8.5. ,IMiss Bannen MAY BlilLD MILL. Mr. Mickle, of the wellknown lumb- ering ï¬rm of Mic-kle Dyment, was at the Falls on Saturday looking at the site of the Moore Connell mill, which was destroyed by ï¬re (-arly last fall. Mr. Nickle did not. know of the tire, and came here for the purpOSe of getting Moore 5; Con- nell to cut logs, but on learning the state of affairs he considered the building of a mill hero to do the work. The ï¬rm ha‘.'e limits from which the logs can he brought to the Falls more proï¬tably ‘ than to any other point, and it is thought that the erection of a mill here is probable.â€"I~‘enelon Falls Gazette. 'l‘KM PERAN {‘1‘} HO [’SE. Mr. Herb. Graham shipped a. car- load of hogs from Lindsay to Mon- treal I-‘ridav. Other :hipments were made bv the ï¬rm from Grass Hill and L‘ambray. The price paid for two consignments per C\\t. \ as $9.15 around Lindsay, while in I ambray and outside points, the ï¬rm of Weldon Graham paid $8 25 is requested at the meeting to w held in the school room this even- ing (Friday) at eight o’clock. A splendid program has been prepared. BASS FOR PICKON LAKE. Mr. J. H. Burnham, 31.1%, has ar- ranged with the Department of Mar- ine and Fisheries to have a. quantity 0! black bass fry, from the Dominion Hatcheries placed in Pigeon Lake. This will greatly assist Bobcaygeon as 5 summer resort. That Village has always been noted for its black bass fishing, which of late years was somewhat declining. SHIPMENT OF‘ HOGS per hundred. The value of the ship-‘1 ment would total $5,000. In con-‘ VersatiOn with Mr. Graham he in- formed the Warder man that. pro- ducers made money on hogs at pres- ent prices. and said he sold hogs to a. local butcher when in the hog raising industry at $5.25 per hun- dred and made a snug proï¬t. Ship- per McIlhargey delivered 168 hogs to the Matthews (70.. of Peterboro. on Thursday “hich would average 200 lbs. each. For these the buyer paid $9.13. the total amount, paid being: in the Vicinity of $3.000. “ANTED. â€" UPS’I‘AIRS GIRL AND a. cook. Good wages to the right girl. Apply at Central House. Lina, UV _____ r, lons of the delicious fluid. Mr. Syers has disposed of over 75 gallons 0! the syrup in Lndsay at $1.50 per gallon. WEALTH OF PASSENGERS. Twelve of the men missing from the Titanic represented wealth esti- mated at $162,000,000. John Jac- ob Astor, of course. heads the list with an estimated fortune of $125,- 000,000. A.Y.P.A. SPECIAL XO’I'ICE. A full attendance of members and those interested in St. Paul’s church Anglican Young People's Association is requested at the meeting to be held in the school room this even- imz (Friday) at eight o’clock. A undm; â€-00 Def â€â€œ- m Wndmun-Wudar (Wm) ‘- uunwnd'm“ “‘25 “ ï¬â€˜m‘5W'- -_4._ m..- chased a “9“] Horse engine. LARGE SALE LARG 1‘) SALE OF MAPLE SYRUP. Mr. ’rhos. Syer, of Janetville, is the owner of a large maple bush, and this year be tapped some 600 trees, boiling down about 100 gal- lons of the delicious fluid. Mr. Syers 75 gallons of Ion The French force succeeded m re- storing order in Fez. Morocco. PAGE mam: m to United sum- ILL All GILLIES, Propmtor NEW ENGINE. Ir. J. Jens, constable n Falls, will have a. new 9 waters this' year, and “9d a new 18 h.p. C. SILVER Painter and Paperhanger Toronto BELL PHOBE 2161. Subcoription ble oi rene- new boat on and has pur- .o. Fairbanksâ€" wealth eSti- John Jac- ads the list .ne of $125" The hotel 3‘ MILLINERY LEIGH R. KNIGHT Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, o. Successor to McDiarmid Wegks, having removed their business tofmy own ofï¬ce, opposite Watchman-Ward- HOPKINS WEEKS HOPKINS Bax tisters, Solicitors. Notaries etc Solicitors for the Bank vf Montreal Money to loan at lowest. rates. 