E a l ~~~lll$£llÂ¥v~W‘llEALTllr 3 w W ’ "Stor'y’olquntegst’to all Women '_' H.â€" daygâ€"I. mean,..which is . doing it the. greatest injuryâ€"is the man who strives 3:0 uphold it and almost . compelling it tg-do the" wbrk for . ‘which it never ' was designed. It, RELATING 33! pg" never was designed for the purpose Wflo a“; EXPEBI gravelling and macadamizing roads, but you are asking it' ., todo a. work for which it. is entirely 0'; inconipentent, and in that way you ' are doing it the greatest possible in: In many sections in differ- undergo r ' .> . , v. . x ' v. . .. g-ei . , . 'muip “#9.... ,_ e: . 0.x:- aims. ‘ a . was»..- 1 s “accountant-usualâ€" ! / ,, l r. c-V‘i s ' Aft-{cue ,, u . . Wholesale and retail dealer iii ......bighgrade...... â€gyifeilifi; Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines ' win-noun mm. .... ‘mo.‘... Throughout Canada. there are thou- _ o “g ' Cabinet Vapor Baths and «scoot. ,« DR. SUTTON,dentist. LindsaY; . _ p or graduate 0‘ T°r°m° Uml’e‘g‘ty THE UNDERSIGNED are and Royal College 0‘ Den?“ ‘1" loan money .on. Farm . All the latest improved .. . ' . geons. . ,,.. l _. Villaï¬ $0 X. . methods adopted and WC“ “Nae" est late: of imerest. ate. Ofï¬ce over Anderson 8: Nuâ€" company funds.“ sent’s. 09905“ “3““ 9 hm“ “’2 mos. Solicitors. . ‘ ' ' cor. .Kent sands and thousands of women who daily painsâ€"-sometimes bor- n agonyâ€"such as only woâ€" any... , ‘2 ’ '1' w e. '1."- <. .. .. nation†.4, .,. . - r â€3...†""flc vhzlr - . "“43“!!st aaneeï¬â€˜vum: . .7. ._ A LARGE AM geons. tistry done scientiï¬c manners. , Ofï¬ce over Morgan Dental Surgeons. All the latest and improved branches of dentistry successfully performed. Charges moderate. Ofï¬ce over Gregory 5 Drug Store, corner Kent and Wil- . ‘liam-sts.â€"â€"31-1y. onto University. American Dental College. . Most modern dentistry practised in the most scientiï¬c manner. _ Crown and bridge work a special. ty. Charges moderate. Oflico 44 . Kent-st. DR. NEELANDS, dentist, Lindsay. Extracts teeth without pain by . gas (Vitalized Air) administered by ‘him for 26 years with great success He studied the gas under Dr. Cot- . . ton, of New York, the originator of gas for extracting teeth. Dr. Cot- ton writes Dr. Neelands that he has given the gas to‘186,417 persons without an accident. Dr. Neel- ands uses the best local'pain‘ o tunders. Beautiful artiï¬cial teeth inserted at moderate prices. Please send a postal card before coming. Ofï¬ce nearly opposite the Simpson House, Lindsay.â€"23. Bhpsitiaits ____________â€"-â€"vâ€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"_'â€"â€"____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€":â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" DR. G. S. RYERSON. 60 College-st... Toronto. Eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. ___________________..__._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" DR. JEFFERS. Ofï¬ce hours 9 to 11 a'.m.; 2 to 4 p.m.; 7 to 8 p.m. Residence 30 Wellingtonâ€"st. phone No. 43. ________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" DR. McCULLOUGH of Peterborough. will visit Lindsay Every Wednesday at the Simpson House. Hours 2 to 4 p. m. Consultation in Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases-I4 __________‘___..._â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" DR. WHITE, graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. also graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, and member of College of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. Ofï¬ce Lindsay-st. Telephone 107. ______________.___â€"â€"â€"-â€" 1m. A. GILLmPIE. C.A. and so. Ofï¬ce and residence corner of Lindâ€" say and Russell-sts. Licentiate of Royal College Physicians and sur- geons, Edinburgh. Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. Special at- tention given to Midwifery and dis eases of women. Telephone No. 98 _______________._â€"â€"â€"â€"- DR. SIMPSON, physician. Ofï¬ce and residence, Russell-st., Lindsay sec- ond door west of York-st. Ofï¬ce hours, 9 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.; 1.30 p.m. to 3 p.m., and 7 to 8 p.m. Dr. J. Simpson, graduate of Univ., of Trinity College, Toronto Medical College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Late of Rockwood Asylum, Kingston, Grand Trunk Surgeon, Lindsay District. - _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" . .533 garments, 8:12. _______________________._._â€"â€"â€"- DONALD R. ANDERSON, Barrister, Solicitor, c. Ofï¬ce immediately opposite the Daly House, Kent-st., Lindsay. : s G. H. HOPKINS, Barrister. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. Ofï¬ce No. 6 William-st. south. __â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" STEWART O’CONNOR, Barristers, Notaries, c. Money to Loan at very lowest current rates on best terms. Ofï¬ce, corner Kent and York-sts., Lindsay. 7 ’1‘. Stewart. L. V. O'Connor B.A. ___________________._._.â€"â€"â€" MOORE . JACKSON, Barristers, .c Solicitors for the County of Vic- toria and the Bank of Montreal. Money to Loan on mortgages at lowest current rates. Oflice Wil- liam-st., Lindsay. , ,F.‘ D. ,Moore. Alex. Jackson. _____________.__.__â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" chAUGHLIN McDIARMID, Bar~ risters, Solicitors, c., Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay office, Baker's Block, Kent-st. We are loaning money on real estate, ï¬rst mortgage, in sums large and small, to. suit borrowers, on the best terms. and at the very lowest rates of interest. We do not lend on notes or chattel security. , R. J. McLaughlin. F. A. McDiarmid. Dctcrimlrp' Surgcons W. F. BROAD. Inspector of Live Stock for Domin- ion Covernmcnt. Ofï¬ce and resi- dence, 46 Peel-st., between Salva- tion Army Barracks and Curling Rink. Telephone 146. Calls ans- wered night and day. Aucticntrra PETER BROWN, Auctioneer, Oak- wood P.O., Ontario. Farm stock and other sales promptly attended 10. Charges moderate. Sales can be arranged for at The Watchman- flarder Office. Parts of (Speechxhykoad Commissioner Road ,Commissioner, name to‘ni‘ost poo graphs : Veterinary Surgeon; every Monday. . 2 ~ to loan, 41/2 and 5 per cent. -STEERS, Solicitor, DormmonBank ’Building. Williaxnâ€"st.. LindSay.â€"2'4. Campbell at Chicago. A. W. Campbell, Provincial Mr. is known by ple in Ontario an At the Chicago you Will ï¬nd toda . go UNT of lvate funds 0 pr WM. it these ' faithfully and as honestly well as they possibly;‘auun _ but, unfortunately for those Mrs. . work. and unfortunately oughtto'sa'g: that system. Williams Pink Pills,» in, the hope that The my experience may which seems in“ ‘tO'S'dmc â€other su’flé‘i‘ilic ,aniaezf «1 WWWeuMQQQ†system, doing the for the municipality, has outgrown its usefulness. labor and the money, the aggregate in the municipalities to be very large, divided up among so many pathlnas- d ters 5 ed over the whole road miles nothing em, parts of this country, no doubt deg-mg o y that pathmasters men can on ,best ence. out and do their work as hey know how. beats willldo their .work and is scattered but inferior and work is being done or can be expect- ed: the filling up of some ruts, as- a general thing, that different We. ï¬nd the roads throughout the states, as is the case in the provinces of Canada. are being made and mainâ€" tailied Very largely by what is comâ€" I do-n‘ot think we are here toâ€"day for the purpose of trying to borrow the past, or to cast‘any reflection on the work that. has been done. If thereis a law or system that was ever inaugurated by the pioneer set- tlers of any country, which I believe has done great work, it is the labor tax or the statute. labor law. That system was adopted. at the time when the people had no money; when it. was really the only system they could possibly adopt for the purposi- of building their roads ; but it was in those days when the statute labor system or the labor tax was proper- ly expended, and thesystem was pro- perly" operated ~and the proper enâ€" thusiasm was put in the work ; Tele- , country had to cut dmvn the trees. to grub the stump, to corduroy the swamps and _, to bridge the streams - by their own labor and their own toil, without the assisstance of a dollar of money, that the statute labor system was adopted, and in which it did its excellent work; but changed conditions demand changed requirements and changed treatment and for that reason at the present time, we do not believe that it is_in the interest of this country that We should adopt some system which would be less cumbersome and which would tend to ï¬nish the