ill need some good Pa. 11 that new hat or gown. am. the choicest in vog- r present day. youwm lmr Store. Nice Gift IVdueo. "you like to have" you w. ‘ey’s Chocolate. 0? my Back Comb n warm 1.21m geodï¬lï¬â€˜: {me opened our 1 ith a large Inn storing an kindg‘ Lumber, Base I! n: w ith us about it Wm watch. :: ..â€"â€"â€"---""""'â€"'l J. PETTY 1 and. “-0??- m we have a splendid line All new up-to-dm The Jeweller AT CHES dler 8 fee) 1L4“, AND CES‘ puncnn’n‘i‘ CIMAL nter Time Would but ’3 of noonb In: hqm Sun ‘I I} STORE fig: I! a â€r MWW«7Â¥++++++++++++‘ WWW+1 IKE WASHIi W maulâ€"- Advertium ‘ {or . Lin‘3" Gentlemen, we’ve thing New and leather Shoe, po-iï¬â€˜ guaranteed. THINK OF IT- Some people think we are foolish to sell NEW_ GOODS at old prlces. We don’t thing so, and will "keep right on doing so all this month. nanny 3163‘ Ir 301' you, HQ“: handed to the local rowdy published were near: Dy we chairman and adopted. The report of the Market Clerk for March showed collections' of $59.10 for weighing fees,~ $8.50 for _‘ tons; “t 1“" “an?" â€mm" m“ " A’d- Râ€- "P“†“1“ "“9 â€um S'ext Sundav April 7th Rev. .Yus. thufe was any {mperglnqxce it was by contract some w“ “8° h“ ‘0‘ ‘Wallme will oddress the open meeting on the Part 0‘ the Boa'd- 3'8 0‘0"?“ provedwaUdocm. ‘Laet you they om: r «many people would like the um ‘ v ~"" ’ - 1°! pm end ' in at 4‘10' 000“ ' MW†“‘5“ “‘6 mi. anal; â€A collection will be taken. to be open 1038" “Ch day. 0 would recommend day labor. I Aid. Ewes thought there were many Ald. FDevltt wished to know What . things which ‘the Town Council: was to be done in regard to extend- New Brokerage nm in â€night move in, though not BM? ‘lng sidewalk on west side of St. 1' [within their province- As to any kn“ Paul street ecroea the creek. Be ud- oronto :pertlnence, he “'0“1d 108W â€â€˜9 990919 Vacated that this should be done. The "to judge between the Monrd and the-w culvert on east side ghould be pro- lCouncll. He thought the Council; tected. had done ‘lts duty- is Aldo Eyre: enppofled day labor :or Aldl McLean :dld not agree with the‘galdew‘lke undo:- who eupervlslon o! 1; [last amtemont of Am. Eyree. eevunn‘s Competent, foreman. Waive per M- 0‘ “‘9 â€â€œ0993“qu Md. McGeoogh evoke o! the dung- d'ld not know who to approach 1‘ prone eondlllm of who culvert. the regard to the matter. "0 had “mm-5m“ being too high-endangering :he numerous colmplalnte “8 t0 “WM-13. llvee of ch lawn. ~Somethlng enould| A new rad estate. brolmrnge and mining buelneu hu been opened In Toronto this week under the tltle of Konmdy. Dingle (‘0.. It ls com- poled of Ir. Robert Kennedy. a part- 'ncr ln the Kennedy Devin Mllllng Co. and Mr. B. Dlnglo. The former in well known In bualncsa circles ln ‘Undny M be hue melded for up- Ln- .L.. I-‘ mun Wu. Abbott, corner William 'ahoum be encoumgod-. and St. ’pv‘vrence streets. aski-c tor Deputy Reeve Jordan also believed I“ *fee‘t Of sidewalk. Board 01 Mr, Marlon was worthy of help con. Works. ‘ Iaidering the progress he had made, From J, P. Reed. Secretary Y~ l!- a.nd on his motion, seconded by Ald. 0- A» asking for use 0‘ Strip 0‘ .Eyres, the matter was referred to the ground between "Town Hall and PW- 'Finance Committee. lï¬c Litter-y for Y- M- Q A. LORD} A by-law to authorize the Mayor ‘3th; Club. Granted, on motion and ’n'easum to borrow 340,000 to ~o't Md. McLean and Ewes, on same meet current expenditure was passed. conditions as ‘last year. Ald. Eyres said that in driving Mr. W- McWatters made a verbal thrwgh the east ward he noticed a inquest for use 0‘ CW6“ 'Ohlmber monument from the resume of Mr. ‘for Grand Lodge, 0 0- 0- F., W QTISootheran in the form 01.. pile of tame days in June. Granted, ~on mo- guvel. Be wished to know I! it and -tion or m. Reg and Deputy-Reeve,um 1°: belonged to the town. The nu. Council meton “way! m». J. B. mum m the e .V \ Council in record to Mt lumen of routine won many to his Jan-1m rumor-y. 9392 mud dealt with. A request ‘0 give Beige thathehedpud hï¬elag21wedu form of encoungemeut to Mr. J. B. «1, 576 in wages, on avenge 01872.