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Watchman Warder (1899), 19 Apr 1906, p. 3

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‘no you to see our four-mously, and if Lt. «:11 each dollar’s . «'U‘. The minâ€"e '0'; nfqunlity. 1‘1‘1r13ew- \th'ivr i801], [mum and Etymond. ~I. and prices and 1K0 suit.“ but. solid We fur 1. APRIL 19th, 1% >a.id for :ggs. CBS. GANS AND TACHINES. st rumggts such *ROffRY’ making ‘vite you sing. \\'iHi:un->L. nOIth. t‘ wk (5h arch. 01138. brick ; rhea-2e ‘0'\\' ILLERY STORE 7.: Machines. s and 'ment ~zness I. KESLICK, Licensed auctioneer for natiposa. township. P.O. ad- dreu, Cromwell, Out. Sale. ct- Mdad to oranflv STEPHEN OLIVERâ€"Licensed Auc- tioneer for the county of Victoria. Sale- promptly attegdgd to_. A DR. E. A. TOTTEN DRS. NEELANDS 8: IRVINE, Den- tists, members of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons. We have all the latest methods of dentistry. Special attention will be given to Orthodonia. Crown and Bridge work. The successful extraction 01 teeth under gas (Vitalized Air) and the insertion of the best artificial dentures continua to be a. specialty of this office. Office nearly oppoâ€" site the Simpson House. DR. SUTTON, Dentist, Lindsay, Hon or graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. All‘ the latest improved method: adopted and prices moder- ate. Office over Anderson Nu- gent'a, opposite Veitch's Hotel. small parcel Satisfaction Auctioneers ’. R. JAMES. CAMBRAY. Ont., Li- censed Auctioneer. for the county of Victoria. Farm Rock and all other sales promptly attended to. Charges moderate.â€"29. HOORE 6.: JACKSON, Barristers, etc.. solicitors for the County of Victoria. and the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan on mortgages at the lmvest current rates. Office William-st... Lindsay. F. D. Moore, Alex. Jackson. IR. F. A. WALTERS, dentist, Lind- Honor graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dentistry. All the latest and im- proved branches of dentistry suc- ceesfully performed. Charges mod- erate. Office over Gregory’s Drug Store. corner Kent and William- Itl. say. STEWART 8; O'CONNOR, Barristers Notaries, etc. Money to loan at. very lowest current rates on best -_A R. POGL‘E, DENTIST, office near- ly opposite the post-office. Special attention giVen to children’s teeth. Howard V'. Pogue, D.D.S. L.D.S. ’. H. GROSS, Dentist, Lindsay, Headquarters for good Dentistry. Member of Royal Dental College. EIGH R. KNIGHTâ€"Barrister, So- licitor, Notary Public. Represent- ing Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Waterloo ; Federal Life As- surance Co.. of Hamilton; Empire Accident and Surety 00.. of Lonâ€" don, Ont. Ofl‘lceâ€"Telephone build- ing, Williamâ€"st... formerly Judge O'Leary's otfice. ,LQI‘LJL-‘ w __ etc. ()flice, Kentâ€"st ; opposite Pym House. We are loaning mon- ey on real estate, in sums to suit kmx'ruuu-z's at the very lowest rates of interest and suitable terms. JOHN 11cSWEYN, W. E. SMITH. V25!) I‘lhuav v----_‘. terms. Otfice corner Kent and York-sts., Lindsay. '1‘. Stewart, L. V. O’Connor, B.A. DRS. :ILLESPIE 4; BROWN. â€" corner of Lindsay and Russel-81:5. Special attention given to Mid- wifery-«and Diseases of Women. Tel- ephone 98. A. GILLESPIE. W. J. BROWN. __ _ A-- Barristers. etc . H. HOPKINS, Barrisrer, Solicit- r for the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at lowest rates. Office No. 6 William-3L, south. Barristers. etc., Lindsay. DR. F. BLANCHARD, graduate To- ronto University, coroner for Vic- toria. county. Office Ridout-st., Corner Kent. and Lindsay-sts. form? erly residence late Dr. Kemp”- Phone 45â€"35. â€"We invest money for cuenw Uu. mortgages, also upon municipal de- bentures, investment stocks and bonds. McLAUGHLIN 8r. PEEL. DR. J. McALPINE.