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Watchman Warder (1899), 20 Apr 1911, p. 12

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WANTED. â€" cmmmnn. ply u Boyd Hotel, Lindsay. TUESDAY. APRIL 93. stock. lmpknepu. poultry. has an! wood. the proporty o! Jouph Jewell. In. lot 1. con. 13. um- ” 11 In“- mt 0' CW' FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.â€" The vie-t hall of lot: 16 in the 12th concession o! the Township of Eln- uy. 100 acres. 95 acres cloned. All seeded’down and in grass. Good m-.. LATE MRS. FOSTER. The funeral of the late Mrs. Ro- bert Foster, who died last Tuesday at (‘resawelL took place to Manilla cemetery Thursday afternoon. The deceased lady was born in England and having come to Canada. with her parents while she was quite young, settled in Whitlly. Dr. Martel’s Female Pills Besides one sister. Mrs. Rufus Hall, there are left to survive 1192‘ ”w followlng children: Mrs. Joseph Jamvs AM. Mrs. James llakef. Mrs; H A. mam. Mrs. “'m; Clark. and 3"“. 1.. G; “u”. Elan-Una.- _ v..â€" _ Prescrided and recome'lded for Wom- en's ailments, a. scientificallv prepared remedy of proven worth. The result from their useis quick and permanent. For sale at alldrug stores. MIL (AA RROBL lMl‘ROVtXG; Mr; '1‘. 13-. Gated. gubemtéaaém uf ma §£GWQF§ a five; eaaétwemn mm who was“ mmngty a§§aul§éa by 4 115th Mummy aftgmaam E; ii“: s-ravmg may. and will be new! “as“ m a few days». dolled bu gold: his am Main. ‘ucuomr. â€"' â€"E'y;u33ht Specialigt 92 Kentâ€"sh, over Neill's Shoe Store. Eyeglagses repaired. Broken ,#I_-A_I If you required glasses or had any trouble with your eyes, wouldn’t you rather go to a specialist in Op- tical Work who is endorsed by the leading medical men ? Here is where we meet and get results de- sired. The price of such excellent optical service is very moderate. 10‘ lllfll on the premises. For Ms Jackson. M p. 0-: ont’ lars apply to ount Pleasant We have our new band and can supply the fresh mixed or y of 12 colors, 10c pe: Our superior Sweet Pens have duringthe past few seasons been conspicious because of their _ L- L1,...M‘... VVu~'I'-v-v .â€" . large size, profusion of blossom, beautyof color and variety of shade. L- SWEET PE AS “gun E“: m fig??? “‘ 0 let“ not; ‘; “RAH“. it} B. ANNJS.-99h-D- ENE gamer: B'Pfiéin: mm: g, 15 miles out 0 Everything mutt DUN OON’S DRUG STORE Lenses replaced. OBITUARY ur new stock to suppl‘y you With ;ed or your choice 10c per ounce at . mutt be nold u the stoma:- FARM . AP- She hnd m with 1'th for you: end the Mt pun he kept her in content “any. The loo-t. dump m her. M on oldpenonhubeencuredbynhen- mo and when .11 else tailed. Rheu- mo strengthen and builds up the whole mum. it purine. and enrich- es the blood I0 than. the most en- !eebled circulation in made strong. Rheunmislogreetnndsoeure n remedy that Philip Hot-gun sells it. with a. guarantee to give entire sa- tisfaction or money back. A month's treatment only costs $1 sold by Philip Morgen or direct, all charges prepaid from B. V. Marion“ Bridge- burg, Ont. Excellent Program by School Pupils Lorneville, April 17.â€"The closing exercises of the Lorneville public school, which were held on Thurs- day afternoon, took the form of a public examination and was well at- tended by the parents and friends of the section. We are pleased to see the revival of this interesting and profitable feature of 'school life that is not so largely known to the'chilâ€" dren of to-day as it was some few years ago. It serves many good purposes, not the least among them being the stimulating of the interest of parents in the daily work of the school. How few parents and how seldom even these avail themselves of the privilege of knowing at first hand how things are going in the school. During'the early part of the afternoon classes were conducted in the usuél school order. A visit- or undertook to test the reputation that has attached itself to the school as being especially