- Iarion' 8 1mm lactory was reter- :80. but in the last six week; thee.“ red to the Finance Committee. .erege was 8102 per week. There were Present, Reeve Begg, Deputy Reeve Inow tweIVe person; emplqved, 4 mar- Jordan, Ald. Weldon.1\ea,Eyres,!ried men. not including himselt, six McLeun, Jordan, New, Devi'bt. 'Sillgle men and two girls. The wages In the absence of Mayor Vrooman, for February and March alone “ho were suffering from a. severe cold, amounted to $8 '5. 40, and he had Various Communications and Petitiol Referred. Mr. J- 8. Marion Asks; [u- COuragement for Larrigan' factory Regular- Meeting Of ' The Town Co'unc' um Various committee reports 2.1â€" .uhlinhnd- were read by the LINDSAY, ONT., THURSDAY;L5‘4ï¬1 APRIL, 1907. L w Ian-w vaâ€"o v--.â€" , “A“ flankedthaztheï¬o “50.! . . Itnot :granudhewould to ,qu not “timed with his wages. and Deputy Reeve J ordan spoke lrom experience in police matters. and aid {013001 the ï¬rst with: o! a. po- ;lic.. (one was to have a suitable of. , :floe. He inaught it might. be â€u to wait and. consult the new Chid. Reeve: qu had talked with Chic! Nevieon. and the southwest. corner of the Council Chamber had been Ald. Eyres thought there should be an anoflice, and o. well kept om. but repeated he was not in favor 0! cut- rmg up the Council Chamber. Aid. . weldon favored laying the flutter over until the new Chief was . Ald. Rea. enumerated some 00 the diflculties and inconveniences 0! not having an on». Aid. IcGeough. at «quest 0! cm: Nevilon. brought up who necess ty of moving a. room in connection with Who Council Chamber 101' the M. and when witnesses .could nun during We 1 ma. Ewes would him the team an the market. He did not favor cutting up Council Chamber. A111. ï¬dbean believed there should boa. recognized headqumers for-the Denny Rum Judah 1mm 1! there was danger u. should in mo- dlod. The Couch «um not. word to um um. Ald. McGeonh. McLean. 30th and Jordan were appointed to act ‘with Md. Rea. u waomlttoo to in- ulrc'iuto the many of bridge on the west. side. and ma. Re. to (do immediate steps to protect culvert on Walt side. Md. Mu agreed that {he curve". should bc pro‘ocud. As to «standing Ildevwalk on west side it people over there ‘wantod a. 'thoy should mow. ’Mr. George Mills. The gravel Iu' his intent 18 north passing pot very good for gmollt’hic walks. on: Jacksonville's richest asset» ’dlthough it 'mlght do for ï¬lling up. Wm problem. earnest peril. Tova Ola-k Knowlson said that mightiest force. mum oï¬cndvr, i‘the ‘lo‘t only cost. {or use the taxes. strangest detender. highest. hnpe In {some $20!- $3 a. your. the young man. A ‘puullng mud-ox ' Md. Mac-cough lad used some of mg meg-named and anchored try "the gravel. and thought it. was all Christian chm-um. Who would not right. tovmix w‘ith qthor for concrete. ,5.- strenuously to. prevent. what he AM. Mcaeovgh ~upoke o! the dung- vmu Condition 0! «he culvert. tho mil being too high-ondungcflag the “WI 0! ch ldmn. ~Somethlng would be: cone right awéy. such“ pinning a netting now who 1'8“. The question 0! contact or day lubor for building eldewalks came up on reference of Reeve ~Begs to ,3. com- municetmn in The Post. ~ ma. Rec. replied that the gum! belonged to the town and the lot to Mr. George Mills. The gravel nu now twelve person emplqved, 4 mar- ried men. not including lime", six single men and two giris. The wages for Februu-y and March alone amounted to $8431.40. and he had bought $1,200 worth 0! leather in last month from one ï¬rm. Aid. Eyree thought Mr. Harion imam to encouragement :.tory He stated been w. a. 9-bit hv the man in: was held a Oahu: on F314“. end the M W M .utuulooellntueltgoeewathe “s Mn; out o! the Minute“ um Clube. The Wm. u are- eult of then alum-«lone. will this monkmuleupottour club.