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Watchman Warder (1899), 19 Apr 1906, p. 1

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for Advent-on. Conn Lindon: and surrounding Volume X LI X that nation. Alter-hater 1111111111111- of Commons will to “Rod to pro: 11111111110 on thin rel-aloud! luiurv motion mmaniag- tho Imufflt‘lfll‘lt‘h u! this «KIWI ,V contract. '1‘ hr ultuatlon 1'11 111.1%”- llberal main- bur ol‘ the commit on agriculture. tawny-four In oil. supportud Mr. Smart in limping bark tho nalnus. It is not numrieingthai more should Piano’s Organ- m“ J unt received from tho topiary A spacial insisting of the municipal council of the corporation of Landon hinhy and Landlord lownuhips. mot in the township hall. Hood lake. on April 7. by the call u! the naive ; all members being present. The BEING BROUGHT T0 I'll! Tryingluthohdhwdmofhttobfluthoflmuu anMuâ€"Senrdomoolim 1! parties interested in the advance» ment of musical instruments will call we will be pleased to show the many $10. 000 a month Yet the GOVCW' spectiorl. Yet it was this inspection Q .1 u 6 good points of the Dominion over h, (. . . _ *- OUWI'S- . 011M". April 11.19m.zmentlon of meeting: and intrrvlmwi 11i1111gmlii‘"Elfin::u.‘,: ‘flt‘azxxitxx‘xl‘l following- business was transa‘Ctod 2 : Inniu and PM“. On Walntm aflernuou last the with Mr. Donation. 'Tho latter did and of members who mar ho 11111-111 “M’oVodJ by “3:1 ‘Armstrong, *mmd' ”T: ‘p : Housv ol’ Commons adjourned for 'not then hold MW position which partners I" "“3 I"‘I“""""II)I3 trann- (\ia1)tTI1ai\u:‘1eircfiiTufrfiidunihgi Till: T. . II ‘ , ‘ " c ‘ Ov W also do Piano and Organ re- the hkistcel'holldavs. So that the )ru- made it "Mary to (100 him. but uctlon. Mr. Monk, has shown great ,~ .. - , 9 _ . . | one o! the ti r to to th- . . ' ,. . . municipality, shall recclu 111 dddltlull : pairing and polishing by expert work- cecdmgs of the week occupied only; that par on w ,0 .. ”m H. “him-V and mewml“ 1n WWW)?" to his salarx‘ the sum of S! as long 0; r - 0 men (33585 made 1001‘ 88 800d as three (“9'51 among ourscltoii. leg‘lu" ”I"; cnqmry in Committee and h" m as he l‘urninhes satisfactorv’ guaran- ASIER IS the Season “vhen ever one must 0 new. But III? sittin 0‘ the "(“130 and I was ‘0 be appointed chief . \lIkOll HUI Ilkl‘I_\’ to drop Il “‘llIlOllt (‘illll’ , . , . ‘ vb.) ‘9 0 h t 89‘ th C lcommissioncr. The concessumaircs polling all members 11 plac th m “T bnndh 10 1h" amount of TT'UOO' " ‘ ‘ . t (3 nice iugs' o e ommittees . . 1 :- 1‘ ' as iii-curl“ for the funds handled bv G: “931' something new: you must be one Of . 8 Latest Music at __Ei-ty PI‘IOOI were not without interest to {holiil‘f‘ifniiai‘i the advantage 0! adwancc ”01"“; 011 record for 0" against ”‘0 him bclonéing to the inunicipalituâ€"T t: the well-dressed many who Wlll don new 0 House and the country. The $11333 Show how the Cox policy of poncealmont. Carried. . ' . . 0A record was disclosed n 'l‘ - ’ ' . . .. ' ,.. < :7 rallnent. that day. In order to procure such 0 ([NIRAI. Milâ€"TIC Slokt (lgv damaging the reputatidii of ‘3"; eminent officer at Dawson had re- THE ItESlll/I‘ (H. A H ARE. alfénmrzigéuigfmort11111::qu Armstrong ' . . ., 1 . _ _ . 1.'-- '- .‘.~. w t necessities as are requisite for you, we have I: ax‘tment of the Laurior adminisâ€" Ezra: éhm' "‘i’ “0“de ”0*" “W“ .1“ u“ ”um” “c"”"""‘, ‘°“‘""”,°" lead the iii-:1, Second amdoihiril 1111:: ‘ ‘3 . d: . 