to be sold in , car than previ .~ Pd where a cool on the veranda}: a set of these Va :17 urs are extra gm"; 00 made with gm lent Toupees__,_ [ah Shades SAY nwend ‘lcal neann. Au‘luuv Ives as readily as your ‘ir Wnuld. Light, strong a any style. shade (I Jesigns in Curls are attractiva We in- ion of these goods. TS !ollovflng 1‘“ mphâ€: 0! â€m m. 0: cold nu" > water or flu ' no oz a» mu“- namely. '1". mm» IN I†.OUR '0 your order in hair will be inter- n'oved transformat- nly the wearer Will 19 rotection 11009098) ica. health. A413“ 'nly Sanitary and mod Taupe. HM. Fail to call and sci-them Lunatic.†I 1'. APRIL 20, ii l. Iltd- 103 105 You“ 3 Whmtt. duly ï¬nal in wary respec hatever mod flour bush. gallon nu“ 1 15 1,35 THURSDAY, APRIL 20. 1911. Special q u a 11 t y Opaque Shade in cream or green only, trimmed with lace or insertion cmnmem whh ï¬ng pun and ï¬ttings; size 36 x 72. Regular 39¢ each. Sale price 35¢ each ........................ Best Oil Opaque Shades in green. white or cream, com- plete with ring pull and ï¬t- tings. 36 x 72. Regular 35C Each. Sale price... 32C A special purchase in Win- dow Shades in green and Icream colors; sue 36 1:172; regu- ar 25c each. For t is gale, each ............. ' ..... 21C .24} min lace or insertion, v wwlcte with hade pull and f3 tings : Sil‘ 36 X 72 Regular 50;“ crack) Sdle pnce 45C wcil ............... ......... Iu-st Oiled Opaque Shades In 5 :ccn cream or white, tlim- All Car pet remnant: up to ‘3 Yards. we offer It a reduc- lion 0! 33¢ p,c. GREAT SPRING HOME REPLENISHING B_____________ig Sacriï¬ce in Carpets, S_t_r____________ong Price Inducements to R_u_g___________s, Curtains and Hnuse- First-of- the- Season _________S_____hoppers furnishings For Next _______l___4Days in Home Furnishings Carpet Remnants .o-oounoo Window Shades . I}. In! . m, - V â€M X J...“ “L ura .1“ “on. unoIIQOOOI I... yï¬ï¬‚flafli 250 yards Best English A: Chintz and red colorings, 27 match. Regular $1.65 per :yard- Odd Brussels borders. :2 I-zlfinches wide, suitsble for mskian-Isn Runners. Hsll Msts snd Bedroom Mats; regu- lsrlysc, $1.00. $1.25 snd 01.50 ysrd. These we 08:: sgs re- duction of 33 1-3 per cent. . 450 yards Best English Brussels Carpet in a great variety of patterns, shades of Fawn, Green, Blue and Red, 27 inches wide, 22 1-2 inch border to ma\Ch. Regular $1.25 1 l 3 and $t-35 yard. Sile price per yard .................. . 500 yards English Brussels Carpet, in floral am tional designs, suitable for any room; 27 inches w have 22 1-2 inch border to match. Regular $I.oo a yard. Sale:price ................................................ 385 yards extra quality Tapestry Carpet in Orientals Fawns, Reds, and Greens, 27 inches wide, some with borders to match. Regular 85¢ per yard. Sale l ...... 69c Brussels, Axminster and Wilton Carpets at F amously Low Prices 62; yards best quality Tapestry Carpet in flomllandIcon- ventional designs. handsome shades to suit all rooms. Regular 65c and 75C 3. yard. Sale price 57C 475 yards English Tapestry Carpet, bright, clearipatterps in colormgs of green, fawn, brown and red, 27 inches wide; some with étair carpetsZtofmatch. Regular 50c. 55c,. 60c- Sale price per yard}..................... . 47C 000.000.0000 k Big Saving In Tapestry Carpets n-oo-olnlcnooooo English Axminster Carpets in Greens orinzs. 27 inches wide. borders to Sale price in floral and convex}- 7 inches wide; some 73.535? 1.35 75c UNDSAY Reliable Goods at Reasonable Prices Our Constant Aim Our stock of these Rugs is very complete and well assorted We have them in all the different sizes, and the prices we have marked them are very inviting. ' Best Nottingham Lace Curtains, imported direct, 2 1-2 yds. .. 3 yards and 3 1-2 yards long, handsomely designed and well ï¬nished. We have from 250 up to $4.00 pair. Tapestry, Brussels and Axminster 366 Km Handsome Swiss Curtains in floral and conventional signs, well ï¬nished. Note‘the splendid savings we oï¬er I-zâ€"odd pairs of Swiss and Brussels Net Curtains, handsome designs. Regular price $1.50 pair. Sale price perfll 00 We have an excellent stock of these mattings, 36 inches wide in handsome colarings and designs at per yard 12 1-2:, 200. 25c and ......................................................... 35c Swiss Curtains at Mush Under Regular Prices Housecleaning invariably brings its problems of replenishing, and there are few homes but what will need something new this Spring in Carpets, Curtains or other Furnishings. We are going to make a unique offer to suchipeople. Commencing Saturday, April 22nd, we will offer a big:stock 0f Carpets, Curtains, Rugs, Mattings, etc., at immensely reduced prices, to induce early buying before our big rush is on. These unprecedented price reductions right in the face of the season will prove a great opportunity for you. Goods at these prices are on a cash basis of course. Sale lasts until May 6th. “ Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest.†Nottingham Lace Lot 1â€"52.50 lad $3.50 Curtain for Lot 2â€"33.50, $4.00 and $4.50 Curtain for Lot 3â€"35.00 and $6.00 Curtains fot ........................ Lot 4â€"31.00, 87.50 and $8.00 Curtains for.............. Lot 5-88.50 and $10.00 Curtain. for .... Japanese Japanese .oo-occouoonsoao-nnaooc- 81.50 .u no. a. a... 87.95 pair $1.05 pd: 8-35 de- 250 yards 3-ply Wool Carpets in beautiful floral and con- ventional designs. 36 inches wide, in shades of fawn, brown, red and green. Regular price $1.00 per yard. Sale price per yard .. .. .... 79c 225 yards ingram Carpet in pretty floral designs, shades of fawn, green, brown and red, 36 inches wide. Regular 40c and 5°C yard. Sale price per yard...:........ 29C 24 pairs Frilled Net and Muslin Curtains, 2 1-2 yards long. Regular $1.50 and 81.75 pair. Sale price per 1 or! 160 yards Nottingham Lace Curtain Net. so inches wide. Regular Ise yard. Sale 1 1 price per yard ............ ' 22C Plain Cream or white striped Scrim; regular 12 I-2e and 15¢ per yard. Sale price 10¢ mu- van-l Curtain Nets and Muslins at Greatly Reduced Prices 1:3â€th 1:†350 "at W . . . 296 I at s ttl am CC y one melettor..-34° attain Net. so inches wide. EEE'SZJSLSM' Sal: lZéc 50: let for . . . 39c H d s """" M“ 1- 601: leftor . . . 491: a“ â€me "°‘ “W ‘“ 75c Net for . . . 590 c. 12 I-2c and 15c yard. F rifled Net and Muslin on on . con 00. 0000 o :4... in o-nnuou coco :19“ V in ‘ Rugs 500 yards Wool Ingrain Car- pets in handsome floral and conventional designs, shades of brown, green, fawn and red. Regular 7°C, 7% and 85c Sale price per yard ...... 59C Swiss th with Tambour border, 27 inches wide. Note the reductions. 000 no on ONTARIO