; CASH. . ,9 ONE PRICE. Lindsay. 'Thv pawn-t medicine man are rais- ing strung objection to Mr. Pratt's bill to roguiatt- the manufut'mx‘c and sale of pmprietary medicines. The bill provides that the formula shall appear on aver; bottlv. or box. nri package. This. it is ain't-mi iy the] :nanufacmrcrs. will in some vusr-s runauml, In confiscation. as tho form-l uia is‘ their chi-4‘ asset. Hozvuvor. swam: Companins have for years been priming: on bottles and x-avkages the formula ‘nf contents, and if it is prawn-Hy protcctvd by patnnt. tho I'd-am of the manufacturvr would Sum; unfounded. For the patient. he {iii-s to know what is‘being admin- iszcmd to him. as sometimes the $25 per horse pmu-r. actor-(1mg to dislancu Thi-so ï¬gures would indi- cazu that the cost at. Lindsay or uny puint in this locality Would he umro- than twice the amount 'now askml {m- lucal puwcr and prove that: th- advice given in the Board of â€fr-alk- 'xm-x-ting is wise,» and that Lindsay should take advantage 011 “bar offers at our n-ry doors. in-{ stead of “ailing for Niagara nmrnr l umuon. lil‘umlorll. Stratfm-d. Woodâ€"f Changes in the G.T.R. tracks at just ' the western end of the town are evia dently contemplated soon. The com- _ Ipany has options on several proper- pcrt limlmgs of Ross Holgate, of,Y ties. rumors say‘ those of Spratt 61 Montreal. and Ihl- commission advises: Kil-lcn. Hopkins. O'Ilalloran, Fox, that, in the event of other municipalâ€" ! and others, for the purpose of obtain- $5393 not uishhxg to join with the ; ing right of way and yard room, and Steven n-unwd uhon that they proceed ' the route from Lindsay to Cambray at um‘v to establish a 60.000 horse will be much shortened. The old pmwr' plant. [The consunwr's prices ‘ Victoria road now has its disadVan- would rungp from $16 to $24 pergtages. The grades going north arc‘ horse power according to distance offso steep that it is almost ink-possible transmission and there would beito make them with a heavy trainr surplus pom-r which could be sold and under the agreement with the to local switchboard; at 11 other town the company is not permitted towns in [‘h(‘ vicinity at from $9 tolto grade that road enough to make it)". )th' huntâ€. .u . -4“- "Jon-k. Ingersoll and Guelph. is To) hand. It is based upon the ex- 1m: ll)l(‘l'('SI‘S of this communityl' shank! claim the first consideratioth The report 01“ the commission oi inquin- into the question‘ 01' municiâ€" pal â€(’Vt'inpmt‘nl of Niagara powe: for thg- municipalities of Toronto, {Armiom iirantfurd. Stratford. Wood- stock. Inga-mull and Guelph. is just to hand. It is ham-(i upon the ex- pert. finding-1s 01' RUSS Hoigate. of“ Marlin-a]. and thv commission advises! that in the (-u-nt of othnr municipal-i; izuas not. \xishi/n" to join with t'he' SAP!) iralnl‘d ahow that they m‘ocecdit uacmc currents. A company is now or tree‘ branches. mung? thingé operating in this province, control- are likely to occur, find there is ling patents permitting the use of 32:11 of dalwlgceuiremsattanodting 1);: . ., V. . . . _. . . I ekctnc light “nos tor tt Paphone con. voltage. The writer remembers 9. action: this opens up a world of case‘in the city of Sherbrooke, Que,, mssibiliVit-s for thqwatc-r powers of where.dU_ring 9 heavy rain-«storm, a the counirv that has been little branch‘ot a “1110“,.th tannin cop- _ ‘ ‘ . _. l tact With an electric ï¬ght Circuit. 15034;?†01. So it is belt-er to u. The current follbwed the tree' and informed of all movements, that theI entering the waters of am: St. Iran-I town may reap the beneï¬t of any cis by its roots crossed ,that wide mmcrlvtl artion, or adopt ideasï¬ueam and found “.10 “res again , ‘ . , _ {thrve-quartcrs of a mile from where “Inch (an be m adxantagt- m “m“it left them, shortening the' circuit Serving its own natural rcsnurcos. nearly two miles. 