‘ir 453W. ; . 10 Emitting .W. H. GROSS. Dentist, Lindsay. Member Royal Dental College, .Ont. Headquarters for good Dentistry. ______________.______.â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" DR. SUTTON,dentist, Lindsay. Hon- or graduate of Toronto Universxty and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. All the latest improved ‘ 5-: NW 35,] 54.4% ‘puâ€"Wa‘gv .1- l graduate 0f Trinity University, Toronto, and member of College of PhySicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Ofï¬ce Lindsay-st. Telephone 107. DR. A. GILLESPIE, CA. and 8.0. Ofï¬ce and residence corner of Lind- say and Russell-sis. Licentiate of Royal College Physicians and Sur- geons, Edinburgh. Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. Special at- tention given to Midwifery and dis- eases of women. Telephone No. 98 __.____________â€"â€"â€" DR. SIMPSON, physician. Ofï¬ce and residence, Russell-st. Lindsay sec- ond door west of York-st. Oï¬ce hours, 9 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.; 1.30 p.m. to 3 p.m., and 7 to 8 pm. Dr. J. Simpson, graduate of Univ., of Trinity College, Toronto Medical College of Physicians and Surgeons, ,. t .. ... .-.2.....ap.... h... . . -... Wit .: "- V; be. with ‘4‘akala I... .2_ .‘ ‘ 4.» g I... 3 â€the. .szm.-..« . .-...- ‘ «K... M $11.14 ..-- . . Hum.) .w.......-..i.... .... ‘r‘mï¬w armour ‘ “Ear "1H1? . 3 Out. Late of Rockwood Asylum, 3% Kingston, Grand Trunk Surgeon, g Lindsay District. 3.."th ‘ .... ï¬attieters, c. .«s -. madam. 3.... .... ... r-inï¬xla’m¢w\ ~14; DONALD R. ANDERSON, Barrister, Solicitor, c. Ofï¬ce immediately opposite the Daly Ibuse, Kent-st., Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, Barrister. Solicitor “for the Ontario Bank. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. Office No. 6 Williamast. south. _____,___â€"â€" STEWART O’CONNOR, Barristers, Notaries, .c. Money to Loan at toria and the Bank liamâ€"st. , Lindsay. F. D. Moore. Alex. Jackson. McLAUGHLIN MCDIARMID, to suit borrowers, in ~ r“- W’â€" W. A. WHITE, PRACTICAL ARCIII- _/ The remarkable thing about this whole line is that any option of sad- dles, pedals and tires is allowed. This includes the Dunlop tire. The samples are ï¬tted with it and Dom- inion rims. To get a wheel with first grade Dunlop tires at $35 is a chance that a good many people will not miss. architect TEST, Lindsay.â€"11-3m. gardeners PETER BROWN, Auctioneer, Oak- wood P.O., Ontario. Farm stock and other sales promptly attended Sales can â€"______o..â€"â€"â€"-_ ! l methods adopted and prices moder- to. Charges moderate. i ate. Ofï¬ce 0"“ Anderson Nuâ€" rran ed for at The Watchman- . i ' ' V 't h’ hotel â€"â€" be a g A H d me Hero and a Beautiful u gent 5’ opposute e1 c s ' Warder Ofï¬ce. a“ 50 ~ 292 # Demon. . DR. E. A. TOT’I‘EN, dentist, Lindsay. 35.3"“le 1“ 10m 'A Kent squire 2 F. W. Hayes. Gwy- ll- Graduate of Toronto University nett of Thornhaugh: F. W. Hayes. r ‘ "' ' ‘ ‘ ._ ~ { r0 ared to v- ‘ ' l and Royal College 0‘ Dental Sur- TEIEnUINIEIiRSEENEEDrgrc Izl‘ogvn and Toronto 2 William Briggs. E geons. Every department 0‘ den- ca 3 ’ . w- These two books constitute the. adâ€" . i - d - r ctical and Village Property, at the very lo ' ‘ ‘ tistry one In a p a - ' ‘ t ' 'ate OI‘ - . l I)VC story of \nibrose x .