Still aoing ‘business in the same old and but not. in thesame old way. We imce with the times and are in a. “flan to do better work than ever. New designs, new granites. new and :gproved toolsrvand methods. n fact :5» most’np-to-date Marble and Gran- Iï¬a Works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our de signs More purchasing. ' Shopandshowrooms 11 l3 Cam- hidge St, immediately north of Fire MWhOhadhisarmtaken on by a; matting box some time ‘80. was inton'l‘hursdsy tot ?he ï¬rst time“ gas- the Wt. .41» my friends 01m. J. 'A. (Muscle-st†will he, ; to but, thigh. h much“ 1- " in W‘to-dsy-’ He has mm ann Granite Monuments Lindsay Marble Works IQLAUGHLIN, PEEL. FULTON STINSON, Barristers. Solicitors. and Notaries. Money to loan. Spa aid attention given to investments Ufllceo: Dominion Bank. corner or 1mm And Kat-mu Lindsay. R J. lchughlin, K. 0., A. 1!. Fun- won 3. KNIGHT. Meter. So- udtor. Hutu-y Public. solicitor for More Bank. representing Wum ho Mutual Fire Insurance 00.. o! Intel-loo: Federd Life Assurenoe Co. or Hmllton. Empire Accl~ lent end Surety 00.. 0! London out. Once oVer Farmers Beak. op IRE UNDERSIGNED I: prepared to loan money on farm, town. and v1] 1.5a property, at Vety lowest ute- ot Interest. Company or pnvnte (lands. I an :1qu ready to bug, ITEWART O'CONNOR. Barristers. Kata-ice. etc. Money to losn u m lowest current rategion bu; .Jr. Angus Gillies, 9f _East Mari. “PUNS AND Hnmras, Barfly m, Sohcitors. Notary Public. etc Solicitors for Bank of Montreal ~York at... Lindon. :.!'. Stuart. L. V. O'Connor. 8. A m. HEELAADS IRVINE. Den- “3 members 0! the Royal Col- ‘0 0! Dental Surgeons. We have all the latwt methods of dentistry. Special attention will be given to ï¬cthodonia. Crown and bridge quark. The successful extraction 0! «an under gas (Vitalized air) and who insertion of he best. artiï¬cial natures continue to be a. specialt) of this omce Ozï¬ce nearly opposite the Simpson house. food mortgagau. I. E. WELDON â€Melton etc, Milne Block. many mark. Ockwood, Fire 1m ngent. Issuer of max-rigs. license- Conveyancing in :11 its forms. o- mortgugaea gt ï¬ve per ea ice William stmt. Linduy. I. D. Moore. K. 0.. Alex. .‘ [DORE JACKSON. Batiste“. otc.. solicitors for The Cmdiu Bank of Commerce. Money t9 loan DR. F. BLANCHARD “DEATH TUBUNTO UNIVERSL fY. CORONER FOR COUNTY OF VICTORIA. we â€" Rxdout-st., corner Kent and May-Sta. Phone 4535. Inlay to loan on terms to suit mower. ofï¬cesâ€"6 William street south. Lindsay. Ont. G. H. 30]) kins, K. C.. I". R. Hopkins, 8. A. sold under a guarantee thatusurea the return of the price of the first 50m. I It fat: to boneflt. At all Drugglsts. “ILES MEDICAL co. Toronto. Can. fail to ï¬nd relief in the use of Dr. Milcs’ Nenrine, with .salicylate Suï¬crcrs from rheumatism seldom Dr. Milea’ Nervm' e boughta bottle and began to get better from the start, and for the past six months I have had scarcely any pain and am able to walk as well as ever.†J.H. SANDERS, P. 0. box 5, Rockaway, N. I. Few medicines are of any beneï¬t for rheumatism, but Mr. Sanders cells plainly what Dr. Miles’ Reâ€" Native Nem'ne did for it. One ounce of salicylate of soda added to one bottle of N ervine makes an ex- cellent remedy for rheumatism, which is now known to be a nerv- ous disease and therefore subject to the influence of a medicine that acts through the nerves, as does Dr. Miles’ Nervine R. CHAMBERS. Prop down stairs at times on my hands and knees. My doctor told me] M an acute attack of inflammatory :heumatism. I wasin the hospital lot weeks, but was scarcely able to walk when I left it. I read abom “I was Crippled, could hardly walk and had to Crawl PAGE FOUR. huney to Loan Barristers. etc Dentistry County of Victoria, to wit: 4 Under and by virtue of a writ of ï¬es-i facias, issued out of His Ma- jesty’s county court of the County of Victoria, to me directed and de- livered, wherein D. A. McArthur is plaintifl and Alexander McCarthy and Michael Mal-ran are defendants, I have seized and taken in execution, and will offer for sale by public auc- tion at Mom, in the court house, in the town of Lindsay. on Tues- day, the seventh day of May, A.D., 1912, at the hour of 2 o’clock 9411.. all the right, title. ~ \interest m4. Man-an in, to or out or the under! mentioned lands and tenements, V712,: Stern - . the south half of lot number 6, 0011- to. m.,with_ thot‘ Smith cession 9, or the township 0: Card: may; M10058.