â€"Comer William and Colborneâ€"sts., Lindsay. Spec- ial attention paid to diseases of nose, throat and‘ lungs. omoe hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; 7 to 8 Private funds. I am alway to buy good mortgages. WELDON, Solicitcr, etc., Block, Lindsay. 'HE UNDERSIGNETD is prepared to loan money on Farm, Town and Village Property at very lowest rates of interest. Company or A4_. A1. THE WATCHMAN-WARDER, APRIL 19th, 1906. . B. WELDON, Mariposa township Clerk, Oakwood, Fire Insurance Agent, Issuer of Marriage Licences. Conveyancing in all its forms. ‘R. J. W. WOOD (late of Kirkfield). Residence and office -â€" 30 Bond-st... first door west of Cambridge-st. Methodist church. Office hours : 9 toll a.m.;2to4and 7 to 8 am. Phone No. 196. p.m. Residence 30’ Wellington-sf... Telephone No. 48. R. JEFFERSâ€"Oflce hours 9 to 11 a.m.; 6 to 4 p.m.: 7 to 8 DENTIST 120 Kent Street. Over Momn a Drug S R. G. S. RYERSON, 66 College-st. Toronto. eye. ear. Lace and throat upecialist Money to Loan Dentistry SMITH. â€"Barriste§'l. I“ Am alwai’s r9851] .oltlrc at.lkl, ”.0.”.O.".0.”.OY".O.”. If!!! m _ O . mu an , Russel-sts. en to Mid- BROWN. Women. Tel- Carpet Sweepers, Food Choppe Guns. Razors, tam property $12,000, special trust: fund. at current rates of inter-alt from $500 upwards and from 5 to 10 years. Also other private funds up to 815.000. . Mdflflfldfl M0. $30,000 She-He Medicine 00., - Lindsay Cure Backache, Bladder Trouble, Dia- betes, Bright's Disease, Leucorrhoea, Drick Dust in Urine, Painful Micturi- tion, Uric Acid in the Blood, Rheum- atism, Impure Blood, pimples on the Face, Sallow Complexion, Female Weaknesses or any Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder. Slightly .lax- ative. 50¢ per box at all Dmggists or by OFFICEâ€"Academy of Music Block. YARDâ€"West of Flavelles Egg House Can furnish Southern Oak, Poplar or Georgia Pine for interior finish. The Lindsay Lumber Co. We carry a full supply of Build- ing Lumber and can fill bills on short notice. Parties intendino to build this season will do wefi to get our figures. DEALERS IN Rough and Dressed Lum- ber, Lath and Shingles. {he [INDSAY [UMBER (0 a...“ “63:4?" ".0.“ “.92.. SHE-HE KIDNEY TABLETS; O °O°3°001°O°N .0 0 We are also placing a. larger bore and brass cylinder and steel rod that will last and throw more water than any pump on the mar ket. Our practical man MR. JOHN DENNIS, looks after all orders ‘ °q 0. O ’0 '0 O Q 3°00 Do buying 23. Pm is GALVAN- IZED IRON IPE, BRASS CYLINDERS with threads, not bolts which rust and fall OE, and IRON RODS, which do not rust or taint the water. 3903-4 0 O ? h .' The day of the black iron pipe and cast iron cylinders is past, as 6 the pea le know from ex 1-- ience. ha.‘t yoq wgnt w en 0 O 0.0 V I Ale DOW prepared to supply 30 ' 3 O O O the above pumps for any depth ... of well up to 150 feet and guar- ’ antee satisfaction. .2. O O 131m Sylvester mg. (a. ozwooozmzwowzwzmzwzoo '0 § The Famous ganms pumps 9 O . 0:0. 0:0. 0 .0 O O : ‘ We are also prepared to sup- 0‘ ply superior Windmills on spec- i ifications. 0: Sylvesi'gf , Mt’g. LindsayiOnt and repairs. Satisfaction Guaranteed Well orders receive prompt ° attentxon. Q"‘O°3°O ‘ood Choppers, Bread Mixers, Clothes Wrin; Clothe ‘ Saws, LENS year. ‘ ' All 1300311176. R. A. FARQUHLRSON, B. 1., MCGILL AND Yova 573., Y. H. 0.1. Bldg, - TORONTO 20 2O 20 20 80 MISS FARR, Senior Division Brown. Ball ............... 