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Watchman Warder (1899), 25 Apr 1912, p. 12

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ZION, FIINEXMN. 7.1011 F'enelon, April 22â€"1112 and Mrs. (lounge Carew and daughtex, of 1"‘011111111 Pulls are \Xfihln'; at the home (11' her father Mr. “111. “118011. Mr. “Hm-rt “'Ol’SlD\, 01' the 1.. (‘. 1. 5110111 the week end at his home here. Mrs. Sum. Worslex is on the sick list with In grippe We htpe she will sun" recover. “c are phased 10 hem VIr. 'J‘hos. ‘1on 1198, of Regent- at I indsm, is unprming, although 510111123”. “runes “as one of the pioneer fann- -rs at. ZiOn and his man) friends here wish him a hast; recoxery. bet The great, art about carrying re- sponsibility is to shift them to some- body else’s shoulders. . R . Mr. 'l‘hOS. Hm", 0i this-place. is Very ill. We hOpe he will soon be er 87 Positions \Vere offal-ed uar graduates dur- ing March. accordinr to our Employment Dep't. » ou never need wait.” Thorough prepara- tion with 113 insures immediate returns in Cash for you. Get free catalogue. Central Business College. Ygggg‘£errar'§~ Sts., Torohho. PAGE WE‘VE. Men’sfaucywanted suits in the newest patterns, a splendid range to select from, reg 812. Special pi'ice . ....... .........7,95 Men’s Black and blue suits in single hreaét- ed style, Icg- 12:20. Speecial price...8,95 Men 8 Black and b.11e suits in single breast.- ed style, mg- 12/? . Speecial price . .8 95 \Ien‘sf.111r') tweed min: in all the new pat- terns, single breastml stvles, reuular $15 Men’s fanc; worited wits m a”. the latect patterns, beautd'ul'y tuiioxfoL-d, regular 17.50. Special prime . .........12_95 Men's importmi {um-y fweed an?! worsted suits, made in the latest, styles. hand tailored g00d<, reg $18 to $2”. Special .....14 95 Men’s English Worsted Suits, made in the classy young man's styles, beautifully tailored rcg‘S'ZO t0'1‘22. Special price... ..16.95 Men 5 Canadian 'hu-efl Suits In 3 style, neatlym tailors»! rcgulm $9 00 cizfl pricc.. Mvn’s Fancytwéc-tl ‘suirs. 3 bu.tt0'n sack style, good serucwbre materials, mg SH! Special price ............... ' ................. 6 _95 Special price ....... . WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROzM. Just Across The Boat! , As an inducement to you to attend LINDSAYV’S SPRING 3 HORSESHOW, GOUGH, LINDSAY’S GREATEST CLOTHe V IER, is, offering SPECIAL. PRICES ,in thenewgSt' lines 'of " SPRING CLOTHING. . This opportunity is for THREEJDAIY S . ONLY; , ' '.' , Fj- ~u.-;-‘ ,f“:' Eve’r-y purchase? of $1’O'entitles :the'pu'rchaser to a refund of the amount of Single Fame ,with: . in a, radius‘ of .25 miles from Lindsay. ' “ ' ‘ GOUGH’S Great SUIT SALE kindness. Butnot- for'loag. We shall be back again 33* soon as our new: store is built. In the mean - time if our cq‘stomers- will find their way 12:0 . us across the attest We shalt appreciate their ' Men’s shits . GOUGH Go Hand in "Hand . .. .........10.95 ..... . .‘...-...5_95 . population i ville; Seated 600 in ‘its spagious, main dining hall. ’l‘hé eight Lindsay hu- tel dining rooms will acéommodate about 300 at ordinary times, but on big days cou‘Ld increase ghe num- her 150 more. 11,; Wuss 882 from bow to stem, five and one hah' time‘fi as long the Horn Bros. Woollen Mills. UL: ‘vv -nvâ€"-. From side to side ,she equalled about one and one-quarter times the Kent-St. frontage'of the Dundus Flavelles Ltd. dry goods store. Was valued‘ at $10,000,000, about three times the total assessmerit value 01 all the property in the town of Lindsay. \1- u...