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Watchman Warder (1899), 27 Apr 1911, p. 4

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E. GREGORYla-‘ii VVVVVV Aha I nay hirhost prices for all «the:- , raw fut-s. Consignments solvcited. \Vricc for my latest price list. Wanted in NW q'm'vl'itv 'at “she £01 an loving prices: '12 Colbomo St... Toronto. Ont Springs Winters Smalls Kitts 42c 35c 256 100 I'HE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to 'loan money on farm. town, and vil- lage property, at very lowest rates of lnterwt. Company or private funds I am always ready; to buy good mortgages. I. E. WELDON, solicitor. etc. Milne Block. Lindsax‘. TiM USKRATS iii“ fining Imiuems in We aamé @151 gram has me in @hasame am way: W9, amuse wish me time: rmd we in amician so «19 hetm wovk than ever. New designs. new granites. new and mamved, tools and metahmis. in. fact; up most up-Soedate Marble and Gm»: D Works in this part. of Datum Get. our prices and see our dc signs before purchasing. .09 and' Show rooms 11 t 13 Cam- h-idgo'fit" immediately north of Fire Caught a Cold Which Ended in 4 Seven Attack of Pneumonia. ”LAUGHLIN', PEEL. FULTON 8: STINSOX. Barristers. Solicitors, and Notaries. Money to loan. Speâ€" ck! attention given to inVestments. oases: Dominion Bank, comer of cues headache, bimoasaess and [GORE JACKSON, Barristers, eta, solicitors for The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan on mortgages at five per cent. 0!- fine William street, Lindsay. F. D. Moore. K. 0., Alex. Jackson Mandrake Liver Pills LEIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister, licitor, Notary Public, solicitor for Farmers Bank. representing Water- ‘loo Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. of Waterloo; Federal Life Assurance ~Co.. of Hamilton, Empire Acci- dalt and Surety Co., of London. Out. Office over Farmers Bank, op- posite post office. Why m mmmn arm umppp u new m mam? siundav with friends "MIC 0M GM“! MMIIMMS STEWART 3: O’CONNOR, Barristers. Notaries. etc. Money to loan at very lowest current rates on best terms. Officeâ€"corner Kent and York sts., Lindsay. '1'. Stewart. L. V. O'Connor, B. A. mmm'rs memo UNIVERSI- gv. comm FOR COUNTY OF IOPKISS AND HOPKIX S, Barris- ta'l, Sohcitors, Notary Public. etc. Wtors for Bank 91’ Montreal. Honey to loan on terms to suit borrower. Officesâ€"6 William street south, andsay, Ont. G. H. Hop- kins. K. C., F. H. Hopkins, B. .1. . B. WELDON. Mariposa. township Clerk. Oakwood, Fire Insurance agent, issuer of marria'ze Hcenses. Conveyancing in all its forms. William vagd Kent-51’s.. Lindsay. R. 9'. McLaughlin, K. C.. A M. Ful- ton, B. A., James A. Peel, ’1'. H .v uâ€"â€"....,_ ”0 _. m. members of the Royal Col- ” 01 Dental SurgeonS. We have all the latest methods of dentistry. Spatial attention will be ghen to Cathodonia. Crown and bridge york. The meessful extraction 0! me under gas (Vitalized air) and the insertion of the best artificial “tuna continue to be a. specialty Mn: a this omce. olfice tb Simpson house. PAGE FOUR DR. F. BLANCHARD NEELANDS IRVINE. ] :. members of the 30329-1 ‘ J.G. Money to Loan J. YAFFE WWW Hg 061113.615. 6w M wags ibé ream; hesitate! Ice Liver Pills wgmgmgmmgg: . a may :39 m wins * lhé, 211119393999 and Ind W m ”6 ”gm.“ ‘4‘“ “‘ mimfimxm : “5 .M ӣ33,,“ 9 ”‘53:“ the am when shay hm aids.” 0v body. Madmemymmdfih ”7 Wood’afimfiaeflymp. CHM mm«m.wmu~mm.: “whim-nun. nearly 00903ite m. .fi FARMERS BANK CASE. A settlement of the suit instituted by the liquidator of the Farmers Bank against Jake Saunders, of To- ronto. has been made and the in- junction obtained restraining Saunâ€" ders from making use of the $45.