ots, regular ’5 Kip Top: gged soles,» row SHS rpriflg W331}. L90, 2.00 1 REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD 0" l 00M- MISSION 9â€,, sgllehgvg a numb'fr of ï¬rst class1 weak; r 0 rent. hey no prim: 1 1c anti well located. Prices rangelrom 31.900 E0 94.000. I also have a. number of chance arms to sell or rent. They are well situ- ated and in s. ood state of cultivation. Apply to.... g 0. 011111ch, Lindsay. -~_\â€"â€"â€"_.____â€"â€"â€"-â€"_# ’3? m W'- Wwd's 9110mm!!!» ammummnm 0211 ten- shle medicine discove 8a A“ nun-mud! On man All off of OLD and New. Your ft 1', for the Rubbt Winter wear I I something ma 3“ we are gm unes: ‘ndsay lssortment of H31 ring and Summer ry Opening, .1901- NEW PROPRIETOR Saving taken over the above Livery Barn hes made vas , improvements and has now one of the m m complete and up- -bo date Iiveries in town, solicits a. share of public pumnage. Comfortable Rigs-.60“ Horses d Paine Attention vs ill be the motto of the new proprietor. H Wood and Iron Pumps ' for an v oepth of well up to 130 feet, and guarantee satis- faction. Mr Dennis is in our employ and has charge of this epariment of our business. 0 ders for Pumps or repairs will receive prompt attention We are also prepared to supply superior W lNDMlLLS on speciï¬cations. if in need of Pumps or Windmills write for prices or apply at our oï¬1ce. “‘Q‘ Sylvester Bros. Mfg. Co. LINDSAY. Out... WWW The Sun gets up early in the mornlniz. and led all Canadian Companies during 1900- :tmounr. at new business taken and mid {01' being $20,311,000 00. Income, 2,790.000-00- Fire Insurance . THE WATERLOO MUTUAL, noted for xts fair dealing and prompt settlements; elso’the NORTH BRITISH AND MER- eA’A TILE, and other reliable Companies. MONEY TO LOA;Y at the lowest cur- rent rates of interest. LOFFlCE, [ear of Dominion Bank Build- Life and Hm Insurance “‘83, Wheré I m bé ï¬Ã©Biizï¬l} brese'" fit 6n Wednesday and Saturday of each week. ~ WO‘V’d‘S PhOSphodi-ne is sold in Lind- ‘hay by 3- Gregory, Morgan Bros. A. g‘ginbotham and S. Perrin. drug- :ngts.‘ ' A: the Livery and Boarding St xbles, just north of the Academy of Music. f: JAHES WORKMAN '3. -Dr ‘0 in and see the improvement». Agent for the Sun Life Assur. Repliring Model bl Racer Model 43‘ «Gents’ Chainless Model 44--Ladies’ Chainless Mode! 33 Gents’ Roadster Model 34 Ladies’ Roadster Model3 Boys Modelb Girls J. RIGGS The Ikt of mr‘dels c ‘ a ‘Q " om hues of L rescents forpfégis ““‘ rho abovc our entil e ance Company of Canada JAMES WORKMAN 1c: in all its branches done promptly JOHN P. CUNNlNGS. LINDSAY -WARDER, APRIL 4th., 1901 He is a very firm man. but it is more a steady strength of character than it is obstinucy. Hus does not get angry and boil over. His first opinions of matters and things are generally his best. If he won- driving a team and iL got frightened. or the harness broke going down hill he would know just, what to do at the ï¬rst flash of thought. He can judge strangers, and if then- was any conversation he would rcmembvr a good deal of what was said. a ï¬ne jm Although reliant. ( he loved These two faculties prevent him from being rash in his actions. and enable him to use forethought and judgement in \tht he does. and this- undoubimily is the secret of his past sum-erases. He is a very active man. and it. does not take him long to consider what. is best to do in cases of emergency. The. general shape of his head is long and high rather than broad. hence he will alâ€" ways be inclined to be just and merâ€" ciful. He is modu'ato in hope and as his Cautionsm-ss is large he will not count his chickens till they are hatch ed discrves. He gathers lmowledge readilgw by observation and siores his mind with facts. He is adapted for an out-door active life and a pursuit, in which mind and hands are equal-l 1y employed. He is an honest mam and can be relied upon to do the right thing. He is full of courage and daring. This general has had ta. brilliant. career, and although ad- H'anced in years, it can be said "his inatural force is not abated." He is a born soldier inhorganizg- tion and mental power, and spright- liness, promptness, keenness of per- ception, and mental activity are lead- ing traits in his character. In e\'01‘_V~ age, a few persons by force of genius, talent, or powerful character, rise above the level of the. rest, and make themselves eonâ€" spicuous marks of historic interest. Lord Roberts was born in 1832 at Cawnpore and is 69 years of' '“iige. His organization is a very interest- ing study. He has a strong body and a strong; mind. His muscles and bony framework are good and gin- him. power and endurance for the labors of life. His features are strongly marked. See thrt nose. One remarkable feature about it is hits length and the width of the pvings. which denote good hrtatliing 1powtr and ability to attend 10 (1:;â€" tails. Look at that. earxhoi.’ large how long and Well formed. in'ieating longr life and endurance. ’! he head is high in the Centre and shows a strtinglyâ€"tleveloped moral brrin. ‘ The two largest, filClllllt‘l' of hiS‘ mind are cautiousness and human nature. Ste that strong «' -velopeâ€" ment, on the upper sideâ€"head upwards and backwards from the ear. that is where the organ of caution is locat- ed : and human nature is t' mm! in the upper front just where the hair and forehead meet. and Kim»: distance from the opening of the ear to that point. Piles! Piles! itching Piles SYMPTOMS -â€" Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most. at night; Worse by scratching. It allowed to continue tumors form which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulcer- ation, and in most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mail. ‘for 50 cents. §§mple free. LYMAN An Outline of the Great Soldierslead. ing Qualities By Prof. Dean SONS agents. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxativ- Bromo Quinine ' Tab lets. All draggints refund the money it it tails. to cure. 25c. E. W. Grave's manure is on each box. A CHARACTER SKETCH 0F LORD ROBERTS Montreal. wholesale They also have yards in Pretoria and in Johannesburg. Mostly all the timber gods to the minus. They have some fine timber. Timber is worth from £20 to £30 pm" thousand so you see you can't build houses for nothing. Mr. Lingham. the presidâ€" ent of the company, is a Canadian. The country around is not it suc- cess for agriculture. The soil is fertile enough but the insects and locusts destroy so much and then the rains are not certain enough to make it pay. This has been it dry summer and the Katflirs are. short. on their hie-lilies this year. The lor- u‘sts come in clouds: sometimes will almost hide the sun from you and eat exterythingr in sight that is «green. Then they may go away and you don't see any more of them for a time but if it keeps dry they keep foragingr all the time looking for green corn or something else tasty. Of course they would not be so low- minded as to eat weeds though. I have never seen a. burdock or n dandelion or thistle since. coming" here. There. are not many large trees hereâ€"only a few wild ï¬g trees that haw: their fruit growing on the hack of the. branches. Very odd to see it growing there. We. have a. thorny, gummy 'trce, called mimosa which has bloomed six times this year, so far. It has a cluster of yellow flowers on it and gives nice perfume. There were no flowers this summer as it. has been too dry for them. ‘_ - ‘ ' ‘7 .A__-.a. Bz-llevillc was his home. There‘ai‘e Canadians all over Africa. I think you'll ï¬nd some wherever you go. The manager is Mr. Geo. Easter- lwook formerly of Tweed Ont. and the Secretary and bookeopor is W. '1‘. Eastcrbrook, his son also of Twcml Ont. It is all Canadian machinery in the will of the latest, kind. Henl also is the timber yard of “the Lingâ€" ham (‘0., who handle immense quan- tities of Oregon pine, redwood and Baltic pine. We havo a 200 barrel flour mill and 150 barrels of meal mill which we will increase to 300 barrels. All the timber for the mill and 50000 bush- el elevator came. from Oregon U. SA already frax’nod and was erected by the milling company in 1898. It was at very busy port when 11n- Transvanl war opt-nod but it liar. been quiet since we came. There is a lim- English hospital ship hm‘v now pickingr up the wounded who are be- ing brought out this way. There are no papers printod here on.y a Portuguese one called "0 ’I'utuso" which has one page printed in English. "The Lorenzo Marques Milling Co's." mill is four miles across the bay from the town by water and about. 