- - - . est rates of in.eres . pflV venturts am ( . . . . v; :; seientif‘ic manner at moderate prices. (1 M SWEYN . ': 1"". j *' Office over Morgan’s Drug Store. $311333!ng gurl'cg‘tors 5; Ontario Gwynett, a handsome. and daring - ‘3' l -â€" " ‘ ‘ ’ ..o l 1 ’ -‘ " ‘ - . - . .- i.n durinn' the wars 7‘; 1" i 1“ Bank Building. cor. Ixent and Wil-h‘oung Enbl‘flm“ ’ to ~ * 1 :a ______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"""â€"'â€"‘_ _ . 3 - .- - ~ " . a. . -'d art ’ . .‘ DR. F. A. WALTERS, dentist, Lind- liam-sts., LlndSï¬Y- In Omemeo 1.111416. Tht scent is .lJtl p y 3‘ . sav Honor graduate of Toronto every Monday. in France and partly in England. p‘ I: ‘3 ~ .. . ‘ f . - ~ _ . . . . . . , a A, ‘ UI‘IIVCI‘SILy and IXOXZII COIIf‘ge Of A LXRCE AI‘IOUNVI‘ Of private funds “he Cthl CharaLtOIS are C\\_\ll(.l ll. -c* Dental Surgeons. All E110 1‘51th - «(010.111 41/ and 5 per cent. WM. Louis XIV, Marquis do 'l‘orcy, lluc r ‘7 an: 92:15:32?“ 1321;332:2101 digital; QTEERS Solicitor, Dominion Bank do Orleans. Duke of Marlborough, vv- a; su .. ~ v 1 . .1 a . x . 0 y ’. . ' - . ' . i" moderate “ Ofï¬ce over Gregoray's Building, William-st, Lindsayâ€"24. (.‘oiiitessi- dc \alincour and Muriel ‘- ‘ ‘ - '~ / . . . . " , Drug Store. corner Ixent and “il- Dori-mgton. lhe whole atmosphcie “ liamâ€"sts.â€"31â€"ly. is that of the French court. Intrigue . ____________â€"_â€" THE SPRlNG FEELING ~. . .. _, . ‘f; ;“ .. DR APTHUR DXY dentist succ‘es diplomatic and poisoiia. is (\tl.\- , ' . . . x s . ~ . -‘ .__....â€"â€"-â€"- . .. - 'T- " . ~. - . . . Where. (,‘omtessc do valincour. the . , t: . sor to the late Di. Hart. Member [3' tl S. k But Neither are you .. ‘ .fU’ . of Toronto Dental College and Tor- NM .\aC y 'C " most lieautiiul woman of all laurope. ‘ ? onto UniverSitY- A150 graduate 0f Well. is a central figure in the story and I; " V’ Alï¬erican Dg‘ntal College. . d CLOSE CONFINEMENT DURINGTHE WINTER her career is of absorbing interest. . :3"; 2, - ost mo ern dentistry practise moxrns HAS LEFT YOU “EAR, EASILY She passionately 1m“; (hv‘mu’ and x 2 », . r m the most scmntiï¬c manner. Di-‘rnssssii AND “OUT or SORTS." . _ . . . . ,4 ' ; .13 » i t Crown and bridge work a special- ‘ ‘ .. licr foil is Muriel llorringion. the. 1 ~ 7, “:‘g t.“ Charges moderate. Ofï¬ce 44 T110 words “weak and “OP“‘SSC‘I beautiful English girl whom (iwynett :“i “ 3.. ,4 Kent-st._ expresses the condition 01 thousands adores. . t .1. c . . - . ' ’ ’ s f . . . . io ili in the Siring‘ time. It 19 ~ . ..- l . 1'.S 'n 3 .75 .. ‘53 .j DR. NEELANDS, dentist, Lindsay. 0‘ p‘ K L . .I 3 a . . .‘ 7 Tm Stronathï¬fh t' 1‘ ‘0 13001“ 'E 1 {; -~ '33 3 ; Extracts teeth without pain by ““9 “f natures “gm“ that .hum‘m‘ -‘ the wealth of inculcnt. the t‘Xt‘t‘liencO :3": L, f . gas (Vitalizcd Air) administered by cannot undergo months oi outdoor of the dialogllt' and the vivid pictur- 2;: 5'“ 4: 3 him for .26 years With great ““3055 me in ham-V “‘"m‘md â€Name" ing of the court life of the time. The 3- .j“ ’f‘ ? He Studxég 1.110-333? under Di". FOL- With impunity. Sâ€â€œâ€œâ€"“â€â€œâ€˜"‘ 37““ hero is burned. hanged. drowned and . . . .ton, of â€New Eork, the originator . . 31."! 3733+} f-itiâ€" ‘ ‘ of gas for extracting teeth. Dr. Cot- have "1 headadie. 