â€" Port Hope. Cobourl. Bowmuvllle, and Oehnwu. Hr. W. Clununon ne- preeented the Llndm Club. The kick on the part 0! other clubs wu 9"“ the distance required to travel Md Peterborough and Laden. Jew folâ€" *8 lowing were elec Preli '22" dent, Roy Jex. Cobourg, 13¢. Vice- Pres.â€"-P. J. O'Reilly, Oahu“; 2nd Vice.-Pres., S. W. Saunders. Bow- 'ere mnville; Sec.-'l‘reae.. S. Locking- EV. :ï¬vo atnenuously to. prevent. what. he ‘would give a, thousand worms to cure. Help us raise the standard for young manhood and you will he do- ;ing Mont service for your country. A new I'd-1 estate. brokerage and mining busines- hu been opened in Toronto thin weak under the tlfle of KM. Dingle (‘o.. It. ls com- pacted 0! Hr. Robert Kennedy. a purl.- yner la the Kennedy Davis mlllng C0. ‘nnd Mr. B. Dingle. The former in well known in buslnoss (firth: ln lMutiny M be has resided for upo ward. of “nuts! yours. while the m- ltor bu bun canary-(murm- and â€count“: at tho Sylvan!†Mnnulnc- 1m Company for nurly twenty- tour you". Ho ls Hum-dad n a man at Iuporlor bullnou shlllty. and than in every moon to look for success on up put-o! tho new Arm. The Sylvester base ball team an elected â€the «allowing amoers: Presi- dent. Mr. V. Roenlgk; manager, Mr. E. Wetherup ; secretary-treasurer, Mr. Fred â€in. There wiil probably be four beansdn the Town League. ton, Port Hope; Executive Commit- tee, Blake Crawford. Port'Hope, T. J. Turpin, Cobourg; Bury Gd- brdth, Oshawa; R. Jones. Bowman- ville. At the annual meeting of the 0.2L. A. at Toronto last Friday. Ir. Enrâ€" ry Cameron, 0! Beavertorr, wu elect- ed President over Mr. Bailey, of To- ronto,' by a. majority of 18 votes. Jack Km, 0! Arthur, was made lat doe-president by acclamtion. md J.'F. Doyle, Newmarket is 2nd vice-prqddent. W. W. Hall was up- oppooéd tor sen-trams. Th0 Lndsay representatives were Mr. W. Reeoor' and Mr. H. B. Clemes. The age “m- it. for‘juniors was raised to 21 years. ' WE’RE HELPING SPORIING NOIES Y.M.C.A. Notes haw l The following amour: were elected for ensuing your : ROCtor‘I Worden. Mr. Rob'l. Bry- am; People. “uden. Mr. Geo. A. g :Mnne; Veitry Clerk and Treasurer, i m a. 6.1’ttrlck Sidosmen Messrs. ‘ :1}. C. Armstrong. 1.. \ \Iurphy. R. l l I ,q '.A Phyfmlr, J. B. Marion JL [John-ton M. H. smnn 'Knlght. F. F. Loomvmorv. A. LTlms. '.J E. 9““va Goo \‘ursm. W. P.’ MOM My Bolt-gue- to the Synod. I Report: wove pmbed from the Wardens. the 80V. A. J. Vale. cur- ate, the Sunday school. the Young Men'- Asndohttonh and the Womans' ‘Auxmary, ‘11 of which were satisfac- ( ory. m. Honor Judge Harding. Noun. 0. R. Hopkins and J. n. Soother“: Auditors. Noun. C. A. 110er and W. O. ‘1‘. Norton : ropmvmnuvn on UK Board of tho Home for NM Agvd. In. mm. Mn. Simon. Mr. RE. W. many. The \‘outry adjourned tor two web. Y.M.C.A. Glee Club Concert'hz.v Mr. Bovine. um novices m me {up inviting tenders for the purchaâ€" â€"â€" 0!! the Township Hall property- Th. 0!! Thursday evening last the Y. M. ‘Reeve. Mr. Lyme and the Clerk. to C. A. Glee Clu-b-g‘ve a concert in open tenders on the 10th or Apnl at. . Victoria. Road. Carried. the Academy of lime. the principal Moved by Mr. Lytle, and seconded put 0! the entertainment being Iurn- iby Mr. Bowins, that W. J. Chirpc‘ ï¬shed by the Gilbert Shower English 419 allowed to put in a cattle pas- ‘â€" , .. , -s .._ au..-_._.lon lake shore road at lot 13. Cate The Rev. C. 11. Marsh. rector. pre- sided. awnings were impressive. the singing at mdame Lillian Adams and little Beryl. much appreciated by a lair audience. The Glee Club under direc- tion 0! Prof. W. H. Jackson contri- bmc-d'thnae numbers in good style. Thd annual Easter’ Vestry meeting 0! St. Pnul's church was held On Monday evening last, April 15:, at, 8 o'clock in the school room. Dramatic em remainder 0‘ “19¢“an wulove; {or further consideration. spent in music and games, light re-, Moved by Mr. Bell, and seconded treatments beéng dso served. 