'The part of the Th» inton-sts of this communityff'ity being allectefl b." the gut-oil was should claim the ï¬rst consi<lo~ration.fl" darkness, "1“?" the‘ "Sh“ on , , . ,the uther part 01 the Circuit were ‘1 I170 x‘opox-t (m the caiqmlssxon to {burning lbrightly. ‘ â€in 2., lml1|:v-.. ;n91\ o In†The action against ths‘rï¬ o! The Board 0! Trade is wise in Peta-borough for WW the tailing representatives to the deput- killing of Mr Robt Gihbf horses in 38501: to vait on the piemier and the strect. ‘by a roving electï¬Ã©t cur- rent, will doubtless warn g]! coun- guvemment OI Ontarioon AP n1 11' cils to insert a clause in franchise ï¬e'marvt-Ilous developments and by-laws making the company to v‘emoveries of these times are not which a franchise for electric stran an accomplished yet, and then- is no mission is 8’le responsible 1'01- dam- 'E n- ,lage's done by neglect to-take pre- "g “hat is to come in the wa‘ cautions against currents being de- a“ (qr-3p powm or in the utilitv of tractcd by wet poles bracing wines electric tuxrents. -\ companv is now 01 tree branches. Strange things operating in this proxince, control- are likely 10 00'5“": and there is _ 7 . . n - danger at ten-din - the bag 1 ants -r1mttma the use of much . g . ~ pa ' pt ° use 0! currents , of hxgh eiertrlc light wn-es zor telephone com voltage The “riter remmxlbers a net-lion: this opens up a world of case 111 the city of Sherbrooke, Que†powers or w hole during a. Int-av} rain storm. :1 ppxijbiiiTiL-s for tho'wau-r Weaken Thursdayloming Gnmteed circulation 4,300 Weekly PAGE EIGHT I m1“. advantage of The details of these changes are our very doors. in-,not yet given to the public, but 2 for Niagara power, many citizens are hoping] that the Victoria road as it now passes through the heart of the town may be abandoned. and thus the danger of ('IiOn t0 311‘. i'l‘a’ti's the Kent street crossing avoided. the mamnfacture and Now it is down grade towards Kent arv medicines. The street from both: directions, and. ‘ , trains must cross the street at. 8" tho "’rmâ€!a shall ' good speed in order to climb the? or» m I posite..gra'(le. The flagman can do I is invrrvd '3' Ult‘lsoxnc good to avoid accidents by will in sum-,- qu‘vS' warning people on the street. but wait ion. as tho form- should occasion occur where the train m‘ asset. Ho‘A'L-W‘I‘. Inllst he stopped. the flagman would have for years been swing his signal in Vain. ies and parka-2‘05 the The removal of the present tracks ntents, and if it is would also make the property adja- ted by patent. the cent much more valuable. manufacturer Would it is conjectured also that changes For the patient. he in the road may make it expedient to hat is being admin- institute changes in the position and as sometimes the character of the company's buildings. 1 icdicine men are unis-I bnitlv, or box, :-Wa.~rder The laying of the double track on the Midland division which is com templatcd occasions the shortening of the road and the reduction of grades. and by altering the line tho two heavy inclines north of Kentâ€"st can be avoided. it desirable for heavy freight trafï¬c p.“ “ingradicï¬ts†are in ï¬bï¬fibï¬ "Of his conscientious samples; and some hate been poisoned by not being1 wise as to the character of the mede icine. Grand Trunk Changes :55 law would be brOUgbi up, informed theqx that the by-‘la'w is not yet out n of committee. Three by-laws passed the second and third reading. viz : (1) to license“ be dealers who sell cigareittgs; (2) to ' nnn..€..‘ - w-‘1 The mayor Seeing a number of 'cit- iaens present whomhe thought were anticipating that fh‘e butchers’ byâ€" law would be hrmmm “n 4-.....“- Mr. D. C. Trew sent in- his tign as truant ofï¬cer 7.- v. u--.uu“.y 'is asked to endorse a petition and appoint delegates to wait on the premier to solicit help. This is the continuation of the Victoria Road. The communication was sent to the ï¬nance committee. John A. Robertson. secretary of the Canada Fire Underwriters Associa- tion sent to the council the printed ‘report of that body, and asked that the town carry into effect the sugges-I tions made therein. This was refer.- red to the town property committee. The bills for the smallpox scare ex- penses were preth totalling $151.