splendid work which Was so nobly comlllcnced by the pioneer settlers of this part ofhthis country. Statute labor or labor-could be properly utilized by people in doing this pioneer work- ; but now, with the road allowances clearâ€"these roads to’ some extent graded. and to some extent drained, requiring only that they should be properly formed and finished â€"â€" we must get more system that will do this at a less expense and in a less cumbersome wuy : and in order to do that, I believe that the first stop of your local organization should be to rid yourself of what is commonly known as the labor tax ; and ill or- der to do this it is very necessary to approach the subject in a very care- ful and in a Very common place way. These farmers and to a very large extent, the. agricultural organizations feel largely that it is an interference on the part. of the business and comâ€"V mercial men of the country to '~z.kc any interest in that which affects particularly the farmers themselves, and if you attempt to discuss adâ€" versely their present methods, you reap the antagonism and the oppo- siticnvofz these people, and for that reason "it will be. almost impossible, for you to ever carry out the good work of organizationin those distâ€" ricts, but let us give therold system credit for 7what it has dong and we would only be dealing fairly with it then, and-let us go into.tho‘far- mers’ meeting; let us go into the agâ€"- ricultural 'meetings, the dairy meet-1 ings,«the farmers’ institute meetings, angall such gatherings, talk to the. pépple along those lines, tell them- tlie. excellent. week .they have done ‘in the past; ‘poirltflout to them,’ how- ever, that better results could now be produced by changing those meth- ods and changing them possibly slowly by evolutionary measures, rather'than byrevolutionary measâ€" ures, and‘-in’ja_'veryrsh'ort time, it has b on my experience,‘ you - will find that this antagonism wwill be chp‘ng‘e‘d into'Sympathy. Now,» then, understand me in this, that I believe at the present timep as I have stated, that the statute labor system, asa system, is as good a system as was ever'designed and adopted by any, country for pioneer work, and I think that the ,2‘ -¢',‘-‘-‘ , 53: .;opponent of that system to-’ the filling up of some on of a few loads of gravel here and thire involves a considerable penditure, made up of small items, but in the aggregate is a very large amount. and for that reason I do think that the statute labor system should be set aside and a better system should lre designed to take its place, and this will be one of your great works. Now, sir, this is a simple question, as I say. the matter of rmr-lwitkmg. it does not require or involve nec- essarily scientific kn owlcdge or enâ€" gineering skill, but it does icequirc that we should haw our systems so 8'â€? 1.ng so that the wink “'2†be done in every section of the dzstrict along well-deï¬ned lines. Now, see here ; simple as the problem :s what does it mean 2" They say to me -â€" many farmers sayto me : ‘The idea of you coming around here to tell us how to build roads. I know bet- ter how to fix a piece of road in front of my farm than you could possibly know, and what is the cc- casion or the necessity for any such an agitation as this ?" Now that. may be, but isn't it a funny thing, that particular farmer will tell you just how he would fix that road, and possibly his neighbor will tell you Jones don't know anything about roadmaking, and if he was going to fix it he would fix it an entirely different way ; and many of our pathmasters this years lay down plans for the-improvement of their roads and it appears almost ;as if next year the pathnlasters who are appointed find it almost absolut- .ely necessary in order that they lshould show their superior knowâ€" ledge of roadmakillg that they should go to work and undo largely tllc work that. Was done the year before. .Take in the average municipality where you have one hundred path- mastcrs, all working along their own iideas, and in that municipalin you ijust have about one hundred differ- ent methods of road limildilig. and this is the curse of road building in .tllis country . this is why money 5 and labor are wasted and lilisapplicd. iOne pathlllaster or road overseer contends that a road should be nar- row, and make it fifteen feet, the next man twenty, the next main thirty, the next man fifty : and I have had men say the trouble. was the roadllcds were. not graded enough, and he" would grade the road from fence to fence. And those different grades are to be seen or. the same road requring the same treatment under the same. conditions. ! I believe we should organize these forces : that the local or state or- ganizations should dircct the immiâ€" pal organizations Sl‘.