0f- ï¬ces, 6 William-st. south, Lindsay, Ont. Branch oflice at Woodville. G. H. Hopkins, K.C. C. E. Weeks. Fred Holmes Hopkins. B.A.. er, Kentâ€"st. Phone 11. Insurance and Real Estate in all its branches. ing at the home of Mrs. Wm. Arksey on April 3. It proved to be a. Very interesting meeting with c good at- tendance and each member‘is sgtiaâ€" fled that the Women’s Institute meet- ings are well worth attending. A 'aper by Mrs. Gilbert, "The Beauty of a Queit Life,†was well treated ‘r:-_ ï¬n an] very second Tuesday thereafter until Sept. 17 inclusive necial Train will Leave Toronto at 10.80 p. m. on above dates for Wanton and points in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. via. Chicago and St. Paul, carrying through coaches and Palimen Tourist Sleepers. No Change of Cars Fu'l particulars from any Grand rnnk Agent. or C. R. McCutche or Alberta. Government Agent, Palme House Block. Toronto. Ont. members of the So- ciety will give a “Ladies' Aid Busi- ness Meeting at the Mohawk Cross- roads,†an entertainment that is bound to please all. This was composed by the wife of Rev. Mr. Anderson, of May-st. Presbyterian Church, Ottawa, and has been given there and in. several other churches with very great suc- cess. The ladies will be assisted by Mrs. W. E. Reesor and other well-known local talent, and the entertainment promises to be a rare treat, one well worth attending. Admission 26c. gestions. The next meeting will be annual meeting. election of olï¬cm and other business at the home of Mrs. F. Wood on May lst. All the ladies of the vicinity are cordially invited to attend. and very much enjoyed. His; name: McInnis hgave a. paper on “ What books we should read,†which was full of good advice. A vocal selecâ€" tion by Mrs. B. Jewel and readings by Mrs. Feir and Mrs. W. Sinclair were all good, and the question drawer brought out many useful sug- Ladies’ Aid to Give Unique Entertainment .‘l ‘61] AuuV-vwâ€"_--° ,, 7 tertainment will be given by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Cam- bridge-st. Methodist Church in the schoolroom on Thursday evening, April 25. - m- -e u... qn_ The Most Popular Route to Montreal Buffalo New York Philadelphia Detroit \V. R. Widde'ss A.Mac Nahh..." Eyesight Specialiit 92 Kent-313., aver Neill 3 Shoe Store Eyeglasses repaired. Braken Lenses replaced Causing headache and nervous trou ble, are relieved only by our prop- erly ground glasses. Children’s eyes need attention now. Do not. hesitate consult me if your eyes need help. Steamship Tickets on Sale Yia. All Lines A very interesting Thefpretty styles we are showing for spring are of the striking nature and you are sure tohe planned. with the prices. -. M. B. nuns _Qph.D is via. argnd_wrufnk,_the_ only Western Canada 0n. door not“: of Bank of Com. BENEFICIAL MEETINGS APRIL 16, 23 and 30 ï¬oibié’ "track Route Full pan-j "alum from YIL CHICAGO .n .o u. 0...... V ..... 14.5, ...... Amen; «no Bye Strain and Nerve Strain THE WATch-WARDEE LINDSAY; C and unique Depot Agent rvâ€"W - largeay “'13: IV. ' Â¥ ‘ .7, mer work. The councilcnoted “ the large number of bridges and culverts.- some damaged, other datroyed by the spring froshet, and expect a. large expenditure along this line dur- ing the coming sum. The fol- lowing motions were passed by council : “ â€"-- - A..- -1-..» :givrlgimgï¬ivp'rieï¬tsr aga'i'n. Fortj freight andlqrs were secured†from outside places to take the pla‘ces of the strikers, and'the railway authori- ties unmanned ‘that‘ conditions were normal. The men were receiving 16 cents per hour and uked for laments. A girl born in September will be born in that month will marry a. girl. . The woman who looks younger than she is hasn’t much cause for worry. I Brantford, April 24.