1!. mad old and“ H II. l 4. Eula! ukï¬ï¬nï¬ P“. '5‘ “mama. I trust I a“ Iyears! Sm! dance, dung“ Icc_with Ayah the Striï¬z odors: (or a: ves, general ‘Globe may argueâ€"lmh.i lits private aflair. 3‘; ister alsoâ€"the Glob. hi is to have) public mm 311: sits in judgment ‘m‘; {and holds opinion OHM-1 It, preaches morality L]. It. is. therefore, a m [some attention at thâ€. t. We do not clung. of that paper's cm ter ; but we must uh 93. the Journalistic can, an occasional spurt of» gainst a political m n the main thé MI that of apologist†{on lcal scamps and m incident, where»: 1‘ ‘tieal friends annem ~ Mic domain, wemu note any rl-ghteouf “ aven a. fair statemau"‘ 1 the columns 0! one“, Even Wnlby Is 0‘ Made by LII“. Compound- so. Apr“ 9.=1‘he man. =, that, the Mink-Gw- La aécapted ms! 05% du- hd oxgwazmnw at M ri having? for m m Ribhf‘d d: ‘hé dirt“ w Morena m We team an gamma invalvgd h! in: be f'ul‘l ‘Idï¬k’ 13$va u was indignation mm Liboials cannue lam.†chargm and disgust, m i the situation in the U)- that an open novel! is A few hold out the†astantial grant would M nprove the Port Housin- nable deep-draught mam per Lakes to have the it innuiacturing industrh on out, but, this is m '0' .V WGMEN FIND Ill!†are current that not all! Liberals allow Durham M Conservative candidate by In at. the next Dominiond- in West Sorthumberlmd- the Liberal candidate in .ablc constituency when It. favors havebew so 01' t that their influenca Wm l‘nished of late. ‘ers all-0:311 m xence ‘evolt in Port Hope erely ? the ohable ll!“ ZWOw novecuaf f0R PREVENTION OF RAIL“ AY ACCIDENTS mun†xew miles of road there“ :11“:qu inside one of the mild1 h‘ 0the same height. This casing “a"? Connecting it with the di' ‘ ~ Btlca cy. I»): (141118 T0 Fi‘w'JE-RED A METH- 12-35;? THE)! IMPOS- LWARDER. THURSDAY. .5 Albert J- !’z:‘,. has. accord; 'r: Emgineér,‘ ih" '5 a railway Sig; ,, .t is claim“; “93:33:32? NM“? _ 2"‘vridPhiS aim? P‘.‘“"YY"{'!E‘; if 81383 érmaaj-o 553 {40951 El Eyggxmyvaz. BEST 9 UALITY visit to this strc ‘t‘hai'tw‘aWe're making AND LOWEST PRICES our Motto. If we have gained --yodr Conï¬dence. in our advertisements wé cann‘dt" aflord to not make good. “Yqu’ll Seemhy Lind say at. iii the . mug; {Re News E8 m «I Imamï¬hyz 1v MW at b u» at what an wager are, 0963 Q? One Door East of Dominion Bank :struments. When the train passes over this casing the flange of the Iwheel depresses the spring plate, and in so doing completes the cirdmt, Itherebv transmitting a message to ithe dispatcher-’5 ofï¬ce, where it oper- ates an indicator givmg the exact position of the train, and, at the tsame time, distant telegraphic sig- mal. mum 1: £8? mamas; that $136! 7“" â€T“ @9135 55?; Tim mire rail §§ 513243335 “x mm! eutsiee the was: mtg; use . 53% {he sesametivus ï¬ned Wm mug “f?" . . â€swig thai my: 83 £86 game; m gamma mm m eieemeany masked, and E†an eeaaseréens are mes man me 6992‘ fig-E?“ a?! aaéehï¬â€˜s ems {we Gamble m £9 § , g 1, Regime mu m m an; an Mamet. “9 * 96M 4mg being 1mm 9.! we same We! BIBS: in weeks m M m miles work my gym, and cash am is sememd with 949mm me min 936013? 90W “wine; as high he: met. me mamas; enamel a mm: the CF! 69.4% $9 any mam cameo? Wm: 99m: on! sending 93039 {new engine» mm ~ .1..-‘ {a “hunk an trams is entirely separate; and is .‘ ,, ‘ , done by méahs of 22 mm an bf 21 3“ mm; W? “‘1‘“, paintings â€' much lighten" material um: 111! â€in? ï¬lingâ€: Emilie“? mm “a“ feguiaf pm; This {we m; R; we: W18.“ “993569; We 6W. ' 96 “3‘ Pt! msk euigiae the mm! mm mm Emma“? M953 â€39 “sweet. 3".“ {he leeeï¬aeme i§ {we mm mm; “W99 g“ 1’3“†“*memf It.