5 “a“ 9â€" "f 1; . suffers scores oi other marvellous adâ€" ‘ ‘7 ton Writes Dl‘. Neclilnds that he has g‘llt‘S 3.011: }'(,~ur iIIJ‘pULILP ‘5 \al‘l'd ) L ’ ‘vellturos- 'l‘he (lltllt‘vg‘llt‘ i5 Illill. ()f ‘ .f given the gas to 186,417 persons EU“ 11F“ 01‘8“." irritated 01‘ (lolr’n‘S-“Vd: brainy men of ail'airs and brilliant ta;- ‘ ; without an accident. Dr. Neel- , . . . .. ' 1- «nu-1n ‘ ’ . . .~ , 3 erhaps there dlt pllxlllt-‘i 01' - o . . . 3 2 r r -" l. .\s E», .‘j 3 ands uses the best local pain 0bâ€" 1 _ ‘ ll" 1 ‘ndic'iti- U“. blood \‘V Ollltll. nut is ILXLLt-(lllltt‘lt goot _r ; tunders. Beautiful artiï¬cial teeth ('I‘llljllons .-a 1 ~ . ' . .1 .‘ a piece of historical fiction these , Q inserted at moderate prices. P103159 needs attention. “hutuci t it s} in books are a great. success. in ‘5 $3? a. posltal card bCfOI‘C seeming. ptom may be it should be attended There are thirty-two illustrations “3. 3 ‘1 , v _‘ a ‘ S _ .‘ i ‘ . -‘] “. i b;_‘ ' . . ‘3‘ 5% 1. 110::enia‘iggm‘1m‘oi‘ée 1h" imp on W “t 0m“ (191. 50“ “"l “"1 m ‘ “5 by the author. and they are of high 4“: ‘ ' "~""‘“- - .~. :-~\ i . . . . . . ‘i' gig I â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-= prey to graur (imam. I 0 1"“ “:‘1 quality in both drawing and printing . .. . _.‘. ‘_ "‘i '.\\‘ . ‘ . ll. 3 Bhpgutang a purgatiic â€1 â€A 110‘" ‘11“ ‘1 ‘11 The typographical work in the book ,5 . .‘ 3 3‘ . . - - . . ~ \' . . . E i put 3"" “ghl' An} .dottor k“ is satisfactory throughout. Alto- ? "‘ 3 DR: G- S RYERSON. 60 College‘stu tell 5'0“ that ptn'gdlth's ““j “" gether Mr. Hayes is to be congratuâ€" ‘ Toronto. Eye, ear", nose and that they impair the action oi the lated (m having done a piece of work I throat S cialist. ~ - . . . b ' 0 31' ‘ation. ‘ . , . .3 pe liver aiuttrtatt tchraomclgnp 1:)? hel ' that Will give him a place among the § DR. JEFFERS. Ofï¬ce hours 9 to 11 A tome“? “h.“ ‘3. '11:] “f lealtlf solid Workers in English fiction. i a.m.; 2 to 4 p.m.; 7 to 8 pm. new?“ “8“" 30““ U“ ‘ or 1,_ ’ E. A, HARDY. 4 Residence 30 Wellington-st. Tele- and there is only one always reliable . j v . 1 phone 30' 43' never-failing tonic. and that is Dr. _ . » .. Williams' Pink Pills. lhese pins flow to Cure all Skin Diseases 3, DR. McCULLOLuH of Peterborough, . _ _ _ . S' 1 1 “SWAYNE’S OINTâ€" : will visit Lindsay Every Wednesday have no purgative action. 'lht‘.‘ Imp}: appy * . - ‘ i at the Simpson House. Hours 2 make rich, red blood. strengthen the MENT. No internal medicme. re- 3 to 4 p. m. Consultation in Eve tired and jaded nervl-s, and make quired. .Cures tetters, eczema, Itch? '3 Ear, Throat and Nose Diseasesâ€"14 ‘ ' 1 â€I . g.†tired icople all eruptions on the face. hands. nose. 33 V‘ “‘1‘ .‘epnNu ‘ 9““ « 1’ . "’ c., -leavmg the skin clear, white and ’; DR. WHITE, graduate of Toronto WYN'WC‘I‘ 01d 01‘ .meg- bright 1191â€â€œ healthy. Its great healing and cure; University vMedical Faculty, also and strong. «Among, those who have. two powers are possessed by no othei ‘ Ask your druggist for health-bringin g Tqualit ies ,1' emedy - DI‘OVt‘d the Miss of Dr. \Villiains’ Pink Pills is Emma t‘haput. of Lake. Talon. ()nt.. who says "I cannot thank you enough for the good I have derived through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.