- 40. Reports of committeeslwere presentâ€" ed, the subject'matter of which has been already gone over in these W. ii. Lockhart Gordon. manager of tlw llnllburton. Whitnoy untlllat- tuwa railway communicutwl lht- fact that tho run-(l is located as fur as Whitney. and Work now in program correcting faults in tho linn nvnr Hal- iburton will bu completed in a week's ‘ time. Sumo years ago Lindsay gave a bowls of $75,000 to this railway on condition that the road so through to Mattuwa. It will run to Eagle Lake and Whitney, but the company is not able to. complete it without aid from the Ontario govern- ment. Therefore the town of LindSay ,,I_,,‘ u. nuunul" 'u. law as to how it may 1m produced. The action is not. to cost. us :1 cont. if We choose nut to smul n dulogntion. 'l‘ho umyor also oxpluhml that tho lvttm‘ was. aunt to himsu-lr with n ro- qmmt that he plucn um math-r before the lhmrd of Trade. After some dia- cussiun. thu communication was m-nt to the "lumen cmmnlttoo. 7‘,,,-.. .- ...... \u- “‘1' gaâ€" ‘kcn. He nndorstoml that 'enp‘ineors had estimated that the volume nf power could he madv sufï¬cient for all towns as fur east as I’m-tarborn. This convmtiun is to approach the prcmim- and government for the pur- pose of obtaining pom-r at a certain low mm per horse pmvor. Then if we want the power. it is there. but thorois n nvcosnity of making a luw‘ Lw, - ...-. .â€" May-m \‘rooman. ho“o\'.(-r udxisrd against this. beliming that nnre in- ioz'mation should be obtained and the \imxs of the Board of Trade hand at Wednesday nights meeting helurc déï¬nitc action should be ta- kun. He nndorstmxi that engineers \ldmmcn Reg}: and RI-a “mo of the opum'on that the towu should not spmul am monex own it and Mr. Bogg movmi that the communication bc_ reCciVed and ï¬led in favm' of cheap power." mid ho. "but if this is an attempt to 1151' the influence of our towns for tho hum.L lit, 0f towns land citins to the west. it would be bmtr-r for us to lvt them. ulone’and devote our mmrgils to the development of rosnm'cos nearer home. But if the puwt-r could really he sufï¬cient for all to ho supplit-(l, and it would not bv uti-lim-(l almost, vxclusiV‘cly' for Hamilton and 'l‘m‘on- to. it is Well to connidvr tho proposâ€" ition." "It looks like another case town." is the way Ald. g‘rvotml the communication. A letter from Emerson Coatsworth, mayor of the city of Toronto, was read, asking the town to send repâ€" resentatives to a deputatfom which will wait on the provincial govern- ment on Wednesday. April 11. at 12 o’clock noon. to urge upon the government the ncCessity of estab- lishing a government plant at Nia- gara Falls for the purpose of iurnishv ing cheap power to the cities and. towns of western and central (m: txario. Mayor Coatsworth's invitaâ€" tion extends to the town council the board of trade. trades and labor council. vmanufacturers’ association. ets.. and a meeting of all (leleg‘at who will represent the various m ‘ icipalities conu-ruetl. is called in the l‘orenoon of April 1] in the council chamber at City Hall. to select speakers before going to the Parna- ‘meut Buildings. The petition will say that iuas-n‘luch as there is at present no regulation sufï¬ciently ei-~ fectiVe to‘euable the people to ob- tain power at reasonable rates from the holders of any existing franchise, it is requested that the gorern‘luentz of Ontario establish ar‘plaut to de- velop and distribute power from \‘i- agara Falls. 4 l 4 l l The town clerk annd‘Uncod that the contract. for town printing for the current year is awarded to Mr. Geo. Lytle. The Public Works department of the province signiï¬ed its intention to lmake a granolithic walk in front of the government property on Lindsay street: and a communication from the secretary of the Department of Railways and Canals informed the council that, the dam and locks on the SCUgog‘ river will be put in re-“ pair. The Retail» Merchants Association recommended to that council that there be no change made in the butcher‘s by-law. This was referred to the ï¬nance committee. A letter from the attorney of M1. and Mrs. 75. Pollard. asking for $200 damages on account of injuries re- ceived by Mrs. Pollard being struck by the ORR. train at Carolina street crossing, was laid on the table. A reply was