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Watchman Warder (1899), 4 Apr 1912, p. 1

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'YSPEPSVJ; \TARRI'I 0f STO {Lewes reg-)Juzeo' ins iolic tar. “otmry Pia-bun mmis sonar. c lat? Din) :s to Pacific Coast Elle daily until Apr. 15 IL 2, 16 and 30 nd Tuesday thereafter Sept. 17 inchmivo IA CHlCAC 0 :4 good for 64 M giasws. Children? o-yfu uLion now. Donut hesitate .â€" ix‘ y.)ur eyes med help} sknu‘htr‘wnn um! Albert'l ' 'l‘llt’wlfiy in .\l.nr(:h and mdacheand nervous Iron n“.’-a\'(1d only by uuy- prop- -.. . resigbt Spewialifi 7ver N341);- err v., . FAMOUS 006m PBESGBIPTIUI. V 53 R. KNICHT Holiday Rates p- l ANNIS Qpr u for )‘uuml trip. Minimum hetwvcn all stgttions in d guing April 4. 5. 6, 7. 8 Apr“ 1”, If”: ed! tn .‘h'll York. PI .611 xis Spring RETURN $34.00 ‘ “ $42.00 .em Canada at I! Ii'itir business to my mun,- Watchman-Wardâ€" X’htm? 11, Insurance [to n. all its brawn-bu. .Y, men 28. term i 0 Pl GOING TO Way Tickets to )HHld FOR 1‘1 ) Eye Strain and Nerve Strain been wtf‘s hi1 nit-l; min and h: md 'lrnnk nlv I10 Ahk’ tract LIONS .......... Azent Depot Agent Hl‘ ~; Qhrw {tun ‘_ Qv'ann to other vlwwan and u on sale on uul North- (a sub. I guard D. [T wail Three years ago this spring tarm- erg :in-ough Emily and Manvers were bug; ploughing, and preparing for Naming of grain. ‘ Still the seed- illL“ was late that year. This was owing In severe weather, which set m mz- utmut three weeks, retarding Seeding Three Years Ago in Emily in for Operut \L". .md Mrs. Sackett have return- '. .‘mm a winter in Toronto. Women’s Sample Shoes for Easter. High Nude Boots and low Shoes at wonderfully low l‘rlccs. Shoes made of selected leathers, gun- man]: and patent colt. THE FE u; Hurley managed to escape vmxham jail by scaling the farm: a. short absence of the 151 05 L 0 u ghl in McIntyre Men’s Stiff Hats Easter Jewelry Fine French Kid Gloves made from soft p‘iable skin,l.eautifully finished, and two dome fwtteners 111 all the prevailing Qhades at per pir” ......$1 New Fabnc Gloves Men’s Gloves ions KID GLOVES FOR EASTER Ladics’, Misses’ and Girls’ THE LAST CALI. T 0 OUR SHOE SALE Cash and Men's Spring uni! Summer we" -ht. undrr- um". made in England, beautifully fini:h--d and trimmed, price .................... $1 I’munan's- “awn! woo' vmlcrwwr at...1.25 Low crown and wide brim, one of the season’ 5 popular shapes, in fine grade” for felt, specxal" “$2 A beautiful display of Brooches, Bar-pins in many new designs, set with brilliants and imitation pearls, price each ................. 25c Handsome leather hand bags at from 75c up Women's Silk Lis'xe Glovesmicely finished with pe‘tched points, comrs tan, brown, navy, grey champagne, black and white, good value per pair ................. 250, 35c, and50c A fine French Kid Glove with pique etltchmg 1n assorted tans, a. very excellent value at per pair .............. V ............ ' ..... $1 SECTIOIU ONE ~ A Beautiful assortment of Ladles’ and Men’s Collars and Silk Ties. - High or low cut models, the new high toes and cuban heels and short vamps,button l , . . g; Eonfiih81.8118116szJ 1099 Women’s sample sale, low cut shoes, patent, gunnietal 33:32:; ??.“f’.*33?1.4f9: To 0"“ SHOE: SALE Saturday Night the curtain will fall on the last act of our Sample Shoe Sale ‘ Hundreds of shoe buyers have anticipated their wants and provided themselves with a good stock of different styles of footwear. Many Feet and Many Purses Have Been Made Happy ! we cannot afford to continue the sale longer and so we make this last call to our Shoe Feast. If this great money opportunity gets away from you the fault will not be ours. ‘ . Robert Drysdale and James Some- i stage were killed and several others injured in a fire that gutted the I I Thistle cafe at Prince Albert. One Price. Plenty of Splendid Bargains Left Yet. LOOK ! Men's Patent leather and gunmetal calf’ blucher styles, every pair goodyear walted sole, worth 34, all sizes, sale price Ops, and Patrick Meehan, of Dow- neyville, all brothers-in-law of the deceased. Among the relatives of the deceas- ed in this section are: Messrs. John Meehan, Lindsay; J as. Meehan, of March 22. Very few particulars