- I honestly believe that but for them I would now be in my grave. My -health 'was completely broken down. My face was White as chalk. and if I made the least effort to do any housework I would al- the exertion, and THE REVIEWER. The Bartholdi statue of Liberty is in good condition, but its surroundings are in bad shape. It is nobody’s business to make the place worthy of its name and its fameâ€"Philadelphia Ledger. California robbers carried off an entire gold mine the other night, jarring it loose from Mother Earth with dynamite. The man who stole a hot stove would be ranked as an awkward amateur in Cali- fornia.-â€"Minne:ipolis Tribune. Already the Germans are becoming tired of the conflict in China, and it is not to be wondered at that the British public would welcome nothing more eagerly than news of a settlement of the South African troubleâ€"Denver Republican. most faint from that my heart would beat violently so that I feared I would drop where I stood. 1 was a great sutlcrer from headaches and dizziness as well, and . . i" b '- ‘ 3; .1 . my dl’DU-m' “‘15 so poor m 1ԠApparently there is more truth than scarci-ly ate at all. I tried several wit in the quips that have been made medicines. but thcv did “at help about Turkey’s ï¬nancial condition. Izzet . r .," ' ‘V. 3 .' and â€w“ I decided m send for Pasha, I‘uikish minister at Madiid, has me. some of Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills. I got six boxes and before I had used them all I as Well as I had been. with a good healthy color. again tendered his resignation on account of nonpayment of his salary.â€"Pittsburg Dispatch. A young woman‘ in New Jersey broke off her engagement on her wedding day because she found the prospective groom had deceived her as to his prospects in \‘V 11 S it very lowest current rates on best terms. Ofï¬ce, corner Kent and .- York-sts., Lindsay. T. Stewart. L. V. O’Connor B.A. __________..__â€"_â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- good appetite and an entire. freedom from the ailments that had made me St) mis-.-rabl<_-. You may be sure that I will always have a warm re- gard for your valuable medicine.†Do not experiment with other so- called ionicsâ€"you are apt to find it a waste. of money and. your healg~ worse than before. You will not be experimenting when you use Dr- Wilâ€" liams' Pink Pills. They haVe prov- ed their value the world over. and life. Baltimore Amerlcan. The Pennsylvania State college has Cauli- flower, as we know from Mark Twain, is only “cabbage with a college education," and Pennsylvania cream cheese properly manipulated by these experienced hands may develop into a Brie or Camembert defying distinction from the imported an just: graduated 40 dairy experts. ticle Cupid is ï¬nding the bandage over his eyes out of date in these business times and is getting as sharp about cash accompaniments as his own arrows.â€" XOORE . JACKSON, Barristers, .c Solicitors for the County of Vic- of Montreal. I‘Money ’00 Loan on mortgages at get the genuine pills from your dealâ€" The Wise Run. in“); w - a v. "- . .. . , -- ‘ o " ‘ o est current rates. Ofï¬ce W11 or Send direct to the Dr. “illiams He keeps a cat}:- 03:395. ‘ _ She knows writ... she.