M E51 Mrs. Wm. McKeown returned last Jun-ck from a visit of some Weeks to her sistcr Mrs. R. Paterson hf Lindâ€" Miss ()rmonde or Mr. I". Sandford‘s nfl'zcv. was called in her home in, Bellm'iils-‘last, wvek owing: to the 5119.435 of her father. Mr. and Mrs. (3. Wilson spout Mon- day in Lindsay. The young gentleman Who looked so sad last. Sunday night should rhcor up. There is com. in Egypt yet, and just as good (if not, better) ï¬sh in the sou as have ever been Caught. of this opportunity to learn this two- iul accompl ishmont. Another stop in the way of prog- grcssive farming has been taken by Mr. Isaiah Rodumn. who is putting in a new gasoline engine. It is a four horse-power engine but, \u- be- lieve he intends changing it for a. six horse-power. in the near future It, is manufactured at; the Sylvester ï¬'orks, Lindsay, and embodics. bo- Mr. Mosgrove of Kirkï¬cid spent a day at, the Falls last week. Inspector Reazin of Linden Valley inspected our schools on Wednesday and Thursday of last week sides the latest and most improved pattern, an electric ignitcr which by throwing an ekctric spark causes the gasoline to explode. .Dr. C. M. M( \rlhur p;1i(ia short visit to his old home last week. Miss Campbell of Kirkï¬old spent Sunday with her aunt; Mr. J. R. ‘rahmn, Miss Sadlvr n turned to Lindsuv {aCde}. Bicuhs cheap at ('innanmn's. Mr. J. H. Brandon spent 'l'uusday and “odncsdax in Peterlmru. 31%qu ()rmondp nr “3- 1‘ Cuminâ€"3‘ on The. emblematic feast is again in full sway, and the princely maple is yielding its sweetness luxurianth Tapping, gathm'invr sap. boilintr. etc. are the order of the da). Prof Lasher has organized a sin"- ing class at Port Hmwre school house. and is training the vocal pow- ers of the young in an able manner. We understand that, about twenty have joined the class, and but for the breaking up of the roads many more would have availed Il’lClllSflth'S Mr. John Grills of \alontia is again in our midst. he having hired for the summer with Mr. Albert Henderson. His season for western navigation has reâ€"opened. There were a large number of visit- ors at Lindsay last Saturday. the last sleigh drive of the season. All speak highly of the magniï¬cent disâ€" play of Easter and spring goods and the low prices. Miss Lydia Gerrow of Scugog Is- land spent, a few days visiting with her sister Mrs. Wm. Clark last wee-k and has now returned. Our merchants are complaining about the council not having a con- stable in order to protect their doors fl ï¬aturday evening. Richolls’ Saw-111111.13 now tho hub in the village. Large quantiï¬es of custom logs are being cut. The Easter services will be held in the Anglican and Methodist churches morning and evening. The services in the Presbyterian church will be held at 3 p.m. Each respective ser- vice will have special sermons and Easter music. The social given by the ladies of . Andrews’ church last Week “'ns Prof. Morris has ten pupils hl'l‘i' and will favor an ()memee audience on Monday evening. April 8th. at the Methodist concert as vocalist. The members of the band met Wed- nesday evening to determine en the program for the coming season. Many are already asking for the en- joyable Saturday evening concerts. SET“ A valuable horse of Gilson Barker‘s had its leg broken last week. All kinds of Wire Fencing at Cinâ€" uamon‘s. Miss Hazolton of Lindsay called upon East Manilla friends. replies. We wish them sucwss in their new home. A new arrival : A little lake. (mr- neighborhood seems to have x-mlved the problem of "how to com- bine pleasure and profit." Mr. Pink- hain wood sawed md also entertain- ed their neighbors. Very pleasant ev- enings were spent. day school here and as a slight ack- nowledgement of their faithful lab- ors, on behalf of the school they Were presented with an adress and a beautifully bound Oxford teacher’s Bible. Mr. and Mrs. Shearer al- though deeply touched by these evi- dences of good-will, made suitable 'l‘inware repaired at Cinnamon's Last week Mr. and Mrs. Shearer, who have removed to Karney, Musâ€" kuka. were “surprised" by their neighbors and friends of East Manilla Sunday School, who met to spent .1 farewell evening with them. The) have both been teachers in the Sun- Dun‘t. forget the basket social at Rusland‘s hall, Little Britain. on Monday evening next, 8111, under the auspices of the singing class. A good time can be. expected. Su- poswrs. 