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Watchman Warder (1899), 4 Apr 1907, p. 12

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A very pretty Easter wedding was Ky organizations in the Church or Mrs. R' W: Pleasant Point. 0” hand. This -pu-bllcati:on ‘ cantor: Wednesday. lurch 3711!, when their W h. hitherto unoccupied “may and eldest daughter, ABM! Ann and Mr. ”M11 “Many to churchvvorkers Wesley Wickens, Of Huntingdon. were.‘nd memw 0‘ an BOCiGties, ” We“ united in the holy bonds of matri- as the laity in general. in connec- many. The ceremony was performed tion with Mrs Church of England. by the Rev. Mr. Smith. of Bohemb The iasue before us has for its geon, under an arch of! evergreens trontispiece an excellent likeness ‘0! and flowers. The bride, who was the Archbishop of Toronto. Suh- B’i've” “way ’1’ her “the" worn a scription price 50c per annum. Ofilce very ”guy 50““ 01 9°“ grey "10th of publication, 15 Toronto St... Tor- trimmed with silk embroidered chiffon onto Canada. and wore the usual bridal veil and ' orange blossoms, and carried a bou- . quot of white camations and ferns. COBOCONK. Miss; Alma Wall-ace, the little maid; Next visit to Pattie House will be of honor, was d-tintlly attired in on Wednesday. April 3rd, and to white, and carried the ring in a. Chirpaw’s, Victoria Road, on April silver tray. Miss Minnie Endicott, 4th. C. Bowerman, dentist. of Pleasant Point, rendered the} ‘ music. After the ceremony the; ' friends tendered congratulations, and I WOODVILLE and KIRKFIELD. all sat down to a. dainty dejeuner._ The gift from the groom to the‘ One of the firm of Neelands Ir- bride was a handsome gold watch vine, dentists, Lindsay, will be at and to the maid of honor a gold the Queen’s Hotel, Woodville, on brooch. The wedding presents were Tuesday. April 9th, and at Camp- numerous and useful, showing the Hell’s Hotel, Kirkfield, on Wednesday, high esteem .in which the bride Was the 10th- helrl. There were about 7-5 guests from Toronto, Lindsay, Omemee. Realm“), Huntin-gdon, Cookston, EAST OAKWOOD. SCOtCh Linc, iilld Pleasant l'POinF.. Mr. Percy Webster, the 1008.1 horse Mr. and Mrs. lhckens W111 resule m dealer, sold to W. A. Silverwood for Huntmgdon. ’Ihelr :rlends Wish them his last shipment to the West. twelve many- happy days. ‘_ fine horses, for which he received a A meeting of the Fish and Game Protective Association oi the TOWn of Lindsay will be held at the office of Messrs. Moore Jackson, on Monday, April 8th, at eight o'clock p.m., for the election of officers and to consider the means for the en~ iorcc-mcntof the law. All parties in- terested are requested to attend. 9, FRED CORXNELL, The following are the applications for Licenses received by the In? spator {or the said License District for the License year 1905 and 1908 : “A“ .4... Name Municipality I Nature 0‘ C S-.â€"-“ Ottawa, April 2.â€"-Sir Wllx'rid Laur- ier announced to-day that Urn. H. R. Emmerswn, Minister-(1' kaihxays, the better [0 vindicate his charact- er. has remgned and the resignation has been acceptai. Mr. Emmerson absolutely denies the charges and will sue the newspapers making the charges against him. Mr. Emerson has already taken steps against the three papers in which the statements against him were made, one in Nova Scotia, one in New Brunswick, and one in Onâ€" tario. Hon. H. R. Emmerson Resigns Mail and Empire Denpatch) I J'he Belleville, April 1.