- a «vein. Bar~ risters, Solicitors, c., Lindsay And 5° it goes a“ day; 3:5: and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay ofï¬ce,‘ â€""â€"â€"‘°'â€"â€"“‘ , Th“? ma“ gets muscle “'1‘ 331°“ it? Baker‘s ‘Block, Kent-st. We are. Th Col [3' Bi 3 “ ho keeps a cat’ I say‘ « “U loaning money on real estate, ï¬rst e “m '3 ‘cyc e‘ __ “‘" mortgage, m sums large and small, What will very likely be a very Noblesse Oblige. ‘ on the best terms, and at the very lowest rates Q.n..um,m'-u.nm9‘zui£WflM" 'Vzimrlrrm'tmtw:mnuwmmmm . WWW, ‘7 .. you can rely upon it that what they for you. If you cannot have. done :sezn‘ 5:31; Soon he must let her in once more, £1; To let her in he has to rise, And then to let her out. Medicine (‘o., Brockville, ()nt., and they will be mailed post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50.. “What are you staring at, Nellie?†popular line of whccls was put; into . . “Oh, please, ma’am, With your hair lik! JINGLES AND (J 531's. A Mllnomer. He came at half past seVen 'l'o'pay an evening call. She feared about eleven 'I'lut he'd never go at all. :éjg‘i'm. .i if ‘i. ' His style of conversation 5.3%, Was innocently inane, 3. 2 *0} 3 Showing lack of cogitation, 'r :39 ‘7 But his manner was urbane. f9} 3- . -,_ . 'u-‘iiï¬â€™ar L- B. smiled and kept on talking '1‘, 52’. In a cheerful, babbling flow, a,“ 31 1:! While she spoke about the walking A» i ‘ And wished that he would go! Kr†w ‘ aâ€, In vain her hints and yawning; He staid and staid and staid. It was really almost morning Ere he left that wearied maid. She said she thought she really Would have had to take a nap, And she wondered why they called him “Such an easy going chap." Ready to Take His Turn. “‘What are you doing here?†asked the policeman. , , ‘ “J es’ loiterin aroun ,’ answered h urmer Corntosscl. “I'm waitin fur a bunko man to come along an show me aroun town an buy me a few refresliniets be- fore I take the train. I’ve played the game so often that I think niebbe I can quit it this time quick enough to come out suthin ahead.†Continuous Performances. Mrs. Nexdorc-VVhat sort of a piano player do you consider my daughter by this time? Mrs. Peppreyâ€"I should say “nonun- ion.†Mrs. Nexdoreâ€"How do you mean? Mrs. Peppreyâ€"She doesn’t seem to consider eight hours of labor sufï¬cient for a day. A Spring Pattern. Assistantâ€"Madam, what shall be done with this bonnet which your pet dog chewed up? _ Millinerâ€"Put it in the window With a card reading, “Advance Parisian Nov- cityâ€"$85.†When Sylvia Skates. ,When Sylvia skates, my heart leaps high, And e'en the winds cease rushing by, But seem to stop as if to see Iler whirling, singing wild and free With blazing cheek and flashing eye! A hundred other maids may try, With merry laugh or soulful sigh, In vain to claim one glance from me When Sylvia skates! Our Prices.†Ah, there is many, many a cry 01 terror as her tootsics fly From under her rcbelliouslyâ€" She weighs two hundred pounds! “Ob, gee!†The ice groans out-and that‘s no lieâ€" When Sylvia. skate; to buy. The Dlflerence. Ladyâ€"I see you ediï¬rtise homemade bread? Bakerâ€"Yes, ma’am. Ladyâ€"Does it taste like homemade? Bakerâ€"No, indeed, ma’am. It’s SWCet and light! Couldn’t Shine In Fiction. Blobbsâ€"Youngpop is altogether lacking in imagination. Slobbsâ€"W’hy do you say that? - Blobbsâ€"I’ve never heard him get 0R any 01' the bright sayings of his children. A Matter of Doubt. “Do you suppose we could take those peoiile on the planet Mars into our best society?