife.†Enchanted and confused over all that had occurred In tho last few moments. Beverly murmured her heartfelt con- gratulations to the joyous couple. The orchestra had again ceased playing. All eyes turned to Bolderâ€"tho real Prince Dantonâ€"who. glue In hand. rose to his feet. “Your royal hi‘hfl’o l mtlemen, Gnuaurk and W? m: runners ASTOBL’). he to have the honor." said some or «Mo, aw! Pm 'rn'm! was the least expm-ted to hear utter In The smuker was tho man com-tier nevertheless." nguely disappointed be to missing from the scene . It proved to her that some all else In the rock The mmmon man. no .WARDER. LINDSAY to nor and she tuna! to ho Mr mu! pulyvu louder bowing iow x._."m $131 :33 she 23“ -(i«. . .xh‘ lrilmï¬o for-thy for me to roiiriw that": ï¬rst of the Princess Yetive? Wiih whom could i better share my throne and please you more than with your helovedAmi-ri- can protege? I ask you to drink n (and to my betrothed. Beverly Calhoun. the future Princess of Dawsix-rgvu." Every glass was raised nnd the toast â€Vt-J "n..â€" V. _. drunk amid ringing cheers. The mili- tary band crashed out the lit so dear to all Americans. espet-lally to south- ern hearts. Beverly wu too overcome to speak. “You all"â€" the exclaimed. There was a tremendous commotion in the gallery. l‘oople were standing in their seam hair frightened and .4; Lâ€" Ml wI-II "v..-" n, :musml. llwlr uttoutlon attracted by the unusual scone. A portly negro“. totality uuc :zsuiuus or the sensation 51:? was musing. lzvr root 1:0vasz time tn the lively strains of music. wan rmntlt-ully waving a rod and yullow Inunlnnna handkorvhtuf. It was Aunt Funny. and In I voice that could he hoard all ovar tln- banquet hall she shoutod: “Good and. bonny. cf der ain't pluyin' 'Awny Down South In Dixie!‘ Hooray! Hooray!" Hours later Beverly_ was rnmnnx. (-ont‘nsexl nzul hnnzhlrl. thrown the bulls to her room. when n s\-.‘l'.'l.:r one tlmn she came up and ch‘v‘sed her flight. “Beverly!" erlml :tn enzer volt-e. She slavkcnel her pan- and :Lnu-utl over her siao'fldm‘. Tr» smlilz: t. trliztnpirt-t‘.t face of Baldos met her gaze. The up- was nlmost clear of people. per hull zlttv-ned. (“stress- She was attzutgvly frl lnxrly dltlhlent. Her door was not far hwny. and she would have rem-bed It In an lnstnnt later had he not lnld I Nâ€"atralniug. compelling hand upon be! m. Then she turned to fare htm. her lips parted in protest. “Don't look at me in that way!" he cried imploringly. "("ome. «lenrest. come with me. We can he alone in the nook ut the end of the hull. Heavens. l :Im the happiest being In all the world. It has turned out as l have prayed it should." She allowed him to lean] her to the darkened nook. In her soul she was - “.1... Inn. â€VATS“ {.315 90 â€9“" stead." There an many people who become worn, weak and miserable secause their netves become so anstrunx thev annot sleep, and wherever there are one. troubled in this way they will ï¬nd that Milhurn'e Heart end Nerve Pills will restore the deranged nerve: to lull life 21d activity. _. .. . â€"-â€"~d ‘-_ ‘42â€"â€" 'lhcy 10 this bv their invi-vomting effect on the nerve oemes, and ' tone up the whole system to s oedect condition. 24:. George McBesth, Round Hill, RB... "itemâ€"“I aka the pleasure of ï¬gme- box,3boxesf0t8}35- Fwï¬ Â° 1: Rifm , o awgmmmt- :mm:mmmww WAS so NERVOUS coum nor an on SLEEP. M W" mg by the mired Wlt again. The spell fler pic; swam with banni- osshadow. F5 Milbm'u’ulieut ï¬ne onug/ was running. thromvh the 11 one (.1 .rmed her 0098. “7! have much to ask you about. many explanation: to demand. alt." the said threateningâ€. -- n.4__‘ w:vâ€"‘\ I..