THE NOBBY TAILOR. LITTLE BRITAIN. - - Town and Sturgeon Point Property ‘ for Sale. Solid brick residence. in north part of east ward, 2} storeys, 10 rooms and bath room, plate glass win- dows, hot water and hot air heat.- ing, two acres ground, large out- building‘sâ€"abuamtiful home. Cost over $5000, will be sold at a sac- riï¬ce for quick sale. Summer Cottages at Sturgeon Pointâ€"Large ' furnished ei-g'nt-roomed house with detach-ed kitchen, on lake front between upper and lower wharves. This house is situated on three lots, the front or lake lot, hav- ing 150 feet frontage. ‘ Also smaller cottage, 1‘} storeys 5 rooms with detached kitchen, large verandah, etc, furnished. Ten building lots on ï¬rst, second, third and fourth streets,-beautifully wooded and centrally located. Price $100 each. Also block of ï¬ve acres 3,1,...1 One of the best farms in the County of Victoria, containing 114 acres without stump or stone, well fenc- ed and drained; 8 acres valuable timber, 6 acres of pasture. Eight miles from Lindsay, four from Omemee, one from Reaboro, log house well ï¬nished on inside, stone foundation and cement cellar, sum- mer kitchen 20 x 30. Barn 45 x 52, stone foundation, cement cel- lar; horse and cattle stables; sheep house 20 x 30 ; combined pig and hen house with cement floor. Price very reasonable. 200 acres 8 miles northeast of Lind- say ; good dwelling, ï¬ne barnsâ€" one with staiblin’g for 65 head of cattle. Will sell 100, 150 or 200 l have 4,000 Rolls Wall Paper in latest designs, bought cheap, which will be sold at a sacriï¬ce. Call at my residence Peel-st west and see this paper before placing yonr order. All orders for Paint- ing, Paper flanging and Decorat- i232 r mmpt attention. GEO. McFADDEN 5!va V“'--- on Irene streég; 'Wcll timbered ; ideal spot for hotel. Apply at, this ofï¬ce. On Lindsay-st. between Russell and Glenelg, solid brick, 8 rooms, ce- ment cellar. On Peel-st. westâ€"Solid brick, two storeys, 9 rooms, bath, summer kitchen. On Fair-aveâ€"solid brick, two stor- eys, stable, etc., a, very desirable property. Comer William and Russell-sts., two solid brick houses with bathroom and all conveniences. _ Also a number of houses in other parts of town. Apply to S. M. PORTER, Watchman-Warden G. B. HOPKINS. Baa-risk», Soliciv- or for the Ontario Bank. Mom-y to‘ Lem at. Lowest Raw. om No. C Kilian-at. south Farm and Town Property FOR SALE LUVE’S YOUNG DREAM n Albeit-at. southâ€"Very dairab‘le: residence; good gocation; price our brillimt 9nd perfect pure water diamonds, scintillating with the are that only such ï¬ne- ly cut and precious stone as we dot! in com give. We have hand. some engagemcnt rings and ï¬ne Jewelry of all kinds, in all the latest designs and combinations. See our new stock of Wedding Rings. hamlet-Is. At/thQ popular kwdry More. Repairing neatly and promptlyzdone W531 PAPEE‘ Are now in order. We make the best and always carry a full lire of import¢d and Canadian Tweeds and Trous- eiings to select from Fit and ï¬nish always guaranteed. PAGE ’. J. RICH TOWN PROPERTY F‘LEETWOOD We are pleased to see the Brown family out again, after having the la grippe. Mr. Edward Shea. is now m. We hope to see him around again soon. Thu sorvice at the brick church last Sunday was conducted by the RM. Robeson. who has returned trom cullogu. Ho preached a wry 1n- On Sunday, the 5th of April, the son of James Jones of Cavan died. He has been under medical care for the last six months; a tumor Was the music of his illness. Everything possible was done for him. Several doctors were called, but none could give him any relief. He was a blight young man of 26 years and a member of the Orange Lodge No. 646 of Lebanon. The funeral took place on Tuesday, 7th inst., under the auspices of the Orange Order. A large number were present, not only