Lo. . «Vb-1%, ; .w-els'ï¬ï¬vl ., . .-.. a ,v. .1. L .,, .1‘ ‘E'J":'$Ԥâ€"“‘J'U.-..'..L {b \. “3333731; manage»-.. rm- . , L: . "r . ‘ .1: i '2 . .. x'; i i' Km;A i. 1‘. ,u . W, i n "‘ i it“ .‘1 3:: . ._‘ ‘h n ‘ . ,. . | ‘. j, ,, z . , . . ; . .‘w' '- . . .y .. § ' ". u. w, s. . .1 .‘l ' I .’. .;. ' u. .V cl" . .. .. r ,. ft . ‘ 1‘ . i i; .. t“; . . . 'l“ . a» , ... l I 1 iii ~ .w’ ; 41g - . a old . i 1 . s3:- 'srfl ... â€V, ‘ ' ‘uv: . tr†-‘.‘ ..‘z <,_ . . .h l V" . , ..,._ ‘ a», . ,. .- g). .1 . ._ . . . i‘ r‘vii‘i‘uï¬â€˜x‘o'zï¬kv.:~. ., . - . cg, . . . I . 4., ‘ . . - u “ . ‘ " ‘. sv f". ‘; - f 15 .1. i 4. ~ «##Ftwvvï¬ vi:- .f.n..m....a..-‘. : . . , 'Cp \- "mfm- .' was :W“ Btu-9mm a 1 'B‘rv’" r»: “v†w-nn au-WMWW’ ' ‘ mails-5m " ‘ h-wv/W‘ WM MM - v-¢»~ __.. ... .u H.- - . wan-cu Mm i :MWWw‘Oh trivia.“ mm“..â€â€.;~m, -- mm my» w “an; . ".3.*§V>‘ y... . nuWAA-nwps... bh,,_gw“ A Human†‘ ma ‘1‘9mih‘mlamm. m HAW ~WARDER, APRIL 11th‘ 1%,, 12 The 45th Victoria Regiment \ mum CORRESPONDENC BR 0 W .‘l ‘ S SCIIO 0L1 EOUSE $25 at. Cinnainon‘s. Bicycles. Farmers are busy now preparing for seeding operations which will soon be at hand. The roads are in a very bad condi- owing to the large drifts in Fall wheat. and clover have It should be a good e conditions. lion winter. wintered well. crop under favorabl Eating eggs are. very common. llisscs L. and A. Anderson spent. Easter holidays with relatives in Toronto. Weddings are the order Messrs Jack Lee and son are at present laid up with attack of general debility caused by at a recent wedding. c order- of the day. Alex Anderâ€" an parlor games 'A trip to (‘anuington may b ed to improve their health. Mr. (,‘harles Rogers of QuakerCor- een confined to his home ncrs has b eks from ior the last. four or five we heart trouble. Pure Mixed Paints at (‘innamon s. _â€"-..â€"-â€"- OMEMEE Bicycles. $21.") at Cinnamon's. Easter Sunday services were well attended. The bad of the roads prevented many from attendâ€" ing from the country. The. address- es and music by the respective past- ors and chiors would do credit to The floral decorations and Presbyterian state larger plans. of the Anglican churches were very pretty. As the snow disappears from manv repairs are needed. ‘ where can our sidewalks OSpe'cially north Sturgeonâ€"st. only two persons. linked at that. Walk in safety. . Mr. Nicholls offers to take a deep interest in building a towing steamer for lumber. wood and excursion busâ€" iness if encouraged by some of our wealthy citizens. The Methodist concert Monday evâ€" ening was perhaps one of the best held here for a number of years. The committee were fortunate in secur- ing prominent professional and local Each and every one acquitt- Proâ€" talent. ed themselves very creditably. ceeds about $50. Pure Mixed Paints at Cinnamon's. #â€" SONXA ï¬ee (‘innauion's $25 Bicycles. Miss Annie Rundle has returned from Toronto. Mr. John F. Black and Miss Lena Burthwick have gone to Toronto in quest of situations. Mr. Lachlin McTaggart has td Dauphin. Mam, where he has sec- ured a situation at the carpenter trade; Miss (’lifton Springs, N. tends taking a course in nursing. Miss Rose Robinson of Toronto is spending the Easter vacation with Miss Jennie McPhail. Our junior blacksmith Mr. Smith is contemplating taking departure from our midst and going to the prairie province to seek his fortune. Success to you John. Mr. Peter Douglas, “'Cll’klltflVll and highly-respected in this neighborâ€" hood has been seriously ill at the home of Mrs. Martin. Under the treatment of Dr. McPhail, we under- gone Katie McPhail has left for