Fifty years ago Nerviline was used from coast to coast, and in thous- ands of homes this trusty liniment served the entire family, cured all their minor ills and kept the docâ€" tor’s bills small. 'l‘o-day Xerviline still holds ï¬rst rank in Canada among pain-relieving remediesâ€"- scarcely a home you can ï¬nd that does not use it. From Port Hope, Ont., Mr. W. '1‘. “reenaway, of the Guide newspaper staff, “rites: “For twenty years we haVe used Nerviline in our home, and not for the world would we be without it. As a remedy for all pain, earache, toothache. cramps, headache. and disordered stomach I know of no preparation so user and quick to relieve as Nerviline.†Mr. William Prentice, and family, returned from Sturgeon Falls, and ‘ntend buying a farm in this vicinity. Mr. Robt. Ranson, of Lindsay, passed through here on Wednesday on his way to Dorset. The death of Mr. John Schefec, one of the very oldest settlers of this county took place on Thursday, the 18th at his daughter’s, Mrs. R. Hughes, jr. The old gentleman had reached the age of 80 years and on Monday was stricken with an attack 0" Paralysis and just lived until Thursday. The funeral took place on Sunday to Kinmount cemetery. No More Neuralgia Headache Cured' 'A JOURNALIST TELLS .OF THE ADVANTAGES 0F KEEPING NERVILINE HANDY ON THE SHELF. Let every mother give Nerviline a trial, it’s good for children, good for'old folksâ€"you can rub it on as a. liniment or .take it internally. Wherever there is pain Nerï¬line will cure it. Refuse anything but Nerviline. Large family bottles, 50c, trial size 25c, at all dealers, or The (‘atarrhozone (‘o., Bufl’alo, 3.11, and Kingston, Ont. MINDEN Minden, April 22. â€" Mr. Archie Gouldie, of kavight, was visiting Mrs. S. Gouldie, of Minden Town- ship who is still very seriously ill. The funeral of the late J ames Hémilton, who died on Thursday af- ter a lingering illness took place on Saturday to the English church cemetery and was very largely at- teï¬ded. He is survived by two LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS. sons and one daughter, all of Snowdon township. Messrs. Roberts and Ainley, elec- tricians, were in town this week measuring the flow of water at the bridge. \ Great indignation prevailed in Bri. tun owing to the bogus reports fol~ lowing the colhgionvn’nd a ’>~-’â€" â€"-"‘I L- The ofï¬cers of the 45th Regiment are already recruiting for the annual camp to be held at Barrieï¬eld, King- ston, again this year on June 15. inqniiy as to their" instituted by Lloyds. v P562; LT.ORIA ti. “Lia-ten to me lit-tle boy, 2. “How do you know lit-1:16 boy? "Words by EDGAR SELDEN Why don’t you love some one true? . . . . .. She’ll an-swer “yes†if you 're nioe,-...... “I’m a. - fraid, “I'm a - fraid, You miss lots of joy ........... You'vebeen much too coy......’ ..... C¢pyxightea by SIAT‘IRO 527.7510 PUBLISHING C0., Corner 39th and Broadway. New York City Inzsmaticnal Copyright Secured All rights reserved szhiishers of “TI-IE GARDEN OF ALLAH †Vocal and Instrumental. WHO WILL SE2.» YC'U THEIR VALUABLE CATALOGUE OF HITS FREE FOR THE ASKING {.1ch by “mission, MURRAY MUSIC CO., New York No. “It’s No Use to Love, Little Girlie; (When You Know, N 0 Girl Lava You! â€) “ Omemee, April 12. â€"â€" The Girls‘ Guild of Christ Church put On a. play, entitled “A Case of Suspens- Jion" in the Sunday School room on Thursday evening last. The event brought out a good attendance and the play was well performed, by each individual in the caste; the mixed quartette, which supported the delin- eation was much appreciated. Rev. B. and Mrs. Burns of the parsonage are entertaining their niece, Miss May Burns, of Chicago. Public School Inspector, Mr. ’G. E. Broderick, of Lindsay, paid our schools an ofl‘icial visit on Friday. ' Last Wednesday Mr. Brigelow. of Bethany, led to the hymeneal altar .the lady of his choice in the person iof Miss Howden. of Emily. The Rev. Robt. Burns, of town, tied the | nuptial knot. The public school staï¬' have an- nounced a concert to be heid in Cor- onation Hall on Friday evening, May 10th. Mr. Herbert O. Treneer, A.T. 0.151., a. brilliant young pianist, who has never had the advantages of vis‘ ion will be assisted in the program by some of the best local talent in vocal and