members of the lodge, but from other lodges. The Orangemen met at their lodge-room, then marched to the house to take a last look at their brother and friend. There were about 100 carriages in the fune-q ral procession, showing how well he was thought of by his many friends and comrades. .V «whom. no prvuh‘um atrucuvo aormon. Arthur Graham has I fmxco again. He has for J. Brown's fame. (I make a. good job 91‘ it. HARTLEY A pleasant and sociable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McArthur, 8th con. line, Eldon, when about seventy friends and neighbors gathered to witness a presentation to Mr. and Mrs. John McArthurs on the eve of their departure to Milestone, N.W.T. An address suitable to the occasion was read by Mr. J. McKinnon and Mr. Norman Gilchrist presented Mr. and ~ Mrs. McArthur with a purse containing 2560. Mr. McArthur, though taken by surprise, replied at some length. He thanked his friends for their gift, and hoped that all present would at some time be able to visit them at their western home. After a pleasant evening had been spent in various amusements the gathering dispersed by singing “Auld Lang Syne,†and expressing best wishes for Mr. and Mrs. McArthur’s success in their new home. Miss Bella McFadyen who has been at home for some time nursing her mother left last Thursday for Chicâ€" ago to resume\ her duties as nurse. Miss McFadyen, who graduated only _ Miss Lulu Adai- entertained about. 40 gue #3 on Friday avertingxfjn hon- Mr. Harry Robertson is making some changes in his place. He is taking down the old blacksmith shop and replacing it was a. new one of more modern style. The old shop was formerly a. church. Mr. Andy McIntyre of Fenelon Falls spent Easter Sunday at. his be me in Norland WOODVILLE Quite a number of our citizens took advantage of Easter cheap rates and went to the. city and other places. Reeve D. Jackson went to the city. a few years ago stands well up in the front rank of Chicago nurses. This speaks well for our Canadian girl. .- On‘Friday night about 2.30 our citizens were awakened from their peaceful slumbers by the ringing of the ï¬re alarm. On investigation it was found that the inside of T. A; Grant’s hardware store was on ï¬re. By‘the prompt action of our citizens the ï¬re was soon got under control: This was a. very dangerous aï¬air as a ï¬ve-gallon can of benzine was left on the counter where the Q‘e Started. The problem we are trying to solve is how the ï¬res started, as Mr. Grant Was not in his store all day Friday. Miss Minnie Ferguson left -town on Monday to spend a few weeks in the city; Mr. Lang'ford O’Brien while work- on the C. P. R. bridgeworks at Fort William early in February had the misfcr ‘Nme to have his leg broken, and ' “ :en in the hospital until tr; «:27: ago, when he came home. H1 ., “If/Ally improving and purpos- es golng back to his work soon. Among the teachers who are at home for Easter week are Miss Car- rie Armstrong of Deer Lake, Miss Nellie Carl, Gooderham and Miss Kate McIntyre, Duck Lake. Our teacher, Miss Backney, left on Saturday for her home at Epsom, here she will spend Easter week. friends. NORLAND Mrs. A. Martin who has been in the Ross Memorial Hosp vtal for some weeks has returned much improved Mr. Wm. Nichols of Sharon was in town on Monday calling on old in health. She speaks highly of the work of the hospital. . EDENâ€"MARIPOSA LEBANON 11:: 313.9 â€not ‘tha order n fence. and intends to has got atprted _to new residence nearly ready for occae pation, and the public is anxiously awaiting ' the announcement of the housewarming. ., A-1_ “P Enn~ï¬ll, Mr. A. Train of mount, lately placed a. magniï¬cent Doherty organ at Mr. H. LeCraW’s; and Mr. W. F. Adair has also purchased a handsome Dominion organ. flu no» vv w- â€"â€""â€"w Mr. Charlie Woodcock, of