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Watchman Warder (1899), 27 Apr 1911, p. 7

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}lumner (11., um PHONE 77 film on all Trails n (a fox-1301'“:- 15 Toronto to limp] and Westl ‘ttler’s Guide" 33k? Lworthy person the nbovo in be disposed of before LOf March, to enable the took up while Coal fi he Sprin . Already 7% been «0! thiqgeason plan-y Burton]: mu? nf the Ontano V‘- e. Post-Graduate” 541939. also of the Load- of Tropical Hm “Mono. Connor Ru.) bridge-st“ Lindsay I“ APRIL 27. 1911. Huiffinirns" | dnv m“ night,ng ‘ “minute. . M. RICE T RAINSI mg person can hsvo s Woodvine. Feb. 14th, 1911. (‘M' and get tic“ imlu of wood. P Q 3801'. Depot [gun in“, City lgn‘: 3 " leaving'l'm N : IMO In. My ’11 . Through COWS : TOWN 5m {{1; bad dollar on our made ~d money can be mess by a. capable m nquixe of DR. MACKAY mcmltv Calla PM .ALE O LEASE SBTTLERS’ Ltchewan Throw): Lino Iville Coal siness andlSlIeds opportuniflfl piano, organ ‘ o: the very b“ :ou may obtain nude! best condition. 1! TM Business Col 0! . is: wurr pal-port to Thwusand! have prov- tu- nut inventigats with OriIIia. Bus. CORDWOOD settlers and without. live no. should It. Reg-hr his HAVE ‘_ _â€",. e and“?! asidencem {W. H. CRESSWELL 1 2m; LINDSAY Slate. sat dstone. ». ‘ , brownstone and M" marble have all ' K'féS‘K .. roved failures. ~~ ; ' name in gomg the same way. No Stone c-m conpare with White Bronze in Durability. Artistic Effects of Beauty. r“ LEETWOOD P.O. Agent for the Monument Brorze Co.. of Bridgeport. Conn. ‘NEW BEASON’B STOCK Everlasting Memorials MONUMENTS _w°2'."x. “52. Estimate. checxfuflv tarnished w Phone 1 57 I SAM APPLEBAUM Fire Insane: That 1mm Seven! companion tint 1 an t (or luv. been wing loam no Mei-hem!!!" ne‘fl! 30° 7°“? 33:: ‘36“ mi 3W"... 0 arena 1: nod Ind had in no W “m w the. he fir-mm or 31m me Who mom that.» POUURY WANIED ind ' otifiwwhifi 7M 7 on b be men the 8 '3 figurines pcniu in 1 All kinds of UV. Fowl “pelt. 15ch. for h”. Delivery :37 any in of [Lula ) rims. Tubes. Hercules Brake-n. umps. New line Blcycla A rel-«smiles. Large stock of Second Hand Bicycles. Farm Vachlnery of all kiv-ds rapaird. Home Clip rs ground mlnnl to new. Gener re. pairing at Lind-35y B_l_cyol_o__u§90numl McLennanCo. which they can earn a living. SPOTTON’S BUSINESS COL- LEGESoare the largest trainers in Canada, and our graduates secure the best positions. You can study at home, or partly at home, and finish at the College. “Prism Brand” Ready Mixed Paint Should learn those subjegtg by PETERBORO BU? INBSS COLBGB ll‘l‘llil.’ Isl”! I ‘31."030IH1' sl. ' .tnf.‘.c.lflalvflc.tlfl/,I. I Arthur Graham, THURSDAY» APE ------ i 'achuh Work- xnx’r pour surname 1: form rate. before renow- Your pol cyâ€"oocnrity IO? we the [must 0 Geo. VI. Shepherd Prop. GEO. SPOTTON. Principl _-‘.. uv‘lvâ€"â€" "09411211.. a 1030"” Girls “I find a White Bronze M o n u- ment in Simpson. Paylor County, W. Va... that is over thirty years old and as nice and perfect as the day it. was set”. 