8 W. H. ROENIGK. tration, and illustrating a class of at hvuonclesa on, an .no start "lad“ 0." Tuesday, a ”3th”. Ting-"Ia" m'land passed. as gone to a great deal of trouble an have been 0 Banana-tar Sylvester Band. transactions in. which! ministerial vmm ‘uffsgg'ge 0:1:2'1383'1‘ I :“u' ‘33:? ocfl’m’d‘ rh" "“m “m” Southemâ€"Da‘ 05â€"11131 the clerk be ,- . . - . -- ‘1 1111" ‘dora ion “'3 . ‘f successful in our selectlons. 9. Illembch-Of Parliament areablc- to m comma 1h 1 1 ~11 l' .h. _ \l . _ a” 3” “‘“W” "I ,3 instructed in notify Mr. Joseph 2: 0 make gam out of their P05111011 and r M b‘ a “T ran '5 gun“ I" ‘ ontruil dutlcr named (oughlm. Wakelin caretaker of the ()ddfillow's _ ' . . . ., -, 0 .V “'0“ ' Put in. an 15.0111; 3 for table ware and other goods ur~ . ' ' . T. g - . 1 , _ : WWW Engmfie at the TXmeT 0‘ public year expended in operating thi-Ii-hascd for the Govcmmeni Slt‘flh‘lgl‘s hall. (Amoconk, that this counml "VT - at Conflh s a) 41' Son Will find the latest and daintlest new 0 , « 1n ere. s. plum He had Men paid 83 47,) and u“; fllscsl t1) villel‘talll the late bill dc- ., i _ , , , . ' . ¢ . a , , , .. .. .. ‘ . _ ‘ -.- " ' '1 'lmaming‘ rent for the ()dif ll ll ‘2 Sprint! “1839 In BCCkVVGar, and Its accessorles, Q :L Have you tned g: HOW IT CAM! .‘BOW. Ml”. 11L ('fitllllt Il) inn-ting ”1.11111 I14 ms “(l0 (IIIIy recorded in ll‘lO pllb- “'I‘IIIO tilt" ['08 )(‘Cth cagéso \::(:t:1la'(i ‘j, 3 O1 ‘ ’5 ‘ , i. :L When the Orders of the Day ","d earth, 8"“ the WWII-fire mu- lished accounts. As the priceslm. ”1m .11 L.‘ "e . '1. :1 T h T "3 g :3 Collars, thCkS, Banljs, Beads, etc. 3 * Mâ€"Jlâ€"Ipny’s Bdkifl Pawnef‘gg \VCI‘C‘ called, Mr. Foster rose ‘n his EIDULKI . In Sp”: , ”fl II‘USU rvaI'IH‘, seen-"‘11 t” b9 (’XCQSQIVI‘, lII'. 13051.". I [5].; laâ€"gtpoveif-r "lgifrt‘loth l rOUg out i ' i- - ‘ - 1r. 51““? 0" 1 L‘- ow un-l of moved in the t'Olll’llllllt" 1' th'1 " i ‘ T. ' ' do 1 place and gave the histon of a reâ€" . _ _ . _ _ < ”r 1 S ». _ . .__' - T ‘9 - - I: * <I markable transaction In which the mdtgnant. protests of the mining papers in ”HS Case, and 1b.. dmlm‘uinsta‘dtfiflntoni-TSI 11;th 1““0 011:3 Se 1‘1 efl'eon, % on Also some very handsome white linen em- 9 :1 25¢ per lb. i: Department of the Interior_ a mom- SOPHIEIIUH. llr. '1 hompsull. 111. was asked to appear and rixlllain learvmkm or thOCVZW’h-md 13111011113" ll“. ‘0 7. 3 ., . . . - ‘- Q . . _ ber of Parliament. who was (0",,ch epcrl out member from the \‘u- (in the stand he stated that he had. 1 , I i" 'ancy colored, ‘0 lll‘olilel‘etl belts. Dilclxlcn, bhlrtwalst Setts. 4. I One trtal Wm convmce : Speaker of the House. and a group k0", who spoke in the debate, at the rum“? m. 1h“ deputy "muster;23:11:50533::1)him“; oxcr all utensgls i at 15¢, 20c, <3} ' :3 1 you that if. has no equal. : of speculators in Yukon gold mines had nothmg to say about Bt‘lt'ntlll and the auditor-gonmal refundedxlon 111g 10.;ch g:.n,::ml\0T:gT:::lS”: I? ‘; GlOVCS are a consideration this 583801] as l1 were the chic! actors The case as but declared the Lolliessinn to he thc 313171.87 or about one-third of hi. TICC'SSM‘ in office. and to re ucst "'3; 4 -ll , ‘0 . . , V 0) i can and getafroo-amplo j: calmh presented by Mr Foster and most iniquitous 111‘ all tho outralzoous bill. Those officers reported that ill!!!“ 01- last .\«-ar\- aim-1111510.." anr: 1 , oil 1 tIIP \"(‘I_ . Q fashlon (ICIIIIIHIIS SIIIth Sleeved garments and b : _mwfi'w'â€"â€"f“” {:8 explainm further by ‘Ir BOIII‘ICII'. 