†“I am afraid not. They are not in our 1 sphere, you know.†_ I l‘ ‘ “I He had not kissed her, had not mad. He: struggle hard; she sighed! “Ah, no, I cannot pardon you," She bitterly replied. Unpnrdonable. He held her in his arms awhile; She struggled to be free. At last he let her go and said, “I pray you pardon me.†An Effect Spoiled. “After the ceremony the bride wept.†“Grief at leaving her home?†“No; she forgot herself and held up her beautiful long satin train going down the aisle.†' Bringing It Back. Clubberlyâ€"Old man, do you ever have any doubts about your love for her? Castletonâ€"Oh, yes; but when it com on I get down a stack of un look them ovenâ€"Life. Tawdry. “He has built him what he calls a Queen Anne villa, but it strikes me as being a tawdry imitation merely!†“Extremely tawdry! Why, the roof doesn’t leak even!â€â€" Her Strong Point. The waitress who most men delights Is not so fair to see. he admiration she excites Seems rather odd to me; Yet this much own I in her praise: â€"-Men’s Spli “What do you think my husband does when my mother comes to see us?†“I never guess.†“lie writes for his mother to come too.†A Stamper For the M. D. Maid (to absentminded invalid)â€"Tho livery department replete with the llc‘\.1\£md : WM an: best the markets can produce. , motto : Call and see what we have to offer. " ..i.‘+;.¢.r...~’n.-. ï¬rst.†N o trouble to show goods. R. B. ALLAN CO. There’s a hand pegged soles special price â€"â€"Men’s Oil Grain Lace Boots, good sole work, only _â€"â€"___â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"’ an new ~WARDEB, APRIL mu, 1% ALLAN Ill’ The for any d6? ' “The 'Best Goods at the Lowest â€of“ :3†“To see is Ii Opp. Post Office. Lindsay nil-awn} “due NAME! E; m heat-std no of the in.» m in town, Com! IflPoliu Atbed the.†propriot J1 ,. P.§.â€"Dr1p In at Difference Between Cheap Boots and Boots that are Really Cheap Agent for t .d b.†.3 give quality first con51deration and yet lllilllg‘igv- 1w hate Thesaurus ni P)†‘5“ the prices away down. Best goods at ltl‘;‘.'..:‘. prices fluid“? has and “'1“ always be our aim. For Silt? 1; user 3 $10,313.00 there IS great economy in buying the very its; Our Fire lines of Men‘s Staple Goods have no equal. livery IBEWATEl pair solid all through and at prices to suit c -. ' bed? gi'nhgediig‘é‘. Here are some of our prices : flï¬g museum -_ OFFICE, to: t Lace Baots, Bellows -â€"Men’s Long Boots 5c: Spring work Q She really has got fetching V7831 Tongue, 30m. - ~ .85 all hand bottomed. 3.: $.75. SI.†J0“ â€"Men’s extra quality Split Lace and 52-90- T1165: 733:5 have no % Greek Meets Greek. Boots, half seamless upper, heavy equals. izes no the heels. \ [.25 LOO -â€"â€"Boys’ Milwaukee Grabs _‘ 5), soles are double 1.: very reliable, only I.IO of interest. We do not lend on swek by Mr- Rube“ L- Morgan at that and ' » d t i here 8' . , 3 "3 - your diamonds you do look SC 00 01‘ S . . ir. . . 