was accepted, “ 244.40 in alt 811‘ i. is named a. ‘ breds; Cotswdï¬- Sonya, and G. I, tain. S.W.P. Spedaltics seep Mr n Falls; J1 Ema, John A. McTam, . Thurston. Bow atson, Sonya, ‘nvl :lsay. csâ€"Eeil McEachen, d Stnes. Cal); onstration. E21144 40 was a“. m of Orillia. Products’ (30- 03:" chine. ‘eâ€"J. H. and I. JL‘ACY. )u want a real mt ded ms: } i1 25rd ‘ ms. T983? to M m, although in “ not raise! from 'lSlt who are bald,-n 1g, far supeï¬a! I durability to a, tnred.h{t , t ‘ . LS GARBAGE. town removes W 1 up by the cm-u msit. it, in a II! m Board of WC- rt the same a.“ long certain m {or the above F 1.813 g zsfactlon JN LY Limited rs 0x TONan tongues coohoi h It is hounded! evenly «ON he right. flavor I“ poyderefl Hancock, Vood- Mzu‘k, Little Brit- s»: p 1 3351 ml’ depth crflhn we ha proVC or 80"“. 5°" and drills t" (“ï¬ling I,“- On .mr cm and clay-loam soils. 1‘ {mind the broadcast seeding um l: we hm pmyc mnn- snru-ssful than any th« or. excl-pl. fl“. [was and fall WheEt. “,3- ;m- :Iluuys drilled“ The is run over after sowing, Stool rulim‘ ator. as conditions of or sumo linw l soil and mus an- um'd in this locality. In Hw disk drills ï¬nd favor. .~. Careful study to get the possihlv in seturing a. good catch of Seeds, and RI’ lllnCS “the best. laid plans mice and men gang aft may" w.» have. to guard against 7 smuls too deep, as a. vrâ€"z‘uin may so crust the m hinder the tiny plants to the surface. There- iore. fur years. after ï¬elds are sown and harrmu-d. with a hand sowcr we scatter lhr Sl‘t‘liS and roll down im-- medium: "hat insures sufï¬cient (‘nvcrinu’ im the small seeds, and hinder the young plants my Sllllh, h, rnquin' (if gl‘tting' “navy aft land as ever gcxzzing rhn’IQ nut mm “in demand. No press; \ 1 i mng possible in seruring seeds. and m times plans of mice and “’0 have dot-s lowir haw bith tells this woui Most phenac and in they 09in! 0: jury lookal trust , “Vere headm' WOT band Ham must Mint WHY A \H1.h LIVER RE SO \H‘J‘ll SAFE] mm H \ I f l l E WAFERS things g‘nt- right. LOOK at UN "V" not, sir-wt:- in the daytime. but hum†lin: fur :‘nn mighty dollar and get- tux: fun out of life every minute. Thmk what Dr. Hamilton’s Pills haw inns for meâ€"they have rebuilt and :‘ejxru'vnated my entire system." "It: Heep free from headaches. ‘50 feel your“: and bright, to enioz your meals. to sleep sound and 100 your best. nothing: can help like Dr. Ha- milmn's Pills. 25¢. per box. all dealer» nr‘tho Catarrhozone Co.. Kingston (mt. Min-hm. April 9wâ€"Mr. Harry 301* eftb'sn. sr.. returned home on MO" day last. from a. business trip to Lindsay. ASlow Liver Cause of [ Headaches ‘1 """"" ill Mr. Wm. Duke is reported gem and is under the care of Dan â€lock, Hr. P. 0. Nelson. 0t “ grin. Out, hgs commenced duty as ï¬nal of the Minden school. is Mr. F. II. Day, of Grillia. wot; Photographing homes and many ‘ er scenes. - ‘ " ‘ W0 wm Mr. J. H. Delmere wént to , Ot‘ tawa this week to see about “1" change in the G.T.R. system between ï¬ndsay and Haliburton. Ir- Frank Gartshore wt on Thur†a'Jvitha.ga.ngotxnanto m a“ the logs for the Gull Riv“ 1“- Harry Henderson ‘18 116" 8‘3†“8 111) another carload 01 1‘0â€â€ ‘0 take to his western home. _1_. 1,“; 0 ,, row 1“ THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1910. W use) ‘vavï¬â€" â€"“ Ir. Rom. Cassidy 0! new. V†in Ebllars Keep Cqming Back g 0“ mvllv“ ymring .QOOOOW W M O Mo. §et good results in m. and turnips have been “blamed from spring man- nmngols, manuring im- nrtor harvest, deep cross- wmlver, left rough all 1 wnrk into excellent con- mmtod cultivatings and . till {our to ï¬ve inches in H.410“ soil is obtained for ’.;.mv:i resident of Lebanon. 7 Flemming, tells the fol- :jw-z'ionce: “' I think I must must sluggish sort of a livâ€" ï¬m morning my mouth Was that foul soft feeling that _ ‘nn hreakfast needed here wuing.’ A cup of coffee of brace me_ up, but in x I was disposed to quit r-nnr‘gy having oozed out of q-gwr was only my good NH 1' guess I didn’t digest 1, in!‘ I dreamt to beat the \ :‘r'ienrl put me wise to Dr. l5 Pills. I think they taken hold on my liver, stomach, too, because T'w very start they made hx‘u davhc ,lm how \\‘ :u-hc wafers contain untipyrine, acetanilid, (um-s, analysis shows n ulvstructive harmful 3x (10 incalcula‘ble in- system and should be xith suspicion and dis- hendnche is due to the try to “ drug †the )IIXDEN. [an REMEDY IS SAFER THAN ‘5ng 001411 qu v. . : only my goodI s I didn't digest eamt to heat the it me wise to Dr. I think they LOld on my liver, :11, too, because; start they made Look at me nowâ€"â€" ‘aytime, but hust- r dollar and get- life every minute. {amilton’s Pills -they have rebuilt y entire system.