--._ . (‘arried.3.000 passengers, or three times .the seating capacity ‘of the Academy of Music, or equal to the The man who is old enough to lmow better is usually too old to do better. ' ‘ If she was placed in a. reservoir 1.000‘feet ' long by 125 feet wide there wouldn’t be enough of water to row a boat around the sides and ends. , From keel to extreme point of fun- nel she was as high as the spire on St. Mary’s Church. â€""v This in a measure gives an idea. of the monster vessel that is now submerged in 12,000 feet of water: off Cape Race on the Newfoundland CoaStf bu t top ‘ THE TITANIC of the town of Bowman- AND Boys’ 3 piece sui’ts made in single breasted styles, rég 4.50. SpecialV price..’.... .'.:3,29 Boys’ 3‘ piece suits Made of qud sérvicej able tweed, neatly finished,ng $5. Spec- ial pricqm ......... . ......349 Boys? piece suits made in ':thc ' re’efer stypzle smart and classy patterns, reg 5. 50 to ‘56. Special price ........................ 4 39' Boys' 3 piece suits in black and blue serge: well lined, {my size, rev 85 to 6. 50 Special price.;....:.. Boys fancy tweed and wor‘sted suits’, all new‘patt ems, beautifully finished. reg $6 to $7. Special pric'e. .. . .4.,49 Boy< two‘piece Norfolk and and double breas ed suits,scrv1ceably made. 16g 4 50 to 3' ). Special price .......... . .............. 3 49 Boys" Fancy worsted,~two afid three piece Suits, exc‘ellently taiiored, reg $8 and $9. Special price ............. . ....... A .......... 6.49 'Boys’t'wo' piece Nozfolk Suits, made of Canadian tweeds,1eg f 50 to $4 Spatial pxice... ...... ............... .........\. ..... 249 ‘ Boys’ 2 piecr. suits, m'ade of good service- able tweeds, sizes 2:! to 26 reg 2. 5O 10 5?. Special price'a.................:... ..........~,..149 Bays? Suits 1' ”figâ€"“m...“ Mr. Will Thornbury left. , for the West recently. -- Mr. Robt. McIntosh is visiting his ‘uncle, Mr. J. S McFad‘yen. ' . We are sorry to report the illness of .Miss, M. Gan-ill, who is suflering ‘from congestion of the .lungs. » Also oftheillnessofnrs. Archibaldcur- the with a. severe hunk of pneu- monia” ‘We hope for the speedy ‘covery of both. ' 1.1‘. L‘A‘ “Iv l\l‘4.\l‘4\'- “\L/- . 'Jhe license commissioners met re- cently and granted all parties in the liquor traffic in Lindsay a license to sell for another year from the first of May, 1912. The Inspector and commissioners speak highlv of the standard of ouir hotels. and of the anxiety of their proprietors to observe the law. - If all Ontario possessed such model h6« tel men there would be less talk of local option. and abolish the bar crusades. There were eight hotels and one liquor store license granted. Inspector 'l‘hornbury, informed The Warder that no new applicants - for license appeared this year. The same parties who haxe been in business in the past will cater to the public for twelve months more. VICTORIA ROAD Victoria. Road, April 22. -- Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones have returned af- ter a. pleasant visit 11 1th friends at, To'ronto and Peterboro. LIVES >1 E, RENEW-A LS Mrs. Lowes, of Omemee, spent Eas- ter “ith her father, who has gone home with her for a. couple of weeks visit. - Mrs. W. J. Alton, who has been seriously ill, is slowly recovering. Miss Della. Gostlin spent a. few days with her aunt at Coboconk. Miss McCormick, of Coboconk, vis- ited Mrs. W. J. Alton from Satur- day to Monday. - ~ HARTLEY. Hartley, 'ApriL 22. â€" Miss Margar- et McFadyen spent a few days last week visiting friends in Lindsay. ..............3.99 \ Saturday 5pm, 27th x '1912 ‘ LINDSAY Mrs. Russland and lamily have been Visiting at Mr. Russland's, in ' New York. April, 2-1. -v With the official passenger list on the Titanic including the :oster of her heroic dead. at the ‘bottom of the sea the total of those Sfl\9d were this after- noon ofiicially placed at 70.3 In