12 w COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE Last week there was abundance of Easter beef passing through our vil- lage en route for Mariposa station. Most of it was for the European markets. Mr. Stacy’s drove was a ï¬ne sight. It consisted of forty one head, the average weight per head being over 1400 pounds. For the lot Mr. Stacy received the near sum of $2890.00. LITTLE BRITAIN I n o n ' Mr, Beam-oft 5 arm IS domg mcchi. Sleighs and cutters are being put asidc. Those who use convmances seem to have more conï¬dante in wagons and buggies. ZIONâ€"MANPOSA ’ENELOX FALLS EAST MANELA OMEMEE It. is expected that the buyers for the company will commence operations on oi- gbouc the ï¬rst, of June next so as to arrange - v_ ‘ vwnnuultlll ' frost proï¬ts to be made by exporting dressed poultry, turkeys, etc , to_ England, on , after a careful study of the matter from every standpomt, including the condition of the export trade in other products, thev are convinced that the usiness must be thoroughly systematized; if this were not done the busmess would fall into the unsatisfactory ‘ state the apple trade is now .111 through lack of management, bad packing and care- ‘less shipping. With this object lesson before them, the . promoters of this company decided that the practical way to make this business a . . . . success is to establish a number of receiving and ship ing stations in each of the provinces, say ï¬ve or six in Ontario, about the same num r in Quebe and a proportionate number, according to the popularion and the number of shareholders, in ova Sootia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. With these stations the birds can be gathered together alive from the farmers, killed, dressed and packed caretu l l y for shipping to the Old Country. The shareholders will be diVided and a roportionate number will be directgd to ship to each station. The stations will be tted with plants necessary to make the exported article as perfect as possible. It is not desirable to have people in Princ Edward Island shipping to a station in Que bec, or those in Quebec shipping to Hamilton, therefore, .the object is plain and reasonable ' , as by this course the company secures a practi): cal bond of faith from the farmer. and the be ‘ right quality of poultr , turkeys, etc , and secondly, because the buyers an inspectors ‘ w en they go out on their trips for the company will know ‘ust Whom to see and ar- range with, as to the number of birds and kinds to raise. or instance, the buyer can go to the shareholder and say plainly, “How ‘many birds and of what kinds will you ‘ undertake to raise this coming year, and when will you be prepared to deliver them ’4?†, The shareholder tells him and the comgany is then prepared to regulate their supply § as well as the “quality.†which it won] be almost impossible to do in any other way, } especially in a business it is intended'to carry on year in and year out. Just where 1 these stations wi'l be is now being considered, but each station will be put under the control of an efï¬cient manager, who will be held responsible for its careful manage- ment. _It wi 1 be his duty to deal with t ‘ (TO BE INCORPORATED.) All Cheques, Post Ofï¬ce Orders, Ex- press‘ Orders, eta, sent in payment of stock subscriptions are to be made pay- able to MR. GIBSON ARNOLDI, the Presi- dent of the Company, and sent to his oflice, Toronto, Ontario. The World, Toronto: Gnunnmnmâ€"Permit me to answer in a letter througl of inquiries which are bein made as to the intended a Dressed Poultry Company, imited (to be inc.) CANADIAN DRESS?!