†r en, in the county of Victoria. _ You: M011. ' JOHN JELENNAN, isn’t :‘he’ah good Ina-bog. “ ;" v ‘ , smut, Victoria County. but; o mommwm , Shel-111's once, Lindsay, February‘m “ n - ‘ eqiuï¬r 7 6'2 "regahbtién 91km; saiti Mayor T. F.’Best of Niagara-on- the-Lake died rather suddenly. “I see, Mary, that in our city there is one policeman for every 521 inhabitants,†said th_e lady of the house.â€"“rDon’t know, and don’t care,†was the maid's reply. “ I’ve got mine already." Tea. grown at an elevation of 5.- 000 feet is used in " SALADA." It is remarkably ï¬ne flavored and its absolute purity is guaranteed. The average weight of man 140; 1135., of woman 124} 1155., cart horse 14 cwt., an ox 7 to 8 cwt. cow 6} to 8 cwt., pig 1 to 1} cwt., sheep j» to 1% cwt. ‘Y. and nmgston. UM- ' THOS. G. GIBBS. “-7-..â€" â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" The death occurred on Sunday, REPRESENTING SIR 'i‘HOMAS. March 1.7th, 1912. of Thos. G. The movement for closer trade re: Gibbs, of Otonabee township, The lations between Canada. and the Brit-. late Mr. Gibbs, who was a son of the ish West Indies was advanced a step! late Richard H. Gibbs, od Lindsay. the other day at New York when ï¬i- l was born in 1853 at Canton, Dur- teen delegates from the islands reach- ham county. The family moved to ed New York on their way to Can‘|.0ps township in 1870, and in 1880 ada to conclude negotiations. The1Mr. 'l‘lrbs. Gibbs moved to his farm party. which comprises the most re- near Cameron. from which time he presentative men of the islands was was much interested in the advance- met at New York by reprezentatives ment 0‘ agriculture, being a lover of of Canadian and West Indies League. 800d stock and taking particular in- hy representatives of the Canadian ter est in his herd Of Aberdeen An'gus Gowrnment and also'by Mr. W. T. cattle. Robson of the 059.12.. son of Mr. w. Some eight-years ago he purchased M. Robson. of Lindsay, representing his 13th home near Peterboro. He Sir Thomas Shaunhnessy and by a was married in 1832 to Miss Alma number of Canadian newspaper men. Eyres, 0f Cameron, who With one They left New York for Montreal in 19°11 Oswald and one daughter Ethel. private cars placed at their disposal survives‘him. The late M“ Gibbs by Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, Hon- had been in poor health about a orary president of the League. year, but had displayed great pa- A:-_-_ A:L._~...__L I,!, ,A_-,,AQ For strains. sprains. swellings, colic. distemper. coughs and colds. no liniment will prove so eflicacious in the stable as “.\’erviline"â€"it ls good for man or beast. for internal or external use. Wherever there is pain. Nerviline will cure it. Refuse substitutes. Large size bottles 50¢. trial size. 25c. at. all dealers. or the (‘atarrhozone Company. Bufl'alo, N. Y. and Kingston. Ont. i “After fifty years experience in raising horses I can safely testify that no remedy gives such good re- isults for an all-round stable lini- ment as Nerviline."' 'l‘hus opens the very earnest letter of J. J. Evanston, who lives near Welling- ton. “I had a very valuable horse that took distemper a month mm. and was afraid I was going to lose him. His throat swelled and hard lumps developed. His nostrils ran and he had a terrible co‘gh. I tried different remedies. but was unable to relieve my horse of his pain and suï¬eriug till I started to use Servi- line. I mixed :1 bottle of Nerviline and sweet oil and rubbed the mix- ture on the throat and chest three times ll day. and you would scarcely believe the way that h'orse picked up. Nerx'iline cured him. I also} have used Xerviline for colic in; horses and cows. and earnestly re-1 commend it to every man that is raising stock." SAYS .Vl-ZRVIIJXE IS FINE MEXT. An Experienced Horseman Solemnly Declares that Nothing is so Satis- factory as Nerviline. QUIBELLâ€"GEACH A quiet, but very pretty Easter 'weddinga. was solemnizedr Thursday evening, April 41:11, when Miss A. Geach, Queen-st., was united in holy wedlock bonds to Mr. R. I. Quibell, ‘son of Mr. C. A. Quibell, town. The ‘1 {ceremony was performed at eight‘ io'clock, by Rev. D. Balfour, pastor of the Queen-st. Methodist Church- in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the two contracting par-l ties. The bride looked pretty in a) neat navy travelling suit and was;i unattended. The house was nicely decorated with carnatiOns, the wed- ding table being also carried out in‘ carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Quibell are both well, known in town and are valuable, members of the Queen-st. Methodistl Church choir. flew to (eye Horse’Distemper ILA-6. Mr. and Mrs. Quigley left on a. honeymoon trip to Montreal and other points, and on their retun they will take up their reSidence in Toronto. [Quigley, Madisonâ€"ave, 'J'Oronw. ' The ceremony was performed by- Rev. Dr. Shorey, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the con- !tracting parties, the bride, who.