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Watchman Warder (1899), 27 Apr 1911, p. 5

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PRES EN'I‘ATION. .d, April ].-On Friday 9'- e 18th inst._ a. few 0! tb ends or Mr. R. Rm 1H Ncluc J, a ‘v‘ â€" â€"-Vv or the Heart Remedylu p most of the night. I“ w’ d at my Mich. WW ea: made me feel'alflnld rt beat very fast. But Miles' Hem Real-'31. I ‘ It now. I eat god. M nd fee! like a new 3.- , L interesting meeting of tb (>Ciety of the Lindsay Cd'- :stitme was held on m; n:.. The leading feature d 'um was a. debate upon 1‘ " {PSOIVNL that a. TM rr form of government for”. rilized nation than a M rhy” Mr. (Ironk led ‘- ‘v. dwelling chiefly upon I. enius whom various m x»roduced. .‘lr. Hm ,hc- negatiw. searing saw I: the debate was decided. the affirmative. valuing, w ha love; her. 42;. The 19: am was a. ‘ “ Resolved , pr form of g rilized natio rhy." Mr. rcwuluu, “u "â€" m" CHARLES 801-33 .e CO. B, m N. Y: Mr en. wuzon. new 9'5 quality rebellion, stumbled with heat db“ :1 reading about Dr- W .eme-Ty, I go! a. boflk: 3" l-‘ na on Dougie“. Winnipeg. and Man, band. l whispers it. down u). TREE. Smith. on the eve of fur Manitoba, M f Mr. Robert MC, :rt txme spent in Do- on, presented than at well worded ll- .13 replied to in a fit» Blessrrs. Rungland all the force compodg union to Red River, to the 90th regi- n his W“. m he should M has some «‘anr m “0““ mhu up a “‘9‘ d and it}; com-r '3 m doll“ thing 800p." «9 ”van“ W 03 um “w; . “WV (low Sund fl 5a} last M and Sund Mrs. L. Sparks. have rvtm‘nod. after With friends at Point, and East Ln Miss Rota Jnmw Miss Ethelyn Dix. who has been spending a few days at her home left amiin this week for Peterboro to resurrw her studies at, the Normal 8611001, Mr. John Ferguson at the time of writing is improving nicely. Mr. James i"9x'guson returned from Toronto Saturday evening after spending tlw winter there. Mr. Humid Weldon, of Oakwood. Was tho guest, of Everett Mark on PM?“ 81min Tm Int-tho '1‘ w! The farmers in our village and vi- cinity have cmnmonced seeding. Mrs. Milton Groves and children have returned after spending a Iew days a? her home in Toronto. Low ROUND TRIP RATES Miss Geraldine I‘errin, of Oak- wood, enjoyed a Visit with her‘ bro- ther Mr. I“. G. I‘errin a few days last week. Mrs. Thus In Lindsay. Mrs. W. II. Wickett visited her dauqnwr Mrs. Parry Lobb near. Brown's schoolhouse last week. A young daughter arrixed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cor- neil recently. 1.“,th Britain. April 24.â€"Miss Ver- na Sminton, of Layton, spent a 59w days last week the guest of Pearl Hooper. Dr. W. You returned to Toronto on Saturduy evening after spending a. few days at his home on the sick list. 31h MI Manwaisitors Will be pleased to have a. visit fvem yen when in mmsuy Smiv Limes in 55989 and svimm gmuull, “331”” 959: 3%“! ::::::::::::::: ‘39, Qpeci- 1! shuwing 0f Tipfififl‘ H3 5 13 ““6886 at W”, mm and we tin a .ififl 4-mloring9, féfimlfl‘ 99: 06; “16:. .Q :gé 9,»; 3.1: m fawn, green and 35139938.”:19331: lat *q n”, 93‘9”. ............................. “$7 a 2197‘} ph fégli’df' '99; 50; 9116”. :::::::::::: $8: 85 u: Hug in fawn and. gfeea. 335%; yds: re mm. a?! cum-- ............................. 4’7: 5 '1..i.:cu=§= ting? in fawn E5818Fifl§§ QM yes” £9 = 41451 “”79; Silk?:::::::::::::::::::::::: $9: 4 mm- a in gnu-mum Tapsgbry Mag, rsgular «‘35; hi! “':::::::::::::::::::::::::2: 2-2 ------- $15 C‘ P“ W” have some special values in {511696 aged! 60 mm. These special! it! Setup 0'“ at, mm as. lamina is (7'1“!!!) Carpet for. .. ... .;.;;;§9§; ‘0“. ”d 866 T)! we. uncut". H 0 U s E F m: “'0‘“ Mon u “wk. film has also 099““ My dvpm‘tnmnt. umm umue and Miss L118 rr Visited hor- grandmother. XIV Timmy. in Diamond 0" 1y. ‘ Western Canada. Hum wnmwr nml (,‘nnuclu Mn ruturnml to Lindsaymté‘m Mm m mntimw their utuolicu "Ulh‘gmh‘ “\NHUIQQ. Lulu HIM“ lmn returned to NH‘ ul‘lvl‘ spvmflng‘ norm “an "HIH‘I't‘ ‘Nlu u Stun-ks. jr.. proprMor of Illlvl‘t‘icfl “uNHv. W"! GPO“ h“ [I hurlm‘ on Saturday night 34th YEAR. Sparks, jr., and son Lee, ml m‘h-r a plvasant Visit (134 at [’icton, Salmon Hus! Lake Road. Juno»: visited friends at ‘nrc [‘m-ry and Liskdalc “mum. or “'0!!me mu. ~ Slemmon spent Friday at Little Britain return $33.00 “ 87.00 Carpets, Blinds, Curtains, Rugs Points :° : 2: -I: :::%15 m. (Row) A. J. m returned from a that VIC-kl M‘ Mt Mrs. Norman Ferguoh and danish Let Edda; are at Mount in Tom“: where they intend to m”. m- end: for a: week or two. ' was neno mun new from St. cum-m oi: Mr M Mr. Adam Dobson, one of the stal- wart business men of Cannington. and also owner or the electric light plant or Woodville. was 9. business caller here last week. Rev. W. A. Omicron, or Tel-onto. a iormer Woodville boy. called on fri- ends here last week. -We understand that Mr. Cameron has accepted a Call to one 0! the western prom and will take charge in the neu- m. On Thursday of last week 'Mrs. Norman Ferguson sold by auction sale her household oflocts. as she is giving up housekeeping. Mr. Jas. Jordan. of Beaverton. was a business visitor here last week. Bud Tisdalo. o! Boavorton. W“ a visitor last week. WUUDVI LL51. ; \Vcoduuo. April 24,â€"Mr. Mon-ls. organizer for the Sons of Scotland. spent a day in Woodvmo hut week. Mr. Roy mu. 0t Lcwth. mum at Mr. John Connor‘s last, week. Mmsrs. Martin Henry and Wm! l‘mry returned m Toronto Monday ewntng ahvr spending the past wmk with friends In our village. Miss Annie Mothervll spent a plow sum time at. her home on Wednesday owning of last “Wk by «Morminlng a numer of ymmg fnlks. The Methodist church have done good repute to themselves by send- ing $.25 tn the famine fund for China. Mrs. Doblc and daughter Aileen. of Sunderlund, were the guests of Mrs. Alfred Webster on Tuesday lust. Miss Olive Western, of Toronto, spent a few days at Arthur Pros- ser's. Mrs. E. Z. Yerex entertained a number of friends on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Herb. Hainer of McMaster Umsersity, was at his home a few (lass last “eek. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Pogue, of Val- entia, spent Sunday at her home Mr. Will. Wickett. jr., and Misses Luella and Carrie Avery spent Sun- dawaith friends near Oakwood. Mr. John Martin has made a. Vast improvement on his house by re- shingling it. Mr. John Connor and staff of men are certainly ru‘shin'g things in our viliage these days. Mr. W. Miller, of Port Perry, is the jointer. The average cut per day is about twen- ty-five thousand Shingles. Messrs. George Heatlie and Frank Rooks departed for Slab "Hollow last w_eek to trap muskrats. We wish them heaps of success. School opened again on Monday. Several new scholars started and quite a number, have stopped. Maple syrupâ€"making is over again for another season. The sap did not run very well this year on ac- count of so much cold Weather. Master Wesley launder. of Lind- say, was the guest of Newton Glen- ney a few days last week. Rev. Jos. Archer occupied the pul- pit of the Wesley church at, Glan- dine last Sabbath. Miss Millie Dennis visited Lila. Hooper on Saturday evening. in Toronto . McGlFFEY LINDSAY 'speeiai Haws“ m: Lass Garaging :::::::::::: 81:85 Lassa Gurtaing Pea: 91:75 Lass @umiag fern @150 L396 gamma fern Eerimg as :::::::::::::::::: firemnnes 3E:::::::::::::::: .............. 2: Tapestry Stair outpacing in menu. and Ma. regular 756, 9316mm szsmuumumu "0 F190? 0" in l yd “id“; i ’68; ‘54 it, Ms; “‘8‘ in Canadian Ulla; par Islam yam Ila. “a 4 yds. wmg Elm Lineman}; Hm! m black pfifiél‘fl dé§15fl9fip5fifl :z:::;u‘§§) 555a 6°“ Jap Mgh‘tibgs in etuum uad erimgeagmquh has three uttandgnco. FIELD SEEDS. m ‘ Such u mm W. Ion. mouth Long Bed w. m m. low Hazel. 3% We“ ate" SCHOOLS RIB-OPENED. The public schools sad the Col- legiate Institute re-opazod yestu‘d'lw LARGE ATTENDANCE AT 84 LE Ill-2L1) LAST SATURDAY. l-‘annlng'a sale. Aprll 29. was well patmnlml. there bolus (armors hero from all part. of the aux-rounding country. Every home was sold, uumborlug‘ twenty-tour. wlthout any returns. The nun“ of the para“ John Gordan. Cmbmy: B. Golllco. King's Wharf; Mr. Newman. Lorne- vlllo; pl J. Cmpbou and G. Walker. town; D. Murdock. Vorulam; S. Reynolds. Sonya: Noll McDonald. Salem; Joe Fisher. Lorno‘vlllo; P. Groouan. Mauve"; A. Fall“. Fleet- wood; S. McLean. Inlay; F. De- Goor. Oakwood; Wm. Fame, Bob- caygoon; Robt. Edwards. Kamila; Omemee, April 259â€" On Monday lorenoon, the swelling house of Mr. Harvey Brooke, with all the con- tents. succumbed to the flames. The cause of the fire is unknown. There is a. very small insurance. ' The loss to Mr. Brook! la consider- able. and comes at n lnopportune time. .3 he hed just. begun apt-lug work on Me term. L Mrs. George Smith, of Lindsay, ispent the week end with friends here. House and Contents meter, the Rev. Dr. Boughton, Constance Simpson, of Newmuket; Out... to Harry flap, of Winnipeg, Mnnitoba. Toronto and Winnipeg paper: please copy. Messrs Arch. and Harvev Beacroit who sm-nt l luster week at their home he’ro. left. for Kingston this week. Miss Zena, Prouse left on Satur~ day evening for Toronto. [EAP -- SIMPSONâ€"On Wednesday, April 19, at'the' Chu'roh o: the Transfiguration, New York. by the Miss Mabel' McArthur left on Tues- day for Torontb and will make her home there in future. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Rennie, of Oak- wood, called ‘on friends here last week. 1 Rev. A. R. Whattam returned home jlast week after two weeks pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Johnston. of Grimsby. Miss Mamie and Mr. Harvey Bea- croft entertained a. number of friends on Friday evening last. ' Miss Muriel McKay and friends left (:11 Saturday evening- lor Toronto. Mr. Robinson, editor and propriet- or of the. Cannington Gleaner, was a ibusiness caller here on Monday. Rev. Mr. Young, of Eldon, ex- changed pulpits with Mr. Man on Sunday morning and evening. 'with fricnds in Toronto and Grimey. she enjoyed a. two weeks’ visip with lher sister, Mrs. Rutherford. Miss Annie Campbell returned to Bale. last Saturday, after spending,r Easter with her parents here. FANNING’S BIG SALE naamh of these Goods ::::::::::::::::§9;134;159ig§8 :::::::::2322332299; 18“, 156 :2::::::::::::::::2228093goggfioe Burned at Omemee mum «1.. MIM. nation, than bo-‘l ::;::::::::158 806 50am z:: 959 1:35 4:99 ‘son's farm‘ terdKY- amen conun- 1y m 9‘ in out community. Mina Maude Flatt, o! bind-w spent one Ensgt- W “I M. .. 30'“ here. and were 3W 5’ “‘1’ Ono of the large“ flock- of wild geese mar noon in t1!“ “€11“st- ed over hat week. WAD north- westarlyIdmion. ‘ Two large 6001' m sea on the cedar tree road new If!) “nimb- week. One of tho Wt Emma's out ahead. Mr. ‘rhoo. Flo". Iold g hum-emu young ham to Mr. Goo. AW. and gain purohuod u young m tron Mr. Grim. of Mow. Mr. E. Ahma- d” 0011! . yaw horse to Mr. G. um. um! neatly purchnlfid a line mm M. Mr. Fred. Blllett Doubt . yaw team tram Mr. Albert Kelly hit "Mr. Joo muupu aux-ted nu ma. glo mill thla week. and but I Inga Mr. Goo. Armuu‘onc has recently routed Mr. Hurry Ourul‘ tum no» llothel. \orulam. and h“ commencud «pennant thereon. nury's Green. MM] 25.â€"- Farmers are busy sending an at present the lund in in line condition for work. mg. and houaocloanlng In the order m‘ the any with the hilly housewife. Two Fine Deer Mr. E. Wilkinson. 