are to hand, but it appears that the late Mr. Callaghan was struck by a Great Northern train on the 19th, succumbing to his injuries three days later. The deceased was well known in Lindsay and the vicinity, having for- merly resided in North Emily. Two years ago he left for the coast with his family. He was about 58 years of age. You probably know all “)0 well how it goes. Just as you doze 05, the tickling starts in your *lxroat. A gentle :ough. still asleep. A hurder cough, and :hen another. First thing you know. you’re wide awake, coughing your head off. ’ A few nights of that and you’re so worn out and weakened that the cough takes a tight grip on you. But why endure it? Na-Druâ€"Co Syrup of Linseed, Licor- ice and Clilorodyne will soothe that exasperating tickling. loosen the phlegm and cure the inflammation of the mucous membrane. It not only stops the cough uickly, allowing you to get sound, re- reshing sleep, but it goes to the root of the trouble and drives Out the- cold com- pletely. Children willingly take Na- Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Eicorice Ind Chlorodyne. because it tastessogood. Your Draggist has it or can quickly t it for you in 25c. and sec. bottles. e National Drug . Chemical Co. of Canada. Limited. 115 ‘Emily Man Killed by Train at Vancouver Word has been received in town of the death of Wiluam Callaghan, which occurred at Vancouver ~on Washington, March 27.â€"The sum of $125,000,000 was taken to Can- ada by 125,000 Americans, who were attacted to various provinces of the dominion by lands that were procured practically for the making. Iowa and other states of the north- west declined in population, or fail- ed to show normal increases in the decade between 1909 and 1910. Wesâ€" tern members contend that this con- dition of affairs is directly traceable to the more liberal laws governing the disposal of the public domain in the dominion. While the population of the northwest is decreasing, or failed to increase, the populatioa or Canada is increasing at the rate of 1,000 a day. Canada is drawing on 125,000 American Settlers Brought in $125,000 The attention of the farmers of this district is called to the fact 2.49 flflfl’I LET THAT BBUBH BUB YOU [IF SLEEP patent calf,’ all sizes,worth 3.50 sale prifi?!9 Mens Low Cut Shoes and Boots Low cut shoes $2 Potato Canker “NBS“, ONL, 'WWY. APRIL 419l2 A most beduuiful display of Misses’ and Children’s boots and pump styles, tan choco- late and patent lenther, word}: 1.25/ and 1.50 all sizes, sale priee . ' ‘ Men’s boots, box calf, heavy double soles solid lealher' Saturday “ 79c, The sale of the Fort Osborne bur- racka site at Winnipeg to the Man!- toba. Government at about one-fifth the value was ventilawd In tne House of Commons. women was given a. six months' hoise. An inquest was opened at Midhurst on the body of an infant found in an old box, and supposed to have been thrown from a. passing train. A bill is in the Provincial Legis- lature to extend the franchise to this country to «mm her popula- tion and the, farming regions of the border States are yearly losing thousands of citizens who are at- tracted to the provinces by lands given in patent to settlers at low prices and on terms that are favor- able otherwise. This, in brief. is the argument that was used to-day in behalf of a bill passed by the house. governing the disposal of the public domain in the United States. The measure, which has already passed the senate, will soon be submitted to the president for approval. It was framed by western members and is designed to check the flow of emigration irom the United States to Canada. A Bill of “Ye 1.99 Olden Days” hi WARNING by Mr. W. H. Sievens. An elabor- ate supper was served, which was enjoyed by all, previous to the ad- dress and presentataion. The directors of the Victoria Loan and Savings Co. met at the home 0! Mr. W. Flavelle Friday to pre- sent Mr. J. Low with an illuminated address and purse of gold. Mr. W. Flavelle, president of the company, acted as chairman, and read the ad- dress. while the purse was presented Honors to Mr. J. Low by Directors Dean Femow, of the Faculty of Forestry, discussed 'Canada’s waste lands at the Canadian Institute meeting Saturday evening. He an- nounced that he was about to und- ertake a survey of 1,000 sq. miles 0! waste lands in Eastern Canada. prin- cipally in Haliburton and Peterboro Counties, in behal! of the Conserva- tiOn Commission. with a view to dis- cover causes for their present con- dition, what that condition is, and what remedies can be applied to re- store them to usefullness. Fires were said to be the principal causes, and in some cases the land had been farmed when it should not havezhnen. There was a large attendance at the meeting.