Town of Lindsay, Hvdrant_ Rental, lst July to lst Jan. .$ 1,645 00 M‘ -n \Vater Rates due and unpaid ............. Accounts due and unpaid ................. Grand Trunk Railway, for December. . . . . Meter Rates for December ................ Supplies on hand ........................ .1; year’sjnterest QI}§75,000 debentures at 3§%, due lst; January, 1901. .2 ............... . ....... - . . . ..$ 1,312 50 Dominion Bank, overdraft account ............. . 439 21 Sundry small accounts ............................. 59 22 AIemo : Add to above $52.50 water rates for 1901 collected in advance ............... Dr. balance ........ REVENUE ACCOUNT LIABILITIES.- REVENUE ACCOUNT ASSETS. G. H. HOPKINS, $1,312 50 41 56 61 91 26 10 109 00 Treasurer. $1,634 40 1,810 93 176 53 5250 Flat Rates, Collected ........... Uncollected.... ., Miscellaneous, Collected ...... . . . Uncollected .......... Meter Rates, Collected. . . . . . .. . . For December ......... Lawn Rates, Collected. . . . . . Uncollected ..... Rates paid in advance .................... Superinteqdent’s services, etc., charged to Grand Trunk Railway, Collected .......... Uncollected ..... . . Capital Account ............. Town Hydrant Rental, Collected .......... . Uncollected ......... Fuel Account, é year’s interest on $75,000 debentures at 3â€"};‘Z ................................. Salaries ........................ Oï¬ice Expenses, Paid ...................... Unpaid ................... General Maintenance, Paid ......... . . . Unpaid' ° ' ' ..... A/Iemo : Strictly Speaking $52.50 rates for for 1901 paid in advance should be de- ducted from above ................................. Paid. ................ Less Coal on hand ....... Less supplies on hand ...... Proï¬t for half year .......... Surplus on capital acct ........... Dr. balance revenue acct. . . ........ __11__ REVENUE ACCOUNT. 181‘ J ULY,' 1:500, TO 191‘ JANUARY, 1901. Proï¬ts ........ WORKING EXPENSES. G. H. HOPKINS, Treasurer. 1312 50 1103 9] 17 26 370 47 74 50 3012 600 15663 $ 1121 17 1101 95 872 93 1312 50 164500 295 97 541 01 10085 103 75 5250 $3898 51 925 43 8 293