- 000 withdrawn from the institution on the dat it defaulted to the clear- ing-house has been dissolved. Under the arrangement the Farmers Bank accepted $5,000 in full of its claim against Saunders. 6 Co., reports that, when he left that place there was fully two or three feet of snow on the ground. In fact, he stated, throughout New On- tario in the woods and in the min- ing camps the 5 ground. GOOD HORS IS SNOW IN ONTARIO. Mr. Wm. Ransom, who has just re- turned from a place called Wigwam in New Ontario, where he was en- gaged wiih the James Bay Lumber a fine team of horses and a surrey. The horses arrived in town this mur- ning and passed through on the noon train. Too much urea: cannot b0 kid on tho hot that when a per-on ouch- cold u must be attended to immediately, or Mr. Jas. Hill.\ of Bobcaygeon, was in Toronto yester.\y and purchased IN PRIVATE CAR tho dmplo sold. Sir William MacKenzie's primate car arrived in town this morning on the (LIE. 9.15 train, coming from Halifax, and M11 spend Sunday in town. Mrs. Gt‘ace and Mrs. Nu,- c'nen are with the ref. having mat seen sir William Maekenfle on to England on the sw‘noyal Edwm‘d; ‘l‘lle diheifl manners of the Macken: 1.19 iamlly 111‘s alréady 111 England. 111111 11 19 ékpéétéd 111111 5111 11111111111 will 1911111111 111 the eld land FBI‘ the 5919111111611; The 1111511: are 911 thew way 19 $919319 Q1111 1119111111111 all Wagefwhflauimfieuwh eeldveryeufly; Ihnvebeenaehemo lwuasbleserapakleudgaeaghfiebo No other remedies for skin and pulp so Ipeedy and economical. A single cake at Cuti- cum Soap and box of Cutlcura Ointment no ottcn ancient. Sold throuzhout the world. Send to Potter Dru: Chem Corp“ Boston. men: of skin 2nd scalp disc-sen. Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly and crusted eczemas, tetters, rashes and other torturing and disfiguring humors that destroy sleep and make life a nightmare of physical and mental sufi'ering speedily yield to @tisym 533p and Ointment Etching flamers Mum the snow still covers the The young men were engaged in blastingr large stones in the field. had placed a charge of explosive and were filling the hole with sand to exclude the air, using a broken drill for that purpose. Wm. was sitting on the stone and Elmer had his feet against it. Both were immediately over the charge when it ignited with a report heard two miles away. The stone was blown in a thousand DH?!" es. only one piece remaining m the A very serious accident occurred at. Mr. Peter Eastman’s. Minden. on Thursday last, which not only great,- vly endangered the lives of his two sonr scar and disfigure them fur life, but will in all probabili‘y im- pair the sight 01' Elmer, the young;- mg. Followmg is a. list of the successful candxdutes from Lindsay and Vicin- ity: Gertrude Lucas (Dunsinrd), .le\‘- sie R. Nichol (Omcmee). Nina Allin (LindSay), Mary. C. Balfour, Ella M. Brady, Jessie L. brown. Veronica, M. Foley Mary Hurley. Jennie McCon zen. Effie McQuarrie. Nora. M. Nich ols. Alla Nugent. Mamie Staples. Mxllicent E. Truman. Norma. E. C Touchburn. Thq'lexamination results or the Pto- vincial Normal Schools were an- nounced Thursday by the Ontario Department of Education. The ,Iol- lowiog statement was made by the department : x Candidates who have been admitted to cuff/of the courses at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. will find cards of admission enClosed with their certificates. Teachers so admit- ted should arrange to reach Guelph on Wednesday, April 26th. Class work will commence Thursday morn- ’vrâ€" -__ -_- The final examinations of those candidates in grade A class were held at the Various Nouns! Schools from March 30th to April 6th. un- der the provisions of the syllabus and regulations of 1910-1911. Permanent. second-class certificates will be issued to those of the \ suc- cessful