W. W. .Iefl’ries, general passenger agent 'of the White Star line. although the latest revised list of survivors ' ac- counts for 7+5 persons Mr. Jeflrics announced that (‘.apt Rostron. of the L‘arpathia. reports the number of sur- vivors by cabins. as follows '. The accident occurred half a mile west of Georgetown station on the Grand Trunk, on a clown grade. shortly after 6 o'clock this morning. The cattle train was in charge of Conductor F. C. Belt of Palmerston. who ‘was not in the van at the time of the collision. A light engine driven by Fred Corley of Stratford, sprin -. His: Edna. Rodman has returned home. “There are undoubtedly many dupliCated nnmes in the last revised list of the survivors/V Mr. .lefl‘ries said. "Ibis can be explained by the Corey. hrakéman, of Stratinrd. me! a terrible death (0-day when a light engine crashed into the roar of mi eastbound cattie train. and the wreckag‘ took fire. Rmh .hodics \xcrc burned hcyund reco'gnigimyand (fur- rie was actually burned to death 81. though his injuries from the Collision may have been fatal. The brake- nian was 'um)‘a.rentl_\2 instantiy killed. Six other (frogs-rs who were in the van. which wa‘s'. pushed under the ,last stock car. escapgd injury. The;- were: A. McKinley. of Forest. W. J. Taylor. of \iarna, Benjamin Hodgins of Lucan, Georgie Wynn 'of “'in'gha‘m. J. Blair, of Brussels and James Hem-on, of Blyth. standard of living is contributing materially to the general advance of ‘x‘mtural prodiicts. This scans to ‘be well illustrated in'thc importation bf potatoes from Scotland. ’and Ire- }iand. in Ontario, Last year the _()n- t'ario potatoe, yield was only. 13,- 918,000 bushels; as compared with 214,92'7,000',in 1910. In consequence of this home shortage Ontario hhs been importing pot’atoes’ from New Brunswick and the British Isles. Ap- proximzitely 500 ’cars have been _1')roué:ht from New Hrunswibk.‘ and about forty ‘or fifty from Scotland {and .Ireland. The over-sea potatoes were laid, down in Toronto at a cost .of {ram $1.40. to $1.45 per bag on 'the'awerago. notwithstanding the freight and the duty. They were ‘dark and. rather dirty and in many Casesdamaged in transit and were jdecidely 'difie'rent in appearance from _the light-colored, clean and smooth Two Men Kiiled in ‘ LITTLE BRITAIN. Little Britain, April 23.â€"Mr. 'l‘. Wooldridge has secured a position n a town tailor shop at Cannington. rI‘he many friends of Mr. Clarence Fell, formerly of the Staodard Bank here, were glad to see him in our midst again. Mr. Fells has a posi- tion in the Standard Bank at Pais- ley. KennEdy Bros. have put metal roofing on the house owned by Mm. Seth Metherell. Many of the people owning maple woods are making syrtIp this sea.- son. Some of our local sports obtained Mr. Bptt, Toronto, has opened a market. every Tuesday in part of Mr. R. S. Robertson's show room. (licurm‘mwn. ‘ mm. April 2‘1. â€" Thozmas (‘m-rie. farmer and drm'er. ()ffl'uvistnckl. or Bright, and C. E. Mr. Roy Glenny has retnrxied from visiting friends in Nourich. Glad to see Miss Luella 'Ax'ery around again after her illness. Mrs. Chapman has returned from visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. E. Honey is Visiting her uncle Dr. Prouse, Windsor. ReV. J. Archer preached for the W. M. S. at Salem on Sunday last. First-class .202 ; smond-class 115 third-class. 