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Watchman Warder (1899), 4 Apr 1912, p. 12

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“Rig use more the bank blacks have a . “he: of the stage. and the public! n being asked to declare whether [ a are paid eno‘hfll. 'lhe question] é an old one for the bank clerksi «Va been complaining for a long. time. A few years a :0 one of the . nief banks “as unlined {0 send to1 - otland for a. number of clerks, be-f a . ~e young Canadians of sufficient a- . v and of snitable character and; a; rame declined to enter the} bu. , .w business on the wages that pr; U --l. If a manufacturer had em; .. d a lot of mechanics in the Jan 'xav, there would have been a' loud 5:: rest and the alien labor law be-l ‘0qu 'zue been invoked. but it, \‘a s a great bank that did import ng, and because the banki ks “2m few and unorganized, 5 was little comment and noi motest. ‘A bank clerk’ s salary xs Our New ' ” ~ Clothing Styles i Are Creating a a; Sensation This particular line is strong with us. Our selection?! were «éhosen wixh Lhe utmoct care and we can say you’ll be auxgariaed when you see these beautiful Spring Shirts. Prices range 50c, 75c, $1 to $2. 50 A most beautiful range 0:? Easter 'Neckwear awaita your selecaim. Sn man can. be without a. new Easter Tie. Neckwear at 15c, 25c to '75:: Get Your Easter Outfit at This Store WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM. DAG}: TWELVE. Our DISPLAY of MEN'S, YOUTHS’ and BUYS’ SPRING HATS is the finect we have ever had. The newest shapes and colors are here in abundance. If you’re particular about yOnr Hat come here. We can please you. Just a Word About Easter Toggery Mouarate Prices and Good Quality, you will find, are hé"e linked together The new Spring Suitings are a fabrics and colorings. Our good suits show every feature of fine tailoring that the Custom Tailor dotes on--as well as a style and char- acter that but few Tailors can successfull y copy. ' To the MEN who have always been privately taped and chalked and Who have been paying the Custom Tailor in- flated prices, we extend a most urgent invitation to call to see our SPRING SUIT DISPLAY. Suit Prices $6.00, $3.00, $10, $12 to $20 Here are Our Reasonable Hats a.+ 50c, 75:, $1, $1.50 to $3 ank Cierks and Their Pay Men’s Fancy Shirts u'eoutforthe m- Easter N eckwear who never rise to a. position in: which they earn more than $1,500 a. year there can be no doubt that the salaries paid in the banks are too low. Clerks are expected to be al- ways well dressed, and to haVe a few . dollars in their pockets. In fact, i the original idea. was that money‘ could only be handled by wealthy 3 young men to whom any ordinaryf salary would be no object at all, and ! who would have no motive in mis-‘i appropriating any of the tunds pass-i ing through their hands. It was a.§ gentleman’s occupation, and the sad-f riage of Miss Violet Bowes t9 _ . J. Bowan. The Wedding is to tgke place at the bride’s gnome at Beech Ridge, at 2 p.m. on We‘dneway, April 3rd. ' A meeting of the Wilberforce hock- ey club will be hem-early next week, whm stapsewill be'taken to urge;- gfinina' and also to discuss-the 151-. viability of securing a. lot' With 'a view_to built} a. covey-ed rink .beto're next £8.11. choice selection of um, rut Q nmemmr YEARS THE STAR- ; DARD. Prescribed and recommended ‘ for women's ailments, . scientifically 'prenarad remedy of proven worth. W. Webster In Business at Oakwood ta Miss Lilyan P. Wesbster, gold medal graduate in domestic science, O.L.C., Whitby‘, left last week ‘for Barrie, where she has secured ~ 3. sitdation. She will be greatly miss- ed here. .- - - The Oakwood Dramatic Club jour- neyed to WoodVille on Friday last to present “ Valley Farm ” to ..;.a large and ‘ very appreciative and- ience. Much: of their success is‘fidue to Mrs. E. G.