“ is one of the popular young ladies of {Lindsay, being attired in -a. neat and {pretty navy blue suit and wearing a ;beautiiul Copenhagen hat. The young couple were unattended; The house was nicely decorated for the oc'casion with large palms, tu- lips and daffodils, wh‘fl‘e a. dainty buï¬et luncheon was served. A large number of beautiful presents were re- ceiv , many of them being very costly. . The groom's gift to the bride was a. beautiful diamond and emerald] 'ring. QUIGLEYâ€"WOBKIAN. One of the daintiest and of April weddings was 50101111131 on Thursday at the home of and Mrs. Jas. Workman, Youâ€"CL, when their eldest daughter, “is: in holy wadlock Aimee, was united bonds to Mr. Egbert _Stan1eyv0uis- ‘17, 33â€":- Sherist Sale of Lands u... â€"'â€"VVV n of Mr. and Mrs. â€Win Madison-ave., Tpronto. JOHNSTONE â€"- At Fenelon Falls. on “Tuesday, ApriL2nd, 1912, the over ENGLISH â€" At Penelon Falls. On Tuesday. April 2nd, 1912, the wife or Mr. Albert English. a son. Service wa‘é cgnducted by" the Rev. POGUE-LAWSON â€" At the home of Mr. Craigg at the family residence on Monday and the body was taken by G.’I‘.R. train to Lindsay to the home of his brother Mr. Franklin Gibbs, and on Tuesday it was taken to Riverside cemetery for interment. the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Balfour. Mr. Gibbs had many friends; he was a kind husband and affectionate father and a mod neigh- bor. He was a Christian man, be- ing awake to the duty of making the most of himself, not simply for his own sake, but for the sake of more worthily illustrating the grace of the bride’s parents, North Verulam by the Rev. W. E. Honey. on Wed- nesday, March 27. 1912. Mr. Wm. J. Pogue to Sarah Jane,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lawsonu’ DEATHS uâ€"uâ€" ROBINSON â€" In Lindsay. on Wed- nesday, March 27. 1912, Mrs. Thou. Robinson. aged 67 years. ARMSTRONG - At Fairbairn, on Monday, April lst, 191-2, the wife of Mr. Geo. Armstrong, 3' son. (St-inborn). ' ' SOme eight. years ago he purchased his present home near Peterboro. He was married in 1882 to Miss Alma Eyres, of Cameron, who with one son Oswald and one daughter Ethel, survives‘him. The late Mr. Gibbs had been in poor health about a year, but had displayed great pa- tience through his suffering. The funeral of the late Isaac Irwin took place from his home in L: Britain to Christian cemetery on .Sunday, March Slst ult. There was a large crowd of sorrowing friends neighbors and acquaintances from Lindsay amongst the mourners who assembled. and followed a man of high standing and esteem to his last, resting place. years ago. Mr. Irwin was buried under the auspices of the Home Cir- cle. the Rev. Mr. MortOn performing the fnnoml service at the house Drew- ious m interment. The decemd was 3 cm‘ enter by trade and born the highsst respect of his neighbors and all who knew him. He was a life long resident of Mariposa and his demise will be felt by many as well as the following surviving numbers of his family: a. devoted wife. one daughter, Mrs. \‘erex. of Little Brit- ain. and one son, Wesley. of Sas- katchewan. The pal] bearers were: Messrs. Richard Greenway. John Pinkham. Seth Methemll. John Rodman. Robt. Eskins, and William Cornish. In wet seasons the results nreeven lane The mmut‘es Of the last "’32 - r of Mr. Geo. Armstrong, 3‘ son. "'5“ "j“ “=3“ 9‘6ҠW "V“ ““0““ all report a. delightful time. (Stillborn). lady, palpxtatc and throb. beats {351: f0! ~Messrs. A. and Gerald McCartney more marked but even at 315. 50 p9,. ing were read and conï¬rmed. .â€" n time. thensoslow as to seem almost to 0f the Collegiate Institute, left this we. drains more than pay for them- Byrne in the chair. The auditor 5 morning to spend their Easter holi- selves in two years. report was received and the clcr'ri days with triends at Bethany The 0. A. C. is agnin rehewing its was ordered to get 200 cupies print' â€"l(essrs. Jun 3 Beg: and J“. ofler 01 mg to farmers in lny- ed. A communication was reccxwl Bow lat Wedneoaey for the coast, ing out their dreinege systems. The from the caretaker of the Kimom“ Hr. Begs for Portlnnd, Oregon, and department at physics has at special cemetery and In Byrne was 9â€" Hr LOW for Vancouver. It in un- stud of drnlnsge advisers for this pointed to enquire as to the amount demoed thetnr. Begum