0! Highland Grove. paid a visit to the village on Tuesday of last week. His many friends are pleased to see him look- ing so well. I Mr. Fred. Barnum, of West Guil- 1ford, brought eighteen gallons of No. 3 ‘maple syrup to town last Satur- day. which he had no trouble in dis- posing of at $1.25 per gallon. » This season has been an exception- ally good maple sugar harvest. Not in many years has the price of th? maple been sweeter or more plenu- anl. Judging from the number en- ggged in the manufacture of maple syrup in this locality. many gallons will be exported. Mr. George Robertson. of town. has sold his property opposite the town hall. to Mr. Wm. Hutchings for a handsome sum. Malloy qnd Bryans have the foun- dations under way for two dwellings. A gang of men are at. work pull- ing doxxn the old residence situated on the McBrien property. 11118 is one of the old landmarks, all of which are rapidly disappearing to give place to more modern struct- ures. Drover Elliott. of Port Hope. was through this section last week. He bought a number of cows and sew eral young cattle, for which he paid good prices. F. P. Austin is away to the miner- al fields of the far north. Conductor Bowhey has carpenters busy at work on 3413 new house. Dan 'Watt and D. Hatching. left. on Tuesday for the far north to as~ sist on a survey. in?- A- have rammed, mar 31mm; spent a, part at their halidm‘s ven- mzfimbuu in hatemes to end tel;â€" ieg part in the ultimatum relating to the latest and best methods at “melting the Varioul subject. «g the Hamlin :whuol program. The dela- gates hate their heads and note- books full 0! the best mater‘ia, col-l reed during the convention, and {mm‘ lected from the papers which were this knowledge each delegate will prepare and read a paper at our county institute, thus disseminating the collected ideas of the best edu- cators of our country. - mummn, Mm! 211:“! flaw mamw m 9950 men in {he m: {an 95 mm mm and "when an»; pm‘n’ls m {min at wens with m: mm! mm: Them! ”when Mm mam mmmmm 991mm to ma 0: Lots of Snap yum. mi (:me to swing es Lindsay am a business in heaped; While in Kmaad; we“ M! m 5418. if; mm Him 5 mm mnewmbeoamm wad: waffles hymn“; fgi‘u mt may Lindsay Man a Invention \ .. fined In Cheese F5‘ctorles ta “M‘s: m 5 MI“ may pun-nut m “! "to «w m a! Liam flu 1mm balm dammit“ occluded behind the mm, a... put a! Kth. The mum mm to :- um «I the mm... M 00.. with ”I. D. J. 1181““ at “i find. at Bury’s Green hi Nbrth Counuy m. pastor of Yon-rat. mum church. The out!" sum 0! down- Iwu room were We. sum: as would: 0! blououu. palm and tons, with America: Bounti- nd pink and intercuuuou dvmz the col. SCORERâ€"McGILL. ‘ Th“ marriage 0! mm nornleo 1mm Mch. anly daughter 0! Mr um Mrs. J. 11. Mculu to Mr. Fredcflck Scorer of Winnipng. «he an well known In Mum and vicinity. In Iolomnllod u the roddono. ot flu brido'l mm. 555 Ruby-ct. any. . Winnipeg new. as. may bo- mg portormd by M. G. K. 3. Ad- It is quite a while since the small 1503' announced ”sap's runnin'," but it, is only during the last week that. the "run" has been vfi-y 3?”. A number of maple woods are provid- ing amusement and employment. to some or our farmers. Sugar-making seems to fill in a. cortnln won be-~ tween winter .nd wring. Mr. E. Matralfe has returned home from a short visit in Toronto. Mr. Pipp, his daughter, Mrs. W. Ross, and his granddaughter. Miss Jean Ross, visited friends in Cress- wcll last week. Misses Lulu and Elsie Rosa spent their vacation with relatives In Ben- \erton. the new C.P.R. These and autos ,should make life quite interesting (or local farmers this year. Miss Eliza. Ross has returned to take up her teaching duties at Bols- o\‘er. Mr. .A. Johnston spent the festive season with his parents ,in Beaver- ton. Miss Irene Melon-re, has returned home after a, short visit among Co- boconk friends. Even at, this early date the "itin- erants,” or "hobos," as they are poeticany called, have Commenced their journeys in search of work on Mrs. Angus Ross is visiting among friends at Uxbrldge, where she at- tended the funeral of her brother, Mr. W. Abrams. Mr. P. A) Campbell and son How- ard visited with Sunderland friends recently. ARGYLE. Argyle. April 24.â€"0nce more the Easter holiday season has departed. and once more we hear the usual Mag-genital story about the num- ber of eggs eaten. This, coupled with the annual sucker story, makes the meal conversation quite interest- ing during these beautiful spring e\- enings. Miss Edna Metcalte, ‘of Torqnto, spent Easter under the parental roof. Mr. Thomas J. Thurston purchas- ed a very valuable horse on Sauna day. Miss Mamie Wunllam rammmi hum Suntan. nun: spending.» tau- am: with “land: at Argyle. Miss Jean Parker Ian on Saturday for her school after spending the Euler holidays under the parental roof. HowChildnnolthe Ankobbedo‘OIun-ul msa E: New at mum, mamas her mum. Mm Thurston- m: W- ’l‘m'lnr and swarm, m unhm‘saan, {MM Mandi: mum weak: lit. and Mrs. w. b‘. Webstar spam Sunday with friends in Lindsay. my MM}: rammed an B‘mm; mam am; ”888!“ the timer “4: Ewan g} m home in #33993: 91”! $5611” 8mm. MM! 36. =§pfiag hug some at huh and {he Mama am My marking 03 the land. “01th mm... a: not mm»- mm o In all human 1- m all 0 W; on. m m afloat in am bum: any “who aw mew. min. 14 moms»- 05.. a! Ream. w law muse m a! the new mam. In am is {timely {am {his W at has: an mm m m an" ”mm m a» now am Mum but" and In smut m butto- tnfll. All that I! m: to: flu :- mm”... m... .t“ ‘2‘. THE UNBEBFEII W5 A w. MW” ed to the MC: The play is . dra Influx-Mop by Grace Livingstone Punks, 0! Harold Maui‘s {mus navalof Linguine m. and it toll-s oflieutennm, in thin use will b. The John mm, whose home is in 098. Every- tho 011’”on 2-1 ot the Academy Music 1“,, «tramway will be Elan on the Box, one or the most a few miles from Lindsay. delightful comedy drama eve!