0f arrangonlonts ()f that kind in The RIIT’ (:()ughlin ha(l adHTIttod that ho \\‘hi(‘h hp ““1 r‘CL‘TVTI‘ an 1‘. '1' filth) I T I 0" 75¢» 60¢. ‘1 _ “v ‘ 'l' h d t 4. ’ M h P' , , « Simcoc, rests upon the positive history _of the country. . if under was not entitled to the profits b_\ ibalanc- (1... -Ti l‘ :1" (a ’0’“. L g ,, ( 11d 1 a» elbow glox e5, 0 carry a. Sty is an correc 9 ’> 1 urp y puts up 1escr1pt1ons « evidence m. documents filed m the these (.mummanws "on. X. 1111- his comma with ”w (mwmmm‘. 1 Arm 1; u ”i am, a nilttiat -11. Im 1,. , ‘ :1 léa(\‘ . . . . . .. - - 1 1. . . . S ’ 11': 30 anom 0‘ to 011110 “ (1w, 110nm. % ' z llne In kill, silk, lislc-thread, taffeta. and cotton. 8 11 : courts. Therc’ls no mistaking- the court “as ablt {o gnu Iht pritilegt and that aftcl the refund hchad. Manon,” suitable Iciiretakor â€"(‘arriedy I ’2, 1, 1 75 206 .0 (I. t purport of this correspondence, or (Ktcndud the compam could aflord $11” a suflicwnt allowance. Tho“ -\1‘m<trm1mâ€"â€"\lc(‘au-lw\‘ -~"ll thi I ' ~ . do 4. t the negotiations and agreements of I“ ‘9‘" him 8100000 ”I “‘0‘" Th" “I“m‘s himWII maintaincd ”V” hi‘ficouncil 1-185 a resolution 61th ti T I T ‘9 If YOU cannOt have a new COStume for Eas' 4. I) “I” y III. “hich it is evidence. ”“95“071 IS “ht'lhel‘ the CUUMN can had but?" rather scvercly truatcdixli.Stol1hon Rxaii'c «1110:1151? r21g! 1- T 111 in 13:11“ fl . . . I. l1 ’ In 1898 Messrs. Ray and Bronson 3:10", ‘0 haVe 1““ "‘PWWNWHH" in 1*"! ”10 illlt‘l‘(‘81illg 1'0'81111‘1- ol' Ilir’xiork pml'ormwl lx lh‘. ,_ h; ’ 1‘ \‘1.:1;. ‘1” S :5 tel‘ ]uSt touch up the Old With some Ilttle decor- 4. I1 Prescription 13mg” ’ 3: of Ottawa and \Ir “no“. of IlaW- Iarliamcnt il1\‘ul\cd in this wav. ovidoncc was tho stntmnont that in :1905 (111 ”10 I 'th )conclm m I i gear - ~ - _ 1 . . 1 . _ . . . . . - , _ ‘ 1 es‘sion o ax- H 1- awn. .1. a0 anon and \‘oull feel you've done your best. We * ”“1 90°” W - Lindsay; Ton' (Wm-mod a- hbdmu‘lc mmmg NEVER 115“ WFD "mm ”I" "4"”, "If” a I‘ “ ”a” h" I Um for whim he rtcviwd timbois be- ” f _ . l» of Gough‘s concessmn 1n the Yukon. which gave. ' ' ‘ ' ' Im‘" 8‘ ””3““ “'h'th‘w “9 had ”0““ i longing to the old to“ hall \ l d 5%} .36 would adnse you to examine our White Wash Q. 1» them “dug“... privileges mm. a _ MF.LB0I;‘0urtd fishnet-12ml that hc called by inlephum am... Mr. post” at sIG--â€"(nrlii.d n a no ‘0 W . -. 7‘ . . . - (r g §*-¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢‘¢.¢.‘¢ 4*“ large and much coveted area. ,Thcy IS no an 111110 11 18.5 are m the had given not ice of cnxiuim into ll'lt Davcvâ€"S uthx _ . . O1 (100(k) ”1 \ listings and smtmas' held their franchise for four ycars transaction. H" ”a". ”1‘: 8am" transaction. 1h“ bl” had ”W" panl ' issue h1s “girl 'Tiiinia'itilitoi I311: xlToTlie :2 g: .without fulfilling the conditions. ‘TlltngtIT: irears am; whon1 nil-{1111.- about a your before and 1h" (1"!)3’1'?Mcllae tren<111or or q .Q '\"o 211 %> . , 1 '1 . Finding their concession about to “. '9‘ 0 was I c pan 50'“ ”r 1110111 ‘V‘mm "‘“W‘ have 85”“ I0" “’3 .~ ' T . 1 T' T ' ' ‘3 EteQOIlc In charmed “1th them, those who b1 c-lled 5 th- 1 w re uired U, a “rm. which had a canal mm thou ht of n refu 1d h d 01 WNW. lor $1 «38 (lllt him irom col- a; t can t 8 t a ‘l - . . g 1 a n 8" loctor's rolls oi 1941’1903 d 190 ‘1 come to 100k usually return to Pumhase- I HE BIG and unable to persuade the tau-Jr?“ “”1 the ('OWI‘HHN‘M. alldflmposition member brought up thei on lots V) 33 (F34 3‘ an ‘. 