0.8. Nay. Fair- mount, W. Va. llllll Eighteen Yam the Standard Prescrided and recomeuded for Wom- en's ailments, a. scientificallv pre tamed of proven worth. The result from t eir useis quick and permanent. For sale at alldrug stores. Dr. Martel’s Female Pills FOR SALE. -â€" THE. STRONGEST. the most handsome. the richest. ton- ed, the best toneakeeper. in fact the best all~round and most. popu- lar piano of today, the Gerhard Heintzman. together with seven} GIRL WANTED. â€"- GOOD GENER- al servant girl. Apply to Mrs. William Oliver, 12 Cambridge-st, Lindsay. FARM FOR SALE.â€"SOUTH HALF lot 20, con. 8. Mariposa. 100 acres good clay loam. all cleared except 1§ acres willoyvg. 21111191 housc FOR SALE.â€"-â€"SH()RTHORN BELLâ€" red, sired by son of imported Spic- ey Count, dam by son of imported Indian Chief. Apply to J. Casey, Valentin. FARM FOR SALE. â€" 1-00 ACRES. being east half of lot, 17, con. 9, Manvers, 85 acres clear, balance in good hardwood bush. Soil is clay loam. Good buildings and house. Near school and church, four ‘miles from railway station, 14 miles from Lindsay. Land is well watered. Apply to John E. McGill, Lifl‘ord P.O. FARM FOR SALEâ€"BEING COM- posed of the west but of lot No. 7 in the 1st concession oi Fenelon. containing one hundred sores more or loss. Sharp clay loan. 76 so- rsa cloned. good grain end slsiko land. fair state of oultivetion. One sore good orcherd. two wells. creek through posture. trams house. good born» on ioundetion. good stnbl- ing. iced room connected, imple- ment shed. other buildings. one mile west of Village of Csmbrsy. The some will be to rent it not sold. Plow leave first of Septem- ber. 1911. Apply to Frances Chambers. lsmbny. Ont.‘ STATION AGENTS COURSE OUT- line an} mutated in New Book- let. Write for It. Central web- graph Ind Rum School. Yang. and. Canard-ct... Toronto. wn- Wmfim.â€"GOOD GIRL FDR GEN- enl Ion-overt. good a... Ap- ply to In: NM. No. 8. mn- FARM FOR SALE OR To RENT.â€" The West half of lot=15 in the 12th concession of the Township of Em- ily. 100 acres. 95 acres cleared. All seeded’down and in grass. Good log barn on the premises. For terms and particulars apply to Thomas J ackson, Mount Pleasant P. 0.. Ont. gens. new and second-hand. on any other makesâ€"the Martin-Orme. standard orchestral, etc. Also or- terma of pavmant. Columbia. graph- ophones with all the necessary sup- pliesâ€"records. cases. needles. etc. Columbia. records are unbreakable. ad will last for ‘ generation. 0r- dora taken for expert. piano-tuning. Thou. Brown. Gerhard Heintzman representative, 26 Wellington-st... Lindsay. 20x30and24x16,wlth good drilled well. Frame barn 66 x 44. water tape and cement noon in stables. Ploughing done. with 1-8 acres tall wheat and 23 acres n-esh alsike seeds. Two miles ii-bm Maripoaa station and village of Oakwood. Six miles west. of Lindsay. Possession this spring. Apply to J. F. Goad. Oakwood. OR SALE. â€" RESIDENCE OF the late Rom Baden-son in the village of Little Britain. A good br ck house on {acre lot with stable on same. For terms opply to Mrs. Robert Henderson. Little 11m Slaw. Phategmpm ”him. Thut is true to life. That'- Ol' m I M u ft! .m. hammering-u. dean." rhfidlflm watcht- mu mum: w ”I. I!