16 20 17 2O 73 British American Business - College 194 students already in situations this year. - - All facts free. 3.3111391111533025, 3.1., $ 2 5 To $ 6 0 I, Inspectors Examination WINDMILLS. McSWEYN SMITH. Air Guns, Solicitors, etc., Lindsay. Cow .CPuitP: LEARN to Em" Scissors. We have on hand for investment on _fl_rgt mortgaga on Skates, Winter Mitts Carvers. 0.0 Kitchener, Norman..¢..14 14 13 10 51 Flavel-le. Gordon ......... 15 16 15 20 66‘ Sinclair, A-lice.... .......... 16 18 16 15 65 Roenigk, Elva. ............. 15 18 1-615 64 15 63 15 52 Joyce, Harry ............. 16 20 12 McGi‘Hivary, Mabefi..+..15 2O 12- Allen, . ma"...- Alice . Pepper, Free'una'nw Carew. Harold ........ .....15 20 14- '5 541 Woods, Marguirite ....... 16 16 1‘5 20 67‘ Nesbitt Helen...- .......... 16 20 15 15 66 Flavel-le. Gordon ......... 15 16 15 2O 66, Sinclair, A-lice.... .......... 16 1816 15 6' Roenigk, Elva. ............. 15 18 1-6‘1’64 MISS ANDREWS Brown. Grace ............... 16 20 18 20 .74 Winters, Kathleen.......]5 20 16 2O ‘71 Wa-lwlace. Jackie ............ 15.20‘16 20 m1 Quibel, Earl ................ 16 18 17. 20 171 Houston. Lula ..... ~ ...... 16 16 1520 697 Bell, George ................. 1'5 20 15 10 I60 Burton, Irene ............... 15 2O 14 -10 59. Bishop, Annie”; ........... 16 18 14 10 58 Reeds, Clarence ............ 16 2O 12 10 58 Ray, Harold ................ 1-5 18 14 10 571 Ryley. Isabel ............... 15 20 1'7 20 72 Matthie, Edith ............ 16 18 1’7 20 71 Campbell, John ........... 16 20 18 15 69 McDougall, Alice ......... 17 20 17 15 69 Wells, Maitland ........... 15 20 1-7 15 67. Wilkinson, Winnie ........ 16 2O 15 15 66 Gable, John ................. 16 20 15 15 66 Cuthbert. Tom ............. 16 2O 14 15 65 Gatchell, Lucian...“ ....... 15 20 14 15 64 Mills, Hazel ................. 16 20 1'7 10 63 Batchell, Alvena ......... 14 2O 14 15 63 Pogue. Norton ............. 15 20 1315 63 McLeod, Russell .......... 1‘4 20 13 15 62 Gable, Alvin ................ 15 20 1‘7 10 62 Konoer. Blanche .......... 16 20 17 20 73 Dobson. Ruby .............. 15 2-! 18 20 7 Pen-in. Marjorie .......... 16 18 1’7 20 .7 l’romoo. Lila ............... 1‘6 20 1 5 20 7 Robinsm). Bi uce .......... 1‘6 18 16 20 7 Wilson. Peall ............... 17 2013 20 7 Anderson. Mary .......... 16 20 14 20 70 Ellis. Hazel .................. 1.7 18 1.3 20 7 Haddcr, Bessie ............ 16 18 1'7 20 69 'L'omvay, Eddie ............ 14 18 16 20 (58 Parks, Fordic ............. 12 16 15 10 53 l MISS WRAY, Senior Division Nu gent, \ 1\ mm ........... IS 20 18 2O 76 Woods Kathleen"; ..... 17 20 13 20 1’5 '1 umpkins, Will-sna ..... 17 18 18 20 7'3 Quibull. Grace ............. 17 18 18 20 73 Campbell, Lochie ......... 17 20’ 15 20 72 Preston, Leona. ............ 18 20 1'7 15 7 Curry, ‘ Evlyn...........4...16 20 18 15 (39 Oliver, Alonza ............. 7 20 16 15 68 Schwardfager, Fred ..... 15 20 17 15 ,7 Pogue. Willie ................ 15 2O 17 15 7 Dougun, Angus ............ 16 2-0 16 15 (5)7? Jordan. Holman .......... 1-5 18 18 15 66 Reid. Ethel ................... 17 20 14 15 66 Baldwin. Helen ....... ' ..... 15 20 16 15 66 Scott, Fred .................. 15 20 15 15 65 Reazin. Grace .............. 16 20 14 15 65 McCrao. Charles...l..... 15 20 14 15 64. Rosevere, Stanley ....... 16 20 18 10 64 Donald, Leslie ..... a ....... 16 20 16 10 62 Bonnell, Ernest; ............ 16 20 16 10 62 Knowlson, Anthon ...... 16 20 14 10 60 J unior Division Konoer. Blanche ..... Dobson. Ruby ......... Porrin. Marjorie”... Promoo. Lila ....... RobinSUn. Bruce..... Wilson. Pearl .......... Anderson. Mary..... Ellis. Hazel ....... Haddcr. Bessie ........ 'L‘onway, Eddie ...... .. Parks, Ferdic ...... Junior_ Division Thornhill, Ruby ........... 16 20 18 20 7- McFadden. Lola .......... 16 20 18 20 7 Gage, Ida ..................... 15 20 18 2O 7 Corran. Maud ............... 