â€"â€"Shortly after,the ‘ ,sdaten the noon hour toâ€"day the body of -presen a. man was found floating in the har- i the r( bor on the west side of Victoria. Park. itendam The features were unrecognizable, as , eleven the body had evidently been in the #35:. water all winter. It has been identi- 'presen fied as that o! J antes Berry, alias AZ! Mr. Cameron, of Lindsay, an unmarried port < man, about 26 years of age. i003}? On evening of Nov. 23 last a lit"'ac.co{:1 tle girl named- McCune was assaulted filling by a. man near herihome on the bank 8. sho of the river, and as the party at we _Mr. 3 time was seen to go into the river it :i'llnes: is surmised that the victim is the man a": IS): who committed the ofience. On the {remm body, among other papers, was a. re- .day, oeipt. of a post-ofice order issued go he WI Mrs. Q. P. Berry, at Lindsay, and-’13; 1 sent by J. Berry, of Belleville. 9" . The He was in the city for a. few .days then found His Body in the Har- bor fish and Game Protection Meeting last NOVember, and there is little doubt he is the party who committed the assault; Chic! of Police Newton states that he has had a. warrant for him since the time of his disappear. 14-2 ance. home "to spend Easter were was Nellie and Marjorie Swain. Mr. Vic- tor Suggitt and Mr. John Graham; {all of Lindsay; Miss Amy Bruce, 0! Grass Hill, and Mr. R. Lane, 0! To- ronto. . Pog'ue spent Easter with Little Bri- tain relatives. We beg to remind our_ March 26th Hector umpwu . _ March 26th Andrew dusty “ W 30th G. A. MCKinnon , ‘f‘ . ' " March 30th Duncan 1. Mathieoon -' "' " March 20th Duncan J. McKee. \Yoodvi'lle “ March 22nd Anson Raymond “ " The above held licenses during tha‘liccnsc year 1906 and 1907; WILLIAM THOBNBURY. Abril 1st Much 8th ml: 11th lurch 18th March 26th March 11th Much 25th April lat Date Received WICKEN Sâ€"SAMPSON. 23rd V mm. the many frien Albert Ammore wmi‘am Pym John Marauder Ben. Comdden Wm. Simpm Richard Butler A. o. Alsuire Thomas McConnell my friends who came Easter were Miss iJohn McNamy Hector Campbell Secretary. ’Mr. Vic- One of the firm of Neel‘ands 8; Ir- vine, dentists, Lindsay, will be at the Queen 3 Hotel, Woodville, on Tuesday, April 9th, and at Campâ€" 3,911 5 Hotel, Kirkfield, on Wednesday, the 10-.th uu.;â€"-u -.. - .___ hand. This -pu-bllcs.tlaon enters upon a. hitherto unoccupied field, and appeals especially to churchworkers .nd memlipn 04 all societies, as well as the lalty in general. in connec- tion with ,t-he Church of England. The issue rbefore us has for its trontispiece an excellent l‘hkeness \ o! the Archbishop of Tux-onto. Suh- scription price 500 per annum. Office of publication, 15 Toronto St., Tor- I '1 The first number 0'! “The Lay Worker," a mum.“ of the Brother- hood of St. Andrew and the other lay organizations in the Church of England i_n_ 'Canada.!' has come to 4__I_Il._-£l.-â€" nnfsrl Mr. Percy Webster, the local horse dealer, sold to W. A. Silverwood for his last shipment to the West, twelve fine horses, for which he received a good sum. He also shipped a. car- load from Mariposa Station to Tor- onto this week. We make a feature of pre- paring, printing that is profitable. That is, we make it profitable to our patrons. We study types and ef- fects to insure attractive arrange ments, and we believe you’ll appre- ciate how we handle your work. From a. card to a. catalogue We want. to figure on your work. Lime Inspector. License District I The report of the attendance at the Collegiate Institute, and the sdatement of fees for March, were .presented. and filed. The number on ithe roll is 219 and the average at- tendance 191. Two hundred. and elexen pupils paid $567. 50 fees. TWO NEW TEACHERS APPOINTED â€"R()UTIXE BUSINESSâ€"AN [.\'- SUI‘ANCE TANGLE. The regular meeting of the Board of Educatiorl was held on Tuesday ev- ening am the Town Clerk’s office. The following trustees were present ; Chairman Stewart, Messrs. D. R. Anderson, J. Carew, J. W. Ander- son. A. Jackson, Jos. Staples. W. Mchtters, A. B. McIntyre, Dr. Wal- ters, J. D. Flavelle and .Dr. White. A co-nnnunication was read from Mr. J. C. Burns, o-fi Queen’s Bollege. accepting a position, on the Colleg- Late Institute staff from Easter to midsummer. On motion of Mr. J, D. I~Lave11e, seconded by Mr. McIntyre, Mr. Burns was engaged at a. salary of $800 per annum. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCAHON I Mr. A. Jackson presentetl the re- pori of the Fih'a'n’ce Committee re- ‘commending payment of accounts. [ Amer soin'é 'disicUSsion over an old 'account Min Rév. Jas. Wallace for filling (the pOSition on the stat! for a short time, and the employing of ‘Mr. Bryson as caretaker during the qillneSs of Mr. Walsh, it was moved gtlv Dr. White, and seconded by Mr. ,.. Aâ€" On. motion of Mr. D. R. Anderson, seconded by Mr. J, Carew, MiSS Wil- son was engaged to fill the vacancy occasioned; by the resignation of Miss Lai‘dlaw, ‘of the east ward school sum, at an initial salary of $400- he was engaged, and on motion of Air. Jackson. seoonded by Mr. Staples, the report. was adopted. The question of fire insurance was then introduced. Two policied had been taken out in one company. It. was intended that one should be on the Collegiate Institute», and the other on the Union school, but by mistake [both were planed upon the lower. The matter was left with the Finance Committee to arrange after Chairman SteWart had stated that the Company Was morally right Three town pupils, one from the country and one from qutside, gre at present in arrears. J: Staples, that Mr. Wallace feceive remuneration at the rate of $6 per day, or $1200 ya. yea_.r, for the time Lindsay Eldon Trawelers requiring tickets for Spring EXCursions to Manitoba and the Northwest write to or .call at C.P.R. «mice, 1590 Kent street. Lind- say. Reliable information given. 'I but WE STUDY‘ PRINTING. The lay Worker Settlers’ Trains Wébt Victoria . Tavern Shop Tavern ll u la MONDAY, APRIL 15.â€"By Elias Bowes, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock, implements and house. hold furniture, the property of the late Wm. Moynes, west half lot 19, con. 5, Fenelon. Sale at 1 o'clock and without reserve. vvv-. _. the line. The contractors quired to do the gctual tion, suqh 7a.: gndm. ‘ -‘_A_V L101], suvu us - __,_ D vâ€" - _ rafls, ball'utin and completing the road. The, new (mm-10 action of the C. P. R.. which has been under consid- eration, wiu‘ pass through the Towns of 0mm and Lindsay. Work will be commenced immediately; li-ne will be about $40,000 a. mile. or no total of 84.000,C00. The terms at the contract call for a. single track 9180 pound rails and a. 8-10 grade. The railway company in to supply rails. tied and other material. etc.. as :well as the .rightâ€"ot-way for _A __ --n Toronto. April 8.â€"“Kery much the ‘ same throughout the day. Mr. St. John is in a. very critical condition. He has not improved any. The out- look is not very favorable," This was the 'thiletin issued iron: the Torontp Gcnhml Hague-l at 11 o'- clock iaat night about the condition of Mr. J. W. St. John, Speaker 0! the Ontario Miniature. GENERAL SERVANT WANTED.â€" For family of four; wages $10 per month. Must be an experienced person. MRS. M. J. CARTER. corner Glenelg and Millâ€"sts., South Ward.-â€"-14â€"1. hav- -Ree\e Spence, of Cohourg, a. ing been appointed deputv jailer, new election will be held on Wednes- day, April 10, if more than one can- «ii-date was nominated on April 3’. â€"-Rev. W. A. Gustin, formerly rec- tor of St. Markzs church, Port Hope, has been appointed Canon in resi- dence of the Cathedral of Quincy, Ill. -Thomas H. Vann, accountant for Mr. D. Williams Son, Bowman- \ille, dropped dead at his desk on Monday morning of last week. He was 73 years of age. â€"Miss Sanderson, who has conduct~ ed a grocery at the Millbrook sta- tion for some years, has sold her + + \aw Mouldings ufullkimlsâ€"uut + + H Llf I’Lice. Remnants as usua'. : + -++++++++++++++++++++++ Dies In Jail From Kick. Toronto, April 3.