- Lartle a; promoter, "in the way shehas helped the am actors put on their play. . Miss Moon is spending the vacation with Orillia. friends. ’ The result of their use is quick ad permanent. For sale at all drug gs farms and is 111on out?” " The annual mission will be held in the Preobytfirisn church Easter Monday night; _ good attendance is hoped for. g , h ' in. Albert Webster. of n has rented one of Mr. John _ SW“. V-_.â€"_ ___- Mr. Fletcher J ordsn intends leav- ing for the west shortly. Mrs. D. W_, Kings condition is, we at; Siedsed "to lain}; much improv- Dr. Martels’ Female Pills LIN DSAY it‘tfigfl . seakm-s’ emu-310m. American cities. No DOP- This is an exceptional opportunity (or those whining to take mama-8'0. 9°“ oftherunarhbwlow one-way upb- Mr. Roy St, John was injured by having his limb jammed between some logs. He is again able to re- sume work._ ' A very enjoyable time was spent last Thursday afternoon by about thirty ladiesy at the home of Mrs. Jno Connor Quilting was the order of the day. Mrs. Connor gave her friends an excellent time. Mr. W. Irwin, V.S., left for his home in the northwest on Monday afternoon. _ Next Sabbath evening there is to be a. song service at the Methodist church. Special Easter service in the morning. THROUGH TRAIN S TO THE WEST VIA CHICAGO AND ST. PAUL iii-SR Oliver is visiting friends at Fenelon Falls. An~old re'sident. of Mariposa town- ship. Mr. Fosper, was buried at Lit.- tle Britain, on Thursday last: special train will leave Toronto 10.30 p.m.'n1eeday, April 2nd, for Cum-one, Edmonton and points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and A1- berm, stopping at 0.11 points on Grand Trunk Pacific west of Winni- airleffiuiiequipped "with bedding and porter in charge. Bertha may be secured in these can at. a low 28, at 8 p..m Mr. Weeks ofr Wood- ville, will give an address. subject: “Women Banking. " A good pro gram will a ‘so be given. A cordial inVitation is extended to all. I a benefit to the ladies at this seas- ‘ on of the year when house cleaning is in pragress. This paper was ‘01- lowed by a discussion. Some good sound questions were presented and many helpful thoughts gleaned. The roll call was next taken up. Several members Were absent, those present responding by some useful suggesâ€" tions or a tested receiPt- A 8001- inspiring trio sweetly sung by Miss H. Hunter. Mrs. W. Edwarhs and. Mr. J. A. McLean was mild! enjoyed; by all. Another opleasinrz feature of the program was a talk on “Bus- iness Methods in carrying on a meeting” by Dr. M. McPhail. . His remarks were much appreciated. be- ing brimtul of valuable information, which should leave a lasting im- ‘pression upon his hearers and prove beneficial at soine future period. Last but not least was the question draw: 91'. presided overuby Mrs. Asaph Ed- wards, and Mrs. Joe Thompson, which was amply supplied with questions and satisfactorily answered after which the meeting was brought to a close, all retiring to their respective homes feeling they had spent a profitable and most enjOy- able afternoon. An open meeting will be held in the Methodist hall on Tuesday, April no , AAA éfié‘fifiés Cm solo renamed ii: pleasing style by Ir. J. A. McLean. This was follow- ed by a. most excellent paper by Miss Lena McDonald. subject “How to Vnnquish Dust." Miss MacDon- ald handled'her subject in an able and emcient manner from beginning to end bringing out points which were both helpful and instructixfe, and which will undoubtedly prove m‘ E; 'm'fizg’héid. number on the program solo rendered in pleasii ing of the mute Women's Institute home of Miss Belle Wednesday. March beautiryl day and of Mics met. PI past two the ope! gun and a vary 1: mama, April 1. â€"â€" A mutu- meet. in; 01- the lamina branch of the Women's Institute was beld‘nt the home of Kiss Belle Cannkhael on Wedngoday. March 2 7. It was a. beauugyl day and a large «88611ny of lakes met. Promptly In 381‘ past two the opening exercises be- gun and a. very profitable qnd in. a: mum LINDSAY. » 0mm. at W. I. Meeting was a. vocal evening’ a as