- oaeri :thilg uterus In vcy nicely ‘0? ed to-Lhe public: no play in . drm lieutenant-Johanna, but by 1 IN" bf; Guee Living-stone take n; W awn. he mount- mthtlog m. at m mama'- «new Ithebox o! the wrong when. Ind Former Young Lindsay Man Is The Star In This Company or note in the drawing- room w'here “marches. She wore a gown of pal the marriage sen ice was read. The blue crepe-de-chine, and a largi bride, who was g.cen aua) b5 her ,blael: picture hat. At the close 0 father. wore a handsome wedding the ceremony refreshments were per gown of ivory duchesse, en traine, takenof, the bridal table being cen seed pearls forming the bodice trim. tred with a wedding cake of mam ming and studding the panel of lace moth proportions, and surroundec which formed the front breadth oflwith bridal roses and other bloom the skirt; her tulle veil was coronet- 'Mr. and Mrs.‘ Scorer left on the So< ted with orange blossoms and she line train for Minneapolis, Chicag: carried a. bouquet of bridal roses and and Milwaukee, the bride travelling lilies of the Valley. Her gift from in a tailored costh of navy him the groom, which she wore, was a diagonal serge, the coat opening or pearl necklace. Her only attendant a blouse of tan satin souple .veilet was Miss Gertrude Staples. 0! Car- with dark blue ninon. Her toque 0: man, _Who was becomingly gowned in tan tuscan was trimmed with a col pale blue satin charmeuse, her hat, ,lar of dark velvet embroidered in a floral one, being of pale pink ras- [van-colored beads. es, she carried a. bouquet of the; Mrs. McGill, the bride’s mother, same blossoms and wore the groom's «those a gown of black and white gift, a peanl ring. silk, with which she wore a black ' Mr. Henry Scorer supported the [and white floral hat. groom and received as a remem- : Mrs. Scorer, mother of the groom, hrance of this event, a solitaire was gowned in silver grey silk with pearl tie pin. The groom's sister, 'a hat of the same tone Mrs. H. Coddington, of Neepawa. I Miss Kate Scorer, the groom's sis- Man., presided at, the piano, playing ter, costume of champagne satin with the processional and recessionala picture hat on cream tones. 35?!“ mm Length W a m ‘ .,mg lat “may m. m' ” .t was mam 99' mpmtdoah ‘ a W. “hm, “154mm ".eitlm." 9am same 1 mm by its: 13'; mm fetlam D? a was» ital (Pam “is Show. The tame Ml the owning m flew humanism flees hut-I'm ” m; mm at the: [oregano WM mm net a mask NW “mom; ‘Hw hm amt-Pam (mm :: Hmm and (tenmamw the: Winn: WNW“, Mintfitur uf fimu, hem: ”mm” in; mm “Marin: hun- ttmmmr fur mm“; mm 91 t. “H: mm: murmmmt. Mr- F: Mists tm mm raw-awn mt Mr- w. "HM”: FWFR- 'Htt: Hmnmur-(SBWP nl’n smrtt irum the Kim: was first “3941- ’t‘ha din‘cruut sumgcta discuss- 94 “new: First. the telephom ltna (mm Mr; Louis Muynes' tu Mr. John 1 Irwin‘s. far which a grant was ask-.1 1mi. It was muted by the premier : (Mr- (ieu. l’arkin), and seconded by 1 the Miniatar of Ftuance (Mr. Cecil flroWn). The opposition said all t they wanted such a thing for was t to gossip. and as all the bachelors I could talk to the young ladieq around (fambray, Eden. etc., In“ in I spite of this it was carried. The l secjuml subject. «1180 asked for a. grant 1 to complete the road between Cam- eron and Lindsay. Hon. member for I Halifax (Mr. Wm. Parkin) introduc- I1 Mock Parliament at Zion M53194 gmggmng, App“ 3:31;; 995. N ENl-_ _H: may WOW “Poms my Annesloy, g colonel's daughter. and u dug-wads mud. locked up 'on ‘ W of (alt. driving and dis- ?ordmy conduct and is away fined mun mania. It would be a. shun: to tell my more of the plot ‘ot ”this 6.113!!qu play; it must ho u- to In W. John loo- m will appear a: the tun-10mg Wat. and mu, union "Johann-1m; to th- aw Ana-p- Reciprocity Main Issue ;marcht-s. She wore a gown of pale blue crepe-de-Chine, and a. large muck picture hat. At the close of the ceremony refreshments were per- taken‘of. the bridal table being cen- tred with a. wedding cake of mem- mot‘h proportions, and surrounded with bridal roses and other bloom. 'Mr. and Mrs.‘ Scorer left on the 800 line train {or Minneapolis, Chicago and Milwaukee, the bride travelling in a tailored costume of navy blue diagonal, serge. the coat opening on e blouse of tan satin souple .veiled with dark blue ninon. Her toque of tan tuscan was trimmed with a. col- lar of dark velvet embroidered in Nari-colored beads. Mrs. McGill, the bride's mother, those a. gown of black and white silk, with which she wore a. black and white floral hat. Mrs. Secrer, mother of the groom, was govmed in silver grey silk with a hat of the same tone Miss Kate Scorer, the groom‘s sis- Mr. Wilbert Worsley, of the L. C. I.. spent the Easter ho.ida¢'s with his parents. ( Mr. George 'l‘ittal, who has been away teaching a school, spent his Easter holidays «he guest of MI ia- We are sorry to hear that Ila. Ed- win Wprsley is very ill. suflering from a stroke. and we all hope for her speedy recovery. 3:00?“ YEAR PM Wâ€"“uâ€"“m. .-_......,..___. _ _-.. _m m‘. M. .... - .._._____.‘,.AA AAW‘W_.__’ "I ~ Y, {I h: ‘im “a x T v 9‘: v > ‘ i ' ; k mment at Zion '4 g ' , -‘ 7; . . ‘ t. . H "i 33 l “. . . "Yr-MW" ‘ ‘ ‘m' ‘ ~ 1 . , i - . ~ . . ’ _ 7, . . n “e . - ,_ p ‘ ‘ . - . '4 . , ~ . f?” .333, 1 I w ‘ ‘ ‘ ' v. ' M l . l, w . . * ‘ .' " . .‘. 6 ~ " 4' . .. .‘ ., l t w . »»L_ ., ‘ " ‘ 4 . ' . .'.‘. _. . , ,. . "it .~ . i. ‘ . . . , . l. . A“ » , l ' . r . W m v 43:: E25 ‘.\ it“: 3: I ' . , ,. Elon- Kuwait, April g‘rrm. ”.4 oil this. Ht: sold it would shorten this. as Saturday t on lltui- our. ”‘1 «we tumbles 0 his hill- tw“. Around. the but cud new“ the rivâ€" Hrs. Win. Wilson and Mrs. “cldon or the boys could sit on the side at brown Wtod at the home of 'lrs. 'the road and fish and hock in the > Elijah Willey dl Ouiieroh, on sun. la never to this luster ll. '1'”er Mot and ltmded the W. hamlet of the Ilelurin side said that 1- WW It the .ltfiflt’an. the boys Would full in the river and am at the new: era limit, the Black snakes would eat them up. very billy working“ as the land, while ‘Aise- Mr. Fielding me it would not . . ' ‘ . . ' . other. are leading. this lei-mei- here prom nits- lat-met to have his sons -. . l . t f 'l‘~ , f“ H . , . , ll! CNN-"5“ 01.9439? “will! ’dm I'li '0. In Helical hill M 18 £30 W866; Mimi ,' Y: finished sicdlhg last week. lashing or basking in the sun all the “will * '"W'"‘~ 0 Jill-"9 l “69111 911939301? 