rec‘echd from um post; ofï¬to department, saying that the request of council for illumination of the lane leading to the night mailâ€" in" box at the post oflice. is referred to Lhe dopaxunent of public works and will receive immediate attention. The Toronto Mayor's Matter of Invitation did not. meet with favor â€"McLaughlin and Peel legal advisers pm tem. CIGARETTE BYzLAw PASSED ’ LIYELY SESSION op. COUNCIL resigna- of hog- ()‘Roilly t-h‘ The next day am opportunity .camo his way which is rare. The premier was away and Hon. Wm. Paterson was leading the House. Mr. Fisher wanted an item in the sunnlnmnntnrv .. w... .u. “I“ whole range of bénï¬iiun po-h'tital dos bate-s. It was an education to listen to him. Mr. Foster thvruloro. has the ï¬eld pretty much to hlnmvll‘. lllu chal- lenge to tho Govormnont tho other day when the "ralnmakor" engaged by the Yukon was under (llncusslon. was a remarkable display of sarcasm and wit. It wlll rank as probably the ï¬nest example of irony in the The master critic ofthe (‘unadinn ‘ Parliament is the lion. George Fos- ter. I$o flint- in argument‘escapes him. With‘slenge hammer emphum’s he singles out the weak points of the government's position and dilutes upon them with cruel cutting sur- cnsni. It may to-(iny be doubted it‘ Mr. Fouter as u l'urlinmmtary critic has a peer. Certainly he has few. English newspaper men used to any that Sir Richard (‘nrtwrimht and Dir. Foster were the greatest orntors Canada over prmint‘ed. Perhaps it in that they approach more nearly the true English type than our other or- 'utoru. Beyond Mr. Fielding there is no great speaker in the (Tahim-t. always excluding. or course. the premier himself who ima type in himself and real orators are also scarcv in the Opposition. Mr. Bordon has called attuntlondo the prolonged nml repeated absvncu of ministers from their places. Work has oftm) been rendered difllcult ho- causo of this. (Continued from l’n'gv 5.) Langmuir gave his. In the â€muse at Commons the quostinn came up and Mr. Fitzpatrick said in reply to Mr. Bordon that Mr. Lungmiur had ask- ed to resign from the cmnmissinn. but the govm'mncnt “ould not hear of it. The latter subject ('nllsed consider- able discussion and a bree'ee arose; between Aldermen Beg-1.: anl MePnd-l den that L'aVO .\ld. O'Reilly :1 chance! ‘ to get retribution for the callingI down he recein-d. , The mayor had been asked by thef police cmmnisnion to ha\‘e something"I done with the public morals bylaw." It has been amended so many times. that it is out of IOHl‘l‘. with the sta-j ‘tutes. andnnotice of motion was giv- l‘ on that at the next meeting of eonn-l‘ cil the public m'ornls ivy-law will be repealed and a new one enacted ,in] conformity with the statutes. The meeting adjourned at 10.3â€. an extra half hour havingr been voted so as to get the work through. i 1 t < t 4 < By motion 61' Messrs. Bog: and Rea. it was docim-d that hereafter dcputations wiH not he recoivul or heard at committoo mootinga Thoy will haw: tormno beforv the council. The mayor was authorized to cun- i‘cr with Mr. Tom. Stewart in r0- gard to putting a watchman to guard the railway crossing at One-or.- st. . ~The mayor was also authorizul tn engage Messrs. McLaughlin Pooh as soiir-itm-s pru tom. The penalty for trespassing on the park lawns was ï¬xed at $5 and Costs or ï¬ve days in jail. The second reading of lhv polite commission b_\'-la\\' mun-d m a prov- ious mot-ting by Alderman (YReflly was So! for four months homo Thv thru- formor by-luws werv thrn road a third time and pasnfl. Mr. I“. D. Moore" name was on- taxed in the Library bx -la\\ to suc- ceed himse." However. gnod nature prc-vailed and the business was rosumod with be!- tcr zest after the little wiaxation. The seVural clunSos of the cigarM-fo byâ€"lau' Were r'discussod and a few changes made. The minimum 53%) was limitod to mm packago of tun cigurotn-s. undï¬hv penalty for breach of the by-law {in-1i at nut mnn- than $50 and costs or jail fur 21 days. The b_\'-la\\' is to take 0011:! and conn- into force on tho lst 0f Auguxt.