elocutionary numbers. The proceeds to be applied to the prize and decorative schemes of the school. General admission 25 cents. On May 24th next, the Bachelors' Congress convenes at Omemee. As there will probably be a. much larger delegation of visitors than the ac- commodation of our Commercial House can cater to, it is requested that private citizens, who can furn- ish roams, board, or both, send in their names to the secretary, P. 0. Box 0A1 at the earliest convenience. The public library is to hold a grand concert on the eVening of Vic- toria Day. An interesting comedy- drama with a. large caste is being- prepared and “ill be staged in Cor- onation Hall. Practice is now in order. More particulars anon. A veterinary surgeon has opened an ofï¬ce on the business part of Main-st. May he enjoy as large a patronage as did his predecessor, Dr. Colebourn. We remark. while ex- tending a cordial welcome to Dr. Farrell. Dr. and Mrs. Irvine, of Lindsay were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lamb, King-st. News of the Week From Omemee Villiage Mr. Ernest Balfour left last week for Edmonton or the coast. With farewells of regret his mayy friends wished him great success.-' Mr. Herbén Gardiner, of Mounï¬ Pleasant, was in town the ï¬rst, 01 Suckeré are up the river and the small bOy is all excitement. Mr. Barry Beatty, o: Welland, an old Omanee boy, is a. visitor with friends. ' Mr. Sam English, of Peterboro. spent a. few days last week with Omemee friends. Sung by thgt Dainty Frisco Girl BLOSSOM SEELEY Why don’t you dream of her too? ..... Don't dodge the old shoes and rice, ..... Tell me what's wrong, lit otle boy ".... May be you're slow lit-ï¬e boy?â€.... 'vuuv m... .. -,,-, , A number of Yelverton people ,spent a. very enjoyable evening the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson of Lotus on Friday. Mr. Roy Henders of Port Perry. is visiting his uncle, Mr. H. Renders. Miss Winnie Wilson, Lifl‘ord, was ‘the guest of her brother Mr. G.. E. 1Wilson over Sunday. - 1-,- , YELVER'I‘ON Yelverton, April 20. â€" A number of our farmers have already begun s-WOI‘k on the ï¬elds. _ Mr. and Mrs. Page have .gone to Toronto for the summer, Mr. Page having obtained work in the city. . _- I A__‘_,_ :- Mr. E Henry spent Wednesday in Lindsay and while at dinner in one 'of the local hotels had his overcoat replaced by one not quite up to the mark of reSpectibility. However, in the course of the afternoon to his surprise and satisfaction he overtook his coat moving about. After follow ing it for some time, however. not till the would-be-thief grew tired and sought rest against one of the build- ings did he succeed in convincing the wearer that the place for his coat was where he got it. Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother Can give her litâ€" tle ones. They are absolutely safe, being guaranteed by a government analyst to contain no opiates or oth- er harmful drugs. They cure consti- pation and indigestion, expel worms, make teething easy, in fact. cure all the minor ills of little ones. Concern» ing them Mrs. Murray Marshall. Zephyr, Ont., says : " I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my children and always with the best of results. I can recommend them as a good re- medy for little ones to every moth- er.†The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a. box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville. Ont.‘ Mr. N. Muirhead purchased a. ï¬ne colt from Mr. H. Male, of Liï¬ord, and intends parting with one of his heaVy drafts in the near future. Miss E. Egerton visited Miss Hen- ders on Monday. A GOOD REMEDY u .5... Mrs. W. Cook has returned to her home in Cameron. We are glad to be able to report that Mrs. Porter is recovering. The maoié sugar season is just over and those who tapped in this vicinity repbrt several good runs. BURNT RIVER. Burnt River, April 22. - The work at the stone quarry has commenced with the usual amount of men. Mr. Britnell, of Toronto. is around and everything looks like spring. Mr. J on. Brisbin hes the contract of building a. new bridge Was: the Burnt River on the East ï¬ne, as will be started. Miss Mary Ann Booth. Of Lindsay is spending two wee]? hglidaya at the water goes doWn work FOR LITTLE ONES. Music by TOM KELLEY Mr and Mrs. Dark and family of Lindsa} . spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shier. The time to use such restorative treatment as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is when the headaches, sleeplessness, indigestion and other warning symp- toms, ï¬rst appear. 