Somer- ville, has moved to the village. Mr. G.. Murray of Kinmount has bought and is now occupying the Grifï¬n farm, south of Norland. Mr. Charles Jewell has moved into his new residence in the village. Mr. S. B. Trick has erected a new dry kiln in his lumber yards. and has also placed a large quantity of ma- chinery in his saw mill. The basket social and illustrated lecture, under the auspices of the Willing Workers of St. Andrew’s church on Monday evening was'a de- cided success. Rev. Mr. Sinclair presided and after an excellent sel- ection by the Sonya orchestra, in- troduced Col. Sum Hughes who af- ter a brief explanation of the South African war proceeded to show his views explaining the same. He then ran through a series of views oi England. Ireland. Scotland and Aus- tralia and the Canadian Northwest. Miss Rennie sang several Scottish songs which were heartily applauded. Miss McPhail accompanied her on the organ. Mr. W. Gibson demonstrat- ed his skill as an auctioneer when the baskets were placed under his charge. Prices ranged from 25c to seven dollars. A hearty vote of thanks Was tendered to Del. Hughes. GRASS HILL The farmers are busy at their spring work. Mr. A. McCallum is going to im- prove his place next summer by moving the cottage and‘ putting a wire fence along the road.~ MILLERSMITHâ€"EMILY Sicknï¬s has visited our vicinity again. Mr. J as. Patrick is very low with the grippe. Mr. J. D. McFadyen, our former teacher, paid our vicinity a. flying visit. His many friends were glad to see him back again. A. B. Smith7 is making prepara- tions for a new house. That is a step in the right direction. Have the cage for the bird ready in time. Mr. J as. McQuarrie, our worthy teacher, is spending his Easter holi- days with friends in Argyle and Thorah. Mr. W McArthur sold a two-week- old calf to Mr. W. Holmes of Pales- tine for $30. Who says good stock does not pay ? Wï¬VissrB. Sharp spent the Easter holidays at her home fat Uxbridge. Mrs. A: dameron of Hartley spent Saturday in town in company with her sister. Mr; and Mfs. N. McTaggart spent Saturday in town. Mrs. J. H. Jordan spent‘ Saturday in town. Mr. Neil McMillan sold his two- year-old colt to Mr. J amieson, Glen- arm for 8125. Mr. Henry Fowler is ill. Leslie J. Jacobs of Huntsville, Mr. Alex. Mitchell raised a. ï¬ne large barn Saturday last. The frame work was done by Mr. Neil Grey. This will be quite an im- provement to our line. Whigs R. McNabb of Eden is the guest of Mrs. A. H. Campbell, north ward, Lindsay. Mr. Hugh Elliott is spending Eas- ter holidays under the parental roof. Mr. W. J. Cassidy is visiting old friends. called on friends last week. A very pleasant -time was spent at the school last Wednesday evening. Aqout seven o’clock parents. young people and pupils gathered at the school. Mr. D. Kennedy was ap- pointed to ï¬ll. the chair, which duty he performed excellently. After the chairman’s address a very spicy lit.- tle program was given, which con- sisted of recitations, singing, instru- mental music, also a. ï¬ne address de- livered by Mr. McQuarrie on school work. Connected with this was a lunch, every person taking part in this and doing justice. Last, but by no means least, Was the grm. phone selections. All ended by singâ€" ing God Save the King. Miss Ruth Webster returned from Toronto Monday evening when she and Mrs. Webster have been for sevâ€" eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rayner of Stouï¬ville spent Easter with his brother Mr. John W Mr. John Robeson is again a. vis- itor in this neighborhooq Mr. James Thorndike spent. Easter holidays in the city. OAKWOOD AND VICINI'TY Mr. Samuel Goad spent Easter hol- idays under the parental roof. Mr. Samuel Weldon was home over Sunday. Miss Lottie ;Armitage returned from an Easter visit to the city Monday evening. Miss Mountjoy a. former teacher at Mariposa Station spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity. Miss Nevison of Lindsay was the guest of fr’ienas here Sunday Mr Samuel Weldon was home over Sunday. . Miss Le'ttie Amitage returned from an Easter visit to the city Monday evening. C ' Miss Nevison of Lindsay was the guest. of friends heye Sunday. 