-â€"Mail and Empire. ers agnee he is profoundly disap- pointed because his influence was un- availing to inQuqe the grefnier to London, March 27.â€"It is rumored that Lloyd-George will resign forth with and that Winston Churchill will succeed him. Mr. Lloyd-George is in wretched health and his support- How the Post Zhe conditions laid down by HON. LLOYD GE‘DIME flaliburton County /Saturday Remember Saturday is the last day of our Sample Sale Infants soft sole boots and slippers, choice fine quality of soft kid, colors black, white red, chocolate and blue, sale price Saturday ........................... 19° Women’ s Vici kid black and wine color low shoes, some goodyoar welted msolee,‘ 99 0 all sizes, sale price .. . . STORE +7 52, Circulated ,9 PAGES I to 4 Mr. Steve“, who has been work-£tions followed, wil ing for the Cornell Brewing and yield The reason IMalting Company, in conversation is that the potato with a Wander man stated that he of a waun counti- had been busily engaged in packing! and moistureâ€"not up, and the house was in a topsy- to bring it to its turvy condition. That the burglar maturity. was a hold one is evident from the ‘fact that the door which was bolt- Constable Short was on the look- out today for suspicious characters and it is (3th that. there will be further deveIOpments in the case. ed, was forced open. However, the housekeeper had no time to get away with any household goods. as the family had fortunately only re- tired, and were not asleep. Wholeaale sugar prices were re- dueed by ten cents per hundred- weight. Constable Short after satisfying himself that the burglar and his companion had decamped, proceeded to take a look around the vicinity, and also visited the various hotels, but no suspicious characters were noticed. Mr. Stevens immediawa called up Night Cbnstable John Short, who was on the spot in less than five minutes time and made a close in- vestigation. The various rooms were searched for traces of the bold intruder, but despite his hasty re- treat he failed to leave anything he- hind by which he might be: denti- Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, and two children had just nicely retired to‘ the third night for the night, when! theflickerotamatch inaroombe- low was noticed, th? light which followed, penetrating a small aper- ature in the ceiling, and the mumb- ling of voices attracted their atten- tion. Mr. Stevens hastily donned. a few garments and rushed down stairs to the second floor, and on ; hearing him coming the burglars has- ! tily made a retreat. With the. broom, which he held in his hand, , Mr. Stevens pounced on to the in-5 truder as he was going out of the door, and hit with such force that g the broom handle was broken, and. the would-be burglar stumbled oat; across the hall against the door leading into the apartments of Mr. 3 W. M. Morton. He regained his feet and rushed down the stairs with. the disturbed citizen after him. The; burglar, who is described as a fairlyi tall man, dreSsed in dark clothes and wearing a cap, took leg bail.g turned the corner and was lost in the shadows of the livery barns on York-st. : attempt at burglary was perpetrated on Wednesday about eleven o 'clock when some man (name unknown) forced open the door leading into the apartments of Mr. and Mrs. Bobt. Stevens, who live above New- ton's grocery stOre on Kent-st. Apaumepts Broken BIG PRICE FOR 'an “”9"“ SEED POTATOES LINDSAY BRANCH, “W‘MIsu w. n. Inn-mun. vacuum. m3“ manger. donor-l Capital paid up. u.1oo.ooo. Rm". F'IIM “7”,”. To“! M. .70.”,000 A com BANKING SERVICE Every description of Banking business is