grade A Candidates who are vaent) -one yams of age. and inLcrim second-class certificates to all othex successful candidates. BAD ACC‘iDEN‘f AT MINDEN hole, that upon which William sat. Elmer was thrown back several yards and both suffered severe lacer- ations of the hands and face, from the powder and fine splinters of ruck No bones were broken and it is con- sidered a miracle that both are all-:0 and were able to walk to the house, aided ‘:_\' their father. woman may: ; Mather name has been added to 19 1m 91 Katya. mayor 39m 10! the m a: 9mm. mm a mmmm a m m Mm «W». K Some Successful HANNAâ€"KERR. A very pretty event took place at "The Maples." Neatleton. the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Splnks, on Wed- nesday. April 19, when their neice, Mia: Florence E. Kerr. was united in marriage to ctr. William J. Hanna. The bride entered the room leaning on the mm or her uncle. Mr. A, apinke‘. while her cousin. was Louise Spihke. played the wedding much. The bride wore a dress of white silk mum with bfidnl veil. and earned ii banquet of East» lilies and bridal wees. and also were the smear: gift. a Madame hieeeh. that “J; 6. Female? effieletea. Alter eeegrheeih: fleas the guests, sheet Why in number. were invited to the dining William could see a little at. {‘ux‘t but sm-n became quite blind. Elm- er su'v nothing after the accident and nr-ither of them have seen any thing since, although {heir physician seems quite confident that, they will not lose their sight. A distressing augment, aeeur‘r'ed at definefs‘ saw mill {1% Little Britain ‘t‘hursuuy atter‘aeea‘ when Mr; Jaek Fefgugen. a well haewn yeung man 9% the villagfi. and a blaekgmnh a? Eradé. has; the fear fiagerg and a thumb {meme tram hi§ 19% hand: Ne enewaaam Le knew jugfi new mg @962?le assume, 9% when the fingerfmme in wanes mm we saw they were almess semaletely guts. am Dr: mu finding it may to am: 9mm them at the hangings: . ;_-_L-- Ann v-nnra ‘iil‘é'ééusiii'iavmm twentyfive yam at age. and angle After the first. two treatments ‘thuy were taken to the village, where they would be convenient to the eye of their doctor, and where they are progressing favorably, cared for by their father and Miss Florence \‘in‘ cent. ream, when an parted: a! the dam: ties gm preview: When laser she bride andvgreem is“ far that! insure home we bride was game in a suit at “mini. with small “new 113%: BadlAccidept, Fingers Were Cut Off Normal Students Lair mice. TO' a united in econ] J. Ema. To an leaning than Mr. A. any. [135 Louise Ru 1: march. amp] as. {exam or silly. 113mm tortmtcmuntemm mmmmnm Census Man Will have a ' Reminiscences Lot of Questions to Ask Gleaned From The census. or gathering of sta- tisticx with'respect to the internal afl'airs of the Dominion of Canada, will commence on the first. of June. 1911, and all informatiun gathered shall have reference to the same date, unless otherwise specified in the svhedules, or determined by the Minister of Agriculture. The onumerator for Lindsay is Mr. J. ()‘ileilly. and it is expected the entire work will take nearly three \\' eeks . fiours of working time per week at chief occupation. Hours of working time per at other occupation. ii any. Total oarninge in 1910 from chic! occupation or trade. - a Total earnings in 1910 from other than chief occupation or trade. .1! any. Rate of earnings per hour when employed h§ the hoot. ‘ If you are insured the (Imminent wants to know.‘ no «he the amount on Me. W accident or [sickness]. 