'Mr. John Robeson is again a vis- itor in this neighborhood. Mr. James Thorndike spent Easter holidays in the city. Mr. Sam. Coad spent. Easter hol- idays under the parental roof. SONYA " Lewis holidays â€vices in Sabbath. week's V‘Bi did the business of the mun left for Manitoba on ing of last week. The Wednesddy mom in the prairie pro~ period 01‘ his atw vinee is indeï¬nite. The anmml election 0! ofï¬cer. of the Epworth League took place on Tuesday evening of last week. The hunpra were mainly conferred on oi- ncu holders of former yum. The io- dies were largely in the majority so that. the ienmie candidates Were easy winners. Miss 13. Coed was chosen president. of the society for the The scribe has a word to say. It was real mean of “The Man at the Helm" to swipe two or three of our choice locals, collected with so much Care, and pass them off as Lindsay news. We are, however, very for giving, and will overlook the oflence if it is not repeated. but we do hope the Lindsay people enjoyed the lemon pie social. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ellis of Sand Point spent Easter at Fenelon Falls. Messrs. A. McKendry and F. Rob- on Spent Good Friday in Lindsay on business. Messrs. J. Minore and C. Deyman spent Sunday in Lindsay. ‘ I,_‘_ Happenings o! the Pie! Week at the Cut. tract Town Wt‘Ont'aou unva....-“ , period of his stay in the prairie pro- Vince ls indeï¬nite. The annual election at ofï¬cers of the Epworth League took place on Tuesday evenlng of last week. The honprs were mainly conferred on 0!- ac» holders or former yum. The le- dles were largely In the majorlty so that the female candidates were easy winners. Miss 13. Coed was chosen pmsldent or the society for the present your. Mr. J. Gillogly and Mr. G. H. M. Baker of Lindsay spent Thursday at the Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sandford spent Good Friday with Mrs. Robt. Pat- erson of Lindsay. Mr. -A. Fier returned on Monday from a visit to his parents, in Mar- Mr. H. McKendry of Toronto came to the Falls last Thursday and re- turned on Thkrsday. Mrs. Wm. Fountain was from Thursday until Monday the guest of her daughter Mrs. S. Morrison, Lind- say. Messrs. Samuel and Ed. McKendry of Lindsay came out on Saturday to spend Easter Sunday with their par- ents. Ed. returned on Monday, but Sam was unable to tear himself away until Tuesday; Messrs. R. Menzies and H. Nevison in the employment of the Rathbun Lumber 00., came to the Falls on Monday. Miss A. Power returned to her du- ties in the ofï¬ce of the Post Lindsay on Monday, after spending Easter with her parents at the Falls. “Mr. John 'Alexander returned last Thursday from a three weeks' visit to friends in Toronto. Miss Martin who has been spending a. few days with her friends in Ver- ulam, returned to Manchesteri. on Monday. Miss Mabel Sandford returned on Monday from spending Easter in Toronto and we are very pleased to state that she reports her mother to be vory much improved in her health. Mrs. M. Swanton, Miss Cecil Swanton. Mrs. F. McDongnll, Miss Irene McDougall and’ In. (Dr.) Sims spent last Thursday in Lind- Mr. John Austin and his daughter Mrs. R. Graham, of Kinmount. were at the Falls from Thursday until Monday. Miss A. Nie came home last Wed- nesday from the C. I. Lindsay, to spepd Easter with her parents. Mr., Mrs. and Miss Sadler, went up to Lindsw last Thursday for a weeks’ visit to their many friends. Miss Lillian Wilson of the Ontario