transacted by THE Dounuon BANK. Collections promptly made and money remitted without delay. Advances mode on Farmers' Sale Notes. Tnvellers' Checks and Letters of Credit issued. mm THE MMIIIOI BANK :uuu uxuxacureâ€"no‘l'. D00 mud! rail)" to bring it to its greatest size and itarmers (or seed purposes. At the present price the seeding of an acre this comingxseason will cost the farmer about $25..00 as from is to ,20 bushels per were is required To 1the ordinary farmer in Victoria County, this extra cost is not no- tieeable. but in eastern Ontario in the vicinity of Ottawa when :20 and 40 acres are put in crop each year, a large expenditure will result. This 'unpreeedented price will in itself reâ€" duce the acreage, and another year will probably transpire before this idistrict will get back to its previous quantity of ground, planted to the {edible tuber. Do not interfere with the ground then until after the first of June, when a similar cultivation is essen- tial. Drill and plant about the 10th of June and not earlier. Keep the cultivator and potatoe plough going between the rows as potatoes rejoice in fresh moulded clay, this retains the moisture. Those simple instruc- tions followed, will ensure a big yield. The reason for late planting, is that the potatoe being a native of a warm country, requires heat ed out seed. when by a proper and judicious selection of the greatest producers from 200 to 400 bushels can be grewn. While speaking- a! seed and its relative value to the insuring of a big return, it might be well to mention a word as to the preparation of the soil, and the date of planting. Take any ordinary clay or sandy loam that has receiv- ed a dressing of barnyard fertilizer, plough in the fallhlet this stand in the spring until perfectly dry. then disc harrow the land. or run over it with the gang plough and barrow. the Imperial Russian Ballet Com- pany for injuries sustained by the sword of one of the dancers slipping Mr. Shiverock of Hamilton “as given a. vex-dict for $5,000 against and striking him. By many the great and universal failure is looked upon in a benign way, as it compels the introduction of new seedi which is veny much needed. and is in itself a means of increasing the yield. Many farmers have not been growing more than 75 and 100' bushels of potatoes to the acre owing to inferior and play- Two sleigh loads of potatoes were on sale yesterday at the market. Tiny were picked up by anxious CASTOR‘IA ROBERT ROSS. Manager. Children Cry ran FLETCHER’S LOO PER winâ€"â€" r «. â€"___.__ fl.»- ‘ no attention or the rumors of brown in color all M SEED POTATOES in ‘ . thisdistrictiscanedtothe iacteordingtothestaoolthedm, . ‘:lrcu‘ated. What issupposedtobeadarlng .l‘ ' . o , ' . that there exists in England and they may be v9“. Ind! v large] Iatternpt at burglary was perpetrated Two slei l l is o! potat were , tother' European countries a potato enough co $515019 potato. on Wednesday about elever'r o'clock Km GLOVES FOR "mm 1disease called potato canker. and The disease'is “Tim in that itl‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' 'lwhen some man (name unknown) on sale ”said?" at the market. . 5 l They were picked up by anxlous . Ladies’, Msses’ and GirlS’ |that this disease has been found in destiny: theartiro crop and land‘ Peterboro Times ”3'3: If flHome“ 09"“ the d00" leading into 1' seed 5 rNewfoundland. Since the disease which has borne a disease crop will ' our good paternal government ',the apartments of Mr. and malfmm or b purporses. At th" Fine French Kid Gloves made from soft ihas found its way to Newfoundland carry the disease 890nm to:- some ' at Ottawa would only, as they ' :Bobt. Stevens, who live above New- ”wareezzispzmizgemoénamogost S): there is no reason why it should not veers. Care should then be takar ' should, appoint a senator from ' : ton's grocery store on Kenya” p mble sklnweautlfully finishedand two dome ,muh other Is 0, the do i ion. *when buying seed potatoes to can . Pompom. the pm of this 0’ Mr. and Mrs. sum“ and two . farmer about $25.00, as from 1% 10 . fasteners in all the prevailing shades at per especially ,3 we are this yea- im- amine them thoroughly in order to ' city would not always go out ' children had just nicely'retired to 120 bUShelS Per acre IS requirod. ’If0 p ir............ _ , ...... "cu-$1 7 porting large quantities of potatoes. avoid the planting o! diseased tub- . of its way to roast the Hon. ' the third flight for the night, “.henlthe ordinary farmer in \ lctorla 3 Potato canker appears as small or ere. Bulletin No. '63 Issued by the ' Mr. , as does a Lindsay ' the flicker of a match in a room be- I (;°‘"‘t~‘" ““3 extra °°St ‘5 no? ”9' . large nodules on the eyes of the po- Daminion De t. of Agriculture con- ' coutemporary. ’ l low was noticed, th? light which “went??- .but m eastern Qatar-’10 "1 New Fabnc Gloves tatoes. These nodules are rusty tains a full gescn'ption of this pest; ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' '.followed, penetrating a small aper-lthe ““th 0‘ 9‘9““ “he” -0 and , ature in the ceiling, and the mumb- 40 acres are put in crop each year, Eye Strain and . ' . ““8 °‘ :3“; “mg“; the" We” . Sultreé‘idin‘f’nndéil’g 321'} 5365;1le . . . . . ‘ . . tion. . tevens tily donned; ' ’9' - Women 9 Silk LlSle Gloves,mcely finlshed 125 000 Amencan Settlers ‘ few ms and rushed down do“, the acreage, and another year N S 0 With >t'tched pOlatfi, COlOl‘s tan. brown, navy, ’ lstairs to the second floor. and on 3 will probably transpire before this erve tram grey champagne, black and white, good value B t 0 $125 000] lhearing him coming the burglars 1135. g dlStrlc': will get, bgck 1m 2:: previous . ' p ,- _ til made a retreat. With the quan ‘ y 0 81'0““ . pan to the l “""3".“" rhiw‘m“ irou per Farm...” W250, 350’ and-50c rougll 1n ’ brz’om, which he held in his hand. ;edible tuber. ' . -; . x(»\£ {lul'vpl‘op' » m. Stevens pounced on to the 111-; By many the great and universal ‘1 _:-'"r'j."‘j- I)”. ‘ :1; of 3’88 M ’ Glo es . 'truder as he was going out of the fallul‘e ls l°°ked upon in a benign j- ”1g“; , f“ ‘rpde-‘l‘lfiw en S v Washington, March 27.â€"The sumlthis country to increase her popular door, and hit with such force that .way. as it compels the introduction *‘ -‘ ’1‘ 5 “‘ “" ' "3 P: of $125,000,000 was taken to Can-.tion and the. 181111138 regions 0! the 9the broom handle was broken, and 10‘ new seedi “'hiCh is "ORV mUCh L ANNIS Opl' i) A fi F h K.d Gl 'th . ads. by 125,000 Americans, who ’border States are yearly losing ‘the would-be burglar stumbled (unneeded, and is in itself a means of lvealgm Sp(*"l2allsl . . lie renc l ove, Wl pique were attacted to various provinceslthousands of citizens who are at- across the hall against the doorlincreasing the yield. Many farmers f, 31.33 . <h:~..â€" <80" St156111112! "1 assorted til-93. 3 very excellent of the dominion by lands that wereltracted to the provmces by lands leading into the apartments of Mr. Ehave not been growing more than "j.“ 9 ':v-o...-n value at per pair......... ........... , “$1 procured practically for the making. given in patent to settlers at low W. M. Morton. He regained his , 75 841¢! 100' bushels of potatoes to - ”a-.. N, Iowa and other states of the north. prices and on terms that are iavor- feet and rushed down the stairs with . the acre owing to inferior and play- ‘ west declined in population, or fail- able otherwise. the disturbed citizen after him. The § ed out seed, When by a proper and rm-mâ€" --â€"~-â€"â€"-â€"-â€": A Beautlful assortment of Ladles’ . ed to show normal increases in the This, in brief. isthe argument that burglar. who is described as a fairly i lUdiClWS “hello“ 0‘ the sweetest wr-‘z n "‘H’HT and Mg"; Collars and Qilk Ties decade between 1909 and 1910. Wesâ€" was used to-day m b61131! 0; 8 bill tall man, dreSsed in dark clothes producers [Mm 200 to 400 bushels 1....-- u: ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ " tern members contend that this con- passed by the house, gOVerning the land wearing a cap, took leg bail, 1 can be grown. While speaking of turned the corner and was lost in seed and its relative value to the disposal of the public domain in the ‘ :ullc tor. '~o: :ry pump, dition of affairs is directly traceable pmmis on Ar. ‘ _ ‘~.; m. w . E t Jewe the disposal of the public domain in . . f. ' u’ as er 11! the dominion. While the population ' 7‘ "5" '8“ w my ‘ ‘ lot the northwest is decreasing, or l United States. The measure, which the shadows of the livery barns on ,' insuring of a his return. it might to the more liberal laws governing has already passed the senate, will York-st. ibe well to mention a word as to the soon be submitted to the president . g ‘ p , Mr. Stevens immediately called up preparation 0f the soil. and the date \ w rd f l for approvalmet :88 fcli'ameded by . .