â€" “By theagée that shleldl my heart. you shall have the truth." he laughed back at her. “I am 5‘17in your servant. “C‘- ‘5 "w- an enlistment is endless. I shall ll- ways serve your liigluwss." “Your liigiuwsa!" slu- murmured re. {la-lively. Then a joyous smile of realization broke over her face. “isn’t it wonderful?" III I_L I‘. u vnu- . “Do you t‘bvink your brothers will let me come to Washington now?†he ask- ed teuslngly. - .A IA“ cu “Juana“, . “It does seem dlfl'crent. doesn't It?†slxe murmured, with a strange little smile. “You will come for me?" , LIA If you are young and have new er read â€The Three Guardsmen' do yourself the favor 0/ adding D’Artagnan, Porlhos. Aramis and Alhos to your 115! offriends. They are real men. with a story which has Interested mtllions. so that they stand now in the world's mmd for courage. loyalty, sincer- tty and everythmg else that goes to make up Inendsth‘ Thetr storyâ€"that gnod old tale that hotds a worthy place m the clas- sics- has not been equaled m sus- tamed romantic Inter-73! by any of "5 modern mutations. [or no one else but Dumas could re- late such wonder/u! adventures 0/ love and war 1: ts worth whtle to learn how 0 Artagvmn. helped by hts three friends. de- “or! n... nnwer of the real kmg no one else but Uumas coma re- late such wonder/u! adventures 0/ love and war It rs worm whlle to learn how 0 Arragvmn. helped by Ms three friends. de- fied the power of the real kmg of France. the great Cardmal Richelieu. helped the queen when she needed assmlance so badly and foiled the plots a! muddy. the fascmalmg schemer who is conszdered by many readers the must Interesting woman an luer- alure. - .I u:u' v- lf you are older and read â€The Three Guardsmen m your younger days you need no my . tatwn to reread the story It sticks tn the mmd as one o/ the most delightful of memortu. ulle. “You will come for me?" “To the ends or the earth. your high- The Three Presents of M D'Amgnan to. Elder. N the ï¬rst Monday 0! the month of Apr“. 1026. the hour: of “cans. In whit-b the author of the “Romance of the Rose" Before on Buy New Boots an o ('1 boot that is properly NP‘ it us not! y‘ u- old ones, on rubber tofu. ' We Excel: I Repairing ali kinds of Rubbef g0 Wodao undo ladies and gents boots a; measure. 5990‘ W given In corns, buninns. etc. “P! IRING WHILE YOU WAIT AT PROLOG UE CHAPTERI. THE END. Before Y e ,1 1r old ones. 1 . “133 110W NODOS We give spec M D'Artlgnan iJambridve" l mu". J. HUGHEE Regular“. TRURSDAY. mum 2m. 1‘ dam inf. Horse’s Indiun Root Pi‘ em buldrivk. nil against m.- an. In owner as be Walkmi U\" young mun and n ï¬lm'd In W!“ the 0!â€!!an 0! all ern‘m was ac 8mm pony (mu: mm» m [ecu years old. yelluw In :.:.~7 “"10“ out a halt In his lull. mu m “m wludgnlls ou m.~ was. “um; 11... noun; with Ills lwml lmwl luau knm. wudrrluu :I luaruuun‘u q unnewssnry. (-umriv-«s 1'~\‘cnm to perform Ills «IL-m hnunw :. The aluminum-v ol Ill" mu! Imu din-ed nu ullfniuluhlr 1.-.--‘;m;. w extended to his mush-I And this tm‘liug had Inn-u HIM hnlnhlllv nurveh‘ml h) 3mm: In extended to his mush-I And this tN-liug had I painfully pen-viva! l.) 3 guan from hls‘ [ml lwihu: from himsell {he run-1m that such :I sun-d mm» m man as be was â€0- had therefore. who" m-t'vzvn' the pony from M I" elder. m ity for good 1mm. Ugh: waste nutter from the {00d M collects there us got rid of a in. once I (II . it dcqays gnd pogm‘h4 whole y. myunibxlioum iii-l genial! and sack .eadachu, 51 and other harsh mom! 9% itï¬tate the delicate lining a h bowels. Dr. Horse’s Indian [1,. Pillsâ€"entirely gambleâ€"m the bowels eï¬cctn ely. without M wing. sickening or grzping. U‘ "My son." said the am Ii'1<~nn floman. “thh how» “2-.