4 We. “â€"1.. Floor magnum new “:6 black working bacillus l8? 3 mt may The ii; ii. men GM has 68:] We bulimia League held a metal ‘liiiie. his third and tut subject mm... {mm and Woo tints letl . tls. flififiél‘fl designmpaeltil :r-T-ufls. 556. 6°C yum, aid BM!!!“ $8 608!” to a! W 'BOFC, m Mid" ““1le ”thing tut ‘lhursday' stifling. The was reciprocity. A long debate «as xxx. 1. we some special values in these goods to . i’ Tapestry hair 0" ll ll!- . it sun him at tum. ""1 "' “"358 specials in Hemp 0" 9“ “Sula!“ 756. Balding“affliduunulufl ..QIi W h is u“ 19“, 1.61 iaulbfld 5“ , ~ 3 . . m 06.; ”‘6‘ wt 1). l’; m m m MW“ for...........-.80u, “a. “a “6 Floor Oil in 1 yd.- Mdufiyda. and ii ydmwtde at its m. mining, quality . ey and l unlivr'irm°. refill“? 950.00; 9315;“; .-;. $ :69 J M . . agitating :49 0: 3:51“ in, Notepad. at this new new. Ill upset is meeting on mum: at tile president. hind, 'l'lu- premier’intredueed this. . .. . . . .- . , _ it elatiii 9 iii email} 53 -' , - a lit me about all! m largely tam f m allies and all sung. «mum. t'itrtnttim is thought it tread be a great hetp flour. .2311. H! “W", Elem “it! élllflsofl. Re ii- gpeelal ”gm ___________ d Etiflisefi "Wfld’ site, Kr; new titrated g Mitts its; ' .Eiiitttets.” Rm mm a water it; in («man in innit; dliiereht ways. I.” :‘Hl". Qtllt‘auz.;::;;:;;:;:::;;:::;:;::: $7; a L . "'"H'HH" ~--o3:::::::::::::::156 Boa ~ ”F: l"; lll‘llllé‘lt Mllhtfi-‘tl ltf ii Milli!- llttll. «minim for harm VlHdHn «as :‘l: 3’ V” ri'Elllflf $9.5”; Qfilé :::::::::::: §:§ 359 Guitdlfls‘ :;:::::::::: :::::::- ‘ ' ' .: ‘. ““1 “m“ lht‘ Hmw‘ 'Hfl’. lulilt‘ n". WK‘" “m.” Utilittht‘tl {U H‘ w! mm." . . .. . _ 5 5 , . .858, 568' '58 L0“ 0' syrup lllilislitr'il fligftgggémm its: the st-unttts rum iilmt l‘thetttt-‘m fulfills :4 infig- ppm-“ti. itmmsm them: pines“! lids: if! MW“ {Hill SHEER ”Edi; flit; YE $135 LEEQ CUFlfilllQ EQF::::::::::::::::::::: 988 N h pomp-pl List: Mill {libâ€"fitl‘ilie‘l: liliti dill!“ h‘“'”““::: in?“ "A” M ”W Hm” "NHR‘W', 141ml“ “m ltt‘lhd shill: ”In =33. Q‘tlk‘;:::::::: ::::::::::::::;::::: 17: 5 , n on unt'y Mist thil‘ltlli‘. till Hill liillll ‘ llFlJe'Hllil “its “Hi-ll Hit it him-l: lint: limo! llilu l‘itlhtilil iihtl Will“ git/Mid Hill: I . .. M a.“ in Him unison 's ‘1“ ild _ §127§ Lites Clit‘lllliis‘ lBan: :::§:::::::::: 1.35 = a“... it “ff “Hum! ' Wm“ . ultimo ‘ilw Hm ottmzmu who no: wait ,o litM‘llllqui: cit-fl. hillll Hilly 'x.. cm is sail... " ’3‘ " y‘ "33 F6 ‘ “-3 - â€":, . - . . . mitt . at; 2.31” 'm‘fmfi' W '3’" Mia-"ml mm lzltllcliiil’li'ltl-‘r m»: Now: mil Mt “mo-oi mitt tlw hfifflfiat‘hh .... , 1.; ._ .::::::::::::::::::::::: $9; 3450:1599 EHFEQHW l8F:::::I::::::::::::::: 1:96 ' filll’ll‘thlllnh: :‘Bf‘ll 941::an ’fli‘fifllfll? Hilliflfiill ““h‘llldliuflm gltitfif it “llllilh‘i'g Nllllfillii‘ m l'filliiiii‘lm‘v Wilt “WW mm W limb.“ ““me Hi“ ma: indium .4: in :mtiiilusa “ i.- : :.. ,' , l” ”NF ”F" ”99" “WW ill H” mi" ‘ - . . ‘. . _ ' ' . mumhw tut? Math Hum-m lino mission on Hm: militia-1 tutu llul Ml.- il’? Din“ ................ lfiupfifn ””834 “TEN?“ §6Hlߤ l“ :::::::::::::::::::::§el12;! 158i 856 Nil}: 9* W,“ l-‘t'timh‘ MM ‘”“F’l"’?§ MM 3:" ..h' :W’m} 9i ”WNW . ‘la lulfillllttil‘ t‘ttl‘ llhll‘liilv ttl'tlill 9‘ l. it” whim» éilttl ll mu: ill-Willi“ in Walt: ll» ; -V - ..... . ...... ......:::: :r::::::.::%1§ (J: m WW" M“ ”W!” M “RF“ Mill F" “Jig-gill M “in," “is. " lit-Fl uul‘t: rultl‘uhuutmi. Mr. 9- Ffltllhâ€"‘h in»; for bit mouths. 'l‘hu premier ripen} mult‘ larval? lll green 4R4 pitimgnn “3 ”"93 ”manna:::::::::::::::g§,1gje, 156 Willi-‘9 HEW- 'Hlfl§fl wiwlwra ulto M ‘ “I ’l' \l . 'll . . ll’itb‘ ulpctud simmer. ulltl Mr. ll. lllltzll mount that thus adjourn pair- “ilullltl. i'izgulnr 556, Still: 2:213:93... ‘ge Shade uh '18 lit-Ti: ltltl'lllll'lfll llltlflmllmi it: Hit: it. l‘ If“; . ' “fl“..r in“ Ffui‘jrrxt'w l" tummy. clerk. 'l'iii: itoici'iior-iiuiiur- ‘llulllulll until thc mat day at ten -' 1.9' . 2:223:21!ttftllftltttgoeg£69.509 h). .\ but! WWWBW NW? llulillg ‘Izwtkbcml- Helltt {Flt-wt, ”um“ ul‘b‘ spootzh from tho King tins lll‘bl 'p'clot'k 'l‘ltt: lilctfllflg closud with mud. The tlil‘im‘t-iit Mlluucls discuss" singing "Hod Suit- the King." After ml were: First. the telephone lint: this \eri interesting part of the e?- from Mr; Louis )loynus' to Mr. .lolui-tning passed another Very delightful li'wiu's for which a grant was list.- [irnceetlill"‘â€"-lhat of eating houie~ . ~ . - r. rs. ’. ‘. ' lt!‘ s . ‘ ° _ _ tenchiui: tho \iirious subjects on tho It and It “ k Webs ' pent mi. it was mmcd In the premier Hilario climbâ€"was indulged in, uhioh . , , Suiid ~u'it fr'cntlsi Limit-aux. . . . . public 1:. hool program. i‘he tlelie- u_\ h l n ” (Mr. Geo. l’ui‘killi. anti scoontlcti hr the ladies oi the la. 1.. provided. ., Miss .l um ’ rite lcf Sutu ti ~ . . . . glites hum theti heads and tote- i‘or hur :Chocflu “fer : 03m" rttttli the Milllsltel‘ m. “mm“. (Mr. (crtl “8 “1.050,.” to hear that Mn. lad- . . . 0 Looks full of the best lllutcrju. col- Easter holidavs untlerpfhu firent T iirowm. The opposition sold all win Wpi'slcy is Very ill. sutl‘ering from road during the convention, and from ' ' I a they mom-d such a thing for was a stroke, and we all hope for her roof. spent it purl "i lhuir holidays WI“) Miss Maude ll olittrd rtturu i ' ll ' ill profitably. in listening to and tuh- S . . int,r part in the discussions relating home startle}, after spending a w“ to tho latest and best methods of “”5 mm lrtmtls “t Argyle. . lected from the papers which won: H . p .. to rossip, amt as all the bachelors speedy recovery. ‘ l LINDSAY this knowledge each delegate will dlllr. 