Bath are attracted; ause they see a ing so. . long wite hem, small ot.assorted new colored reg. $1 50 for 59:: at 39c. , reg. abled to Offer EA. fligiimfllflfllfl.§ . . v , 0 “Ch 1685 than: $3221? 2 purchases 10f g... ~~~~~~~~~~ w“... ht store buymg' M ...... «M es we take less itittle Local Lines é fl fox? the low price. het- 5 up to $1. Lme Wash Collars at m score of new Pam!†‘ from in lace or mm :m. with or with»!t '3'†Susual 25c and 35cm!“ dred other new style“ 5m; and chiï¬'on up w at $5.75. of Cravenette d0 . - lenscl ,LUES; m Veils, Half-Price“ One wns, tans and clam lors. Worth 75c to“ diet today} while they women’s or children’s 1, blue, and fancy pict as for children, secure: this price. Long Glows at 50c sen iceable lisle or taï¬: a1 elbow length, but ,black. cream, yhite. embroid cred back. “3' k1: all sizes, get??? Wash Belts at 19c tdkerchief Barglin 7 for 25s. 1‘ these â€")Ir. Peter Wilson led the‘ choir in Cambridge street church. on Sun: dzyand Miss Florence Jackson preâ€" Sided at the m'gan. The anthem. in Lac morning was "The King of Love my Shepherd is", Shelley. the solo- :::.~ being Mrs. Irvine. Mrs. Webster and Mr. Wilson. The latter 8130‘ us: "One chvtly Solemn Thought" 11.“ Jacixsun and Mr. Wilson ar'e unniilates for the positions of organ- :~: nnd chuirmustcr x'i-spectively. -In a. sin-«h in Bowmanville, Geo. i". (H‘ahalu, rho Liberal loader, found ti»: Whitm-y (hm-i mm 111- all wrong. “211th wiI'l in" nvms to tho people of 00'" ~l’nrt Hupu t. â€W: ' YUP B. couple (5 Pan Hp m a \\ .nvruinsl Spin-mg 3 thu sub-\‘nlim \x.‘|\ pl'i‘tt\ WEII en- 30TH! .\n\\_ hm'nwr, the Sidewalks 1* sxznply ï¬lthy from the efl‘ccts 0' tins vile habit. Lzuln-s have to cat- K' their skirt» 0: huxc thi-m made ~00 dirty to be brought. into 8- dwell- “1 \8 a matter of health this b)" 14'†should he nnforrcd and doubly 9" “F the imprmed appearance 0‘ ‘he mun “alks ’Iho byâ€"Iaw has nev- ‘f been repealed ir si'mplg requires ‘0 0‘ eniorced.†What abom. Lind‘~ ;--!‘.zutf¢~rl In x'v-wg'n " -Ellxrl\s Vulh .\z'r'n\‘.": Mr. W. J- B‘xrm-s, l’rm'm-iul I'iwr. of Lindsay. nn‘lvr trhl'ï¬llpv'lWINEuH of Mr. William annnrly, Sup-mmwmlvnl. of Public “mks fur â€mm-Eu, puss-1r! through 3"" :0 "illlï¬ [:le \\~~~~k with his div- iik' uppurrus tn unsih‘l Mr. AleX. £50». forumgm m†unrks nt Magnet? Vim. “hvrv thv) vnuugml in repairing "Wu Lo expect that the Orange de- monstration blame on the 12th . of July Will be one of the 1838993“ its kind ever held in Orillia. The‘ comf Ipittee certainly is sparing no Dams to bring about this result- They have Mo-‘v-J “we received assurances t “111 â€me from north, so ind Wm' i“clu‘ding two It mronto. Among the spea timed 31% Dr. Sproule, M. Herring 3- Dl‘i’le of S M Mg»: 10(139, and of th. hm Tme Blue lodge. EEK “d martial bearin -)1r. and Mrs. A. J. Ford were in xunto and London most of last. 2;; “here 311'. Ford was buying -M«1_"0r .IUsk'Ph lurkc. CK‘M.P.P., ‘:' t'entru (nu-5. «iiwl last week at .~r»‘-~2rlnnc.- :m :h.- mrm near Heath- . at tin,- 21:.» mi saventy-flve years. ods x, “hm-.- thv} dons. dum. 'l‘ort Haw deludwd f 12W . aTCHMAI‘ chaplain. \\ a Packet: There is every about this result They find assurances that lodges a from north, south, eaSt . including mo lodges from Among the speakers 93“ 9 Dr. Sproule, M.P..; COL amount Fe ding Maï¬géfï¬i worid. Unrivalled dairy farmer. ‘ and will eï¬force‘gt"fl by a, especially;to them that amid-y new , » _ 2w“! 5W3 and Inning!