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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Apr 1901, p. 13

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5.30 to 8.30. “no 20005, gets can give pm- {es and best signed would inumaur Rents cf Cnmbray a _ L he has added a full m1 Hardware, Tinwaxe weeks. 111' and will be made up iculm a: fiy to an! an mswoon. ‘ Managing: Director. uitbr‘rawzble at any tmem features made the c hhhhhh ‘u lit v Jed. No charge receive the same Illing agents for 18"“- :ycles in the matte” ling the Cleveland and ale wheeh. 315° ‘ uod second hand bicicle?’ Inns" cnnmc‘ ’ any repairing is L11 cost, compatible .INDSAY, ONT. ,tes of .nterest. Costs and let us quote GOMDdflU have a nice line are. .nd prices should and ICIANS :3 price will be “la, 1901. walling N 8803. nadmn ‘9‘" rv TU ESDAY d” would intimatg‘ Agent 5" W - 1 B w ,. 10W “ens [3585, rtEP‘aI 13L, Ala-5-... “*1 ' . _ _ - _ _ V _ V 7 7 Washmere box “ 25c, “ gmflcn’s Fancy Sir-1m; Belts, were 15c. bargain day 19c ’9 W Neck Ruckmg, was rsc, bargain day . . . . . . . . _ _ ............ 5c 10 .6 LI en’SDDe’bY TEES] regular 40c, bargain day .................... 2:: ' ‘nen amass: a 6 overs, r ular . . --------- 5m DamaSk Table Covers, regular ggl $1 5°” bargain day . . . . . , . . 1.00 e 75. bargam day ,,,,,, swk’l‘able Covers, regular 33 5°, barguin day ....... . ....... 1 35 gm 5-8 Table Napkms, were $1.30, bargain day ............ 2 75 ‘ a Table Napkins. Were $175 “ u ........ .. ........... 90C 5 u 3.4 Teble Napkins, were 31 40 u 1.20 5 gag‘lw: \" 1:0 me 11:33 “ 19:: " xerxgt owns,r 11 . :0 u « Chemise, were gig. bag“: 3:18.311) day. - - . . . . . , .33.; wp'usladies’ D3535, were 60c, bargain day ....................... 60c: 10153039915, 50111817 made, were . I °°°°°°° ' ------ 45¢ imam!) Cotton Vests, were zoc, 1533:”? g; n d‘y ............. 27c {5155’s Cotton Undershirts, regular 25c .. u ................. , 5c 411mg Colered Cotton Shirts, regular 35c, u 3°C iflmCotton, regular 7c “ 2g: 1: “ 'te otton Lonsdale Cambri . .5 2 White Embroidery, regular 13c,ci;:§;il:r d1“:- b”‘83!!! day ...... 1°C 3 a Pillow Lace, was 6c, bargain day ..... y .................. 1°C 3 I 36in. Print, regular ‘35, bargain day ................. oo..3%c :2me 03’ all Black or Colored Dress G ------------------------ 9c 5pm Lewn, regular 13c. bargain (by. . fifl Am Gxngham, regular 9c, bargain day ........................ . . . .gcc figmnofi' all {Blouses and Blouse Silks ................... me ’7‘:‘ ‘3‘- (A- FRIDAY and SATERDAY §fiww Carpets and Lace Curtains ishchflBatting to go at. . . [filadeCIothing 20 per can ooooooooooooooooooo Lofl’alltegnhxptica. 1. Dark: (821.1131 1.] Home, bargain day for ...... Caps and Men’s Furnishings l2 1 regular prices Bargain Day. Spring Footwear «mums and railroad- old 0 ‘ d 11- easy terms. There “he barn with under- 3?. 30x50, and house In 800d cellar: gig pen fl »k we have some decided Plums to offer you in nearly every Department. SALE OR Rim. _ 25’ can River Ranae - Aâ€"I ‘st.. Sole Agent tor Slater Shoes EIGHT STORES IN ONTARIO dance of water a stock farm. ’to pay for the from Coboconk good S‘t ate T HE: WATchAN-WARDER. ...... FORM-~- (goat IstOooooooo-ooo.=.o.n.g Ear15c,Bargaiuday............ CARRIAGE“. BUGGJES, t BICYCLES. ”Just to ha‘ stock of highâ€"class and priced Carriages, Buggies (lifts, ctc.. manufactured Robinson Little Britain Carriage Co. Brockvillu: "arfiage Co. Onllia, and furd Carriage “‘0 of Brant Will St’ll- these vehicles 4 ’ Cash, or in exchange for cattle. Also a full line of Sccond hand bicycles a1 ' ». A ‘Vtandem bicyc new; at. a great sglcril'l 00.0,... per UIES, (EARTS n to hand a full 135 and mediumâ€" Buggios and Road facLun-d by Mr.R. 3ritam : Canada )ckvinn: Tudhopc in and the Brant L'li‘S rlnso for 'c for hursos or inc of now and :lcs at Bargain bicycle, nearly sacrifice. W. A. Brant ford. off 25c BANKING mGS FOR SAI.E.â€"â€"Barâ€"' med Plymouth Rock, choiCe Cocks, and specially selected hens and punets mated. The aim is to pro- duce utility birds for laying and the market. Have added new stock from Ontario Experimental Farm and Mr. E. Snyder of Wood- stock. Ont. JOHN CAMPBELL. Fairview Farm, Woodville Ont. Price of settings $1.00 per 13 eggs. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-The beat farm in the Province for sale or to rent at once, It is situated about a mile and a half north-east of Sonya on the fourth con. of Mariposa. The south half of lot No. 2, containing eighty acrw, oeventy-two tillable and eight. good hardwood bush. beech and maple. HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"Corner Glen- elg and Williamâ€"sts., suitable for single or double dwelling, twelve rooms. back kitchen, woodshed. stable and driving-shed; hard and soft water and town water; elec- tric light; plenty of shade trees. Good investment. Easy terms. Apply at. Watchman-Winder office.â€" 1141. HOUSE AND LOT FOR. SALE. â€" Elgin~st., west of Victoria Avenue, brick house, six room's; good frame stable; one acre good land, with orchard and small fruits. Price $1000, it taken at once. Apply to S. M. PORTER, Watchman-Warder omoe.â€"6â€"tf. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN LORNEVILLE. -â€" A nine-roomod tw? storey house with good cellar HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALEâ€"On William-st. north, good sevenâ€"room- ed brick house, cistern in the kit- chen; good well: stable. First- class property. Price $1300. Ap- ply to Arlington Foster, 48 Allan- ave., Torontoâ€"124. TWELVE BRICK HOUSES FOR SALEâ€"Situated on Queen-st.,east ward, Lindsay. The proprietor is now prepared to sell one or all of this valuable property at consider- ably "less than they could be built for, and will arrange the payments to suit the purchaser. The location COWS FOR SALE. â€"â€"-TWO young Milch cowsâ€"one grade Durham and one Jersey. Also eggs for setting from large Plymouth Rock fowl. Apply to JAMES CORLEY. west of town Lindsay 1’.().â€"â€"14.:2. FARM FOR SALEâ€"About 80 acres, near Lindsay. Good house and barn; first-class land. Price reaâ€" sonable. Apply at Watchman-Warâ€" der Officesâ€"1242. WANTEDâ€"Four or five acres of £400" garden land in Lindsay, with house stable, etc. Price must be reason- able. Apply at, this officerâ€"1443- BOARDERS WANTEDâ€"Apply at Sussex-st., North Wardâ€"14.1 Good buildings and well fenced. ALEX. MCDONALD. Sonya. Ont. LANTS FORb SALEâ€"Marlboro and Cuthbcrt Rod Raspberry plants 31 a hundred. Parkin Earle. :l‘cnnos- see Prolific, Van Deman, Lovett. Gandy, Saunders, Wm. Belt. Clyde. and Wartiold Strawberry plants .75 a hundred or $5.00 a. thousand. I will deliver plants to Lindsay customers when the order amounts to $2.00 or more. P. J. WILKIN- ARM TO RENT. -â€" Sunnyside farm, situated in the township of Fenclon, east. hf. lot 21 in the 5th, and lot 21 in the 6th con., comp- rising 300 acres. all cleared except 30 acres, and tit for cultivation. A capital farm for a stock breeder. It is well watered. there being four wells and a never failing spring. An acre of good bearing orchard. The buildings are in first-class shape, a good brick house. three barns with stone foundations under two of them, and a. straw house. Plow leave next fall, possession March 15. 1902. For terms and and particulars apply to J. H. LEE. Fem-Ion Falls.~â€"â€"1 1â€"8. and conveniences on a. 1,4 acre lot with some good fruit trees. Will be sold cheap. Apply to JOHN RAY, Woodville P.O., or at, this officeâ€"MAL LINDSAY, THURSDAY. APRIL 11th, 190l. vv u“-.. _.._- a is high and dry, quite central, and within a. stones throw of the bus- iness part‘ of the town. These houses are very warm and in good condition and all rented. Now is the time to buy yourself a house in place of paying away all your man. ey for rent, is property is going up in value an over the town and probably never will bé cheaper- Apply to ,Capt. Geog - Crude“, LindsaMâ€"IZ. . Q. (firm gilhzrtiszmmm. Brookside Farm, Cambray, FARMS FOR SALEâ€"The subjoined farms can be purchascd on reason- able terms : NOTICE TO CREDITORS. â€"â€" Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 38, chapter 129 R.S.0., that atll persons having claims upon or against the estate of George Bade, late of the township of Somervillc, _in the County of Victoria, farmer, who died on or about the 29th day 01' January, A. 10., 1901, are on or before the 4th day of May, next, 1901, to deliver, or send by post prepaid and addressed to John Richard Bade, at Baddow 13.0. one of the eXecutors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, a statement in‘writing of their names ~and addresses, full particu- lars of their claims, and the nut- ure of all securities (if any) held by them. And notice is further given that after the said last men- tioned date the executors of the will of the said deceased will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only NOTICE TO UREDITORS. â€"Pursu- ant to section 38, chapter 129 R. S. 0. 