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Watchman Warder (1899), 27 Mar 1913, p. 7

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ALI" V also T'o four dud L\ Y 'n t r ater nd cl IOXEER :ldon. or of .wrfl HORN us old, Royal pus im- rn Yet. \ red Royal .tland's ported. cannot choice def. elun are i5 3“ milding ‘ the use ill w art {ES 0F. half of n’ the able for iderable pleme mo 2‘ n re 10" for ‘1 rmel'ly ‘\ NTVJ of ill 92“ do) bush 30 head “an. 1 8th. sout 1-8.th (‘uuxs TER ET 5! ate w ( n )d )m the t, on‘ sale. mé o'cloac and w OWQ’S, [)ut xllis wiore r iouu‘ chairs; 1, next horSn'S luhn also 5th the q“ if .\ R xi ‘*~=§ADIAN PACIFIC [XCURSIONS flu; . «3'4 .«h“»“m‘wmm£ ‘ \‘Q‘sO‘WQ‘WMW‘OWW‘; 33:1 matulars from T. C. MATCHETT, Uptown Agen A} ' muons. Comfortable 10.20 p.11). Sleeper. ' -' .. ' d 'th bedd'n j“’fi{"’f}mgff,.ate mag Colonist Cars on Lil Trains. No “.1 .. agent, Charge for Berth. - ugh Trains TORONTO to WINNIPEG and WEST 0;) ND '1‘ H E WORLD COLONIST RATES :ui Trip Rates each Tues- FOT ““133 "3"? ‘x3. . uh to October inclusive. “”3 33:21am“ Wmnzpeg' and Return ...... $35.00 Special Train! Edm 'nton and Return" .$43.00 \Villlcave Toronto H" ‘ :1. ,~ in ploportion. Return u “it 'lwo MonthS. , “Bat? Tufsqay“ T ' 5' Manitoba, Saskatchewan. Alberta HOMESEEKERS SETTLERS w"z=‘~ in proportion. Return Each Tuesday .61 TWO Months. ~111 T SLEEPING cnns March and April Anything in Furniturf i FURNITURE DO YOU NEED ANYTHING? Wn have a number of odd pieces in parlor furniture now a: .216 flour for your inspection. They are rockers, gentle- “wt; < arm chairs, Ieception chairs, couches, etc. These are niaoiwcrml in the latest coverings. Tin-re: is usually something found wanting and we assume 3V6 (nu: fill that wane to your advantage. ur mum. mam 27m. 1913; ifiderson, Nugent Co. 4 ‘ Empress of Asia.” mpwss of Asia.” will leave : lane» 14. calling at Madeira, I.“ n hmhm, Colombo Singa- . Hull r Kong. arriving Van- .‘=. gist 1.10 Vessel remains 14 -n'-' Kong. “Rate for entire w 2”.“ Exclusive of mainten- ' mn arrival time in England we of ' Empress of Asia,” ~'-.\: at, Hong Kong. .s'ursions. Comfortable 32;- .»quipped with bedding wand at moderate rates W11 agent. COME AND LET US SHOW YOU. Vancouver. B.C....... Victoria, 3.0 ....... . Seattle, Wash ....... Spokane, Wash ...... Portland, Ore...... .. Nelson, 3.0. ............ Loo lngeles. (331... San Dxego, Cal ...... San Franciso, Cal Proportionate rates from othec points in Ontario. UNDE RTAKING a ........... 47.30 Scttlers and {am flies without live stock should use Regular Train- Ieaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleeper. 50.05 Forty years in use, 20 years the standard, prescribed and recommended by physicians For Women’s Ailments, Dr Martel’s Female Pills at your druggist ' Samuel Roach, formerly of Corn- wall, was burned to death when his hotel was destroyed at Desbarats. It takes a. girl-with a vivid imagiâ€" nation to see the beauty of love in a. cottage. Dr Martel’s Female Pills. Many walking costumes have wide girdles, which extend even below the natural waist line. Some men would do anything for womanâ€"except go to, work. PETERSâ€"At Lif‘ford, on March 22, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pet- ers, a daughter. Winnipeg and Return :35.” Edmonton and Return 343.00 Other into in no rfic pfmm nmitpoofioays. â€"M(>ssrs. Leonard Stamp, Ernest Snell, Robt. Milbum, Allen lj‘inney. Herb. Cox, Jack Hewitt and Wm. Ireland. of Min‘den. are spending a. couple of days in town. While here they renewed acquaintances with se- veral old friends. Homeseekers’ Excursmns The Misses Vida and Ethel Sheehey. of Lindsay, spent, Sunday at homo. Mr. Geo. Pain, of Toronto, spent. a few days visiting his father, Mr. Jas. Cain. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jordan, of T0- ronto, spent a few days 'the guests of Mr. Wm. Uodd. ‘ Miss Ola. Townsend, of Lindsay, and Miss Ethel Townsend, of Cold- sprifigs, are spending the Easter week at their home. Mrs. A. Kimfiely, of 'OobOuOnk, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. (:90. Shehey. Mfiss Arms; Handly, of Kimmount, is home for the holidays. BURNT R“ ER Burnt Riv.er March {BLâ€"Miss Exa Smith, of Janetvilie, is spending the Easter holidays with her «grandpar- ants, Mr. and Mrs. D. Chalmers. Mr. Jack LeVely, of IJinOSay, spent Sunday at home. There is no remedy so certain and safe as Catarrhozone, but being a mod remedy it is imitated. Beware of the substitutor. Large Catarrhoâ€" zone lasts two months. price $1.60 ; smaller sizes 259. and 50c. At all storekeepers and drug-gists, or The Catarrhozone (‘0. Bufl‘alo, VAL, and Kingston, (‘anada. ow Round Trip Rates each Tues- day, March to Ectober, inclusxve To cure an ailment in the throat 0r chest. to rout out (:atqrrh or As- thma, it. is essential that the medi- (ine be vom'eyed direct to the affect- ed parts. The is why ho other re- medy has achieved such world-wide succass as Catarrhozono, which alone can be breathed in one second to every air cell in the breathing or- gans. The healing vapors of Catar- rhozone mix with the breath and d.» scend through the throat. dmxn the bronchial tubes, to the deepest air Cells in the lungsâ€"all parts are satu- rated with the rich piney essences that ease, heal and cure. “No one ever contracted a more obstinate attack of' nasal catarrh than I sufl‘ered a month ago," writes Mr. G. E. Root, Ia. wellâ€"known resi- dent. of Bridgetown, WJ. “My head ached terriflcally, I sneezed about ev- ery three minutes, but still my nos- trils were entirely closed and I couldn't breathe through them. Ten minutes inhaling Catarrhozonc gave me a. little relief, so {continued to use Catarrhozone every hour, and be» fore the day was out I had improv- ed. (Jatarrhozone quickly cured me. I am well ever Sim-e." ‘Catarrh or Colds Never Quickly Cured By Swallowing Drugs 1‘. O. “TORI“. Upton "out. Link: THE DIRECT BREATHING C'l‘RE ‘ IS BEST. COUGH SYRUP. TABLETS. ch Gonro THE STOMACB. PER- .HAPS SICKEN IT, BUT DON'T KILL THE Gl‘thMS-OF a CATARRH. A } ‘ I ‘ ' > v THE WATCHMAN-WARDER. LINDSAY. OMARIO- BIRTH. BROWNâ€"In Eldon (7th com.) on Saturday, m 16th, 1919. An- nie LowniG. beloved wflo or David Brown, aged 55 yam. Am, when t girl’l 003191081011 look: like patches and cram and mu: 11h whitewash I " Soim girls we so we 1.0 thump ; piano ghoy on“. even wait. to w.» HURRENâ€"At Bolsover, Wednesday, March 12. 1913, Joseph Barren, aged 73 years. CAMPLINâ€"At 6th con. Eldon. on Thursday, March 14, 1913, Math- ew Camplin, aged 50 years. PURVISâ€"At lot 14, con. 7. Brock. Monday, March 10, 1913, William Purvis, 67 years and 7 month’s. VALLEN’I‘YNEâ€"At lot 6, con. 11, Brock, Wednesday, March 12, 1918. Mary, beloved wife of Mr. James Vallentyne, aged 41 years, 5 months and 19 days. CAMPBELLâ€"West of Woodvflle, on Thursday. March 13, 1913, Flora. beloved wife of Mr. J. P. Camp- bell. aged 31 years, 9 months and 15 days. The Right, Worshipful Grand Orange Lodge opened its first session on Wednesday at 2.00 p.m., R. W. Grand Master Col. John Hughes, in the chair, and_had the largtst at- tendance in the history of Grand Lodge. Addresses were presented to There was a very large attendance of Sir Knights from all parts of Eastern Ontario, and a. great inter- est shown in all proceedings. Bearer. ‘ Ald. Wm. Warren and Jos. Brown, County Master, returned Friday morning from Peterboro, where they had been attending the Right Wor- shipful Grand Lodge of Ontario East, having visited the Electric City on Tuesday morning to be present at the opening Session of the Grand Lodge of Black Knights of Ireland. Mr. Warren was honored with elec-t tion to the office of Deputy Grand i Master of the Black Knights of Ire- land, and Sir Kt. .Jos. Brown receiVâ€" I ha\e avoided the telephone my- office while he was keeping an en- self, chiefly because I got tired of it in the city and did not ‘want anyone to call me up to talk things over un- less I wnnted to talk. I have al- ways sympathized With the British in their attitude to the telephone {The host families ma; have one in ;the kitchen to make ortrer‘lng supplies leasy, but they refuse to be disturbed by it themseIVes. When a Britisher goes to his home he wants it dis-l tint-lay understood that his home is his castle, and when he takes up the drawbridge and lets down the port- cullfs no one can intrude on him withput his permission. I have a very distinct. recollection of having an interview with an English business man, and while we were talking the telephone hell on his desk bega‘l ring- ing. Instead of stopping to hear what, was wanted he reached out and took the receiver from the hook and plat-ed it on his desk so as to stop the tingling. He would not allow anyone to reach him by the telephone any more than he would be letting them enter through the door of his 1 self to be disturbed unnecessarily. gagement. 