'lhomns J' lhuis‘ton "Ural“?- icoullsd talk to the young lullll‘d Mr. (zoorgo 'l‘ittal, who has been ‘ prepare and read a paper at our 3 ’a ‘8'." \aluublc horse on butur "round runaway, Eden, etc, bin in away traching a school, spent his ' "i i, '7 .._.--n--- _.__ , .-....--_... county institute. thus disseminating “5' spite of this it was Carried. The liaster holidays the guest 0! his ia' I H , . _ ' “- tho collected ideas of the best edu- ‘ , , lsecvnil subject ulSo shed for a grant ther. g i l. ‘ ManyMVISltors mMg:°’l‘t:l-ue Donni‘ v' "t i L} .with friends in Toronto and Grimsby. cators of our country. ‘ r ‘l \ hills: Ll." . 'to C(Illlx-lclo the road between Cam- Mr. Wilbert Worsley. 0‘ ”19 L- C. , :3 G impses 0 at Little Britain Hooper 5n Saturdav :x'enil:;_e( 1“ :2: :insltoyed‘fa. two weeks’ visit: with Don 'Wutt and D. Hutchlngl left 1.143;? 20123:: “gagingjsnggfnnggf. cum and Lindsay. lion. member for 1.. spent the Easter ho.ida.\‘s with : 15g, Doings in . . M. ‘er,.- rs. ltutheriord. on luesday for the far north to as- and once more we hear the usu I Halifax (Mr. Wm. I'arkin) introduv-ihis parents. ( 3' ~ __ “e... JOS Archer occupied thcpul~ 1‘. hohmson, editor and propriet- suit on a sur\’c.\'- .. ted . h a MW” ) 1890 pit of the Wesley church at. Glan- or of the Cannington Gleaner, was iii Drover Elliott. of Port Hope. was unggerii stori "bOm.,t c 11mm, . fl. . ‘ r :Wâ€" A].;"I.~l'.l'iltlll1_ \pril 2l.â€"-)Iiss \‘er- (line lust. Sabbath. ibusiness caller here on Monday. throng-h this section last week. 110 her of eggs eaten. This” Coupled 'or note "1 the drawing-room tt-here‘marcht-s. She wore a gown of pale g “Y BL’SYEYES n) \tdinlun. of Layton, spent a Master Weslev launder m. I ind-l Rev. A. R. Whattam returned home bought a number of cows and sev-l With the annual MFR" stor‘t', makeslthc marriage SCTViCc was read. Thelbluc crope-de-rhine, and a large . :1... to.» in... week the guest oi say, was the ghost of Newton (lien- i lost week after two weeks pleasant eral young cattle, for which he paid {3:0 3:2] cogvcrsaltésntgulite Tm]??? bride, who was gut-en away by her .black picture hat. At the close of m". fume composing Z’m-z “WP“: ncy a few days last, week. \‘lSlt with her Sister, Mrs. J ohnston. good prices. i‘engi n5 tse u x" spr ng U. father. wore a, handsome wedding 'the ceremony refreshments were pur- . «ham to Red River, , W “' \"” ”‘me "0 Toronto on Maple syrup-making is over again of Grimm-3 F' P' Austin is envoy to the miner- ‘11:: Edna \Ietcalfe ‘ f 'l‘ r t gown of ivory duchesse. en traine, taken Of. the bridal table being cen- m the 90th rsgi- DUMB “wing. an“. spending a for another season. The sap did Miss Annie Campbell returned to 8] fields of the far north. spent Easter under th' 0 5310110; seed pearls forming the bodice trim- itred with a wedding cake of inani- ' '- ‘9. “WWI. and taught if“ mus a. his home on the sick not run very well this year on ac- llala, last Saturduy, after spending Conductor Bouhey has carpenters Mrs An us ROSS _‘evpt1i:ic':au;oo'; mint: and studding' the panel 0{ lace moth preportions, and surrounded . ,1. Mm , irimd. ‘ ;:.\' count of so much cold weather. luaster with her parents here. busy at work on his new house. ' g ‘ 13 18 g on, Mile}! formed the front breadth 0‘ [With bridal roses “ad other bloom. friends at l'xhrlclge, where she at- 2~~ - . . .Mrs. (‘er 8 'h ‘ . ~ 7 . _ . .- . _t , _ --fl ii \\, H. “lCthl usxted her, behool opened again on Monday. . r o ge mit , of Lindsa}, Mane) qnd Bruins haw the icon tended the funeral of her brother, the S'th- , her tulle \eil “as coronet. ‘Mr. and Mrs. §corer left. on the Soo "::i-;\li.\"l‘.\’l‘l().\'. 344...”. Mm l’zirry Lobb near l Several new scholars started and i spent the week. end with friends here. dations under way for two dwellings. Mr W Abrams ted with orange blossoms and she iline train for Minneapolis, Chicago E”; '1. .\:vr:. l.â€"t)n Friday ev- ‘ 32' mn‘s schoolhouse last week. 'quite a number haw: stopped. ’ Rev. MF- .Xoung, 0f Eldon, ex- A gang 0f men are at work D‘m‘ Mr ,I, ‘A Cmnpbell and son How- ‘Carried a bouquet of bridal roses and and Milwaukee, the bride travelling g 1"}. :n,~.t . a. few of the ‘\ ”mm daughter arrived at the Messrs. George Heatlie and Frank changed DUIPIFS “uh Mr. Menu on ingr down the Old residence situated ard .x'isoitetl) with Sunderland friends lilies of the Valley. Her gift from in a tailored Costume 0f navy. blue . t 5‘ 3hr R. Rungland homv‘ oi‘ Mr. and Mrs. Charles (for- Rooks departed for Slab "Hollow last bullda." 3101:ng and evening. on‘ the McBrien property. This is rccentlv. the groom. which she wore, was a diagonal serge, the .coat. opening.on - 7 V4,. on the eve of mi: rum-nil}, week to trap muskrats. We wish Miss Mamie and Mr. Harvey Bea- one of the old landmarks. .all of Even. at this cariv date the "film pearl necklace. Her only attendant 'a blouse of tan satin souple veiled \l;:nitoba, mot 31” “1““ 5101111110" 51301115 l"I‘iday them heaps of success. Croft entertained a number 0f friends “‘hifh are rapidly disappearing lo erants ,, or "hobos"' as thev are was Miss Gertrude Staples. 0! Car- twith dark blue moon. Her. toque of 3;. liohert Taylor. in l intiyi}. - Mr. John Connor and staff oi men on .Frlda." gevemng’. last. . give place to more modern struct- poeticnllx- called ' have conimcnceii man. vwho was becomingly gowned in tan tuscan was trimmed with a col- . \: ‘lll|~' spent in so- Mnn (Mumm- l‘errin, 0,» Oak- hire certainlv rushinér thin . ’ Miss Muriel MCIMW and friends left ureS. Lh . . ‘ a” . ' h f , k pale blue satin charmeuse, her hat, flnr of dark velvet embroxdered in . a" -' - - .