‘ C - . " {\{\ Q s\ . Night Obnstable John Short, who 0: Planting. Take any ordinary ~ - ‘. n'vnnmm u - . ~ _ - ai ed to increase. the Po ulation of western mem an is 833811 to ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ “ was 011 the 8 0t in 1885 than live c ay 0" sand ' 10331 that b ' - ' ' mam-aloe . A beautiful -dlsp lay 0f Brooches, Bar pins Canada is increasing at {he rate of check the flow of emigration from ' H. 3‘. ‘. t.y}.Ҥ\\\\§\:\\x\ 9 minutes time Fand made a close in- ed a dressing of barnvard after-m in many new dealgns, set With brllllants and “ """‘ '~‘-‘\\\\ \ r“ - veetigation. The various rooms ' ploulzh in the fall, let 'this stand in 1,000 a day. Canada is drawing on the United States to Canada. . ----- “”- HON. LLOYD GEORG E .. ,~ -, :ts hrzlnrleu. r were searched for traces of the bold . the spring until perfectly dry. then intruder, but despite his hasty re- disc barrow the land, or run over it {treat he failed to leave anything lle- . with the gang plough and barrow. hind by which he might be Monti-'DO not interfere with the ground fled, then until after the first of June Constable Short. after satisfying 1 when a Similar cultivation is essen: himself that the burglar and his . tial. Drill and plant about the 10th a - h health and his all rt- companion had decamped, proceeded ' of June and not earlier. Kee th t vanCouver . a a c a e r o o o o c e- 4. a» r o :lgswreatgm? he is profoundly gimp- ‘to take a look around the vicinity, 'cultivator and potatoe ploughpgoin; c lpointed because his influence was un- .and “15° visited the various hotels. :between the rows as potatoes ”mice to but no suspmioug characters wereun fresh moulded clay, this retains noticed. ‘the moisture. Those simple instruc- Mr. Stevens, who has been work-;tions followed, will ensure a big ing for the Cornell Brewing and ' yield. The reason for late planting imitation pearls, price each.... W253 Handsome leather hand bags at from 75c up .Emily Man A Bi" or “ye London, March 27.â€"It is rumored Kllled by Tram Olden Days” 3.2:: fizyi‘ifif‘kiiml‘C’Sfiliiflii isucceed him. Mr. Lloyd-George is EEQKS .‘i H lFKINS . Solicwcm Nani-lea etc ’ a "p..- lion's Montreal men S smf Hats Low crown and wide brim, one of the season’s popular shapes, in fine grade for felt, specxal ........... ..... ......$2 ,4... ,1: ‘..>.l‘<: relics. 0f. fuzz; ~‘ 5. :I‘., Lindsay, . "I". V u' “'uodvilie. Word has been received in town of 4' A relict of ancient days in the '1 availing to induce the premier the death of William Callaghan. form of an advertising bill was ’ accept the conditions laid down by which occurred at Vancouver .on exhibited at.The Warder office .lthe miners . l . . the other day by Mr. C. R. B. vs Z~. I' (‘. if. Weeks. "S 31..»_ vs, ll.,-\., l.l..l). March 22. Very few particulars are ’ _._’ lmfsW} Men s Sprung :ell’l bulmner we -llt umlrr- to hand, but it appears that the Coates, of Cambray. a Melting Company, in conversation , is that the potatoe being a native .h‘lgflulhf‘pW§ new". mmle in l'lnglmul, beautifully fini: hr-«l late Mr. Callaghan W88 StNCl: by a The bill is no less than 68 ’ With 3 Warder man stated that .he - 0' ”' Wm mum”?- requires neat ‘ .«ml trimmed prim: $1 Great Northern train on the 19th. years old and was printed at 0 To surve had been busxly engaged .in packing! and moistureâ€"not too much rain-c Honda Rates , . succumbing to his injuries three days the Chronicle office, Peterboro. ' y “P. and thehouse was In a t0P81~",t0 bring it to its greatest size and y l’l-l-lnlul's' mltuml woo Pullers/Wit? at...1,25 later. > It reads as follows: ' . ’ ,turvy condition. _ That the burglar.maturity. 91-: .3 3 r . Minimum ' The deceased was well known in .. NEW STORE a "allburton coun..y,was a hold one is evident from the ‘n-iw .