4 ‘ .- - . , which was allowed large pavmcuts } (nost‘ . T l . ‘ ' .an “Lilia '3'”! 8 q. thontius to contmuc the prnlligc, “ 1- th at t f h . l' - .- l “m concess‘lon of Dig-11V â€"â€"Carrlod 1 . . . 0 the Ottawa members of the firm ‘ "' p I" (’5 s 0 t 9 11111 W" 15“?“ - V - . . - . . . 'Â¥~ ' ’ MAN é} o Remhember haster is the time of awaken- 1. SCHOOL turned in dmmratinn to V A Bob oral. Mr. Belcourt had supportml' AMHHER LATE AMI M "DEN i tougfr’I-dt'a‘gjlha' 1111:! ’3’)?“ c ‘O . . Q. ' . .T ' ‘ ' . IIN‘ claim I) f th' . .1. . - 1{FI'TIJT\T1I l ‘15 C (11‘ PP III aV'OI' O '1' BLT PW - 7 . â€" . 1 . - , court. MP. for Ottaua city. a pole core 1 mums 1r of rail - - - (, . . , . . :3 mg, “ hen you T:}Ike 30a muST am, and when g The big telegraph school of Am- tician of much influence, who shortlv W111}: and defended it in Parliammit. As a further illustration of th( 'tlii‘L: ”if!” 1;: C:z()::n£a§:n‘;:: (:00; m . . ‘ _ . ‘ -. .. -. , , , . ‘, " .1 ..‘tion of an open and 11-hlic v l - 1‘ ll ( T ‘9 3011 act, act (11110 y erlca )5 our school. It 1,5 the afteruands “as made Speaker of tho . ‘ quos . _ P . a 111 0 an a 111 opposition it 1118\ 1 , ‘3 CV . 1 ‘1’ 'vv Increase of $1.000 1n the 111dclnn1tv be mentioned that Mr. Gel-1mm of. 111‘ Lad) during ehc smallpox scare ‘9 I. scho 1 th 1. ha‘ lac )d mo voun House and a member “I ”I“ P” - ~ ‘ at .‘xorland â€"(‘ an d. . . {a 1 . ' . 9. .- (1 a. b P .L. re. . 8 Council. They found themselves: of members of Parliament is of small - 1ho public works depart mcnt. “howl Dax ,\,‘__S 1h“ H . . : Tney are waiting fer you 3: "men 1" ra1lwa)‘ PUS‘UONS during able to secure his help, but the price llilportance compared with that of tho ingcnioun bill of travelling cxpt‘nscsicn SHE] a;;01:,l.(;flm_: hatth “1:; 99““; "1’ ‘x ’ the past year than all the other was hi h. . socrct use. of a member's influence was analysed bv the oimsition in’ - ' T - . . 1r . O T ‘ umcxpa IAN WAYb. :3 Canadian telegraph schools and .. g ‘ . ~. . l'or_ the. promotion of his own lin- i oonnnittoo of supply earlyI Iin lhtflspsâ€"l:::;ig.1:01,1‘t.“qh cigar]! rETd commisâ€" TTTT ‘9 AT - 1] .1- d IIIP. V’TLI E OF AT TI. P' ancml interests 3"“ ”‘9 IML’WSIS 0f ' 51.011 is said to have since made a rc~tinunici 1p... 1: Ti: {Man T and one “inure". Toilets and a; ‘0 egos com um: ‘ It was arranged at Ottawa that. his _clicnts. Mr. Borden began 1m. fund. It seemed impossible that ("101 Arnixlioifru‘t; C00 ' we “0”?“ ‘1? g La us send you our new tel"- M13 BOICOUI't Should be taken into sessmn “‘ith a. motion that he pl'O- man could make so manv trips anillclerk 1:12 linsTtâ€"i 1C laTThTT â€" That me “5?- lu-VUI'iOUN‘ Home 8 ’ II I graph book giving Particulars. the Concern. and that $100,000 of DOSOd 10 take steps t0 haw this class keep so mam cabs bus) as \lr.G1~liâ€" S, a k, 1:" u 1}” “rite Mr' '09' - no“ 1111111211 Cleanser. . I O G H I N I. stock paid up or one-fifth interest 0‘ parliamentary ofl‘cnces brought to has reported. \et his hills. seem to 1 ,Sug‘pas Taggiimgh 11111 ‘0 haxo his 1110:1111! uniseed was :3 g B' W. Somers Principal 5'70““ be 9:598?“ to him ”'3 3150 an end. and the exposure ”I lb" Ray havn hccn avccptr'rl as all right and ‘cessiun‘ Oi: 1 aifini :;”::}:\p:-lh;irgxyd Ton- .