proficient in numbers. The aceurate and readv answers Proved that the repu- tation is not unmerrited. The blackboards were adorned with drawings such as to cause one to wonder if a professional had not been employed. but we were assured that the pupils themselves had been the artists. of fine merit. Two features that especially interested those present were “ The School Journal." which was such as to cause the editors of the journalistic world to fear future competition from this quarter. A debate, “ Resolved that reciprocity would be beneficial to Canada was most interesting and even instructive to most of us. Had Col. Hughes been present he would have recogniz- ed in one of the speakers a formidâ€" able opponent of the future. The result was declared in favor of the affirmative, but it was with diffi- GOT RID OF, IN A FEW HOURS There is nothing made that will so quickly rid the scalp of distressing itchiness as PARISIAN SAGE the hair dresser and beautifier. The latter part of the afternoon was spent,in listening to a. program culty that E. Gregory. Lindsay. and J; A. Wyiie. Omemee, guarantees I’arisian Sage to cure dandruff; stop itching scalp and failing han- rw money baek; and shells) it for only 50 cents a large battle is pma vitaliw in: m m: hair and gives“; it a Putnam luézéh ééieky or gray ig der luwvx RE the taveme him dream; be refined wemé‘a beeausae it», §g quiekiy mfmhga mg @2519 git}! .n‘et Ming 'l'flB PO0R 0L0 LADY iii ' mm '6 mg; “38 3??? E?! we a Bmfipffi‘imfib‘é wipes is is be ITCHING SCALP the judges were able to gtgwhu t9 k§é receiving. All lelt feeling thut the wprocla- tion of our teachers, Mm Campbell and Miss Weetluke. was not unmark- ed and with the hop'e that they might ndt soon leave us. Pupils Rengkrgd Powles' Corner. April 17.â€"Eoster holidays have arrived, and the youngsters are enjoying them to the fullest extent. Thursday being the last. at school. the teacher, Miss Parker. and her puâ€" pils, gave a. very interesting enter- tainment in the afternoon. mp Bruce Cooper acted as chairman and delivered a. very appropriate address in which he welcomed, in behalf of the school, the parents and friends who availed themselves of this opâ€" portunity. Bruce certainly made a No. 1 chairman. and it behooves the older members of the section to spruce up or they will be considered behind the times before long. The program consisted of choruses; dia- Iogues. readings, recitations and club swinging. Special mention might be made of the dialogues entitled “Who is to be Queen," and “Lazy and Louzy.” Miss Leona. Parrish acted as organist. We are always glad to see the parents Come out to encour- age the children in training for life's great future. Would that more of it were done. . Mr. F. Milloy, “ho has been visit- ing in our neighborhood for the past Ithree or four weeks, returned last week to his post at Girvin Station. Sask. On his way pack he intended calling on friends at Toronto, Erie City, Pa., Chicago and St. Paul. Miss Parker. our estimable school teacher. is spending the holidays at. her home near Newcastle. Mrs. Jas. Powles has returned from Midland, where she had been called to attend the funeral of her sister, 1 Mrs. Ryley. Not a. few fro availed themselves and visited Lindss BALI) MEN; ‘ should call. and inspect the famous Sanitary Patent Toupees, as shown by Prof. Dorenwend, of Toronto, at the Benson House. on Saturday, March 6. These Toupees are not, only perfect in construction. but are the only Sanitary and [‘atentdi sub- stitutes of one's own hair. I’eniel. April 17.