()lll(l lily down a proper plan : that proper plan should beyï¬rst, that the council pro- pare a rough plan of the county, showing all the rough roads in that county ; then the council should specify the widths of these roads. If onethird of the roads are leading roads then they should be made we will say twenty-six feet in width. The next class of roads are simply laterals leading into these main roads. They don’t require to be made so wide in grade and they should be made possibly twenty feet. and the next class be made eightéen feet. If these widths are the opin- ion of this council and their expert, or the man in charge of the roads,- :or commissioner. then I say these ,widths should be laid, down upon that plan, should be embodied in ' that specification, and fromthis time .forward these widths should be ad- (bored to. We should get rid of specâ€" tulation on the part of diï¬erent over- ..‘scers. Then, sir, I believe that mun: iicipality should employ one man to act as road commissioner for the ,municipality. He should be a man isucll as I have specified, who has "sonle knowledge of roadmaking. and ,‘it should be his business in the .spring of the year to go out and reâ€" lport upon the condition of all the roads, and make his report on what :ruads should be graded, what drain ;age shaulh be done, what culvert \SllOllld 1.0 rebuilt, what bridges ‘shodld be ï¬xed and rebuilt, and [bring that report and lay it before ithe council, the executive body of the _municipality, That council should 'then look it over and approve of lthat report ‘ and then they‘ should 'send the commissioner out. that the work is carried out. tusec Men working on Fri: . 35 Montreal, will bring hope and Joy, . 0 if. points the way to reneWed pnces ‘ ruin. my Office, as aé d8" that health and certain release from aids." 1139 and ‘ land sufl'ered far more than my share 0 many beats that it is scatter- agony from the ailments that afflict 33 33 0 the g l 8'9» and my sex. ' At. the 'age'of sixteen â€lime“ trouble had grown so bad that I ha to undergo an‘operatiOn in the Men- treal General Hospital. 110109. the laying cure me and a little later I had to. undergo another operation. 93" this I received some benefit but was cipiil organizations†and the munici- dure in unocmplaining ail- Mrs. To such the story of ‘nk Evans, or 33 Frontenac street, EVans' says: "Irfeel that I a good wordfor Dr. a since nlyigclcventh year I have ’ of or. d This did not From not wholly cured. and I continued to suffer from pains in the abdomen and bilious headache. A few years late , having removed with my husband to Halifax, I was again suffering terri- bly“ and was taken to the general hospital where another operation was performed. This gave me relief for two or thrco months, and again the old trouble came on, and I would sufl’er for days at a time and nothing seemed to relieve the pain. In February, 1899, I was again, ob- liged to go to the hospital and un- derwent a fourth operation. Even this did not help me and as the chloâ€" roform administered during the oper- ation affected my heart, I would not permit a further operation, and was taken home still a. great sufferer. In 1899 I was advised to try llr. Wil- liams’ Plnk Pills, and decided to do so.‘ I have used the pills for several mouthsiand have found more relief be of ‘bclfbï¬t - ‘tweiilyl-three 7 years of, age, ‘9 i 2 l l 0 0 0 g modern building. Polyphones I carry a complete stock Chasers to select from. for pur- Special ' for those who come direct to COR. Sussex AND PEEL- STS., LINDSAY. ' Box 415. P.S.