-:; .Lii L: «Lions in Lindsay and the vicinity, having for- u The subscriber respectfully 4* ifact that the door, which was bolt- --â€"~ “1 going .\w:i '.. 5. 6, 7. 8 -â€"â€"- â€" â€" lmerly resided in North Emily. Two informs the inhabitants of 093. * ed, was forced open. However, the. . . AW” 11.3: years ago he left for the coast with Mariposa and the surrounding r. Dean F9910". 0‘ the ”Full-V °‘ “US$999“ had ‘10 time "° g‘3‘: Children Cry 5 . his family. He was about 58 years Townships, that he has opened a, Forestry, discussed ‘Canadas waste‘away With any household goods, as; ~ FOR FLETC , ' SEEKER’S °f age- a store in the Village of Lind- - lands at the CW!“ Institute the family had fortunately only re- "ER 8 ' ‘ 0 u ' Among the relatives of the deceas- say, and having received a, 'l meeting Saturday evening. He an- tired, and were not asleep, C A s T o R I A . ed in this section are: Messrs. John stock of dry goods, groceries o nounced that he was about to und- Constable Short was on the look- ' ' o ertake a survey of 1.000 sq. miles of out to-day for suspicious characters ____... Meehan, Lindsay; Jos. Meehan, of ' - crockery and hardware. be m c waste lands in Eastern Canals. prin- and it is expected that there will be- I I I I I I ( I I I I I I I I I I 5 tends to sell cheap for cut" 0 cipally in Haliburton and Peterboro further developments in the case. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RSIONS tenl Canada IA CHlCAC‘D I 2,16 and 30 nd Tuesday thereafter Sept 17 inft7llslV8 - RETURN $34.00 Mr. Shiverock of Hamilton was given a verdict for $5,000 against the Imperial Russian Ballet Com- Wholesale sugar prices were re-l pany {or injuries sustained by the ten cents per hundred- sword of one of the dancers slipping and strikin' g him. mm 252.? mimic: - Cm... w ... own- leather and calf skins. . 0 tion Commission, wrth a View to dis- a cover causes for their present con- .idition, what that condition is, and duoed by . what remedies can be applied to re- W918!“- . store them to usefullness. Fires were â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . said to be the principal causes, and in some cases the land had been farmed when it should not havezbeen. V neyville, all brothers-inâ€"law of the deceased. M “ W. MCDONNELL, " Lindsay, June, 1644. " N.B.-â€"Hides and skins, and good wheat taken in payment." 803 mu 0F SLEEP __w,.1_. ___. .. The W. McDonnell referred to ' is no less a person than :the '. ' Ops, and Patrick Meehan, of Dow \ C Cash and One Prlce. llllllT [ET THAT llllllfill l u $42.00 . a. a. a. 4n n s * «- s o a a- o a» You probably know all “)0 well late Squire McDonnell who . There was a large attendance at the \ :1 'v . , ,-, \ seedlng Three Yeal S * * how it goes. Just as you doze OR, the was at the time known t," the , meetingâ€"Mail and Empire. . . . . - g , other , , * RECITED PSALM ON THE ’ tickling starts in your *lrroat. Agentle entire countrvsidc . ... , ; , wiwmagd . A60 Ill Emdy * GALLOWS. * :oughstillasleep. Alalrdercoughmnd Th bill - ‘3. r' ' ch d'fl’ t o L .1 I . l H I.“ :ale nn 3 9* Maryville, Mo., March 27. _ a» met: another. First thing you know. th e th Is blelll mu ed l gen ' ‘ ‘\‘ , . .. ‘. \ ' h- 5* Hez Rasco, murderer of the * 9011’“: Wide awake, 3011811138 yourhead an. e I 1’ lssu o ay, l . _ art a 5 ago this spring farm . * Hubbell family of four was . off. , and .15 surrounded by a very o onors 0 . :lzz'm" fir‘ l‘ k ‘ “ ‘ ' - .. ‘Emnzu‘h l'lmilv and Manvers were .* hanged yeSterdaY moming- He ' A few mghts of that and you’re so heavy border' a nmmaoeual-P m '.°.lAmm wot-num- ’ . _ _ . ' . In protested his innocence and s worn out and weakened that the cough Mr [low OI'LIW General Manager. _ ,.. m_hmg, and preparmg for , . . ' ‘ F, M "0°00 a a . . . . * - - a. taLesallght SnP on your a a .a a o a a a e I I a a Capltdpaflug“.7u.°°0.flmm undOS,700,0W.T°N ' ' M S to a“ 1L ast :l..v:'.:r: HI gram. Still the seed- ; reelted the twenty-third psalm. But wll endure it? ' ’ ' ' ' o acorn-rm .