†11 headaches. to :ht, to enjo your Ind and loo your help like Dr. Ha- Sc. per box. all atarrhozone Co., # )EN. â€" . Harry Rob- ed home on Mon- business trip to Cameron Point, April 11. â€"- Tile- lightful weather prevails in this disâ€" trict, and the farmers are going ahead with their machinery prepar- ing the lands for a good yield of grain in the year 1910. Mr. Robert Frise, of this district, is vacating his residence here and moving to â€Zion, where he has pur- chased'a commodious‘ farm and build- ings. He will leave some time dur- ling the week when favorable oppor- tunities occur so as not to interfere with summer work routine. ; It is very noticeable. in many hous- es the advantage to be gained in having the telephone installed in the home, and the aid of the rural delivery of_ mails. Probably the time must come when all occupiers of homes will indulge in these ne- cessities. Mr. Percy Frise, accompanied .by his mother, was driving to Fenelon Falls on Saturday last, when some paper, carelessly thrown down on the road. blew up into the horses' face and so startled it‘ that it was almost a runa‘vay speed and might have proved disastrous. ‘ - -- LL- 4.“! .. Mt nu John Caqmb ell, Woodville. from getting soon to. light and air. so necessary for their rapid growth. Wherever needed, no operation is so necessary or so certain in goOd 're- sults as underdraining. The early- sown grains, on dry soils, well till- ed, get a start in life, which 1n near» ly every case means an increase in yield ranging from a few bushels to nearly double of crop, according to dates of sowings. There appears to be a naturalness about getting the plant life started near the opening of spring, when nature is putting forth! her best efforts to help the vegetable kingdom fulï¬l its best destiny. The quick start in a race goes a long way towards winning. So does the: early start of our grains, when; all creation is responding to the sun’s heat and call to fruitful life, get a 1 lead which scarcely ever fails to be a winner at the latter end. On wet. cold-bottomed soils \hatl learly start is impossible. The grain‘ may be sown. but the overabundance of moisture requires the sun’s heat to evaporate it, robbing the grains and plant of heat which is so essen- tial to a. strong, sturdy growth. and that. in turn, so helpful in resisting 'the attacks of insects or disease. lHaving for thirty-odd years been :draining, and perSOnally placed miles of tiles. the beneï¬ts of draining have been object-lessons with the return of leach and every spring-time. Drier :soil, less labor in preparing a seed- ;bed, a better one when done. and a ;surer start and development of crop. :are same of the beneï¬ts in tilling ! drained land. 1RAILWAY WORK BEING DONE IN HALIDIER’I‘ON 00. The Railway and Marine Warld contains the. following paragraphs of interest. : “We are advised that work has been started on the extension of the lme from Maynooth to Whitney, 01112., on which a start was made last year. A gang is engaged clearing the ’ right. of way. The company is doing |lthe work itself. It is expected ' to construct 10 miles this year. (Feb. ' pg. 109.) 1’ “A†The fact of having spent $40 per acre in tilling a ï¬eld of nearly use- less swamp land, a few years ago, is ample proof of our faith in burying many dollars out, of sight. But in three years, at the most. 'they all have come to the surface, and. into the pocket. and their progeny will keep on coming to the end of life. » WMMM . "The Toronto, Haliburton Pem- broke Ry. Co. has been incorporat- ed by the Ontario Legislature to build a railway from Barry’s Bay to Haliburton, Ont., or alternately from the Canadian Atlantic Ry., to Hali- burton. ’ ’_(Mar., Early risers felt the chill a on. on Wednesday morning last, when to their surprise the ground was cover- ed with the white clad snow, which had fallen during the night. Mr. Joe Lee, with his family, paid a visit to his brother John Lee. of this district on Sunday, the 3rd inst. 7 i Farmers who are wintering cattle !are daily exDeCting a notiï¬cation from the owners that they will take them over. for home pasturing, ow- ing to the mildneas of the weather, and thus the verdant green color of the ï¬elds. . . PROPOSED RAILWAYS children OIY' ran FLEJ’IEIJEIE _ _ CAMERON POINT. pg. 211 ). #11111 a. bit on MgKKK%KKKKKRKKRKKKKKKKKKym micaâ€"w 2U Em =5, mm>=2m=rgw 1 , Digby, have 1 the interior of th the floor, and n0! tip-top shape and ulated on the ix have done on the \ear. The little at home when thé Head Lake, April 6.