Y.. Where she in- John his stand he is on a fair way for recov- ery. Last Week, while the little boys of Mr. '1‘. H. Watson were in the wood- splitting business the elder of the two in some Way got his hand under the descending axe with the result that the top of one Iingerrof the right hand was completely sr-vered and another left hanging by a shred. Dr. McPhail dressed the wounds and the little patient is doing favorably. Prior to their departure for Mani- and Mrs. Alex. McDonald with two elegant Mr . presented toba were easy chairs by the brethren of Glen- During the even- ing an enjoyable program was ren- dered consisting of instrumental inns- ic, songs, recitations and speeches by local talent followed by a sumptuous McDonald has filled the its cair Camp S. O. S. Mr. ofï¬ce of piper in the camp since lunch. organization and his departure is keenly regretted as he loans no des- tiple to take his place. llo\vever,all wish him and his family every suc- cess in their new home. Pure Mixed Paints at (‘iiinainon's. â€"-â€"â€"o.oâ€"â€"â€" OAKWOOD {Sec (‘innamon's $25 Bicycles. After stock taking llogg Bros. find that last year's largest ever done in the store. an inâ€" crease of '15 per cent. over the pre- vious year. this interests to do thetr trading’in.extm. offers This is gratifying and to Tutti-10 Fltll'(’ more [1) CUSLOHH'I“; wi'l lie put forth to secure goods of highest qualities at closest prices during: the coming year. MLA (l. llogg has just returned from Tor- onto on a buying trip a:- l picked up some snaps as well as the newest. in Men's Hats. Stitched Fed- C-hristies, black and light styles bras , ashades in plain Fedoras, light weight. large number of orders in a present, 5150 Mrs: (Di-V.) Gillespie and children inist William-5L, Lindsayâ€"4144: . Tweed Caps, all the correct shapes business was the and shades. Messrs. Fred and Sam Coad spent. Good Friday under the parental root In the spring time many people take some kind of medicine. I‘logg Bros. carry a full stock of all the preparations at lowest prices: try White Pine (Dough Cure for colds. On Good Friday Mr. William North cott called on friends. He was well and also happy. Wall Papers just. reCeived at llogg Bros. from 4 cents a roll up to new designs in extra quality in wall. ceil- ing and borders to match : you should see Hogg Bros. samples be.â€" fore buying. Miss Maud Staples and Miss Ethel Jones of Peterboro have returned home after spending a week visiting friends. Seeds froln a large Flower Seeds, Garden, Field, etc.. in- cluding choice Timothy, Red Clover. Rape. Mangel. Turnip. Steele's Giant. Prize Sugar Beets are a splendid root for dairy cows. Hogg Bros. Mr. Angus McLean with family visâ€" ited his father last Week. Mr. Fred Dames has returned from the city and has engaged with Mr. Wm. (‘hannon for the season's work. Hogg Bros. are showing a splendid range of new patterns in fancy Eng- lish dress prints at 121;- cents. mer~ cerized sateens at, 25 cents in newest shades and patterns. Master Charlie Rennie has gone up to the city where he will obtain a standard o collection of situation. Last Friday evening a lamp ex- ploded in Mr. Cameron's store and for a few minutes the shop was in a complete state of illumination. It was easilyrextinguished without any harm being done. If thinking of painting call and see the Sherman-Williams paints. quality the very best. also pure white lead. oils and dry colors, paint brushes, etc.. including all the necessary art- icles for painting at Hogg Bros. Owing to the almost impassable state of the. roads the number of perâ€" sons at the Presbyterian social last Friday evening was about half suffi- cient to consume the refreshments which had been provided by the ladies of the congregation. Some of our sagacious youths being present wittily remarked that the matter could be remedied by each eating twice as much. Of course none ob- SCTVC'd whether they did or not. The music by the Zulu band and the Onkwood quartette was greatly ap- plauded and the' recitations by Mrs. Brandon made the sternest smile. Builder's Hardware at (‘innamon's. .