“ AQUAIRY comm, Limiiéi l 1 wetve local managers (one for each station) : salary, $3200.00 a year each. 2 'I'Wenty-four inspectors (two for each station) ; salary, $800.00 .1 year each. Applications will only be entertained from those who have applied for shares in the company, as describ- ed in the prospectous published on another page in this paper, N otice will be published later, stating what other employes the All commumations are to be addressed to Mr. Gibson Arnoldi. st., Toronto: company will require. Presxdent of the Company, 9 Toronto~ PRESIDENT: Glbson Arnoldi. Barmster, Toronto. ‘ n This Company is now prepared to receive from the municipal corporations of the different cities, tow s and incorpomedwillages in the Prm-ince of Ontario, Quebec, New _Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward lslandand Manitoba, any representations they may care to make in writing as to the advantages of their respective places {or establishing. receiving and shipping stations in. The company proposes to establish not less than twelve such stations in Canada at once ; the number of stations to be established In each of the above provinces to be as nearly equal as possible, having regard for the size of the province and the number 0! share- holders in each, in each place the company will. erect, equip and maintain one of the latest approved establish. ments for the collection, killing. plucking, dresstng and shipping of all lgmds of dressed poultry, turkeys, ducks and geese, partridges, pigeons, etc†etc. Home and foreign consumption. The president is now prepared to receive written positions at the salaries stated : 1 Twelve local managers (one for each station) : 2 Twmy-four inspectors (two f9: each station) ; AnnI:M..-_. _-.:n -_|_- L_ THE CANADIAN DRESSED POULTRY COMPANY HEAD OFFICE, â€"â€"Men's and Boys Coloredw 'Shirts. exclusive patterns. 50(‘, 750. 31.00. $1.25, $1.50. $1.75. Our winduw $1.25, $1.50. $1.75. Our winduw the index. Carter the New Furnishm' and (‘lothier Lindsay. The Presbyterian Rievew of last week contained an article on the new lPresbyteri-an church at Bobcaygeon illustrated by a good picture of its pastor Rev. Bryce Innes of whom the article in its closing paragraph hays: “Fine work has, been done. here by Mr. Bryce Innis. He works quietly. but the work tells. That he has the hearty sympathy and conï¬dence of his people was evident 1);; the wonderful enthusiasm of theSe openâ€" ing services. The prospects for such work here are very good indeed. With a new church. a hearty people. and a ï¬eld that. promises develomL merit. every year. the minister at Bobcuygeon may well receiVe Con- gratulations. together with the conâ€" gregation that, has done so nobly." most. successful and largely attended. The ladies of St. James have. sec- ured Miss E Pauline Johnson for a recital in Dickson’s Hall on the even- ing of April 8th. As Miss Johnson is a Fériélon Falls faVOrite she will no doubt, be afforded a. full house. ’ Our schools closed toâ€"day (Thu1s~ day) for the Easter vacation. On Tuesday and Wednesday large crowds visited the millinery openings of Mrs. Wm. Campbell and Mrs. J. A. McDougall. Both stores were beau- tifully and most artistically adorned for the occasion, and the windows were very striking. In Mrs. (Tamp- bell's a. basket of violets, one of crimson roses, and a third of other early flowers seemed the embodiment of spring, while wreaths of white and purple violets made Mrs. hie-- Dougall's also very attractive. Both stocks are full in (Every line. of trim- mings ready-to-we ear hats. sailors and trimmed and untrimmed hats of all descriptions. In Mrs. Campbell 5 great taste was displayed in the trimming of the various toques. tur- ‘bans and picture hats. One black turban was trimmed with plumes and the. rolled brim of sequins was surmounted by a crown of lace and black roses, while a misscs' hat in blue chiffon with lillies of the valley. but to attempt to describe the many artistic creations would be impossiâ€" ble. The ladies who have not al- ready Viewed them should {2:- M’) at once. Among the hats in Mrs. Mr.- llougall's display \Vu's‘ :1 toque in- pastal shades of rose. a brim of Luck; ed chiï¬'on. crown rf Spanish lace. the brim trimmed with ferns in gasta green shades. We Pink Fumlon Falls has mason to ice} proud n.’ '11-) taste (lisplu‘.'c€l in than; th npu.‘1.:‘s Tinsmithing done at (.