- - - - 1 d Bronson concession case will as- ' ~ 4 t‘ \ arms 1,, Illt‘ breath, , fl was to have a proportionati share in all . . pald 1,3 the dopartn‘lpnt. The _ p,“ lelov “1 ,. it“! Q I: Domlnlon SCIIOOI OfTelegmphy treasmy stock to the amount 01' Sfitm- 8'51 a reformation that is urgrntly financing of the Laurii-r GO\¢' rnâ€" ? Samplclteg Inceording to ITO Pm”- f”. tint: Lid 1‘2"]: Q, M c I N T S! R E (l. and Railroading, (100 which was to be placed on tho needed. ment in small matterx‘ as in lay“ :.nal~(li1.-:!<11I1ii‘:_ils (1);1 11:3") h“ TIT“ TIT " "" ‘ ‘ ‘5 4. lliarkct Mr Dblcimrt p; the hum] of Meanwhile the Minister of .l11~;ticc dorm not stand inusti ‘T ‘ ‘T 11111n1c:;.a.l1â€" -~1 I 11! ' .1. ‘ T I T i ~ . T . ' I ration' â€" ‘ .' TNT 101‘ the n...ls. g .I: 9 ADELAIDE STREET EAST, the law firm of Ilelcourt _\[c|l()u- admits the necessny of some til'llull \ FORT! \‘ \']‘F ”M l l{\' :15S()Sahi:f;d‘nav v Th 1 th‘ 1 1:2; mum-nee cut her ' TORONTO. gall. It. is fair to Say that Mr. no]. and is now moving in the matter in ' ' ‘ ’ ‘ - , " - - 1‘ ’ ‘T I." .â€" 3 "Q C'T’Imc‘ "‘Emso who had not i C A S H A N D O N E P R I C E g court's defence in the Hons..- was the direction of Mr. Borden's proâ€" Tht'l‘v is a IHISIlluSs ('(1111'1'1'11 in thi< $212931.” TITS “1mm.“ ‘THHTITW'L m ‘1"1-1 burners l‘cr- g. that he received this allotment of position. But if his Collt-aguvs had city called "Woods Limited." \vhnsrimgdnm‘f train)? 1]” ”I" (“am“m" , _. “.1..- one of the ”moowooWWocwowmwo stock in return for lvgal survive. "min the was1 assisted their swoon-1“"a'wml "“'*“"""“. “'i‘“ 1“" “"V‘; 11.1".11'WICT‘ "'35” M i lutml to Helen of , Concerninw this it is only "(‘CUSâ€" crs 1n the house in these tranaactinns ornun-nt. 8"“ qu‘l“ "““I‘al- 1h“ ‘ L T ' r. “ow-:1 bcxtowed on - - _. The canflda Paint no. sary to 53“- that the claim of the the efforts of the public "grill-tor" names 111‘ the Sharohnlllvl‘s m’this gahl?n;T;uIiT‘:\ Nth aPIN???"I Mi 1“" . .. . _. . . _ . . . . . _ . l (111 (1 $011 ‘1 101111131“; ‘ mi " ”~“~“~“~~”~“OII f1rm for legal SO!‘\1C(‘S at the tune Would hate been \am. It 11 com- (”mpanv haw not 314 111-411 111511115011, . . . ,,'_ .- . _ viii lihtiLfntgdtoghse r‘ ' lr““mm“““‘“. the deal was arranged was $400. moldy-believed that no other mom-{tn parliament. but sumo pm‘ficlilarx12:33:10). ”11:3“ I{(1adla111:1f11-s11{ “3"“ 1 1-. 1 s ' - . . . , . ., -. . . . ,- , "-7 4 7’ ”n 11111 t at oi-xluv "‘11-. ., . .. fl ' - . g 3 But If 31,-. Belcourt s serwccs as u. “Li's haw made so much mom-y for (If 1h! Hulls nfunomzv lvidHI 1” 1h" 111 p _ . 7| 7. . f - IT 3 “.6 r1, .1loays ' Plan h'n ' : ' lawyer were not suflicicnt to justify themsch'vs and their friends out of WW“ “0“" Dlmll’ihf‘d- “”“dF- 1.1111â€"17,‘l).:s':ff::" lT-Jlmhl“ {or ha“ 1h“ 0‘- h. TTHTTIT WU?“ not ' T ’ 4 per cent. ' such a gift of stock in this hydraulic their POIIUCBJ Opportunities as some ”HI. 50M 10 1h? Marine I’ir‘lwl'it‘s‘ ‘1 ' ‘ 31111.1. 7.“. rape-ring: ringers O ' O Minin Com 1anv it cannot be said of the acthoand retired members of I‘i’lml‘llm'm $3.55“ “'m‘lh “1' fl‘UNI-V. H. ii. SUI‘Tl'il-ZRX T1. (furiw . _ _ . ' g l . _ . . . f 1 - humus kznsls of : Means Sowutg‘ and sow- ' ' er annum ' that he gave no \‘aluu for this} Sir \lilfrid' s cabinet. Astonishing: all Without tvndcr or contract. 'lh1'5 ____+______ c e.'llll1ll’_\'l':l t-1l;e:1'.l- p ing deans having to get 0 T P ' 3100.000. The fact is that the con- and sudden accumulatimw of for- 88108 10 1hr Transcontinental ("””'I -"-."L’i\'1-s1'wipcs for I Seem-1.; : ‘. '1 h u- 1 : cession was not cancelled, but has tunes by ministers who were obxi- "ii-“i0" 0" ”1" 185‘ “V“ "WWI“ “I: SPRING ADVICE ivxil‘l-ul substances p d ' 15 Pd“ 3‘ yeary on (IC~ ' been continued from 1902, wit-‘11 Mr. ously living beyond their official 12905 amounted to $9.64“. and 11111 __...