â€"Aft,er a (week, in which local shippers were tied up, the Grand Trunk freight department here commenced yesterday morning ,“L_ kw w. Tompkins â€" Lee - That Treas- Maybee’s salary be advanced to $90 and Clerk Powlw' to $185 per ‘an- num. Lee â€" Mark â€" That Mrs. Byrnell he refunded her taxes for 1911. be refunded her ta amounting to $4.60; alllv-uv-â€"° -7 Yvev, Lee â€" Parkin â€" That the audit- ors' report be accepted and that they be paid $6 each for their services. Council agreed to the following changes in pathmasters, viz: John Clark in place of H. Blatchford; Jas. Harvey instead of John Fisk, and Fred Wallace in place of E. Mark. Goderich, 0nt., April 24.â€"A sensa- tion has been sprung in connection with the license administration of Centre Huron. M. J. Farr, proprietor of the Union Hotel, makes a charge implicating the license inspector and one of the commissioners for the riding. He al- leges that, in return for a substantial cash payment, they were to guarantee the renewal of his license and cut of! one of his competitors. The Town Council passed a bylaw early in the year providing for the cutting off of'two licenses. Crown Attorney Seager has com- municated with the Attorney-General and the Department has ordered an investigation to be held on Friday notify all parties who have 1911 taxes to pay at. once next. Codncil then adjOux-ned to meet in court, for revision of assessment roll. â€"â€"Jno. B. l’owles, clerk. Lindsay Man Died ; at Outlook. 1538K $4.50 to $8.5. Hogsâ€"Receipts, 2900; active : heavy and mixed, $8.10 to $8. $7.60 to $8.10: pigs. $7.35 to l 87 to $7.10; stags, $6 to $6; 4 to 38. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts. and steady. unchanged. The sad intelligence reached town on April 22 'that Mr. John 5 Thos. McConnell had died at Outlook, Sask., on Sunday. 1 . The message was receiVed bv Chief Chilton, who was wired by t,‘e chief of tha_t town to notify his friends of the occurrence, and asking what dis- position would be made of the re- ‘mains. The chief made inquiries around town and located his’ father Mr. Wm. McConnell, who resides in ‘St.-. David-st. east ward.' ‘ No details were given as to the lcause of the death of the young man ,who was well and favorably known around Lindsay. The deceased had been in Outlook for the past two years and was‘ reported as prosper- ing in that country. yVALI-u .v -v V- v,,, _ Milken and Springer: Milkers and springers Were in better demand than for weeks. selling from to $75, but not many reached the latter figure. Dunn Levack had 22 all told. and sold 13.0: them at an average of $61 each; also 4 at $65 each; 3 at $42 each. and ,2 at :40. Veal Calves. VFGI VIII-V'- Receipts of calVes were liberal, and prices ranged from $3 to $7 for the bulk. Sheep and Lamb: Sheep and lambs at good quallty were steady to firm. but the quallty or those on sale was not up to the mark. so thai quotations were lower as follows: Ewes. $5.50 to $8.50;_rams, $4 to $5; {swung A 'Aâ€"n-a tn SA TORONTO, April 23.â€"â€"The rauways- reported 83 earloads of live stock at the City Market, comprising 943 cat- tle, 1235 hogs, 177 sseep, 597 calves. Butchers ' Selected steers, 1100 to 1200 1135., $1 to 87.5. and there was less than a. load all mm mm brought these prices. Bytch- Lauuc. u, vâ€" .. Stacker: and Feeders About two loads of feeders, $0 to 900 lbs.. said at $5.75 to 86. but they were re- ported 119 be of extra quality. -... -44 Q__Iâ€"n-II- Selected steers, 1100 to 87.25. and there was less told that brought these ers' steers and heifers 1000 lbs., sold from $5.50 sold from $4.50 to 85.87%; canners, $2.75 to $3. zens. He was a. member of the‘Sons of England Society. under whose auspices the tunerul will be held. and was also a member of the Sal- vation Army. being comet, plsyer in The dew-sod is survived by his Evita end two sons, while two shut; pg.» he ha; beeprreciding in {Muni- ALFRED