1?8, crew 206. oflicers 4 Total 70:"). ' ‘ Cambray Carperrter Had Thrilling Ex r «Almost Frozen to Death in a Local Refrigerator List of Dead Now Totals * 1, 635- Names Duplicated ,A Wee from t‘emw. who to tie. new the lee box. Saturn-i; has the enema at building a vetting “were in busy day amt meet enter lei a well known cattle dealer meats te he used are taken hut in the morning in quantities equal in we tn. tewe en Humility lest te \ inspeet e‘eki tilttfllfit) pleats. theittmm mnlflggg ‘firfi; hung.” "3:3: ”mm" W 3“ "‘9 “‘9" “9““ limited iii and nut llml still more M ideas in the preerrwuitm 0|“li h‘v . «met A wine tutti heard from t rear at the shun: it had heeti with: mum henna, fie we «reared in a summer unit with the test «heali- m” on far 8mm! time: h‘it unity paid his winter underwear um“! M the my attention tn it: l‘mhnhiy the remnant "slimmer had mute: why hahy itpetairti him amt a hammer and piauu tll‘ putting should he yea“ been-.ozuthim: Mil was rewiring the in NW Wiseratur husmeaa 9 We men .the tire o'oloeli tea set in ennveuieut canalained’to triei'iils he met ut‘ the New“ tor the old l‘lmuuuth I‘Mk swallow. ‘l‘rtttle hustled. tefl‘ltl temperature it! ldndsax‘ hen to Alter ,inapeoting many cold atur- thete “as no time to pay attention to thaw things on Saturday. It $88 plains where ice is‘ kept he. tlrup- nod into a Kent-st, meat market and had been a quiet week. 8530f! the proprietor tn allow him a still the pounding is heard. the deal- lpok through his large ice hm: 'I‘he er walked back tn the rear of the ‘ A“ n | anaumnm to give ‘ boy a basket 0' The cast of Higher Livinguat Recent umne ‘in Lindsay Butter was From New Meat From Australia, Pot; IV“ I 1“ V'V‘l'lrvw w Afterllnapeoung many cold stur- thew “as nu “8'8 plant? where ice is kept he (lmp- to those thin! nod into a Kent-s“. meat market and had been a qu 8530‘! the proprietor :0 allow him a still the pound leek through his large ice hm: 'l‘he er walked but: dealer aeeeded to the demand and'more to give placed Mr.- Cprpenter in the box. .and ‘ rough men h as he. by. the fqrce of habit hull \mnt heard a feeble Mail ‘and l'lmpi‘re: ()ur highc number of muskrats this . T. R. Wreck Sunday Mr, McKinnon moved to the fun north of the village a short tins the Normal school. Mr. L. Stacey. of Montreal bank, Oakwood, was in the village last, week. k had orders to assist the train front the rear end and the engineer claims that his locomotive became uncoupl- ed. It was decided to make the Coupling while running and he says the brakeman of the train who was killed gave him the signal to go ahead and he-found the train had come to a stop. The force of the impact was such that the van was telescoped into the last stock car and the stove in the caboose was ovâ€" erturned, setting fire to the car. The brakeman was killed outright. but the Tavistock (Irover was pinioned in the \t'reckage and called for help. The other dr0\'ers were badly shaken up. but no serious injuries were re- ceived by any of them and with the crew they attempted at once to res- cue Currie. But it was only the matter of a few moments before the van was on fire and rescue was im- possible. 'l‘he unfortunate drover. unable to extricate himself. was burned to death and dso Complete was the sdcstruction of the rear cars that after the fire only the burned trunks of the victims cofild be found. at Goodérham. Mr. G.“ Louden, who has beeii gt. tending Queen's University, spent the Easter holidays with his parents: Miss L. Wood returned to Peter- boro‘normul school last week. first cabins were accmnpamed by maids. In the first list sent from the ('arpathia. their names were not mentioned, while in later lists their names which do not appear on the original sailing list. are mentioned. Some names probably- have been duplicated with a change of spelling or initials." CAMBRA Y Cambray. April 19. â€" Several around here haVe been making maple sugar during the past. week. . Mrs. Gilbert spent a few days last week with her parents in Lim- Mrs. Tompkins, is, we are glad