1-6 20 17 20 7 Staples. Myrtle ........... 14 20 18 20 72 Lack. Hattie ................ 16 20 15 20 7.. Abbott, .Florence ......... 15 20 16 20 71 Skinner, Irma ............. 16 20 15 20 71 Shields, Hara .............. 15 20 1-6 20 I71 Brown, Maud ............... 16 20 15 20 71 Terry. Rose .................. 16 2O 14 20 70 Chambers, Luta .......... 16 20 14 2O '70 Brown: James .............. 15 20 15 20 70 Luck, Laura. ................ 15 20 14 2O 69 McGi'nnis. Tommie ...... 15 2'0 14 2O 69 Lytle. Emily ................ 16 18 14 20 68 Neil. Lawrence ............ 12 20 14 20 66 Miller. Charlie ............. 15 20 15 15 65 Heels. (,‘harlie ............. 14 20 16115 65 Shaw. Charlie ............. I5 20 15 15 65 MISS TWAMLEY, Senior Division ‘Mitchell'. Florence ........ 1" . 20 1‘7 20 74 McDowell. Frank ......... 15 20 18 2O 73 FOB. Olga ...................... 15 20 17 20 72 Wilson. Mildred ............ 15 20 17 20 7‘2 Scnft, Fred .................. 13 20 1-8 20 7‘1 Iladd‘el'. Edna .............. 13 20 18 20 71 ‘ Poulton \Iagq‘ie ......... 11" 20 14 20 '70 Goheen. Charlie ........... 12 20 1'? 2-0 69 Thompson. \\ eslm ...... 16 2O 18 5 69 ‘ Kent, “illio ................. 15 2:1 18 15 68 Court Norah ............... 16 20 16 15 6'7 Crandall’jielen. .......... 13 20 18 15 "‘36 Patterson. Stanley ...... 13 18 18 15 64 Todd, Rebecca ..... ., ....... 14 20 15 15 6-1 McFadden. Mav ........... 16 20 18 20 '34 Rathbon Doris ............ 16 20 17 20 73 Warner, Aubre5 P ....... 14 20 0'71 20 71 Johnston, Willard ....... 14 20 16 20 70 Roberts, Nellie ............. 16 2O 14 20 70 Robertson. Daisy ......... 15 20 14 2O 69 Newsom. Hazel ............ 16 20 13 20 69 Lake. Thom-as .............. 16 20 I2 20 68 .Bailey, Lillie ............... 15 16 15 2O 66 Hugh'an, Ethel ............. 15 20 1‘5 15' 65 Spenceley'. Ph\lena.. ..1" ) 20 15 15 (i5 Barnes Lizzie .............. 15 ‘20 14 15 64 ‘ Cuthbert Myrtle ......... 16 18 1'5 10 59 Robertson, Morillia....15 16 11 10 52 MISS FEE, Senior Division Maunder. George .......... 16 20 15 2O 71 Thurston, Earl ............ 1'6 20 18 15l 69 Brown. V era ................ 16 20 1-7; 15 68 Hall, Herbie ................. 15 2O 16 15 66i McCarty, Bruce ........... 16 20 15 15 66 Lairllaw, Arthur ......... 16 2O 18 10 64 Killaby, Aby ................ 16 18 15 15 64 Johnson. Earl ............. 15 20 13 15 63 McGinnis, Charlie ....... 15 2O 18 5 '58 lrifl‘is, Arthur; ........... 16 12 14 15 57 Lytlc, Elsie ................. 15 20 14 5 54 Peacock, {uby ............ 15 20 12 5 52 McFadden . May ........... 16 Rathbon. Doris ............ 16 jWarner, Aubrey P ....... 14 Johnston, Willard ....... 14 Roberts, Nellie ............. 16 Robertson. Daisy ......... 15 Nowsom. Hazel ............ 16 Lake. Thom-as .............. 16 Bailey, Lillie...............15 Hugh'an, Ethel ............. 15 Spenceley Phxlena ...... 15 Barnes Lizzie .............. 15 Cuthbert Myrtle ......... 16 Robertson, Morillia....15 C LINDSAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 20 20 20 so 20 MISS PARKING 4 L Junior Division ill-sna ..... 1 7 a ............. 17 hit: ......... 17 18. ............ 18 4...16 L ............. 17 Fred ..... 15 once ........ 1 T ank ......... 15 ............... 15 -d ............ 1 5 ............... 1 2 ............... 1 3 :gie ......... 1’6 lie ........... 1 2 'eslm ...... 16 .............. 15 74 l. 72 7‘2 7‘1 71 J- 69 69 68 6'7 ........... 16 20 18 20 1 .......... 16 20 18 2O ........... 15 20 18 2O ........... 16 20 17 20 ........... 14 20 18 20 2.. ........... 16 ‘20 15 20 . :0 ......... 15 2016 20 1 ........... 16 ‘20 15 20 71 .......... 15 ‘20 16 20 I71 ........... 16 20 15 20 71 ........... 