66§t of insurance in was year; Your education and language will aim be looked m. as you will be salted upon to may the mm at school in 1910. Min: week m‘ue Felon readerwritaudmmmem “Mm “Another time my behy w“ scold- ed on her left thiih and col! of leg with boiling water. Directly it won done I thought to uee Zom-Buk. end spreading eome on lint I wropped up the boby‘e'ilmb. Next morning ehe wwwarudloppiled e lreeh W with Zuni-But. I kept thin u'eetllieiit up dolly. end W” 1“ worded by eeelu e mt improve- ment min tune I M the wound. nevuyuhoumum the which were 511 M hauled. "I was mean this wonder- M Wine mm too MI: is: may in. ad tum mums Nth in m teeth. new that my be!“ In W WI ‘ mau' in In m. 3“. m -L-‘l_..a._l_. --__ gent; luur cuuuamvu uuu --â€"-uâ€"â€"uv â€" ., . w, v v will also be tasked new. asyau Wm faith in in bath. power: {has my mum. his hum CW 63 m. be: sailed upon to answer the month; heme is never without 3 both” edge at the road. ova-«um um at genes! in 1910. whether you' am For at! akin mum- ud em. tell; tn come w or other the amt: read at wise and me 13me villi. new. In“ than and (no man rolled :0 one side. having his meaty spoken. the 995$ of 06mm: m. M9“ l0 MW in: mm mung My All on m Ion in 1910 for meal star 16 you equaled» so. be! an m ud I”; AM In amm- m "new: magnesiummmtmr ms flatworm lama-«Mumm,udmm mum vanity: m mud to year may: ($9.. Well“. '9' PM: '1'! III- m m a innuendo: showed um steal mama, m mm «u- in: flow ml 0-1: I“ an». m ton h. m m mm m simmneatyulmmm ________ ummmnm.m mm um.¢mm¢m.mam wtmhournsmmum summau-mg. nm‘m‘mmmvm; ,wufimmtum. From the following information gleaned from the schedules and in- structions issued under the direction of the Agricultural Minister may be learned some idea of the immense amount. of labor entailed, and the success of which can only he obtain- ed by the co-operation of the (‘ana- dian people everywhere in this Do- million. Schedule No. '1 comprises the po- pulation by name, 'personal descrip- tion, etc.. and the following ques- tions will appear on the census pa- per: Name of each person in fam- ily, place of habitation. sex. rela- tionship to head of family or house- hold, whether single, married, wid- owal. divorced, or legally separated. month of birth, year of birth. and age at last birthday. The follow- ing questions as to citizenship. na- tionality, and religion also appear: country or place of birth. year of immigration in Canada il‘an immi- grant. year or nnliir‘nlimllnn if for- iner'li- an alien; racial nl‘ mnal ni-‘l- gin. nationality. and religion. Five mentions appear under the heading at hiniegsinn. nenimniinn. or means nl living. in wit 5 chief octeupaiien er trade. employment: other than at ehiel neeupniien or trade. it any. employee. employs. nv warning nn year awn RGE‘GUM: BETTER i‘lflliltfi ‘l‘lllg (MIT. The Banana nine delves into your elherwiiie Bl‘lVflle affairs as in the matter at “gunmen. than; State where omen is empleyed. as H on farm.” H in Wflfillflfl mill." Hours of working time per week at other occupation. it any. Total earnings in 1910 from chic! occupation or trade. - Total earnings in 1910 from oth:l' than chic! occupation or trade. .I! "any tar-mg” '"m woollen mm." "at; foundry ghop." "in drug were." aw, HWeavks emplnwi in 1916 at chm nosupation or trade, Webka emplnyed in 1910 at other than 0MB! occupation or trade. it tality, disability, and compensation. and these are sub-divided into twen- ty-two questions, as follows : Name of person ; sex ; single, married, wid- owed. divorced. or legally separated; month of birth; year of birth; age at last birthday; country or place of birth. (I! in.Canada 'specify Province or territory.) ; racial or tribal origin; religion; profession. occupation, or trade; -month of death in census year: disease or cause of death; plate of death. if it. occurred away from home. (GiVQ name of'place, hospital. or other particular address) ; name of attend- ing physician ; physician’s post of- fice address; nature of loss or in- jury caused by accident in census year; cause‘ot accident. "Since then 1 MM: Man used ”me But: for what! which we on my ehaok. wmoh waved vary WW: and lnukad unsightly, mum“ «on dmw the mu )0 a head Md 3‘ ””0 quickly mm m It would seem that lam-Hull. the famous healmg balm we hear so high- ly spoken or everywhere. ls particu- larly usetul in the family elrele; A mmft sent by 1M; E; Davey. 