... ,.....L’,u;z ~ 43"}... ‘ N." «d' . flrl’f-M " “a. V . «a, 41.. “iii'lfl “Vi! â€alga“ awï¬dteovexloo goddï¬even in Lin y. i. .on My !Summer is approach ï¬lth it. Will 00!"? the â€'9’ of every IF" ,. i . «35’2†.. 1 j ‘ ted homes, and liwgï¬elit‘itm, ,: .- .. g " "Iéill’bei'hg as they have npvéi‘and'mi’m‘gï¬â€ e ‘ 1.3.} The dbnvs'liencetssfety. trikeiapbstol‘c’swd' , ’é? h . ..-.--~.::=. 12-: ~--' ' n ' Wife 3‘" actual menu '. .' vma‘wnnn’s; '. . â€'1‘? ; i â€R .ditionson their streetsany more ' thetown in thodarliesué A .2 nominee...ny-mvins!w ; . - .. '1 ‘ ~ ‘.:.¢i'm-in ' - 5 - will doom "ousdamagi e. sivothe‘ered togetlwr ~ WVW no" '.-:...:i,"i’. W" .~ ' '.‘n"'d‘ iii-an Ether-tel" 'lves nnequal'to then’among the number. Jesus suddenly. ""‘citissm ,, stadium, . with the -~m ._ "0"†°‘ 3 i ,. . gm ting. 'Pcaoe-be “11156310“3 ‘ fl . , .7 - of Thomas. . ‘ ~ ‘ '1‘th km the whole SW} _ ‘ furtherhesitatron. .. {My he addr I’llgm'sdf‘tonce‘to CRUSIIIIATS... . ‘ .. 3'3 ' " Snifab'e for Ken and Youths, “I colon Black, Bing, w 4. i 4 Wm SHAPES and coloring!» as manufactured ‘c . ~ . Bennett 8; Son Benson and Lyom, are found in groggy our inunmse display of Men’s and Youth’s Hats. New beta: had we the range we ofler thoseason for you to my“. Mil from. f ‘ ‘ ’ ' him. But there is not a single W Brenna-d Fawn.............. ........................... not a word of rebuke. Not even " 't, you believe it is I As a man 0i 1103', . n . hat com-so. A complete town phat {so gmuch as .‘Don Accurate figures seem to have boon â€9“,. Thomas ? ' this and itis the citizen’s choice. est!!- and sincerity Thomas has a ° Wbyusasacompromise. difï¬culty. He says he can only_~be- for its installation. after mt. plant and get power from ..ggv. 0." certain conditions that . can information hadbeenfound necessary. light. We are satisï¬ed that 'beieasily eompli ed with. and Jews . . a; t'call thecompan to furnish the . . ~ have the people Of Llémywmtziigmtf 3:5: didlculyl; pOWer can bye got at a fair price. Without the engine and proceeds at once to satisfy him. .He eu- â€pres“ dynamos thezcost of the plant would be gently reduced ..hall haw: the ocular demonstration problem, as in this question or streetalightmg- a reflec- and likely the town can get as cheap power from the he. demanded. The Only words _ of But there must comealimitto this waiting : f. This coume has the Jesus are: ‘Rcach :hither thy “W ' ‘ ' dign' ‘ tain int, but com y as it can produce itsel . -. an attitude is very digital-liege: glasses. 30W†advnzt'itges of (1)Patronizing a home company, (2) Saying um behold my hands; and reach public, council has'welh the cost of engines and dynamOS. (3) Avoiding the Obligflc hither thy hand and thrust it into . . - ° ’ the my id etc. Jesus has every re- tal ballad t on of buying the company s old plant, (4) Allowing . 5 e. . timen 5 light to be turned on with little delay. and (5) Still givmg spec' t and consideration for his aim- “Patiently I'wait for than the town its own plant. If reasonable terms can be made cultics. and Thomas proves himself . And will to all eternity-" with the company, it is the plan we â€commend 11ft worthy of the sympathy. Jesus had Because the average citizen has been willing *0 serenade council find out at once what these terms are. and ,0“ this for him by his ready belief when the lac. it must not assume that he will or some other system get the light turned on. . conditions , were fulï¬lled. and we powers on the Wd‘ learn from his honest words of'con- has been amply discussed; ’viction. amazement and adoration. iate the merits of “mas- . ‘ny Lord "and My God.’ An Important Doctrine oughly consider the whole matter. so deï¬nitely capressed plant. they did not embarass . ... â€aw†,: .1. ., .. . .., . s 4'. 