__......â€"-â€" NORLAN'D Sec t'iunamon's S25 Bicycles. A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage Wednesday ev- ening. April 3rd. when Mr. (‘harles Jewell and Miss Susannah May. eld- est. daughter of Mr. Wm. Wicks. were made happy. Rev. 11. E. L‘urts omciated. Mrs. Chris Woodcock visited Lind- say on Saturday. Miss Florence Adair. White's school. with her sister. Miss Lula. spent the Easter holidays at their uncle Mr. .l. J. teacher at Lindsay with Pearson of the east ward. Miss Meta Woodcock, teacher at Ball Lake school. is spending the holidays under the parental roof. Miss M. Maxwell. teacher at Nor- land school is visiting Lindsay and Eldon friends. Mrs. R. J. (.‘outermanche is visiting Mrs. I’assmore. at her daughter, North Bay. Wm. Adair held a most successful sawing bee last week. Mr. M. Stevenson of Falls is spending a few days Norland friends. )lr. R. E. \Vagel‘ ncrs, formerly teacher in our school: Sea gram's w ith of Powle's Cor- is visiting here again and seems to think this the happiest, place in the world to spend holidays in. Builder's Hardware at Cinnamon's. ___...__ FRANKLIN 28cc t'innamon's $25 Bicycles. There has lteen number .. of changts in this town in the past Week. Mr. Robt. hytle has sold his house and lot on the main street to Mr. James Shier and has moved to Lindsay. Mr. Wm. Pethick from the fine residence owned by Mr. Janus Lytle to the house lately oc‘ Mr. Joseph Murphy on Ave. Mr. Will am White- side has moved from ,‘tho house Mr. Spear bought to the hotme which Mr. Peth ick vacated. ilr. Arnett manufacturer. purchâ€" a large block moVed cu pied by Railway Robert: of Peterboro. tilt cheeseâ€"box used of timber front Mr. _J.‘Fallis and has a number of men cutting for tâ€"he'past two weeks. He shipped a number of carloads to his factory last week and has five cars yet to ship. Mr. «\rnett's bus- iness this year is extending far above any previous year : he says it will take 150 cords of this timber to ake timber for heading. He has a . . , , 4 mm .-.ezsern:WWp-wwmmmw . . m~ ~ l and he expect to turn out 80000 of Lindsay spent Easter at Mrs. Mei boxes this season. Queen's. Mr. Herb. Fallis 0f Peterborn 13 Milk Cans at Cinnamon's. spending his Easter hOIldays at the. Mr. Geo... Coone spent Easter at. parental home. . I 7 ’OSh’awa and Messrs. Asa. Frank'and Miss Mabel Fallis of Minbrook is Ernie Coonc‘ spent Easter here. visiting this week with Miss Lillie Fallis of this place, Mrs. Elias Colbert of Reaboro spent Easter with her parents. .___...-â€"â€"â€" LIT’I.‘LE BRITAIN . Mrs. W. Sloan and Mrs. W. Hender- Mr. and son spent a few days ViSiting friends Mrs. Fred Veals. at Uxbridge and Toronto. Mrs. Thos Downey of Rcaboro was Mr. and Mrs. William J_ Glenney visiting ML and Mrs. James Spear 0f are. visiting friends in Western Can-.1- this place over Easter. da. Mr. R. Stacy was in this village lasbwcek taking the census. School report Sr. 4th.â€"â€" Ruth TinWare repaired at. Cinnamon's. “3315 and Ruby ““15 (“1““) 1‘3““ Dr. Neelands, dentist, will be at line. Sisson. Jr. 4th.