exten week. Then in no chargelor the of fencing required and the W“ neg-vice. 01 these men. the only out. A communication from the treaslrm i' .NGLISH â€" At Fenelon Falls. On stop, it muses grat anxiety and alarm. Tuesday. April 2nd,1912, the wife Whenthe henrtdosth'smany people": oer. AlbertEnglish. anon beptinsstnteofmorbidfenroidenth. nndbeoomewenk, womandmiserable. OHNSTONE - At Fenelon Falls, To all such sulferers Milbum’s Hart on Tuesday, April 2nd,191-2, the 3nd Nerve Pills: will \give prompt nmd wife of Dr. H. B. Johnstone, seson. permanent Glid- . ms. . . Mu. John J. Downey, New Glasgow, “'6 land dents in View. while Hr. ~ _ N..writen:â€"“Jmtsfc_wlinestoletM'hbmlcmoloneoilnytothemhnmgtheinvel- "Wammulfly “‘5 EEVE81â€"In Lindsay. on sunny. minnowwhtym M's Hart the lamest ., and loan omn- in: am. which no law. And nevi-Eonkimâ€" That the “My m 31’ 1912 to It “in“ In. and mmm doorman. I pause-in the-wot. the railway Inna in onl'y one cant ‘. ova; to next meeting of the counc:k Hmy Reeves. WW I: â€Wm-«Mudulpi- *mm chug-ct nus for un- work. and u m he noeountn be laid. =1 R “A son.‘ ' j" a . my the heart. would“ “,."nldm 1n- Joy Buns-dam, arrays are nlwn'wn mode on outrip and N. Q. new, auditors each . . ~ dam mnwm..-h M..fllh,z;-¢nhg vin- Quad m the expelunn (to mm W 810:1)r. E. e. mum. expenses 0‘ it,“ WWW W. nova-n1 putts-M. Anyone nending nn indigent to the hospital -' A» kWhhym whiny to hnvms emu". nut-w 81 15: 8. Sum]. account of salâ€" Steam: 'M yonnre inhw iiththntï¬mflhbov : .3. â€i i}; t“ i ii The deceased was a member of the Home Circle Lodge. a society which he joined in Lipdsay about twenty wife of Dr. H. B. J ohnstone, a'gson. l"'u I“ Vl.vâ€"â€"v a land, from which place she and her 2* sband emigrated in the year 1368. ,2 "‘mpanied by her six children. 3|: “l‘ngton was the ï¬rst place the : family settled ; from thence they pro- ceeded to the Township of 0st where [the deceased resided until the time :of her death. Mrs. Sanderson was {predeceased by her husband about gfour years ago.- She was a woman of ï¬ne Christian spirit and had a large circle of friends in the com- imunity wherein she .lived. Her death came as a surprise, having only been in declining health for four Imonths. suffering from an attack of {jaundice which superinduced pneu- monia causing death at the age of 75 years. She is survived by seven: sons, and two daughters who mourni the loss of a fond and‘loving moth- er. They are: Robert. Frank, Edâ€" ward and Irwin, in Ops, Samuel G.. l of Emily, and Albert of Lindsay. The daughters are: Mrs. Robt. White, of Emily, and Mrs. John Brien, of Fen- elon. In religion- Mrs. Sanderson was a member of the Presbyterian church. Interment will take place in the Dunsferd cemetery on Tuesday, April 9th. at 2.30 o’clock p.111. The fam- ily have the sincere sympathy or the public in their bereavement. MRS. ED. SANDERSON. A venerable lady in the person of ï¬ns. Ed. Sanderson died at the home of her son. Mr. Samuel G. Sanderson 01" Emily, on Easter Sunday morn- ing at 6 o’clock. The deceased was hm‘n in the Province of Ulster. Ire- land, from which place she and he 4 Ann say, Ont. ; New York. so settled on lot/9, con: 7,‘ Minto, where she resided until her death. She leaves a. family of eight to mourn her loss, Charles, William and Margaret at home; Helen, ceacher, Newark, NJ. ; Eric. farmer, Paisley Block, Guelph; John, professor of dairying, St. Paul, Ilium; Robert C ., principal business college, Lind- sav. Ont; Barbara, trained nurse. ied by her brot sailed for Canada in the summer of 1869, arriving at Guelph in July. From here they took the stage TeV- iotdale, some thirty-ï¬ve miles north, residing there with their uncles. John and William Walker. Some years later she married Alex. Bower, captain of a sailing schooner on Lake Ontario. With the invention and use of steam they were compell- ed to seek a liVeLihood elsewhere. and ‘IE‘AA THE LATE ISABELLE CRAIG. ind for the 'sake 6t influence LATE ISAAC IRWIN. OBITUARY. BIRTHS . vv any a" son. When the heart begins to beat irregu- larly, palpitate and throb, beats fast for aï¬mq‘thmsoslow a._s to-seun almostto :, 9n stop.itmgxsagrutanxietyandalarm. 