to say, well. enough to’vlsit her sister, If the report 01 Capt. Rostron is accepted as final, as Dr. .lefl’ries as- serts. it will be the total number of dead will be increased to 1.635. It Miss Graham, our principal. and Miss Jordan resumed their duties last week after spending the holi- daxs at their homes. was announced at the White Star oflice that the list of survivors is again being revised for the purpose of eliminating the duplications. This list probably will be completed to- night. Mrs. Shier and family finished moving to our village last week. HE son and bride (nee Miss (‘owieoom will reside on the farm east of the village. Mr. Brandon. the baker, has been able to continue his visits, only miss- ing once in all the rough weather. {act that many of the vmmen in swick's 5511- for the best looking producu, potatoes from New Brb‘L dy soil. New Brunswick potatoes otlever the real diaerence in 1 the Delaware vu’nety are said by mav be. intimates at. least one commission {merchants to cost. about of the higher cost, of living"! $1.80 gt pomt of shipment, freight. fort to economize that holds to Toronto being wont 18° 3 b"- prioes seems ‘0 be "mun“ Cc] ,,_,- pI... .. ,,,__-_a:nn Al F‘mn-dim I \vU Lunvuâ€"v vvvr~fi 7, The over-sens potatoes passed the potatoe fields of New Brunswick in being brought to Ontario, and were laid down here for considerable less than prevailing prices for either (in- tario or New Brunswick potatoes. They have not been marketed with any degree of success. because of their inferior appearance and condi- tion, the Ontario buyer preferring a better product at a higher price. 0! course. there are many to whom cheapness is the first consideration I but tuners general]: seem loath to} loner the standards. The over-sea potatoes did. howmewr exert a mod- erating influcnce on local pri ccc tin-5 til. with the commencement. of the: coal strike, shipments were stopped.. wick's san- {or the best looking producu, that- toes oilever the real diaerence in quality tea at'least one cause of living.'1‘he ef- that holdl down ntatoea from New 11th y soil. New Brunswick pota ie Delaware variety are said by may be. indica immisoion merchants to cost about of the higher cost 1.80 at point of shipment. freight tort to economize ) Toronto being about 18¢ a bag. prices The over-seas potatoes passed the the proportion otatoe fields of New Brunswick in comfortably ofl ‘ sing brought to Ontario, and were do not use the same my in pur- Lid down here for considerable less chasing as the really poor are forced? revailing prices 101' either “'1‘ to use, is so. large that ineVitably or New Brunswick potatoes. costs have crept up. The farmer is her have not been marketed with able to produce Tess of a higher my degree of success. because of : quality and get a higher price that ieir inferior appearance and condi-l pays him just as welL‘as his former on, the Ontario buyer preferring al larger production-.. {It question: of :tter PFOdUCt at a higher price. 0! price alone, however. Seems to enter )urse. there are many to whmninto the importation into Canada ieapness is the first consideration.l or carloads of New Zealand butter. ut buyers generally seem loath toi At a dinner in Lindsay recently the m-er the standards. The over-sea butter was {rom New Zealand. the otatoes did. however, exert a mod- meat from Austmlia and the pota- mting influence on local priccc. tin-g toes from Ireland“. The- explanation ,I, with the Conunencemem. of the' may be partially "found in the sum- ial strike, shipments were stoppedgmer drought that burned up much The willingness of people to pay i pasturage, but by no means entirely. ian p at Recent Dinner 1 am lee box