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Watchman Warder (1899), 18 Apr 1907, p. 11

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to strike it as m‘ an be had at any like. Opponunity to mi 'th the rest of ‘1_ This is no boas rage width 6 ft, )0 per. ton in ' foot), gives $44 dividend of ‘ bv Bank draft, P cheerlullv given fly St-y (Stair that We have SAFEST In“; ing Class at 5K 're placing it be LY TRAIN SERVICE- prress to Toronto. 7.40 m 'bcaygeon_ ........ Icons Point. ......... 7.48 an lnsford ............... . 7.56 1-" rnell ........ ............ 8.03 O" Ddsay ............... 8.15;!“ nbo .................. . 8.27 3-" 8.83 ‘3' 1’0 trout o. . .. urketon.‘ mleton metvillo Pacific Railway “I" hit metVine...... ”a... 0" 8.4 stlcton ...... ... 8.5 :keton . ....... ..... pronto ........... "”10-2 mress from ’Il‘t'xroifi‘fl;I 0U lmeli coat-”0‘ msford -----~ |cona Point obcaygeon - fixed from 'eaEs of all kinds. site the Pym wonto .. trim on. . stlet on . netvillo. d of Best Manvers: atoes ju_st arrived. : Mapâ€"1e Syrup and: Maple Sugar. 0.. as Oranges, Lemons. ’runes. Fxgs, etc; ~39 CAN SELL . a! [state or 80519155 :1ch 1nd floor Falls Star: Mr. W. A. . old Fenelon Fans bay, ecently was in businasin as purchased the general :53 of Mr. J. L1thgw,of numb p. rum 1-: LAND Ml st Prices paid for kinds of Farm Produce. >9... .0...‘ OWN’ O C E g to take it Vbo - ~00 0“'~M NTO. LING, <frx<s ”r Real sma- "l" {fig-c. \\'T§IC me "M \-c you um: tn wont!- R “‘HPPF L uaincsscs of x WANT TO BUY cannot-O. 0.0.0.... mists of 1111 that”! All parts 01%th.13: xxxâ€"m: :o-day 9% tonmb". md givcc AVENUE. 0.00.. Hon... Fistâ€"{W °‘ pwwwwww. :wuw .9. 3w. Lumber, Shingles, Em. Cement Sash Factory Goods ".111 Rickard, ex-M. P. P of N10. isthe nominee of the Lib" West Durham for the Liais- He Will probably be as :eusy ”any one else. Bake: 8: Bryans. limited. Coal and Wood, The Canadian Press cable service, maintained in part at the expense of the Canadian- taxpayers, contreyed the information to Saturday’s dailies that “a colonial statesman" had stated in London that millions of acres of land were. lying idle in Canada and Australia because Aus- tralian and Canadian Farmers were afraid to raise wheat in competition with countries closer to England. One is at a loss to say which should be counted the greater follyâ€"the ac- tion of the correspondent in cabling the statement of this unknown ”statesman" or that of leading‘Can- adian journals in publishing it. There are only four countries that serious 1y compete with Canada in the Brit- Canada’s Wheat Production ish wheat. marketâ€"'the United States. Russia, Argentina and India. Coun- tries which lie nearer England than are changed into well, strong kidneys by Bu-Ju. It is Bu-Juâ€"the Gentle Kidney Pillâ€"that heals the kidneys; gives you practically a new pair of organs and corrects all Bladder Troubles. If you know you have Kidney Trouble, , ,l n. L_ .L- _-:-. in tho Weak kidneys that are making your back acheâ€"that are making you suffer with Rheumatism, Sciatica, anbagoâ€" those named 11 Jun -uvn vâ€" _._. _ . , or if you s‘uséect it by the pains in the back,headaches. frequent desire to urinate ~tnke Bu-Jn on our positive guarantee that it will cure you or money refunded. 