†m izm*,â€"( )shawa Vin- lodge. Numbers; bearing will be and Mr. B. ;C‘». The oomxnit‘: of $50 for th’e‘ ad of $25 io‘r' LWARDER, THURSDAY..APRII}18¢E 1 the militia, Umtl)‘ omitted oey's bakery,_P. M. Howara'e and liquor store, and Weldm: chine shop; A ‘despatch was Peterboro for aid. but with hours after the alarm was so the places d! business on Fro wt...nv vâ€"vr v Peterboro for aidibut within" two hours after the alarm was sent, In all the places 0! business on Front‘street timated at nearly eighi thousand dol- lars; ' , ,. q. 21., Hastings, April ISLâ€"One of the most dpstructive ï¬res that ever visit- ed Hastings broke out shortly after one o‘clock this morning. destroying the Coughlan House. Hotel Buck and Buck's general store, the Howard block,.0'Reilly’s grocery. H. A. Wil- son's gents’ furnishing stome.- Tra- oey's bakeryLP. M. Howard's grocery and liquor store, and Weldnmn’q ma. What’s the Use Talking?- -â€"Mr. J. D. Flavelle attended the semi-annual meeting of the Ontario Curling Association at. Toronto on Tuesday. A notice of motion by him and Mr. T. 0. Robson, “that hereaf- ter only the immedidte past president: bee. mom-bet“ of the eXecu'tiuve was read and received favorably. â€"Seven beautiful gold watches for presentation to the Lindsay jun-ion- hockey team are on exhibition in the window of Hughan's jewellery store, on William street. Main Business Portion of Hastings Burned. â€"License Inspector Thornbury 'is actingas Chief of‘Police in the ab- sence for a few days of Chief Nevi- -Mr. George W. Mills, ‘of the east ward, has been appointed by Superâ€" intendent-v'McLelland; -tender of the Lindsay and Wellington street . bridg- â€"The West Victoria License Com- missioners meet; in Inspector Thom- bury's ofï¬ce, Lindsay. On. Saturday next at 2 p.m. to grant licenses for the ensuing year. es, thus leaV‘ing Lockmaster Mak-ins free to devote his whole time to’ the lock and gates. -â€"On Thursday morning last a pile of straw behind the Montreal Bank was set on ï¬re by the dumping of hot ashes on it. An alarm Was sent; in but the ï¬re had been extinguished ~â€"-The Department of Inland Revenâ€" be.ore the ï¬re brigade arrived ue has found samples of butter adult- erated with oleomargarine, and Will institute prosecutions of‘ the parties responsible. -â€"-Dr. Sprou-Ie, Grand Master. an- nounces that no decision has vet'been (0m to as to whether the Grand Orâ€" ange Logge, of British America, will not be held in "Vancouvér; as original- ly intended. â€"ReV. W. G. Smith, of Bébcaygeon, preached two excellent sermons in St. Andrew’s church on Sunday. Rev. James Wallace preached at Bobcay- geon in the interests of the Augmen‘ tation Fund. â€"001. Sam. Hughes is having 1-5,â€" 000 copies of his speech in the Com- mons on Imperial Union printed and distributed among his constituents and others. 11) ano ;' Mrs. Blackwell. solo, assiétzï¬d by Miss Edna Beal violin, and Miss Bean, piano; Miss Florence Cinna- mon, rea'dingï¬Miss Adams, a solo. Coffee, caké and sandwiches were served at the close of the program. and. a. social time enjoyed. - â€"The Ops swing bridge south of the town, was Opened for tramc on Wednesday of last week. .ROSS .Memoriï¬1~~"ï¬aspi1<on . .‘ [déy of last week. ' Oneearhadbeeu {torn '06 and‘ héhad received “father injqriaes from being kicked while 'in the‘ stable by the homes he was looking after. He -is making good progress to recovery. " ~ 5 ‘ -â€"A‘ successful birthday party was given by the Ladies Aid Society of Cambridge street; Methodist church on‘ Thursday evening of last week. Each person was equmed to contripqu as many cents as hé'ot‘she"wa‘s 'years old. The following took part in the program: The Misses Morson, piano duett; Mrs. (Dr-s.) Irwin, raiding; Mr. Perkins. solo; Mrs. Perry, two readings; Miss. Edyth Matbh-ie, pi- â€"Four or ï¬vé‘fmches‘m fl '6?" y - gnaw VI m- m u 13.“; as “:6 1:1: but†it â€:58 is as low gs hen ï¬e Satin 0! Cha- day took “3)!!ng .11 .1 ‘15:†â€"License Ins pace; Thorm“ m‘ bought, the house on Regent street: next to School Inspector Knight front John C Bay. " .\ ‘ O PU U â€if†m 5?}: m EVERY HAY 1;an J , a “. ."‘u“.‘.““‘-\.