MASLEN The death occurred this morning at the Ross Memorial Hospital 0! Mr. Alfred Maslen, who has been conï¬ned to that institution for eight or ten days. The deceased, who has been living in Lindsay with his fam- ily for over (our years, was well- known to a. large number of citi- Filled Strikers‘ Places. , Accused by Hotelman. FENEmN COUNCIL CATTLEâ€"MARKETS. Toronto Live Stook. cars at OBITUARY. active an‘d strong: ) to $8.16: yorkers. .35 to 57.40: rough- o :6; dairies. $7.75 have not paid once and save That the clerlf wrelghins 830 to to $6.85- C0“- bulls. $4 to 35-10; The railwafl 000; active . ‘ BURY’S GREEN. Bury's Green, April 23.â€"Farmers commenced plowing last week and some have been cultivating on the land, but as yet no seeding has been done. and at present we are having another cold wave. ullvvuvl ‘49.“ . Mr. Joe Phillips started his Shingle mill this week; he haVing a large ambunt of timber to manufacture in- to shingles. .- A _ .. I_L_ n--. “The remains of the late Bay A‘ Brandon were-laid to rest in St. Pe- ter’s cemetery on Wednesday of last week. The funeral was a. large one. and. the bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community. We are also sorry to chronicle the death of the late Mr. Wesley Pogue, which took place on Friday last and also the death of his mother, the L - -1. late Mrs her mum £6:- tll sum over'820snd under 820 M. ‘ Goo. anhon, actions; I. A. FMNING’S HORSE “(HAW 20 horses, workers and drivers. 15 cattle expected; 2 heaxw clyde horses. 10 road horseS. o 20 buggies, all new. 1 old buggy in good shape. 1 three-quarter buggy, new last summer. 1 wagon, nearly new. 1 cutter in good shape. . 1 set. bobsleighs in good condition' 1 set single harness in good repair. The above articles will be sold at high dollars as owner is leaving town. 1 carload o! buggies. all auto seat. 1 Stanhope buggy, new. 6 sets 0! single henna. new. 1 dozen new haltm. 6 fancy seal skin rugs. new: 2 dozen whips. given sway. adomswstpoda.anmpflces.etc . Tamas-Sixty doom â€proved jointnota itthenteotopq-cant. Sale Saturday, May :4, 1912 IT IS Just the material for your new spring suit, very new colorings of green, brown. fawn and grey mixtures, 54 ins wide, extra value at per New Drï¬s'Tweeds 75¢ , Are vex-Sr popular among the young ladies as a manner of expressing their good Will towards a soon-to-be-bride. It is a very sensible idea and any young women about to start a home of her own knows full well the useful- ness of every piece of linen obtained in 'the shower. What can any women use better than linens ? Every piece is useful Towels, table nap- kins, table linens of all kinds, d’oylies, centre pieces, tray cloths, side board drapes and dozens of others, all come in quite useful and sure to be appreciated. This store' shows a magniï¬cent range of verylchoice imported linens from which you may select all required and at low prices always. WHERE YOUR MONEY ‘ BUYS HOST. Linen, Showers ggï¬luel Pogue, which oc- .Iool0300 0 yard 750 ECONOMY is the ï¬nt of success. When you car want. gt a lower price than it is sold at in ma eyâ€"that’s economyâ€"that’s whut. this stOre aims to give you reluble qualityâ€"just what you require a possibleâ€"to ave you money. “it: Mum} w m an my Special at $5 ' 1~â€".J A-.. Ladies’ Silk Cats $11 II I!" -â€"w- --_'. Laqies’ Qdiflieses’ white embroidered dresses, with new set in sleeves and trimmed with lace an Skirt has ï¬ve embroidery flounces. Very special v1 At this price we offer 3 ch made of plain and fhncy sages and Brown, semi-ï¬ttingfm e18 Ladies' black silk costs in Bengalige and 'l‘att‘etm quauues, acuu'l-uuu‘ styles, trimmed with braid and ribbons, Some styies are lined throughout. others lined in waist, all sizes. Very special at each ...................... $11 Ladies’ lists 