10 W39 Whentheheartdosthismany peopleare - beptinastateofmorbidfarofduth. and become weak, worn and miserable. Falls, To all such sufferers Milbum's Hurt. the and Nerve Pins will \give prompt m 31,301., permanent relief. . r , Human 1. Downey. New Glamor. N’s._wtita:-_â€"“‘Just a few ling _tc_> kt Had Palpitatian of the Head MOORE-MCDOUGAL â€"- On March 6, in Emily. by-the Rev. B. Burns. Geo. Moore. of Bobcaygeon, and Claribel McDougll. or Verulam, a daughter of Hugh McDoug-al. of Fenelon Falls. RI'TTANâ€"HALL â€"â€" At Lindsay. on . Tuesday. April 2, by the Rev. J. W. Wallace. Cora Lillian, second daughter of Mr. A. Hall. to David. eldest son of Mr. D. Rattan, Lind- ind what sï¬lendid results Dodd’s Kidney Pills give. “ Finally. when Bright’s Disâ€" ease had me in its grasp. I decided to try Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. and af- ter taking three boxes. I was as well as ever I was in my lite. I have had Mr. Mallette'g case show; what ne- glected kidney disegso will resu_lt _ _i_u "Then rheumatism set in and neur- algia. bockache. headaohe and heart trouble added to my tortures. I was attended by a doctor but he did me no lasting good. no pain since and 7 advise all my friends who sufler from Kidney Dis- ease to take Dodd's Kidney Pills and "Mv sickness started from a strain." Mr. Nanette continues."and for a year I did not. know a. well day. My sleep was broken and un- refreshing. my appetite was ï¬tful and my limbs would swell. Rutter Station, 0nt.. April 5. â€" (Special).â€"“I got perfect results from Dodd's Kidney Pills." So says Mr. Sam ngette of this place. And he has a reason. .-u.. ‘- um y..- “no“, A... . “III! S._\M’ MALL-‘IT'I‘ES BRIGHT'S DIS- Mrs. Geo. Smith north ward I-IASI‘ CURED BY DODD S KID- â€"-Mr. John Kineer was suddenly \‘EY PILLS called away to Midland on Tuesday __ morning. owing to the serious illness HE SI'F‘FERED TORTI'RES AND of his brother. Results He Got long. The feature of the show this year was a big spectacular ballet entitled " Joan of Arc." It is given jUSt after the. opening entry when the participants swing back and present, this ballet. This is a special fea- tureuand the number of tinge. Stag~ es and usual features are on the same large and nerous scale that has always ‘ t..aracterized the presenta- tion of the Ringling performance. â€"Miss Ray Govenlock, a teacher at DEATHS the Collegiate Institute. len this ’â€" ‘ mornin to spend her vacation with LOBINSON - In Linds‘y- 0“ W°d' friends gut swarm. ‘ My. M 27. 191‘â€- m- “1°“- -mss Bench Her-dd, of the L.c.I., Rebmi a8“ 67 â€â€˜1' 'left for hm? horn: in alfdflfl am Values and Choking Spells. on account of this being holy week. The circus comes east and then swings west, again. It will be shown in only eight or nine cities in the Pgovince of Ontario. There are 1200 employes with Ringlings this year, an increase since their last appearance in 1907. now covers 12 acres and will PitCh' its tents at the exhibition park. There are 86 cars of impedimenta Mr. N. J. Petit, representing the Ringling. Bros.’ circus, was in Peterâ€" boro yesterday making preliminary arrangements for .their going to Pe- terboro on Saturday, June 15, and is exvected in Lindsay later on. The Show begins its 1912 season on Sat- urday Of this week in Chicago, post- poning their (Spening until that day Ringiand Bros May , Come To Lindsay LE Sl'F‘FERED TOIITI'ItPIS AND THE DOCTOR FAILED 1K) GIVE RELIEF RI’T THREE BOXES CI‘RI‘ID HIM. uickly, ailowiugyou to get sound. re- reshing sleep, but it goes to the root of the trouble and dnves out theoold com- pletely. Chichren willingly take Na- Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed. Licorice Ind Chlorodyne. because it taste8_so good. Your Dmggist has it or can qmckly 15:: it for you in 25c. and soc. bottles. he National Drug 8.: Chemical Co. of Canada, LimitetL 3‘5 A few ni ts of that and worn out mkened that cough .Jkesati gntgrip on you. “ But whgn endure it? Na-Dm-Co" aymp of Linseed. Licor- ice and Chlorodyne will soothe that exasperating tickling. loosen the phlegm and cure the In flamma .ion of the mm membrane It not only stops thecongh Yap My know .11 \00 well bowï¬goa. JustaSyOd done 05. the ncklmg $811.3 in your *hroat. A e aoughgtxlt asleep. Ahmder md :heI} anqther. First thing 7°“ know. ygu re wxdc awake, coughing yonrhefld o . mm nm cm! 303 van or SM the pail-ah}: {will be tbrée miles' MARRIAGES. Were Penect mompg to spend their Easter holi- selvet days with h-iende at Bethany. The â€"Measrs. Ju. B. Begg and Jas. 05°" Low xen Wednesday to? the coeet, ins 0 Mr. Begs for Portland, Oregon, and d0?" 11:. Law for Vancouver. It 1. un- em dos-stood that Mr. Begs has“ uten- i001? sivélanddedsinview.whih Hr. m Lowisbecdming'motoneol Mt: well, Kent-5L, west last evening and ‘11 report a delightful time. ~Meesra. A. and Gerald McCartney of the Collegiate Institute, ‘left this mornipg to spend their Easter holi- «Alisa Bessie Herald, of the L.C.I., "left for her home in Garden Hill this morning, where she will spend the Easter holidays. , â€"Mr. Geo. Miller, representing the George Bush Printing In]: 00., was in town to-dsy; on business and re- newing acquaintances. 