‘innanum's Pure Mixed Paints at Cinnamon's. Dated at Toronto this 18th day of March A Popular Pastor EMPLOYES WANTED OFFICIAL NOTICE HAMILTON, ONT. (To be Incorporated) HEAD OFFICE : 19m. applications, enclosing For a lower priced wheel Mr. Weth- erup will handle the Mitchell. This is a mount made with especial refer- ence to strength and easy-running qualities. It. is made in a thorough and painstaking manner and is an honest wheel at 835. Before buy- ing a bicycle people will do well to see Mr. Wethcrup. His _iu«.lgment in Wheel topics is worth something to those who need advice. Last, Season Mr. Wetherup handled the Tribuneâ€"~in fact rude one him- self and it proved to be a wheel of ï¬rst quality. The splendid lines and ï¬nish that, were so admired (m the Street were. but. an index to its gen- eral excellence. The Tribune will be. a favorite this summer. Since the column about wheels pubâ€" lished elsewhere was complete. Mr. .las. \Vcthcrup has talked to us about the bicycles that. he will handle. He has America's king of wheelsâ€"tho Columbia~â€"and its second the Hart- ford made by the celebrated Pope Mf’g. Co. Those, wheels need no rc- coxmncnd. They are ï¬tted with the famous coaster and brake. device and are Simply incapable of being sur- passed in their (133505. The chain- loss is a beauty and will be sold at $65. The cost of lighting the council chamber and ï¬re hall for a few months past showed such lack of un- iformity that the L. H. P. com- pany will be asked for an explana- tion. IL was $3 in one month and $18 in another. It pays to buy Hardware at Cin- namon's. Tenders had been asked for plasterâ€" ing the town hall. None were sent in and the council was about to or- der tl 1e commissioner to go on and get; it done as cheaply as he could. Ald. Ilore vigorously-Obiecud. He insisted that the local plasterers should have another chance. No odds What; they charged the work should not be done by anybody else. The time for tendering was extended to Saturday at 4 o' clock. At a meeting of committees held on Thursday night the council refused to interfere between the police inagis- trate and Mr. Harrv R’dat win‘e clerk at the Benson IIouSe Mr. R9at Was'late in appearing as a witness and the magistrate inflicted a ï¬ne of $5 Mr. Rout asked the police commissioners to order the amount refunded but they disclaimed author- ity. His appeal to council divided the aldermen on the point as to Whether he should be heard or not. Alds. Jackson, Hore, RobSon and Mayor Ingle held that. it was use- less to hear him. for in any case council could not interfere. Re- course could be had in the higher court. XLLIAM S. GILMORE, Manager" Council Won’t Remit Fines Four Excellent Bicycles HAMILTON, ONT' 9 TORONTO STREET TORONTO. MANAGER. ‘ William S.G11more, Mexchant, Hamilton PRESIDENT’S OFFICE: Toronto, March 29. 1901. references, for the following lumns a. number of the Canadian We? proï¬ts to be LIMITED DEAR VSIR,~â€"-I enclose you fully paid and non-assessable to me. as I wish, to become a as dcwribcd in the published I THE CAPITAL STOCK of this (‘ limited number of shares are om‘n ton shares (.5550); If you wish lo I the stock will be allotted in the c for anyone. Fill out, the APPLIC. and the amount of money you one tcred letter to Mr. Gibson Arnoldi a marked cheque. Dostofï¬cc order c order of Mr. Gibson rnoldi, Pros The promoters resérve the do so as a condition to the g,- pzmv. and 21130 at; the Same Li their discretion. rig} anti me 1 GIBSON ARNOLD], ESQ., President ....... y.†uuu Lllt‘lr 1111111111 any is selling: rapidly and as I or. those who wish shares will as the Company wxll than commence ope'ations. This (‘ (.1. who puts off doing Lill to-nmrrow is not wanted. THE CAPITAL STOFK of this. Company limited number of shares are offvrc inn char-0c {QKHV 1: , The stock in this (‘ump Scrihvd for many times (W is divided into (I for Ullbliv QII}\CI'Y:I1': Every shareholder in this (.‘mnpuny is not obliged to raie and everybody can buy stock in the Company, and the net p1 shareholders alike. EVerybody with any money should buy sl large dividends for their money. EXCLU SI \‘ E PRIVILEG E.