3. F.) ‘1 f, .4.» «4 .. . ., , . _ .. .. why. ‘ J» . a... ~ 4,_ x,_ u“ «wheaww- â€Ix-MM ~., . . Colored Shirts These are made of the newest Prints, Percale: erhyn u Gingham, in Soft Fronts, Laundered Long and Short 805W!» some with open front, open front and back, cuffs m“ attached. -An immense range to select from. all this season‘s, 3; 81.85.01.†and...... ....................... I.“ -- ofSoftl’ront. all at, without collars. sumo, n‘a; - Bkcoimhrs‘e mpchlte body a‘ d nu: fronts, yin . is range. each ................................. 50C ' sessfiw"? 33%;... " , any}, . which says _:' .. ...... .,_.. †Emu. sores " ‘11" was a great task to which Rev. Mr. Macmillan ortation to constant cheerful: .. " . ‘ . . ness- the other Sunday night. To the whimpering, ill-.. la‘lff‘h 0‘ â€I? edtffe :f inzrirazg .mpered, and purposely sour-visaged, such a. sermon is._a '0’ â€sum“. "’3 ‘ PO - - - 'fied. merited-chastisement; but to those who heroically strive “m“ {that fr‘jéad“:: trmci'r‘duday ' ‘ 'i h 'll'n . encou ement. “’99 rom ‘3 ' m“ despondency it ‘8 a t r1 1 g rag is the Through it. in great measure I be- lieve in the divinity of Christ and his extraordinary claims. Through it I believe in a revelation from God. choioeof .. New Neckwear -â€"30 dozen Fine Neckwcar, all new materials, rr‘dc in Strings, DerbVS. Flowing Ends, Bows and Knots, worth in the regular way from 35c to so: can), your choice for only, each - . becausetodosbsavesi'money". {fl-(1t h as“ sym th . The think the town cannot a o o ave . light: w: think 1it cannot afford to do without them.. Our Harder to fulï¬l than any precept of the moral law, otmets ‘ ‘ ' ’ ' to banish care‘s clouds always from the coun- °n bad condition. It requires an acrobat to injunction ' escape disfsier on them in daytime. To compel “people to tenanc‘c. ' To those alone. the pillars of whose souls are set - - ' tren h and who seek the commanding self- . . brave their perils in darkness Is to put a premium on 10“ lvsepiritusgt giants. is this possible. To do it a and in the inspiration or the script- . . - ‘ ' 1;. master! 0f , - . footâ€"wear, dislocated hmxgmgï¬wxdgtmlis man must sometimes make light of despair, concealabreak- pros. . Through ll.- I know of a. re]- “‘8 9â€me ‘f'd "dd“ 1,, mi pfothm results, I 9,, in heart and smile in death's face. And yet, that it is an demmwn from am: through “ W‘ble for: 3:? tinge tr!) viï¬eiit m res A town high calling, a noble endeavor and the sublimest soul cul- have an “CTN“ hope. _ t cause has good p00 f in sound“ nt events ture, none will deny. I therefore put a. heavy weigh up In We“ 183Ҡmercy ° â€â€œ13 ’3' m“ . » on lt and I must feel that I can bear â€Ã©..:an avoever ri ome RWBERS ENTE‘ A asked Thompson if he had a revolvcr HONEST DOUBTERS AND Euro :fI ii. Andyjus‘tghi; "the in:- he replied “No. If I had had one: I Jesus, 'when for,_thc first time in the BOOT AND snore STORE ......“ .... .. ......a... ...... lflE RESURRECTlON . 0, .... mu... , T. someone got popped-" bade him feel for the nail prints and . udsay for the ' wart for the The death 11 mam appear†3 led some . Col1ars -All Lima Collars, Straight, Roll and Cutaway Turn- . t Me, to Down shapes, also high overlap, turn pomts and " is vi“ :thrglght bands. heights 2 and 2% Inch, your 2 i0! . . not newcve!’ ICC ' ’ ' - â€. {pom Miss *â€" .*â€"- 5.. * 3‘32"? rate.“ was . * ..H ~. 1Continued from Page 5.) Vince. On Monday morning he sent them out. with Which the cellar door was open- ed. fOund that a G. T. R. (tool house had been broken irito and a. pick atolen.’ and that. this 'was the ’pick. and also found the long tie spike by. ‘ Which. the tool house had been open- ed. He learned moreover that a handca-r -had been taken and aband- oned near Manilla. Knowing that from that point the theivos might go either west of south. he tcloâ€" graphed Conductor White of the Port Perry branch. asking if any men had been taken on at Manilla Jct. that morning or'had been notic- ed along the :track. :He got a negaâ€" tive answer. Then Constable Bell decided that they had gone up the main line. On the same day he went out to a barn west of the town and got the three valises as before stated. On Tuesday morning he was set.