“ “my; me my: on His same; We 3.3mm? “.9 “aâ€? ““95“ Wk Mg m eisemealiy Magma; 8:36 “9‘ *3 mm; was, an “995* gm: sennméeng m made Wm; me 699 9.1% “5 91mm; 9939â€" 18 w: mam efliee um mate m {a ham 9‘ 9.33539 ““99 9â€â€ 1“: m‘g gamma: Regime bet! 13 Hits 6%); an iï¬ï¬aï¬ï¬‚ï¬z‘ he was was gammy mum; $9 69 any 99» 3am? 98mg ligand in t was: the weeks are put-Cd we miss wen; (er-William 33:. means; em: mm @136 sash 98815 summed with 919m! at gummy; we! Bur: themm Meow sesame wires, 99 high hemmed mg wakknewa we?! the mt mm. as gamma mm the (Jammy 6359696 2: lass: saueto any BM§MQ§ mace? Wm: Gem: New it demeps um me animal; t9 the out) sending 930 «9 am 993m realm 9: km along this was: When the am! :91 King‘s 9mm is the swarm: Made light. in the 95: Kg 995mm was um: mm the 139919 €9.me mm. mm and wall! wen we orderor not. mena We W m Wm W a! man-Meal W ' . mm. am}! “new ‘ was being mt an e Suspender: In men’s sizes, assorted. lea- ther and linen ï¬nished, good elastic web, worth up to 40c. Clearing at per pair ......... 25¢ Men’s Depart- ment SPECIAL==25 damn Men's Shirt» in light calari, fancy stripes and checki, nines 14 to 163,, worth up to $1.00. Clean ing mun...†.........590 Summer Underwear In Ladies’ size, half sleeve, in cream or white.' Special atel||5lll|‘lll“~Ill|l|‘l .ltlllIioo Ladies’ Fancy Embroidered and open wdrked Hosiery, in tans, greys, navy, white and black; At per _pair 35c and .................. ‘ ......... 50¢ Fancy Wash Belts, assorted buckles, with back embroidered. Special at ..................... 190 Tan Hosiery, in all sizes, pretty shade, fast colors. Spec- ial 2 pair for ............... 25c Ladies’ black Lisle Embroid- ery Hosiery, sizes from 8 to 10. Special at............ . . . . . .250 Ladies’ Depart- m1; Phone 247 Belts W; Ontario .‘ m WERE mm mm m ting! 1n Woodvmo. /~ ‘ ‘. A H ' w Ir. Hector Hasty rammed to the W . ‘N W M“ m in the M â€and.†Anne?“ Brown. a! manual. has it. conï¬dence TERRIBIJ‘Z ACCIDENT 0N 0’3 return“! to loul'ton College, Toronto _lâ€"â€"â€"' NEAR CHAPLEAU -- IIER’I‘ to resume her studies. Heavy Damask Curtains, in cardinal and grew, large: size. M per pair $8.25 and....l.5o New stylish Spring Tweeds for suits, in light and medium greys, with checks and stripes, 4-2 inches Wide. At per yard only ......................... 500 New Mohairs, for shirt-waist suits, 4-0 inches’ wide, including all the newest shades. Special Men’s Hats and Gaps in all the newest styles. 100 White Enamel Curtain Poles, regular 500. Clearing 500 yards Madras Muslins, white ground with polka dots of black, blue, red and green, worth 12c and 15c. Clearing pߢOJIOotooucbuaoouauot taco-n... In black Chifl‘on Tafl‘etas, French make, guaranteed not to cut. Special at per yard 60c, 699, 75C and a'nu HI|I||H.1IOO Beautiful range of Art Mus- iins, In all combination of col- ors, from 60 to 12:}0 per yard. a painting of “The King's Staircase" in Hampton Court Palace, done by Antonio Verrio. At the same time the discovery was made that the ceiling done by Rubens in Whitehall Palace for Charles 1., contains mys- tlc characters which have yet to be explained. These revelations were made by Chafles Allom, artist decor- atof to the King and the mines u! uww- ov w 7. directly alongside of the heroic pic- ture o! Ian-cum, thew appears among many maidsone of larger size than his gallows. He is upon a black don- kay ppd gazes upward at Diana in an “Minds 0! aupplica‘tion and adora- tion. At 9., 9.9.3101th told ~50 «Shad {be me uric-mac! Winlmjol Orange. distance the Cupid ap- type. but when A1- ian W2, it closely from a scal- wua. perfect borhood PALL'JB‘J'uI n We unplanned to see Mr. Archie Hellman wall Wain that his recent illness. - luau Innate Gmhun. macho: at 8. S. No. 6, Eldon. returns! lat week. after enjoying the Em: vacation ct her home in Wm M of the m. 0! this gang» hum ‘ ‘ wen-mm- tor dunk. ‘ ‘ ‘- , _ L“ ‘1‘A.