â€"â€"'l‘he more of the (,‘ompany's stock tn great, dunand. and to this via They will be given the great. Company extend an exclu raise. poultry. turkeys. ducks $5 of shareholders the (‘mnpany advantage of special instruction ing‘ poultry. 21's well as reCeiving‘ their share of all the proï¬ts make this a. (‘mnpany by the farmers and for the farmers, all be chosen from among the shareholders and their families, The stock in this (‘tnnpuny is Selling ranidlv untl .._ o:-r€l.nll 3“. .w - v.-â€" “\.\rnn THE HEAD OFFICE WILL BE AT HAMILTON THE EXPERIENCE!) MANXHER, will direct its aï¬ai ans, but, for those who do not know him and would direct the affairs of the Company in which they intcn tâ€"L‘I' written by the celebrated ï¬rm I". W. FEARMAN merchants. and probably the Uldt‘SL established ï¬rm puny, will be of interest : GENTLEMESUâ€"At thv request of Mr. W. 9. Cihm years. and ham" had during that time continuous (lea cal provisinn dealer and butcher of Inany years' mm. and progressive, and as a judge of poultry, live or (i: As to his personal character, I'vspot'i‘abiiity and integ he will undertake. SUCCFSS.â€"-This ('mnpany is a natural outgruwth of the “Cold storage" became known it would have been an impns: the great success at cold or (-hillvd storage is the maker of t maker for its shareholders. Space ,\\‘ill not, permit giving a i of the many receiving and shipping statinn. , abattoirs. cold pany will establish in the different Provinces of Canada am; engage to do the buying. killing, plucking. packing and shim will give to the working.r sharnlmldpre cm-h A=»~-o=»--~ ' RAISING POULTRY PAYSâ€" It pays better to fatten them, and it pays bes The shipment sent to Lix't-rpool. England, abox‘c described brought one dollar and the farmer sold them to the shipper for ï¬fty-four cents per pair, which is above he does not get more than thirty cvnts per pair: can anything be clvarcr than 1 make cnurmous proï¬ts '2 By lx'cuming u shareholdvr you will cummvncze to put ket. Three Firms Alone lntimated Their Ability and Willingness to Thousand Cases Per Week at Good Prices GREAT PRICES IN ENGLANltâ€"Chickons whipped to pence (sixteen ccntS) per pound. As they Weighed (-IOVt entyâ€"six cents per pair. JUST THINK FOR ONE MOM] chickens in England, and yet. it is only a. fair market pr better, on turkey“. ducks and 149050. The consignee wri surprised at the all-round execlluncc of your small oxp< opening the cases the birds were found to be in beautifu After the birds were uncasod I hung; one to ï¬nd out no found that it became milky White as 50011 as if hall up; ‘___,_- .. Il‘\.\4 ct-‘P .3 rs as nice looking as a fresh killcd bird market price." THIS IS A GRAND CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY for either 1‘. either cannot afford to keep up a large farm or who, through so: attend to the heavy duties of hvavy farming. PRICES TO BE PAULâ€"This Company will pay the very big] courage the raising of ï¬rstâ€"class poultry. and. us it will your in a be obtained in England, it can uï¬'ord to pay more than the best I Canadian market. THE PROMOTERS ARE NOW ARRANGING TO ESTABLISH not loss than tWelt-o pvt-“mug stations in Canada, to be ï¬tted with plants necessary to â€lake the- exported article as â€cw-m. The number of stations in cat-h province will be as nearly equal as pnssibln, having p.23“! 1-“, .1 province and the number of shareholders in each. The operations of the Company to b. sent to Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, NOVa Scotia and Prince Edward Island. THE BUYERS OF THIS COMPANY will commence ijratinns. [it is (-xpectf-d, On or abom, 1m 1901, when they will call on the shareholders and arrange with them as to the Continuum sup the number each shareholder will raise and undertake to dcliwr each Int-nth to the mum.†fâ€... of the Company. It is therefore net't'ssary that all intending shun-holder; who Wish to mg“. Company Send in their subscriptions for stock at once. and the lists will be closed. \ o l (_l)n.