â€" o : ¢ bentures for. 8.100 00 andup- : Bvlcourt mad“ the partnership’ ar- “'0va are not othcrwisv easily rx- "‘Ftl'im “W" 1%le FM” ”1‘ no .\'()"l 110le un‘u 1‘11:(:\"‘-‘..11\1 mrwl m the white- ' 1nd licrc \‘(111 stop to think. 5 ' waids for terms of 1 2 3 4 "““gomt‘m- "mum’s dn-‘V- “lamed‘ ““3"” ""I‘“m"“”' m" ""”'"”"-‘ " 1 AND \‘lFtKl \‘lV-u 1119111”le . - ~ ' 'I‘lT‘t'Wh‘fil 1 um- to us‘ 0 I ’ ’ ’ I - ~ , - . TIIF \‘om‘ll 11‘] “"110 ura‘rr‘m‘ “'m'" 'h" “"9" “""m’" “I TTB‘MT ‘ I T ~ - ‘ ‘: 71TH}. It WTT Tome. : “TTwl‘Tnt: 1‘1“]: kongivth'tt ‘oii O T 01‘ 5 years. IntereSt accrues 3 THE UTLY WAY TO TATE I] ' T T . T T , ' ' ’ ' twithuut public ('(llllINlllltnl. "lhvl ’“HAI PI'A’PLE 3131"" 4‘ I‘ .s- lull: and. the ' ”P: lb: hos-(t) Ins‘s'ible valucyfor ' 3 from date on which the, O The papers rcad by .\lr. Foster in this connection it may be 89- Public Win-kc got oil “ith 5111036 ! 'l‘lllS SEASON IS A TUNN". .1. and sometimes ' :11 _ 1n:‘ fl “ us] I ' 0 e is re iV (I b til ' and Mr. Bennett included letters proprlatc to m‘I‘IUO" that It has not “'ilhOlN lf‘ll'lm‘. 3"" U" ”11’ Ram“? N , . .. ‘,1_~..;~l. S;1()il2€‘d with p '( I! “H (5 10") ' O ' In n y ‘ ‘ce 6 y e ' . from Mr. Bronson and Mr. Ray 10 yet been 310581th to discover the {pr-mg 9.2.591; was paid hv 1h“ p, ._l “1 {I‘ITTI'I‘T filthâ€"41111 11111 ‘lt‘v‘illlg \::l' the 5‘“th linen ’ ___The Best Seeds_ ' ' COIIIpaIIy. O Pure Lead and 011 Mr. ’IT‘V‘ITITGI]. mentioning [1101") (,r IIIUIDIxer ‘ of‘ the sorth ‘Atlant IC p8!" HIOIII (If .‘Inlnllod INIIIV 0. Afialnsl ’ iTijJLLTaITT 1 1:183? ET“: SPXT‘HIS “Tiling" ,.,,.,N.,,SS_ The hair ¢ _ : 0 0 less plainly the charactpr m- Mr. Trading: Company. It was mon- all this "0,1.H,,npo1m\.. hush)...“ 1m zabls ‘c out: .1 1111:.‘la11.1pil1111- (‘11:!1- . .:':11 all kinds of 3 \\ «- know when» our seeds are ' O : o - tot Belcourt's services; from Mr. TY" 11011011 .111 prevlous letters that this m; MOM who in “1“.ch 1 mm”! 3“ 1 iodin TTTMdlfntT .1141.“ 11-» .1111: a. ~"= were applied tc ’o “Um “T“‘mhth‘u wholehack O T In any quan l y roll to his Ottawa partners; from mysterious concern has a beauuful tho Mounted Pulice, 111mm- cont ract I 18 “1 Cpl“t\51011-Ul‘liwthap» NY“; -to Lbfi:n" m ' IIIStUlV (ln(1(ll\\2I.V'S St ltd out Our ' : 31 er cent 3 . Mr. BCICOUI‘L to his la.“' pat‘tlmr. at Contract .W'IIII nun‘v years to ru'l‘ (If $12,371 worth 0'. p‘nnds. $33?) CS and (14' UIIIIUIIS u[)[)t"al (1‘11 th‘: ‘1-1Ylfl17’) Thorn ' rcptttdtion “uh {he scul parcel ' 2 p ° ' In latest artistic Dawson, and to Mr. Tyrrell. Mr. under “web It. gets “Ye qollars Per But Woods Limited is not onlv a illsltl, 0:. “m lldru “$21.7"T.m}lh(‘zm.laT ,_'_ vb” IT‘ 1‘ ‘5‘ ' Golden Tankard Mange] ‘ S 0 Rav. justifying the large transfer of hf‘fid {9" continental immigrants ar- merchant. it is a landlord and hasg‘dicm :zhlliu'iif‘la'l ‘1'?) (/1 ”ET" ”1’ f ""9 Iiishlon at ' ‘ 0 per annum 0 stock to Belcourt \\ rote to the ”‘WS 1n ”“5 country. Once more leased to the Militia Department H8 ' th ttth a l ‘ 1’_ 00‘ I‘ "m "I " m" 'Ili"\‘ KYOTO not only : Mmmoth Long Red Mange] ‘ ' : shades Dawson member of the firm. . a'l It “-0 !et It. be understJIOd that. thls bonus r()(,lng 0"! of 107 in 8 "(1“1 })uildingi1§a "1 ii!