â€"~Bertha White the McArthur House on 'l‘uesday, Willie White, Maud Robinson. ï¬r. April 16th. Remember the date. 3rd.â€"-â€"Carrie White, Clarence McCutch- Prof. J: H. De Silberge, the emi- eon. Jr. 3rd.-â€"-Bertha Sisson, Waltâ€" nent German eye specialist. will be er Thompson, Lilly Walsh. and Ella at, the Mansion House on Wednesday Kerr. 2nd. -â€" John Y‘eal‘s. FIOSSFC and Thursday, April 24th and 25th. Saunders, Mable Perritt and Elsxe Eyes t est 8 d free. Ball. Pt. 2ndâ€"3Ierton Stewart, __..___ Pt. 1stâ€"Allan Murphy. Bertha Mur- BRAULE'S . hv, and Wilbert Perritt. . , ,. ., pBuilder's Hardware at (.‘innamon‘s., Mllk (sans atr‘tnnnamon s“ _ Report of S. S. No. 1. Mariposa for BURYS GREEN the month of March. Names inflordct Tinware repaired at Cinnamon's. (if merit : nth clfassâ€"â€"Zella (.ilson. The. many friends of Miss Alice Sr. fltthlf‘tta Western. Jr 4â€} â€" Campbell and Mr. Thos. Smith will Annie “ilkinSon, Earnest. Woolridge, ‘ Lowellyn Hall, John McDonald. 3rd be pleased to learn that they are. re- . . ‘_ , . .. classâ€"Charles Broad. Lillie (.ilson. Covering lllCCl." fTOm the†3‘1““ 0f_ M . .. ’. . .. The latter also has had aggie Wilkinson, Stanley (.ilson, Austin Downer. Sr. 2nd classâ€"Iva Maud Aylesworth, Oswald Varcoe. Ina Stevens, Harold Western. Leon- ard Stacey. Wilfred Aylesworth. Geo. Varcoe, Harry Stevens. Bernie llall. Jr. 2nd classâ€"Mildred Broad. Ilow- ard Hall, Olive Western. Blanch Hall Part 2ndâ€"Vida Stevens, Leola Rod- _â€"-â€".oâ€"-_ FEN ELON FALLS diphtheria. pleurisy but it is hoped he will soon No other cases though hen vy be himself again. are reported near, colds and grip are somewhat preval- ent. Mr. James Billett is yet. very low. but the attending physician has now good hopes of a speedy recovery. Mr. John Green is also in a weak condition after over a year's continâ€" mcnt to "his bed. He has many friends who look anxiously for“his man. Average attendance 23. -â€"â€"..oâ€"â€"â€"-â€" FIN GERBOARD Mr. Richard Mouse spent. a few days last. week with friends in Tor- onto. Miss Vida Mouse is very ill at the time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Prise spent Sunday with friends at Woodville. Mr. Brown and family of Layton have moved into a house owned by Mr. Wills. Mr. Brown has engaged to work for Mr. Wills during the spring and summer months. Miss Annie Moase is recovering from an attack of la grippe. Try Cinnamon's for Bicycles. Mr. J. P. Cunnings of Lindsay and Mr. J. Coad of Oakwood were call- ing on the several farmers in this neighborhood last week for the. pur- pose of Securing‘shareholders in the binder l twine business lately organ- ized in rPeterboro. *- CARPET: fan-try Dund- Iu- Apt-ll homo- “; “ab and ball Morn. at 80c. Blah. and bedroom m no. Mar "I'll-0‘85 and 750. WHO‘S FLAVRLE am. ..__â€"..-â€"â€"â€".â€"â€" Births Rodgersâ€"In Omemee, on 'l‘ucsday. April 2nd, to Dr. and Ellis. W. '1‘. Rodgers, a daughter. __...._. Married Inkpin Eversonâ€"On March 27th. in Verulam, by Rev. G. Horton. .‘\l- bert Inkpin and Minnie Victoria Ev- erson, both of Yerulam. Quibellâ€"Tateâ€"-On Marrh ‘27. in Harvey, at the residence of the brides mother. Mrs. .las. Tate. by the Rev. G. Horton, Ava Quibell and limily Laura Tate, both of Harvey. recovery. Mr. McGee. lost three-year-old colt last week. (leo. a valuable Our postoflicc is now almost Void of a postmaster and mailcarrier. the old contract. having about. ex- pired and no tenders called for. the oilicc seems uï¬most vacantf Owing to the death of John Fell, who has held that ofï¬ce almost continuously since its formation, a new appoint- ment will have to be made. Mr.W. Prior