Ladies’ College, Whitby spent Easter with her parents. Mr. Routley of Fenelon was at the Falls last week overseeing the 1'1.L pairing of one of his houses. Mr. Routley thinks seriously of settling in Echelon Falls. guest of her brother Mr. Wm. Mc- Arthur, from Thursday till Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jordan and their young son and daughter spent Easter with Mr. J ordan's parents at the Falls. Miss E. Mch-thur is spending a few days with friends in the ’country. . Miss Fanny. Brandon was from Thursday until Tuesday the guest of her friend, Miss Eliza Spmtt of Lindsay. iposa. Mrs. M. McCallum and Mrs. F. Gee spent Easter in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. Colmer and their two children, left for their home in Midland†last Wednesdqy after a visit of some months to friends at the Falls. Mrs. Kennedy was the guest of her brother, Mr; and Mrs. McArthur from Saturday until Monday. Mr. W. A. Graham, of Kirkï¬cld, spent Easter with his parents. Mrs. Mam-s of Toronto, was the Mrs. H. HcDougall, Kr. and m Jewell and Min Gladys Jew]. r___ In if, ,,‘, '5 - FENELON FALLS? AND VIC!NITY Friday was an o... .._- my in town. Patterson o : with friend: an and niece Eu: 8 mg, spent EaSter with fri G. Perrin : ‘ manager. w â€33'“ baseball meet- ; A. Thorndike :590 Perrin : treasurer. W n...†w J- McCul‘ to say. It extreniew immur [yes Imuble yui £523 33mm BB0§2 5 The scribe spent Monday in Lind- Esay and enjoyed the pleasure of a ivisit to the Ross Memorial Hospital and he cannot refrain from a few .remarks on that very handsome and upâ€"toâ€"date institution. The situa- §tion is perfect and the outside strucâ€" ture of ï¬ne brick and free stone can be seen and admired by any passer- by. The beauty oi the institution iis, however, in the interior. The cor- iridors, wards and ofï¬ces are ï¬nished 'in Tennessee white maple and the ,polish which this wood takes must ibe seen to be appreciated. The din- ,ing room for the nurses is a perfect 'apartment and is ï¬nished 'hrough- out in Flemish oak. The floors of 1the corridors and bath rooms are tyled and the stairs are of white marble. The woodwork throughout the building is ï¬nished in round cor- :ners, so as to glve no receptacles for dust and the tops of the tables and ldoor knobs are of ground glass for ;the same put-pom. The wards are perfect and the sitting rooms for convalescent patients are bright, airy and are pleasantly situated. All the wards are ï¬nished in hard wood floors, beautifully polished and the furnishings of the private wards are very handsome. The bright rugs and rattan furniture of the wards and sitting rooms are a most pleasing feature. The lighting is also on the most improved system. both electric jets and reading lights being provid- i 31mm 3303., Opticans Wm M Mia B. Hughe- and her young lia- motumwmotthor‘ouo on Monday and Ipont o few hours at that tothor’o pretty ogmmer cot- tage on Qumran Luke. Mr. and'nra. Goo. Wilson and Mu- tcr Goo. Wilson. in. m Geo. Mur- tin. nu. Atohinoon. Mn. J. L. Arâ€" nold. Mu. W. L. Robson. Mrs. H. McDougIll, M!" E. Robson. Miss L. Mucnivou. and Moan. A. Helm. :eh, James Mocnlvvn. F. A. Mcmouuid, M. W. DnCew. A Model. Neil Rob- son. A Doogun. R. Wise and A Dark- loy spcnglfondgy in Lindsay. lyvuv -vuâ€"w -._ _ _ wy - Miss Nellie Barry returned to the Falls on Honduy from spending a. few days with friends in Lindsay. Mr. A. Gould in home for the Eas- ter vacation from the Ontario School of Pharmacy. Toronto. His health has been so poor {or some time that it is doubtful if he will be able to return to his studies at the end of the week. Miss Eva Brokenshire is spending her Easter vacation with her par- ents in Woodville. The entertainment in the basement of the Methodist church last Thurs- day evening was one of the best of the