all aw Two meetings tion with Town week. one on T11 Other on Friday ï¬cers’were n0 er they were ‘ The Hague four teams, 81‘ our) "C.., -_s, The League will be composed of four teams, WideaIWakes, Orientals. C.l.S.. and SyIVestex-s. The Executive will consist of the Honorary President, President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and ASSiStant Secretary-Treasurer. The entry fee will be $2. .\'0 releases will be gran-ted after ‘ --_‘A The entry fee will be $2. No releases will be gran-ted after half of the schedule has been played. The resident rule will be the namely, that‘each ï¬de resident to same as last year, {layer must be a. bona- cf Lindsayfor a week. preï¬ous taking part in any League games. The following are the omcers elec- ted: ’ ‘ 7 h half of the schedule h The resident rule same as last year, nan Patronsâ€"Senator McHugh, J. D. Flavelle. J. Carew, Col. S. HUgheS. Mayor Vrooman. Hon. Presidentâ€"Rev. Presidentâ€"Richard Butler. \‘ice-Presidemâ€"John W. Anderson -Trea51.u*erâ€"Leonar-d D1 Jas. Wallace. 5 {‘(‘1'01'31‘3‘ Z J“? P3 for one night «Oril‘na Newsletter : Mr. Giadman. who is purchsing the rightâ€" of-way for the C.P.R.. had an inter- view with Mayor Curran on Monday. He was desirous of ascertaining the fee-1mg of the town towards the C. P. R. and whether there would be any difficulty in securing a right of way through such property as the town owned. 9W OWWWWW†O l‘he Executixe was m: ,c are certiï¬cates at as ;< possible, also to secx rounds for the coming . Iown Baseball League Organized Sale Starts Tuesday, Mar. 26 Assistant 59C in connecâ€" w meetirgs were held "ue last sith Toxxn Baseball Lea: one on Tuesdax night and the on Fridax night, and organiza- At the former the 01'- were n 9v were elected. Going Out of Business r reliable, 91d estgblished Boot and Shoe business, but as our stock is too large to dispose of conveniently. 1n bulk it must be reduced to one-third its present size. And how do we propose to reduce 1t? Listen-here’s our plan in a nutshell. We intend to SELL EVERYTHING AT EXACT COST and many lines will be shametully slaughtered away below cost. Remember we are telling the truthâ€"Tm. sag is genuine- Yes, we are selling out on 101 -Tz-oas.â€"Leigh C plox ed as a. domestic in tomn for the last couple of 3ears, dxowned herself ;in the harbor about 81.30 to-night, ijust as the schooner OliVer Mowat cleared for Oswego. She went doxxn to the “bar: to say good-me to a young man on the v se] “ho had been keeping company ixxith her for some time. Some men Ion the dock noticed he: strange ac- ltions and frustrated her ï¬rst at- tempt to throw herself into the wat- ier, but later on she succeeded in her ipurpose. I Z i i Port Hope, April 9.â€"A young Eng- lisg girl named Jameson, of about 20 years of age, who has been. em- After about two hours’ dragging searchers secured the body.. BY DR. WILLIAMS PINK PILLS AFTER SIX IOCTORS HAD FAILED TO BE OF BENEFIT. That gnawing pain in the stomach, sometimes shooting up into the chest, often producing a. choking sen- sation in the throat: ï¬erce pains around the heart ; a, feeling of drow- s ness and a. distaste for foodâ€"that’s indigestion. Its victims axe number- ed b5 the thOusands To them life is Port Hope Suicide Indigestion Cured. I ' 2eling of drew-5 â€"As soon as navigation opens a or modâ€"that 5 weekly- serxice will be given In the is axe number- 'T. V. 1\ ..Co betueen South Harxm To them iiie is and Bobcaygeon. Wednesday “ill be ,ms’ Pink Pills'the day to enable connection being ards rdiex 1rg made \xith the mid- -day freight. 113' other 1110(‘i-= â€"â€"Bobca}'geon Independent: 3112.10- cured alter a‘xi seph Capstick of North \'-.e1ulam has as in the case a proliï¬c cow. She is about eight I {elt some relief. I continued men USe for a couple of months longer and gained in weight; my appetite improved; the pains left me and I now feel better than I have at any time during the past twenty-ï¬ve years. I will always gladly recom- mend Ir. Williams’ Pink Pills to other sufferers believing that they will surely do for others what they have done for me." --n- I- When you use ur. Pills as a blood bui] tonic you are not they have been tried cessful in thouSands uqu “v..