1:67 Mr. Black. that Mr. Chirpâ€?! u loflerof$1~5£ort1hetimberon road allowance between lots 11 and 12 5., Mâ€" w. Bey. be accepted. Curried. Moved by Mr. Ben, and satandell Y.M.C.A. Glee Club Concert» any Waumct . mageee be put ,___L_ _- St. Paul’s Annual Vestry Meeting tint he could almost promise that, she would comeback to again ï¬ll her place in St. Andrew's, Lindsay. Ahovdnpqoanunberdtho mam. Andraw'nchurchmot «tubal-moth. J. A. Wu:- Ion. Gland.- ctnet. to any wood-bye to Kb. Beatrice Luidhw, one of the who! at the Public Iochool ma, “Whob‘olnchome 1-.thde She bu bout an active won-he'l- in the char, Foreign 11.3mm Society and Junior Mod Bond on toting part inwlyovgryprogrmlntho 00- dd work 0! St. W church. They Mud her with... mutual mahogany parlor «bloat u ; token of animation of her work. man R". It. Ignace added a few words, also hunk: to those present that. while Hthtidlaw was taking a holiday. it "um temporary. Ind mnu mturned mans, stating that she W the work in which aha bud engaged for the church apri- PartingGmm-Churdl ' A Mans Store from A to Z. to make Lindsay “A Well Dressed Townâ€. We can’t get our popular “FIT-RITE†Suits quick enough. - They’re the BEST we ever had and We have anticipated ' to the full- est extent the requirements of the Particular Young Men *of Lindsay everything they need-- -from Hats to Hosiery. ~ we are proud of every one we have sold. LS â€" flaveues, W. Mr. Shorter's Babies do not cry for the fun of it, nor is it always becsuso they are hungry, as so my young mother. think. Nine times out of ten boby’i cry indicates that his little stomsch {is out. of order. Mothers will ï¬nd ’instant relief for their uttering littlo iones in Baby's Own Tablets. A‘ ‘0‘ ‘doses will cure the most obsthnt. cases of constipation, indigestion or 'vomiling. and a 'llsblet given not and thm to the Well child will keep it “‘0â€. Mrs. Mary Pollock, Gang ;Onti. says: "Baby's Own Which hm'o been a grout bandit to my baby. 'nmy have made him My. mcol'ul and contented. when befou he used to crysil the time. I hove more comfort with him since giving him the Tablets than 1 m:- hsd ho- toro. lie now sits sud plsys sud isunhs while I do my work. What mum pain on I give My“! Own 1‘Ubiots.†For sale st drug-wists as by mull st 25 cents s. box from The Dr. Willisms' Mich. Co.. Brook.- vllle. Onu ' Dewey's account he mid. and u no move mattresses. Carried- Council considered they were no. liable. to pay Mr. Cavana’s account. but a (he had been misinform‘k! the; oflemd to give him 88.00 in 1:11! settle-man. which was accepted. Ap- plimation of clerk of Eldon was hit! over {or further consideration. 'The followirg is the standing 0! the pupils in S. S. No. 10, Manners. for the month of March: Fourth (hasâ€"Beatrice Wylie, Everett Stin- 8011. George Wylie, Senior Third Classâ€"Elmer Skuce. Clarence Laid-v ley. Junior Third Classâ€"Mable Skuce. Florence Wylie, Melville Ir- hunting. 0800; Municipal Wagd. J. Chit-pun for wood!“ loch-up. 456. Carded. The Counci! adjourned to meet st Coboconk on the 28th of May, "I. to hold the Court of Revision. A vine, Harry Blanche, William Ruddy. Secqnd Classâ€"Roy Armstrong, Ruby Irvine. Harry Armstxong, Oscar Armstrong. Henry Appleton. Senior Firstâ€"Clifford wdley, \K'iilard Skuce. Junior First Classâ€"gm Armstrong, mmgood for lock-up! m bylr. Bell, 1.31de by In Lytle, tint the balance of It. Domey’a account he paid, and u no move mum. Carried- Council considered they were n05 liable to pay Mr. Cavana’s account. of the ht: In. Nowell. Account- trom the Watchmanâ€"Wur- der. {or prtnttq. $8.00; We! ll. 80;). Jock-up furnishings. 87.14 : Knight] 'orld. subscription .1! mm. â€.88: G. 153- hid-'- winjance bonus. “.20; W. R. (b- v“; {or the Pohoe' NW coin-£- hold m- m- uu, £19.00; Ioqu by Mr 80.133.90ch by 10.80.“,th the maturity gown-ti Bexley Council Proceedings NORTH MANVE'RS. Crying Babies ALFRED TAYLOR, Clerk: NUMBER 14 40.00 amt-In. 5w til V":