realiz- Child’s 1.25 values for 74c The brand “Classic” stands for the highest grade of quality children’s shoes. This large assortment; of regular 31 EU 74 1.25 “classic" shoes is on sale at per pair ................... Child’s 1.40 Values for 980 Children’s “Classic" button and lace boots, pumps and slippc are represented in this lot, sizes 5 to lOfi, new goods, 98 beautiful in style and finish. Sale price ....................... Misses’ $2 Pumps for L49 Misses' pumps with strap, “Classic” quality, in patent, gun metal, and tan calf. All 1 49 sizes 11 to 2, reg $2 on sale. . Mrs. W. Sloan has been on the sick list for some time. We are glad to learn that she is recovering. Mr. Fred Wooldridge shipped three very fine cattle last week. MrsjEuiker, Manilla, is visiting at Mrs. E. Z. Yerex. Mrs. F. Metherell was in the vil- lage {or a day last week. 7 mss Ruby'Webster, L.C.I., spent Sunday at home. home on Friday evening from the West. ‘ Miss Martha Mortimer is spending the week end in Lindsay. Miss Aggie Lott left this week {or Whitney where she had accepted a position as clerk in one o! the Mr. Wm. Hut-tie is in Torontp this week. Mrs. Wm. Ramon returned to her home in Lindsay toâ€"day after a weeks visit among friends. Mrs. Richard Fry of Canarvan is visiting at Mr. C. Kirkwood in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Reynolds. of Elsie. were vxsttors at Mr. T. Trum- bull’s through the week. Mr. Grover Harrison returned home on Friday evening from the MINDEN . linden. April 1. â€" Miss Edna. E. Hope. of Ingoldsby is visiting her friend. Miss N. Hughes, 0! the ScotCh line. Azm non-III «Delh- cunlfingthe “his-t “mmww CHICAGO. 'LMI'. J.G. Becker. of :34va 8h. e well-known wholesale dry goods dealer. states 3* follows: ”I have Ind merrh fat-more than thirty years. Have tried everything on earth and spent thousands of dollars for other medicines and with physicians. without getting any lasting rt lief,endcen seytoyou that! have found Peruna the only nem- A very short tim‘ ody that has cured me p”. manently. C ."Pemna has also cund my wifeofutarrh. Shank-upkeep. It in the house for mu muck cl cold. which it lnnrithlymh -m-hd.:m.. Ladies‘ patent button boots, nude by, Walker, Parker, rehnble puent colt, sizes 2} t9 7, reg 83. Easter sde price Ame chince toleecm-e a pair of high grrde up-tq-date dress shoes at a tremendofis cut in price. New colonial s ylea in gun metal, patent end hm calf, gdpdyear welted and turn soles. ell sizes 2; to 7. 1 95 See window disglay. Reg” 33 and 3.50. Easter Sale ......... . Sale commences Saturday, Mar. 30, at 8 a.m. ‘ Be on hand early Ladies’ Pumps, reg $3 and 3.50 for 1.95 * Ladies’ $3 Patents for 1.75 Misses’ pumps with strap, “Classic” quality, in patent, gun metal, and tan calf. All 1 49 sizes 11 to 2, reg $2 on sale. a The brand “Classic" stands for the highest grade of qualin children’s shoes. This large assortment. of regular 31 to 7 1. 25 “classic" shoes is on 8:16 at per pair .................. J The Warder had a short interview with Mr. Frank Costello, 0! West iOps, in regard to the outlook tor {winter wheat in the township and lvicinity. ‘Mr. Costello said: 4' The [prospect is good and the heavy snow ,0! the past winter made it possible to withstand the vigor of the sea- son. Much depends upon the heavy frosts at night after the snow goes laway as to the success or failure of lthe crop, as the heaving of the earth through this agency oftentimes cause a universal failure." I Mr. Costello is very optimistic as ‘the wheat is well protected and the odd bare patches look green and healthy. The long dry spell last Outlook Excellent for a Good Crap of Fall Wheat fLindsa'y to Have New Garage; posed through in, ”WWW- In tutu-q than will' I” " big enough in Lindsay t0 gutoc over fight ”d “9"“ rear oleement bloclm.,and will be covered with fire-proo! roofing, and it. is intended to use the brick wall to the south belonging to llr. M. .E. Tangney, as the south wall of the building and the present building occupied by the Robinson Motor Works as the north wall of the building. The building will have 80 feet frontage, with a. depth of 32 feet and the rear mall will be 12 7Clerk Rayâ€"“I scarcely think it will come under the terms of the by- .