7 â€"'1‘he Jolly Sliders were entertain- edftlhe home "of Mrs. G. F. Black- â€"-Miss Elva McFadyen, of the LC. 1., left this morning to spend her Easter holidays with friends in Sunderland. â€"Mr. G. A. Manning. of the I..C.I. am. left this morning to spend his Easter vacation with friends in Toronto.- _ ' â€"Mr. E. A. Miller, teacher at the Collegiate Institute, will spgnd his Easter vacataion with ctriends at Smith's Falls. â€"Miss Hattie Lee, of Cambridge- st., left this morning to spend the Easter“ holidays with her aunt, Mrs. Warner. Tdronto. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bruce. nond- st.. left this morning for Hamilton. where they will spend Good Friday with their son. stitute. left for the holidays. â€"â€"Miss Miller. Superintendent o! the Ross Memorial â€"Hospitd, left [or Toronto this morning to spend on day or two with “Ends. Robert R. Black, a mining broker, at Toronto. wns arrested on a charge of etching 86.000. â€"Miss Vivian White, or Loretta Abbey. Toronto. and Miss Florence White, who has been on a two meek-x holiday trip to the ,city. returned last night to spend Easter at home. â€"Miss Jean O'Neill and Miss Therâ€" esa. Burns. 0! the Collegiate In- stitute, left for Hastings to spend â€"Mr. Fay. traveling passenger agent, represeming the . New York (‘entral Railway, was a business vis- itor in town today and called on the local newspaper men. â€"Mrs. G. R. Hopkins and Mrs. (Judge) McMillan lave on Thursday for Toronto and will snil from Bos~ ton on Monday for Europe. taking in the Mediterranean trip. â€"â€"Mrs. C. W. Hall hill visit. her sister in Toronto over Good Friday having left for the city this mom- â€"Miss l-‘rances‘ Tilly, of Toronto. is spending a few days with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. .1. Tiny.- Sus- sex-st. â€"Mr. Robert Armstrong and Mr. Garnet Armstrong [on this morning for St; Father-mes. where they in~ tend going into the fruit farming bd- siness. . â€"Mr. Oliver Smith. of §Izdbury, is the quest of his parents, Mr. and â€"Mrs. W. J. Mullen. Bond-st., left, toâ€"dny for Toronto where she will visit friends for a few days. â€"â€"Mrs. G. A. Lucas. Bond-st... children are visiting friends in route. â€"Mrs. A. F. Palen nndMaster Gor- don Palen left this morning to visit friends in Toronto. ‘ -Miss B. Lahnde left, this morn- ing {or (‘obourg where she will spend her Easter vacation. â€"Mr. 7W. F. Disney, 6! Oshawa, was a business visitor in town to- day. - ' â€"Miss Hazel Brown will spend her vacation “ith friends at Frank- lin. â€"Miss Gladys Dix, of the L.C.I., left for her home in Mariposa where she will spend the Easter vacation. -;-Mr. L. Stephens. of Peterboro, was registered at the Hotel Simp- son toâ€"day. â€"Mr. Ed. Black. 0! the Collegiate Institute. will spend Easter vacation with friends at Carson's Siding. -â€"Mr. J. H. McGan-ie, of Toronto, was a. business visitor in town to- day. â€"Mrs‘. W. Dking and Miss Austin, of Haliburton, called on Lindsay friends today. â€"Miss Beatrice Bell as spending her Easter holidays with Lakefleld friends. â€"Miss Hazel Dix, will spend the Easter vacation at her home in Mariposa. â€"-Mrs. J'. H Halliday of Haliburâ€" ton, was in town today. the guest of friends â€"lir. Geo. Bell, wife and child, left this morning for New Hamburg where they will spend a few days. -:Mr. Chins. Shields. 3 student of the L.C.I., will spend .his Easter var cation at his home in Coboconk. 3'“; â€"Mr. John W. Anderson left this morning for Toronto to spend the day on bpsiness. _ .-- .,,-,,A _. 4m. c. DLKally; of Hfliburton. was a. guest of town friends toâ€"dny. â€"Hr. A. J. Spmgue, of Belleville, transacted business in town to-day. .â€"Miss Jean Stevens left to visit friends in Chesley this morning. â€"Mrs. A. S. Wellsmnn, Peel-st... is visiting friends in the Queen City to-dny. A 7 ‘ ' â€"â€"Miss Lizzie'Bruoo friends in vae- . Fran} Thursddy's daily. -Hiss Wt. In; of Fonda: Falls. is the guest of’town friends. â€"Mr. Donald Low will spend a. few holidays with' triends in Bethany. â€"Mign Lizzie Bruce left to ViSit and yore counted in dimming the aver- the reports, from Dar-hm in the east to Essex in the west. The vs.