2.69 Ladies’ waist of white 311‘] ecru net, some hi three-quarter length in Kimono and set. in styles some silk waists in black, whitp and navy. Your ‘r . i ‘ ; curred on Sunday last. The funeral at the both: deceased people - took plate on Monday afternoon to St. 1 John' 3 cemetery. Both had been sick for a long 'time and the end did not come as a surprise. The occas-‘ ion was a double sad o_ne as was‘ Iv†seen by the double funeral. Much sympathy is feit fox: the son-owing friends and relatives. There was no service in our church- es for two Sundasy owing to the conditions of the roads and ,the in- clemenCy oi the weather, and .on Sun- day last, the Rev. “Mr‘; Johnson, of Toronto, occupied the pulpit of St. John’s Presbyterian church, owing to illness of the pastor, Rev. B. S. Lord. ' St. Peter's pulpit was occu- REV. DR. SHOREY PASPOR OF CAXBRIDGEST. MODIST CHURCH AND ' â€AUTHOR ‘0? TSE'ACOOH~ w- Pm0_ FEW ' STAN- when fool in x: you At the memorial service hold in the Cambridge-st. Methodist church on Sunday short uni was made to the 1055 Of the Titanic and the great loss of human lives, three laymen gax‘e addresses, namely: Messrs. Wm. Flavelle, Jas. Boxall and Newton Smale. at the Conclusion w: pastor, Rev. 1"“ S- J- Shorey, gave the following splendid contribution, the popular minister Mn' author : ‘ Lest we forget that Thou art yet _ , , .. H. , W ' , From sea to sea, from shore to shore, Lord over all, for eVermore. Men's black and navy serge tuits from ï¬ne imported wools: coats are single breasted 3 button styles with vest showing slightly above lapels when buttoned: newest style trousers sizes 34 to 44-. Special each...$10 Jew lechcar 25c ! l A‘special purchase of cross bar neckwear in a' splendid assortment of coloring: and designs. Regular 35c to 50c lines, your choice for ........ . ...... . .................... 25c Cushion cases of Oriental stripe coveringï¬ï¬nished at corners with tassele; reverS' ible and all randy for the form. Very special 25c la Cushion Cases 25c Lounge Collars 2 for 25¢ )ï¬en's and boy’s new lounge collars in tan linen and white, the correct thing for the coming season. Special 2 for 25¢ each... 1| 5c Ladics’ black silk_hose only per pr ....... 25¢ Alger books, very popular each ......... 193 Get 1 Motor Surf 43: These popular scarfs come of sky, brown, green, black, n» Alice blue. Yer) choice qua ends each only. . ........ . ....... Our Special $|0 Suit 0 Department Store ' L I N D S A Y e yvg ofl‘e‘} a. choice from a large assortment 1d fancy se es and tweed eï¬'ectshcolors bl i-ï¬ttingfm els. Very special at only ..... UTCLIFFE’J of success. When you can buy emsâ€); Bengaline and Taffettaq ualities, semi-ï¬tting ribbons, Some styies are lined throughout, 1541 Icarfs come in colorings 0, black, navy, pink and choice quality bem_m_ed “7' P. ‘ idered dresses, waist of ï¬ne embroidery with lace and embrmdery insertion. Very special value at only"... ......$5 ...’ ..... ' ........ 43¢ some have full length sleevepthers 1 styles, all lined with. silk, also '. Your choice of the lot, for 2,69 I Mrs. John Sedgwick also left. on Tuesday for Car-man, Mam, where [She will join her husband “ho left some time ago.‘ Mr Alex. Carmel! is spending the lweek with friends and relativw in (Bentham. All the world may be a stage, but unfortunately we can '1; always hear the prompter. Luv 1:: van-1w: . The supreme court of Alberta has “Lets of_people_preach the given judgment for the province in and value of thnftâ€"but the :-.‘ the 87.000.000 great waterways ers practice it! pied again? byvthe rector, Rev.’ W. â€M;- élhi-ence Brooks left on Tues- day for Saskatoon, Sask., where he has secured a position. 11. A. Frénch. 'Thege am very pretty cuï¬' sets made of white Piq no in Iona reveer style and ï¬qnished with fancy lace and lace in- sertion. Very choice range at per set ........... . ...... 