â€"â€"During the Easter holidays the trustees of No.1 1, Digby, have been busy painting? the interior of the school and oiling the floor, and now they have it in tip-top shape and are to be congrat- ulated on the improvements they have done on the school in the past The little children feel more year. neat . at. home when they enter a clean building than they do in a barn such as exists for a. school in a few localities. All praise to our pay Cl 9. Last Sunday morning Rev. Father Sullivan of Victoria Road, held mass in Mr. John Fitzgm‘ald’s house. A zit Head Lake Next to Dominion Bank. goodly crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs. Dougald McInneo, of Bowmanville. are at present. visiting at Mr. Jno. Cxonin's. a month or 7 Mr. Frank Cronin left to-dny for Lindsay. where he intends working for the coming season. Mr. Fred McFadden meets to re- turn Wednesday to Lindsay, where he will resume his old position in Becker's mill. The lawsuit held last Thursday at Victoria. Road between Hr. Bert lic- Fadden and J amen Hodge over a beaver meadow, which has been in dispute {or a. number of you-a. was thrown out by Judge Harding, as it was a land dispute. and could not be tried in the magma com-u , min intends remainins ‘0’ so among her relatives ONTARIG he had time to consider his perilous condition. they were upon him, and instead of turning out to pass him, they endesvored to 5 trample himself, slelgh'uzd team down. The tongue of the cutter struck the end board in the sleigh. and then the horses spread and come up one on each side 0! the 'slelgh. Mr. Southern them coming over a hills side 0! the 'slelgh. Mr. Southern dragged to seize the lines o! the bridles just. as they came up, and held them till he got them stopped. Had he not managed to stop them. they would undoubtedly have caused destruction to allâ€"man. beast. cut- ter and sleigh. However. he got destruction to ellâ€"men, mt, cut; ter and sleigh. However. he got than quieted. and eat right. and waited for the driver. Presently a heed was seen looming like the ris- '_~'77 7 young. breathless nun arrived on the TO PURCHASE NEW RANGE. The proposed new rifle range north 0! Lindsay tor the Victoria. Rifle Association my be patch-â€d at w early date. as the seven land owners have been an by member-lot the Unrivalied Millinery Attractions for Friday and Saturday. Forenoon shoppers secure the choicest pickings. Shop early. Only the l ‘ge turnover of this store which enables spot cash purchasic g from the best manufacturers to-gether with the best skilled mihiners, could bring to the women of Lindsay and surrounding country such values as are to be had In If you wish to see the busiest millincry store “ our show rooms Friday and Saturday. †“'1 15 16 100 of these, newest shape, nngus ors for misses and young business w braid is that very coarse effect so much Going at very low prices. Children’s Drop Sailors Pearl straw, dome crown sailors for school wear, white trimmed with navy, sky and cream, corded bands, going at special prices. Exquisite Children's Dress Hats Very large showing of smart dress hats for children at prices to suit- any purse. A Most Attractive Ofl'ering of High- Class Dress Hats ‘ Newest hand made turbans of pyroxaline silky braids. Around the deep brim are arranged masses of tiny June roses with wings of same at side. Others with chanticlur mounts and a variety of other novel effects. _. All kinds of flowers in all the very special prices. ' . Be sure and visit our minim Friday and Saturday. without any loan whoever. Rustic Sails“; a, neweet shapg, English tunic smil- "l‘L- but More our millinery show rooms Association. who have received on dons on the back part of their farms along the Scugog. The new range is over 8000 yards in length. and contains 200 acres or -‘A land. “Tie government granted $10,- 000 for the range some time ago, but the proposed new range will Wot J. A. Williamson has pre- pared a. list of the farms mooted, and :36 cost of each. and has for- killed her. Gmm and J I8- Lindsay women. The :11 in demand. new shades at RAGE SEVEN. raucodby midway Pills mmpson's 0m w .0383 TILL 5m. SHE nvs' .Aprfl‘fm.â€"(Spmt rysido here is I let‘fflflm Of Airs who fly at the “WW; swollen 11; the doctor ï¬ve lecided to up he! 89, as her W1 ’betta. to let her the W hat! KM but are W back- ind Ithe doctor a h! M eight " 9* sad legs beg-I news. she owes h hey- Plus. '3 .is of the kidnq neya, Dbdd's B it. and W aches In 01W g as tooth-113, tion mud 1 3 hordes. One ‘led on his leg. l‘he hon-swims < not mind paying vii they, could a 1 fruit" Ihown t] a: afternoon by Donut-8t. '1“ who Wt anon nine pious. the Holman dragg [e m outed he was about t1 ae camps. when o! Haliburton Venige m it. George. BACKA mar