‘I I â€"t etc? to Wales. .OOOIIIIO|OIIOO|OIIDO! ‘Q‘Q‘Q‘|“|“"I‘e‘|“"1 IIII'I Wash Goods Dept. House Fur- rushing Save on Silks rly â€Rudd! innit CASH ONE PRICE slightly injured: Lewis Gllbert. of Landau. England; Wm. Wlllllnmeon. Brandon. Manllobe; Joseph Gllleen. Salisbury: N. Gemini. Fort. Wllllem; Alphonse Ferladl. St. Merle Blame. Quebec; Archibald Summers. Chew elahem. England: 3. Kala-ht. Cem- hridge. England: Harry \‘Jllllm. Manchester. England; John Tubes: tall, Orkney Island; Wlllldm Hamll- ten. Dumrrlea. aeatleed: Joseph Townsend. Scotland : Arthur )1ch Prince Edward Inland; Patrick Her- vey Whymd. Scotland. Peter Buer- ed. Winnipeg. Manitoba ; Herbert Je- eob. Athena. One; A. Marlee. Wooaeocleet. 12.1.; Geo. Lecalootre. Winnipeg: George Hickey. Mheue. .Out. ; Edward Collier. Welt. Shaffer-d. Que.; J. 0. Savage. West Sheflord. Que; Frank Schmidt. Winnlpec; J. H. Starr. London. England; Roderâ€" ick Davidson, Exshaw. Alberta; W. D. White, Whiteside ; James Clarke, Carleton, N.B.; Clarence Sproule, New Glasgow. N.S.; H. Saunders, Schrieber, 0nt..; R. Gamble, Fort William. n,. "Y..- Cuties u: Wu A very am; weeding Q90! aim u we $91961“ BEFQGBGQC. Fasten Fem, an April m. mm Em nu ma mééi; '16 View was GM ‘1‘: and has Been imam t9 resume duties as @8395 agar ï¬tment n A A .l: n!- t mIer u “.1 anmm 5m: mic-iii“ in“ with m tn mash: me mad 3m. Manage iintheloesoimteenliveeandthein- inning oi about thirty other... The train on which the accident occurred wild). No. 1 Wood Pacino EI- 1press. which leit Hontreal at 9.4.0 a. im. Tuesday. It was composed atel- LWen coaches. ave oi ‘whleh were colo- ‘nist cars, carrying immigrants that had arrived from England a low hours previously. VICTIMS CREMA'I‘ED. The accident was mused by a brok- en rail. which derailed the train, and ï¬ve of the tourist cars turned over into the‘ditch. The cars caught ï¬re from the ranges provided in the colo- nist coaches for the west-bound pas- sengers to prepare their meals on.- Coal is used in these stokes, and the overturning of the cars scattered the lixe embers and ignited the woodwork the flmaes making recue work difllcult and dangerous. Notwithstanding this 'the passengers and train crews who 00‘! Wt lately run by least-e. IcDooald and Stethart. We hear the ï¬gure was in the neighbor- hood 0! $2500. Solar very little maple ayruv has come into the village. The run of sapiauot as goodas usual. The weathu' still keeps very cold. and quitela lot oi snow feel early on Saturday morning. Mr. D. McFadysn. who has becn en- gaged in Mr. T. Anderson's store. leaves here on Monday {or a position as bookkeeper in Toronto. We wish him good luck. iMrs.Geor~geDean endher son Jim. are the guests 01 her sister at Toron- to. The Austin Bros., and Malloy and Bryan mills have both started cut, ting and Mr. Wm. Laking is getting his in shape to commence shortly. Mr. Chas. Kellct intends starting his creamery the ï¬rst of May. He has secured Mr. Jones, of Lindsay, ashie Mr. W. Maqlntyre. Cmbray. was the guest at his aunts m... Buddaby. Ma. and Mrs; nude. Guides» 913.. have deemed to same as hams time. my and ï¬fe; Jase Oshawa mm Lindsay ea sunning; its; Was amiss“ saaas Sunday with his Many in Tenants: A Ham: has Been pluses! ta use mane sensed; The Beats ware alias: as by use mama: and scemuy and ma {me sameness; _ -~ A]. manta“. 