8 miles by rail. Wr- havv railâ€" road connection with the town. Four miles of this road was built. by the Linghmn Timber and Trading; (,‘0. to connect with the other railway. v- “'u “0 hate. :1 small door which runs \\ ild 11010 no bigger than a calf or not so big. Game is quite scarce though sometimes you may see a ular mail. Scmotinws we got :1 mail it “'(‘Ok but often none for two weeks. If youf digestion needs a restâ€"whatever else may be trueâ€"you can get it. from £COTT’S EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil. 1 ' a Portuguese Catholic church. Tin-y have bull ï¬ghts in town some Sun- days but. I have nm. soon any yet. I hear they are not like the Spanish. they are more covurdly. Thom are. about fuur regular lines 01‘ stc'alllors calling: lure but we don't get a r03.“ DclagOa Bay is the best port in Africa as far as giving good shelter £008, but it needs a lot, of harbor work such as dredging. piers and (locks. Everything has to bc brought ashore from ships by lighters. It is twenty milvs from the untrnnce to the buy up to the town. 'I‘hroo riv- ers empty into the bay. 'l‘lw former two are good large rivers but, «all, water goes up a long distance. 'l‘hi-y bring fresh Water down from the Ifmholuso to town in water boats. That is the only \vutor supply for the town except rain water. Thorn are two Protestant churclms and no schools unless l‘i.)rtug'iiosc. There is And Describes Life in a Portuguese Town on the Eastern Coast Mr. (loo. Williams formerly of the Fluvdlc Milling (Io. hero but who less than a year ago wont to Lorâ€" enzo Marques, writes as follows : Lorenzo Marques. Feb 18th 1901. I promised you to try to write A, little description of my surroundings here. Unusual question I Whataer else it may bcâ€"â€"â€" it is a vacation for stomach and partly for bowels. ‘ It feeds you a little without any work at all by the stomach That little may be enough to set your whole body going again; for it helps you more than it feeds you. ' MR. GEO. WILLIAMS ,,, . WRITES FROM AFRICA If you have not tried it send {of free sample! met-able tasic win stuprisggou. SCOTT a BOWNE. Chemists, Toronto. 506. and 8!.00 ; all drum“. ........ From the secretary of the Home for the Aged, Lindsay. requesting that Donald McKay, an inmate. of the home. supported by the council. be furnished with it new suit of clothes, for best suit, in order that he may becomingly attend religious services on Sundays. This request was granted .......... From the Single 'l'ax Association suggesting changes in the mode of assessment. The council took no action in this mat- ter...........From Allan G. Cavana. 0. L. 8., declining the oflice of town- ship engineer on the. terms embodied in the try-law appointing him such. This matter vas laid oVer until the next meeting: of council. Tenders for the township priming were FCCQ‘iV'L‘d from “'atcimmnâ€"\\'urdcr the. Lindsay Post. and from the Wood- Ville \dvocnte On motion of Mr. Mch'Lhur, secondud by Mr. Rose. 1.!10 contract for the township priming A requisition from the trustees of S. S. No. 5 (Bols'ovcr) was presumed requesting the council to issue debenâ€" tures to the amount of $1.800 for the purpose of building a new school house. A by-law was duly passed by the council for this purpose. A by-law was passed appointing pathmustcrs, fcnccvicu'ors and poundkevpcrs for the current your. A byâ€"Juw was also passed vmpowcrâ€" inc; 21w knew and treasurer In) borâ€" row 51.800 to moot the (-xpvnditurv of thv corporation for the cumont was awarded to the Watchman-W (lcr. A inteting of the Township Coun- cil of Eldon was held at Lorneville on March 25th. The members were all present : the. leeve in the chair. The following communications were read 2 From clerk of Brock town- ship proposing that in future no sta- tute labor be expended on townline between Eldon and Brock. but that the road on townline be maintained by money grants. from each town- ship. 'l‘he clerk was directed to reply to the clerk of Brock assvnting to this proposal..... ...... From the clerk of Blenheim township requesting the ‘otmcil to petition the Provincial legislature against the proposal to give the county council control of township roads. A petition to this eliect was duly signed and the clerk was directed to forward the same to Mr. S. J. Fox, M.P.P., our repres- entative in the. provincial legislature veur. The auditors report (II the lawn- ship m-t-uunts for the year 190!) was read and on motion of Mr. Talc hon- uld su'undod by Mr. McPherson. was adopted. The clurk was directed to have. 100 cnpws of the ruporL primed for distribution ()n mmion 01' Mr. McArthur. sec- onded by Mr. Ross, a resolution Was passed bringing into force 