“ qmuwmm' .59. â€"â€"-' _. -17. i com. to and I and it um 00. Nd role. comes to me. at] I and the. unit Iqbal: but me"- ‘Yon'n [id Ber o‘ono day.” the pm a quickly. ‘1 clan mm: of you om nth humanist-”Iceland I“! [Ind her picture on nay desk [OI while. Sometime- when l “I in the evening she kind or b In there. I bought a honey gulp“ um street. you know; _ “.mmmbornm. lt'n and o: lonesome sometimes. and fine- I get to thinking she's there. sitting n! In old pinno than: used no be my not!» tr'n and singing to me"-» _ 5.! n.- ,7;. "Singing 'Sweet Gene“ uked quietly. «m. mm my mom good home tomâ€"Ind probably there’s oneâ€"you'll be so glad to S“ “Ct to you’ll hardly know you’ve been away- u: nnworldly girl. one tint doesn’t needtohecurodotâ€"ohulmol folliesâ€"1 and cm. one "0" been wears white muslin and me- by the gate for you at twilight Isn't Ibo 11h that?" He shook his head. “No. not like that.“ “But then 1- son. on than?" an. “IOBWWBMOIHM' “80 did new to In formula; tho ”new." up America replled. “Did you see "not?" “There are some good people over here. eln't there?" be ventured. end Ihe looked st hlm quickly. “When you are at home mln I hope you will remember them.” ehe odd. ’1 will.” he replled. “And I hope you will forget every- thing I ever eal ” she went on. “Somehow it doesn't seem likely u It 1 ever would.” he returned. "You. I am almost sorry. no and. so much orâ€"what I could do.” \ \ V. Recalled-nary. from Home (“bu symmtmmu macaw AMIHW 'Sweei Genuine?" IN 51wa “Why, that convict chap. Didn't you and him any? !on bout: Mn cl! .o be mum aux. «an 100-4 an him money not to bother a?" BI» whirled on him In. 3 storm. “W. gum git: you! Do ’0‘ may: watt lhg__cl'le<l._ â€" ' Amharic wu hm tuck. 'Ohâ€"whnt! no wouldn't I!!!“ mxumatwmboapmtocm "snobâ€"he’ll be worried. :01:th sun: went clean to Mn, Had Severe Pain: bravo In trouble. but"- Ethel begm Ind Pike smiled behind his mm. A node looked at her In manhunt. “01' 6811110 I’ never worried, you know.” said Almeria “But i fancy it will be a weight 08 the pool- govern- or’a mind. I'll wire him at Naples. for he’ll be {ind to know about that ball! convict chapâ€"the arrangement you made with him. you know." under disgrace. hut”â€" “munced! Why. who's danced? Not oven the governor. :- 1 no it! You got that chap and of. didn't “Whom do you maul? wonderment in her voice. quietly. “I have given my consent." “Rlppln’l” declared Almerlc. And Lady Creech started torwud. "And the settlement?" she asked. Pike nodded. “the settlement eleoâ€"everythlng!‘ Ethel come from the side or the ter- race. followed by Hon-nee. who seemed to bench: With 5.6- - _.-. ”Silo. ' rv'. rather evoided cm. a you don’t mind my saying so.” Home “I'm sorry. Lady Cinch." he went E in; up. and I'm thinking o! going hack home with his. Pike. 1 think he'- ehoutrixhtinhieideee. You know ahneed him. not only for himeelr. end.diseppeared_ into the hotel. Ai- mei‘E’s mtee- wee heard ee‘ Led! Creeeh turned to :0. end Pike smiled. “Here he comes now. bending nude the blow." he said. Almeric appeared with a white bull pup. which he handed over to Mariano with the rematk: “Wash him a bit. old chap: tepid water. you know. and a drop of milk afterward â€"nothing but milk, you know. Be deuced careful. 1 say!