'A few weeks’ persistent treatment is then sum- cient to revitalize the wasted nerve cells and restore health and vigor. Mrs. Watson James and children spent a. few days in Lindsay last week visiting her mother. Mrs. Bail- ey and other lriends. There could be no breathing. no beating of the heart, no flow of the digestive fluids, no action of any muscle or organ of the body without nerve force. Consequently, when the nervous system becomes exhausted them is complete collapse of the body, the diflerent stages of which are described as nervous prostration, locomotor ataxia and paralysis CAMBRAY Cambray, April 22. â€"- Mr. James Wells closed his saw mill a couple at weeks ago and is now buy sawing e! the body. Through the neer ï¬bres which extend through countless branches to every nook and corner of the human system is conveyed the motive power which operates the various organs. wood with his engine and cu-cuuu- 0 SB.“'. Mr. and Mrs. James Cochrane were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wells on Sunday. Messrs. A. Pollard and E. Christ- ian of Lindsay, called on friends in this neighborhoPd on Dunday. 21 j__‘ Muscles Useless Without Nerve Force Perhaps you are not quite clear on the relation of the nerves to the reï¬t. his engine and â€" circular r love lit - tle girl - is, 3nd could do some dram-i CHORUS. It’ s No Us: to Lo..-., ct; creek near Mr. Webster's farm has been in a. dangerous condition since the flood of water thereon has caus- ed the vanishing of the sand. etc., originally put down to pass away. 'As this is the direct road- used by our worthy residents when going to Fenélon Falls 3, little attention giv- en to this matter by the Ioun(i1 would meet with the thanks 01 many. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thurston were at The marriage ceremony was per- formed by Archdedon Casey in the presence of two witnesses, cousins of the bride. Miss Annie Cut!!! and Mr. M. Cur-tin. Mr. and Mrs. Con- nolly will reside in Lindsay on Mel- bourne-st. A DAILY THOUGHT. "It little becometh any man to speak ill of those who have passed into the Great Beyond." tor he imagines that he sees a hero. Try 9. saturated solution of bim- bonete of soda (baking soda) in diarrhoea troubles ; give freely. Try a newspaper over the chest. beneath your cost. as a chest pro- tector. in extremely cold weather. No necident policy an help ghmn when he falls in love. ‘ Mr. George Emery and Miss Lizzie Bnery were visiting the Cataract. Village on Wednesday last. The old log bridge over the SITE SELECTED. Capt. Hughes, 0! Bowmenville, was in town to-dey in the interests of Col. the Hon Sam Hughes. mnister o! Militia. and Defence, for the pur- pose of selecting and deciding on the site for the new annoury. He was met by eeverel local gentlemen. in- cluding Ir. John Cerew and Eeyor- Wood. and {our site. were inspected. Balsam Grove, April 20. â€" Mr. F. Jones was a visitor to Fenelon Falls last Wednesday. Mr. J. Thurston and Mrs. Thurs- ton were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKay’s home at Glenarm on Monday last. 7 _ ‘ Some of the residents look to land cultivation this week. but as the water was deep on most lands, there will not be a rush till the forthcom- ing week. Two Cows Fell into a Cistern--Were Rescued Every time a my: lpoks in a. mi?- used, and apparently the cows being inquisitive were looking around when suddenly the logs, suï¬'ering from old age. parted in twain and down went the two cattle to their imprisoument Some of the neighbors very kinnly gave a helping hand at a. windless, and with ropes and pulleys were res- cued, with nothing more than a, bad. shaking which eased the» db: comiiture felt by the owner on his arrival home. Mr. Daniel. irom Rosedale was visiting his friends in this district on Thursday last. A glri’s m am like pickles if: u' haste bottleâ€"the ï¬rst. is hard to get. but for th 1v averted by the timely arrival of his assistant, Mr. J. Miller. who on “ednesday 1 ast “as in the ï¬elds ploughing and on returning to the barn to do the evening milking. miss- ed two of the best cows. It appears that a door had been left open that led to a. shed where the buggy, etc., was kept. and under the log floor- ing was an old cistern, that is not the Cataract Village on Wednesday transacting business. What might have been a severe loss to Mr. G. Emery was fortunate: When you know no Disc Drills Cultivatovs Disc Barrows ' We hum ttrac- W the â€â€033?th offer- †dim tun-Id be .1: “Sylvan!" lumine- GILL IT 1'“ FACTORY LID LET US SHOW â€"-YOUWOUB IULL mm: 0! 