‘WG SERVICE . ... r, .. ..:1 A 15 . ~ ' :1" “‘1" that Fem" This was ’: Bloodhounds followed a trail : Na-DquCo‘ Syrup 0‘ Linseed, LiOOY‘ - l by Dll'eCtOYS Every description of Banking business is transacted by ‘~ “8 WV." “It“ pr. .4: 1.. severe Weather, which set :* t0 Basco S T530111, where a blood * ice and Clllorodyne will soothe that .- THB Doumlorl BANK. llle WEV Tickets to in . ,. mum three weeks, retarding stained pair- of overalls was exasperatinotickling.loosenthephlegm The sale of the Fort Osborne bar- ' . . CoueeuonspromptlymadcandmoncyremlttcdwlthoutdelaY- ’ Pl . .,.._\_ '* found. The motiVe assigned * and cure thebinflammationofthe mucous racks site at Winnipeg to the Manl- The directors of the Victoria Loan Advances l on Farmers' Sale Notes. w ‘ .. j “lb flit; i* was Rasco’s desire. to recover * membrane. It not only stops thecough toba Government at about one-fifth and Savings Co. met at the homel Travellers'Chccks and Letters of Credit issued. .. . .» . , .. . 3: Igloney won I:rom him by Hub- : uickly, allowing you to get sound, :3 are vatlu:3 was ventilated in tne of Mlldfil-WJ ravens iridaynto - p2:- '.., . ell in a. po er game. reslnnaslee ,but it oes to the root ; ouse o ommons. sent . . w wit uni “mm - . - R BERT R 58 M . l" '3' GOING TO ”1" WS- Sackett have return-T * ' the troffble ago dnvesg out thccoldcom- A bill is in the Provincial Legis- address and purse of gold. Mr. w. ”"03" BRANCH' 0 ° ' “age" , z": with min and -:; .l Winter in Toronto. * * * * * * * * * * * * ' * pletely. Cllildren_willingly take. Na- lature to extend the franchise to Flavelle, president of the company, 1': : ’l‘runk ‘ W, . . Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Lgnceand women was given a six months' acted as chairman, and read the of; ‘ ”we" , . .. i ClllOl’Odyl‘le.- because it tas .sogOOd. hoise. dress, while the purse was present I . A: Hurley managed to escape , Robert Drysdale and James Some- ,l’our Draggxst has it orcanqmckly t An inquest was opened at Midhurst by Mr. W. H. Stevens. An elabor- firm , '2 nham Jail by scaling the ; stage were killed and several others IE for you in 250- and 500- bottles. e on the body of an infant found in an ate clipper was served. WhiCh “'33 . 3-; WLT 1.7“? 2 :1 short absence Of the injured in a- fire that gutted the ' National 301'ng Chemical Co. Of Old box: and $111,905“! to have been enjoyed by all, previous to the M- ‘ , . ....Aqe-nt gal: :. : Thistle cafe at Prince Albert. 4 cauda- I‘lm‘te‘L “5 thrown from a passing train. dress and presentataion. l Lu-pur Agell I ! â€"â€"""-â€""â€"“_â€"'__"â€"â€"â€" - iood Saturday Night the curtain will fall on the last act of our Sample Shoe Sale Hundreds of shoe buyers have anticipated their wants and prOVlded themselves . with a good stock of different styles of footwear. Many Feet and Many Purses Have Been Made Happy ! we cannot afford to continue the sale longer and sowe make this last call to our Shoe Feast. If this great money opportunity gets away from you “the fault will not be ours. Plenty of Splendid Bargains Left Yet. LOOK ! m Men’s boots, box calf, heavy double soles , solid lealher Saturday Women’s Vici kid black and wine color low shoes, some goodyear welted soles; 5 ’ all sizes, sale price 990 Men's Patent leather and gunmetal calf’ -blucher styles, every pair goodyesr welted sole, worth 84, all sizes, sale price 2.49 Women’s Sample Shoes for Easter. High Him-l6 Boots and low Shoes at wonderfully low l‘rlccs. Shoes made of selected leathers, gun- uxtals and patent colt. . High or low cut models, the new high toes and cuban heels and short vamps,button 1'99 Infants soft sole boots and slippers, choice . , fine quality of soft kid, colors black, white red, chocolate and blue, sale price 196 Mons Low Cut 2} to 7. Sale.. 1099 Low cut shoes A mostbeautiful displayof m “a star ey . l . â€" pstent calf, all Children’s boots, and pnmpra‘tyle's, tan choco- . ‘sixes,worth 3.50, Jill-8 andpatentleatheaworil 1.2%.! 1.50 sale price jlllft‘ti . 'I ~ ‘ ' x .. -4 . l, ‘ ' ’ as h . . u ‘, n _.‘l ,~ . ~,,, .. . z . u » .., , l ., '.-. . I Ll 0.. by») a . ' 4 , Women’s sample said low . I. cut shoes, patenggnnfiw. .. can :3 simple 2;; 9,. _ Remember Saturday is the . ' . sale price ’.,.‘. {5.3. a»;,‘~',~ " ', .'.

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