- lue of increueo, including straw, was ï¬gured at October, .1911 prices. and March 1912 prices. The former showed an average of 815.97 per acre mod the Letter $17.04. and both together an avenge o! $16.50. RepOrte were received lrom a. large number of furthers, of whom twenty- ï¬ve more were able to give deï¬nite ï¬gures on yields on drained s and undralned land. Three of the num- ber said they new no difference, but all the others reported increases. Eleven counties were represented in During the exceptidnclly dry sea- son of 1911 land,.that was under- drained produce on the avenge about $16.50 more per acre than [and that was not drained. according to data collected by the department of phy- sics at the Ontario Agflcultuta! col- -Miss A. Wood, who has been a member of the public school teach- ing stat! {or the past two years. left Friday for her home in Kincardine. Y ' ' No remedv that I ha w hat D ralnage for Eczema, Psoriasis, diseases of the skin ha: IS worth I“ thorough satisfaction 1 D. D. PRESCRH D. ECZEMA. a Dry Season ,Gregory. .W. â€"'l‘he many friends of Mr. "Daddy' Haskill. who has been unable to dis- charge his usual duties on account of illness. will be glad to lam tint he is again ct his post on the G.T. R. flyer. Miss Wood. who was quite popular with her numeroua friends and ac- quaintances will be much missed. . â€"Mr. Albert O'Neill. of Queen‘s University. Kingston. arrived home to spend the Eats vnution with his mother. Mrs. Pull O'Neill. King- at. â€"l‘rot. Ed. Kylie, of Toronto, was a guest of his parents, Mr. end Mrs. R. Kylie, Kent-st, west. on 3 Good Friday. â€"Mr. “mean Ray. left. on Wed- nesday evening for Parry Sound to attend the tuner“ 0! his eldest broth- er who died on Wednesday morning at tint. place. â€"llrs. Geo. McCulloch, Peel-Sn, is spending Easter in London. the guest or her brother, Mr. A. E. Si!- â€"Mrs. J. S. Moynes. William-st. left last evening for Victoria Road to spend Easter Sundny with rel- utives. â€"Missos Margaret. Collins and Ir one Brennan. of St. Joseph's Acad- emy, Lindsay, are spending the holi- days in l’eterboro with friends. â€"Miss Katherine Peacock. who is attend ng the Pemrboro Collegiate Institute. 'pnsaed through town on her way to her home in Kinmount. 1 â€"Miss Ethel Smith, town, was the'suddenly in with appendicitis 0:. ‘guest of Bobcaygeon triends on the nWednesday last, and was removed m holiday. . ithe Ross Hospital, where he \\'n~. â€"Miss Hattie Jewell and Miss May 'operated upon and is reported dumq McKay, of the Glen. Muiposa. were'nicely. visitors in town to-day. ‘ The reported transfer of husim‘ss‘ â€"Miss Gertie Carew will be theafmm Miss Orr to Mr. Carter and un- guost of Miss Aileen Hughes, of (â€Aether gentleman from Lindsay, has tun. during Easter time. Mullen through. -Miss May Hancock and Miss ROSy A meeting of the book committee Forrest. of Eden. spent Saturday in 0t the public library board was held town. [Monday evening, when a list was --Miss Joyce Pogue, of stem.†gmde out inciuding a number of m.- O’Connor's office staff, spent the lam out, wh ch will make quin- a holiday with Toronto {ï¬ends_ fsubstantisl increase to the present, â€"Misq Kuhn-zine Mock- who is'l‘rge volume. -â€"Mr. Hallie Mcaiuuen visited his: friends at. Bobcaygeon on the holi - From Saturday's daily. â€"l[iss Nellie Reid and Miss Ag- nes: Preston are spending Easter with friends at. Bury's Green. and they, too. will be much missed by their young friends. DRS. KENNEDY a; KENNEDY, Windm, Ont. write £05,911!" “Mm lor'cE All letters from Canada must be addressed I to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor; Ont. If you desire to see us penanally all at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we seeand treat to pone-u in our Windsor, oï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follow»: NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN Dns.KENNEDYKENNEDԤ Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St. Detroit, Mich. {hé’ holi-‘ Bobcuygeon, April 3,â€"A Wm 'child of Mr. Levi Kimble was taken Mina-460a «(TMFREE FOR HOME lane. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and conï¬rmed. Mr- Byrng it. The auditor's report was received and the clerk was ordered to get 200 cupies prim" ed A communication was recehed from the aux-eater o! the Kinmount armory and regiment of its own. Rev. George Dewey, speaking on lebor questions at London, 0nt., aid a. girl entering domestic service was looked on a such an outcast M she could not even be admitted to e chm-eh choir. Council met March 25th, par-sunk. to adjournment. Present Moss rs. Bvrne. Duvia. Hockins and McFar- I STOP THAT ITCH I.