“ As Mariano disappeared with the do: at arm's length Lady Creech said solemnly: “Almeric. really there are more im- portant things, you know.” “Rot!" replied the young men. “I almost missed him. But i think i’m to be congratulated. you know. Eh?” “i think you are. my son." said Pike “no. I". rather avoided thah It you don‘t mind In: If!“ IO.” Home mud. “run any. Lady Crouch.” ho was ammud|Mamm ”up, and I'm thinktncotgolnl hock home with in. Pitt. 1 think he's “In. (3an luv. ya can my nephew!" Don't wad. out to the middle and «and there. Ion only (at 5-11 trod both huh?" “I be. your pardon} aid 3 vole. behind them. and they turned to and Lady Crotch. She went on. mm ~05, rm just m tho Rubicon. Your tuner and to my: '1! you're going to egos: gag Buplcon. cm It. g": .3?“ “A he mu. you no!” he ma withering”. “10!: use,” to pmtect but from something you mun-rotten. Norweulnow It's rotten you hand be: over!” The lad pen-ed. and than he laughed bitterly. “By Jove,” he exclaimed of e M- den. “I shouldn’t be mum-ed It you consent to the Iettlement too!" on, I"!!! looked at him gravely. ~11, eon. l ehonldn't be met-ed it I did.” ummrggd._bntmmem Mutt!” “loo harm mm t chl- pa media-debunk»- u“ “80'! consumed m with: than Into the hotel. In Back; Felt All!!! ”It! “luy.you know. "dummy“ :0? “Incanthanadmlnmtorm mam! [Mauve-1 OBACI turned on PM 8b voice mauled with apple-- CHAPTER XIX. I think It's nob]. to ho Extensive plus for O.P.R. work were nuanced by It. I). IcNteou. “.11”. '10 to .12. “ivy. «mun. dodiniiii “Vim: “plinth-I In. you to mic? - -..._â€"â€" mun yon don‘t one win: I think 0! you. Ion m willlnx to an no no to than peoplo. to lot no manu- clao about honor and duty. about III, 080m to mko tut cmtun n ma. undyonknownll thotluoltwonlz the money they won nttorl" “I shouldn't wonder.” In :0le “Didn't you know that would In)!~ at: no? Didn't you no that your consonant. loom no (no to (in It ”You mean you'vorbeon caving no min from myself? You let me mat. a tool of myself and then tho! It)? Ineiind‘ me} than you'll deny it! It'- llke you. Do you thlnk any glrl could love a man like (but? Go back to you: dream girl. your lady of the ple- “ad-MDWOD“ 'i :13 ‘31 l“ 3:§§%1’1§2;§$ ‘.§l§g§ izzifitf§§liei Honey 25c comb. M 170 pound. Lard 19c. lb. Colt, 00 but. Dried apples, 8c. lb. (hull. 81 s but. 9'1. mac-um. man-101nm Potatoes. 75c to 31 has. Live 7303!. 36-15 fl“- Chickens 17c. 18c. lb Duty butur 25c 1b. Granary butter 29c. 78m nigh}, be." Ethel nuwend In when. Mid roles-o no? “I shouldn‘t be surprised.” “She won’t be there.” ‘nuum mural-.- 750. W. im'uuutln. Renown-n mum tomb-tantra Sanguupnmm WMIywvu-dbym.“ 'n. ‘Mumqumult mudowmmmdmrmu m mummy ”wwwm m Mfilufimdlutmnt mmuMuNMMu-wummlwm' uh- I I l i i z % meonwhomMmao that on know“ Hitachi-{rushinmfivgag mil-remnant Domnwend’s‘ Sanitary.- W09? 10'1”}; W. G. Blair 5 Son That the man wba belibes in me good clothes may: manages to “afford them P” And it’s not a coincidence, for ANY men, with brains end tute to VALUE good clothes, an image the expense. For, like good food, good clothes are not really on expense? It is the LACK of I them that is EXPENSIVEâ€"that COSTS ! Ever Notice Lsdies'with thin hnirvillbeinber- «ted in our inns-eyed puffy-ut- non-I’m all wrap-nu. DonotMtoc-nudnotl. Gentlemen: Tailors ion-m rm 3

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