3 notes or chattel security. the drugstore on Tuesday. these A, like Lady Plantagenet Cingham that 1 Absentminded Invalidâ€"Well, just you 0111' Men’s and VVOIIICIPS Flfle GOOdS llCCtl iltl llléllthH Ilhavennm R- 3- MOLélughlm- wheels are the. (Jolumba mm are was own maid to! Are you any relation, tell him} am “0‘ able to see any one to- d ‘1; 1d b - ~ . , . ' . Ol “33"â€! F- A- Mcharmld- made by A mem Sons Tm‘ ma’am?†day.â€"'1‘it-Bits- an 1 wou e imp0551ble to give anv clan idea “34mm . c ' ' ' “Noâ€"at least. no near relation. But The on! n.’ ' t . the ' ‘ J ‘ ’ ‘ 0‘" ‘ â€w '{lctcrimirii Summits â€â€˜0‘ . you can have that Dink silk shirtxmis! mmmmmpflt‘thï¬iï¬m values we have. We W ould mULh pr a†‘0 Sh “'4 m! In ’ V They are made in racer and road- of mine, Nellie.â€-â€"Life. Built "on the latest plah;‘ you through 0111' StOCk mytm'" w. F. BROAD, Veterinary Surgeon, ster patterns and the roadster is in 3h. lets it ddwn at night, and then ‘ - c Inspector of Live Stock for Domin- three prices. In the catalogue muse Mr Fros'lt‘llroo‘ljlgoï¬ig 30:13.3 a )- Looks under for a man. . . l - . , *- , ‘ ' . ' i ' ' - ~ - . -. - ' Liicec°1§n§leilffgt 233,368.33: PMS am $60, $45, and $35 the What are you chuciini‘g at, Mariliper - Spec1a1 attention given to repairing lll all bunches. ï¬n tion ,Armv Barracks and Culling same. as the other high grade makes. Mrs. Frostâ€"I was thinking of the time Tired of His Knightly visits. Satisfaction 01' no charge is our mOttO in this depart . h Rink. Telephone 146. Calls ans- But Mr. Morgan says he will sur- “egg!“ 9"?21519‘1- YT; “’1‘; me “If†' Young 1139.?r191fhgï¬tmg ‘50" something 4!- . , . , .-._ _ no I we a o ma’e â€"â€" ' ' ' - wered night and day. prlsg the WhUCI‘bllylng public this :y, for lgfe. I' W u you ap- gags orwlsd. a lved In the knight mént. Try US. .. year by offering tht‘lll at â€$45, $40, Mr. Frost-Yes, I remember. And you Weary. Beautyâ€"So do 1.. THOS. JOHNSTON, V.S., v.11, M.V. and 335.], he do... 33,, mm. is a2 went and said the wrong word.-â€"London .._____._ ‘ .3 MS†Lindsay, Ont. Honorary . . 1) _ . ‘ I, 3 . Fun. Her Bluhteouu Indignntion. ' _ h “ graduate om. Vet. College. Former- â€â€œ5 5“ L “5““ f‘" “1059 “"6015†â€"-â€"â€"- ' .... She-Sister Mary called today. and she ‘ “Nu. 1y GOVt. Inspector Of SLOCk. :FIVC rrhc $45 Wht‘t’l is a beauty. It has The Gentle Martyr. a‘ ,4 says she telephoned t0 Kashem’s drug . . years in Her Majesty's service as the famous eccentric chain adjustâ€" Shaifgig gigfixagfgy’ : store yestertday an?) â€5de them to 991â€?! 0 r . 7 ‘3 Veterinary of the Third Prince of» merit. arch or triple crown. diamond She bore her painasilpshle’d’been ‘3‘ amessage pine, u't t ey wouldn t. 11 7: Wales Dragoons. Treats all dis- - So cod 1d lashi ned ' ' never dealt ere again. ‘ ’ " 3. cases of Domestic Animals. Ofï¬ce cranks and interchangeable sprockets. ...,5 me 5 ' ° ° “1““ ._ ' fieâ€"But, my deal“, that’s three blocki ' 3 , b * i inllr opposite Jewdt's Thebright parts are'all heavily nick- But with the night came rest for her. -. .away; besides, I didn't 1‘39“? 30‘? dealt V Mtsav‘h d Shoe var S " " ,3. . my' led _ - Untroubled rest and sweet' ‘2- there. - " - . S - Trunks and [SB . Livery Stables,- ,York-st., phone c 0n CODPUH It IS an dill-rant at â€Med“ be†M B t 1 do. 19 e bought r ‘ . ’ " : 105- ~« swi‘aimlbmciimm I: de he! ~ " " â€m °“’ W -sneâ€" “ v 1m" - 5 webs-4‘3“ 2 -" 3 5"“ V c t aLt:..WWï¬'£!£¢$l~ -... -._._..-_ who†mite m9}; “up,- " ‘ -74 KENT STREET