â€"Fa.nnie Catone, _ aged 59, who was committed to To- ronto jail a few days ago, dled at that 1 institution last night. When sent to jail deceased was sub faring from a. kick on the head, re- ceived,itisallegedinafightwitha woman named Lond. Both ypre intoFi' acted at the time, and the we was given thirty days in jail. Crown Attorney Drayton, on let ing that the woman was dying, v to the jail yesterday to take her a; mortem statement, _but she was i State of '-consci< WM" W. _ “1119"“!!! This' I. Etrthquako 11m. Imam! Avg! 33‘P‘9f2.w:‘ Brave fight for life SALE REGISTER WANTED. Péter‘bol‘l yto take her ante- ybut. she was in a of fan: substar lo.â€"By Elias construe laying _ol LU..- “It will, perhaps, be necessary forl me to add a word to the announcement unade by the Prime Minister. I want to be definitely clear as to what my statement should be and, with the in-- dulgence of the House, I shall read it,sothatthereneedbenomisappre-l hension as to the words." Mr. Emmerson then read as follows: “Idesireatthistimetorepeatmy denial explicitly and unqualifiedly o! the charge which has been made' against me by The Fredericton Glean- er, and to say I have taken steps to secure vindication before the only tri-‘g bnnal having jurisdiction in the pre- mises, the established courts of the- land. "To this end, I have given instruc- tions for the issue of writs for libel' 'nst The Fredericton Gleaner, The“ alifax Herald and The Toronto- World, and I have been advised of service in at least one of these cases. It is but a question of hours now as to the other two cases, if, indeed, at this moment service has not yet taken- place.” m Premm” 2}";ifrfifiiiy‘wok his seat, but Mr. Emmerson at once rose and addressed the chair. He spoke as fol- Hyman’s Resignation. A few moments later R. L. Borden asked the Prime Minister if there was any further information with respect to the tendered resignation of the Min- ister of Public Works. He thought there should be some statement from the Prime Minister, and that the per- iod was approaching when there ghould be some finality about the mat- vuv .V_ _7 , inn.) spoke to the item of reapers, binders and mowers. The Government, 1 had? prqmigsed“ t9 Ijefomg the tariff. __.LL 3-- _ ‘1- - vv -- . i -â€" .-_,_ .__v “I have no information whatever 3.0 86 to $7.50 for good qu‘wi’y’,’ and £550 to give the House at this moment.” stud 88 for camera to mean-m. Choice spring Sir Wilfrid. “I have received no fur- “”5 are mm 35:.” $10 each. ther communication from Mr. Hyman, ' . ' . . - '. Mr. Han-ls “mans prices cadet It $8.80 either dn‘ect 0" mdlrth-V ‘ per cwt. for selects And $6.55 fer lights "‘71? i: éfi'iie 2128255 't‘h'at the Minis- ter of Public Works will have to take action before he can e_nter_ this House again. He has already given us no- tice of his intention._ and I have no doubt he will make his intentions good of appealing to his constituents for vindication?- ‘ Tariff Questions. After the Emmerson statement and the Hyman enquiry the House took up the tariff. Mr. Schafiner (Con., .v... 'â€" They had, it is true, brought down 970' feeling a bill embodying changes in the Cus- toms Act, but the changes, were those 000 of form; they were not changes in. mi,“ MW substance. It. would seem as though men; .n .g the Liberals, being unable to improve at $130 and on the tariff, had re-enacted it, bolus m, M Bothpartiee werecommifiedtoa M m high protective- tariff. Neverthelea, mo lung hehopedtlmtmembetaonbotbsidee '85: ‘ of the House would vote for a redne- m’ 't ‘ tion upon agricultural (Implements. ‘m ano- _ Move to Ft~ ‘_ Duty in.) ' Removed an ' .' ent'mreddndn'd D . m ' ' the dint; an reapera bande may ‘ 15%?“ , “11.4-11!