50¢. a boxâ€"atAdzjuggjg-s: The Claflin Luv- New Kidneys for 3c. 3 Day. are not. wheat-exporting At the Canadian Institute at T0- ronto on Saturday night. says The World. Thomas Southworth, Director of Colonization, took up the subject: “Do We Need a College of Forestry?" and in a. clear, incisive manner arg- ued that such an institution, to af- filiate with our agricultural schools would be of highly educative benefit in the preservation of our splendid timber resources in the north, and an important factor in the gradual reforestring oi the denuded districts of older Ontario. The scientific value oi such a college would in a few years establish asa common practic- al knowledge in forest propagation what is now confined to the few who have made a special study of the question, and would enable our agri- cultural districts to regain in tim- ber what is essential to the success- ful economy of every farming coun- trv, as well as the climate benefits in the way of regular rainfall and atâ€" mospheric moisture, both of Whi(h are essential to the highest results in crop production. I" ,‘_|_ v-.,r r Prcf. E. J. Zavitz of the Guelph Agricultural College, gave an inter: eSting lantern exhibition of “waste land planting," Showing the succuss that had been attained in forest tree propagation and culture at the On- tario Agricultural College. sas well as instances of successful reforestry in various parts of the Province. the township of Clarke, celebrated their golden Wedding on April 1. _e w--- .- â€"Rev. Henry J. Keith, late of Smiths Falls, was inducted as pastor of Knox Church, Peterborough, or.- Thursday evening, April 11. Rev. Mr. Peckover, of Omemee, preached. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith. ‘-_ been his pet‘toy for years and mean: ' wan mun- e thebeginningotaromp. Ontheotherv : hand. a movement of the trainer's lin- § 5191th get almost impemeptibie tothe nudi-‘Onedlll _ deuce may sum“ to the powenrni‘ limaginationoftheanixmliiendishtoe-gtitted: tun. It may recall the hot irons, the; “‘Mr.l 3 agonizing titlilation of a. nerve. I here? ,“Suchappeaistothememorymini “Cert-J trumthestockintmdeottheanimal; “Then. trainer. What the wretched creature! 4' has gone through during months otgltuf'fMIO ‘ - m ' nr l? @911. - It 15 more probably the tri- nmph of a brute over a brute by pa- tient and persistent cruelty._ agniad-Eére'm men and women of extraordinary influence over binds and “The public Judges by what it seen on the stage and remarks in admira- tionandapprovnlthattherewas‘no sign of a whip.’ An animal exhibitor who was avowediy cruel would be pretty low down in the ranks of shov- men. I own a particularly ferocious looking bulldog who goes crazy with delight at the sight of a whip. It has been his pet toy for years and means the beginning of a romp. 0n the other hand. a movement of the trainer's nn- ger almost imperceptible to the audiâ€" deuce may suggest to the powerful imagination of the animal fiendish toe- L lâ€"-â€".. 5h trainer. What the tortheworkhcarrledoutlnm andseclndon. Thereunrelyllmd person prment. and the brute cannot sneak. Thaththemoathldeomtm nndmadequmtntheexu'eme. “I anhhulhogn. Thea-MU of ammlmmlnghumostlmpouibleot proof. Much or it should be obviou. mdwmuchotmyhdlctmentuh notmbeprovedbythoobvloushnot. Iaolemnlynmmhuadonadadnm besemtbnfloronflbpdp.buton thedepandauomotmm AA AA ‘_L__ nary. and it cccasion required it he could ontnnk the pmident. Jefferson Davis always claimed that he himself was intended for a soldier. not a presi- dent. and he was fond of being under fire it he could not get behind the guns. One a, he came out on the field dur- in: a battle. Lee turned to him and "U “Though innrtably considerite to his mbondlnamg. Lee could be drastic and dictatorial when it becamg gainfu- ties. was ti; grave inimobuity of his face in times of the steam“ stress at feeling. Grant speaks of it in his no count of the surrender. \.r‘.r--.-â€"â€"â€".v , 7â€", 7 “ 11. air; Lee replied, ‘I forbid you to stand here under the enemy's guns. I order you 0!! the field.’ “The president went. “One of Lee's strongest omega-In- "Ema um nee were old friends. and immediately after the unmade: Meade called on him. ~ Certainly: said Mr. Lit. Prudent. am I In ROBERT E. For Loss of Appetite take PSYCHINE. For Indigation and Dyspepsia bike PSYCHINE. For Chills or Fevers take PSYCHINE. For Run-Down Systemitake PSYCHINE. To Feel Young and Keep Young take PSYCHINE. m m mm mm ..4 .AanL... mafia-In Inn-Id new (at For m. at and 81.00. Limited. 118 Janis. HENDERsbN. sum. 24.3." min". tTnZ‘zhan getting now“ but dripping! of the min. unifie- shlp. Wheuthemanhflfllem and the woman th. m 1‘ Eéég IN THEHATTER OF THE ESTATE of John Dabson. late of the TOWn of ”11118:me the County of Victoria, Senutor. deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- suant. to 8.8.0., 1897, Cap. 129, Son. 38. that :11 creditors and perâ€" sons having-chime against the estate of the said John Dobson. who ‘dlod on. or “(out the twenty-seventh day of January, A.D.. 1907, are request.- ed an or More the Thlrtleth day of April. A.D., 1907, lb and by post - or deliver to the‘ understand solicitors (b0 the Executor of to Will 0!- thc said deceased. their names. mddmsses and description, full partlcuhrs of their claims and ac- counts. and the nature of the neutri- ties. if any. held by them. And fur- ther take qotiCe. that. alter the said 30th day- pf Apdl. the odd Executor will proceed to distribute the use“ 0! the acid deceased among the par- tial entitled M. having regard thisV we} with 1 piece of poetry: If you can't understand It you don’t care to The Drama Today. Managerâ€"What have you got In the way of light comedy? Let me look ovnr your manuscript!» Playwright-â€" I don't happen to have man; on hand just now, but I'll write you two orthreeandbringtbemlnflnsamb [1000. mmumnm- It hutchedonewttboutanelrorttobo don’t care.” Some people get credit for being pp.- PATERSON’S NOTICE TO OREDITORS lino Punt-v“ Bodies. A curious story illustrative of the preservative pmperdes ot carbonchacm gun. or “choke dunp." comes rrom China. In the province of Ngnnhwel e perv of miners opened an ancient shaft where. according to the omczlal mine, lying where they had been overâ€" taken by the deadly cu four centuries beck. Theeorpeestotheeyewereu though of yesterday. quite fresh look- lngandnotdecayedinanywuy. The faces were like those of men who bad Just died. On an attempt being made to move them outside for burial they one and all crumbled away. leevlnc nothing but a pile of dust and the run- nmtsotthestromerpubottheir tient when the ,hct in they are merely arr-aid m talk back. Some people who never necocnlze n remit notice the slightest hint thatcui he coma-nod u m invitation. Don :t the bottom of their heart: most people believe u little in tortuno telling and spit-mum and the mys- uyonmutbotunhbetmnkmth Every defeat develop. a lot of new An umbrella Thematdncempemnmthewodq POINTED PARAGRAPHS. 4 I'll! WILL CHI! Umbrella HMO!» COUGE DROPS 19 varieties of apples at 215° ‘ 4 varieties o! pears at 35c q varieties of plum at 40c . 3 varieties of cherries at 400 Bette;- prices given for large titles. Strawberry and raspberry also tor sale. LOSTâ€"On MW.xM “h- be‘ tween Butler fibuae. madam, ”‘1 Stewart O'Connor's law oifice. 8- roll of b I: emailing $141.00.. Reward given to finder by "mm" ing same to owner. SIRS. R4 Fruit 19 v: 13-“ Notice 1'15 hereby given that we are prepared to supply butter- makers and creameries in tne district with the very best butter «Mappers. suit- ably printed, at the lowest price. We will guarantee the quality- of the pmhment to be the very hes-.1 and will also guarantee satisfactioq in the printing. Butter-makers who use the printed wrapper get from 1c to 3 cts per lb. more than those who use unprinted wrappers. A printed wrapper is a guarantee of Quality. and also. lets the consumer know Whoee butter he is using. 