81lPLESâ€"â€"- Farm Im' VI! 3nd Stiï¬ But re - ply§ No .man should be so much haste as to borrow money to for the marriage license. .plements it's no use A number from here attended sale of the late John Fisk, of ‘\ ~ -» ulam. Miss Richards, 0f Fenelon 17;! ~, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J '3. Gillis over Sunday. Mr. Hugh Milloy did not go 10 Lindsay to the hospital as report-c last week. His condition was m much improved that it was n01 um- essary. We hope he will soon r0551.†his tonne: good health. In. Wm. Cooper is this “@014 r: Lindsay the guest of Mrs. Iivr'. Mi. 1“. J. rethicks and son, Mam†R0888“. called on friends in 2: .c ‘ neighborhood on Tuesday last. Secure tickets, berth reservations, etc., from any Grand Trunk agent. Toronto city emcee; northwest com- er King and Yongeâ€"sts., (phone main 4209) or write A. E. Dufl, dis- trict. passenger agent, Toronto, Ont. POWLES CORNERS Powles Corners, April 22. â€" Mr?- .W. H. Powles is spending the NM visiting friends in Penelon Falls. Pullman tourist sleepers will be carried fully equipped with bedding and porter in charge. Berths may besecuredinthase carsata low This is an exceptional opportunity for those wishing to take advantage 0: the remarkebly low one-way set- tlers' rates or round trip home. aeekers' excursions, through the American cities. No change 0! Personally conducted Grand 'h'unk special pain will leave Toronto 10.30 11.111. Tuesday. April 2nd, for Camrose, Edmonton and points in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Al- berta, stopping at all points on Grand Trunk Paciï¬c west of Winni- THROUGH TRAINS TO THE WEST VIA CHICAGO AND ST. PAUL ' 1912. "'†2o , APRIL Y. DA CBS Diamond Smooth- ing Barrows . quws Corn Planters Pea. Harvesters I could give some 5 23131311111115- ; $7 KENT s'r. MEI) EVERYIHI :WITHUUT REU! 33w; mm U Cgtan’h of gran-ma of the Stoxnarh. 1 “a maï¬a and man" doctor: “i364 â€beneï¬t Wham“ er. A c _.__J .. n1.-nr‘1.Am-l W}; I read an advertisem quit-045V†'. I decided to ‘Wm' n trial1 a_n<1 303m: A. I,,A__.._ n....n ‘ we wits and ï¬nd 12;; o'nly melody that does an I Mic recommended "a"; :9." 3': (ha: frhit LIMP! Mlv’ PAUL I- J‘ BASEZBALI. I.\ \! My lnc'w 7,; “, the old tunes (tom the olden (i When we met in tho- And hammered away a With a fence 51a in: f: Md 8. ball we'd mah- darn. Ptom a holey suck nut And the pitcher {MCI} And the batter hu‘ M were no (‘nr‘ you're out '." 'I‘Ie rustic fan» I _ shout. For the fencv mask ban pussy! 0 The neighburl' lio‘h . more. While from base 1‘ COVVhide hunt! The batter “ulkm ~ galoots, Wemchasing the , and stream. â€it onward sped A man we; woman mus! “Fruit-04in!" is the only are for Constipation and Whimbeause it is the only} in the wofld that is made at {n ,o-__|_t- ‘nn‘nc‘ 'l'unl‘ and valuable tonics. Ifundre people have been cured, as if miracle. by taking “Fruit-a-Livel anon! fruit medicine. 5°C.: box. 6 for $230. tria! sin Atdedcn. or sent on receipt of p1 Wm Limited, Ottawa. «I hm been a sufferer for :1; W. 01â€., Feb. 521:. e was: with Constipation, 121(1ng VMAXWEEQE [everythin'v In _\ orooarse beca use phESS-._ is a. daiiy necessity You are always . and vegetables for >1 DAVID MAXWELL “â€"a chopnizzg bin: ’ “BIAX\VICY.L'S ,_ -H- E3$i1yc19aï¬edâ€"C.l>i:'€ “ )rk' strong.d able and bani- sqmgly ï¬nishe d ’- ‘ These considering quali Fill w you to orfier I ST. IIIYS. on. 9 but 49 ins high all M 10 ban 52 ins high all M I In! “min-lives" jawu roan-cons; anâ€. APRIL 25. 19‘ 5, win: was claimed for DOV ukgn A‘Fruitin-tiw uifc is awk pocke‘ com-ea a] o‘t but I k “4" “'(Ir ml ‘1‘. L. DI 1 has.“ yr a bat from u H undn pr: \y m: fruit h