'Serimmy injured: Charles Cole- man. Porstmouth. England. band: name and head burned. Miss Lulu Heard, Fe! ited friends last week. {ted friends last week. Dead: Mrs. R. B. Champion, and child. ; Mrs. R. ‘Davidson. and chi-1d; Winifred and Susie Horton, of Char- ing Heath. Kent. England 3' William Day, London, England; 0.11. Goul- ding, his brother, b'rother' a wife and twn children, of Palestow. Essex England: Mrs. August Diorklund and two children. of Worcester. Mus Mr. Bert. L. Weese. the well known horse dealer, of Lindsey, was a. pasâ€" senger on the ill-fated train. 011 Thursday he telegraphed Mr. William Pym, of the Pym House, that. he was on the wrecked train and asking him to notify Mrs. Weese and his mother and father. WWW“ mogmtm Maxi-um borhood M" M It“!!! vomit: MC wpfllf‘Ofll for IF“; _; u, ‘ __. ._._.AA - ‘ escaped injury work heroically. sev- eral being badly burned in their work of mercy. Despite their eflorts mne adults and the cthreu “one roasted to death. BURNT RIVER Mr. and Mrs. J. Morgan have turned from Huntingdon. Mr. Nelson Bettie has got. South Rher. THE CASUALTY LIST. PALESTINE V, Penelon F5118. V13- Twas: to Hr. D. Hal-Edna. who hob been on- goged in ltr. T. Alida-son's store. leavu here on Hondty {or a. position as bookkeeper in Toronto. We wish him good luck. report m~ Trude Ottawa, April, 14.â€"A ceived by the Department of and Commune yesteï¬lay from W. J. McKinnon, Canadian agent at Bristol. says there is n great demand in the Mother (‘oumry for small on- iuns suitable for pickling. This branch Miracle has hither-i0 been inflected by Canadians. shipmad unpeeled. in bags Raiding 100 pounds each. importing ï¬rms Would be prepared to take; 100 to 500 but! on a single order. 'l‘iw pmnt sup- piivs u'sed by the Mg mmbiishmnis In England some from warm. Hol- lsM ud’lsisivlm. the lam supply being whaily insufï¬cient. IL A. Up-‘(O-Gatc apnng anu oummcr Goods at very low prices. ' oua nanss GOODS are the very latest patterns and the prices are right. Come and The onions should be “upcot than. In OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT everything is new and fresh. No old Stock. Prices Right. . out-l._.cno fl- Solar vary uttlo maple gym has come «no the village. The run 0: uphoot as good“ and. The insula- can keep. very cold. and quite, lot 0! now 100i early on Siturday morning. The Austin Bros.. and Kelley and Bryan: mills have both started out» ungmd Hr. Wm. Lskingis getting his in slupe to commence shortly. Mr. Chas. Kellct intends starting his creunery the first at May. He has secured Hr. Jones. of Lindsay, uhis butter maker this year, and hopes to doabig business. He has bought the boat house late!) oqmed by Mr. E. Austin. so it will facilitate the workol unloading on his boat and loading in the cars. not. from Canada in the pact. but any we†too lam in «in. Therein also an enquiry to:- Canadian-grown cauliflowera. Tho British market: at present in supplied princimlly from Italy, but the big pickle manufactur- ers would like to hear from Canada, and Er. Mailman oflm to put. Ca- nadian power: into touch with the mauulacturefl if they will communi- cate with him. English Market for Pickling Onions ‘7fh2r6 Is also 5 Ma demand in the Mother Country for can“ pick)!“ shaman. Home shipment: have hm -Lindsa.y Hamilton, formerly man- ager at Guelph of the Bank of Mon- treal, diéd nt Bellevillé last week of Pneumonia. He was the eldest son of the late William Hamilton. mun- ager of the Merchant's Bank there. and was a. bachelor, 33 years old. any quantity Then 16 ï¬ELIABLB PAINTS made {fem Pure Lead and on in the lam! artistic shades in Maude“. L051 Wad†mtedin The Canada Paint Company PRISM climate and oped“ 3%? W; its KIRKFIELD, - ONT. Large Stock of New Spring Dry Goods, Furnishings, Boots and Shoes. OUR CLOTHING DEPABTIENT has a complete