16 2O 14 20 70 l ‘3 *1 ‘1 4 4 3 3 ) 1 ‘1 ‘1 -] - Murray. Lulu .......... 14 18 182011 81 1 From Bellavilh Wetherup. Louie ...... 14 1:7 12 25 12 80 DEPAB‘ 3:” Wilkins. Mabel. ....... 15 19 13 15 1-: 79 34 For Port Hope :- Stinson, Gordon..,..15 1s 12 2o 11 7e 51 For roman... g -; Bate. Gordon ......... :13 20 13 10 15 74 o For Believing- g ~~ '8 Algar. ‘fldl‘ed. ...... 14 17 12 15 14 72 21 For Tomato...“ 3 5-. Brooks, Gordon ..... 131913151101 2‘mPonfiopo. 00 50 00 O) -‘J ‘95 1'Hepburn. Cora ....... 16 20 13 25 13 87 Hoar, Jennia. ......... 15 19 14 25 13 % Hall. Percy ............. 15 16 11 30 14 86 Elmhirst. Frank ..... 14 19 15 25 12 85 Courtemanche. C....1‘4 20 10 25 15_ 84 Intermediate Division Barnes. Eva ........... 14 20 19 251 18 91 Henley, Ernie. ........ 14 20 16 2016 86 Rama, Teddie........13 20 12 301085 Moore. Reta ............ 16 19 16 Klibbe. Arthur ....... 16 17116 Robinson. Ross ....... 13 15 12 2014 2014 2518 Hall, Cora......' ......... 14 16 12 30 12 84 Cooper. Ernest ....13 20 11 10 14 68 Pearson. Mary ........ 16 19 16 5 12 68 MISS McLAUGI-ILIN. Senior Div. Robertson. Lizzie....16 20 1.7 20 16 89 Hunter, Maude A.. .16 20 16 15 18 85 Stinson. Luella ...... 16 18 12 20 18 84 '1 Algnr Harry... ..14 19 15 520 14 82 Moore. Arthur" ........ 14 181220 15 79 Mulhemn. Percy ..... 16 191415 13 1:7 Workman, Jama...15 2015 15 12 .117 Johns, Aldyth ........ 15 1412 15 14 70 Junior Division Asling, Eva. .......... “.16 18 15 30 12' 04 Robinson. Myrtle...16 20 13 25 14 88 Adam. Evelyn ......... 15 19 14 25 14 8'45 Debois, Mona. ........ ”14 2O 11 30 12 897 Junior Division Snoach. Annie ........... 15 19 1s 30 16 Date. Clarence........15 20 16 30 16 Moore. Cyril ............ 14 15 16 30 17 Nesbitt, Edward E 13 19 12 30 17 Novison. Stephen....15 ‘20 12 3O 14 Stewart. Gladys-".15 16 16 30 13 . 1 I ‘ \ ‘ A l ( 1 ( Whitney, Mary ........ 15 19 18 20 15 Darke. Alma ........... 15 19 16 2O 13 Knowlson. Olive ..... 15 18 13 20 12 Soanes, Jack ......... 14 11 12 15 16 , MISS I...-\IDL.~\W, Senior Division Lack, Katie ............. 1'5 20 1-6 30 18 . Thorn. Lena ............ 1'6 20 15 3O 18 Boamish. Lila ......... 15 20 14 30 16 Bil-lingsiey. Mac ...... 15 19 15 30 16 Harrod, Glenn. W...16 18 1‘5 30 16 McLean. Florence....15 20 13 30 L7 Edw.ards thllis... 14 20 12 30 15 Babcock, Beatrice. .14 2O 14" -5 15 Haugh, Jean ........... 14 20 102 -5 17 Cresswell Bert ....... 16 16 16 25 14 Chard. Eva. ............. 16 19 15 20 14 Knowlson, Glore....15 19 11 25 14. Edwards, Katie ...... 15 15 11 25 1.7 Yarno-ld, Bennie. ..... 15 19 13 2O 15 Carter, Myrtle ........ 16 18 14 5 17 ‘Immmmmmmm.-.nmm. Griffith. Harvay ...... 16 20 13 30 18 9‘7 King, Florence ........ 16 20 14 30 17 97 McElroy. Clarence 17 2t) 12 30 18 97 Reeds. Manda .......... 1'5 20 1'8 30 15 96 Curtis. Leonard ...... 16 20 11 30 18 95 Darko. Em .............. 16 20 16 30 13 95 Bell..Myrtle ............. 16 20 16 25 1" 91 Carley. Garnett ...... 16 19 12 30 1" . 94 )IcGill. Heatrice .....16 20 16 25 17 94 Edmonds, Norah... 1.5 20 16 25 16 92 Cuthbert. Fred ....... 16 20 11 34) 1-1 91 Reeds Gertie .......... 15 20 12 “0 12 89 Dougan Stephen... .12 16 15 25 16 84 Hopkins, Bessie ...... 16 18 14 2O 15 83 Stewart. Roscoe ...16 2.0 15 30 1'8 99 Fisher. Clarence.....16 20 15 30 143 9'7 Hopkins. Lostcr ...... 16 20 16 30 15 9? Parkin. Josie .......... 16 20 18 30 11 95 Dingle, Gordon ....... 16 19 15 30 14 94 Woods. Ilolon .......... 16 20 16 237 15 94 \ Stone. Willie .......... 16 2018 25 13 92 Jones, R0514 ............. 15 19 17 -5 10 86 Palen, Harry .......... 15 19 15 25 12 86 Miller. Rota ............ 16 19 16 20 13 84 Parkin. Will ............ 16 18 12 25 13 8-! Stewart. Eric .......... 