â€"Mr. Carl Whito, of T ynecastle, called on friends in this (:ninity last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Squires, of l’iclxu‘ing, spent the Easter holidays ut their parents‘, Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘. Squires. Master Percy and Iittle ”gins Lam‘n love. or ('ahnmgton, are at their grandfamef‘s. Mr; A». Bagshaw‘s. for the holidays“ Our Qeaehem Mists same I‘Tances‘ M t‘laekymek. "and Man Aim- Adam; M (,‘édal‘ firm-9. are; hatitiafihg M mm Mme»: at Nuerview and mm: mm mpeeuwha 9.. Mm Gladys Smith is houauymg with I'xbridge friends. Mrs. Jas. Wright and daughter. Miss Elsie. are spending the holidays at 'J‘umhio. ‘ wivt'r-Iétfidi Mm. Nth “Walsh at Ma: um Vanna ugiwd M, Mr: ‘i‘houma F‘mim‘a an flaming: Inge: méé £334.19 var-{n1 g: mmvm us. me guest» at w- aiaten mg: flan». Rive. fur a few dm‘fi: ms. smemm and daughter. W“ \‘era. are Visiting at Mr, 060.. Mm Kague‘a‘ far a .few dflé’at Mn and Mrs, Mauve “Show“ “i Tor-(mm, gpent the week GM Wiu‘ their varents. Mr. and Mme Thos- ()sbotne.‘ Maasrs “lack a! Bexlex'. m the guests «)5 their cousins. Misses Pear! and Lil). McKagua luv the Waterâ€" tide. ‘luv- Mr. John Hardy and Miss Winifred spent Sunday at weir uncle's. Mr. Fred Hardy, Oukwoud. Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Gflm'smna. or undsasn mm m gum. or Mr. am! Mrs. 't'hos. 3311mm an Sunday. new may mm; mg was g. mile with 63:95? flung}: ‘ __ _-_ -A u...” MALI KIWI V' \ 2m .i‘egsié Armin at mmmm us the wt 91 m new 355-. H: mm 9w; gm ,_ ‘ ma “31% 93 Mam the m“ 9M”: at Nam mm mm. vir- mm Mind! hm. m My mum at Mtg; W mw fl mm; the rm. w. m. mm m! ml “ W. “um um. and mm t! W, A mm mm» MI mm M Mo ham «1 In John mm, Anatolian-emu; Ir. teaéhml Miss Sadie Napeem Nadya Smith is hofldbying 1mm my few from this community mselves of the cheap fares 1 Lindsay last Saturday. A Good Program lfigoc I‘EXIEL. a the Paar‘ in forward to I ¢°°d tun. ‘7‘? Cameron. April 18. ‘ now about .11 gone. to you alt bu? fields once more. The recent. high winds have played havoc with the ice. .nd it. too. will soon be gone. and then the former: that. the grass may grow Vida lead for stock, as fodder with a, great many is becming very scarce. Mr. E. Shea. had the misfortune to Hose 3. very valuable sow and litter !-_‘ A “â€"n of pigs. Mr. B. Wesuw colt. and Mr. E. Hooey brood mare. Mr. Angus McLean, x on the sick list for son is now convalescent. at with the coming spring be restored fully ’0 hi health. Mrs Babies who Suffer The little ones \vh‘ constipation, colic, i any of the many any 0! the luau u.“ -.-..- children, will find prompt reliei in Baby 5 0“]! Tabletsâ€"a medicine that is guaranteed absolutely safe and free from all iniurious drugsâ€"in fact the onlv medicine for babies sold un- der the guarantee of a gmernment analyst to contain no opiate nar- cotic or other “ soothing " stuff. Com erning them Mrs.1“.rnest Plum- ondonf Ste Julie Station Que... “rites: " It is a pleasure for me to let _\()u know \\ hat \ourl Baby' 5 Own Tablets ha\e done for my children. M) liahv suffered terriblx from con- stipution and although we had a doctor there was no change in his condition till I began to give him Rain '9. ()wn Tablets, but since then he is enJm mg good health. " The Tablets are sold,bv medicine dealers or 1)} mail at 25 cents a box from tm- Dr. Williams' Medicine (‘0., Brockville. Ont. VICTORIA ROAD. Victoria. Road. April 18.â€"The an- nual Easter service was held in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. The church was beautifully decorat- ed with palms and lilies and other beautiful plants. The choir render- ed special music and thermistor solo was sung by Miss Marion Hill. of Toronto. REV. Mr. Jones was as- sisted by Mr. Campbell Graham. of Albert College. nelletille. Rev. Mr. Jones preavhni a wry impressiw sermon; taking for his test " (‘hflst .7 , H is Risen; ‘ Mm\ flwkman and Man "as: an. Were in Mutiny on Thursday» The Minna: (‘lm‘u mm Flam Hmmua The Minna: (‘lnm mm Ham and mm: “have Mum (tram. ‘l‘mwsdax m Limit-my: W; Rhiemss went M‘hur‘snay in Llnduay an buumesm iflllrsuu,‘ In x u- Mn. "2 H. ‘fi‘gfiwmi and MM mum Hammad Hamid Friday and Hammm in Hnduuy m \\ Maple: hi spending me haudma m his Name in Linshny Mr, J Taylor and son 1min spam Enter fiundny at his Mme have. Mm twin Hammun. at Bell Nav- an. is spending the huudaya mo guest at the Misses Clara and Hum fibields. Mr. A. (‘. Graham lei day morntng for a trtp Columbia. M.