“an bar-,1...» W P-fiw WM flan mm“ °‘ 7"“ Mr. Emmenoq Denjcg. Denies Outle- Aboct Steadyâ€"0.8. ”that. i 1 Toronto, April 2.â€"Receipts of live stock since last Friday, as reported by the milwavs. were 27 car loads, pom- 168'60): not) to extn n1 mac; mt, W to 1°C- don aides are steady at in: to 13:“): Eéonble.” 7 This bulletin Itas issue; by téhe phy- . ‘ sicians in attendance on on. pea-Ref Toronto Lwo Stock. ' St. John at 1 o’clock this morning. Toronto, April zâ€"Beceipta of live . - ._ stock §in°° 1m FM”. 88 W b! , diam fixd um“ figfifi the ”11:73:: Kare 2745? longskhoom- , no change in the patient’s condition. W30 “1° :33 f; 083: “9' i From other sources itwassaid that it V85 an maize; '1 gain ”insanely doomerul if Mr. St. , " w survive mgh' t. on" ‘ f" 9mm“ 052313953. «.2. The unfavorable reportshfrom ”the Feeders and Stockerl. Harry Max-by reports a good demand for Mawâ€"at least, there were seven! farm»- as and dealers who were enquiring to! both stacker; and habit but there were none on me. Mr. Mus-by has order- for Only a united number were attend. chh were or good to choice Q!" Is mported dull In Montreal. an mmmudtybdngonthem trade was dull, with 1110“ I“ :30 to 3m mob. i9. 3” All M were uâ€"ndfly taken at changed pumaâ€"$3 m $7 pe'r‘ cwt. ‘8hccp and mu. Few were on sale. not W to make a market. Prices um mwhnnzed. Ex- port ewes_ $5 to $5.25: bucks, :4 to 31.50 per mm: yearling hmbs_m worth from 7. .t'.‘ u bee}. unchanged, at 7c md 9c per lb. for native sides: exports W, 10,- (II) each “2 sheep and M82 «50 unu- m at beau “vest recalpu 82; teeth; to'ml East Buffalo Cattle Market. m: unxm when Veal Cdveu. mm. Cows, bought for bother samuwper o'inrth'e wk- no M88 in the P 5 sheep. From other sources Ewes extremely do: "n on John would survive I, but”: The unfavorable !hos pital would seem . there is very l_itfle k râ€"w 1 Arrival of Russian and British Troops “.1 Create: Constemtion. i Teheran, Persia, April 3.â€"-Indian native mounted troops have entered axe Persian territory for service at the 3}: British Consulates _in the_ s‘out‘11. v ; Speaker St. John's Condition Has Not g Improvedâ€"Outlook Unfavonble. i . Toronto, April 3.â€"-"Mr. St. John's condition has not improved during the 1 day, and the outlook is distinctly unc invorpble.” i sicians in attendance on Hon. Speaker mm... a F. 'John would survive the night. The unfavorable reports from the hospital would seem to indicate that there is very little hope for the recov- ery of the distinguished patient. From the bulletin issued at noon yesterday his friends were led to entertain con- -siderable hope. The bulletin read: "Mr. St. John passed a fairly good night. His condition this morning is about the same as yesterday. Although still very critical, it is thought his condition is not hopeless.” During yesterday, however, the hopâ€" ed-for progress did not materialize, and it is doubtful if Mt. St. John’s vitality will hold out much longer. ”. -â€"â€".â€" y‘â€" This news, together with the arâ€" rival of Cossacks at Teheran and at the Russian Consulates in the north, a reportâ€"as yet unconfirmedâ€"of the appearance of a British man-of-war in the Gulf, and the presence of a Rus- sian transport with troops off the Caspian port of Enzeli, has created great excitement in the Persian cap- Duncan In Penitentiary. Kingston, April 3.â€"The peniten- tiary’s colony of former bankers and lean company men was further add- ed to yesterday afternoon by the ar- rival of John B. Duncan, formerly manager of the Bank of Commerce at Ayr, to enter upon his term of four you-s. Duncan was stylishly dressed and is a decidedly fine'looking man, con- siderably under middle age. He was brought. down by Sherifi Charles Hu- {ger and Deputy Tracy, both of Ber- m. After dining at. an hotel, the trio sat around the lobby for a short time, smoking. and about 230 o'clock pro- mu Kill-d In TEHERAN IS TROUBLED. LOOKING .