“ (“H 1’19 T)! “i“‘r‘l ha‘ 10ft" - ‘~ ”th05 and the p T com ounded half- ear] is T hold the concession we can thank ’8 paid I" the company whether 1‘ apparently erectmi for the purpose. ar .“I’."“ _\(111 and. may tasily . O P y y p . . _ , . h . - .- . . (It‘\(‘.It)p into more serious trouble pr w... 1 1 the __.- . . , . as anythmg to do With the settlels . . 1. -f . .. g 1 h . A , tlfPt ' ' aid on (If) OSltS All ac- our sohutor who 13 moting heaven . 1111 Ram L5 or ltn Milli. am 1 8 Don’t do“ \' .. ll. '. h _r. -. .222: with garlands ' ' o P P , ' r 3 and earth to save 1t." Mr. Ra)“ was or "on A 6.01"“ ‘3 made 9‘ those rental I“ 36 00““ P0" square) I00“ 1-.- FIT-T ‘ 21”,”; “'1 pmgdtn-e 1 VPWHH of many ‘ E. Gregory ' ' counts are SUbJeCt t0 Cheque president of the reorganized comâ€" who come in transatlantic Ships: or 3125110111 all. As the assessed mmmm" 1.11 t‘ ‘. ope that 3"“ can " Human matrons ‘ T : ' Withdrawal. If you make 3. § M L C panv and his letter expresgcd the and whether they have come on value 0,- the proportv is g“ 1. "00 if“ 11:0 b1310dhl‘lg‘hl‘r I’llrgatn‘cs gal- - ‘r'T'i V‘u’Ioth‘ proc- O cornerDrugStomLINDSAY ' T urchas fr 'O'hb c ennan 0. hope that the deal with Belcourt thar 0“" account 0" have been and as the building has ”“0" {reel OT ,droug rL TTTLTm and “0TH.” ' {.11 1 'h{ 1. . : ' ' p 18 cm your nelb or would meet, Mr Ty'rrell s uppro\al driven to our coasts b). mrsc. from taxation on acc“unt Of Its “N‘ l lllSL03 (If EIV Ing Strength. “hat mum. mg. mar. : on ma 3 for it b 'vin .. cution, or obtained by other 58‘3’1‘ th» v 1'11 1 t f You 0 11001 is a tonic mulicinc that I m- the Du" 9} . MT““”T”MTTTM O Zchequg’orilgour accotTingtlherg o ' ‘ :gdjiggi} xiii-int? 3:110:13 cotxiggsT Cics- 0" sent for by friends Who 32.1111: filr:(lit(ilem1:?)rc 31.3." 1:111:11 (Til “i” ":91“ "0“,: ”a“ "3d ”100“, I‘m“ 1 in the duties 0 ' . .. ' L were here before them. credit at the . up I 1e “‘03 “‘0“ "0""95 and thus .,1‘ ‘ _ 7 O HOTEL KAWARTHA smn. Bronson wrote from Ottawa I com- th( building is not ungmcrous. . ive \‘ou now health and strenvth. . 111.1: day were ' . . the same time saying: . We saw contract price is given to Iht. 1 ‘ ‘ E . _ ‘ g “'08 be totho O ‘ Feudal! F3113 that r0111 t action must be taken puny. A return brought down 1-1.\‘.\1\cr. DEPARTMENT lllh- .And the one modlcme to do this {wow he, ms- 0 . . I This new hotel is located onoblock 11 wcpwemp to saw, the concession shows that from the first of July to CREDITED. suwdilsj and syrely is Dr- Williams' “*1" Whipped by 0 YlCtOI’ 1a Loan from business centre ”“1 is open and decided to interest Belcourt and the' 133‘ 0‘ Mmber, 19051 the Whatever may be the. final result Ifmk Pms' 1“"ch dose of this medi- X . Soc did not tall : WINTER and SUMMER” Ir h” ‘11 McDoug-all with us. " And Bclcourt Government: paid no 1083 than 359: of the Canadian insurance inquiry “me makes mw' . "CIT blood “lhld‘ " 2..“ - ¢ saYin C modern conveniences, baths, electric himself writin to McDougall his 776 to the account, of this company, one thing established beyond (“10$ makes weak, easily tired and ruling ,1 niry 0:11;?ng . O s 0. light telephone 3m hut.“ ”1d Dawson law Pirtner said: “Both That is to say some pemn on beâ€" tinn in the utter uselessncss and un- me: "find “"31“" feel £328th 8‘3““? ..t 1121' VIC 1 - - 1 , - an s r011 . vou n a medici open grates. Special rates for Com- - hall of the contractors has recclwd reliability of the Go‘emmem m- _ _g . _ ne 3 3 Mr. Ray and Mr. Bronson are vex-.1 11 thus spring try Dr.Will1a1ns’ Pink fl 0 O O O o S I<e at hand and °PP°3it° Market, Lindsay. mercial Travellers. nd .zi-rce her tender . . , much exercised over the matter a meat still refuses to so who gets “ 1ch t e C n dian ) ‘0 Were: Pills and you “ill never regret it. ’-' ready hairpin Oflice hours.