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Watchman Warder (1899), 4 Apr 1907, p. 11

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ys of the are m hundred foot, m .21 p3? ton ; Ora, no. th. “2.83 w ‘ 35.39340. thug '1'” . for every loot d . Four cheetah” as shown show a“. ‘vulue $1..00 for 5% ; as we are adding a {Bigamy and Per- ;at Bancroft - Mitchell, pastor of who performed the ca!- ‘nt being the 13th! the bride and the tto 8. Mr. Mitchell explain- »‘he exception of theft i-de. After hearing this xag'istrate enlarged the Efle Railway 939 to Toronto. ‘ygeon- ......... 7 in Point ......... 7 'oronto, Feb. 13‘ A. W. Sparling. ’ply :siness or Real Estate I!" urice. write me you! Oil'- we vm: time and mom- Wmn ........... Ga :1 from Torontg. he Peterborough Eb rcz. 28 says: A. "In marriage which took roft about the 8th .d in which thecontran- are Jas. Hawley ind Lt, daughter of Mr. Gil- r, of this village. Haw- sted yesterday moan: 3, namely. bigmy 833 case was called at 4 Estate or Business 12R \\'HF}4’F I,""-"ZED TRAIN SERVICE rrd :t weeK. ion has also been Lott. but she W34 lay afternoon and led not. guilty to ..... mmwvnw 9mm» (‘3. . a: v «me 0W onOOCQQO“OOO....OIO 115 P. TAPE. LAND MAN \XSAS AVENUE. ml 5.1., Toronto 310...... WANT 10 BUY ,hinrsscs of all Xmas .n all parts of the it. Write toâ€"day desc: that! ) sell and give cusn paced! ton (gold). Point lemon... W Point. Point eto oononmnow to...“ o 0000' Minam- cooâ€"oouowot computer 1:: {romanc- SELL 50.0.0000. appear ”do...“ every sen. all kind: 11mg 1‘03 15.1.? KANSAS ’53 5% “mam laid WgTCHMAN-WARDER, Tmsfi; Specialty of cutting Order for men who PRESENTMENT OF THE GRAND J CRY AT THE SESSIONSâ€"NO BILL IN ASSAULT CASE. At the Sessions of the Peace lust week before J udg» Harding the Gmnd Jury returned “No Bill" in the charge of. assault preferred by Thomas J. Robinson against Edward Peel and others. Following is the Grand Jury pre- sentment to His Honor : If you have Wm Bladder 'rxouble, 0; Rank f JOIIN'B. MARION, A Lindsay (page: _wm be plea-ea to use an: aeturn. Florence Olive, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster. is at pre- mmf var-v '3" kn? unfinâ€" 0L- -1413“: FACTORY : Em End Wellington Strut Bria" 011i" basihéss is increasing rapidly, and we have been" dampened to enlarge our promises. Orders, large or small, WiIl",teceive prompt attention A sharp of patronage solicited. We are turning out the best umgans made In Canada. We employ first-class workmen and use the best stocE procnreble... As a. consequence )sed of the indict- 0 them. Fatwa-te- more serious- of-' in that of assault. cases no bill was Mrs. (101%) McPhail and master Frankvwent to‘ Toronto last week to enjoy their Eastet holidays.“ the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bufland. . , Mr. James Gibson; left here on Monday for Toronto, having spent a few monthqin our midst. ther, Mr. St. John. M.P.P., who is lyingdangemualy ill. and at-tlme of wmAmsno hopes are entertained for Mr. and Mrs; Henry ,Glendenning wage hurriedly called away torTo‘ron- to {o the bedside of the latter's bro- Mr. Fred Savage. of 'loronto, spent Good Friday at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Whitesmith. Mr; King. of Owen Sound, was the guest of his brother, Mr. Doble King. last week. . . Mia? B. Reynolds. of London, Eng« land, and Mrs. W. J. James, of Oril- lie. spent their Easter holiday! the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Carter. Miss Marian Butler and a. lady friend, also Mr. Ollie Coone, all of Oshawa. are enjoying their Easter vacation, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Coone. Mr. John McLean; of New York, is renewing old acquaintances in our midst. f The County Court case of A. A. Oliver v. Richard Parrington, both of Fenelon toyvnship, action for dam- ages for removal of a horse from :plain-tifl's premises took up Wednes- iday and till after noon Thursday. ,The facts as disclosed in evidence up- :rear‘to be that plaintiff traded a yearling colt, a. twoâ€"year-old heifer, and three pigs with George Parring- ton, son of defendant, the latter be- ing present and concurring. for a. sore! mare named "Fly” on Septem- ber 27 last. 0n the night of Sep~ tember 29th the me was missing from 1,1.iir.