\' TWO SEC- ONDS WITH D. D. D. No remedy that I have ever sold for Eczema, Psoriasis, and all other diseases of the skin has given more thorough satisfaction from the D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION FOR Anya: I. vicï¬gn? Have you 10:! “mu-Ana ou Intending to marry? your been 2 Have you any weakness? Our M W Treatment mu rayon. mum: done for oums IL “-111 for you. W Fm. No mum-r ht! M you. write for an hoax-4 I’m of Chant. Books Freeâ€" “ ybood.lanhood. Fatherhood.“ \lllustmt- ed)on We!!!“ €38 'their unison board and arranged [the schedule of fees. The ofï¬cers are: president, Mrs Whyte vice- pm., In. Smith; secremn Mrs. Our Now W Tm has snatched mm (119 bljnk _of‘¢espa‘lr, has re; meâ€"m wbviiundmds†V 7 'oi'hdrï¬Ã©s‘a'n'd Immense-Ital men of those who “we “Mallow.†We be speciï¬c rem~ autumn“ aseacoordixggaw Um "'M N â€mmâ€"We V8 hr mm This is one ofthe seen-ts as)†not I puma-it: “nod 231mm (jun- orve mom :5 apm w m'ï¬xm coo On! curable cases m;- cq‘nd. 3W. have Qua. ' throughout or night of 12 hours. with other ‘fees {or other special cases. The ‘advisory board consists of Mr. M. Boyd. A. E. Bottum, (f. E. Stewart. sud 'John Conway. with the two medical doctors. The nurse is ex- pecwd to take up her duties as soon as umngements are ï¬nally made for her transfer here. The regular meeting 01 the Wo- men's Institute was held at Miss Conway's Tuesday afternoon. and proved quite interesting. There was a button-hole contest among the ladies. which was won by Miss Mary Taylor. Mrs. Hills coming second. We understood they propose noldinu a concert in about a month to 11% funds with which seats will be pro- vided for the park and make it as attractive as possible for our sum- mer visitors. This is a worthy ob- ject and no doubt the W. 1. concert will prove a. success. WAGE) MEN, "W cud lute:- e_x. -- we...“ 1% #1.; ‘mkybu .ie' are ‘ an m co nubpod md revive 00de and MW“ mu“ give beans: hue tmwd w‘Lh $% 11.1 Jam-1c belts and griled Our u.- w runâ€".3 bus 89th Stop That Itch! Boyd; ireasurer. J. R. Hoyle. There will be a fee of 10 cents per hour (or nursing. or 50c. for a {911 day The committee of ladies appointed under the local branch of Victorian Order of Nurses met last Wednesday and selected their ofï¬cers, appointed Victorian Nurse Stationed at Bob caygeon " Do all the good you am. By all the means you can, In all the ways yo-x can, In all the places you can. At all the times yen can. To all the people you can. A: long as ever you can." muses GUARANTEED OR NO PAY SOMERVILLE COUNCIL A DAILY T301 '6 HT v . Noun-on bone- or and. .‘.- That the Gram-re for Council meï¬v In ,8 meeting _ .- have a new 315.000 Water, The rains down-Inh- came with all in. dangers and Ill\;h_rf‘¢- King SO] ShUIM‘ in (I urdny and 1.10 stuu', “d surrounding- mu IVs)“ iluu pluidlv< < sum“ pllddlq‘s [mun-41 ones and hi";N'€i 1n . torrents Hun ntmmi Md to Um ‘qun mu ewnning Uu- (‘ru'k> v yond their hulurul .~ number of th.- 51 oouthwem part “1‘ H in the north [mm n1 flooded. l'ilin-ns r. homes after Hz:- (in) mt they cuuld nm houses “ithn L'uiL blocks out of 1hmr V had to driVo home. in; the currmu “41> downpour of rain ; going Cililt‘hs “'(‘I‘Q‘ admvors tn uzwnu chip. mama, April to.â€" M: ï¬nest I‘deundzs and {.11 Ville. and Miss â€hm-:1 ware the holiday Vi‘l‘wl “1'3. A. Edwards, The seat uf H“. 1 With the druinugn- township of (MN, the disappearing mi in Ops township h» town, Lindsay ,v ‘nd pedestrian†ur- in deep or nuviqm. "ter flows thruugl “no ï¬nds i‘s “a; I 80g. but owing to 'hk‘h runs {rum â€1. â€I-SL, and tllrlmuh Kr. and Mrs. (L “Mu-J. :- ter are Oshawa mum“ ..: 1 “0 Pw SOCiBJ and rum-n in the MethOdiSt, churv'h 'u. Waning last was {mm \u do mite the Unqul‘) '1; M11- 0! the weather '.JM 5: m realized for Um pimpin- procuring a. new cam-m 2hr 10ft. Miss BlackWOH. .wh Cunningham and Mrs. 1-1. MW, of Bellevillo, 100k M in the entertaimnont. _ Hrs. Jene McLean and 3 A. Edwards are enjOMDK a nation with relatives in ProL A. 'l‘. ln-l “‘1 Good Fri-'1“; parents. Kr. and Mrs. I:. Q number 0| hm party in honor Cobbs' birthday In IFS. Geo. ('00lw n'v Ooone ue spending. I With her son ()Hiv 1H Hrs. T. Grm and V are holidaying in ’1“ Iii-88 Lena MCIMH her Easter “wantâ€. ; Mr. and Mrs Good Friday in friends. 'Krs. Moore moved 10 S Inst week and Mr. Fred \H Kiss S. Shannan is vacation with WT [mu 25 x 3 yard 3 x 3 yards. 3 x 3:1; yard Nottingham Nottgugham Nottinglnm Nottingham Nottin: h :a m Nottingham 10 per cent. REMOVED : Just Across 4 yards. n But not for 30:: soon as our ne‘ time if out can us across that kindness. vanls NANHJ. \ SECHOh regu hu i( ula zular lrl ruin (-urt Cl†Ul ds \\ n