- ting out for the west with Constable Foster. when he was joined by Mr. Hockin who had been wired by Mr. Hogg as before mentioned. Having. secured the goods near (Iresswcll and sent them back with Mr. Hockin. Constables Bell and Foster walked to Blackwater and at different places got trace of their men. Ab Black- Water they took the train and went to Sunderiand where they got further traces. ward Cresswell searching barns as they came and telling farmers that if they should see anything more of the men to come to Crosswcll with the word. The Constables had got into that place and ordered supper when a farmer named Purdy drove in and said the men were in his neighborhood. They went .. back with him and found ucHugh hiding under the driveway of the barn. Looking across a ï¬eld they saw two others on a hill about 30 rods distant. They at once went after them. Apparently unaware that they were followed, the two went up the hill and then doubled back at an angle for the railroad. Constable Foster followed them while Constable Bell worked across to head them off As they came along the track , he stepped out and said “Hands up boys" at the same time presenting a persuadcr that led them to comply on the "double quick; A moment later Constable Foster came up ii. in a similar fashion in their rear. They were handcuffed and taken along the track a short distance when another man was seen up where the two had icon located. Constable Foster gave chase but it. was raining hard and nearlydark and the suspect escaped izztov'a swamp. ‘Young' McJIugii wrâ€" ricd. a, 22 calibre revolver ,‘f‘l’d cart» ridges: ‘Shewm‘an had cartridges for a 32 and it is. supposed the escaped man had the weapon in which they could be used. When Constable Bell They then walked back to-. _. , .:s.>......_â€"- - it Safe Register He also secured the pick Wednesday, May Ricâ€"BY Dias Bowâ€" es. auctioneer. Credit sale of farm stock and implements. belong- ing to (theeatate of.the late John Ferguson, lot2. con. 1.. Mariposa.‘ Extracts from [Semi by ‘M- 5m“. the spear thrust that he might sat- whc is Leaving a flood Position on ' Account of his Doctrine Last week we published a letter. from Mr. Geo: A. Powles of Chicago. that set forth some unusual (views on religious questions. Among them Sale at .rone , .o'clock and without ‘ was the doctrinerof the resurrection. reserve. . in pant .of 2 mares in ~foal. 2 hor-' scs, lrbay filly, ‘2 fat steers, 3 cows (2 in call), 3 fresh milch cows I 5 steers._4 heifers, 2 spring calves. 12 CotSwold ewes with‘lambs. at their sides. 1 Yorkshire sow in _ pig†7. Yorkshire pigs 3months old. ___._...â€"-â€"-â€"â€" -ltlaa long "are. shy. Lindsay has boom-ed a good anal-m, thoro- Ioro the 51thIBaud M1 drawn backed boat. at them to- morrow (Friday) m.“ 260;. Popular my»... all...†80, 85, 25c. Plan at Porter’s. ~ _â€"â€"â€"*â€"â€"â€"-I The Water Rates Adjusted The radical and painstaking meth- ods of the water commissioners haw nchi‘ been better demonstrated than in their dealing with the water rates. They spent two nights in the past week adjusting them so that. they shouldbe uniform in the various clas- ‘scs and equitable for all. The results are: Lawns will be charged according to area. at the rate of $5 for 1000 feet. or less; .50 cents per 1000 feet. extra to 10000 and 25 cents per 1000 after that. Lawn services must. be applied for in writing and run for a year unless no- tice of discontinuance is given. Store fronts will pay $55 minimum a'nd five cents per foot on all front- age over 25 feet. ' ' :The domestic rates are : for a house of five rooms, one, faucet $5, with more rooms than five'SS, and $1 " for each additional faurct; baths-133' 00 each, additional $1.50; water closets $3.50. additional-$2; horse aortic-mâ€" cle 38$ cow urea: ‘31: banks S5 i..r one basin; hotels will be gist-n