-tiff's premises while the other aniin'as had been returned( The mare.was found on defendant's pre mises. The defence set up that the mare belonged to his son George Par- rington, a. minor, and deffendant was not responsible. ‘lnls HIS Honor rul- ed out, and in answer to certain questions, the jury found for plain-‘ tiff with damages of 35. which car- ries costs. The animal had previous- ly been recovered under writ of re- plevin. F. A. McDiarmid for plaintiff, T. Stewart for defendant. ery part of the building and pre- mises is in splendid order and the keeper and matron are undoubtedly 'well qualified for their positions, and are devoting themselves earnestly to the discharge of their duties. The Frost Wire Fence is the heavi- est, strongest, and most serviceable fence on the market ‘to-day.‘ Prices very reasonable and goods of the .very best quality. Nota. weak spot in a whole mile. FROST GATES ;The House of Refuge hashbeen visit- ‘ed and examined. There are 47 inmates, nearly all of whom are of extreme old age. Thirty-one of the inmates are males, and sixteen. are females. It would seem to be 1m- possible ta find any fault with the institution and the menagennnt. Ev- _ .Include yourself with the more care- ful class of buyers and purchase a fence thy! will shun" 2.9 yew. serviqe- ‘ - If You. Nead Wine Fehcg, XquLWant FROST Fence. D nn’t pay tmce for the same experi- each by lSnuwflmmsing ch'ehp wire fence that wi only last you £our or five ye_ars_. there were twenty persona under treatment. The institution main- tains ,the high reputation it has just- ly earned. 3 WY 111 ”d a “me 0‘ “On in Mount Forest. (Rem) u. n. muon, um an. m. in? no hopes are “mm I" Miss Hamshew returned to her Bishop. At the dternoon eeeelonre- recovery home in Weston last week. rte ’will be presented from Auxi page. Richard and Frank. Pearce. u Cw Le visiting talcum. um Circles and Bands. There will the nieces Bella and Beatrice Am an; week. I also be a. Round Table Codename '08. 0! W are visitors un- ‘Hf, Irvine is visiting et his home and Queeflon Drawer In the even- 9" Mm ”“1 . In any sound. ing, when Rev. H L. Phelps will pre gndHrBTJmphrey have return-_ Mr; W Jukin, «Toma, 899'“? side. music will be (authority the ' "‘B.S.choifmuAnnl-Iv0fywill MANILLA % Eryn: '4 Miss Nugem, of Lindsay. was the m. of her friend. Miss C. Haynes. 1885 Pearl Qulbell, of Cannington, is in town this “991:. Mr. D. Tuomey. of British Colum- bian'u'rived in town last. week. . m. mmon. of Montreal. was “the guest of; Mrs. W. My, at town. Misses Lillian and Nora Wilson spam Monday in mm. Miss Inna MacDougall sutured home from Whitby College on Friday. Mr. and Mrs; P. Wright and mud, of Collln'a Inlet, am visiting in town. ‘ Rev. R. C. H. Sinclair preachnd in Smdcland last Sundty. Mr. and Mrs! W. Corbett, of Kw- ney. visited in town this '.weex.. Mrs. Thus. Graham spent Saturday Mrs. Kennedy, of New York, arriv- ed in town last week for a vinitto her mother and sister in Palestine. Mr. P. A. Ferguson. of Lindsay, spent a day in Fenelon Falls last week. . Miss Della Ferguson, of Mariposa. has accepted a. position in town. Mr. Levi B. Hartle, of Irondale. visited a friend at the Brooks House on Sunday. Mr. Arch McKendry, of Cobou-g. Sam and Eddie, of Toronto, spent Easter in town. Mr. Hugh: Sharpe and Miss Hazel Sharpe