16 18 14 20 15 83 Waller. Bessie ......... 16 19 17 20 11 S3 Wilkinson. Beth ...... 17 20 13 20 10 80 Mapes. Jessie .......... 16 19 13 20 11 79 Cornell. Jack .......... 15 20 15 1‘5 12 77 Lyilc. Aloen ............ 17 19 10 10 10 66 JUNIOR THIRD CLASS MISS JEWELL, Senior Division Cunnings. Olive ...16 18 18 30 18 100 Perry, Marjorie ...... 17 19 17 30 17 100 Perry, Velma ......... 16 20 16 30 18 100 Rathbone. Dollie....16 20 17 30 16 99 MISS WALKER, Scnio Clarke. Isabel ......... 16 18 ‘ Sutclifl‘e, Muriel......16 20 2 Pepper, Kathleen....18 2O 1 Woods, Willie .......... 13 18 2 Dean, Roy ............... 15 2O 2 ‘ Begg. Herbert ......... 15 20 i Dougan. Robert ...... 15 2O 1 Clarke. Wilma ......... 16 2O 1 Dennis, George ....... 15 20 1 Low, Donald ........... 16 20 J Sharpe. Willard ....... 15 20 ‘. Baal, Arthur ........... 15 20 1 Cinnamon. Edith....16 20 1 Donald, Bruce ......... 16 20 1 Warner. Cynthia L.15 20 1 Warner. Leslie ......... 1'6 20 1 Brummell, Jennie...15 19 1 Mate-hat. Ethel ...... 16 20 1 McLaughlin Wm ...... 15 1‘7 1 Hickingbottom, \'..15 19 1 Cook. Leonard ....... 16 19 1 Moore, George ........ 15 19 1 Junior Division Babcock..Ross ....... Morrison, Lizzie ..... 'Pborburn, Duncan.. Hepburn, Gladys... Maunder, Frank..... ‘Dundus. Rosa ......... I McConnell. N .......... L Miller, Harold ........ ‘ Heels. Harry..........i Moore. Melville ....... I Bryans. Lelah ........ 2 Neil, Losl}'..............i Pym, Arthur ........... i Roberts, In-vu........2 Gillespie. .\""il' ...... 1 Giles, Eth‘l ............ 1 Martin. Reg: ............ ‘ Holtorf, Fred .......... I - Elliott Beatrica...1SQ 16 51698 ‘KcI-‘aaden; Rubia-{1‘16 20 16261692 Conway. Janet”...7 1126 16 91 Shea, Ruby. "hum-.114 20 18 80 18 90 Vickery Neal. .... ‘.16 20 14 30 11 90 Sean, Edna. ........ .16 19 1-7; 20 18 89 Ingram, Iv.a........ .... .16 2(9) 17 20 16 8'4" Clarke. Garry ........ 151912 26 14 86 Graham. Bertha.... 16 2O 14 20 15 85 Blewett Aflan ....... 15 20 1:2 20 16 82 Mthnovl, Alice ...... 17 20 15151481i Grafiam', Maud ....... 116 20 131541 73 Graham, Melvill9... .15 20 12 15 16 78 Crandetl, Kenneth. 16 20 14 10 15 75 clflSS LEWIS, Senior Division Harold, Lyla C ...... 16 20 17120 18 91 lRathmell, Joe ........ 15 19 15 25 16 90 Workman, Hazel ..... 15 18 1'7 20 17 87 Chard Blanche ....... 16 19 17 20 14 86 Hughes, Aleen. ....... 16 19 13 2513 86 Young. Alma. .......... 16 18 1-6 20 16 86 Irwin, Schofield......16 2O 12 20 17 85 Gage, George..........15 17 16 :30 16 8-1! Newton. Nola .......... 1-5 17 15 20 1‘7 84 Newson. Vera .......... 16 18 13 20 16 83 Dolby; Tillie ......... -..16 20 15 15 15 81 Watson.lla1r\ ....... 15 1912 L! 15 81 Shaw, Leslie .......... 1' 1 19 15 15 15 79 Debois. Herbie ....... 15 19 15 15 13 . ’7 Richards. \\'a1t9r....15 18 1.. ’ 2t ) 11 76 Junior Dix" xsion .; ...16 18 18 30 16 ...16 20 15 30 15 ...13 20 14 30 13 ...13 18 17 3016 “15 2O 18 25 15 . 1.5 20 11 3O 13 ..15 20 1'60 -5 16 ..16 20 15 25 15 ..15 20 13 30 12 ..16 2017 25 12 ...15 20 12 3013 ..15 20 1525 14 ..16 20 142 -4) 14 ”lb 2011 30 12 ..15 20 14 25 13 ..1'6 20 15 20 14 . .15 1913 25 13 ”16 20 1.. ) 21114 .15 1171125 15 .15 19 15 20 14 .16 19 12 20 12 .15 19 12 15 1.4 uoxsutq .xmzmg 1 ) GIS'IPI‘LCJ '- 9101?L;l‘.’1 381‘]: I! '_"-‘H L 91 OI 9t 6["1 F 910881 LIEâ€"'1 IZIOZSI 0891 {SIU?4.[8191 I8 IQISIOE' I IOZVIGI‘H SIOZQI SI QI t 9t 00 5‘1 08 91‘ f '1'! 98 3T. 81: f1 TEIOoSTOfiQI ? 