‘ â€â€˜ ““I" ‘p‘“" ‘v “ ‘v‘v ‘v ‘ v v ‘â€" $5 DUNDLS FLAYELLES Limited é rmâ€"othws-5'. “1'3 yent “street An immense range of patterns in Nottingham White Lace Curtains, spot flogrnl and conventional centres, with strong single borders, each cur- tain is well edged with lock stitching;~ and is 3} yards long. 1 Per pair- .................. $1.†Barfly. from the makers of the goods, we are in the very excellent position of offering-you exceptional values in every branch of this big depart- ment. The market values of nearly everything has risen in price, but with our advanced arrangements we are able to offer you many lines at old prices. A glance‘through this list will inform you of this fact : Carpets Carpet Squares Bugs Mats Mattings Linoleums ,‘ Oilcloths Lace Curtains Portiers Tapestries Yelours Sateens Art Mnslins , Cretonnes Denims Jeans Muslins Bobinettes Silks Fringes Tassels Cords Gimps Bindings Poles Trimmings Grilles Shades Laces Table Covers Curtain Stretchers Couch Covers ing madeour plans many months w ago for this sale and buying direct There's such~a stock of new Carpetings that it’s hard to know where to begin about them. Away back last year we began making our selections and now we have an enormous loc to showâ€"Union Carpets, Wool Car- " petsyTapestz-y Carpets, Brussels Carpets and rich looking Axminster Carpets. If there’s a spot in you house that needs a new floor covering this is the place to come to. If your not quite ready why not make a choice now and have it in shape when the right time comes We have experienced men to sew and lay them and it’s your pleasure to buy. linion Cal-pots.â€" These are made of cottonand wool and are 36 inches “wide. The patterns mail-floral and the colors are in mixed greens, â€fawns 'and reds. . - . , Layman Human]. 3'3! ’ 3 x 3} yards 3.»: 4 yards 3} x 4 yards 313.50 pause ’ “no _ 7 in “$1,, .v . .- . -. "i Ml?! Mumâ€"We ha’ve-the agency of one of the big “English Mills for Tapestry'Squares,‘ endhare showing a most wonderful .variety. These are in very choice patterns and come in most desirable colors. 21'}: ‘3 yds. 3 x 3yds. 37:3; yds. 3 x 4- yds. 391 4 yds. 4- x 4 yds. $1.50 . â€.50 p.00 - «one . 511.00 314.50 _ , Btu-I01. Stunt.- ' “dept. is alive to the times and for the spring is showing a yery choice lcï¬rof Brussels Squares, theymare“ woven in. single stripes which match one‘uflgfher and haveno corner seams. Sl‘he colors are rich greens, blues, ‘crim‘é‘o‘ns and'fawn grounds with smalf floral and conventional designs. The prices are for sqnus‘es nude ’up. ‘ ' 2 x 3iyds. 3 x3yds. 3 x3§yds. 3 x4yds. 31x4yds. 31x 4; yds. ’ $35.09 01m , um .18.†“5.00 “.00 W 4There’s nothingVin squares like these deep pile floor eoveï¬nge and today we have a very full stock of them. You’ll ï¬nd ythe colors in gory; rich tones and the patterns. exquisite. The wearing quaï¬tissare was for almost a generation. A_, - _-- There’s no Carpet stock 'complete these days without a large stock of Carpets Shuares. We’ve added to this dept. about 150 of them this sea- son. You’ll ï¬nd Union, Wool, Tapestry, Brussels, Axnï¬nster, Wilton and Smyrna Squares in great numbers. We have them from three yards up to' ï¬ve yards long. Union Squaresâ€"A Carpet for bedrooms, sitting or dining rooms and summer houses. They are cheap, easy to handle and easy to clean, wov- en in one piece with border all around, colors are woods, greens, bro'wns and reds. - ' . . 2§x3yda 3 x 3yds.. 3 163} yds.. 3x4yds. 3} x 4y‘ds. 41: des. Immatu- Carpetsâ€"We know of no carpets that look richer than the Axminster, these are the famous Tempeton makes and are noted for their good wearingr qualities. They come in floral patterns and grounds of green. crimson and fawn, all have 5-8 yard borders to match. . > Print Par Yard $1.60 Wool Sumâ€"These Csrpe tone colorings of greens, browag Ayrian quality. 'j‘ Prion Par Y“ 090. 750. 