spefit Good Friday in Lind- say, the guests of Mrs. D. MacDon- gall. Mr. K. Lane, 0! Lindsay, spout Sunday at home. Mise E. Mncleod returned on Mon- day to her home in Toronto after spending the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell, or town. Misses Violette McKendx-y and D. Bnokenshire returned home on .Wed- nesday after spending several weeks with friends in Simcoe county. Mr. Harry Austin, of Toronto, vis- ited his mother on Sunday. Miss Bertha Brokenshire, of Toron- to, spent the vacation with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McKendry, 0! Lindsay, visited in town over Sun- day. Mrs. R. Wager spent the Easter vacatiOn with friends in Norland. Mr. Fred Robson and Mr. Lithgow, of Toronto, spent Saturday In town. Mrs. M. Perrin and Mrs. W. Towns- end, of Cameron, visited at Mrs. M. Sharpe's, in town. Mr. Bert. Robson, of the W.-W. atafl Lindsay. was in town over Sundny. FENELON FALLS Miss M. Bellingham, of Toronto. spent Easter holidays in town. land sermons on WW1“? gubjects delimit! bytho various We. Mrs; RobtgHurst is' leaving (or British Coluinbia. m a few m. to join her husband who went went last fall and has deemed to sottie there. On Monday the Methodist choir lated by all. Instrumentai solos. re- gave a concert whicb' highly appreci- citation's, quartettes, solos and -duets interespersed with music by the or- chestra constituted the program pro. vided, the various selections being rendered with pleasing and artistic effect. The proceeds are for the pur- poses of furnishing the choir wi-thi new mquc, etc. I Mr. Fred Green, of South River. is a-t Poi't‘ Hoover; Mr. Wm. “Put-fly, o.’ Norwaod: Mr. Roht. Swarthman. Miss Annie Byng, Miss Edie Read. Torontq. The churches on Easter Sundav were nicely decorated with flowers Quite a number lea. town {or Eastâ€" er holiday‘s visiting [fluids and rela- tives in other places. Among those who spent Easter. in Bobcaygeon were Miss L.. I’urdy, teacher at East Mahilla ;~ \Mr. Gordon Dunn. teacher B. N. A" hurling "valved notification or remove! to Toronto his friend- gathered in the Public. leru‘y rooms on Tuscan :3kuon lat weeknnd presented. himwrlth en nddreen, n gold whtch god a pipe. Mr. ,nottum ably ncted as chainnnn‘ and after‘the presentntion Dir-"Wat exmsoed his thanks to his many friends and the kindnesses they hnd shown him. SeV~ eral were called upon for a few re- marks and all expresed newt 31: the removal of Mr. Watt to Toronto. Mr G. W.‘ Watt. manger of the Bobcaygeon- branch 0! the Bank 0! Ir. Sun. 8m. 0!: lawman and bus .drivcr. M.tlb.iiolfing (Honday) on the m. and k prepar- ed to serve the mulling public with courtesy and dispatch. sent Very m but W the aim tractmt of Dr. 1m wé hope :ar its speedy recovery. - is spending tbs vaca- BOBCAYG EON 7w 7* â€"â€"w~wâ€"r~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"mâ€"â€"â€"â€".â€",â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" flmst.WIuhnrchonlom to mmn “about ”uncouth church. A id 91,!!!“ J“ Wdlwp- 0' W130“ MANY PEOPLE WEAKEN THEIR} Lindsey district of the Methodist church will be held in the Queer. Apr“ 9, nation: it 2 and 8 p. m. Among thou who will contribute p..- pera and othm uh part} are We. (Rem) E. L. Phelpl. Jun- un,’ (1);.) Jason. (Ben) Johnson. mama: alumni convention of the Women’s Missionary Society of the aw.) n. Mr. Jack English. wife and two sons, of Lindsay. are spending Fm- er with their friends. Mr. J. Martin. day evening, April 10th, the proceeds 4 W to go to the Sick Children’s Hoapié- ' V' sl of Toronto, and for so worthy an 33;: object we hope it will be well pstro- a“... nlzsd. Miss Moore will spans no Strs pains to make it s success. “90 “ Ir. sners. Per-duo are spending the Easter with friends st. Fenelon 13,“. Falls. E: Our popular music teacher. Miss