‘va v-w-- _._uv. , lasers. Melville Robinson and Thos. Arnold hovmg mule application to the town‘ council for' 9. permit to build on automobile garage between the buildings known as the Robinson Motor Works and the building oc- cupied by Morrison Bros., plumbers. The building will be built trout and town. the consoq ‘ 5 many gutomobilo .....,.:W Shoo Retailer in Canada house :33: 1.75 The Warder got in telephone con- nection with many of the farmers. who all voice the sentiment of Mr. Costello. All say that. the wheat having been well protected shows every Sign if conditions remain fav- mnble, of a good bountiful harvest 3 of {all wheat. Providing the ' spring is normal the crop will be a satisfactory one. The arr-cage is .above the average this year in Ops I and Maripoea. A_.,.-._.-..-... fall after seeding time may have haul a slightly tuneful al‘Iect in some soils, but nothing to cause marked attention. Alsike and red clover go in sympathy with winter wheat. the success of these cmps are almost assured. Ald. Bobeock and Lewis stated that there should be no hindrance in letting the two gentlemen proceed. it they kept within the terms of (he lay-law. It was agreed that the builders could take out a. permit and it me inspector thought it wise the mam-r rediscussed in committeee. a meotmg would be called. ‘1'. W 3. Knight briefly out- Hunt! the object and stated that. it. would be elected under the super-us- ion of a. town omcial who would look I!” the interests of the town to proper time protection. h.- It“ C, “1008 thing to erect c Wilt which would not catne ands all: terms of the insurance reg. mm." .m Deputy-Reeve Lewis stated that the building would be erected “wording to the by-law as far as fire protection isgconcemed. Aid. Horn stated that he favored giving all matter of importance due consideration. He understood that wool-ding to the bylaw another building could not be built up against a from building. He {an and referring the matter to Com- mittee. 3°??? 980 740 ers ed by Hr. A. .l. Mclmr happy manner. In 3.11: ition well and Itm'ir toast maker. After partaking m m supper whzch is al\'.1\\ ~ it this prommem Imqi “at of His Majestx u , “i. W MI LICDUHH M. who spoke on (m ”a our ruler and I} would have for Britn'x h". It was a mash-r In outcry and histor “8 received with xx It I 1. national spirit 1 $521 Canada with «M walla-med and sh ”taught with breadth of Thefizgineering Pro m to by ' Mr. I“. was another outb M and points 0! im would never tk Wt out by Mr. C ar the difiiculties Farwell Sm‘ Presen A farewell mwimg .n"1 .1 held an. the Hun-l ‘um-Mnl evening by tho mnginm-rmg the Georgian in} and Blilway who have Iw-m m ity engaged in its cmmruu was the most 0n_i()};1l,iu' e it many months by Min 5* 'm be long rememln-rmi [1 guests. the guest of 1hr e‘ illg Mr. E. Duncan, H10 «1‘ ficer in charge. ‘ Around the festiu- huurd N the following :1 least-s. C. Garneu, w H. G. S. McDonald, M. “I S Mm“, C. J. Hulhdny. Intio. B. C. Sutherland an til. Through fin unavmd; polling. Mr. Charles, mi.) “him as chairman had from Belleville on Hm In Old arrived when HH- SIXIOI at the zenith of its gm. .nn this account it “as rmp 1st 0‘” “Whine gem lam 1“ ‘ the chairmanship, whil‘i. u“ 01! by Ir. A. J. Mchmmh '. Suits and Overcoats W styles and fa 'IAdies' and Gent’s New Fabri' Woollens from mills t Easter Je‘ Men’s CLEANING, Casi“ Agent for pliable sl {gsteuers D air ...... CUST \Nomcns‘ with stitched grey champa per palr....... A fine F stitching in a value at per p A beauti in many new imitation pea Low Cl ‘ season'~ pop specml . and trimme Handsonm 1e cmuan SECTION A Beam and Me

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