‘:la-t. I")! as the Company will only buy irnm in I) "“‘ELL-TO-DO FARMERS FAT'J‘EN CHICKEXH. I LEARN BUSINESS. I had got the name of Mr. Samuel Taylor from a When I got to his place I found that Mr; Taylor was a successft FARM LABORER WITHOUT CAPITAL. When I visitod him In "I 0!.: R NA ME THIS COMPANY is formed to advance Canadaian trade with England in (Irv-930d “Mn... ' and geese, dressed meats and other farm produce that the Company may deem it, :ulygmm“ L“ IS THE GREAT OBJECT OF THE COMPANY. IT WILL BE .\'() MUNOPOLY .\.\'l. ['1‘ . 15 ONE; ITS SUCCESS MEANS THE FARMIZRS' SUCCEss, The farmâ€- who “1mg 10 mag». :. become a shareholder in this Company, which is the only company of its kind, and by W “W means business, as his money being im'ested, his interests and the illt._-r.-gts of the (‘t‘nnpang ' , then to earn a good reputation for himself as a. ï¬rstâ€"class raiser of poultry, turkeys, ducka d Company. This Company will buy ONLY FROM ITS SHAREHOLDERS ; “It.“uhwfl’ with up every farmer and every farmer's wife and eVery man, woman and child of ordinary infellignmi has ï¬fty dollars can buy ten shares and become a shareholder. and by lr-ginning in 3. mg“ his profits make himself wealthy. like Mr. Taylor has done. Who Mr. Taylor is is .zxviajnrfl; extracts from a. story told by Professor Robertson, the well-known L'tmmlissioner of .\gricul'=; for Canada, to the standing conmiitt'ee of the House of Conuuons : ‘ HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON. ONTARIO PRESIDENTâ€"MR. GIBSON ARNOLD]. Barrister=at-law. Tor . 0nto,0ntaï¬â€˜ MANAGER-MR. WILLIAM S. GILMORE, Merchant, Hamxlt \, on. On».-- The GanadianDressedPoultry Compan Professor James W. Robertson, commnssuoner or agriculture anu murymg wr Canada, m his report I Commons for Canada, after going to England and investigating, and sending sample shipment: 0 the the great object of this Company. “' m" Farmers Make M0116 CAPITAL STOCK of this c-normc g a. description L'L't'b.‘ «)1 com or ('mili-d storage is the makor s shareholders. Space ,will not, permit givin receiving and shipping statinns, abattoirs. cold Sim-age: 1 tablish in the (ilï¬urt‘nt Provinces of Canada and in Englai‘ b the buying. killing, plucking. packing and shipping: the i the working sharcholders such directions and agaimnnnn c U Mâ€, mu.“ uucumns and assistance as they may éiésié‘é ’ OFFICE WILL BE AT HAMILTON, ONTARIO, and from there Mr. “'11 INC‘EI) MANAGER. will direct its aï¬airï¬. Mr. (-‘ilmorv is already Well-RM) 080 who do not. know him and w nuld naturally like to know some thing 0; 's of the (â€mummy in which they intend to invest; their nmnoy the follmvin the celebrated ï¬rm I“. W. FEAlnnv (‘n rnwmm 7. :) become a fully qualiï¬ed : published prospectus. mm. m nccxnne a Shareholder lose no timv. but ted in the order in which the applications are rec Lhc APPLICATION FORM given below, be careful ney you enclose, Sign your name to it and then 1i] nson Arnoldi. the President of the Company, 9 Tor‘ )fï¬cc order or express order for the full amount of rnoldi, President of the Company. »rve the right. to change the name of the Compan; o the granting of 1.0 Atom; Patent under the Great same Lime 1’0 'ask incm-nm-nnnn ...:.L ,7 - Robertson, Commissioner of Agriculture and Dairying for Canada, in his wish Io bccxnueâ€"a shathuh in the order in which the APPLICATION FORM 21v stock in t, The Canadian Dressed Poultry Company! herewith $... .. . ..., D All er r. FEAR“ AN (‘0. LNIITIDIL the oldest established ï¬rm of its kind in ('nnm _,E_-.u.,., “an, “nu Inc. As they Weighed olevvn pounds per pair, they sold for [" THINK FOR ONE MOMENTâ€"one dollar and soVenIy-six it is only a. fair market price there. and the proï¬ts are equa goose. The consignee wrote as follows about tho shipment :u-lloncc of your small experimental shipment. of Canadian ca] .141. found to be in beautiful condition. and presented a most I hunm nnn fn 41...: A... La... . . _ _ L 01 Mr. W. R. Gilmore I write time continuous dealings with of many years' experience. IIQ )f poultry, live or dressml ha i APPLICATION FOR SHARES 'unswxck, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island I [P‘XNY will commence ijratinns. it. is (-xpecu-d shareholders and arrange with them as to the 7 A\V(Lll‘ 13 as soon as it had dried outw <51" flu chilled state; bird. I think the price obtainvd xx ill both Mons-p (TO BE INCORPORATED) the Canadian m um. uuugou to raise poultry simply uxupany. and the net proï¬ts and dividcn y mom-y should buy sham-3:. and it ie c OBJECT OF THE COMPANY chanze the name of the C Leltet‘s Patent under the incorporation with nnv m can... ,ry, live or (â€955111.110 i’s ity and integrity, “0 ho! ‘IJW . I!