'As g, contrast to this. I remember an adVertising man in Xe“ YOrk telling me with much glee 01 being refuted admission to a busines: man, and instead of being discour aged he “en: up to the nearest tele phone broth, called the man up. sub mitted his proposition and got hi order. We peaple oi the ne“ “Ollt lack the necessary poise to use thi telephone properly. When the be] rings we are consumed with curios/it until we know who is speaking am what is wanted. It is also a rul in the best clubs of London that. n member can be called up by tt-lt phone. When a man goes to his em or his home he does not allow him ] we could learn the British method 0 using the telephone only when w need it, instead of using it for gos siping and all kinds of nonsense, an. instead of being sla\'es to its con stunt ringing, there would be no goo ground for objecting to it. There ar still a. few things that we ran lean frorn the people in the Old (ountry Grand Orange Lodge of Eastern Ontario to Meet in Lindsay Next Year And they actually exist 2 They have been found within the last few months "by the State Factory 1n- specting Commission, and their ex- istence has been reported o'fllciailjv to the Legislature of that State. 'hour. " W Organiafi‘lnbor has done much to And those condition; are not dumwipe out. such conditions :8 these. up in some remote port of some old i’l‘he vnrious States have ptfised laws world monarchy. but in the greatfforbidding those practices. But the State of Sew York, in' Free America! 'shame ot the nation lies in the need And they actually exist! They o! labOr unions and laws to prohibit have been found within the last few ' that ‘kind- of thing. Public opinion months “by the State Factory ln- should be so strong as to make .it specting Commission, and their ex~limpossible {or any person so to ex- istence has been reported JmCia'llb" to Plait his Icilowmen. And until pub- the Legislature of that State. lic opinion becomes awakened and ac- Oh, yes, there is a law against it. tive. America‘s name will continue But the law is not enforced. Why ‘2 to be stained with just that kind of God knows! Perhaps because the blots. and the laws and regulations men appointed to eniorce it did not] intended to put a stOp to them will believe it possible that men could be I go unenforced. And those conditions are not. dug! up in some remote part of some old! world monarchy. but in the great: State of New Y ork. in Free America! ‘ Imagine younwlfe or mother or sister or sweetheart it)“ from roux-men to nineteen or twenty hours a. dty at. any kind 0' drudgéry, day after day and week alter Weekâ€"and getting paid at a rate of 10 cents an, hour. ' (M tbs Duluth 80:03.) ' such‘bwtol u to vio‘ute It In tint lmuino a Maven-old boy'or [31‘ dogm. W than “- IOme going 10 Wk 0"": morning with g other reason. not yet $99.10“- dlnnor II" "713ch one hand ' But the \iul question is “by and spendwc the day u confining should ., luv minst U!"- kind Of hbur , thing be um} I Are we 01 the position of Grand Standard Usé and Abuse 01 the Telephone Th» Shame of the United States DIED. , Ladies’ lisle hose, double heel and we, black or tan, 15¢ per pair WEIR’S 5. 10 and 15 Cent Store 85 ”Kent-ct. LIVERY and HACK Small brick house in South Ward for $625. A large brick house for $1,400. Good frame house with bath and electric lights, in good locality, for $1,800. After a. sharp contest between the Ciiy of Ottawa and the Towns of Picton, Campbellford, Brockville and Lindsay, it was.decided to hold the next meeting of the Grand Lodge in Lindsay. Office Over Gregory's Drug Store Dr. S. J. Sims, Dentist All dent-.1 .opention- carefully per- (ormed at moderate prices. LINDSAY’S BUSINESS DIRECTORY P.G.M., Bro. John Hughes, New- tOnville; Grand Mastvr, Bro. Farde, Ottawa; D.G.M., Bro. McLean, New- t0nville; Jr. D.G.M., 0. W. Landon; G. Chap., Rec. '1‘. W. Fitzgerald, Kingston; Grand Secnetary, F. M. Clarke, Belleville ; G. 'I‘reas., 'I‘. B. Collins, Millbrook; Asst. G. T., T.‘ H. McConnell; G. D. of C., W. 