- _ - When you use Dr. Williams' Pinki Pillsasa blood builder and nerve tonic you are not experimenting:â€" they have been tried and proved suc- cessful in thouSands of cases. It is their power toqactually make new, rich, red blood that enables them to cure such troubles ‘as anaemia, indi- gestion, rheumatism, kidney trouble, St. Vitus’ dance, partial paralysis and those special ailments of girl- hood and womanhood that cause so much misery. For sale by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Thc Dr. Willie BrockVille. Ont. District Notes I continued their of months longer ght; my appetite a 19ft me and I 69â€.. . Jafé 1de mnemm r ï¬wum: It in: ameth‘e townspeople were beginning to real. ' “0‘.th that isubig t†beta" ‘ 9mm in entertainsâ€; the Grind? 1 Lodge of thelndependem Order 0. ‘ Oddfellows which is to meet here Q early in August. It is anticipa-h ted that there Will be from eight hun- dred toa thousand visitors in town 1 for two or three dag: at. that tune “â€"â€" d‘ . 4A unanimous invitatiim has been' extended to the Rev. “7,; R. Young! 0.0., at presentmasmrhi 82 flatnes' Methodist church, Monti'ealtii'by the! "ofï¬cial board of the Douglas Metho- dist church, piontreal, to .become pas- tor of that congregation'oi his pas- torate at St. James' in- June. 1909. Rev. Dr. Young is a former pastor of the Methodist church at Port Hope. and if a mistake is not made, was at one time stationed at Little Britain. 1 â€"Mr. A. L..L. Hertzberg, ChieflEn- ‘gineer of the entire Canadian Paciï¬c Railway system, spent two days in Port Hope recently on ofï¬cial busi- ness. It is_ understoOd, Says the Times, that the C.P.R. intends to make Port Hope its chief point be. tween Toronto and Montreal and that its plans include making use of ‘the harbor to a great extent. -.~\ pretty wedding took place in St. John’s church. Cavan. on Wed-; nesday, April 3, “henAd-a Marjory. daughter of Mr. Robert - Vance, Pine Grove, was married to Christopher H0\\'Slln. MIL. C..\I., of Stettler, Al- berta. The ceremony was conducted by RM’. W. H. Vance, B..~\., rector of the Church of the Ascension. Toronâ€" to. assisted by Rev. W. (P. Allen, M. .~\., rectorm‘ the parish. â€"'l‘he death ocwrt-(l Saturday after- noon. April 6th, 1907, after an ill- momhs. of Mr. Tho» ness of seVeml ‘mas Laugh‘lin, town collector of Can- .nington. Mr. Laughlin served on the lTown Council in 1883. He was ap- in the year !-pointed tmxn Collector 1886 and continued in ofï¬ce until death remm‘ed him. Hamilton, April 3.â€"â€"Tony Pansini, ‘ an Italian employed by Nicholson and ! Riley, nonhuman, on the Hamilto- Brantford Electric Railway, was killed yesterday evening by an explosion at Herning’s Mills, near Anmiar. Pan-1 43â€" _ A “Sag-WV \-- - __ green v heit). She has received the Last soo- rament, and her physicians reï¬nes to make any prediction as to the was of her illness. Queen Cristina, who is 49 years qldé McGinnis. Charlie ........... ' Chismbers, Luta ............. Lytle. Emily .................. Comm, Clinch. ‘ Hull, Herbie... 3- Abbott. norédé'cf; ,,______.â€".__.“_-r,__._..â€".7 ENDS“ PUBLIC §cn00Lsâ€"INSPECIOR'S EXAMINAIION McGill. Laura. ............................ Reeds, Clarence ......................... Wells, Maitland ........... , ......... Gatchell. Alvena .................... Burton, Irene ......................... Bishop. Chnnibcrs, Lillie ........ Natalie. Edith ............ Cuthbert, Tom ........... Gitc'hen, Luda. ............ Knowlson, IAnthon ..... McDowell, Frank ........... cgmp'bey, ‘thnnie .............. Mills, Holtorf, Aggie ................ Cooper, Ernest ............... Hepburn, Cora. ............... Adam, Evelyn ................. Windrim. Roxev ............. Clendenan, Whilhelmine Hall. Com. m1 sh, Rupy. Thurston, Earl Shaw. Chas-lie ........... Heels. Chaï¬ie ........... ngpop. Hilda. .......... KmPnGeorge.