- _ ‘ ’ ° gs m our - Saturda' evenin lor Toronto. Mr. Gcor e Robertson. of town. e" mum.» m scare 0 “or on fl r 1 nc bein f 1e ink ros- '\’ari<:olored beads. w I‘I‘Hmted them ”3' " ""“l‘” “ “m “”h h" ”0‘ vintage these davs. Mr. w. Miller ”I " g . ‘ .g . the am curt. These and autos a 0 a ° .‘ 5' ° pa 9 l . . . “wit: \t't'li worded aid- 512'?” MT. 1“. ti. pom-i“ a few days of PI)” Perrv is the jointer The Mr. and Mrs. G B. llenme, of Oak- has sold his property oppostte the ,should make life quite interesting for ,es, she carried a bouquet of the" Mrs. McGill, the brides mother, ; ._ .7. “1.1..“ to in a fit. {15' mm, lavera *0 cut p'erhdav is about t “I. Wood. Called on friends here last town hall, to Mr. Wm. Hutch-tugs for. local farmers this your. .‘same blossoms and wore the groom's «hose a gown- of black and white , . ‘ ll ‘.I.-~:»~r.\-. ltungland and '1'}... {WWW in m”. Village and vi- “hf”: thousand shinn'les “ “789.3. . a handsome sum. ' . Mr. A. Johnston spent the festive gift, a pond ring. ’silk, with which she wore a. black é I tiny; hm" mmmmwm seeding. .Mr John Martin h:s Inade a. Vast Messrs. Arch. and Harvey Ileacroit. Mr. l-‘red. Barnum, of West Guilâ€" season with his parents in Beaver- Mr. Henry Scorer supported thc‘and white floral hat. ; :3. of-.. Mn. Minot: tzx-ou-s and children improvement on his house by re- who sin-Inc‘laast’e'r week at their home ford, brought eighteen gallons 0f 30- tnn. ‘ I‘groom and merited as a remeni-i Mrs. Scorer: mother of the'groo-m, , ‘ “rd .n>.-:-,-s::n.: mug-ting 0' the E14?» l'"llil‘lit‘tl :ti'mr spending a 19W shinrrlin it herd. lmr tor KlngSton this weelf. 3 maple syrup to town laSt $3turâ€" Miss Irene MclotVre, has returnedfhmnce of this event, 8' salimlrelwas gowned In Sliver grey Silk With ‘ ' 12m- Lindsay 001- div..- .5 llt'l‘ llllllll' in ’i‘oronto. ll: “Sill ‘Wickett 'r and Misses M153 M’abel McArthur .19“ On '1ues~ day. which he had no trouble in dis- home after a short ”visit among Co- :pearl tie pin. The groom's sister, .a but of the same tone . . .-t w.“- held on Friday, Miss litholtn lrix. who has been lLuella. and Carrie R3- ;v ent éu day for POI-.011“) and WI“ make her I’OSing of at $1.25 per gallon. . boconk friends. 'Mrs' II. Cod’dlngton, Of Neepawa. I MISS Kate Scorer. the groom B €15- “ 1‘3... loading feature 0! 59min: :1 {mt days at. her home d _ v'th ir'e d‘ ‘. ed ksp d L n- borne there “1 future. ‘ This season has been an exception- Miss Eliza Ross has returned to Man, presided at the piano, playing ter. costume of champagne satin With ..p . ._ .5 \. ,‘ (Mate upon the Lei: Minn: this “901‘ 1‘0,â€" peterbum my a-‘ ” l n. 5 “e“ a “ 0° - ' Miss Zella Prouse left on Satur- any good maple sugar harvest. hm, l take up her teachin duties at Ilols- the processions! and rocesswnala picture hat on cream tones. o... .l ._ .3...” ‘ . ‘ . . _ ‘ Mr. anti Mrs. Joe. Pogue. of \al- (lav evening for Toronto. in man\' veers has the price of th‘? _ g ' *""““’"”'5‘ that a. 1'9qu 1‘ 1“" Stumps at the Bormalyentia, spent Sunday at her home " 18 £05!) sweeter or more plentl- mer. â€"-â€"â€"~-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"~â€" ' IV»-"::: of It"~9mm9m 1?" 3" ' Mr. Herb. liainer, of McMaster 211;”) Jud ing from the number en- Mr. li‘. Matralfo has returned home ‘ . ~ - {Llfloll thinladhmti: 0.11.: ..lnlzn l‘l‘t'gusnl: at the time University, was at his home a few House and contents ("ng ingthe manufacture of maple frgn airshorzivisjt inht'l‘ortgiito. w Former Young Llndsay Man 5'. . . p . ' 1‘er (‘ron' e . .anl‘: H iliipx-nyillu‘ nlpf‘l)’. da‘. as W k. ”f _ ‘ ' ' ‘ . l‘. ipp, 18 (aug er, rs. . . ‘f , , ,i.,\r..;j;nf_: Chipfly upon 1.” "31-”. limos l-‘n-z'u'uson returned from 51:5} E: [e8 \‘epex entertained a] Burned at omemee mil“: m shéitézcaht)’ man) $811093 ROSS' and his granddaughter. Miss 18 The Star In Thls company ~ M "'1“. Minx ,‘s‘rnm Various repub- U-"W‘w mummy owning after nuniber of friends on Wednesday or" __ “Mr e}:p\\’ilkinson. of Highland ..‘u-an lions, \‘istted friends in (fress- ..;... ‘ if *‘ "mi”w‘i \lr. Benders“ :99:qu ’1‘" “NWT there. last week. Omemce. April 25. ‘â€" On Monday flog“ paid a visit to the \‘illnge on {“0“ last week. : ~. ' ""‘r’a‘iw' "wring 38v“?! M" .h "m!" ““m‘m' “f ”""“"”“"- Miss Olive Western. of Toronto. iorenoon, the swelling house of Mr. 't‘uesdin of last week. His many It '8 “mm a WM”. Sim ‘hefmuu . . t “ ' ”flue WM deemed“ 31:5”. 3““ “l "iwrmi Mark on spent a few days at Arthur l’ros- Harvey Brooks, with all the con- friends‘ttre pleased to see him look- bov “mime“? "snps runnin I. :"t I H H ..nmtixe -gm ‘ sor‘s. tents, succumbed to the flames. The ing' so well. it. ”hunk" during tho'lans't neck 1 n: ‘ s f . lr~ 1 “Parks. _u-., and son Loo. Mrs. Noble and daughter Aileen. cause of the fire is unknown. There [the run has been ‘0” 81'”.- _. f I . 3‘1." """"""'l :H'lvr‘ n plvnsnnt Visit - , . -. t . u- . ‘ number 0‘ maple WOOdS ”9 Pro‘l“‘ ;, l \ . llJI' w ‘ . . . ‘ of bundcriami. “err the guests of .18 a. Very small insurance. - D I. t nd em I vment to â€".â€"â€"â€"- r." ‘ H I! “t "”1"". s““"”"‘ Mrs. Alfred Webster on Tuosdny lust. The loss to Mr. Brook! is consider- Two Fine eer mg multicomonf a 2: . kin . “mu vmnwthing to ‘ , "m 1”” l“"“‘ ””“d‘ ’J‘hc Mothotlist church have done able, and comes at m lnopportune ’ some 0 our armors. " gar mu "r -"‘»“ lbw i Mi \ix‘iiml fro-nth at ury 3 teen seems to fill in a. certain season be- » . " ‘ * , , - M good rr‘pulo to themselves by scnd- time. as he had just begun spring , 'inler nd “mm. ..1 “higpvrs it down ‘ .\‘ 3"” l“""‘.‘ ”ml Li““"*"‘~‘.ing $25 to the famine fund for work on his form. â€"â€" Huron '1‘ a :5] ‘5'" ‘ I" ' ‘VhlllR. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"- “um-'1 Green, April 25.