Moore, with her pupils, purpose giv- ing a recital and concert ‘on Wednes- are equal to some of the city church~ es, through the kindness of Mends. The Easter offerings have been a beautiful baptismal font, a full set of communion linen, and a collection plate; also bible for the Sunday school. All gOes to show the advance- ment of Burnt River. a. very eloquent and impressive ser- mon by the Rev. Mr. Cummer, after which holy communion was admin. istered to the members of the church. St. Luke's church is in avery pros- perous condition. The equipments St. Luke's church looked beautiful 011 Easter mom with its snow white draperies and Easter lilies. I‘hc church was filled with a. very appre- ciatiVe céngregation, who listened to We miss the cheerful smiling face 6! mss.Wilhelm1na Suddaby. who has gone to visit her sister, Mrs. Uowan. of Toronto sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. McCall. but we all join in wishing them pros- perity in their new home. in Fendon Falls. Work has been cornmenced in the quarry Mr. Britnall has a large Mg of men at work. ‘ A grand musical recital is being prepared by Miss Moore and her [-u- pils. Date later. (From another correspondent) On Tuesday last. Mr. McCall and son Harry left here with a carload of goods and stock for their {mural home in Saskatchewan. Mrs. McCall‘ and family will follow later. We are Falls. l Mr. George Umphroy ldt. on Thurs- Iday for Haudley. Sank. The Public school closed on Thurs- day and will reâ€"open Monday, April 5. Miss Nie is spending the holiday . with their Manda. Mr. J . “hm“- DR. 03038, Dentist. Lindsay. Man- ____39 ‘ .. bier Boys! College Dental SurgeOnS. . Out. All modern methods in the COIIVOIItIOG 0‘ MMSt (”flaunt departments of dentistry Mr. and Mrs. T. Perdue spent the Easter season in Fenclon Falls. mes Emily Shuttleworth spent Easter In Lindsay. Misa Caroline Shuttleworth spent. a. few days last week in Fender: Miss Jordan, Lindsay, was the guest of Miss Dodda over Sunday. Miss Ola Townsend; spent the Eas- ter holidays in the village. Mr. Ed. Forbert has returned to his duties in many. MiSs Hollie Brisbin has returned from Bowmxwille. ‘ Word was received in town of the "marriage of Miss My Irvme. formerl- ly of ‘Rosodale. now residing with her date!- in Winnipeg. to Mr. 5!. Hockey. formerly of Woodville. Mr. gnd Mrs. Mackay will live in PMâ€" don. Your scribe join their many friends in hearty congratulation. RQV. Ir. Hackney. of Know Col- lecc. supplied the pulpit in St. An- drew’s chm tut Sand“ and do- livered two brilliant Euca- sermons. In tho’eveuing two 3010: were given. which were very much appreciated. ilk. Umbonggll, 0! Whitby. sang ‘ :‘Euter Morn" in Upland“! style. which showed a. wked‘improvement it.- her voice. Mr. Arch. McKendry sang “Crossing the Bar” in good Mic. ._ ' Mr. George Rutherford. of Rosseau, is at present in town. It sympathy to If. V. Aldous in the dentin 6! his wife, which occurred on Band”. In. Aldous has (or the put for you-0,130.: in ill hum: und her death was for the put two weeks daily expected. m ol‘l‘hdnlerv. Fergu- son. Gm: Bar. Kunlm. of 'oodvma. and meal other minist- dgvloaPch-y Sound. The mm triads extending-9r.»- W.M.S. of Lindsay Distdct BURNT RIVER. ““0“, THURSDAY. APRIL-.4935: Erie: yous Dr. Bow. nucuoneer, in, the village“ fork e ogreâ€" Mlle. 1* were 10¢. hm“): i. one Aux! ehop. sable end shed. droning an. p; ' house with store. property 0! to w ' 'm Doble King. 3 horeee, 1 cow. 14 m on We hens eett or blacksmith (0013,91, m even- now bum. m cutter out â€"1o.u, u“ we: benzene. robe 'A number. of other , the article- and hominid fornicate. NR 8A "' Bela et one o'clock end “that ”One: LEIGH R. KNIGHTâ€"Barrister. So- licltor Nous-y Public, Represent- has Waterloo Mutual Fire Insuruzco 00., of Waterloo: Federal Life As- HOME GROWN, WELL KNOWN, BEST THAT IS GOING. Fruit Trees at rock bottom prices 19 varieties of apples at 25¢ each. only to the claims of which they shall have had notice, and’ will not be- liable for the said assets or any part thereof t any, person or "ch sons of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of mach distribueion. ther take notice, that alter the said 800: day.