‘ ..... ._ 37. Bruce. ....... KILLED 3v DYNAMITE. Orders 2.000.†Rifles. so... on" on" THIRD CLASS, Jrsnm mvxsmx, Miss Jewell. on. go o. to no :3 so 0- a. raucous on o a. .......... L ......... II. ............ 16 20 13 ...................................... 1a- 18 14 ...................................... 16 20 16 9 ..................................... 16 1(7 13 ...................................... 18 90 11 mie ................................ 16 15 14 ...................................... 16 20 12 hon ................................ 16 20 11 1k ................................... 16 19 11 .................... ..................17 20 15 ie ....................... -. ............ 16 19 18 ...................................... 16 19 11 ...................................... 15 19 12 'SENIOR DIVISION.â€"liiss mum. o no .000 no... at... no so no .0 no! a. alt-cocoa. 00 on on out-on-on: an. solos-Io - ouoo ooooo-un unto-coo to. .3: o one... u- n. .- ung. c"...- ..............LU 15 “co-.u-“moo o o. .- .n... o. .oo-c... M a as com; FAT W “LL Hm timo1he DICI AI m a..." of Pawn. on Halo . , -14... 0.90.. ~17 .' ......... 14 negotiate a biz 0053-“ deal. ' There is little hope â€I“ Mr“- 1Ԡjean will be muzht- ...16 Chicago, April 3.7The most intense campaign in municipal politics that Chicago has expeneneed in manv years closed last night. with the eleéâ€" tion of Frederick A. Busse, the Be- publiam candidate for mayor, nave; HeId Fast in Tnln's Path. Emmerson,.Ma.n. April grâ€"With his “16 "16 “16 ~16 "16 â€16 ~ m York LIV. Stock. New York. Apï¬l 9.--Beevesâ€"leptn, M, "An w--v .00 to “167%. â€Sheantmpts. 14.nm: ebony» m1!!! Lambs dow:phe§p, $5 to $6.65: yenrllngo. -- A gar-n ..16 .17 ..16 .16 .16 ,.16 gm'fli’s‘zloo; liinbs. $6 to .17 .16 .15 I16 Evansville, April 10.â€"-Thrown into a state of net-irons ptqsgmfign by mad- ing an account. published in a news- paper of her supposed death, Mrs. Louisa Daley, aged 49 years, expired Monginxnight. Thrqugp an error the ~___- ‘A...‘ Monday night. Through an error the death of a woman of the same name; was reported as having occurred. in‘ Mrs. Duley’s home. She read the story and began to cry, “I am dead. I am glead! I saw it in the paper,†dying 1n hysteria. I .tumed 1e 16 Reads Own Death Notice. Busse Defeats Dunne- 18 19 18 19 18 13 14 15 i5 13 13 16 16 14 14 11 17 25 25 16 Dunne. he most intense a politics that need in many I. with the elec- Busse, the Be- 8L 12 13 12 14 15 16 14 11 10 18 15 15 17 1-2 15 17 18‘ 15 17 18 14 15 15 the ; lemming speculouon : i in; Huxley. who once in: a professor or To: I Would the great sclem I Incas-tn! :3 he was ' would the environ»: his energies? Would I promoted ud â€prod! hove been uni-under: down. dwarfed for I ._A lâ€"nâ€"lutlï¬n. In A 98 94 91 81 Don't delay. be wide, cane money honest-1y. and share in neighbours. mnulEHlHl is the BEST and SAFEST Invest ment'evor offend to the Investing Class at 50: wuvwv- the expense 0‘ the many, but a your money: is absolutely sate. a: handsome dividends. When It is the same with a legitimate have been testing this property 14 We have one value in sight of $40,000,000. Thi~ j.“ m M it out for yourself. Length of vein 4,000 ft, aeraL'p with a?“ 100. 2.400130 1:; 200,000 tons. average! at $200 W M f“ foot (aSsay average $506.21 to the ton for every 17mm. Elm-s «4?, Half 0! this average or 31w per ton will pay a â€injury-â€g '0." 