850 and 81.00. I Tspgltry Carpetsâ€"All English‘made goods, 27 imheg~ wide, made in ‘pattex‘ns for any room in your home, the 75c and 856: lin'es flange 38 yd borders to match. We also show a. number of ball and stair Carpets, 27 in,‘ PrlossPuYsrdMQBQVIbosndsso. Brussels Carpetsâ€"A most excellent range of these good‘ wearing Carpets, made from the best materials and well sized on the . backs. We strongly urge you to buy brussels. The patternssre in floral and con- ventionals, in new two tone and mixed colors of greens, crimsons, browns, blues and fawns, all have 5-8 yard borders to match and some have hall and stairs. mo;- puma 25o. 35c; mud 50o Wool ï¬nishâ€"Ag excellent vigil-lag Carpet, made of selected yarns, all are one yard wide ‘alnd are 'eavy strong wearing ones, patterns are all flomls, colors are browns, ‘fwns; mmsons, reds. blues and greens. (in; feet: 713:; 10;,ch 8} x 11; feet 9 x 10; {Pet 9 x 12 feet A“ AA .-- A. Prion Pu- Yu-d 95c, 81.00. 11.10. 81.25 uni $1.50. ES~TABLIBHED_ 1860 The New Carpets Carpets Squares These Carpets give excellent service and are in two ans, bro_'«'n§_,;~ reds and blues, extra hssvy makes, aare: Rug: Mat: ‘ Matting: Linoleum: :ain: Portier: Tapestries Velour: Sateen: Le: Denim: Jean: Muslin: Bobinette: Silk: Cord: Gimp: Binding: Pole: Trimming: IS Table Cover: Curtain Stretcher: Couch Cover: OW is the time when the housekeepers are thinking about what they will buy in 9‘ thel'Housefurnishing Line. Weare ready with a large ‘ stock ofeverything you may want to purchase for spring. Hav- ago for this sale and buying direct are in the very excellent position in every branch of this big depart- ‘ Selections of these Curtains can be 1 made in our drapery dept, where we are showing the very latest in heavy drapes, l in tapestry, velour and chenille, some very choice American makes in high- class goods are now showing. ' Tapestry Curtains- -A special lot ' bought last year at old price, these come in shades of two, tone greens, green and fawn, cardinals, blues, browns and olives, they're ï¬nished with borders and heavy fringes,- length 8§ yards. hr rd:- menu. as, no. no e. â€Mr-A special. Lot bought from a Phflxmifl, they‘come in , plain colors, of cardinal, green, brown and gold, ï¬nished with rich colored bor- ders and heavy fringes, length 31 yds. 1 \ â€Pull-88.00 We also have a special showing of “Hope Pprtiers for door â€gens, a; A‘_A P0!- Pdr $1.00 to $5.00 Swiss Net Curtains, in white only, with ï¬ne scroll and' eonvention'al cen- tres. all have very rich and heavy em- broidered borders, edges fast, length 3 5 yards. Lace Curtains- â€" No Lace Curtain flack was ever bet- ter prepared to supply your wants than this one. , It's complete with a full range of Nottingham, Swiss ' and our own special Curtains. If you have any special windows that-stock sizes will not ï¬t, we can have them made for you. ' Special Lace Curtains, in white only, made with locked edges, single borders, soft finish, 3 yards long. Pcr pm- smoo to $2.60 Nottingham Lace Curtains, in ivory and white, made with scrolls, spots, conventional and plain centres, all overlocked stitched edges, handsome single borders, 3g and 4 yard long, 50 to 60 inches wide. Specia; Lace Curtains, m white only, with singly borders and fast edges, 2% yards lb’ng. 1200 Window Shades has just been put into stock, these were bought months IgObefore' the great advance, colors'ere white cream, dark and mid greens. size 3 x 6 feet, all mounte'dind trimmed with an- A special lot of English Brussels Carpets in good designs, much under price, colors are in browns, greens, and fawns, all have borders to match. Price with sewing per d '. ........................... {8f .............................. 95c Par Pu:- $(.OO to $10.00 0 Specials in Door Panels and Curtains. Special Tï¬mmed Shades Special Brussels Carpets tinoao-o. Ibooot¢nooouhic. no-!O*o Curtains and Portion Pu- Puir 50c to 82.50 v-1