1897. notice is hereby given to creditors or others having,r claims or demands against the estate of township of Somerville. in the John Fell, the elder, ,ate of the County of Victoria, yooman, who died on or about the 5th day of February A.D. 1901, to deliver or send by post prepaid and address- ed to John Fell esq, Fenelon Falls. 13.0., one of the .executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, a statement in writing of their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims ori demands and of the securities (if any) held by them on or before the 4th day of May, next. 1901, after which date the executors of the will of the said deceased will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to the claims 01' which they shall then have had notice. Dated this ninth day of April A.l)., 1901, MOORE . JACKSON, Solicitors for Executors, Lindsay. 15â€"3. LOSTâ€".011 Saturday March, 30th, at Eastern boundary. of Lindsay, :t Plaid Horse Cover. Finder will please leaVe at this officeâ€"1541 fad: xhc sad-d executors will not. be responsible for the assets or‘ any part thereof so distributed, to any person of whose claim notice shall not. ham: been received as afore said at. the time of such distribuâ€" tion, Dated 9th April 1901. MOORE . JACKSON, Solicitors for Executors, Lindsay. 15-: Lo the claims of which notice shall Lave been given as abovcnrcq‘ujrgd First-class 50 acre farm, 7 miles south of Lindsay. No better land in the township. Fair house and outbuildings, close to school, post- oflices, churches, etc. About eighty acres, near Lindsay. Good house and bam; firstâ€"class land. Price reasonable. Near the village of Bobcay- geon, on Peta-Doro road. 100 acres clay loam, 60 acres plow land, bal- ance pasmre and tamarac swamp. Good frame burn and frame house, also a. frame stable: good water; first-class orchard.‘ Price $2,000 South west quarter of lot. 25, concession 8, Township Ops, 21/2 miles northeast of Lindsay ; 50 acres. 40 acres lit. to run machinâ€" ery on, balance good pasture land. Close to cheese and butter factory, Small frame barn and stone founda- tion started for house. This farm will be sold at, a bargain on egsy terms. ance pasture and timber. Soil clay loam. Good frame burn on premis- es, no house. Good well. This farm will be sold at a. bargain. Terms made known on application Lot, 24, con. 11, Ops town- ship, six milcs east. of Lindsay, one lot from Nugent's blacksmith shop. containing 75 acres. 50 cleared and in good state of cultivation, bal- Lot 3, con 7., Manvers, 100 acres (square), clay loam ; good stock and grain farm. Frame barn, horse stable, strawhousc, all at- tached ; good veneered white brick house, about finished. Plenty of spring and creek water. About six acres standing hardwood bush. Seven acres fall rye sown; plowing nearly all done. Bearibg orchard. Convenient to school, church, store, etc. A good farm at a reasonable price. In the township of Emily, being lot 2, concession 8. 0011' taining 100 acres. [The farm is known as the Duggan farm, and is immediately north of Mr. John Scully’s property. Situated about 7 miles from Lindsay, on leading road; one lot from school; ashort distance from church; 3 miles from Reaboro Creamery. The soil is ‘ a clay loam and land is all cleared and in good state of cultivation. On the premises are a good frame ‘EACHER WANTEILâ€"With a second class certificate for S. S. No. 1. township 01 Snowdcn. Those with third class may apply. Write early or apply to JOSEPH HOYLE, Lochlin P.O., Ont. barn 30x60, also good log barn, with comfortable stabling; Small dwelling.