\Nl{.l.A. Manilla. April titâ€"0n Easter Sunday shurtly before the noon hour a well known and respected re- sident of East Mahllla in the per- son of Mr. Guam Nut“. puma away to Ms arm-m! mum; but nut unexpecied‘y; Abwt d mum m aérmmi «Maw! 13 tumor an the bum; aha team Hush m sum was or was imam may mu F8: hams by death; ‘i‘he late in. Rusk»: mg m- in Mm and was fit guys and am mammal age: mm his mud Wm M 89m Mandi HOW HELEN“! beCming very scarce. had the misfortune to ‘luable sow and litter I. Westaway lost afine E. Hooey an excellent from Constipation Graham lefl on was who suller from colic, indigestion. or . many ills that afflict find prompt relle! in abletsâ€"a medicine that absolutely safe and mam-am“ drumsâ€"in fact. Lean, who has been for some “me past, :ent, and we trmt marine weather will 90 his accustbmed on Tues- m Ilruluh Towns- Easter «mes three emblem wk“ MW mam his lane. at, mg: Ms 89m 9 sense! magm. Pen; We in. mm mm mm at helm. in mum he mm a m: them»: m m Be has; same heme M am“ 913 “mm: mm per. mm on m m: mm mm W‘ Mt hm, w 11m $9 an be: when! mm mm mm in W: Any Man who caresa rap about the kind of CLOTHES he wears couldn't help waxing enthusiastic plendid spring showing of SUITS. They will reach right home to you. So diversi. fied is the‘assortment of choice patterns that you will y much puzzled as to which to select, among them be vet hat could offend the all you will not find a single weave t finest sense of good taste. The Price Range $6 by Easy Steps up to $20 Name your HAT price and we’ll show you the _best HATS made for the money, stiff or soft. Spring‘styles of course. WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHII OOH! FROM. *' $1, $1.50 to $3 ALWAYS PLEASED TO SHOW YOU at m; Rawh- mmm m heme m: m m «trauma mineral «mm: at Nanhem 6mm: mm La mm in M! museum at a mess“ 39w: mt dmmmmehmmnm in Ms FAWN“ m m at me my hm gem mm: to mm m m mm mm! mm mmmwa M: m2 gem m am M Emma 91 W saw m m M'- k m a mm m M: «M Ind mm m m ,m at m m mmm 5mm 15 m m an m a! m hm ah a m and m “d gene south ta me their Bum mum with m m mam 65mm and mum». ., 7 _ no mic- “ W dun-M. A splendid showing of fiOYS’ SUITS, single or double breasted bloomer or knicker pants. Dressed in one of our good SUITS a Man has a fair start on the road to prosperity. Our Splendid CLOTHES service is yours, if you desire it! Bobcaygeon, Ami! 1 Mine 0! the \inag'fl ‘ mt?!) hop in ”W luu M'emng. Prices $3 to $8 '1» 512mm m «m . ~ ‘3 fifl‘fi seesaw in await“? W no equal; MEDICAL AW?RH \ l‘! “M QM iuuw‘ - , {W m at? WP m M!M1MW“W I m ‘ “*1 “B it“; §ACKRHW mm \ hw filmm- ”if? Hum = tum: - hhfi t'hgtâ€"m h: m n .7 "a! “(ghtfifinh \‘N: tux u ! AM ”-21 ‘am. ‘ “-4.“! a“; 684%”an was 9m! H MN*W‘N Nu: \Mux ’ E \rfiulhe hi“ |'~' s.“ Ir ”a?“ mm mm ..H ... y...‘ “.1, W a ““3““; “lambs \t x '7“. ‘0‘ he Lumw \hw m in W \Hfll ‘Nh »\h\ nu , h m M' s mmm hm, 1“ M‘. ‘m 1 HM umu‘u‘. ul In mu“ ‘0 5H bulhlu‘ ‘ is nm “A“ mm v- .., m 13114.5 [Hm (an “flu principal d . 4mm .7. APRIL mm LINDBAY MM Should use Dodd's ; m Pills for Kidney Ills , “w Imam» fawn lint u h W “V. a peep alum. * m “Nasal. Bryon haw I“ Im- thidsoa came nu I s \ Co («I m. a. I). “an m m o! “to flunk m H 3 gtifigg TIIE POSTMASTER I.” Q We sugar soviet in ? m In. an Monday. the pm I “ ‘0 N h I“ OI the new Fun ! In room, tyre in having hm ...« , N J”, In. oune dorm u-mn m w: my” ”I 1-. mow wquaiutancel “ca. "fltmyhum." Mlt‘twd Mo 0 CDC. ‘8 doing ”w quh 4““. Eden “FM”. us him N he an” MNNMA uh W0 ll! “‘4‘de a tow uf Nut 1 M h K we; "18 gitmumm m ”m (a We murm an m “u“- the Wtur huh.‘ a Tourists All Ready ArriVing at ’Caygeon ~ In. new of nruuom m m. AM of the Methodist Ha». M‘! with" 1 him mm m I“ W” . TELLS HIS FRIENDS :m M m Eh! m unwed town enjoy mmv WI" ; Wu 1 .ll NM" am an hal l Th ill- I: ul <

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