1 cent per lb. extra. means $10.00 per 1.000 Ibs., and we do not charge a. quar- ter of that for an. order of 1.000 wrappers. We will give special prices ion orders of 5.000 and 10.000. and ;on a. yearly contract wilf give an extra ”$531 price. We have bought the parchment from the right source. in large mien- tities at the bottom price, and can supply this line cheaper than uny 'other printer in the district. I Drop in and see us, or send for a. lsamphe of our paper or printing, and we will save and make you some money in your butter business. Now is thé timé to get busy. Do it now.» The Watchman-Warder Printing Co., limited. Lindsay. FOR SALE.â€"Sevenâ€"roomed frame house with good stable. good well, and two acres of splendid land, good orchards and small fruit : de- sirable for retired farmer. Choice situation in town of Lindsay. Cheap if taken at once. Apply to LEIGH R. KNIGHT, of Weldon 6: FARE FOR SALE. â€"Souch halt lot 2. 0021.13. Mariposa. one and a. half miles from a good school two miles tram Coming-ton station. 'ma SALEâ€"m Kelly Wood Lot, on. .mndrod m. h the twelfth FOR SAWâ€"French Canadian stal- lion (Youzg Morocco), dark brown with flowing mane and nail. Fouled May 13th, 1898: kind dis- position and sure foal getter. Can be bought. msonoble, as I am going out of- the business. Pro- perty of JOHN L. DAVIS. P. 31., Dougola. Ont, near Kinmuunt.â€". WANTED AT ONCE OX SALARY and expenses, one good man in each locality with rig, .or capable of handling horses, to advertise and introduce our guaranteed stock and poultry specifics. No exper- ience necessary; we lay out your work for you. $25 a week and ex- penses. POsi‘tion permanent. Write W. A. JENKINS' Manufacturing FOR SALEâ€"200 acre farm 1n the 5th concession of Eldon. New brick house, large frame barn with excellent stone stumbling: 190 acres cleared, 180 acres tillable. 10 acres mixed timber. Gaod well. One mile tram school, convenient to church, post omoe, blacksmith shop“ stores. Soil. clay loam. A very de- sirable farm. For price. terms. etc.,. apply to ELIAS BOWES, Real Estate Agent. Lindsayâ€"154. FOR SALE.â€"Thoroughbred Durham Bull, one year old, dark red in color ; good milking strain. Good pedigree furnished if desired.. ROBT. WEBSTER, Lindsayâ€"1+3. FOR SALEâ€"Thousands of acres 0! first-class wheat land. in the great Alberta and Saskatchewan dis» tricts. on easy terms and prices right. Information regarding home- steadaimg or railway accommoda- t-ion. cheerfully given. Correspond- ence invited. Apply- to ADAM DAWSON. Box 510, Canningâ€"ton, Ontâ€"1341 Roddy, where there; in ‘ good market. Building-a are all in good repair; largtbu-namas on a. flow foun- dation. implemot house. hen: house and pig pen. new is about 40 new plowed. 10 was seeded to 818i“. 5 ‘CMJ (an wheat, and about 25 w to tinmthy and clover. There b a semi spt'mg creek running mu :‘xe place. which never dd- up in summer. 'I‘hmlsugood brick house, stone conu- the M “of the house. The house is and brick with frame and has a. good well. a fork vund slings nearly new. This is onedthebeet alsike farms in this part. This is a 390d chance NOTICE BALL, 191 Slaw throat. 8-18. ' Co., London. Oathâ€"45410 OR SALEâ€"Capt. Ball's farm of 820 acres. bont, sawmill. 100 W woods. first-class building” lying onthenhoreofukeScugog. ‘ Ono of the hatwheut and crop tun- h Cartwright. Theme has sat. but Mare 0! cmp in 20 your. an an. hum Apply to CAPT. J.; Knight, Milne Blockâ€"15- creameries very best 7 ' printed, a HOME GROWN. WELL KNOWN. BEST THAT IS GOING. Frees u. rock bottom prices ieties of apples at 25¢ each. Victoria Nursery FOR SALE WANTED TO FARMERS ISAAC PAGE W C DEYELLE Box 273 , Lindsay t ashes quan-

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