a mu. separately based on a report tom the superintendent; bakeries using :i barrel of flour or less per (in)! $6. each additional $3; butchers one tap S5; blacksmiths one fire $4, each ad- ditibnal $2; barber ‘shops. one. chair $5. each additional $1; fountains in . windows 1â€"16 in. discharge $5: laun- dries at discretion‘ Of the superinten- dent; photo galleries $55 to $20 'as superintendent decides _j A ’discount' of 10 percent. Will- be-pllowcd for prmnpt payment: 1" The ’l‘rleércaSe in revenue“ oom‘ tile present business, on account of "the'changes ’in"ratc 'will be about 3500. 'It is expected. that the increased takers will rapidly rccovcr' thisloss.‘_ï¬"'._†., , . Plumbersflwill lose tlieir licenses for future failure to comply :with the by- law. . The engineer's house will like- ly be renovated; new covers will be put 0n the filtering basins, and the services. asked by Mr. Horn. and oth'ers are under consideration. ‘ ‘ 3 a .The' liVe stock consistsl Ia thisconnection it may be of in- terest to read some extracts from a recent sermon by Prof Steen pas' 1' tor of Christ Church Cathedral Montreal. The professor ‘has' lately expressed certain beliefs that are obnoxious to the Anglican authorities; He has consequently been asked to resign his charge and the sermon from which the following extracts were taken was likely his last in that charge preached by the professor with‘ that in mind : _ Z , Text: “Then said he to Thomas reach hither thy ï¬nger, and be. hold my hands: and reach hithâ€" er thy hand and thrust it into my side; and be not. faithless but believing. And Thomas answer- ed and said unto him, my Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed : blessed are they that have not seen, yet have b0Iic"'.(i.-â€".Iu:.ll 20, 27-29." On the resurrection Day alone live appearances of Jesus to different per- sons are recorded, the last. being the memorable one in the evening when the disciples were assembled, as now,‘ behind closed doors for fear of the Jews, and Jesus suddenly appeared in their midst with his word: ‘Peacc be unto you.’ Thomas,. therefore, though not. personally present at. any of these appearances, had, al- ready heard much of the resurrection of Jesus. He had conversed with those who had seen him, and togeth- er with this he had antecedent prob-. ability arising from the teaching of Jesus, and his own predictions of the death and resurrection. ' But yet Thomas remained on Ohâ€" stinate doubtcr- The testimony of his own confederates availing nothé- ing. He would not-be convinced, even by a similar appearance to . himself. Nothing but the complet- est demonstration to all his senses would convince him. shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.’ On these conditions he insisted. No Moral Defect We are not ‘to infer any moral in- feriority in Thomas. He had not fallen from grace. He may haVc. differed from the others in temper. meat, and in intellectual charcteris- tics. He reminds us of what con- fronts us every dayâ€"the extraordin- ary differences in people of equal worth. Thevint‘ellcctual difficulties to one are. transparencies to anothcrizi one; man is sanguine, hopeful and minimizing, anOther cautious, reserved; nonâ€"committal; one believes so read- ‘ ’ of. the Pharisees the Son of Man W? ‘Exccpt I . es, isfy himself, so must his chm at all times do all in its power 'to meet the honest difï¬culties that may lie in the Way of~acccpting what it ' teachcsmand; sympathincz..with every man. in. his struggles to reach the ' light. l. The Christina .fisi‘thdcomcs to; you ivith the. sweetest mgsagp that was ever poured into“ human ears, and with a. healing and strengthening power before which} all the powers of earth are as nothing. But it comes with far. moreâ€"the confidence and the serenity that nineteen cen- turies of victorious conflict with un- .belief inspire. It has never received a fatal'ithrust, and the advance of