- Price’ very reasonable. For further particulars apply to 8.: M: EORTER, Watchman-Wattle: gficm glhbsrtistmmts On Tuesday night Mr. But of the Guelph Agricultural College, a. brothâ€" er of the professor there of that name, and Miss Muddock, also of the college town were the speakers Additional chairs and a. plank were insufficient. to seat. those who came. Some magnificent specimens of the fioriculturi’st’s science gave an ap- propriate beauty to the room. The Horticultural Society Held its An- nual Meeting on Tuesday Evening It is on few other occasions that the council chamber is occupied by so large an audience as when the Horticultural Society holds its ann- ual public meeting ; and for that chamber to contain so interested and good-natured audience is a. still rarer occurrence. Chairman Robson, Sec. Frampton, Messrs. Beall and Keith. those vet- cran horticultural fuddists, those cranks on the shrubs, plants and flowerpons, those ,Ianatics on the degightful' §ciepge 91' budfiandnfruil and bloom-T-they were there with the light of a. Serene joy illuminating their physiogs and the atmosphere adjacent, a joy which at times uVer- flowed into gladsome grimace and warped their spinnach into all man- ner of grotesqueness. Mr. Wetherup was there with his polyphone, a. Line specimen of the genus talking machine. This instru- ment has double. brass trumpets and is by all odds the finest of the phone inventions in toWnâ€" barring of course the telephone. 111 the inter- mission a. number of selections on this imminent were greatly enjoyed. About Insects ‘ Mr. Hutt's subject was “Insects." lle declared that they keep horticul- turists busy, but hastened to explain that he referred only to those sorts that attack vegetation. In brief he said : WITH THE PEOPLE OF FRUITS AND FLOWERS A great part of the homiculturist's work is fighting Insect. enemies of vegetable life. So muvh is this the case that the success 01' failure of the science rests with the outcome of the battle on bugs. Why are hurtful insect. so much mm” numerâ€" FARM FOR QALE OR RENT. â€"-S.E. 1/410’0 4, con. 13 Mariposa, 50 acres no buildings. All the cleared part under grass. A never failing stream flows through the farm. The farm is situated about three miles from each of the villages of Cannington and Woodville and within half a. mile of a. school- house. Apply to JOHN A. JACK- SON. Lorneville, P. O.â€"â€"14â€"tf. ENGINE FOR SALEâ€"High pressure marine engine for sale. '14 inch. diam. 30 inch. stroke, with crank shafts and flanges complete. Suit- able for boat to carry 150 passenâ€" gers. For sale on easy terms. Ap- ply to H. Calcutt, Petcrboro.-â€"-12r-4 ous than formerly 1’ Because the things on what they live have multi- plied. This climate had no charm for the potato bug before the potat- oes were grown. They care noth- ing for the scenery unless it includes the Irishman’s apples. Insects have a better chance now because many of the checks on them have disappeared. The birds are fewer since the; woods were cut down ;. the skunkand mink and coon are insect enters and they are fewer now. With the natural foes of insects decreased We ham: to protect. the crops ourselves. Insect life is {*1 of the life on the globe. Insects are both useful and hurtful. Some ' are‘ valuable in an economic sense. For example the bee Ior honey, the cochineal fly for. dyes, xthc Spanish fly for blisters; Others am valuable because they kill the injurious ones. 'Among them are the lady bug and these black beetles that live under boards and stones. The stages. through which- insects from the egg to maturity are inter- estihg‘. They parform some. amazing feats in that .jbfirney. For inétance the tent caterpillar firiggles. out of his shell with the fatal 'exactnes': of HOUSES FOR SALEâ€"On Lindsay- st., East: Ward. One brick veneer- ed, story and half, 7 rooms. l/fiacre land. Also brick veneered cottago, 5 rooms and large cellar, 1/ acre of land ; hard and soft water. Apply to D. HALLINAN.â€"â€"14â€"tf. a. stop watch juét is the young'buds have burstcd on‘ the twigs, and with a readymade appetite that. no patent medicipe could improve gets down to work. In a few days his skin coat 1 J BULL CALV‘ES FOR SALEâ€"Thoro- bred Durham, one 12. the other 9 months old ; color roan and dark red. Fine animals. Apply to James Howm Janetvillc.