9119311 6191' .1619172014 86 1619132513 86 1618162016 86 1620122017 85 1517162016 84 1517152017 84 1618132016 83 1620151515 81 S4 83 91 88 88 99 S3 94 93 96 81 81 81 88 88 86 86 83 Count Sergius de Witte, the only many who seams able to cope ‘with the Russian chaos. is one of the youngest of great modern statesmen. ‘He is only fifty-seven. and therefore :five years younger than the great fJapanese administrator and tighter. *Marshal Oyama. ACTIVE AT SEVEXTY-SEVBN Turn to philanthropists and eccles- iastics. Who is doing the great work for the unemployed, toiling fourteen hours out of the twenty- iour? Why Gaieral Booth. aged seV- enty-seven. The present Pope. Pius IX., is only seventy. but his great predecessor. Leo KILL; was lively as possible and working hard when over ninety. i I I O Milne’s Block. N ear the l 'eeeeeeeee +WW GUARLHTEED CUBE for FILES Itching, Blind. Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggists we nuthorized to relund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 due. 50c. As for the idea that a man is too old at.sixt_v,-it is preposterous. It is men of that age or past it who are practically managing the world at the present moment. and who have been doing so {or many years Inst. Let it be remembered that Von Moltke was nearly seventy‘when, at the head of the German Army, he in- flicted upon France the most crush- ing defeat which a nation has receiv- ed for more than a century past. age as Mr. Chamberlain, both having been born in 1836. Tho. Duke of Devonshire is the senior of either. His ago is now soVonty-t wo. Mr. Bal- four himself. usually considered as be- ing still a young man, is only three years oil the sixty mark. WHEN STATESMEX ARE STRONGâ€" EST. Lord (fromor, greatest of our pro- consuls. still holds wise rule in Egypt at the age of sixty-five. Lord Elg‘in is nearly fifty-seven. In fact. then.- are very few British statmen or leaders-of any repute who can be classed among.young mom, Even John Burns is rapidly approaching his lhalf century. Turn to statesmen. Mr. Chamber- lain. whose .speeches are as full of fire as ever they were is seventy. At the age of eightv. Mr. Gladstone was more than a match in debate {or men of half his years. Our present prime minister is almost exactly the same GRAND OLD GENERALS Compare their ages withdhose of our great generals and statesmen , of to-day. Lord Roberts was sixty- eight when he took command of our armies in South Africa. General White was three years younger at the time of his defence of Ladysmit'h. General Buller was sixty-one and Kelly-Kenny and Warren had both or- rived at three-scare. Kitchener‘ and French were our two youngest gener- als at. the time: The former was fifty, the latter forty-eight. The most powerful figure in the Now. without disputing the fact. that there are plenty of brilliant youngsters doing good work. the idea that the twentieth century is essentially the age of the young man ‘is absurd. As a matter of fact. the. young man (was much more promin- ent a century or more ago. Pitt was a more boy when he became prime minister. Wellington was only thirty-four when he won the great battle of Assaye. and just forty when he took supreme command in the peninsula. Nelson won the battle of the Nile at the age of thirty-nine. The great Admiral Cochrane won his first important battle at twenty-six. Lord Hawke was a rear-admiral at forty-tnvo. Such a list might be ex- tended indefinitely. but the instances given are sufficient to show that the great men of action of the eigh- teenth century were. most of them. young. FAMOUS MEN BRILLIANT AT SEVENTY. People are very fond of talking about the present as being the age of the young man. " The old man, they declare. has had his day. Youth is now at, the helm. 1 Merrill. Vioia.........16 Anderson. Annie ..... L6 Howe, Russo“ ......... 15 King, Henry ............ 15 Crandell, Olga ........ L7 Gray. Laurie...........16 Elliott, Donna ........ 16 Walker. Edith ........ 14 Vickery. Reggie. ..... 