Mlurdw tiny and mum. [ busy used are {alum mu m m qugmmw mm“ m nu. .. nun: I | m: mm about IV! amen nun: Mk“ 2 Miss Kate Mcincyre. of Highlcnd Grove, spent a few days visiting at her home here; Mr. Roy Hunter is at present sta-y- ing at her father's. Mr. Wm. Mur- ray's where she- intends staying for part of the Emmett, Mr. Hunter having gone to the Wint- Mrs Mark Ellis and little” son Clifford is at present visiting with her sister, Mrs. (happie of New- market. We are glad to see that Mr. N.. Wincerburn has returned from the hospital where he underuent an op- eration. Mr‘vai'd Mrs.. A. Hc'filtyre and fam- ily, of Coboconk, were the guests of Norland, April 2.2. â€" Mrs. E. H.. (:ostlin and daughter Eva has: re turned after spending a short while visiting friends in IJnd'sgy. ”er. Arthur Xewson spent Sunday visiting at Mr. Parks. of H93}! Lake. XORLXND 2'" "(‘5 1. We will be glad to send you the latest edition of “Dress, a. Maine for Men,” illustra- ting and describingjll the new 20th Century Brand Styles for Spring and Summer 1912. STYLE BOOK FREE EN WHO MAKE GOOD â€" whether in society cr businessâ€"arc almost invari- ably men who are keenly aware of the impur- tance of being well groomed. They rcalim the importance of apparel that has character Aâ€"a quality that. distinguishes everything we ~wll. whether «clothes or furnishings. Mrs. McIntyre 6n- Sundu'x In Mr. S. Bryant is gettmg m‘ saw- mill built and' it \\ I“ DO! lw 14mg before he will have it rt‘ud‘,‘ f."- work,. which will‘ make things a m. the more lively in tho fumn- 00m 806! Km. ‘ Golda Id. we tom 0! m um. flat. in a fiery mm: medicine. ”“11 ”the! 1. in our rich “00mm“ mm tho "‘9th Few 1"”"1'1n “‘0'; hov YQMNO“ u in dyipepaus, run",- uld “use”!!! genie. \ In, (Md pound- of th hum u. and out you in the “mom a.“ M.m Th1! factexplum vim mind, un- Poruna for nun; 1 AKE ANOTHER LOOK 3* this styles. Its fresh frun: the studio of. one of the grv. u est designers in Amenm Ne the full front, the mce lap-n.5, the smooth shoulders, another exclusive ’20th Century Bran} creation. Settles Trim to Western Canada Will leave Toronto 10.20 p. m. .mh Tuning during Mar. and Apr. WGEIETURN $34.00 MON 8: “ $42.00 Proportmnate rates to mlm- paints Rem-m limit. 6” days “ROUGH {IOU RIST SLEEPING CARS To Edmonton via Saskatoon. also \Vinnipeg and Calgary via Main Line (ck neat-eat c. P. R. Ag-nt for Hounuoeken' Pamphlet sad ant-y Socohd Tuesday until SEPT. 17 inclusive mummy. APRIL 25, m: HOMESEEKERS’ APRIL 2, 16 and 30 EXCURSIONS T. C. Marcus”. Agent Says U. S. Has $40,000.000: Peat NW “'3'; masses in ln-lm .1 time “Eu-r country were (‘ used extensiwlg a. few years hm (harles A. Inn Federal Bun-an been making: "F into the uses a work is part 0 investigation heat value and mineral fuels 0 The parts of HM peat is most ahmul ly remote from Um says: This is rogur to“: economic cmw: paring peat with Davis says, could 1» less danger and 1m than coal. AS [0 110 would be more 0001 tons of peat, do bought for the sann of coal and even 11 not have twice t pound for pound, 0 The penny-push! adopted in Human Davis estimates U1 the country is worth 000900. heat of Val adds, may be used poses other than fm made from it, Cmn‘ SUIfl'S, tannin: m: material and fort ili ' .Mr. Hartlam! who is well-km)“ in town Thursdza to Sturgeon l'uir mencinp: operatiu of the largest. In Point. The new modern one in cu an mexpcn Heavy pri domestic mam kitchens, ‘93s»! Tape Extra values Mam. ()paq‘ cream and for ...... The Lin Having tak hands I am pref] former times, a ‘ age of my man the past forty 3 All accounts, either . l \Vhat bctte getry and v Cash SECHO“ gssdg Peat i Jap H]

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