'I‘u- man; Grand Lecturer, Bro. Thomp- son, Madoc; Grand Auditors, Bro. Reid, of Belleville, and Bro. Geo. Mc- Goakin, of Breckville. The Grand Lodge closed at 2.00 o'clock 11.11). Friday morning, after electing the following officers : u M” W" ”(at m the lodge ‘by the following bodies: The primary and district lodges of the City of Peterboro, the County Lodge of West Peterboro, also 8. del- egation composed of th‘e Mayor, Al- dermen and resident members of the City of Peterboro. ofiice while he was keeping an en-I gagement. "As ., contrast. to this. I. remember an advertising man in New! YOrk telling me with much glee oll‘ being refused admission to a businessg‘ man, and instead of being discoub‘ aged he Went. up to the nearest tele-! phone booth, called the man up, sub-i ‘mitt'en his proposition and got his ‘order. We people 01 the new world! {lack the necessary poise to use the: |telephone properly. When the bell; rings we are consumed with curiosityl until we know who is speaking and! what is wanted. It. is also a rule! in the best clubs of London that noi member can be called up by tt‘lel phone. When a man gOPS to his dub! ior his home he does not allow him-5 .seu to_be disturbed unnecessarily. III we could learn the British method oi" using the telephone only when wei need it, instead of using it for gos- siping and all kinds of nonsense, and instead of being slaves to its con- stant ringing, there would be no good. ground for objecting to it. There are: still a few things that we ran learn] But the vital question it, whyl should ‘ law against tut kind or; thing be am? '9 Are we of. Free America do blunted in our prin- clplu. so brawl in our mum: of duly we, that “0 permit. not to say encourage, men to grow upI among us who will lead other humanf being: into that kind of shvery ? l LEIGH R. KNIGHT FOR SALE Gndunte Ohmic Medics! College and. 3nd ‘Boddonoo Pod-at. The and Accessories just mived. Expert Reptiring in all lines. Satis- ftction gum-wooed. Prices xmonable WHO WILL GET THE NATIONAL ? ‘ It is rumored that Mr. Dickson .Jewitt, of Cannington, and formerly Field Tile Sewer Pipe Building Block silo Block- Chimney Block. 1913 Model Cleveland Bicycles E. W. MOORE, William-st CLEANIN G, PRESSIN G AND REPAIRING ELLIOTTâ€"In Lindsay, on Wednes- day, March 25th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Elliott, Jr., a son. DR. W. F. BROAD Over HOPKINS LAW OFFICE $2 Classes for $1, and $3 Classes for $1.50 during this sale Commencing Nesday March 25 at 9 a.m., and ending Saturday night, March 29 at 10 pan. Tues, Wed . Thurs., Fri , 9 nmfito 6 pm. Siturdny 9 am. up 10 Gold- Filled Spectacles and Eye Glasses at Astonishing Low Prices Consultation Free. Guaranteed as Represented Glasses for near and far GREAT OPTICAL SALE J. HOUZER who devotes his entire attention to the study of the Gym. uaced at'Paris, France ; Toronto andNea Yonkg. Do Not Miss This Opportunity! To have Your Eyes Properly Attended to. Suits from $10 to $20. Spring Overcoat: $10 to $12 Raincoat: $6 to $15. Trousers $1.50 to $5.00 Match these splendid garments in quality elsewhere at these prices if you can. Spring Apparel ! HOURS Nearest Jeweler to Post. Office, has BELL PHONE 352 K DR. J. G. CLERC FOR 5 DAYSONLY National Concrete Mtg. Co. BIRTH. Eyesight Specialist Window sm. Window Capo ann Vane. Fence Pout. Got: Pont- Well Curbing visionâ€"invisible divish nâ€" lowed prices THE JEWELER ' Sir Rufus Isms testified bum“ a. . special Marconi Committee. Groceries and Provision. M cud amok-d Into. m ‘ LDLUB BROS. KENT-81' Justwmtromthemht, 1m do play to your expresdon. m lug sittings an m Wild at} with our modem equip-t. of Peterboro, will take over lhu X3- tional Hotel. Mr. Jewitt was un- nected with the Snow-den Beast? hug Ior a. long time. and has a \u \ large number of friends here w}: wand: welcome him back.â€"Peterborv ‘ I1 Jas. A. Isaac, 1O Yorkst. Phone 266 d" or night. LNERY and BOARDING STABLE Advertise in The Warder OLIYER’S STUDIO The straight and sur'est road to good clothesâ€" the 3 best. clothesâ€"brings you hen: AT YOUR BEST There are many other places to buy clothes, to be sure, but you’ll find“ that. the best. is alwaysghere. Whatever we do is well doneâ€"whatever we buy is well chosenâ€"quality is the object, and perfect cluthes satisfaction the effect. secured the services of PAGE SEW. has devoted 30 years of his life to the study of the eyes. DR. CLERC (Had:

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