knowledge, though 'it has promoted many an attack, has only: strength- ened its" position and shown it to be inviolable. Sympathy for Doubters The action of Jesus indicated sym- pathy for hem-st doubt. but coupled with this we must take the remain- ing words to Thomas. It is a. very low mind that regards belief as pure- ly an intellectual matter. My beliefs are regulated by my whole spiritual a'nd moral life. Much of the strong- est evidence for the truth of Christ can only be appreciated by certain conditions of the heart.» A man's nature is not built. in water-tight compartments. The head effects the heart, and the heart the head. And the clever. head often fails through moral deï¬cienciesto grasp what"is clear as the noon-day sun to the pure in heart â€(99.5“ Christ said : fBlessed are the pure in been, for they shall see God Prejudice, ma]. ice, spite, hatred, dishonesty, all blunt and darken and .disort the un- derstanding» . Before the very eyes formed his greatest works of mercy, and as the. good..shcpard healed an. that were diseased. There was .-no mistaking his spirit. Yet a mini.†cried and perverted heart made the 'Pharisee so blind that he could say ; ‘He casteth out devils by Beelzebub, prince of the devils.’ And Jesus said in effect to Thomas: 'Ifwas quite willingto satisfy your demand. You saw and belicvad. But miliions after you will believe in my resurrectionfor whom there, will be no possibility of seeing my- hands and feet and side. Blessed are they-' ¢omplete enough, but it will a. different kind for them. It Will appeal quite as lunch to the heart I and the whole moral and spiritual. man as to the senses. and they will Show that they gore, , not spiritually The evidence win he ‘ be of .3 3.1' 1 ~ i-iA-Sweet Manage 31:;1 . ' Men’s Clothing Withusmeansquitea lot. Look at the trimmings, general ï¬t and finish; these are quite equal to that turned out by most merchant tailors. Remember good nun. mings mans greater satisfaction to you in many ways. Indus-k and medium colon, Italian lining. extra paddei S“ . shoulders, special, each ................................... - , MEN’S BLACK WORSTED SUITS $6.95 Blackand Navy Sen-see. Black Italian Linings, French fac t†lags, fancy sleeve linings, our great leader .................... BOYS’ BROWNIE SUITS These are the moat drcs-y for the small boy, and we have then made in many different styles. OUB~'mDB.â€"Bors' Twwd Brownie Suits, fancy braid trirï¬med collar and vent, extra good linings throughout. for 215 one .......................... . .......... . ............... ‘ BetteronosmsdeofF’mestTwccdsandScrsesin 821:“: an 5“ - e. Navy, some withsilk Lapcls, these rangenptocach,.. .. -. * - The Pctcr‘o BOYS’ Z-i’lECE SUITS , of the 0:1th in c and Tweeds; these are well lined and 5'")!!le ..t sa'd t madeforschoolandgcnezaiwear, special. ... .. 2‘25 i l he YOUTII’S 3-PlECE SUITS Fine Tweed, assorted co‘or Italian L‘n‘n , good .L'rfzf'ml suviceSninforeach........s.’ ........... 1‘83â€... . “5 SPECIAL"... . . . Fine Check Dark Pattern Tweed Suits, Italian 3 . , French fr lug-u do able-breasted vest and many or s .5 these we are 5 crificiug at each... . . They are quite equal in t in or made. . alterations a store almo the more on 1 opposite side re are displ *"v m and Us cry bright ad , , .' popular an 7‘ l dancing dgj adds I “1‘0 they are due utiful cï¬ccts ' I‘Sday cvcniq _ dll' brought .‘1 with coiol at the d iqu ...â€"nuâ€"I' 0n .Satlrrda] . I I sent agric Curta1n Stretch (31's ‘ points in c who saw â€"6 ft. wide. 12 ft. long, stretch any size Cur?» all a quarter adjustable slides, steel pins, the most Simt. .121 I.“ compact stretcher made, all complete, oni; .. .11 . . Ch attracted .... J. surcumz H M... Lawsâ€. mm Chi k the lad in .._‘_,_:__..â€"-___-5 J. Sutcliï¬e . Stags†‘ CASH LINDSAY dead, but havei.still‘that:,sensc .101' - A ‘ .athé eternal veriï¬es andtklffï¬alvmf .. ‘ Tihat tren-ï¬end? $9,..merc; (Issuance. men. : -