â€"â€"l sell only the best makes. All goods warranted THE ACME For Hot Water 0F RADIATOR PElleCTlOl OXFORD Radiators or Steam Heating ave won world-wide prestige for strict mechanical perfection, artistic style and the multiplicity of sizes and shapes they offer to suit every curve or corner of any . if you’re concerned with any heating quesdon. great or Smal' us give you full information or estimates on 0x131; Good. W. (l. WOODS. Agent, Lindsay The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited. Toron in, Win and Vancouver†"0’“ â€m “‘8“ “’0‘" â€m ’°“' °"‘â€â€œâ€˜ meweweccowemeewcew ‘ tions which I passed through, and I warmly recommend them to all woâ€" men suffering from the ailments that afflict my sex.†' Writing under Evans'says: "I am glad to be able to tell you that not only has the great imprOvement Which Dr. Wilâ€" liams' Pink Pills effected in my condition continued. but I am now perfectly well. I had given up all hope when I began using the pills. but they have restored me to such health as I have not before known for years. I feel so grateful for what your medicine has done for me that I gladly give you permission to publish my letters in the hope that other women will follow my example and find health and strength and new happiness through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." No discovery in nledicene in mod- ern times has proved such a blessing to women as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They act directly on the blood and nerves, invigorate the body, regulate the functions and re- store health and streogtll to the exâ€" haustcd patient when every effort. of the physician proves unavailing. Other soâ€"called tonics are mere im- itations of these pills and should be refused. The genuine bear the full name, "Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People†on the wrapper around each box. They are sold by all dealers in medicine or can be had post paid at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for Dr. Williams’ ville, Ont. â€"â€"-o-â€"â€"â€"â€"- Nnt Butter Go to A. Campbell, grocer, and get a package of Nut Butter. Highly nutritious f Easily digested ! Deliâ€" cious l . Prepared by " Wm. Eyres, Cameron, Ontâ€"154. Medicine Co. , Brock- smokers’ 60002 SEE MY New LINES 01: News Lies CI’GARs‘ poucnrs , AND SMOKERS. Coons A GENERALLY; Only the best: 1M carried, Prices light. 1' morn-m†m . ‘0 A. .- 32.50, by adressing the , lvrzqgnr vleITIEEI aruslls 4 .E?l;()lflf I'- seedS'"Flower Seeds. eeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeaeeee San-"Fer _Land and Dairy loading at our new \l’AREllOL’SE on Will lull. ~ 8. later date Mrs. THE SAY s q Thatltlsooonomv to buy the bestShoul or or a mechanic cannos sflord to buv M We want to call attention to our '02!!! 83038, muse we have best value futon" able Shoes. We have a van large stock of -' goods made on of the best French, '- Amorlean and Canadian leather. WDWBOOTSOfalld ’60: city. If you wait voor Boots mend bring to no, no we have a large stock of leather kinds to do the work with. It ll the only class custom and renal: shop in Lindsay. ' call and see as. Don't forget the place. FORBEB . l4- William-st. North. M # Don’t forget that we keep a full stock and ... the best values in Timothy, Red and Alsllie Clover. and ..I An inspection of our salllpl ~ . . .1 purposes. in Sacks :l!.'. l’.:‘:‘~~l'. :2 Land Plaster---3.22f*2.323.32.322 fl . W I h F' 'l 0“ cake-"38:11:43, e222? me Ground 0. ( Call on us when you want anything in the above linï¬ l A. CAMPBELL, ' FAMILY GROCER. Kent ste . REAL ESTATE, LOAN AND RAG CARPET 8 RUN .. GENERAL INSURANCE ‘ ~ The nndersl ed has opened emcee at Linden , and is prepared :11 Estate, Loan Woodvllle- an to transact business in ï¬nd General insurance. I will visit SATURDAY. m 5ԠThe undersigned public that he has remoV ' t- and Rug W .toNo.llY t» ed to execute all on?†carefully. An inspecllan “ invited. Charges model!“- Llndsay ofï¬ce EVERY t is situated in the roar otthe Dominion Bank, anti-am from William-st. Parties wishing to be , sell or rent Farm, me or Town all ma I00 me. Being nearly "317 men and Farm by, should minted with the County mtoners can rely on receiving prompt nth-flea. Ohms-madame. "1 an GralnFamojTlubeI-Iatgendï¬ I“ l mute and Q Wee» .. - ‘ Seeds, Salt, LandP as w *‘ " SEW P ‘1 the Livery snl north of the J JAMEE ; taken on mule Vast irn / of the m pet in to wn, i ' use. Comte . Polite Amen ~ kW propriei ‘DUD in not gent for (I ance Com " Sun Reta up ' wCansdim "Ito! new \. o