†and. as it. will voar in and venr out be selling at pav more than the best prices now paid Ior birds - coo... SPECIAL NOTICE shareholder 9rs the (,‘nmpany will pay I! racial instruction. free of ch: 1' all the proï¬ts of {110 Conn . in full payment fun. Dressed Poultry Company. sums u. uescnpuon m‘ the great :1 oirs, cold storage plants, ofï¬ces .nada and in England. or of the m: and shipping: the instructors the ---. “mum “urln uve dollars each. and ('3' 7m“ ("121; Dtion, but. no subscription will be uccrp'vd 7ҠM“ ‘ ‘ r lose no time, but send in ‘ 0 -n pplications are received, and no stuck “iii '"‘ “dd gm 1 below, be careful to state how many shun->1 3'0†W 3. 3 to it and then ï¬llin your address and wand it W331;- le Company, 9 Toronto Street, Toronto. zzt't‘UIHPa'm ' A tht‘ the full amount of your subscription. TIN-"151‘ m V. . _a‘ your suLwc-"W’i"“ “I (mm the present. indications l have to apply fur the Company will be actin how long it would retain â€I we Company if the Cox‘vrmnvnf r: under the Great Seal incorporating 'he ith any other amount of capital stud; 01 the great and wonderful cold inmossibility (0:011:13! on this g 3r of this enormous business. wk and entitled to exclusive privik: shares worth five dolla’rs Liverpool , England write to advise you that with him as one of our ». Ho Es about ï¬fty ï¬ve m lAWâ€"WARDER APRIL 41 S, 8005“. (WC. h? is Cvrlainly .c honey-(31“. is . pdlr, wmcn IS above the 941-: Lhing be clearer than that the f. will commence to nut. Hm mmm. Irec 0! charge, in U )f thv Company, and the servants and em Lv' lll'rllcmm '5 3'11‘9ady Well-known to umny ('ande' I e to know something of zhv nzw who '5 h‘ at their -' ' "mm ‘31“??3' ‘the follmnng extraiv‘t :rom air" highest prices to its shah-hold†- farnum or THEIR WHBS and those in; some inï¬rmity or poor health, arr not abk «5 )rnnlegc to those who hold zm shares 0? 9, etc. for the Company. to supply W pay the Very highi'st. prico-s fur {ht-it“ hirdi 01f Chatge' in the art. of raisins: and fan“? and divide’nds will and it is safe to 3 Limited, 9 Toronto Street, Toronto: 'ERS: therefore, With ca hild of ordinary intvlligt-m by beginning in .1 Sum†it Pays best, to all the advantages of tin gwnu, met. with a ready 5.41.. . pair, they sold for 0110' dollar and 5:? ar and seventy-six o-nts {or am." the proï¬ts are equally as good. if m at 62': tions are that thn sun-k win bow?- 1‘ them Witï¬in the. max: thirty 68)" active and progre-ssivu. and 11161831†Iued state. ' toâ€"dav, fno both please and paw 3‘ u Lllflu unit the Karine e to put the momy in i busineS‘s. which “I!†pl 1‘ the great arrangemmr '0“ that we haw 1mm“ 11 him I.“ f Of our customers 11.. is :1 practi- lfty ï¬ve 30am 0: 3;" but am? the equal of the has: in Hamilton fully to be relicd on :nr anythinf -...no .-.. on I a... .ao *7... no ', Limited, which I wis tiger-e Mr. WILLIAM S. GILMORE on this great. ï¬usinvss l the art. of raising: and fa" and. as the proxumurs Wish emplOYQOS of 1hr ('umpan." ‘ met wit h St pork packvrs and provisim the prOPOScd bank of 111150.!!- ofï¬ces and ago‘m .e E the numerous umxll because he to Handle About 1* u an: equally as good. if M | shipment : "I was 3W nadian capom: vrhickws;. 0: 9d a. most sakuhlo appearm its bright, apwaram». m‘ $450,000 be divided say that t ah-ra {:0 star Company will engag I'I‘ «:15;fo a 20 S VS a nun-0' IIrupOSK' (TS. so as non, ho- high “-505“: now sold an :5, of this out†i for 1085 [Ml un at 0mm.s [ hc 111qu arcs van “3‘ mph; m Oney v. shah-W! I rmwaen al tha‘V Wm gt â€:4ij 1x I] ""5 in Low. IC( ï¬rs; 0' f: ‘91} ~thz. and D ays law,% It is ain't, {16 "9 the for this ('a "5' Mi 011'! as imam. ling WM l0 REL! ighest . XLI Call 2 fig (101 3 and 0! l Now “’03 for