has had the position as post- master during the last year, and has made application for the situation again. This brings the mail to the most convenient place and it is ex- pected Mr. Prior will get that part of the work any way, though the mail carrying being the more proï¬t- able of the two is yet in the hands of Mr. Wm. IIosklns, who for the last ten years has proved a very careful and obligibg mail carrier. He has also had many years experience in that work being assisstant for Mr. Fell. and since the latter has removed to Burnt River has had the whole mail matter to attend to and has done his work well and been en- ergetic and obliging throughout. Time having wrought many changes Mr. Hoskins does not want the posâ€" ition as post. master and We under- stand that Mr. Prior has applied for the position of p.111. and mail carrier This would be. a very good appoint- ment as Mr. Prior is quite qualified to fill the positions well. It is hop- ed that while the change is being made, that a tri-weekly mail might be arranged together with a money order or postal not depart- ment. which would be a great for con- venience to the public generallyï¬and would also bring a greater revenue to the office. Mrs. Rich Oliver of Little made a brief visit with Mr. Billett. Mr. Rich. Lamb delivered two head of grade and thoroughbred cattle at Bobcaygeon and Were purchased by Mr. J. Joplin of Peterboro for ship- ment to the Northwest. Try L‘innamon's for’ Bicycles. .â€"â€"-..â€"â€"â€". MAIN ILLA Your correspondent last week was Kellyâ€"Johnstonâ€"On March 27th at the Methodist parsonage. Bobcay- goon. by the Rev. G. Horton, Edward Kelly and Elizabeth Johnston, both Britain of \‘erulam. James Hallâ€"Maybeeâ€"On Wednesday. April 3rd, at the home of 'the bride, by Rev. '1‘. H. McDonald, Mr. William Hall of Campbellford and Florence, daughter of Mr. Manley Maybce of Fem-l on . . Chantler-Broadâ€"At the residence of the. bride‘s parents, (.‘olborneâ€"st..0n Wednesday. April 3. by the Rev. T. Manning. B.A.. Mr. Herbert Chant- _ _ ler of Finlay . t‘hantler to Miss in error in announcing that “Our Katie, daughter of Mr. James Boys" would be played in the. Odd- ~Broad- fellows Hall on Good Friday evening Leigh-Maunderâ€"On We although it was expected to have ‘ 7 been given that night. but the Odd- fellows have decided to celebrate the anniversary of the order, which is April 26th, by having the play given by the Port Perry dramatic company on that night. ‘ Look out for .large posters and remember thud-ate. Miss Nellie De. Lury of Toronto spent Easter with her‘ mother and sister here. Mrs. E. McFadyen Spent the Easter holidays with her daughter Mrs. C. L. Kelly of Stoney Creek. ' Mrs. (l)r..) McPhail and son spent Easter with her parents in Toronto. Miss Christian of Port; Perry has been the guest of Miss Annie McFadâ€" yen. Miss lrene Gibson, Miss June 13d- wards and Mr. '1‘. Pilgrim. all of :T4)I'()ll.t(),'VV'CrC the guests“ of Mr. A: Falwards. ' . Miss N. McQueen of Toronto and lily-.1), B. McQueen of Port Perry dnesday, 3rd. of April, at. the residence of‘ the bride’s parents. by Revs. M. W. Leigh. ‘brother of the groom. and A. II. Strike, W. A. Leigh and Edith. eldest daughter of Mr. '1‘. Maunder, Peel-st. ._.......___ Deaths Duncanâ€"At Lindsay, on March 30. Annie Berthwick, wife of Rev. Jas. B. Duncan. Mctiillâ€"-At Janetvme, on Monday, April ,lst, Mrs. D, W. Mctlill, 54 years 5 months, aged Mooreâ€"At Orillia. on Friday, _~'-pl‘i] 5th, John V. Moore, aged :22 years. Brady-"'1“ Ops, on Thursday. April . 4th. John Brady, aged 65 years. _â€"â€"...