2 cent. on entire capitalization. " " When in Toronto call at and see unselected samples, claim. showing the most brawn work in the election of Mr. Donald- son 3 opponent, among the ads being themukinginthebnshb m returmng ofï¬cers of enough all“ Government madman 3 clear majority Huxley and Hunt In Canada. One is sometimes disposed to con-Id- or “what might have been" In connec- tion with Canada and Canadian insti- tutions. For Ila-tune. Holman Hunt. the painter of that unions plcture. “The Light of the World." once thought of coming to Canada. to take up fanning. Would Hunt have mode Canada more artistic and hove wrought out hla great works here. or would he have become 3 poor turner instead of a great paint- 'vv_ -7 er; and done no good either for himselt or for Canada. But an even more in- teresting apeculation is that concern- ing Huxley. who once came near be- ing a professor 0! Tomato University. Would the great scientist have been as aueoeutul as he m in England. or would the comment have cramped hla energies? Would Huxley have been promoted and appreolated. or would he have been miaunderetood and kept down. dwarfed for want or material and inspiration? In any event, it ie in au'ch men a nation live. and the more Canada can eta-act or develop the more W'M‘li 5. m the doom and tailor her current at 1110. . «2...: «masonâ€" .. wagon-833v. "383:3 a. Esaoflï¬iï¬ig .2 6323.2; 05 8 a...» 389» a synod 3a2udca¢oï¬do§0uo§ :5 gonauoggoï¬uoolo Share in Send in I express 0! MONTREAL IS HAPPY- for Canadians Luxury For Pauper-c. your application at once order. Prospectus and all we are assured, we are as Liable to strike it as r ‘tbe Laureutian. Then no stock Can t» had at am- , be wide, take Mkanmgc 0? thiSyrumnumty to .7 and share in this sune thing, wuh xhe rest of a. mining scheme. :he many. but a proï¬ts. get in 127 BAY ST., TORONTO. GOLD and are going to Am. find-i ------- "'" . m Lanny... ....... :3: our oflioe, 127 Bay 5 and be convinced that . SPARLING, at once accompanied I»; and all information vb... me mining proposition. 1 y for 3 years before placing now an the ground {3 promoted for t_he beneï¬t of the legitimate minmg enterprise 3‘ 1d will in the near future 1),. f it takes time If) blhld up a Graham, an old Fc'nelon Falls be; who until recently was in business; Kirkï¬eld, has pun-hawd Ihe gem? store business of Mr. J. Lithgou Bobcaygeon. I CAN SELL, Your Real Estate or Bus} Properties an! I quickly for cusi; States. Donâ€. “ what you have 1 same. TOPEKA any kind of Buwv‘n where. at any ~r:c«_ mans. 1 can Hut ) A Canadian Paciï¬c Railway m " Jwetville. " ‘Nestleton . " Burketon . Arrive Toronto . Express to '1 heave Bobcayseonâ€"-- " Ancona Poi!“t " Dunsford ...... . “ Burnell .......... . " Lindsay " Dundord " Ancou Point Arrive Bobcayswn """""" leed tron: Tam“t O -Fene]on Falls Star: Mr Highest Prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. {R Nuthton ........ J mtvflle ......... NO MATTER \\i if YOU MN! 10480 Opposite the Pym House DAILY TRAIN SERVICE Emu-955 to Toronto: m DAVID 9. mm THE LAND MAN CereaES of a TOronw ..,,,......--. Burketon.................. Nettleton Janetville...... But-Mon..." 415 HANS 18th. 1907 Long-0" goon-Od' from â€no-om Stair B k draft ........ .u """"" ave what [:1 \‘en I kinds arts of Tomi“o Y E X 1'5 :0.dBT aw ziw cash P3†n. mils 32‘ ms. §The Qpearan v A imammstdisting ' ‘ look. They are we . , ‘Qel'fectly and ti: Ifyon 5‘“ been getting Add to Your Bank Accou! l‘lll bv buying your mu tel-i231 direct fruux win manufacturers. . wA'I‘C W.WARDBR. In M eve building 11116 in We are prerared tn pa _\‘ quantity of Baa-n Pine Lumber. 3150 C. BaSSWOOd and Pine logs. do-l rd near “'ellin IlleKenngd'y Du: 1 Piano. nearly new ..... >2 1 Piano, good conditinn 2 1 new 6-octave organ 1 new 6-octave Oxgan . .2 Second-hand Oxgwns 95" I 1 new Raymond S 3!. l “ Standard Grand “ Baker Bryans, limi l “ Standard “1'51. 1 Singer. in good xepa ix 1 new Davis S. M ......... lDomatic" 1130 Tue Solid Brick l on Cor. of Sussex and P4 Lumber. Cor. Sussex and Pm“: P. O. Box 415 - LIN Gri-"lï¬ents made 0192:: Pianos 3‘ W'e carry J. J. WETHER umber. Lath, Shingl mp5, Frames, Sash Guinea Lumber and Wood Fibre Plaster 1 Sewing Machin manufacturing CO LINDSAY of t mm is always in "It 50th in business W relations and n 3'“ hppe to make 3 pl: Wion if his cloth rent or old-fash: F a large stm everything . in ska m BLAIR vour buildil In SEE I D} )1!