“ Apeil, the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the acid deceased among- the par- ties entitled thereto; having regard ed on or below the Thirtieth day 0! April, A.D., 1907, tb send by post prepaid' or deliver to the undersigned solicitors flot- the Executor of ‘he Will of the said deceased. their names. addresses and description, full particulars of their claims and ac- counts. and the nature of the securi- ties. i! any. held by them. And fur- mace 00.. of Hamilton; Wm Accident and Surety 00.. 0! Lon- don. Ont. once 0! Weldon Knight. Milne Block. oppotite R. Neal's Shoe Store. 4wrieties ofpeu‘sat35ceach. _____ ____ __ I varieties of plum: at 40¢ each. FOR SALEâ€"Ste 8 varieties of cherries at 40¢ each. mill and stock Bettqr prices given for large quan- Golen Station. lties. I F. MOONEY. 1 Strawberry and raspberry rushes _____._ 190 (or sale. ‘FARM FOR SAL IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of John Dobson, late of the Town of Liddaey, in the County of Victoria. Senator, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- Iuant to 8.8.0.. 1897, Cap. 129. Sec. 38, that ail creditors and per- sons havitgchims agdnot the estate of- the said John Baboon. who died on or ulout the twenty-seventh day of January, A.D., 1907, are request- “caudally practiced. Dated at Lindsay this 30111 day or NOTICE TO CREDITORS â€"The first sod o! the new Normal school 1t Peterboroug-h is to be turn- LOST-On Monday, March 4th. be- tween Butler House, Lindsay. and Stewart 0' Connor' 3 law office a roll of hills containing $141.00. Reward given to finder by return- ing same to owner. MRS. R. Rod“. Raboro P. 0.â€"13-3 But be sure you get the genuine Pill: with the full name "Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pele Peo'ple" on the wmpper around. each boxâ€" eJl other eo-eelled pink pills are fraudulent imitations. Sold by medi-j cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for 82. 50 from The Dr. William' Medicine Co... Brock- ville, Ont. pale and weak and sun‘ered greatly from headaches. III! I found nothing to helping until I began taking Dr. Wiluuns‘. fink Pills. These have completely restored my health and I My tyne day I began taking them." skin emptions. That is why they cure headaches. beckmches, rheu- autism neuralgia. and a host of other tumbles that come from poor weary “00¢ That is why the men and women who use Dr. Willims’ Pig]: Pills eat. well and sleep well and be! active cud strong. mas Mabel Syphon. Lisle. Ont", says :--“I was um cannot do this. What is need- ed ho. tonic. and the best. tonic medi- cal science has yet devised in ‘Dr. Valiant Pins. Every dose 0! this medicine actually makes new, rich blood. and this not blood strensthms every argon and every pal-do! thebody. That is why these cannot possibly can dileise. In the 1'9”“ thelystem needs building upâ€" mtim weaken. '1‘” blood should mam-us I! MING WITH PUBGKI‘IVE ED101838. ‘ ; ”Am in n, my Nam (lemma. 8 u u: add to en- rldnnc *tht blood and carrying on the impurities that hare accumulat- ddmthoindoame olthcwin- tar-mm. 'l‘hou-ndndpooph re. W the My for a. spring mgdicine. dose themselves with harsh trying pumtives. This is g mis- BUSINESS CARDS SALE REGISTER MOORE . JACKSON, of the Town of Lindsay, Solicitors for F. 'D. Moone. Require, I'Ix- center of the Will of the said deceased. Victoria Nursery ISAAC DEYELLE. LOST . mid» sulfateâ€"purga- doctor I ha will puma ve NB SALEâ€"Capt. Ball's farm of mam-Jon. .auwmm. 