â€"â€"__- To Cyclists Now is the time to have your Bicycles overhauled, adjusted and put, in ï¬rst-class‘shape, to be ready (or, the opening“ or the. wheeling sea. sdn. ‘ W. WEBSTER, Practical Mach- The annual meeting of the ofï¬cers of the 45th Victoria Regiment was held in the council chamber on "'Fri- day morning last. Cdll-Itighes occu- pied the chair and a full attend- ance was present, the only absentee being ‘Capt. Neill of ()memee. Mat- ters appertaining to the annual drill were discussed and the committees appointed. Arrangements were made for an entertainment _on May 2nd, when Col. Hughes will deliver his popular illustrated address on the, South African war. Views will also be given of the British Isles and Australia. An energetic have the matter well in hand. At, the conclusion of the meeting the ofï¬cers were dined at the Benson House by the Colonel. Mayor lngle. Warden Graham, Mr. Robt. Bryans and Dr. Vrooman were also present. Stirring addresses “'cro made by Col. Hughes, Warden Graham. Robt. Bryans, Rev. J. W. Macmillan. hr. Vrooman, M.I’., Major Sylvester. E. H. Hopkins, Geo. Lytle and Mr. Reid 0f the. 46th Battalion. ___...____._ Church Notes interesting A Meat ChOpper is necessary in er» We handle the best 1m . ‘ diï¬â€˜crent sizes. es la ~ W‘ Carpenter’s T0015 comm it tee Our stock ' :s comple‘ up.to-date. We are also 01:: l . mg at a specia. 30w Price the Oils and Glass. m\\. J. G. Edwards a. (20.; 3ch or m AN'YIL ... â€"Impressive and ser- vices were held in the Queen-st. church on Sunday. In the evening the pastor, Rev. A. II. Strike.pi-eacli- ed on the words “He is not here, lie. is Risen." The discourse was a care- fl ful and sympathetic treatment of the Thennal Vapor Bathcabinets Easter theme. A quartette of Messrs Stinson, Hobbs, Cunnings and Harris W111 Appeal to You: Intelligence To the sick, they are a Beetgqig’; to and a. solo by Mrs. Strike were well rendered. At ni'ht a. son service well, 3 luxury. EV??? home - - E’ g cleanliness and health are wing; 'M l was held. The pastor spoke on the have one. They open’lwp L} ed should L A , (“g m.“ origin and the history of the four “I? Ski!!! and eliminate the uricacidud. hymns used : “And are we yet alive. person tom the blood by enVeIOqugh bod innhotvnpor. openin a, 6.0.," “Jesus Lover." »"Abide With 01an R e equal te any “Turkishrw Me," and “Jesus Keep me Near the ' : would cost ï¬fty times as much. It Cross." Mr. J. D. Walker spoke on will cleanse all impurities from the skin, “Music." Mrs. Strike, Miss Kelcher. _ wincnmpneumonln, eczema, kl . “While, lmï¬ppe, llleumatigzï¬): and Messrs. (,‘unnings and Hobbs sang a quartette. “ï¬lm mi 9mm: ; will cure a. mteolds and relieve congestions; 'ifl give you shatter bath than any um. â€"-Thc ladies of the Queen-st lle‘L- odist church have given the Twenti- eth Slumbering Robe to Mrs. (Rt-v ) earth. Endorsed by doctors and em for their patients. For sale by pl Strike. It. netted the churvh funds about 3200. J. J. WETHERUP, -133m. SL'SSEX-ST.. LINDSAY --.‘irvices at St. Paul's were in striking aarznony with occasion. The chancel. desk. win- Lindsay , Maf ‘6 walk , _ CO... dows and front. '..'c-i docked With flowers. The music was appropriati- ROBERT CHAA‘BERS to Easter. Communion was L'o:lt:lyl'all- 2%“ “ï¬lm“: “augmzptgmgg ed morning and night to large num- U and HRADSTONES, bomb bers and the were bl. M Wit“ ~ . mm promptly given on all that among the largest in «mix-90mm. history. mu M Top, Wub Tops, m - Pieces, etc.. a My. Being . workman All I.