â€"-15-2. 451m: ghbcrtiszmcnts 75c. a Year in Advance; $1 if not so Pai The Finance Committee was in 595 sion on Wednesday night of last. wed Mr. W. Simpson's request for $25 Ald. Robson complained that the water is allowed to lodge in front of his store and run into the cellar. The Alderman showed considerable warm- th that. drew the banter of his col- leagues. Alds. Sinclair and Hore ex- plained that. they also were similar- ly afflicted. day to cover the expenses of his house while it. was quarantined was considered but. for fear that. to allnw it would establish a precedent that. might prove expensive. the aldermen decided to take no action until other cases that, might involve similar claims had further developed. To grow them well one must really love them for their own sakes. Dif- ferent sets of plants should be used for summer and winter. Nip off the buds in summer and plants will be ready to bloom in Winter The sort of soil a plant needs (.111 be. deter- mined by the. look of it‘s roots. If these are heavy the. soil should be heavy: if they are fibrous the soil must be lighter. From an inch to two inches of broken crockery or brick should be placed at the bottom of flower pot to facilitah- drainage. Miss Maddock was heard with great interest. Her address as well as that of Mr. Hutt was followed by questions some of which Will likely appear in a later issue. The lighting at the town hall and fire hall had cost. 81" 4 .â€"â€"a sum great- ly in excess of anv ordi‘nan rate per lamp. Ald. Robsonâ€"I have spoken of this often enough before and can't get a hearing. Do you expect me to take a. pick and shovel and dig a. trench to let. the water away 2‘ Another part is to soothe and com- fort. When words fail {lowers often convey a meaning and to the sick or downcast aré'messcngers angelic. The floating foot. bridge will he made a swing affair and tenders for caretaker are asked for. The chief of police will see that, people with awnings on Kent-st. con- form to the by-law and have them 6% feet clear above the walk. Miss Maddock said that plants use the carbon dioxide that animals ex- hale and give ofi the oxygen that ani- mals require so that the famous and numerous invisible plant that is said to waste its sweetness on the desert air has no existence. Every plant, fulfills its mission in making the at- mosphere more suited to animal life. That is part of the mission of flow- ers. Ald. Sinclairâ€"How much will it cost to make it a swing bridge ‘2 Com. Chalmersâ€"$65. Ald. Sinclairâ€"I would abandon it. before I would favor that expense. It should not, cost. man- than $25. During the discussion about fire hall supplies Ald. Sinclair declared that. the old fire boxes were better than the new ones, and must be tak- en care of. Ald. 'l'ouchburn agreed and declared that Mr. Scott who sold the new boxes was a plausible genj tleman who lead the councirinpo buying boxes when the old ones were all right. When the Simpson claim was being discussed Ald. O'Rielly said that, wherever the bread-earner is shut in for the public protecnion the town. Should pay his wages” Others would not agree and declared it would inâ€" volV‘e a. large expenditure. while anxâ€" ions to help Mr. Simpson they roar‘e'd to as yet, lest other cases might alsn have to be similarly dealt with. gets too small for him but; after a few hours of meditation he splits it' down the back and steps out with a prettibr suit than ever. This is re» peatcd as his growth continues. Mr. Hutt had a chart by which he illustrated his Lemarks and his leo- ture dealt with many {(-atures at the subject not mentioned here. Stock Notes Mr. Thos. Bowcs. the popular drov- cr, recently pvt-chasm! for I‘I-stor shipment, a. handsome fat, Shorthorn Durham bull from Mr. Robt. Aikvns of Glandinc. Experts on the Torontu market state that this was the finest; allâ€"round bull ever sold on that marâ€" ket. The beast weighed 2100 pounds and was coming three years old. Ev‘erything great cminates from Mar- iposa. ryn 31’ng i_l on «917an «If the genuine The Miss-ion 2 The Price of Small Pox and Care 01' Flowers $01 «S

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