503 New Collar and CM Sets wotorggt ~ll'_ tron Mute-139â€. ' Q In“: A... -II In- no...“ '1'! ‘ Oh Lord’ ‘of hosts The rich. the poor, the great, the small Together meet. death levels all ; No poor. no rich. no small. no great,_ Nor low, nor high. in this estate I No scorn of class; ancestral pride. No:- chance of birth can here divide, One common (ate; in death’s embrace, One common hope; God’s truth and grace. Tack us this fleeting world to use This world to use. and not ubuse, Tad: u- manSE ot.t.hings as seen. M as the WORTH of thing! unseen, Whtt m the things BY which to’ live. And what the thing FOR which to live ? Who h‘tho‘thu- of than :11, And by who†night '0 “and or full. The pomp of men, the pride of life, * Lust of the eyes. the revered strife. The poor, the rich. the small, the great, The gain. the loss, the love, the hate, All, all is done: the hand of death Has stopped the heart; has choked the breath, All. all is quenched. The mighty deep Has hushed it all in endless sleep. .o ...-oo--- “Abe lowat price NW .42? at of mart styles black, grey; 38W Beautiful white flouncing, 4-8 ins wide in ausm : - ed eyelet designs and with embroidered or hen:- stitched heme. Es'pccially attractive value at per yard ........................ 59c Flowing Special 59c Women's Institute Rut Rooms â€" Second Floor The Only Storé in Lindsay selling Semi-Ready Clothes. mus Sample Parasols jand Umbrellas at One Third on This is a sample range and includes some very ax- {motive lines, especially when you get them for one third leqs than their regular valum. Big range of handlee and qualities of coverings. ‘ 5mm in an! see them now for they are sure to be seller-,1. Priced at $350 down to each 85c IL'URSDAY: APRIL 25, 1912, bond suit. It is expected that Dr. Beanie .\'«.°- bitt will decide this morning {LT 4' against tighfing extradition £r« m Chicago to Toroï¬to. Mr. R. 13. Bennett, M.P., of Hi!- m. will enter British politics, ac- cording to a report from Ottawa. It takes an optimist to rejoice Ln the fact that after a woman tircc ci his kisses he can eat all the omvrs he wants. _ Occasionally there is a. choru< : who will admit that she isn ‘ 1'" than the prime. donna. 'i‘hesc new ba'gs aw \‘J-zy pretty’ made of MacCrmnn cord and fancy lea'hers, non coloring- an! new ï¬nishm Moire and leather lined, pi n and braided 3.9 -5 10.. 1 50 Very New ï¬nd ï¬ags ,ï¬Ã©mu‘af .1“... .. VALUES COME FROM. when feelin g BEST r811 )L‘ Ship Five Mil r) \v Not Re: Wash mg.†t .w ('cnmmi the 'l‘itanzc fact than : of the ï¬rm it cauw in‘ berg. This headed 1()\‘ was she H disoernihh- bï¬dfl". ‘ failed tn rockets 1h; than an i: BAD 1711’}? p088 w.- Gently \\ and M! s or 10 H which in words. sinking] In ‘ho‘ SUFFERI .\(: r The n- who H u the tinw n of the (105 til they rv The (‘lox‘or «Tl- snflering from re many places Hm be seen great in: have been ruin that element. damaged in any \\ chances are all 21' 1 Door West of Office THURSDAY, APRIL IRRIGATION DIS]: 20,000 Rats Wan 187 Acres 80 Acn-s â€" cellars, drilled 183 Acres house and pig: 160 Acres fenced well ..... 320 ‘ACAV‘S well well Purchasers must PO‘ horses or its ï¬nial“ 80 Acre < f . ' % price ................. 120 Acn <-â€"â€" ) and fenced. ceases here Children cheviots made in r sailor onâ€: trimmed wi and bumm with b'acx and chm-ks navy, King cardinal. from 4.00 t coal 5 med wzux vet) hand and navy All sizes coat 1:; ï¬tting ~ arge (-0! In!“ Single Fares to going 9 01. trains fri any train Saturday The very price paid for 1 In mned mm n. l budt’ms. 0:! gh b'acK and i chm-ks. ~11; V3" Kingg 1th] 'dinai. Pricv In 4 (H? t') ..... '. HOUZ Ladies Wrap 160 Acres PROVE \\ vs Spring Horse, Children's Coat SCH COHFI“ M 03km; t’lC 1( For m rat