15 Little. Florence ...... 15 Williamson. Edith...14 Clarke, Howard ...... 16 Brown, Mabel .......... 15 From Toronto ............... Ila-gin. Arthur..-..4 MISS GRAN. Thurston. Gladys." Howe. fibe! ........... Parker. Gliflord ..... Peel. Russell ........... Moore. Hue! ...... z... [H.daer, Clarence.'.. ‘Hooper, Barnum... Kirkpaxrick, Fred.. Whitworth. C .......... Moore, Arthur ........ 1 Bryan. Pearl ........... Jackson, Charles... Parkes, Rena..........2 Perrin. Albert.........i Ellis, Gertrude ....... T Mcxutt. Minnie ...... 1 Sun“, Blanche ......... i Murray. Lillian ..... Workman. Marion B.O. IS SIXTY T00 OLD? I. Annie ..... L6 _18 18 30 16 93 usaoll ......... 15 20 16 25 16 92 mry ............ 15 2O 13 80 1-2 90 Olga ........ 1.7 20 18 25 13 88 :urie...........16 20 13 25 10 84 Jonna ........ 16 20 12 20 15 83 Edith ........ 14 20 13 20 13' 80 Reggie. ..... 15 20 1'2 20 12 79 ’lorence ...... 15 20 13 15 15 ,78 m. Edith...14 2013 15 13 (75 Ioward ...... 16 20 13 10 14 '73 [abcl .......... 15 20 13 10 11 69 ,. Wilfred... Junior Division .n. «yuan... m 19 14 30 m 1,6 _18 13 30 16 15 20 16 25 16 15 2o 13 30 1‘2 I: 31m 91 91 m «:4 n 91 at 2.: L 6.5. 9t 9! fl 6! 91 as 8-1 91 w u; 91 $8 at 93 81 .11 M 9-8 at 9; at 03 91‘ as 91 95.9! 6! 91' 06 at 09 :1 07,91“ ta; 9t 08 II 03 91 ‘66 8109916191 86 st 03 fl oz d1 86 91 08 II 06 9'1 f6 it 089I919'1 96 #10291 I 96 n osn 96 "I oat-I I 96 91 0891 91" uowma 401m “ 99 31 .9 0191 VI" 19 OI 9 OI 9t 9‘! 89 81 9 0! M ’1‘ to It 120! It“! 9‘ 89 810! 51.61"!" 9 LI 9 08 05 06 03 ‘ 6.80 mm 7.20 can 9.15 1.11:. 10.58 um . 50031:: a: 8 p B Isssam in 09. HF 60 I. BE 10501.11: PPPP$°9P 68388838 vppvvvvn hashbhhh' 2.90 pm 6.00 mm I M“ 1W" I am able tom the ciao-aim -1 by." Wink-Med: weumjéc Minudmgmflacttmrsofall liflsay Mm Works 044-: Undertaking In all Branches oz “"0“."‘O‘°'O"°O°°°O’°O'°‘O°'°O‘:°O'°°'O€°O°.‘O°.‘O'.°O‘°‘O‘3'§'1°O°.°O°°°O'°°O¢ Ig‘IANDERSON, NUGENT co. O O o o.‘ O '0 o '0 we Have made'large additions during the past few weeks .in all lines of High-class Furniture. If you are thinking of refixmishing your house, or re- quire anything in the Furniture line, it will pay you to see these goods. The prices are right. Q m»ssssms“mm“m”~s~'ms~sw ..9...9...9.u . 6969696969.. ..9...969...9...96969. .9...9....9.u.9.u.9 W m aim 23:37.9 » 3 At Our China. Hall ““§”WMMQMQ“§‘Q§”‘“§“M WM. WARREN, Agent, Lindsay â€" â€"*â€"v ' Sand for BooLh'FullFroo) 3430“." B b The BELL PIANO (3 Quinn 00.. Limil’od GUELPH.ONTAqu edfy Pier-pout firm. who conbols. it is said. suacient capital to W at! the British tioml Debt. Though he will be sev y this year. be de- clares that he feds as young as ever. Certainlv his W on his enormous financial interests never slackens. fiuyacial work gym-day is undoubt- Furniture Store:: IF WE SERVE YOU WELL-TELL OTHERS. IF NOTâ€"TELL US. We can give, you unequalled values ii: Teas and Cofi'ees. Special Prices for Quantities. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A. L. CAMPBELL ANDERSON, NUGENT CO. Dinner Sets, Tea. Sets, Toilet Sets, Fancy China, Etc. See our Goods before you buy. a. Human“. tndpricesbe- LINDSAY. It Will Pay You ALL BUSINESS 9! this ”turn MM“ and man. EXPENSES 0F LOAN kapt down _to thoflpvut pot-1b]. point eon-1.- otlowutcumtnta.IHAVEw ontotthoneymu-k‘ hccndnudwmginmpctrou “MW. .I. H. Sootheran llr- churns Yerkes, again, to whom we owe the electrification of the Un- derground, and who died so recently, undertook his latest and greatest work at nearly threesoore. Carnegie, Wanamaker. and Rockefeller are all put sixty years, yet ‘trom a business point of view, as capable as ever. HEM [HANS PAGE

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