221 this municipality the act, respecting cvmâ€" pulsory vaccination, 'I‘hc weathvr has not DCPH as hot as I oxpoctod hero. Two days wore very ho:,-â€"-26th Doc. 10:2 in the shade and 1401 Jan, 103 in the shade somewhat different from what you would have in ('anada.. There are all kinds of insects hvro. A collm-mr could got hundrods of different. kinds. I can't 1011 much more. about the place. Mr. Wm. Hawkins jr. rddx‘cssod the Cnln1Ci1 ml bvhalf of Eldon Agrivultâ€" um! Sm-iuty requvsxing u. 1: :znoy grant in aid ()f the society. On 1110- timz of Mr. McDonald. seconded by Mr. McPherson. the council granted the sum. of $25 in aid of the society. On motion of Mr. Ross seconded by Mr. McAthur, the following acâ€" coums were passed : Peter Graham payment. on account of gravel pit, on lot 18 in Cu}. 10. .5100; Hugh Mc- Leod. for righL of way to gravel pit on lot IR, con '10, $15; McSweyn Weldon, solicitors account, $8.56 ; l), \V. McIntyre. for work on 3rd con $4: S. Kerr for erecting railing on 5th con, lot 7. $2: J. E. Dixon char- ity for Donald McKay. $9.40: A. Mc- 'I*‘arlane, expense of conveying Donâ€" ald McKay and Marion McArlhur to Home for Aged. :55: Home for the Aged. charity for Marion McArthur. $7; M. J. Stoildart, cofl'm and fshroud for "Patrick McGuire, 9 17 : EM. .J. Stoddart. cofï¬n for Maggie lKieLh, 315: Ann Mitchell, charity for Marion McArthur 313; Ann h‘littzhell. xcharity for Maggie Kieth, S4: A. MC Gilvary, charity for Marion Mc-1 Arthur, :59; ll. McDougall. auditor.i $5; 1). llowkins, auditor, $5 ; mem- bers of B.O.II’. for attending meeting of board $2 each; 0. Smith.tp engin- eer, for services re Annis drain, $7.75 Geo. Ashman, for seyvices re small- pox cases $12.50: W. Fry. plank :for Kirkï¬eld sidewalks $5; W. Fry, 10; gravel $1.50. \ The council then adjourned to meet iagainWas -a. .court. of revision at. Campbell's hotel. Kirkï¬eld at the can ot'the peeve, There are a large number of Kaf- llrs around here who liVe in grass hats called kraals. They are a. poor lot. physically compared with some other tribe's of Kaï¬'irs owing to their dissil‘mtion. They go around mostly all the hot weather With just, a cloth around their loins but; some have a shirt. also. 'l‘hoir feet, are thick on the solo. They Walk on anything and never fol-l it. The most; of them can't. spmk any English so a. person has his own troubles: to make them undvrs-tandt him when he can't, talk much Kaï¬'ir.1 They are a happy go lucky lot like ithe nogrou in the Southern Statm. AS long as he gets at little mealie 1110211 ha.- (lnn't/ (rare. Thvy will work a while, then vill want a, rest, for a week or two. 'l‘hvy 91mm, their Money on Saturday night, vml Sim- (lay on drink .mil few have much left owr on Monday morning. The Kaï¬'ir buys his Wife and pays about, £20 or perhaps £25 for ht'l‘. That. constitutvs native marriagv. He can have as many as he can buy but when he gets three he then lets them keep him in 02180. Tin-y do all the gurthning‘. curry watt-r, wood, and look after things in general. They carry hmn‘y loads; on their heads and a, pickmiinni on tho-ir hack somethncs. ' n09 many of themâ€" Eldon Township Council Proceedings L-ig jaCR rabbit or a. partridge but, “AL GEO. L. WILLIAMS. To try and enumerate our stock would be im- possible. We ask you to call and examine our goods, compare our prices and ways of selling Cloth- ing. S. J. PETTY it was formerly the custom to have Boots, Hats and Shirts made to measure only. but modern ingenâ€" uity revolutionized this and placed the public in such a position as to enable them to obtain the same articles read y-to-wear in a measure more advantageous to their taste and purse. So it is with Clothing. Seeing the necessity of the same improvements in Men’s Wearing Apparel, the manufacturers invented the process by which this end could be attained. The result has been that their Clothing equals, and even surpasses, the work of many of the merchant tailors. 4 HOURS EAST [If POST flfHEE We believe in doing a few things and doing them well, this is our reason for retiring from Dry Goods, that we might give our whole time to MEN S and BOY’S CLOTHlNG, FURNlSHlNGS, HATS, ETC. The Clothier and Furnisher, Please remember the following FOUR RULES: Has Sam‘saa m t: s New Stand Just Across the Street, '.J. CARTER New Clothing and Furnishing Store GOOD QUALITY ONE PRICE N0 MISREPRESENTATION MONEY BACK IF NECESSARY THE JEWELLER 11