100 mu FARM FOR SALEâ€"Lot 23. Con. 8. Ops, 2 mike out of Lindsay. 150 acme. 76 cloned. the balance in wood-land and pasture. Log house and (air outbuildings. Possession given any time. For particulars tppb' to BROWN ZEALAND, Lind- FARE FOR SALE.â€"South half 101’. 2.0011. 18. Max-moss, one and a but macs 1mm 0. good school. two mfiea mam Can-mam station, FOR SALE. â€"Stein saw, shiny; mill and stock {our miles from Good large staifle. Apply to MRS BENSON, on. the premiumâ€"34!. That deSimble solid brick residence corner Mill and Glenelg-sts" South Ward. All modern improvements; one of the best constructed houses in on thisfiu‘m. ”Apply to CAPT. J. BALL. 191 Show Uta-eat. Tonto, of the house. “:30“ brick house, atone due bri mm” wMM Mommwm c'u . Than I: butt-Alma! cropm, «Hubs-twat tad heartwrlght egg» glam-e91 Lake Swiog‘. '01.. am. 5 mo! an wheat. and about 25 m to timothy uld clovgr. M h u good spting "Stmthalluns," sired by a. "Brn- with Brid" bull. one of the best. in Amenra. The Bulls odered are ready for service. are of the fleshy desir- able sort, and seeing them is enough to convince intending purchasers. that they are first-class in (puny. Come to Fail-view Farm and have a. look at them. JOHN CAMPBELL. Woodvflle, Ontâ€"44!. 'I‘gereiqtcooqulek 'house cod pitpeh. Thu-eta 'ubout ’46 was “mad. 10 m needed to his! stand: on i. do ~e 'foun- an; _ implement house. hm house FOR SALEâ€"1mm of acres of first-class wheat land, in the grant Alberta and Saskatchewan dis- tricts, on easy terms and prices right. Information regarding home- steam'mg or railway accommoda- t-ion, cheerfully given. Correspondâ€" ence invited. Apply to ADAM DAWSON, Box 510, Cannington, Ont.â€"13-tf. FOR SAWâ€"Hench Can’deian stal- lion (Youtg Morocco), dark brown with flowing mane and tail. Fouled May 18th, 1898: kind dis- position acnd sure foal getter. Can be bought msonable. as I am going out a! the business. Pro- perty of JOHN L. DAVIS. P. M... F. MOONEY, Minden P. O.-â€"12â€"4, FQR__ SALE.â€"Thoromhbred Durham wrapper is n manta of quality. end dad lets “Se consumer know whose butts he is using. 1 cent per lb. extra. mans $10.00 per 1,000 1115., and we do not charge a quar- ter of ethet for-en order o( 1.000 wrappers. We will give special prices on orders 0(5.“ and 10.000, and on a yearly contract will give an extra. spec-h! prflce. We have W1: the parchment from the wt source, in large guan- tittee at the bottom price, and can supply this line cheaper than any other printer in the district. Drop in and see us. or send for a. sample of our paper or printing, and we will eaveend make you some money in your butter business. Now i_s_ the time to get busy. Do it now. WANTED AT ONCE ON SALARY Dongola, Ont... neu- Kinmountr; Shorthorn Bulls for Sale Bun one year old, dark red in color; good milking. strain. Good pedigree furnished if desired. ROBT. WEBSTER, Lindsayâ€"1443. will ciao guarantee utiéhction in fln'pflntinc. Butter-makers who use thoervmppez-getfrom 1c to ash-perimmonthnn those who now wrappers. A printed . Utmost hambygimthntwem W to supply butter-makers and We: in tne district with "IO very best butter “uppers, suit- ‘W printed, Ct the lowest price. We will gamma the quality 01th. and introduce our guaranteed stock and poultry specifics. No exper- ience necessary; we lay out your work for you. 825 a week and ex- penaes. Position permanent. Write W. A. JENKINS' Manutacturing- Co.. London, Ontâ€"4540. egg: legality with Fig, or capable PATERSON’S ' NOTICE TO FARIERS ' Residence for Sale WM:Wudér' Printifig Co.. of acre land; wry and ornamental fruit. trees. I'll! WILL CUII WANTED. ‘ RAGE ELEVEN cone: DROPS to advertise $1: 5

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