â€"9 a.m. to4.30p.m. S. H. 330 H, N, INP- 213:1: w' itihl Tietlignzrwwiiziisihm the money. and all the :florts which Sal‘pect'iid in hpart? :1 has?“ F0 haw I This medicine has cured thousands 1T were not sufl- 1 WI" II ya" “0ng handsome Wm. Flavelle, President - ”‘ __..â€"__... trying-to do." In further explana- the Conservative mm 0‘ “”0 their confidence in .the Canadian: a'ntighouwnds in every part of the I I "y James Low, Manager The Celebrated tion to his partner. Mr. Belcourt com'mittees have 50¢“ 31"“ ‘0 companies. We were told on whati“‘;"2 3'"! “hat It has done for mm m statéd that $100,000 of stock make to trace these payments seemed to be. high authority during} ”1M2”: it can (‘85in do for _xou. - - ' asstgned them was‘ placed in ”‘3 been fruitlesa. “- was the Xew' York investigations that “mm" ‘fi‘ak‘rs m’vl'bb'hcrc sell ‘ discovered with some dimculty that the truncations revealed there these Pills 0" .‘0u can 3'91 thvm direct from the Dr. Williams Medicine 011., the name of another man who re- Wumw ‘ Hr Smar,t the deputy minister “'1‘" could never hate occurred in Canada. s o! For. 1939 from one’s ”T". gppafilyflitmwasinno?etho:o;itpydi mode the cflrmrdiw‘y “”8““ and It may be true that such thing. 1‘5 Bfmk‘m“ ”"1" at. .50 cm” a ”0;: 3") fl". garment “ sirable that the interests of the mem- WWI-"15 resigned his Om“?- '3 DOW have not occurred in this country, "I “I“ ”"393 I“? 32-00- furi‘ier, chem- ‘ ber of Parliament should be 'known. “firms?” 33:11:32; tit: can‘titipangi'. but it is plain that if Canada has â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€" frougl) with the " I fact t 1. never lave camelout' 09" ““99 n on ° mm ' WW 1‘ "‘ ““9 to the '“‘“"W“ Halli - :1 “soalskln.” 8 Bank Of Montrea' hid notI tggnm to the transac- station had been {on-hidden by 1“” men themselves and not to an} s‘ s“ '0‘ 139 PM \W‘ :. S “1? . nto ‘0“ .1110 minister. memotorlnlormation.u vigilance or firmness in Mr. kai- S . . -..er..m .1: tion got 1 W “8 Report 1 a s Y 3 1r" a “beaver" newnusnnn 131-1. ’ ' W M‘mr 1" 8"“ "‘ in“ department ’1’" ‘"““"‘“°" r and." ‘0' 1" Man’ma’ 5:, m, m II I “lit __.. on Tuesday. 1:“ (1166:: branch accrued to have utterly failt‘d 0; Fomh u Wold J ..U-‘\ - . - _ . X‘h.‘ the m h it‘$ o â€". Lie on. r. we in the shops MdllE 0i llle DESI lilli II’ 0 " Capital 1114, 400,000 II" ".1" .1». com 3mm“ ,2,”“.,,.,' .1. .413: gm Earthâ€"Earnest 1.11m.) :11 James 1 “keys carpet Rest $10,000,000 The only 1.1311170351031011 odor-son 311,1{1111'12 Anderson 597, .z.: turers. andj}v m "film __... “no him . ‘-’ " Berth. am“ 565 Lorne ”cmdde" 1" L ”III. new R e W .. " w. Clinton Conn 98. Elm (‘ann T . Sr. Thiniâ€"Jenme' Nicholson the principal Hon. Preddontâ€" Rt. Hon. Lord iy~..xo'r memoir; snowrn. 11:12 In (lamest: . mutant Royal, 6.0.“ m . by its latest 1349. Herbert Weldon 7, Francis signs are ress' _ Wâ€"Nr â€"â€"flrGoo. I‘M» . .‘ ‘ ‘ z 1 population 11 Kiwi“ 605. Emma Kfievill 586. 1 fun-s arefse‘:i . KG 1.6..01 is white. “Writâ€"WT? I‘h8.t111;dll;in851111.Jr. women 0 .1 W and and red isn't Me 701, Hil- mileage 485 81'.ij Lima) eve been strip- and are Sm 432. Jr.

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