stock of New and Up-todnte Spring and Summer Goods at very low prices. SUKLOFF 85 C0. Bucceuon to W. A. Graham KIRKFIELD. Sukloff C0. Loan Toronto daily. (‘mnfomble. room - but!!! at moderate noes. Fully equipped n-i convenience. balding. cooking Huge and every Berth! Ila-mid he mi (chm Ah nearest C. ER. Agent) at least two wee I before de- Mare. Writ! tmdny for free bonk- nnd an in; you want tn 3'39“ nbont the west n how ' ' giving full articular:- Settler s Guide 0, W... â€mm. m. vice {or healer- travelling; with live stuck and eï¬ecu w the Northwes: in March and April, with pal-cum†and freight raves. Time Tables â€'2 w innflpea and Carla“) How Made and How Reached venom conditions.“ 8.) Plï¬â€œ lnnluhle to new an. “MOI. HOMES Western Canada $3an Adan-u Minwmtjpm rem-329*- 5?wa iv 7757:} Mm». an! Ht ‘ The weekly newspaper aw: Grins tube bait and biggest am in $131: dism'Qt. remaking the mast people mad bringing tube m0“ trade to tuba advmiaing W‘s in Lindsay. is $139 one which should be uaodmout by advertisers. Th0 Watchman-Wu- du- cm easily lay claim to this and it only requires a aid to ¢onvinoo the thought- ful met-chat of this. We will be glad to quote There «9 variant; ways and means used in this, but by m me best and mm the most popular and gramme in the Weekly Ngwapaper, The geese: at weaves in business is advertising: "ibï¬RIS'r SLEEPING CARS Ill IE THE Ll!“ ' HA m 7.9 «7 runs u . G. EDWARDS onto daily. (‘cvmfnrmhlm rcmmv Iodemu‘ rnws, Fully equipped with mung rungs and every convenience. uld be reserved (Lhrn h nearest I“. I!) at least two wee I before de- i A WOMAN or mud an opera. the Excel-lol- nu Extinguisher a Quickly and PM: u g In. The tollowing h copied Mom tho Termite World: “’Bowmuwilloâ€"I What. might have been a lel'loul ï¬r. occurred In the Ontuio M build- -d|y for free bonkl Md nn'thing 1 know about the test an hu" Addreu mlon It binds" once: 2 532 c. . ‘fl'u’i‘“ us; last night. when . awe and Now- - Auc- [mm a u ted much. not In u ti. curtains a «new. J. A. It. Clelland. we . 11v. our the but. an! Hz “0:“ swelling mots. PM In in room use arm. I an W gull outnumber £319 g: :3 mu; Agent “with d m Write for free Copies 0! For Settlers mowing double daily pas. some: train service be 1!! Western Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan in treating and hm not le l'p-m-due descriP' tion of the went and e. of information 'neful map- and ON '1'. I FIRES occur “that“. any warning and you don't how the Workou- when you will mun than. lll’E TIIE LIRGEST SALE OF I" I’d/ITS ll TIIE WORLD --At the annual meeting of t]. Peterborough Board of Trade In.“ week the following ofï¬cers were electo ed: President, Dr. H. A. Morrison; VioeoPres‘ident, G. A. Gillespie; Seer retary, T. E. Gunmen-mine ; Treasxmo er; W. H. Bradburn. : TM 112th martmmt. the + chcmwt and host in town. It A ‘9... m-m~swm V 11“" I IO‘vv. 0""...v-wvvvâ€"v +WWMHM§W M+t¢+t o+1+++++++++t 2...: a... 22; m should be sior Fire 3? iii" 68d In gums amt suns}... “um The CHEAPEST and most Perfect Fire Protection in the World. IT CAN he need quickly by you†or oldandwillextkmflenre In its when. stage My. EVERY Private Dwellï¬ng. I‘m Building. Fm. ï¬tqge. «6-. _ L-_-. It! always 'worth Framing and you will often be surprised at it’s appearance when Framed. We unjust received ~ 9 late ehipment of landï¬ll louldln‘ snittll‘ivee I’d-l mmawmw outed during the next month. [PRETTY PICTURE Bring I Your Picture in and let I‘ll quote you for 3. Frame on it. MEN m not. uwm present The Excelsior fire Extinguisher Picture Pm. und Wall Pup†“on New Muuldinl‘g of d! kindaâ€"nut Half Price. mmmu as usual. W. A. GOODWIN’S Kurt“! “001““ Eff}