“ no. N. and compare price-bun WWW WORKS-Ir. be not or the Market In Cambridge-3L, opp. the Putt-allow. ROBT CHAMBERS l on Sunday the Congregations the Church '5 -â€"On Sun-11y evening Rev. 1.. S. Hughson, ll A., will preach on "The Bible and the Public School." Sundty evening Rev. J. W. Macmillan preached on "Heaven." He held that the. descriptions of scripture are to Le rtgarrlml as Lgur- ative. â€"â€"-On â€"The services at the Cambridge-st. Methodist church Siriday “'o'l'c marked by excl-limit music In the morning ’he civ-ir sung "The Llag- dalene," Miss Josie Staples "Hosan- na†and Mr. J. Parnell Norris “Hts- urrexit" The evening anthems were “Now is (‘hrist Risen" and "Therks be to God." Miss B. Bow-s sang "The light of the World" and Miss New floods and LOW m c. Walters "The Glad Easter llol‘n- ' ing." W (m Builders Sanitary Plumbing, Steam and Hot . :Water Heating, Furnace work. Rm? lug. et a, Nails. Hinges. LOckS. Sheet- ing Papers and carpenter's supplies 81 prices that will save you money. Mills and Factories High-grade Machine «I», Babbitt Metal, Rainbow, Garloek. thesmt. Eclipse and Wick Packing. V3193 Discs, Iron and Bra» F‘fLingG. B and Galvanized Iron F2; lopeim“ Hooks, Peavies, etc. Housekeepers Graniteware, Homemade and F3 'â€" ‘ Tiara-e, high-grade Stcres at drill prices; house-cleaning goods such is AbustineJiIIS'one. W 2. tingï¬obeï¬â€˜ , son's Mixed Paints. Vamph, 0.1: sud other kinds of paints. Paint Brush?!» Stove. scrub and K5 «:mine But Bloom, C t Swgercvs‘ Wflï¬hq‘ Machines,’ Step Ladder». Carpet F9. Milk Cons, Cream Cal,» and Paul; Farmers Fence Wire Spades. 5110" Forks, Rakes, Hoes. Picks. Job Work Premptly Attended to Boxall Ellilatthic _‘ Gillllll GORDAGE uni twilcwlllt COMPANY, PiliRBsi‘tU H The lambkin down on ’change one day “ Was spotted by a bear, ‘ “ . - . "id When he 1cti: the pit be m ‘ Parties interested in 1"“ “ â€Ck 0““ 7 Wayupm enir. ‘ ~MJW ‘ Canadian Cordage ant: . 1.9. 7,; Co. may obtain film... ' or make application 2: s..a either: Joseph Coad. .. Oakwood J. D. Brass, - = Oakwood Julia Paul Cunnings. Lindsay James A. Gillogly, . Lindsay “By gum! It’s‘hï¬rd enough to get ’em T. l. Williams, Lindsay t° StOD for :1 “HOW now? John A. Jackson. ' ,~ ‘ ‘ " - ‘ Edward Mosgrove. ~11. mimic. or to JOHN F. commas, SW“ A‘" . . a doctor says there’s'One complaint (lakwood. 0“" hun’t'cure.†‘_ .. . . P"What'a.uiatr ' . " g‘. “Them“ . “ ‘i ‘ '- ‘ j.‘:r""~.'--...-_as “mfg?†Advertise in The WWW'WW ‘ ‘ â€"â€"â€"-o-â€"â€"â€" A Story Killer. Briggsâ€"There's one thing I will fly for Dumleighâ€"he’s honest. When he quotes one or your bright sayings, he in- variably gives you credit. Griggsâ€"And I wish he wouldn’t. Ho invariably spoils my joke. One 01 Holy. “He has gone in for politics, I hear.†“W'ell, he certainly is interested in the situation in Washington.†“How do you mean? What situation?†.“Any old situation they care to give him there.’- do? Not Ulireccdented. “Here is a story about a. man who Worked for 27 years without ever taking I. day 03." “Hm! That’s nothing. He was prob- ably the proprietor of the establishment." A Traveler’s Opinion, Mrs. Quizzer (who wants to know evo . erything)â€"Now..what do you consider to be the most curious thing you ever saw, professor? ‘ Professor Trotterâ€"A woman, madam. â€"Harlem Life. I Mary’- Lamb. Mary had a little lamb Possessed of many rock: And also very much inclined To deal in railroad stocks. Now Mary has no little lamb, For, having a great head, She shook him when he lost his fleece And took the bear instead. - An Unpleasant Prospect. “Professor Thompson says that ‘elecb ‘tric .cars‘ will travel at h miles an hour.†I e rate 0‘ 100 M v_ VOL XLlV- . 0’L0