season. The lemon pies were delicious and the literary evening that followed decidedly above the aver- age. The feature of the latter por- tion of the evening was the recita- tion of Mr. E. M. Horton, which was rendered in ï¬rst-class elocution- ary style. . and the quality and quantity of everything is sumcient to last for a great length of time. The gem of the whole institution, is beyond question, the operating theatre. The ï¬ttings of this apartment alone,cost several thousand dollars and every- thing is of the most highly improvâ€" ed and up-to-date description. Taken as a whole, the hospital is equal. in every respect, save in size to the Royal Victoria on Montreal which is the ï¬nest in the Dominion of Can- ada. The hospital Board hch been singume fortunate in securing the services of Miss A. J. Scott, form; erly of the Royal Victoria, Mon- treal, and Dr. Tempeet's private hos- pital Toronto, as their superintendâ€" ent. Mine Scott is a. lady with whom nursing is on art, and her Wat is as perfect as her nur- siyc. 'lhe institution cannot fail to thrive under her able management. and meny‘eeonveleeee‘nt petient will carry bathe Bone noepitd,_ very m and nth-in; 'ettention; ‘ A meeting of the Woman' 3 Insti- tuteof East Victoria will be held in the Qrange Hall, on Friday (1oâ€"mor- row) afternoon. It will be an at- tractive meeting and,'a good attend- ance is looked for. A directors'. meeting will be held at the close of the other meeting to discuss the ad- visability of holding a regular monthly meeting of the Institute. Little Master Grenvill Aldous was out last Sunday on the pretty cream pony which his father has recently purchased for his young son. An- other very young gentleman was out on Mr. H. Brooks' pony and De two youthful eqnestrians made an ex- ceedingly pretty picture. Master Grenville seems likely to make a very good rider. Like father, like son. ed. The washing machinefvéringer, mangle and iron are all run by el- ectricity, furnished, by a small dy- mama, and every department in the building is as perfect in its own way, -- â€"--v â€"â€" nun v“ u ““3, as the ofï¬ces and private wards. The bed linen, silver, cutlery, china and every article used in the institution, are marked with the Ross monogram lf-yon are abusing them, sto it. If any reasonable use of the; causes inconvenience and distress consult us. ’ Examination and Advice free w. L. Robson. Mraf 11. um E. Robson. Miss L. '1‘â€~ wA-rcmx- wmmz, 'APRII Vv- w To Manitom and Canadian -. mt will leave Toronto every'l T'UES DAY during March and April 1903' ‘if Mtg businegg oï¬ers , .JM‘ml tn“ “settlers Guide." d‘," or “British S SW travelling thnt tack should take the train Toronto at 1.45 p.m. _..'O Colonist Sleeper to each train. Stock sHould take Toronto at 9 13.111. Windsor Salt and Portland Cement always on hand SETTLER’S ONE-WAY Ext cunsmns All oxders Promptly atlendedto Lumber, Shingles, Boursanl Sash, and all kinds of Building Materialï¬ Railroad Ties MCLENNAN C0 MC Lennan CO. The Rathbun Co. Builder’s Hardware blacksmith’s Supplies Spades Shovels Washing Machines Chums Tinware Graniteware Glazed Sewer Pipe Portland Cement , Fire bricks whombttice 77, M.“ 78. Manufacturers and Dealers ‘0 “. NOTH‘N. A,U.r.n- But, Toron 1'. c. flATCHETT Agent C.P.R. a. l M. Baker, Age“ Lowest Prices'at ST Canadian will ieaVW‘ 0$._ Gï¬RRO PM! 3 ï¬aï¬via stock. You m oi an enjoyable ‘ m purchase your sun he best branqs manu The Season of I has come aroum more when our 63 gm will take its route. Your f urt foliage solicited. ‘ Karmic Binder “Em handling th W this coming $0215! “I"!!! entire satisf "e feel free to ma . . mors. Orders 'Itore or on th , “unwed. “OR lt HM market price m. “9 WOO! “"M Sivan ’ em I , in oxelu General Merck Successorstofloxl the Post Office Wool Wa u‘ ‘1‘" sand Bu; Wanted )Vl