‘ro AUSTRALIA. Em} ”NWT mm :.-â€"It i! N- 1. Man. Tombs MW mu. Wslker. probationary 051% nd- $30!!!! 4- Wade. 13pm; fiend dpyo. . Dr. 812mb Ely Jennie, a meme, the Madam; corps of mm “id st the time Thaw hiked snflered from insane d313, ut theyseemed entirely m St. Petersburg April 3. â€"-A despatch‘ to the Guette from Viborg, Finland. uys a curious suicidal mania ha. lately, at short intervals, driven 10 victims to self-destruction in the pin- ue Imatru water-{all The sui- cides were hysterically inclined young women who wanted to die in romantic surroundings. Their bodies were washed away by the roaring Wuoksen River and mo- ly recovered, and then in shockingly mutilated condition. The latest victim was a young girl, who had traveled especially from Mas- caw to commit suicide in the water- fall. A coachman seized her clothipg have disappeared. .. Dr. Brifion D. Evans added his m. fimony for the defence, to the cued “mt Thaw is perfectly rational. Adjournment was taken at 6.3; pm. until 10.15 a.m. today. he commission expects to be ab}. 19 reporx its _con_c_lusio_ns to June. as she was going over the edge of thn precipice, but the material gave my, and she disappeared with a shriek in the torrent. Elliott Was Stabbed and Struck On Head With Shovel. Port Credit, April 3.â€"-Thc crown ha! at last decided to take a hand in the unraveling of the mystery surrnunding the death of the English reczionman. Edward Elliott, who met his death two miles west of here early on 6 Friday morning. ‘ f ”any Young Women Go to Pretty Spot to Die. At. the inquest Loâ€"day n the provincial detective s oâ€"v l'"‘â€""' in attendance to watch } and follow up any clue Wm unearthed. It isioertain 1h: will be produced to prove cuncfusvv 1y that Elliott came to his death as 3 result of foul play. Dr. Sutton, who performed that an- topsy, is ready to swear that wound in Elliott’s chin was caused by some sharp instrument. eithf‘r a knife or a stiletto, and that the cash 0.“ 1119 back of the head was in all likelihood inflicted by a blow from a shovel. . County Constable Peer made 3 mp into the city yesterday to subpoem Jas. Batty. the conductor of the way mm“. who found Elliott alive by}? County Constable Peer : into the city yesterday I Ins. Batty, the conductor freight who found Elliott ; track and brought him 13' 0810!? nmuu wan [vwnuu ~-r~ , , Gallagher, the man with wham E1110“ left the section camp at. (“larkson W come into the city, will M broufzm here to-day from Hamilxrm m wa’Fr and Constable Peer is of 1th 0pm” am this man will be able tot-'1’" some light on the matter. Dr. Sutton will open the enquirr " 2 .o’clock this afternoon, msistai by High pongtuhle Broddy of Bra‘f‘fjp‘g I V‘QV. He arranged with Michael Basso to act as interpreter for the four 1124mm known tio have passed the spot snow 15' before Elliott was picked up. Han? Ginagher, the man with whom E1110“ left the section camp at. ("lnrksonng 1â€",. ma, Wtyggrom 1 aha County .Crown Attorney \'\ Hdfidenof Peel County, at the bur Home. Han-3mm Was Asked luv york, April >3.â€"Tbe WATERFALL W008 SU ICIDES. donor. Prison cupmm, 0.; m. 30‘ Dr. McGuire 1.8” For M" 3w H. I. Rm I. m- umsâ€"Trial am pm 0. PORT' CREDIT MYSTERY. ROOSEVELT ACCUSED. h Expem An I Him to 8. Insane. early Thursday morning . Luke lot he‘su . staff Wll. no 1 proceeding! which may N that Widen“ ‘ve cmxclusiw his death as I For Funds ” a member ‘01 ' Port m ‘dtorflun. TAMAR CORDI A remedy that is 31 pleasant, safe and effective in every of a cough. The fact that its sale marvellously witlm‘ special advertising louder than words in of its unusual merit. E. Greg Ombn‘suu, L? 250 per Bo Lind-s, KARL‘S l‘ Plain

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