‘ 1906. “The boys ynu pron-ml m protect would be ashamed of the language used in the Lim'say council." moms g‘aVc .Udn-rma portnnity to remark Doings in Ottawa -nnan Bogg an op- 0n Tuosdny night. the. 27th. the nmmbcrn of the Lindsay Rota†Mer- chants‘ Association. mot In tho (‘otmcll (‘humbor and-hold a wry ott- lhuulnullc meeting. a hood nmnlwr being prommt. Mr. Emile. urganmu' for Enutvrn (Mturlo. {wing "rt-Hem. Mr. John l-‘luury In the chair. .\t‘t.vr the Secretary and Treasurvr's roport had boon rvcolvod. .the 'l‘n-mmrvr'l hooku showing a balance of 819.40. The election or ofllcoru thou took place. President. A..B. McIntyre: lit Wee-Provident. J. Floury ; 2nd. Vice-President. W. E. uglier: Tum- umr. 'I‘. A. Fisher: Secretary. Jon. Staples. After which the chairman called upon Mr. McIntyre, tlw now ‘ II_A<,.| J Retail Memhant's Association , ---»‘-ll#‘l "a nu! “H's- †out. business tax becoming laW. 3 which was considered bv the mtail I trade, as just and equitable. They _ were now. boidro legislation, for a I Bill making it much easier to sue ; for debts. and also 111:; abolition of 1 the weights and measures fees. Tht‘y wanted more up-to-dnte legislation. I Many of our laws being antiquated.j In summing up, Mr. Eadie said the object of the Retail Merchants! As- sociation was not. to increase the but that merchants IIV" \IIIIVT classes In the community were con- stantly seeking lociuhtlon to Im- ‘provu their condition. and the Re- tail Merchanta’ Auociation wow uuw doing the name {or the retail trade. They had been the means of stamping out the (ending ntnnm. premiums and coupons. and they only wanted {air munpetizion. They had also been th moans u! the prelim ant Dunning-an --- ~ Inuu‘CL mmnmlwn. .nd pro- ho puhllc. And it tho pcnplo their towns to prosper. they ntronlm their own merchants. they would purchuo Jun. an if they wanted thr quality. has! meantime a hill bolero mat («mung with thv podlur. and transmit trader“; and} Bill the merchant- woro all] the hwa being antiquated. up, Mr. Eadie said the Retail Merchants! As- a not to increase the undmg and pull‘i _ lad never done be-’ Do You want. to to the opening of 8110er Bull: 0 at?" in Toronto. now gluing : [a nunâ€"- n‘l.: i were taking. 18- the Gov- J’Oar having Wing- purer Possible for Nurseries I have for lsale homegrown Apple T1 also Par. Chet-rs, ‘ ranging from 40c choioe lot, of mph b“Fry Plants. Order the rush. ISAAC m: FOR‘SALEpLocust Hill SO‘VC, in Diff hn-r-e Rs GIRL WANTEDâ€"By April 11th general housework. Small fax (EA-J SIOP! [00K 1 “SUN ! McNmLLlEâ€"M I‘m-t, "um. (m H: duy. March 30w. J. n. Mum-1H... and 85 yearn. father or Mr. .I. I: McNoIlMo. County Clerk mud 'l‘wan sows, in from imp both sex. Iâ€"IIV‘O BANKSâ€"LNTLE-Dy the RM. Mr Neil. on Wodnoaduy. March 28th Edith. youngvm. daugmc‘r n!‘ m luv Jamar Link. 0! leluny. 1‘ Wm. lhnkn. ’I‘urnnto. HUGHES ‘3" ANTEDâ€"Man to . Apply to THOMAS "PM. town. Fruit Trees for sale, munchâ€"Locust, Hill Yorkshirc - in Pig; boars ï¬t for servim imported stock ' also suckers, sex. For particulars write, THURS'I‘ON, Bobca ygoo n . “g xor sale 23 x “"1 Apple Trees at p .. Cherry and P: ISAAC Ingram, Victoria F°°d 1-2 and 18 months’ â€"A‘L , .- W 23 Varieties of Dple Trees at 25¢ each. may and Plum Trees. 4‘00 to 50¢ each ; a Why and Straw- or Jamaal“? ? f Apply to MRS anrenca-at. work in gardnn i REALLâ€"M»; ,th, {01‘ family. (o, (.1. (O «0/ (.2 ’0 L331! Wss~s' â€â€˜-s§§s' THE WATC} MNNING’ Horses. 1’ R o b e s . Carts The undvl'ï¬ig' t‘ons {,0 51‘“ FANNIN Saturd pTOXW from discount 3! snowmlkw W.A.FAX3 Fall Wheat. Spring tha‘ Buckwheat, Goose Wheat Oats. bus . . Barley ........ Rye, bus Pets, small. Buckeye DO. [.i\0' ling“. Exte I Irossc Pom Ion! . lillllâ€˜ï¬ (roam ' 'nt! la Calvms Phys Bank Our Bodie ing, and lingers for nature is work and up unless has a sp¢ and air puss seated («mg (.11 SEE“ strength .1 than 0th always f1“? Pricl DRUGGIS1 Nearly q 3 lil arke‘ A. Hi1 TERMSâ€"5‘ Willia. that. aumu )ved joint at ONE The sub than Gec put-ant}; I Opposite l h‘ )Y 111 ll'BC Mar Mar M :1 Ma M M :1 WI} M u n-h ‘ M arch March‘ Marrh March )l Ma rch March Marx h Man I 1,11)!“ 11( The Bl Bl 1m I?) xgn 5001 M