â€" 1mm m house of your mum urn-m mm yum: ago and has remnium m u Bim'e. which ought tn nzum‘ mu It. Never son 1:. Aim“ 1: m lnnqullly and nouommy u! my and If you mnko a cnmp'nzn with lake v.“ murh var? of It u< yon We of an old servant. At court. prov; you have over the hunnr m :01 sustain wurthfly yam mme of (human. \Vllit‘h h:|~‘ lwn wart bornv by yam ntqrvï¬lm“ during ypnrs. By them» I mum your liuns and {x-iemh. liudrxrv m: lrum any .0on [ml (Inl'dxzmi llicl 'nnd the king It is by his con phase to uhsurw. by his (‘0 alone. that a gmmumun mm make f‘wuy nowadays. Saver ro:.r qua : hut seek hararduus ndwmura :hnveltnught you mm m pandb 3 , , , Iswmd. Tuu mm- tmws m m; n -Am but seek hararduus udwnmru haveltaught you mm 10 pan sivu'rd. Tuu Tmu- thrws o! if wrist of steel light 011 Mi ouw‘ l-‘igm 12w morv fur dum Mm: hidden. duve coanuvutly mm twice as much courage in ï¬zhti have nothing (0 give you. w} sou. 15 crowns. my horse and New sels you haw just heard. Your 9! will add to [hum a ra-ipv for! win balsam whic-b she had! lhnhemlan and whivh has the mi mus virtue of ('urmg an wounds 809'; M do um roam the noun. vbfld the plarfmmw of Innis XML. whum um! ts Lindsay Marble way. we nun"... Ind are in a position to do I work than ever. New desigfl- granites. no“ anrl Ind methods. in i. wâ€"dam Marble and :n this part of ()max-I price. and see our nun-chasing. Shop and Show rooms _ - . ,- :.....-ol“fl.101y “ o. G“ )ld Stm nun; bu: now captain William I’Ad but 7““ We advent? e in a 505“ (To be commute It. in“! ï¬ends. linmm- w. . hm Cardinal Riv II is by his con vsvrw. by his gmnhmnm can make ‘9. Never fear qu Izarduus udwmum "-n- huw In lmn you: crime ull nus- hum WOW :ï¬'t'g'flr.‘ during l mmm your! no!“ UN; 1 improved ‘ :ct. the “‘0‘ 1 Id ï¬rflniu ed iat' lrmu : w Un- ï¬lm w :u In? W†to N‘ n-Mll M M 1 (10:1 ‘ m nan I ‘ i . ‘ -' ‘ â€â€œWuml ï¬lllL‘S and one twoyars old. 1% Filly rising hm yCJrs. purpose Filly using mu "' "W Spring Wheat fur sced. Md young cattle and out dry Jl-Bgrlcyfor seed. lush Cobbler Potatoes fur Banner and Si hcri ;; n - ‘Red Clover. _ ' apply a nu Dept IN", Linda;y. “tree hundred homes de.~1rn Tex-re mute. immy began sweeping :thrm Mari Valley and mum.- Omaha, Neb., Toma‘ Stricket of 3600.000 Omnhu. Neb.. Mar-vb. 24:43†and ï¬duity were SW01)! h} tun tinct wind storms late p-qudm urnoon, both of (-yx-lunév inmn- Wh'th spread death and desm'm- ill their “II-"1's. l-‘irn- “hich h out in many of the wrecked h'llhi ï¬led to the horrors. Mt less than 100 more serum; M, and probably 30" m†t‘ n flously hurt. HUNDREDS I'I-ZRI 5H I'Il‘ Chicago, Mmh 24_-â€"(_)n:ahu. dty 0‘ Nebraska, storm-wrm‘m-u Maps but-hing, was so n-ï¬m‘l mot from the rest of the V “is forenoon that only meam'v games of me death 1m M m. with be obtained. Earl} has} B an equimctial axle of \u Conducted by the Dept of Ag tut-e At 8 o'clock thi.» morning “tumble ï¬gures placed H» of detd between 100 and ‘J The Bureau of Exchange‘ SI‘HlARY OF ('.\Sl‘.\l.Tll'L.\' TWO hundred killed in Ulnahd a o.ncil Blufls. Fifty killed in Indiana. “IN: 1‘ SfCflON “V0 Carpets, Cu E. E. W. THE WAR ~580f the Illustrated Leatll â€left. If you wish to pa1 may to secure $5 value kl atonce. When the more will be offered for 50 3h: to be mailed send: 3 x 3 Tapestry Floor Ru've $9, ado..." .... 3 x 3} Tapestry Floor 1 reg. SIO' sale . .. 3 x4 Tapestry Hom- Ru 3». $10, ss'e ....................... 3 x ‘ Tapemry Floor Rugs. 12.00, sale ............... ..I 3; x4- Tapestry reg. 15.00, sale .. Lino eums, Muck ‘ 3 x 4 Tapestn 13'50, sale Scrims’ Nets and Cent. INTERE. Oil Clot In ricul M \ar MI! known iUUS