75m ltzlllwas-e;. \l‘mnlpvg'; will Illustrate lhln; film hag-s: “My llllle buy. at llll‘t‘t’. Mule plume; tell from “Hull weruudnh to my gmuml. culling mg lurehvatl wally: mama at selling a dimer wlm would undaublellly have ml in a numlw m’ slllellem 1 bath: all lhe wellml well. and applied lam: ““k: The llllla fellew. allhaugll suf: faring keenly. seen had Hillel tram his palm In the! course of three weeks. hy applying “will“; daily, me wound was Manly Wed: Weeks of debility in year, due to sickness or due to accident, loss of salary or other earnings caused by sickness or caused by accident. Vol- untary allowance to emplme by em- ployer for lost time through sick- ness or accident in census year. Compensation by employer under siatute in census year for loss of life by accident or for injury by accid- ent. Compensation by insurance in census year for loss of life or for sickness or injury. \ In Three Accidents 0n 'l'ueoduy. John Lee. teamster for Joleph llmmder, wu crossing the railroad track on Kant-3L, with a load of lambs: Just u u spacial train from the north had puud and stopped. than being uppuutly no dang» at the! time. The tutu. how- our. command to back to mm room tn the shunting mm about to [at on, . switch. hitting the wan- on uni! «pa-tun It. Portugal: the Olly m dam nu to land: I" tho Ipoku at the two from what. all the mm. o! u:- «mm BOARD OF TRADE. Aluuh ESLâ€"The annual meeting or the board of trade was hem on T1199» (19}; evening. the mm mat. there be- mg gamut: Mann. .1. Kennedy. a; i'. Dummy. it ‘l‘uuehbuw. J. 11’. thuu‘flng I); “89'. E. r1006. “90; Iii-flu; J; n; knowlmu and (‘01; hen- mne Mr; Jam: Reamer. “‘1:me dent. eéwpyiag the emu? in ma, uh: 59869 of the president. Eon; J; mm: mm Mm the “New reverts wen made the renewing smears were at: Wed; mutant. .1: a: hunting a flea "maiden. Jams Kennedy. lay as: alumnus»; magma J: B: Mm»: Mummy. and the tellewiu council; ‘I. N: 1m. .1, fl: Beaker”. it}: Fined. (‘elx Damn. men, flyimm. fl, '1 ouchhem. A, F, n Multan. Hm Hunks. 32E. Goo. mu. .1, Mann. m D. m m J, 1!, Knowlmt. ' Omen s01: fiend». mm: 94. while It. Slum a! this plus. up mm. about 39; mm new} of spa March 1!.â€"'l‘he Victoria connty meeting of the Patrons of Industry was helo in the town of Lindsay inst Saturday. A large number of deieâ€" gums from the din‘erent subordinate 10613:: were present. There was also meant President John S. Cruess. in the chair; Treasurer Dennis Sanity; Exwutixc Committwd. Ellis Hop- kins, Manning Palmer, Button. The 5- ml *crs' report of the Grand Assu- cintion being read, showed the so. ciet) was prospering and that. the farmers mean business. It is with a feeling of deep regret that we announce the death of Jack Mm-Gachen, the third son of A. 1‘. 5;. MacGachen, Esq., Manager of the l‘umk of Montreal. On Friday the dccensml, who was attending the south Ward school, and while at play during recess with some of his sumo! mates, tell. one of them full- iug on him. hurting him internally. although he did not complain of be- im; hurt. During the night, he com- plaint-«l of being ih, inflammation set in and despite the best medical as- sistance he died on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. weaken have the aympath5 of the entire community in their loss. m9“ unsound A m - A PRESENTATION. Oakwood. April .1 .