-â€" Farmers Misfit“, llu‘lu “If?” “‘9 ifms‘ 53:" I . Mir the dollars. w“ V " HUNT", sin‘tll Hillllltt3 Miss Annio “Nimrpn spout n Mp“. fANNING’S BIG SALE “"3 bu”, ”0de “d “5 present the 1,312";th on \t 1 rent \03 n it -.,..i.. -.;p a tree M .. H " “"h ""“M‘ "l ”'“1' sum limo of her homo on \l'otlncstluy luntl in in line condition for work- _ l i, \v K ‘ ”ironing of lust \\’\lt‘k by unlortulnlng or... ‘ inu. ellltl hOUM‘ClN‘nt‘ ‘3 "‘9 0rd" HWENEAL . “w . M..- ..aâ€" _..‘ ‘ “""""‘V “’M ‘I“"“"“ a number of loom: folks. LARGE .-\’l"l’iL‘NDANCM A’l‘ SALI'A oi the tiny Wlth the HHS h0“80W“l-‘- ' .. vt‘ nd 1“ ‘ :mnnmi in [mil-my :iu‘i‘i" Mussrs. Mm‘tln Ali‘lmtry itml l"t‘ml HELD LAST SATURDAY- Mr. 000. Armstrong has recently SL‘URElecGIlL. 1\._ n lll- “l c u. t w J ‘ to nutrition lltt‘it‘ slltillw. l'ltll‘)’ l‘t‘llll'm‘tl lti ’l‘tll‘ttllltl 31mm.“ l-‘nnnlng's snll‘. April 2'2, wait “I‘ll l‘t‘lllt‘tl Mr. Hurry (llll‘llll' ftfl'll nocr Thu llmfl‘lm of Ml“ Bernice 1N3“! . 1““ "‘1‘“ “M”? 5:”... It \i ‘ ' M" 'f’“ """"'”“' Muttlng‘ nl‘lvr spending tho pmn “wt. putronlmcl. them being (armors “0"“ nothel. \eruhmt. and It“ t‘olmncncmllmcmu. only daughter 0‘ llr. end i ‘ c in, ntiul l t‘ ~ 1 um». llH‘. l‘l‘llll‘lll‘ll in with nummlg in map clung“. from fill ports 0! the surrounding: operation! autumn, m“. J. u. Mcttill ‘0 Mr. l-‘rcdcrlck , , "‘ "“ ““""‘ """ 7.! ‘ '-r~~wmu mmw mm. m. tiny mu. or lmrhllu. \lhllml country. Evory 1mm WM sold. Mr. Joe l‘htlllpfl Muted Na shin- 8mm of “mum. who u, “u i _’ ..- _, ..._....â€"-â€"â€"-"" m“: 3 in Mr. John ('ttllttul".'i [mil weak. numhvrlnu twenty-four. WHhom' “fly “"0 mill "ll“ wook' “ad “a” “ ““3“ known in ”flaw “d vicinity, w“ '. f‘ ._l ' I “M!“- pxl [\l‘tllil‘lt‘lnl‘ til i--â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"- returns. The names 0f the PM‘NC‘I uiwon's 0|". ahead. soloiunllod ll. the “done. 0‘ the . V S.“ i all right now, ”nip lino-n: “ill upon llm‘ \l't)t)l~\‘ll.l.i‘1. _ John. Gordon. Combgay': ll. Glelllco. Mr. «i‘hos. plot): lingo: Ammo bride'l man. 555 Rarity-ct. my“ 3‘ f a . ’ of '2... wit”! «won >:tttll‘tlfl)' nlu‘ht. \l'oodxillu, April fileâ€"Mr. Morris. lungs Whtu‘I; Mr. oumun. orno- yum horse 1:“ Led ‘ 5mm “:2; Winnipeg “W. the m0“! ho- ‘ {S to Dr. Md“ a .2»: 4‘ ”l1:m“.wt.; hm. also oiwuud organizer for the. Sons ot‘ Scotland, villo :‘PaJhitztolzzonxg‘ghflnlkeé. :uid againaprumnc 0‘ noddow. in: performed by, R". G. K. B. Ail-- ’9 31" t'l'HHi‘ Hidi‘oi and Miss ills spent. a. day in Woodville “at week. to“! .ldt‘ Sonya .' Neil Mellonold rill: Er‘Akistor' also sold o young m. Miter 0‘ Sonar“. ““20““ Remedy. . mm .1 l“ .. 1. u; ‘llud 'I‘isdulo. oi Bomorton. was a Reyna. :1 Fisher Lorncvillo . P. h . t .w 0 Isaac. .nd molly church. l‘ho entire suite own- Mr. H ’1 ”Wu ~ nr granruio or. Hsitor last week. ‘ Salem . 00 3A all! . . one o .n g ‘0“! team stairs rooms were brig-ht. with s . r d for yam 3.. m ““‘ m U‘"‘“‘°“‘~‘ 0“ On Thursday of last week Mrs. Green“. Mauve". - F 9- Floor PWChii'm n 5 be t ' , want: at bio-coma. puma natures. 'nc rc‘m 1’ rca y ~p " Norman Ferguson sold by auction wood: S. McLean. Inlay: F. De- Mr. Fred. Billett ugh a 50““! with American Bouillo- and pink SUFC You do “0‘ need ‘ My" "3» l" l‘illiimn spent Monday sale her household sheets, as she is Gear. Ockwood: Wm. Fallis. Bob- team lrom Mr. Albert holly lost and 'M“ curriculum giving the col- ‘ ilcs' Heart Remedy 11:19" -‘_ giving up housekeeping. caygeon; 30‘“- Edwards. Manllls; “’“k' t flocks at '"d . "‘ o ’ 9 ohms. why Wm" " ”b" M" 3‘7" 5mm“ °f mavmon' W' White. .14“ M' 3:: .lhmflou .vtdnitypus- 0n?!» and ct the Acodm oriieuminm in this use win he in. “u “ mamas “an" hm last Illltlflfl ' 5d om mm M, going .11: c nonh- “E mm Music am; inaction will be The John mun, whose home is in 01". "oumed With bun ow“. wife: Adam Dobson one of the stal- â€"-- V weste’rly‘dh‘coflol. " 1‘ ‘ ' , ‘ â€"-â€"â€" Elan on the Box, one oi the most‘u few miles from Lindscy. EVE 1: :n::§‘:mlgz:f:utboli:le. 3“ wart business man of Oannlngton. mp .. SIEPSJONzâ€"On.w 3' Two Jill M!” I“ oaths ‘ dehw' dollghuul .' dr user odendhilg “gu‘ 11:1;6‘3' 31:61:}: mir . ' ” " April 19. at the Chin-shot the mmwmrlro'mt.DOb- » M . edtothe public. Theplcyu.dru lieutenentsjc w. . , ot thc Heart Remedy! and also owner of the electric light. a . ' .. w the in 3183‘“ he mounts - most 0‘ the ”End” LOW ROUN D plant of Woodvillc. was a. business WWW“: New York. by the, so!“ mm, ' n“ “w” WWW! by . 9"“ "t‘mwm t... or the ma when. and . a! my stomsch. WW frector. _ the Rev. Dr.'fiou¢hton, ly in in our-um. . Punks. 9t Md Niall-outstation: t box ”8 - caller here last week. ' ‘ _ , . ‘ . Rev. w. A. Calderon, at Toronto. 9. - 0mm sumo! Network». was MW 4;. W. . former Woodville boy, called on or out» to Hwy Run of mm. in. “Alla“. am. novel.“ mm nouns, and it all: went 0! the chase. dercc sway elm“ . :3: made me (C . . wt 'hm 301° M m. .37., m speed. HO gets Ins t beat very fast. But TRIP RATES ‘ J - I "' ‘ . that m , m" . . “build-fl ' Mm.” : 0...“. m" . to u... w, m o m girl. 511:;wl'lcrefiem M- ' Western Canada. ends here last m .we.w .' “WC-m to N ' : . a” ‘Zi 9‘" ' “t h g A “ i M A Ryan» W . d fee! like a new ma. 3'; ginning and return $33.00 that Mr. Cameron has accepted a m P . copy .. p f .. has. . . . Iain almost wyemdd- Inna“ “ “ 3450 Call to one o! the westcgi prom. . --â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€". ‘ ‘ lrlcndr’m'l . in: n a soldier in. melon“ ‘1' nmth‘ “ “ 87-00 SCHOOLS W. n . '1'. .fl ‘ and willehechargcanthsnccr‘m- ‘ “m. It would he s. c Mouton “ u ‘1.” ‘Thspublic schools.” tho W“ o :2" mifilflb Tussnny, my 1 mm“ m““m9“ _. " .. ' . ., ,1 .. y‘ - s -' “ _ ‘ » . . .1 . “ H adamant-murm ho “4 who-at nautical!» . i " . .: , ,. . . .1. . r _ . _ . . . ‘ ;. . ' humus J... I. “'“m cantor?“ um t" “m“ .7 ' m . . ‘ .. a : ,, . ' . . ' ' . is!!! ing...» mm of , , ' nu. warm“, . M 3".» ' -. . . . ‘ ~ f ‘ , .. " t; .. p mm 92'. , - MW m. 1 EM ’ , m 8.

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