â€"On Friday ev- ening, the 18th inst.. a, few of the many friends of Mr. R. Hung)“ and Mr Thos. Smith, on the eve 0! their departure for Manitoba, met at the house of Mr. Robert Taylor. and alter a, short time spent, in so- cial conversation, presented them with an excellent well worded ad- dress, which was replied to in a m, ting manner byliwsrs. Rungland and Smith. was bcndmasber to the 90th regi- ment band, Winnipeg, and taught the Brandon. Han, band. band sex-gt. in the force composing the Wolsley expedition to Red River, A most intemstmg meeting of literary society of the Lindsay legiate Institute was held on Fri March 25th. The leadingr feature of the program was a debate upon tho lubJBCt, "Resolved, that a repuhlk is . better form of go\ernmPnt for a highly ch‘llized nation than a “mi? ed monarchy." Mr. (Tronk led ti ammutive. dwelling chiefly upon it! men of genius whom various repub- lics had produced. Mr. Hmdemn lead for the negttlve, SCnring ”Vera! points, but the debate wa< decide-3 in favor of the Motive. A man may have in: Mia and yet be Wm” 93% like h‘hmmt an! “9 lid 8% m RFC. ("M ”w MIME fl is an more he lam her, He who finds he has sunw1 Mm: And goes and whhpers H w“. Is not 59 use to calm as As he who wash: up a hollow; Th3 mo ”lief is nady for 70‘“ M ’0‘! “I” you do not need i" u Dr. Milu‘ Heart Remedy help“ Chub! Helm». why won't it h"? mnsm'n APRIL 27‘ “I NW with um dim and OM ”Mill. thou! Dr. Milu' flout Randy, I got a bulk. Be- ‘III I“ the Hurt Round! 1 ”d mu up out of the min. "“1"" am m. I eat (00¢ ‘W name! like a new mm I" g 9“" «MA ‘ about mulmqmm‘ew . Sh. THE AD. TREE '. 1m down “Rh smh§v it... ‘anlll’l FMS»! "nuns. sun .4. m ma‘flhh gain 5‘ h W "W fijlnuflmg “Jerome, I.“ ““93: Wuh§m~ ,....: mkfiidfi “QUW‘ ho Ln. H “W ‘6 mum.“ u. “.9” QO‘Muw Mann... L. Sparks. _ir., and x “*9 MWJHN- a [#04qu M Manda at mm... Mb Ind Eu! Lakes ”mud in MA Jum‘a \ishmi “- I PM! "M‘V‘j uh” I If. John Ferguson :11 1h:- Df 'rlting is imprcn‘inu nimlr. It. June: P‘érguson rmurm Mute Saturday (‘H‘ninu will; the winter thvrn. '1‘. Harold “'eldnn. uf Hn‘ Y“ the fleet of then-H Mn!’ Ira. Hilton Grows and (mag lave returned after spending .1 day: if her home in 'I‘nrumu. lb Ethelyn INK. who has 1: Wing a few days at hl‘l‘ L. u‘agnin this week for l‘owrlmr- We.” studies at tho \un'r in our \illnuo n! dnity haVe commenced svwiing in. Lindsay. Kiss Gera wood. enjoyed the:- Ir. F. ( last week. he farmers A young daughter arriu-u' a home of Mr. and Mrs. Hun-1...» all neatly. I“. w. H. “'iCkL-U \isxf daughter Mrs. Parry Lam. Brown's schoolhouse last “.w [Little B'ritain, April 214â€"315. .1 Stanton, of nylon, Mwnf 19' days last week the gnaw Pearl Hooper. k. W. Yeo returned to Turn” Saturday evening after spend)! Mlhys at his home on H... Many_Visitors Will be pleased to have {- Tapestry Stair Carpet in ground, regular 55c, sale Tgpestry Bugs in fawn coloring I-Zx an $10.75, sale ................... 8x3; yde. regular $9.50 4 eolorings in seamless Tapestry I: Wo’ have some specialx values in the '6‘». These specials in ”(U 100, 15c. 20¢ Uni“ Carpet for ............ 30c 401 Spool! showing of Tapestry I: now it ”can. fawn and wood tints l colorings, regular 50' 00 s u‘. _ , .3 333 yds. in fawn, green and crimsl it} $8.00, 3816 ........................ + BN3?“ Bug in fawn and green 3:23 nlar $21, 89.18....n... . HOUS lies Geraldine I‘vm‘iu. 'ood, enjoyed a Visit uhh } fl Kr. F. G. Perrin a {My In. T1108. Slemmon s;ium i hm “outfits and Mia: i E. «M her grandmnfl $18, agile .................... 7. . 11m. in ohm W ROUND r I? RATES: In! man ”a on u.» I”: 0.: 37:00 I”. I. ‘11“ Human spent at Little Britain * Carpets, Infill-um luau-u» Oumdu Suwmu has 3150 - ”I“. 9'" Ft.“ U") In!!!» I‘v.‘ (M I"

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